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One of the key factors influencing project success or failure is project management. Unfortunately, effective management of software projects is not in practice; what is actually being practiced varies significantly from what is advised in the available literature. In order to improve performance in the field of software project management, there is a dire need to formally educate prospective project managers in both the theoretical and practical aspects of managing software projects. This paper focuses on the formulation and execution of Practicum in Software Project Management, a graduate course that aids students in learning practical aspects of software project management. This course has been a part of the Masters in Software Project Management curriculum at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Lahore, Pakistan since 2001. We discuss the course in light of the major software project management activities recommended in literature. A comparison of the course with the Portfolio, Program and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3) has been done to allow us to 1) assess the maturity of this course in terms of software engineering project management processes, and 2) assist us in identifying and highlighting the areas needing further improvement in terms of teaching, practice and industry needs. The comparison is based on the key process areas applicable to our course and shows that Practicum in Software Project Management is 90% capable at the Repeatable and 81% capable at the Defined levels of the P3M3.
Supplying the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4, 2024
The Lower Rhine limes did not end on the North Sea shore, it continued southward along the coast. Today much of the Roman coastline has been lost to erosion, carrying a fair deal of the coastal limes away into oblivion. However, shreds of its hinterland backbone remain. Finds and features of this military presence have been found all along the Dutch and Flemish coasts (Dhaeze 2019; Van Zoolingen et al. 2021), with the area of The Hague proving tentative. Most notably the site of Ockenburgh presents us with both meticulous detail of a coastal frontier, as well as multiple questions concerning appearance, purpose, function, and most of all, chronology. This paper intends to sum up what is known, in order to reconstruct the Lower Rhine coastal limes’ development and its significance. The result should add to our understanding of coastal frontiers in general, to which end a comparison shall be made to other known coastal cordons.
Social cognition refers to the analysis of how internal thought processes relate to our social experience (Reber, 2004). The most important factor in this area of study is actually the individual doing the cognizing, and how perceptions of the self affect social behaviour (Wyer & Srull, 1994, p. 154). Although perceptions of the self have an integral role in our social experience, research on cognitive illusions and biases reveals an array of notable errors in thinking, judgement, and memory, many of which are not recognised on a normal basis. If there are three varieties of the self-concept—the actual, ideal, and ought self—then inconsistency between the three results in cognitive dissonance or mental discomfort and must be eliminated in favour of one feature (Markus & Wurf, 1987). This essay discusses several such biases in self-perception and evaluates the relation between research and aspects of human behaviour. By exploring the role of the positivity bias, bias blind spot, introspection illusion, transparency, above-average effect, motivated scepticism, defensive pessimism, self handicapping, and their wider implications, the psychology of individuals and society can be better understood. Most importantly, research in social illusions and biases reveal the limitations of our own thought processes and the areas in which individuals should aim to become more aware of their natural tendencies.
The relationship between work and personal life is a constant struggle for employees. From youngsters who seek for job opportunities while studying, to parents who would like to spend more quality time with their families during the week while maintaining their current job. They all are trying to create a balance and achieve not only a career development but also personal achievements related to their Work-Life Balance and well-being. From this dilemma, new perspectives have emerged as potential solutions for both organisations and employees. This dissertation is particularly focused on the application of flexible working arrangements (FWA’s) as an alternative to equilibrate the professional and personal roles of a person. The research, focused in Ecuadorian small and medium companies, deepens in the importance of FWA’s for managers and employees, its major implications from its presence or absence and its impact in employee’s career choices. To fulfil a reflective analysis, a mixed methodology strategy was carried out. Through 118 surveys and ten interviews obtained from managers and employees of 21 Ecuadorian organisations from the service sector, data was collected and analysed to trace trends and relations between FWA’s and their perceptions on Career Development. The findings were diverse and noteworthy. For instance, findings reported that the perceived benefits and drawbacks of implementing FWA’s mostly matched with the ones that have been broadly discussed in previous research studies done in similar topics. However, results highlighted the big concerns that employees may encounter in terms of workload and role conflict if accepting flexible policies. Results showed that employee’s strong beliefs on Career Development are still following traditional structures where employees are expected to work under a fixed schedule and follow a promotion path within the organisation. On the other hand, the most important finding suggests that employee’s future projects are not related to their current job. Economic stability is the main reason to stop pursuing their dreams of self-employment or pleasure. Finally, within Ecuadorian and Latin American settings there is scarce research regarding Work- Life Balance and its relation to flexible employment. This dissertation aims to arise a path of analysis of these alternatives to acknowledge their importance in current contexts and to cope with the new opportunities that technology and new working structures will provide. The research seeks to generate a debate around the necessity of organisations to keep looking for new alternatives to ease the life of employees without jeopardising their careers and the organisation’s competitiveness in global markets.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019
Post-traumatic stress and growth are common responses to adverse life events such as cancer. In this article, we establish how cancer becomes a "fertile land" for the emergence of stress and growth responses and analyze the main mechanisms involved. Stress-growth responses on adjusting to cancer is potentially determined by factors like the phase of the illness (e.g., initial phases vs. period of survivorship), patient's coping strategies, meaning-making, and relationships with significant others. We also review the mechanisms of constructive and adaptative stress-growth balances in cancer to study the predictors, interrelated associations, triggering mechanisms, long-term results, and specific trajectories of these two responses to cancer. Finally, we update the evidence on the role of these stress-growth associations in psychologically adjusting to cancer. Together with this evidence, we summarize preliminary results regarding the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions that aim to facilitate a constructive psychological balance between stress and growth in cancer patients. Recommendations for future research and gaps in knowledge on stress-growth processes in this illness are also highlighted. Researchers are encouraged to design and use psychotherapeutic interventions according to the dynamic and changeable patients' sources of stress and growth along the illness. Relevant insights are proposed to understand the inconsistency of stress-growth literature and to promote psychotherapeutic interventions to facilitate a constructive balance between these key responses in cancer.
Erkenntnis, 2024
This paper considers the possibility that 'epistemic hypocrisy' could be relevant to our blaming practices. It argues that agents who culpably violate an epistemic norm can lack the standing to blame other agents who culpably violate similar norms. After disentangling our criticism of epistemic hypocrites from various other fitting responses, and the different ways some norms can bear on the legitimacy of our blame, I argue that a commitment account of standing to blame allows us to understand our objections to epistemic hypocrisy. Agents lack the epistemic standing to blame when they are not sufficiently committed to the epistemic norms they are blaming others for violating. This not only gives us a convincing account of epistemic standing to blame, it leaves us with a unified account of moral and epistemic standing.
Scripta, 2020
PROFLETRAS).Doutorado em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. ORCID:
IIH1I N71781 T radução Professor Juarez Aranha Ricardo P rofesso r L iv re-D ocen te d o D ep artam en to d e F isiologia e F arm aco lo g ia do In stitu to d e C iências B iom éd icas d a U niversidade d e S ã o P aulo EDITO RA DA UN IVERSIDA DE D £ SÃO PAULO LIV RO S TÉCN ICO S E C IEN TÍFIC O S ED ITO RA S .A . COPYRIGHT © A.R. LURIA, 1981 P ro ib id a a reprodução, p a rc ia l ou to ta l, p o r qualquer processo, sem a au to rização do A u to r e d a E ditora. Para a composição deste livro foi usado o Times New Roman. Imprensa Metodista foi responsável pela sua composição. A arte-final de capa é
Publihsed in: Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju Dalmatinsku 86, Split 1994. with S. Forenbaher, V. Gaffney, J. W. Hayes, T. Kaiser P. Leach and N. Vujnović
Setu Rawalumbu, Rawalumbu Sub-District, Bekasi City, West Java Province, Indonesia is one of thousands of Ponds in Indonesia, which is still not optimally utilized, PUPR Regulation No. 9 of 2015 concerning Use of Water Resources in article 43 paragraph (2), and PUPR Minister Regulation No. 28 of 2015 concerning River Borderline and Lake Borderline in article 23. This can be seen from the emergence of a lot of housing in the area including public and social facilities, and becoming a landfill that comes from the surrounding area. This pond is also declared as a Regional Tourism Area which focuses on eco-tourism, which will provide economic benefits to the local community and support efforts to preserve the natural and cultural environment. As a Tourism Area Region, sustainable electricity in the pond needs to be optimized according to the 7th goal criteria of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by building renewable energy microgrids with back-up diesel generators and utilizing the...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 2000
Gestion Y Politica Publica, 2018
Techne serien - Forskning i Slöjdpedagogik och Slöjdvetenskap, 2020
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009
Polski przegla̜d radiologii i medycyny nuklearnej, 2014
Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022
Engineering review, 2021