Volume 30, Issue 1
Are Hospital Pharmacies More Efficient if They Employ Nurses?
Daniel L. Friesner
North Dakota State University
Matthew Q. McPherson
Gonzaga University
Robert Rosenman
Washington State University
This paper assesses the efficiency of utilizing nurses in Washington State hospital pharmacies. We take the perspective
of a pharmacy department manager and model an input oriented hospital pharmacy production process. Data
envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to examine both scale efficiency and technical efficiency, and differences across
hospital pharmacies that use and do not use nurse staffing are analyzed using cross-tabulations and nonparametric
hypothesis tests. The results indicate that the use of nurse staffing does not significantly impact either scale or
technical efficiency. Thus, permitting nurses to play a greater role in hospital pharmacies does not adversely affect
efficiency. This paper has important policy implications for hospital administrators and pharmacists.
Citation: Daniel L. Friesner and Matthew Q. McPherson and Robert Rosenman, (2010) ''Are Hospital Pharmacies More Efficient if They
Employ Nurses?'', Economics Bulletin, Vol. 30 no.1 pp. 139-156.
Submitted: Nov 12 2009. Published: January 11, 2010.
1. Introduction
Hospitals in the U.S. are facing a growing challenge in providing pharmaceutical
services, especially in medically underserved areas (Pickette, Sodorff and Lordan
2002; Traynor, Sorensen and Larson 2007). Some see increased utilization of nurses
in hospital pharmacies as a solution. One example is pharmacy-based telemedicine
(or “telepharmacy”), where nurses and pharmacy technicians use audio-visual
technology to collaborate with pharmacists and other specialized practitioners at
distant locations to provide pharmaceutical care (Peterson and Anderson, Jr., 2004;
Friesner and Scott 2009).
Many hospital pharmacies employ nurses, either as relief for pharmacy
technicians or, for specific tasks, as relief for registered pharmacists (Facchinetti,
Campbell and Jones 1999). In addition to relief work, the nursing staff may also
collaborate with pharmacists on medication therapy and disease state management
activities for chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma (Leal and
Soto 2005). Further, many hospitals integrate pharmacy services into other cost
centers or departments to ensure higher quality care. For example, many emergency
rooms and trauma centers now contain automated dispensing machines with a
limited number of frequently used medications in standardized dosages. (Kester,
Baxter and Freudenthal 2006). While it is ultimately the pharmacy department’s
responsibility to monitor and maintain both the machines and pharmaceutical care
services provided, nurses working in these non-pharmacy departments may play a
larger role in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Given the potential
opportunities for nurses to work in hospital pharmacies, it is interesting to examine
whether hospitals that employ nursing staff in their pharmacies are more or less
efficient than those that do not use nurses in this fashion.
The debate surrounding the use of nurses in hospital pharmacies can be
categorized along two lines: quality and efficiency. Empirical evidence surrounding
quality is sparse but does exist (Pickette, Sodorff and Lordan 2002; Casey et al.
2008) and a few studies focus specifically on the efficiency of hospital pharmacies
(Capettini and Morey 1985; Okunade 1993; Okunade 2001; Schumock et al. 2009).
We expand this literature by examining the efficiency implications of using nurses to
perform tasks traditionally performed by pharmacists. The literature surrounding
efficiency in the pharmacy has received scant attention, with only Schumock et al.
(2009), Okunake (1993, 2001) and Capettini and Morey (1985) focusing on the
hospital pharmacy as the unit of observation. None of these studies give primary
emphasis to the role that nurses play in the efficient provision of pharmacy services.
Given the extensive use of pharmaceutical care in hospitals, the legal restrictions on
pharmacy production, and the large variation in how pharmacies are staffed, the
efficiency of hospital pharmacy units and the role that nurses play in this process
deserves additional scrutiny.
We present an exploratory, empirical investigation of the efficiency of
utilizing nurses in Washington State hospital pharmacies. We model an input
oriented hospital pharmacy production process, and use a linear programming
technique, data envelopment analysis (DEA), to examine both scale efficiency and
technical efficiency differences between hospital pharmacies that staff nurses and
those that do not. We subsequently present a discussion of our data and empirical
results. We conclude with policy implications arising from the analysis, as well as
some suggestions for future work in this area.
2. A Simple Model of Efficient Hospital Pharmacy Production
Our analysis takes the perspective of the pharmacy department manager who
must provide pharmaceutical care to all patients admitted to the hospital using the
available resources allocated to the pharmacy department in the budgeting process.
Since the pharmacy manager does not control the number and sickness of the
patients admitted to the hospital, and by extension does not control the quantity of
pharmacy services provided by his/her staff, the pharmacy manager is faced with an
input-oriented production process (Capettini and Morey 1985; Okunade 1993).
Rather than attempting to measure pharmacy department output with an
intermediate measure, such as the number of prescriptions, consultations by the
department staff or similar measures, (Fare et al. 1992; Fare, Grosskopf and Roos
1995) we define output as the dollar value of the pharmacy department’s output as a
proportion of the dollar value of output produced by the hospital. We empirically
characterize output using total inpatient pharmacy (billed) charges divided by total
hospital inpatient charges as one measure, and total outpatient pharmacy charges
divided by total outpatient charges for the hospital as a second output measure1. We
do this for several, related reasons. Using a simple measure of pharmacy output like
the number of prescriptions filled may miss some significant parts of actual
pharmacy practice. Pharmacists in hospitals do much more than just fill
prescriptions. They visit with patients and consult with physicians, nurses, and
dietary staff, among other tasks. These unmeasured but time-draining activities may
be better caught by our measures than the number of prescriptions filled, especially
since the latter may differ remarkably in complexity and ancillary pharmacy tasks.
Also, in our dataset, a hospital pharmacy is not required to report the quantity of
dispensing activity2, nor does it report actual reimbursements at the departmental
level. More importantly, pharmaceutical care services are an intermediate output in
a much more complex production process where pharmacy services are used to
restore a patient’s health stock. Patients with more severe illnesses will also likely
require more intensive pharmaceutical care (in addition to other services) that may
not be reflected in a metric such as the number of medications dispensed. As an
example, more severe illnesses may require medications that must be compounded or
provided via infusion, and thus may take more time, energy and resources than less
sick patients requiring standard medications that can be administered orally. It is
reasonable to assume that those more intensive services result in higher billed
charges. Measuring these charges separately for inpatient and outpatient care, and
We also note in passing that we used the total (real) dollar value of outpatient and inpatient
pharmacy charges (not normalized by inpatient or outpatient hospital charges) as outputs and obtained
qualitatively similar results.
On the other hand, community (also known as retail) pharmacies are much more focused on
dispensing activities, rather than clinical services. As such, it is more appropriate to measure output
in community pharmacies with variables such as prescription volumes (Fare et al. 1992; Fare,
Grosskopf and Roos 1995).
expressing each as a proportion of hospital charges, allows for a more detailed
characterization of pharmacy services (measured in non-monetary units) both across
the types of pharmacy services and in relation to the hospital as a whole. It also
reflects the assumption that pharmacy services are an integral part of the overall care
given patients.
We assume that the manager uses several inputs to produce pharmaceutical
care. The manager has pharmacy staff (as measured by full time equivalent
employees, or FTEs), which contains registered pharmacists, pharmacy assistants
and possibly non-pharmacy staff, including nurses. Legal requirements also
necessitate that the ratio of registered pharmacists to non-pharmacists working in a
pharmacy does not fall below a pre-specified value. We assume this ratio is not
binding. As will be discussed in section 4 of the manuscript (see footnote 4), the
data used in this study are consistent with this assumption.
Capital (inclusive of physical space and major equipment) is another input.
A third input is the quantity of supplies, primarily medications, used by the
pharmacy. We account for differences in patient illness severity using a hospitalwide casemix index. Similarly, the size of the hospital also influences its resource
constraints, and by extension the number and complexity of services offered.
Theoretically, the measurement of technical efficiency in an input-oriented
production processes is modeled through the use of isoquants, as illustrated in Figure
1. For simplicity, we assume that there are only two inputs (FTEs and capital) used
to produce a fixed amount of output. An efficient manager chooses input usage such
that it lies on the isoquant, for example, at point X. An inefficient manager utilizes
too many inputs to produce the fixed output, and thus lies at a point above the
frontier (for example, point Y in Figure 1). In relative terms, inefficiency can be
characterized by using a “distance function”, which measures the radial distance
from the origin, through the efficient frontier, to the actual point of production (Fare
and Primont 1995; Coelli, Rao and Battese 1998; Cooper, Seiford and Tone 2007).
In the case of Figure 1, a pharmacy operating at point Y would have a distance
function equal to the ratio 0X/0Y. This measure is bounded between zero and one,
with values of one implying full efficiency; that is, 0Y = 0X, which can only occur if
the firm is on the isoquant such that X and Y are identical. Efficiency can also be
characterized in terms of physical units by using the reduction in inputs necessary to
lie on the isoquant. For the pharmacy in Figure 1, this amount is equal to the
difference between the line segments 0FTEY and 0FTEX. Further, the two measures
are related; one could also characterize the distance function with the ratio 0FTEX /
In general, an input-oriented production process assumes that a manager
controls all of the inputs at her/his disposal, and takes as given the outputs the
department must produce. That is, all inputs are deemed “discretionary” (Banker
and Morey 1986; Scheel 2000). Within the context of the hospital pharmacy, this is
slightly problematic because in addition to not being able to control outputs, the
pharmacy manager also has little control over some of the inputs (i.e., those inputs
are “non-discretionary”). A manager has control over the number of FTEs utilized in
the department, as well as the department’s medication supply. In the long run,
pharmacy managers likely have control over capital considerations within their
department, but likely do not control this variable in short run or intermediate time
frames. Hospital-wide variables, including the number of available beds and the
casemix index, are also non-discretionary and may be used in the pharmacy at
inefficient levels, as higher levels of hospital administration trade-off inefficiency in
one cost center for efficiency in another. Any empirical efficiency analysis across
hospital pharmacies must take these considerations into account.
In the event that a manager of an input-oriented production process is faced
with non-discretionary inputs, one must alter how efficiency is characterized (Banker
and Morey 1986; Scheel 2000). For example, suppose that the manager depicted in
Figure 1 cannot control capital, making this variable non-discretionary. In such
cases, the point X is not a realistic benchmark to measure efficiency, since the firm
cannot change (reduce) the amount of capital in order to move to point X. Instead,
the appropriate benchmark is point W, where utilization of labor is reduced to the
point where the pharmacy is on the isoquant, but capital is unchanged. In this case,
the distance function is characterized by the ratio 0FTEW / 0FTEY. Note that
efficiency will always be greater when an input is discretionary, because it allows for
an efficient reference point that is closer in Euclidean distance to the actual point of
3. Empirical Methodology
We investigate whether hospital pharmacies that employ nurses are more or
less efficient than those that do not. Because we have sparse prior literature and no a
priori expectations to guide this determination, we choose the following null
H0: There is no relationship between the use of nurses in a typical hospital pharmacy
and whether that pharmacy is efficient or inefficient.
In a discrete sense, the null hypothesis can be examined in a straightforward
manner (Friesner, Rosenman and McPherson 2008; Friesner and Rosenman 2009).
More specifically, one can generate cross-tabulations disaggregating whether a
pharmacy is efficient or inefficient by whether or not it employs nurses in the
pharmacy. Under the null hypothesis hospital efficiency should be independent of
nurse staffing. The data are drawn from a random sample and a simple, standard chisquare test of independence (or, in the event of low expected cell counts, Fisher’s
exact test) can be applied to determine whether the hypothesis is rejected. In all
applications of the test, we advocate using a 5 percent significance level.
Two techniques are used to calculate efficiency scores, and each approach
has positive and negative attributes (Coelli and Battese 1998; Jacobs 2001;
Hollingsworth 2003). Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) is a regression-based
approach that uses the regression’s covariates to empirically characterize the
technology. The efficiency estimates are subsequently decomposed from the
model’s error term. SFA is appropriate when the data are randomly drawn from the
population, and when the researcher can reliably make a priori expectations about
both the production technology and the distribution of efficiency scores vis-à-vis the
regression’s error term. It does not work well when these assumptions are violated.
The alternative, data envelopment analysis (DEA), is a linear programming
technique that uses regularities in the data to characterize the production frontier and
the resulting efficiency estimates. DEA is more appropriately applied when little is
known about the production technology. It is also robust to endogeneity
considerations (which may be problematic for input oriented technologies) and can
be used with random or convenience samples.
There are two primary drawbacks to DEA. The procedure is based on a
linear programming algorithm, and therefore lacks well-defined statistical properties
(Banker 1993; Simar and Wilson 2007; Kneip, Simar and Wilson 2009). Moreover,
studies indicate that the efficiency scores are not easily amenable to secondary
regression analysis to determine which factors increase or decrease efficiency.3
Second, when applying DEA to convenience or randomly collected samples, the
results may be severely distorted by outliers or out-of-sample information (Simar and
Wilson 2007). In these cases, DEA-based efficiency scores are biased upwards, and
overstate efficiency. Therefore, even if the data come from a randomly collected
sample, it is difficult (and if one has a small sample or few covariates, impossible) to
make meaningful statistical inferences using parametric or semi-parametric
techniques (Banker 1993). Consequently, for data drawn as a random sample, mean
or median differences across a small number of exogenous factors may be analyzed
using non-parametric (rank-order) hypothesis tests (Clement et al. 2008; Friesner,
Rosenman and McPherson 2008; Friesner and Rosenman 2009). For other types of
data sets, a conservative approach is to place observations into discrete classes and
examine differences across groups of efficiency metrics.
We use DEA for several reasons. First, the data have multiple outputs, and
thus are more amenable to DEA. Second, the null hypothesis is, by definition,
relative in nature; we examine whether hospitals using nurses are more or less
efficient than those that do not. Consequently, the upward bias in DEA scores is not
of substantial concern because we are interested in relative differences in efficiency
across the two types of pharmacies. The relative manner in which DEA constructs
the efficient frontier is highly consistent with our relative hypothesis. Also, we face
data limitations on the number and types of covariates to explain efficiency
differences across pharmacies, which would likely create omitted variable bias using
SFA. When applicable, we use rank-order nonparametric tests; hence the
autocorrelation in DEA scores is not a significant concern.
A final issue concerns the use of discretionary and non-discretionary inputs.
Since this analysis is conducted from the perspective of the pharmacy department
manager, it is likely that the manager can control the number of pharmacy FTEs,
making this variable discretionary. Supplies (i.e. medications) are also treated as
discretionary. However, the pharmacy department’s capital, as well as the hospitalwide variables, including size and patient case-mix, are likely non-discretionary. To
account for these issues, we use Banker and Morey’s (1986) formulation of the
input-oriented DEA linear program (LP), and refer the reader to that citation for the
formal linear program. All DEA calculations are conducted using the EMS program
(Scheel 2000). Subsequent analyses of all DEA results are conducted using SPSS,
Version 16.0 (SPSS 2008).
The efficiency scores are highly serially correlated in an unknown manner (Simar and Wilson 2007)
that makes it impossible to correct. Thus, any estimates in the secondary regression would be biased,
also in an unknown manner.
4. Data
Our data come from Washington State hospitals for the years 2005 - 2007.
Each year, the Washington State Department of Health requires each hospital in the
State to report detailed financial and operating information. This information is
made publicly available on the Department’s website
(http://www.doh.wa.gov/EHSPHL/hospdata/YearEnd/Default.htm). The data are
reported both at an aggregate level and, to the extent possible, at the level of the cost
center or department. Information on the number of full-time equivalent employees
(including a binary indicator of whether nurses are included in the pharmacy
department’s FTEs), and the square footage of the pharmacy cost center (which we
use as a proxy for capital) are culled. Supply utilization is measured by calculating
the proportion of the pharmacy’s total expenses that are allocated to supplies. We
use two measure of pharmacy output: total inpatient pharmacy (billed) charges
divided by total hospital inpatient charges; and total outpatient pharmacy charges
divided by total outpatient charges for the hospital as a second output measure. To
control for the number and mix of services provided by the hospital as a whole
(which necessarily impacts pharmacy department utilization), the total number of
available hospital beds is included. We assume that a larger number of beds
indicates greater physical, technological and human resources, which in turn
suggests the potential to provide a wider and more advanced set of services. Patient
illness severity is measured using a hospital wide casemix index generated by the
Washington State Department of Health.
The initial sample contains 97 hospitals and 291 observations.4 A potentially
confounding issue in the analysis is the nature of the hospital being examined. For
example, hospitals in rural areas may have difficulty recruiting pharmacists and
technicians to work in the pharmacy, and thus be forced out of necessity to use nurse
staffing in the pharmacy. On the other hand, urban hospitals (which also tend to be
larger) may be better able to incorporate nurses into the pharmacy production
process via the use of technology: for example, placing an automated dispensing
machine in an emergency room or trauma department. As a result, we choose to
limit our analysis to two specific groups of pharmacies that are of great public policy
concern, are likely to use similar production technologies, produce similar services,
and provide similar levels of health care quality: pharmacies housed in rural, nonspecialty, community-owned hospitals with less than 125 beds; and pharmacies
located in urban, non-specialty, private, not-for-profit hospitals with more than 125
beds. We also eliminated those pharmacies which allocate no square footage to the
pharmacy cost center, which allocate 0.0 FTEs to the pharmacy cost center, and
which fail to report any productive activity at the level of the hospital. Finally, all
remaining hospitals except one provide both inpatient and outpatient pharmacy
services. We eliminate this observation to ensure consistency across our data. We
are left with two panels: 20 rural, general, community-owned hospital pharmacies
The dataset is available at https://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~dfriesne/ProfessionalInfo.htm.
with 56 observations; and 25 urban, private, not-for-profit hospitals pharmacies with
74 observations. We apply DEA and test our hypotheses separately for each of these
Table 1 contains the names, definitions and some basic descriptive statistics
for each variable. Panel A contains information pertaining to rural, general,
community-owned hospital pharmacies. The hospitals housing these pharmacies
have, at the mean (median), 34.46 (29) available beds per facility, and casemix
indices of 0.69 (0.69). The pharmacies located in these hospitals exhibit mean
(median) FTEs of 4.05 (2.95) and a standard deviation of 3.61. Approximately
fourteen percent of these hospital pharmacy FTEs are nurses. The mean (median)
square footage of these pharmacies is 690.55 (720), with a standard deviation of
529.82. Sixty-two percent of the pharmacy’s expenses were generated by supplies.
Lastly, the pharmacy generates, at the mean (median) 6.7 (6.2) percent of all
outpatient billed hospital charges and 11.5 (11.5) percent of all inpatient billed
Table 1, Panel B contains information for urban, non-specialty, private, notfor-profit hospitals. The hospitals housing these pharmacies are much larger in the
number and extent of services offered. At the mean (median), these hospitals have
269.05 (242) available beds per facility, and casemix indices of 1.04 (1.03). The
pharmacies located in these hospitals have mean (median) FTEs of 49.30 (41.30) and
a standard deviation of 28.83. Approximately twenty-six percent of these hospital
pharmacy FTEs are nurses. The mean (median) square footage of these pharmacies
is also much larger, at 5,622.34 (4,503), with a standard deviation of 3,467.32. In
addition, 70.2 (68.0) percent of the pharmacy’s expenses were generated by supplies.
Lastly, the pharmacy generates, at the mean (median) 7.8 (7.5) percent of all
outpatient billed hospital charges and 12.1 (12.2) percent of all inpatient billed
More generally, our dataset is defined by information hospitals make
available. For example, our dataset is unique in that total FTEs and nursing FTEs in
the pharmacy cost center are reported. There is, however, no disaggregation between
non-nursing FTEs, which for the most part are pharmacists and technicians. This is
of little consequence since the vast majority of non-nursing hospital pharmacy staff
are, in fact, registered pharmacists.5 Similarly, there are no quality or service
intensity metrics available similar to those used in previous studies of primarily
community pharmacy efficiency (Fare et al. 1992; Fare, Grosskopf and Roos 1995).
To the extent possible, we control for these differences by narrowly defining the
types of hospitals included in our analysis, as well as by carefully defining our output
variables. However, the lack of quality measures is certainly a limitation of our
In 2007, for example, 78 of the hospital pharmacies report information on FTEs and expenses (salary
and benefit) per FTE. These hospitals, on average, employee 23 FTEs, and the mean expense per
FTE is $93,684. Given that pharmacists and nurses earn substantially higher salaries than do
pharmacy technicians (or interns), this implies that the non-nursing staff are primarily pharmacists
(Desselle 2005; Scott and Halvorson 2007). As mentioned earlier, this also implies that the ratio of
technicians (and other non-pharmacist staff) to pharmacists is well below the legal maximum.
analysis, and future research is necessary to examine how the inclusion of such
metrics affect our findings.
5. Results
Table 2 contains an analysis of technical efficiency for rural, non-specialty,
community-owned hospital pharmacies. Panel A contains efficiency scores. This
category of hospitals has a mean (median) level of technical efficiency equal to
0.849 (0.933), implying that most pharmacies are closer to being fully efficient than
fully inefficient. The standard deviation of 0.171 corroborates this statement; most
hospital pharmacies have efficiency scores between approximately 1.0 and 0.68.
Table 2, Panel B contains the results from cross-tabulations disaggregating
technical efficiency by nurse allocation for rural, non-specialty, community-owned
hospital pharmacies. Of the 56 hospital pharmacies in this category, 48 do not
allocate nurses to the pharmacy and 8 allocate nurses. Of the 48 hospital
pharmacies, 20 are technically efficient and 28 are not. Similarly, of the 8
pharmacies that employ nurses, half are efficient (4) and half are inefficient. Given
the relatively even distribution of efficient and inefficient pharmacies that do and do
not use nurse staffing, we conclude that allocating nurses to the pharmacy does not
noticeably impact efficiency in these practice settings. Thus, we fail to reject our
null hypothesis. The chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests corroborate these findings;
none of the statistics and their corresponding probability values indicate rejection of
the null at the 5 percent level.
Technical efficiency results for urban, non-specialty, private not-for-profit
hospital pharmacies are contained in Table 3, Panel A. This category of hospitals
has a median level of technical efficiency (0.828) which is slightly higher than the
corresponding mean (0.840), implying that most pharmacies are closer to being fully
technically efficient than fully technically inefficient. A standard deviation of 0.135
implies most firms have efficiency scores between approximately 0.98 and 0.71.
Table 3, Panel B contains the results from cross-tabulations disaggregating
technical efficiency by nurse allocation. The results generally mimic those from
Table 2. Of the 74 hospital pharmacies in this category, 19 allocated nurses to the
pharmacy and 55 did not. Of these 55 pharmacies, 14 (or 25 percent) were
technically efficient. At the same time 5 of the 19 pharmacies that employ nurses (or
26 percent) are technically efficient. Once again, the chi-square and Fisher’s exact
tests fail to find any significant association between technical efficiency and nurse
allocation at the 5 percent level.
6. Conclusions and Policy Implications
Our empirical analysis investigates whether hospital pharmacies that employ
nurses are more or less efficient than those that do not. Using two panels of annual
data on Washington State, non-specialty hospitals (urban, private not-for-profit and
rural, community-owned) over the period 2005-2007, we find that the use of nurses
does not affect technical efficiency.
Our work has an important policy implication for hospital administrators and
pharmacists. Hospitals and other health systems often have difficulties recruiting
staff. In cases where a hospital has relatively more difficulty acquiring adequate
pharmacy staff, one option is to allow nurses greater opportunities to collaborate
with pharmacy staff in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Since most nurses
(especially those who do not have advanced clinical training) are trained as
generalists, and are not well versed in the nuances of pharmacotherapy, this
collaboration inevitably begs two questions: “Does allowing nurses a greater role in
the pharmacy impact the quality of pharmacy services, including medication errors
and patient safety?” and “Does allowing nurses to play a greater role impact the
pharmacy’s efficiency?” The first of these questions has been addressed in the
literature, although the evidence is limited (Bond, Raehl and Franke 2002; Pickertte,
Sodorff and Lordan 2002; Peterson and Anderson, Jr., 2004; Casey et al. 2008). To
the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first in the literature to address the latter
of these issues, and the conclusion we draw is that there is not an adverse effect on
Our study has a number of limitations. The data are not exhaustive, and we
do not explore efficiency across all ownership and/or practice types; most notably we
do not assess proprietary and specialty hospitals. Additionally, the data come from a
single U.S. state. While regulatory and professional standards are relatively (but not
perfectly) consistent across U.S. states6, and thus suggest (but in no way proves)
generalizability within the U.S., it is unclear whether our findings are generalizable
to hospital pharmacies in other countries. Third, we do not fully account for positive
(i.e., reduced medication interactions) or negative (i.e., medication errors) quality
metrics commonly utilized in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Fourth, we only
assess two types of efficiency: technical efficiency and scale efficiency. Thus it is
also important to examine other efficiency-based metrics, most notably cost
efficiency, congestion and dynamic productivity change, to fully explore this issue.
Lastly, data limitations (including the small sample sizes and the use of convenience
samples) and the empirical technique used to estimate efficiency (DEA) prevent us
from using regression or other appropriate statistical techniques to undertake an
extensive analysis of the determinants of efficiency. Further work that examines
hospital pharmacy efficiency while accounting for these factors would provide
valuable information for pharmacy managers, hospital administrators and policy
A comparison of regulatory similarities and differences across U.S. states can be conducted by
viewing information contained on the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy website
(www.nabp.net). This website contains links to each of the state board websites (which in turn
contain state-specific regulations), as well as information on the national competency exam
(NAPLEX). It also contains links to several international pharmacy boards, including Canada,
Australia and New Zealand.
Figure 1: A Simple Illustration of Technical Efficiency in Hospital Pharmacies
Note: FTEs = full time equivalent employees.
Table 1: Variable Names, Definitions and Descriptive Statistics
Panel A: Rural, Non-Specialty, Community-Owned Hospitals and Their Pharmacy Departments
Number of full time equivalent employees allocated to the pharmacy
Proportion of total pharmacy operating expenses spent on supplies, primarily medications
Number of hospital-wide available beds
Hospital casemix index
Square footage of the pharmacy
Pharmacy's inpatient billed charges, divided by the hospital's inpatient billed charges
Pharmacy's outpatient billed charges, divided by the hospital's outpatient billed charges
Binary variable identifying whether nursing FTEs are allocated to the pharmacy
Number of Observations
Number of Firms
Panel B: Urban, Non-Specialty, Private Not-for-Profit Hospitals and Their Pharmacy Departments
Number of full time equivalent employees allocated to the pharmacy
Proportion of total pharmacy operating expenses spent on supplies, primarily medications
Number of hospital-wide available beds
Hospital casemix index
Square footage of the pharmacy
Pharmacy's inpatient billed charges, divided by the hospital's inpatient billed charges
Pharmacy's outpatient billed charges, divided by the hospital's outpatient billed charges
Binary variable identifying whether nursing FTEs are allocated to the pharmacy
Number of Observations
Number of Firms
Table 2: Efficiency Results for Rural, Non-Specialty, Community-Owned Hospital Pharmacies
Panel A: Efficiency Results for Rural, Non-Specialty, Community-Owned Pharmacies
Mean Median Deviation
Input-oriented technical efficiency score 0.849
Panel B: Cross-Tabulations Disaggregating Technical Efficiency by Nurse Allocation to the Pharmacy
Do Not Allocate Nurses
to the Hospital Pharmacy
Not Technically
Chi-Square Statistic
2-Sided Probability
Fisher's Exact Test
2-Sided Probability
1-Sided Probability
Table 3: Efficiency Results for Urban, Non-Specialty, Private Not-for-Profit Hospital Pharmacies
Panel A: Efficiency Results for Urban, Non-Specialty, Private Not-for-Profit Pharmacies
Mean Median Deviation
Input-oriented technical efficiency score 0.840
Panel B: Cross-Tabulations Disaggregating Technical Efficiency by Nurse Allocation to the Pharmacy
Do Not Allocate Nurses
to the Hospital Pharmacy
Not Technically Efficie
Technically Efficient
Chi-Square Statistic
2-Sided Probability
Fisher's Exact Test
2-Sided Probability
1-Sided Probability
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