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2020, Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports
3 pages
1 file
Original Research Article Pneumothorax is an emergency therapeutic diagnostic whose bilaterality represents a severity character. The Spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax is rare but remains potentially fatal. According to Casablanca Hospital Center pneumology department, we have reported seven cases during the last six years representing 3% of total spontaneous pneumothorax patients and predominated by women gender at 31.2 years average age. Bilateral pneumothorax was primitive for one case. For the remaining six cases, it was a secondary of an asthma attack, COPD, miliary tuberculosis, cystic lung and revealed a carcinoid tumor and secondary to diffuse interstitial pneumonitis in the fibrosis stage. Facing such emergency situation, fast handling ware adopted using bilateral thoracic drain for three patients and unilateral one for three other patients. Where a bilateral pleural detachment was less than 2cm, a rest and an oxygen therapy with close monitoring was recommended. Surgery was advocated to avoid recurrency but was done for two patients. Three patients died while the other patients have progressed well.
Spontaneous pneumothorax is a disease that may cause serious respiratory distress and can be a life-threatening condition. A total of 1.3% of all spontaneous pneumothorax cases are simultaneous bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax (SBSP). In this study, because of its rarity, we discuss SBSP cases in light of previously reported cases. Between January 2004 and December 2009, SBSP was detected in five patients. All patients were male, and the mean patient age was 18.6 (between 16 and 22 years of age). All patients had various degrees of dyspnea and chest pain. All diagnoses were established by chest X-rays. Two patients (40%) had primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP), and three (60%) had secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) (two patients had silicosis, and one had Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia). Previously, bilateral tube thoracostomies were performed on all patients. One PSP patient had a left apical pleurectomy with axillary thoracotomy; the other had a right apical pleurectom...
Journal of clinical medicine research, 2011
Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is defined by the presence of air in the pleural space without history of trauma. It is classified as secondary if coexisting with underlying pulmonary disease. Its an entity with considerable incidence and treatment particularities which give reason for a reflection on the subject. We present a 5-year casuistry, characterizing the SP epidemiology, clinical presentation, investigation and therapeutic choices. Sixty-six patients were included in the study, corresponding to 93 episodes of SP. We have found male predominance and the mean age was 34.5 years old. In 60.6% of cases there was history of tobacco use; 36.4% of cases were classified as secondary; 30.1% of patients with secondary SP and 21.7% with primary SP recurred; 89.2% had an acute presentation. The most frequent initial symptom was chest pain (90.3%) and 81.7% had diminished breath sounds. In 17.3% it was documented a physical strain associated. We did not identify statistically significant ...
Annals of Saudi medicine, 1996
We present a retrospective study of 25 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax (three current), comprising 16 Saudis (nine males and seven females) and nine non-Saudis (eight males and one female), seen at the Asir Central Hospital, Abha, over a period of 45 months. Almost one-third of the patients (9/25) had no underlying cause discernible by our investigational facilities (chest x-ray, ultrasonography, computed tomographic scan, and flexible bronchofiberscopy). Underlying pneumonia (three patients), pulmonary tuberculosis (two patients), lung abscess (one patient), and congenital bullae (one patient) constituted the etiology in another third of the spontaneous pneumothorax patients. Other underlying pulmonary diseases precipitating spontaneous pneumothorax in the group included pulmonary fibrosis, metastatic mesothelioma, and immunosuppression in a medulloblastoma patient undergoing chemotherapy with the development of chickenpox. Closed thoracostomy tube drainage was the only meth...
Background: Pneumothorax is classified into traumatic and spontaneous. Spontaneous pneumothorax divided into primary spontaneouspneumothorax if there is no clinical evidence of lung disease and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax associated with lung disease. Method: Prospective observational study done at Pulmonary medicine department, Kurnool medical college. We studied the causes, presenting features, management and outcome of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in this study. Patients admitted in pulmonary medicine ward with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax were classified as primary spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP) and Secondary spontaneous Pneumothorax (SSP). The diagnosis was made by chest radiograph, and computed Tomography if necessary. Necessary investigations done for confirmation of lung disease in SSP. Depending on clinical features, extent of pneumothorax and underlying lung disease management decided as observation with oxygen inhalation or aspiration or Intercostal ChestTube Drainage (ICTD) with under water seal. Supportive treatment given to all patients and Specific treatment for underlying lung disease given in SSP. Results : Total 69 patients were included in this studymales were more 48(69.6%). Mean age was 44.9 yrs(range 20 to 70 yrs). Out of 69 PSP were 10 (14.5%) and SSP were 59(85.5%). Lung diseases in SSP were Tuberculosis 33, Chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD) disease 20, Asthma 2, interstial lung diseases 2 and pneumonia2. Treated with observation and oxygen inhalation 4 , with aspiration10 and with ICTD 55.In PSP cases lung expansion occurred-in 2 to 8 days. In SSP cases lung expansion occurred in 4-30 days.4 cases of SSP referred for surgery. Conclusion:Spontaneous Pneumothorax is more common in males.In majority of PSP dyspnoea is less, can be managed by observation with oxygen inhalation or by aspiration.Tuberculosis is the common cause for SSP in India and should be looked for in all spontaneous pneumothorax cases. Majority cases of SSP are managed by ICTD. Compared to SSP hospital stay in PSP is short Introduction : Pneumothorax is an emergency so early recognition and prompt treatment saves the patient. Pneu-mothorax classified into spontaneous and traumatic. Spontaneous pneumothorax divided into primary spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP) if there is no clinical evidence of lung disease and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) associated with underlying lung disease 1. This study is under taken to study the causes, clinical presentation, mode of management and response to treatment in spontaneous pneumothorax
European Respiratory Journal, 2006
Spontaneous pneumothorax remains a significant health problem. However, with time, there have been improvements in pathogenesis, diagnostic procedures and both medical and surgical approaches to treatment. Owing to better imaging techniques, it is now clear that there is almost no normal visceral pleura in the case of spontaneous pneumothorax, and that blebs and bullae are not always the cause of pneumothorax. In first episodes of primary spontaneous pneumothorax, observation and simple aspiration are established first-line therapies, as proven by randomised controlled trials. Aspiration should be better promoted in daily medical practice. In the case of recurrent or persistent pneumothorax, simple talc poudrage under thoracoscopy has been shown to be safe, cost-effective and no more painful than a conservative treatment using a chest tube. There are also new experimental data showing that talc poudrage, as used in Europe, does not lead to serious side-effects and is currently the best available pleural sclerosing agent. Alternatively, surgical techniques have considerably improved, and are now less invasive, especially due to the development of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Studies suggest that video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery may be more cost-effective than chest tube drainage in spontaneous pneumothorax requiring chest tube drainage, although it is more expensive than simple thoracoscopy and requires general anaesthesia, double-lumen tube intubation and ventilation. Recommendations are made regarding the treatment of pneumothorax. In secondary or complicated primary pneumothorax, i.e. recurrent or persistent pneumothorax, some diffuse treatment of the visceral pleura should be offered, either by talc poudrage under thoracoscopy or by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Moreover, all of these new techniques should be better standardised to permit comparison in randomised controlled studies. KEYWORDS: Spontaneous pneumothorax, state of the art S pontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is defined as the presence of air in the pleural cavity. It is divided into primary SP (PSP) and secondary SP (SSP). SSP is associated with underlying lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), AIDS, etc. There are, therefore, two distinct epidemiological forms of SP, PSP, with a peak incidence in young people, and SSP, with a peak incidence in those aged .55 yrs [1]. Traumatic pneumothoraces (accidental or iatrogenic) [2, 3] are not discussed here. PSP remains a significant health problem, with an annual incidence of 18-28 per 100,000 population in males and 1.2-6.0 per 100,000 population in females [4]. The annual incidence of SSP is 6.3 per 100,000 population in males and 2.0 per 100,000 population in females [5], with incidences varying over time, e.g. during the AIDS-related Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia of the 1980s and
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2018
Aim: To report a rare case of spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax with recurrent pneumothorax. Background: Spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax is medical and surgical emergency. It is presence of free air in the bilateral pleural spaces. It rarely occurs at any age but usually young age without apparent precipitating etiology in healthy subjects without any existing pathology. Case Report: In present case, a non smoker, uneducated, young housewife was received in emergency in critical condition and admitted in Intensive Care Unit directly, Peoples Medical university Hospital, Nawabshah, and Sindh, Pakistan. She felt difficulty in breath and after few moments she complained chest pain on right side of chest. They rushed in emergency in Peoples Medical University hospital and diagnosed as case of pneumothorax and at the same time her symptoms started worsening and she developed central cyanosis. In emergency chest X-ray was done showing bilateral pneumothorax, patient developed respiratory distress, emergency bilateral chest intubation was done and due to SO 2 drop. Patient was kept on mechanical ventilation. After 24 hours she was weaned off and she was vitally in stable state and shifted in medical department and after 2 weeks she was discharged well. After 3 days of discharge she again came in emergency X-ray shown right sided recurrent pneumothorax, chest intubation done and she was referred to Oojha Institute of Chest Diseases, Karachi, Pakistan for further management and Pleurodesis. Conclusion: Bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax is medical and surgical emergency, diagnosis is thru clinical history, examination of chest and X-ray chest. Prompt diagnosis and management with chest intubation bilaterally and supportive treatment may decrease the morbidity in these critical cases.
Archivos de …, 2008
Spontaneous pneumothorax, or the presence of air in the pleural space not caused by injury or medical intervention, is a significant clinical problem. We propose a method for classifying cases into 3 categories: partial, complete, and complete with total lung collapse. This classification, together with a clinical assessment, would provide sufficient information to enable physicians to decide on an approach to treatment. This update introduces simple aspiration in an outpatient setting as a treatment option that has yielded results comparable to conventional drainage in the management of uncomplicated primary spontaneous pneumothorax; this technique is not, as yet, widely used in Spain.
Chest, 1994
The aim of this prospective study was to determine the rate of recurrence for spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) after tetracycline pleurodesis (TCP), using that of observation, tube thoracostomy alone, and thoracotomy as references. From 1985 to the end of 1991, 78 patients were treated with tetracycline pleurodesis and 135 patients served as control subjects. Pleurodesis was induced by instillation of tetracycline and ascorbic acid through the pleural drain. The indication was any SP treated with tube thoracostomy, without active pulmonary infection. Follow-up period was from 13 to 95 months (mean, 45 months); follow-up rate was 94 percent. Post-therapy surgery was necessary for eight patients in whom pleurodesis failed due to presence of a persistent air leak. The ipsilateral recurrence rate of patients treated with TCP was 9 percent (6/66) and recurrence time ranged from 2 days to 9 months. The recurrence rate for patients treated with observation was 36 percent, 35 percent for those having chest tube alone,
Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace / Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and] Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie apparato respiratorio, Università di Napoli, Secondo ateneo, 2005
Spontaneous pneumothorax is divided into primary, when there is no underlying lung disease, and secondary, mainly caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A variety of different non-invasive and invasive treatment options exist. Due to the lack of large randomised controlled trials no level A evidence is present. A first episode of a primary spontaneous pneumothorax is treated by observation if it is < 20% or by simple aspiration if it is > 20%, but recurrences are frequent. For recurrent or persisting pneumothorax a more invasive approach is indicated whereby video-assisted thoracic surgery provides a treatment of lung (resection of blebs or bullae) and pleura (pleurectomy or abrasion). In patients with a secondary spontaneous pneumothorax related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, there is an associated increased mortality and a more aggressive approach is warranted consisting of initial thoracic drainage followed by recurrence prevention by thoracoscopy or th...
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