International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | June 2022
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Cloud Based ERP Tool For Hospitals
1,2,3,4 B.Tech.
---------------------------------------------------------------------***------------------------------------------------------------------technology is aimed to improve the quality and
Abstract – “The purpose of the project entitled as “Cloud-
administration of hospitals. “This tool enables you to develop
your organization and improve its effectiveness and quality
of work. Managing the key processes efficiently is critical to
the success of the hospital helps you manage your processes”
Based ERP Tool for Hospitals” is to computerize the Front
Office Management of Hospital to develop software, which is
user friendly simple, fast, and cost – effective. It deals with the
collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details,
management for hospital staff, etc. Traditionally, it was done
manually. The major purpose of this tool is to register and
save patient and doctor information” [1], management of dayto-day activities of the hospitals and to manipulate these
details meaningfully. The patient information and diagnosis
information are entered into the system and the information is
shown on the screen via the system output. System input
contains patient details, diagnosis data which is shown on the
display by the system output. “This ERP Tool is custom built to
meet the specific requirement of the mid and large size
hospitals across the globe. All the required mods and features
have been particularly built to just fit in to your requirement.
This package has been widely accepted by the clients in India
and overseas” [9]. Not stopping only to this but they are highly
satisfied and appreciating.
We chose to work on this project since hospital is related
with the lives of ordinary people and their daily activities.
The manual handling of the record takes a long time and is
prone to mistakes. The purpose of this project is to automate
or make online, “the process of day-to-day activities like
Room activities, Admission of New Patient, Discharge of
Patient, assign a doctor and nurse” [5], and finally compute
the bill etc. We've done our best to make the hard task of
healthcare administrative and financial as easy as possible
by employing an organized and designed primarily as well as
a menu-oriented layout. We attempted to develop the
program in such a way that users would have no problem
being used and that any extension would be simple. Despite
the fact that we cannot claim that this work is exhaustive, the
major aim of the project is to computerized rather than
individually conduct every Hospital's action. We are
optimistic that non-programmers will be able to operate this
software suite without difficulty, reducing the mortal
mistake chances.
Key Words: 1) Employee Details 2) Data Extraction 3)
Microsoft 4) Networking 5) Hospital
“The health care industry is one of the largest industries in
the world, and it has a direct effect on the quality of life of
people in each country. Health care (or healthcare) is the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness,
injury, and other physical and mental impairments in
humans. Health care is delivered by practitioners in
medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, allied
health, and other care providers. The health care industry, or
medical industry, is a sector that provides goods and
services to treat patients with curative” [2], preventive,
rehabilitative or palliative care. During this pandemic, this
industry faced lots of challenges such as, bed management,
patient management, billing and accounting, medical
equipment breakdown/malfunction. In this system we
overcome all the issues faced during the pandemic and
provided centralized solution which can be used among
multiple places. We have used cloud-based technology which
will help both patient and hospital industry to maintain the
data securely from anywhere. In the fields of clinical process
analysis and activity-based pricing, this cloud-based ERP
© 2022, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.529
We have designed the given proposed system in the Dot Net
core and React Js to automate the process of day-to-day
hospital operations such as ward actions, general
practitioner registration, release, assigning a surgeon, and
eventually computing the payment, etc., and to provide
online services to numerous users, etc.
“Cloud Based ERP Tools for Health Sector" refers to the
entire collection of systems and regulations associated to a
hospital's day-to-day operations and report generation. Our
application gives a perspective of computerized
healthcare activities at a greater extent. “During past several
decades, the hospital management system is supposed to
maintain manual handling of all the hospital daily activities.
The manual handling of the record is time consuming and
highly prone to error. To improve the performance of the
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2188
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | June 2022
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
hospital management system, the computerized hospital
management system is to be undertaken. The computerized
hospital project is fully computerized and user friendly even
that any of the hospital’s members can see the patient’s
report and the doctor’s report. The basic need of the project
is efficiency. The project should be efficient so that whenever
a new patient is admitted, and automatically a bed is
assigned and also a doctor is assigned to the patient
according to the patient’s disease. And if any patient is
getting discharged, the bed assigned to him/her should
automatically free in the computer” [5]. “The complete
control of the project is under the hands of authorized
person who has the password to access this project and
illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All the control is
under the administrator and the other members have the
rights to just see the records not to change any transaction
or entry. Security is the main criteria for the proposed
system. Since illegal access may corrupt the database and it
will affect not only the hospital but also it also affects the
patient’s life. So, security must be given in this project” [5].
versions. Similarly, clinical information systems capture
clinical data to enhance prompt and efficient decision
making” [4].
The advantages of using a cloud-based ERP tool for a
hospital system include simplified processes, greater
management and governance, enhanced patient safety,
rigorous cost management, and increased desirability. HMS
is a strong, adaptable, and user-friendly system that has been
built and built to provide real-world advantages to hospitals
and HOSPITALS. This program is intended for multispecialty
hospitals and addresses a vast range of administrative and
management tasks. It is a properly connected edge hospital
management that seamlessly flows essential data across the
hospital to assist successful decision making for patient care,
healthcare administrators, and important financial
accountancy. This tool is custom built to meet the specific
requirement of the “mid and large size hospitals across the
globe. All of the necessary modules and features have been
particularly built to just fit in to your requirement” [9]. The
software programme is web-based and was created using
cutting-edge technology and web service design. The user's
solid dataset makes it more user-friendly and extensible. “It
covers all the required modules right from Patient
Registration, Medicine details, Doctor, Wards, Admin, Store,
Patient appointment, bill payment, record modification,
discharge details, etc.” [11]
Due to digital INDIA, we have to connect every-field with the
digital India, we have to provide an online platform in field of
finding a trainer. It will provide the searching facilities based
on various factors such as trainers. Different trainers who
provide such facilities can also be the part of web portal.
Through react native, this would deliver a good online
experience. Making a web-based solution user-friendly
across multiple platforms and screen sizes is far simpler and
less costly.
“The proposed software product is the Hospital
Management System (HMS). The system will be used in any
Multi speciality Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs
in any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs to get
the information from the patients and then storing that data
for future usage. The current system in use is a paper-based
system. It is too slow and cannot provide updated lists of
patients within a reasonable timeframe. The intentions of
the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the
number of patients that can be treated accurately.
Requirements statements in this document are both
functional and non-functional” [6].
A Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is a
complete, integrated data software that handles all areas of a
hospital's organizational, economic, and medical operations.
Quality control efforts are aided by such systems in a variety
of ways. They analyze basic quality care, monitor quality
indicators, and assist health‐care assessment studies, for
instance. There are three different types of healthcare data:
i) Consumer informatics, ii) bioinformatics and iii) medical
and clinical informatics
“Analysis is concerned with understanding and modeling the
application and domain within which it operates. The initial
input to the analysis phase is problem statement, which
describes the problem to be solved, and provides a
conceptual view of the proposed system” [7]. Subsequent
dialog with the customer and real-world background
knowledge are additional inputs to analysis. The output from
analysis is a formal model that captures the three essential
aspects of the system: the assets and their interactions, the
dynamical intake of authority, and the constraint-based
functional transformation of information.
Hospital Information Systems improve workflow and bridge
the gap in the availability of patient care between urban and
rural communities by increasing patients’ access to health
care. “Electronic health technologies enable effective
networking by physicians, allows the online review of
patients’ treatment, and support accurate drug prescriptions.
These systems support the capability for multi-site review of
patients’ records and improved physicians’ collaboration in
inpatient care. They also enable decreased transmit time of
test results by reducing the time taken to deliver paper
© 2021, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.529
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2189
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | June 2022
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
The necessary research bridges the gap between system
engineering and software analysis architecture. System
requirements study include gathering, classifying,
organizing, prioritizing, and validating requirements.
Requirement analysis consists of user specifications, the goal
of research is to comprehend and evaluate the application
and area in which it functions. The initial input to the
analysis phase is problem statement, it outlines the problem
to be solved and gives a conceptual representation of the
suggested system.
Deployment of system: “The system is deployed in
the client side or launched into the public once the
functional and non-functional testing is completed”
Maintenance: There seem to be various issues that
emerge on the client side. Updates have been
provided to address these problems. Additionally,
improved versions of the software have been
launched in order to improve the software.
Maintenance is carried out in order to bring about
these modifications in the user's environment.
Each piece of software generated is unique and necessitates
a unique SDLC strategy depending on internally and
externally considerations. We chose the Waterfall Model as
our development system design because
it works effectively for tasks with well-defined
it has sequential nature.
“A waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the
next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the
phases Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that
was used for software development. The waterfall Model
illustrates the software development process in a linear
sequential flow” [8]. As a result, it is also known as a linearsequential life cycle model.
The sequential phases in Waterfall model are:
Feasibility Study: Feasibility study is performed by,
considering the factors such as development cost, operating
cost, response time, development time, accuracy and
Figure 1. Classical Waterfall Model
Requirement Analysis: This stage captures all
feasible needs for the system to be created and
documents them in a need project identification.
System Design: The needs requirement
specifications from the initial stages are analyzed in
this stage, and a suggested system is constructed.
System design aids in designing architectural
framework as well as describing hardware and
system requirements.
Implementation: The system is first constructed as
tiny programs called units, which are then combined
in the following step, using insights from design
process. Unit testing refers to the process of
developing and testing each unit for its functioning.
Integration and Testing: After every module has
been tested, every one of the units built during the
implementation phase are merged into the systems.
The entire system is then checked for any flaws or
errors after it has been integrated.
© 2021, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.529
The project ‘Cloud Based ERP Tool for Hospital and
Healthcare Industry is based on the database, object oriented
and networking techniques. As there are many areas where
we keep the records in database for which we are using
Microsoft SQL Server software which is one of the greatest
and most user-friendly tools for storing our data. The
whole front-end framework for this application is React Js,
an accessible front-end framework built on JavaScript. For
backend we will develop Restful API in Dot Net Core. The
Project will follow the microservice architect and will be
deployed to Cloud Services. This tool is also using Software
as a service “(SaaS) is a software distribution paradigm in
which a cloud provider hosts and makes programs available
to target consumers through the network. An independent
software vendor (ISV) may hire a third-party cloud provider
to host the application in this manner. Or, in the case of
larger corporations like Microsoft, the cloud provider could
also be the software supplier” [10].
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2190
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
information from the patients and then storing that data for
future usage” [6].
Consists of below Component
“The current system in use is a paper-based system. It is too
slow and cannot provide updated lists of patients within a
reasonable timeframe. The intentions of the system are to
reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients
that can be treated accurately. Requirements statements in
this document are both functional and non-functional” [6].
Client App: Web App + Mobile App
Api Gateway
Rabbit MQ
API Gateway: API Gateway is API management tool.
Through the API gateways, the client app communicates with
the API. It provides single entry point for client app and calls
appropriate api service required to fulfill them and return
appropriate result to end user
Title- Hospital Management System - Computer
Title- Overview of Healthcare Industry TechnoFunc
Title- HMS365cloud : Hospital Management
Software - LinkedIn Complete & customizable
solution for Hospital.
Title- Design and implementation of a hospital
Title- Hospital management system project SlideShare
Title- Intelligence in network management:
methodological approach Author: S. Znaty Source
Name: Proceedings 1993 Software Engineering
Standards Symposium
“The proposed software product is the Hospital Management
System (HMS). The system will be used in any Multi
speciality Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs in
any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs to get the
Title- AllIzWell - Hospital Management System
10. Title- What is SaaS and where you can buy it
Rabbit MQ: Rabbit MQ is a message-queuing application
that is also described as a message broker. Message brokers
operate as a go-between for multiple providers. Rabbit MQ
allows server to respond to request. For ex. When Account
and Billing service add the pharmacy bill to invoice, message
is sent to patient management service and Patient
management service sends notification/test message to end
Docker: Docker is service platform which provides OS based
virtualization to deliver the software in the form of package.
Through Docker, we may deploy web services in the form of
Figure 2 Architecture of Project
© 2021, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.529
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2191
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
11. Title- Hospital Management System: A Needs
Analysis. - ebsco
Source: IUP Journal of Management Research.
Oct2021, Vol. 20 Issue 4, p22-48. 27p.
Author(s): Veena A.; Deshpande, Susmita; Deepika,
K. S.
We have taken efforts in this application. However, it would
not have been possible without the effortless support and
help of our institution which delivered data for this project.
We are highly grateful to our project guide Prof. L. M.
Kuwar. for innumerable acts of timely guidelines,
encouragement and we sincerely express our gratitude to
him. We express our massive pleasure and thankfulness to
all the faculty members of the Department of Computer
Engineering for their cooperation and support. The authors
are thankful and gratefully acknowledge all reviewers for
their valuable suggestions for enriching the quality of the
© 2021, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.529
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2192