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2021, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
3 pages
1 file
BACKGROUND: Pneumothorax is a severe medical condition characterized by the collection of air in one or several spaces of the pleura. A rare subtype of pneumothorax where air is restricted in interlobar pleural space, mostly due to the previous fibrous pleural adhesions, is known as interlobar pneumothorax. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a rare case of a 58-year-old female admitted to the emergency department due to difficulty on breathing, hemoptysis, and discomfort in the right anterior axillary line, which worsened with inspiration and was associated with breathlessness during physical activity. The diagnosis was confirmed by thoracic multi slice computed tomography (MSCT), showing that air was located between the middle and lower lobes of the right lung , measuring 7 × 5 × 2.5 cm (transversal × oblique cranio-caudal × antero-posterior), representing interlobar pneumothorax. DISCUSSION: Cases of interlobar pneumothorax need to be carefully differentiated and evaluated, while skin ...
Introduction: Pneumothorax is defined as the presence of air in the pleural cavity, ie, the space between the chest wall and the lung itself. Pneumothorax is classified ethiologically into spontaneous pneumothorax and traumatic pneumothorax. Spontaneous pneumothorax is further classified into primary and secondary. Traumatic pneumothorax may result from either blunt trauma or penetrating injury to the chest wall. It can also be caused by iatrogenic injuries. Spontaneous pneumothorax is a significant health problem because of the high recurrence rate (this is so called recurrent pneumothorax). The aim of the study: the review of modern diagnosis and surgical management of pneumothorax Methodology: This is a review article. We used Medline and Pubmed databasis for retrieving the literature. Conclusion: Pneumothorax, either spontaneous or traumatic, demands urgent intervention in order to normalize lung function and save life of the patient.
Annals of translational medicine, 2015
The pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air or gas in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall. Like pleural effusion where a large abnormal concentration of fluid (>100 mL) is liquid buildup in that space, pneumothorax may interfere with normal breathing. A medical term that it is used is the collapsed lung, although that term may also refer to atelectasis. There are two major types of pneumothorax; there is one that occurs without an apparent cause and in the absence of significant lung disease, while the so called; "secondary" pneumothorax occurs in the presence of existing lung pathology. In a minority of cases, the amount of air in the chest increases markedly when a one-way valve is formed by an area of damaged tissue, leading to a third type of pneumothorax, called "tensioned".
Archivos de …, 2008
Spontaneous pneumothorax, or the presence of air in the pleural space not caused by injury or medical intervention, is a significant clinical problem. We propose a method for classifying cases into 3 categories: partial, complete, and complete with total lung collapse. This classification, together with a clinical assessment, would provide sufficient information to enable physicians to decide on an approach to treatment. This update introduces simple aspiration in an outpatient setting as a treatment option that has yielded results comparable to conventional drainage in the management of uncomplicated primary spontaneous pneumothorax; this technique is not, as yet, widely used in Spain.
Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2020
Original Research Article Pneumothorax is an emergency therapeutic diagnostic whose bilaterality represents a severity character. The Spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax is rare but remains potentially fatal. According to Casablanca Hospital Center pneumology department, we have reported seven cases during the last six years representing 3% of total spontaneous pneumothorax patients and predominated by women gender at 31.2 years average age. Bilateral pneumothorax was primitive for one case. For the remaining six cases, it was a secondary of an asthma attack, COPD, miliary tuberculosis, cystic lung and revealed a carcinoid tumor and secondary to diffuse interstitial pneumonitis in the fibrosis stage. Facing such emergency situation, fast handling ware adopted using bilateral thoracic drain for three patients and unilateral one for three other patients. Where a bilateral pleural detachment was less than 2cm, a rest and an oxygen therapy with close monitoring was recommended. Surgery was advocated to avoid recurrency but was done for two patients. Three patients died while the other patients have progressed well.
Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery, 2019
Extraordinary demanding case requires creative solution within expenditure of intellectual energy supported by mature experience, and discerning intuition. This all with single rule: patients benefit. Previous and subsequent sharing and exchange yield full-blown versatility. Pneumothorax in breastfeeding mother, brachial plexus injury caused by lysis of apical adhesions, support of pulmonary plication by autologous fascia lata in advanced pulmonary emphysema, dorsal chest tube insertion through first intercostal space, stubborn pneumothorax in a musician of brass band, successful conservative treatment by chest tube as an alternative of thoracoplasty, talc slurry solution in elderly man with life threatening pneumothorax from advanced lung cancer decay cavity, and in young woman afflicted by lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) are briefly reported.
Journal of clinical medicine research, 2011
Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is defined by the presence of air in the pleural space without history of trauma. It is classified as secondary if coexisting with underlying pulmonary disease. Its an entity with considerable incidence and treatment particularities which give reason for a reflection on the subject. We present a 5-year casuistry, characterizing the SP epidemiology, clinical presentation, investigation and therapeutic choices. Sixty-six patients were included in the study, corresponding to 93 episodes of SP. We have found male predominance and the mean age was 34.5 years old. In 60.6% of cases there was history of tobacco use; 36.4% of cases were classified as secondary; 30.1% of patients with secondary SP and 21.7% with primary SP recurred; 89.2% had an acute presentation. The most frequent initial symptom was chest pain (90.3%) and 81.7% had diminished breath sounds. In 17.3% it was documented a physical strain associated. We did not identify statistically significant ...
The aim of this thesis was to design a Sales and Inventory Management System (SIM), that is, a database describing the customer orders and products distributed by the company.
Vector "strategi pemasaran" Bergelut di bidang kewirausahaan tentu tak luput dari strategi pemasaran teman-teman…, jadi, suatu perusahaan harus dapat menerapkan tiga strategi, yaitu segmentasi, diferensiasi, dan penetapan posisi, untuk dapat menjalankan usahanya. Teks "SEGMENTASI (SEGMENTATION) Segmentasi, membahas bagaimana cara mengelompokkan konsumen. Dengan segmentasi pasar, perusahaan akan lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan gambaran tentang kelompok yang cocok dengan produknya. Vector jenis segmentasi Dalam segmentasi pasar terbagi menjadi 4 jenis, Yang pertama, Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Geografi. disini Pemasar dapat melakukan segmentasi pasar berdasarkan kriteria geografi, jadi, Segmentasi ini membentuk produk yang berorientasi pada wilayah geografi tertentu saja. Kedua, Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Demografi Yang dimana menggunakan kriteria demografi, seperti: tingkat penghasilan, umur, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, dan sebagainya. Ketiga, Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Perilaku Segmentasi perilaku membagi konsumen ke dalam kelompok menurut pengetahuan, tingkat penggunaan (seberapa banyak dan seberapa sering orang menggunakan suatu produk), sikap orang terhadap produk, segi harga, dan hobi yang disukai banyak orang. Dan Keempat, Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Psikografik atau gaya hidup (lifestyle) Dengan cara membagi konsumen berdasarkan cara berpikir. Segmentasi ini mengidentifikasi aktivitas dan gaya hidup orang. Teks contohnya segmentasi dr salah satu produk ……………………………………………... Teks "DIFERENSIASI (DIFFERENTIATION) Selanjutnya…. Strategi diferensiasi ini merancang serangkaian perbedaan yang lebih baik untuk membedakan penawaran produk perusahaan tersebut dengan penawaran produk perusahaan pesaing dari segi bentuk, fitur, mutu kinerja produk, mutu kesesuaian, daya tahan produk, keandalan produk, Gaya, dan mudah tidaknya suatu produk diperbaiki. Teks contohnya diferensiasi dr slh st produk…………………………………………………... Teks "PENETAPAN POSISI (POSITIONING) Penetapan posisi adalah apa yang perusahaan inginkan ada dalam benak konsumen ketika mereka mendengar merk atau perusahaan saudara sendiri sebagai merk.
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