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The plastic mulch applications in the agriculture are based on type, source and degradability. There is increasing interest in the use of plastic mulching for fruit and vegetable crops in the Agriculture field. Globally the mulching area has increased about 50 per cent since 1991. Mulching can make effective change to increase horticulture crop production in the water scarcity regions. Plastic mulching using black polyethylene paper is recommended for vegetables and has advantage for earliness production, better fruit quality and greater total yield. Here we review the use of mechanical mulch laying practices in agriculture. Major topics discussed are (1) history of plastic mulching, (2) benefit of plastic mulching, (3) effect of plastic mulching and (4) application of plastic mulching. Manual or mechanical techniques are used for mulch-laying among that mechanical mulching practices has greater efficiency and uniformity which reduces human efforts. Key wards: mulching, History of m...
HortTechnology, 1993
The development of polyethylene as a plastic film in 1938 and its subsequent introduction as a plastic mulch in the early 1950s revolutionized the commercial production of selected vegetable crops. Throughout the succeeding years, research, extension, and industry personnel, together with growers, have documented the advantages of using plastic mulch as one component of a complete "intensive" vegetable production system. Although a variety of vegetables can be grown successfully using plastic mulches, muskmelons, honeydews, watermelons, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, okra, sweet corn, and cole crops have shown significant increases in earliness, total yield, and quality. Research continues on field evaluation of new formulations of degradable, wavelength-selective, and colored plastic mulches and on cropping systems to use best these specific improvements. The use of plastic mulches for the production of vegetable crops continues to increase throughout the United States and the T he cornerstone of the "intensive" production systems for vegetables, such as muskmelons, honeydews, watermelons, cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, okra, sweet corn, and cole crops (in both single and multiple cropping situations), is plastic mulch. In addition, however, complete production packages include: drip irrigation, fertigation, containerized transplants, grain windbreaks, row covers, and a sound pest control program. Plastic mulches provide many positive advantages for the user, such as increased yields, earlier-maturing crops, higher-quality produce, insect management, and weed control. It also allows other components such as drip irrigation to achieve maximum efficiency. Today, more than 114 million pounds of plastic mulch is used annually in the United States (Ennis, 1987).
Environment Conservation Journal
The ever-growing demand for food has led to the depletion of natural resources. Water scarcity, land degradation, and climate change are the main factors contributing to declining crop productivity. To address this issue, there is a need to adopt suitable agronomic strategies. Mulching is one way this practice addresses this issue. Since time immemorial, people have been using organic residues as mulching material. Nowadays, people find it cumbersome to utilise crop residues. The development of plastic mulching material overcame this issue due to its easy and plentiful availability. Plastic mulch has its own advantages and disadvantages. In today’s world, the haphazard use of this material has led to the threat of micro plastics. Micro plastics are small in size and escape waste management practices. They contaminate ecosystems, clog the soil pores, enter the food chain, and take a very long time to degrade. So, balanced use of both organic and inorganic materials is the need of the...
Due to fast increase of the worldwide population, the requirements for foods to meet nutritional demands has risen dramatically. To fulfill the standard requirements, this necessitates increased global plant and food security. Mulches are generally among the most effective ways for increasing agricultural output while also protecting plants from certain elements that have an impact on agricultural production and yield. There are many distinct forms of mulches, but plastic mulches are perhaps the greatest extensively used globally. Plastic mulches are made up of a thin or thick covering of water-resistant substance that is liberally dispersed across farming area to keep moisture from evaporating. Plastic mulches help to minimize land degradation and offer a protection against microorganisms in soil. They are highly effective in controlling weeds & can be applied for an extended period of duration These can indeed be made manually but machinery are frequently used. Due to Pakistan's severe river water scarcity, which were estimated at 11% in 2004 and are anticipated to reach 31% by 2025, it is imperative that certain solutions be implemented in attempt to reach peoples personal fundamental needs. Furthermore, to address the water shortage, additional holding facilities are essential. Mulches must be installed in appropriate opportunities to enhance output at the minimum cost.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
The present study was aimed to increasing the plasticulture cultivation by using plastic materials to modify the production environment in vegetable crop production. Existing animal drawn plastic mulch laying machine was developed at SVCAET & RS and Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, I.G.K.V., Raipur (C.G.). The prototype of animal drawn plastic mulch laying machine, consisting of a main frame, press wheel, supporting frame for mounting mulch roller, earthing (soil covering) unit and hitching unit. During the field test the draught, operational speed and power requirement were recorded as 447.86 N, 1.35 kmph and 0.162 kW, respectively. The effective field capacity and field efficiency of the machine was found 0.113 ha/h and 69.67%. The energy consumption and cost of operation was found 177 MJ/ha and 1205 Rs/ha. On the basis of the findings all over performance of the developed plastic mulch laying machine was found better as compared to traditional method and the performance of th...
The use of plastic materials for mulching is a very common practice for horticultural crops. Black polyethylene is widely used due to its excellent properties and low cost. An experiment was conducted to ascertain the effect of different types of black polyethylene mulches of varying thickness for its mechanical properties during crop growing period under onion. Changes in tensile strength, elongation at break and tear resistance varied from 24.17 % to 74.82 %, 30.18% to 78.21 % and 19.45 to 60.68 % respectively within different thickness of plastic mulch during the entire duration of the crop. Poly-mulch made of recycled material (50 µm) underwent early deterioration which ultimately affected yield and growth of the crop. Other mulches remained functional during use, although its impact on soil compaction, soil temperature and soil moisture availability differed in narrow range but
The experiment on performance of plastic mulch on papaya crop was carried out for two varieties Madhubindu and Taiwan. Papaya had grown under mulch (silver black plastic mulch, & black plastic mulch) and no mulch condition in JAU, Junagadh (Gujarat). Randomized Block Design with four replications was selected for the experiment. Crop water requirement was estimated by Penman-Monteith method. Soil parameter (moisture & Temperature) and crop parameter (plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of flowers and number of fruits) were recorded and analysed the effect on papaya crop. The maximum plant height (1.50m), stem diameter (84.30 mm), number of leaves (31.50), number of flowers (9.60), number of fruits (10.30) were observed in silver black plastic mulch and all these parameters were found minimum under no mulch condition. The maximum soil moisture (20.68%) was found in silver black plastic mulch and it was minimum in no mulch condition. Water saving was found as 31.75 % in mulch condition as compared to no mulch condition. For Madhubindu variety, the maximum benefit cost ratio (8.70) and maximum net income (702509.55 Rs/ha) was found as in silver black plastic mulch For Taiwan variety, the maximum benefit cost ratio (9.30) and maximum net income (758509.55 Rs/ha) was found as in silver black plastic mulch. Agriculture contributes more than 70% of water utilization worldwide and 90% of water utilization in the developing countries. India accounts for the 16% of the world's human population and nearly 30% of the cattle with only 2.4% of the land and 4% of the water resources. Gujarat is the extreme western state of India with having an area of 19.6 Mha, representing 6% of the total area of the country. Gujarat state has 33% irrigated area, out of 10.7 Mha of cultivable land. As compared to the surface water, greater proportion of additional irrigation water comes from the ground water and this source is increasingly being exploited in an unscientific manner. Land and water are the basic inputs of agricultural and economic development of any country. Demand of these resources is continuously increasing. Therefore, it becomes necessary to utilize these resources judiciously, to full fill the demand of irrigation water. The irrigation efficiency can be enhanced by replacing surface irrigation with micro irrigation methods especially in arid and semiarid regions. The overall irrigation efficiency of micro irrigation methods normally ranges from 70 to 90 % as compared to 30 to 45 % in case of surface irrigation owing to reduced loss of moisture through evaporation and runoff (Agrawal 2005). Mulching is the process or practice of covering the soil/ground to make more favourable condition for plant growth, development and efficient crop production. According to other mulches plastic mulches are completely impermeable to water; therefore it prevents direct evaporation of moisture from the soil and thus it reduce the water losses and soil erosion over the surface. Plastic film with its moisture barrier properties does not allow the soil moisture to escape water that evaporates from the soil surface under mulch film, condenses on the lower surface of the film and falls back as droplets. Thus moisture is preserved for several days and increases the period between two irrigations (Anonymous, 2014; Biswas et al., 2015). Fruits and their culture have very close association with life of man. Human civilization linked with development of fruit industry. Role of fruits which are widely called as 'protective food' in human diet, is
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2020
Dharmapuri is a versatile district with a wide variety of crop diversity from millets to vegetables under protected cultivation. Tuberose and melons are livelihood crops for small and marginal farmers with limited irrigation water source. About 80% of the cost of cultivation is spent on weed management in tuberose. Productivity in melons is affected due to soil-borne diseases and fruit flies. Front line demonstrations for the use of plastic mulching was conducted to address the issues. The demonstrations were conducted in farmers’ fields and each farmer field is considered as one location. Results of the demonstrations were analysed in various perspectives including economic benefits so as to showcase the positive outcome of the plastic mulching technology. There was about 15 – 20% increase in the melons and 18 - 22% in the case of the tuberose. Though the increase in productivity cannot be correlated only to plastic mulching, the improvement in the fruit quality (95% of first gra...
Journal of Water Engineering and Management
Plastic mulching is a soil moisture conservation method that involves placing poly film over raised or a flat bed to provide a more favorable environment for growth and production. Plastic mulch normally is used in conjunction with drip irrigation to maintain optimum soil moisture and for improved stand establishment. Plastic film mulching with drip irrigation is a proven technology for vegetable production and its popularity is ever increasing among vegetable growers. Mulches leave behind large amount of plastic in the soil which in the current practice is buried or burned in the field which are both hazardous to environment. So, a mechanism is to be developed for retrieval of mulches for reuse or recycle. Basic mulch laying technique should include that mulch is stretched and placed firmly against compacted soil and edges of mulch are properly buried under soil, so, that wind can’t loosen them. Tractor operated mulch laying machine in available but its use is limited to large area...
The use of polyethylene mulch has increased dramatically in the last few years because they have many benefits viz., increase in soil temperature especially in early spring, reduced weed problem, moisture conservation and increased crop yields. Field experiments were conducted to maximize total yield of tomato (Lycopersicon Mill.) using black polyethylene mulch (BPM). Tomato variety Arka Rakshak having triple disease resistance against tomato leaf curl virus, bacterial wilt and early blight. Unmulched treatments under recommended N:P2O5:K2O dose of 120:200:200 yielded an average of 47.74 tha-1for ‘Arka Rakshak ’ which was significantly higher than the widely cultivated var.‘Rocky’(32.20tha-1 ) in the study area. With BPM, highest yield was recorded as 55.3 t/ha in var. Arka Raksha kwhich was significantly higher than cultivar Rocky (37.2 t/ha). A significant increase in yield was recorded over control (no mulch) in both the cultivars. Keywords: Tomato, Black plastic mulch, Unmulch, ...
Acta horticulturae
A high employment of plastics in agriculture causes the production of enormous quantities of waste, whose inappropriate management might have negative effects on the whole agro-ecosystem. In order to determine a reduction of the charge of plastic waste and to facilitate the waste disposal, one of the most interesting approaches, from an environmental point of view, lies in the location of innovatory materials for crop mulching materials such as co-extrused ultrathin films, which are able to reduce the plastic quantity to be managed; and biodegradable laminates, which after a first usage, will spontaneously start up a degradation process that avoids their collection and their consequent disposal. This paper reports the results of a research carried out in 2002, from March to July, close to Experimental Farm "Pantanello" (Lat. 40°09'; Long. 16°38') in Southern Italy (Basilicata Region), with the aim to study tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Tomito F 1 ) mulching in plastic-greenhouse. Several new mulching films were compared: two co-extrused ultrathin ones, two biodegradable ones and a traditional film (LDPE). The research has shown that coextrused films have spectroradio-metrics and mechanical characteristics able to ensure an anti-weed barrier, allowing a good thermal level in the soil too. They also gave better yield results than black LDPE. Besides, biodegradable films showed an agronomic behaviour equal to LDPE and their degradation times were compatible with the protected tomato crop cycle.
North American Archaeologist, 2024
Utilitas, 2014
International Criminal Law Review, 2017
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The European Physical Journal A, 2011
British Journal of Nutrition, 1993
PLoS ONE, 2013
Palimpsesto - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UERJ, 2003
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
Physical Review D, 2011
Sasambo Journal of Pharmacy