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2019, Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery
4 pages
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Extraordinary demanding case requires creative solution within expenditure of intellectual energy supported by mature experience, and discerning intuition. This all with single rule: patients benefit. Previous and subsequent sharing and exchange yield full-blown versatility. Pneumothorax in breastfeeding mother, brachial plexus injury caused by lysis of apical adhesions, support of pulmonary plication by autologous fascia lata in advanced pulmonary emphysema, dorsal chest tube insertion through first intercostal space, stubborn pneumothorax in a musician of brass band, successful conservative treatment by chest tube as an alternative of thoracoplasty, talc slurry solution in elderly man with life threatening pneumothorax from advanced lung cancer decay cavity, and in young woman afflicted by lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) are briefly reported.
Little is known about the efficacy of management of iatrogenic pneumothoraces with small-bore chest tubes. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of iatrogenic pneumothoraces requiring drainage managed with a small-bore chest tube and to compare the results to spontaneous pneumothoraces treated in the same unit with the same device. The primary outcome was requirement of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for drainage failure; secondary outcomes were length of drainage and number of inserted chest tubes. Methods: Patients with pneumothorax admitted between 1997 and 2007 were retrospectively identified. Traumatic pneumothoraces and those occurring under mechanical ventilation were excluded. All pneumothoraces were drained using the same small-bore chest tube (8 French) according to our local protocol. Results: Five hundred sixty-one pneumothoraces were analysed, 431 (76.8%) were spontaneous pneumothoraces and 130 (23.2%) were iatrogenic. Iatrogenic pneumothoraces were associated with less requirement of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for drainage failure [adjusted odds ratio= 0.24 (0.04, 0.86)]. Length of drainage of iatrogenic pneumothoraces was longer than for primary spontaneous pneumothoraces (3.8 Ϯ 3.1 vs. 2.7 Ϯ 1.8 days, P < 0.001) and shorter than for secondary spontaneous pneumothoraces (4.6 Ϯ 2.3 days, P = 0.004). Number of inserted chest tubes per patient was not significantly different according to pneumothoraces' aetiology. Conclusion: Small-bore chest tubes are feasible for treatment of iatrogenic pneumothoraces and have a better rate of success and slightly longer drainage duration than when used for spontaneous pneumothoraces.
Annals of translational medicine, 2015
The pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air or gas in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall. Like pleural effusion where a large abnormal concentration of fluid (>100 mL) is liquid buildup in that space, pneumothorax may interfere with normal breathing. A medical term that it is used is the collapsed lung, although that term may also refer to atelectasis. There are two major types of pneumothorax; there is one that occurs without an apparent cause and in the absence of significant lung disease, while the so called; "secondary" pneumothorax occurs in the presence of existing lung pathology. In a minority of cases, the amount of air in the chest increases markedly when a one-way valve is formed by an area of damaged tissue, leading to a third type of pneumothorax, called "tensioned".
European Respiratory Journal, 2006
Spontaneous pneumothorax remains a significant health problem. However, with time, there have been improvements in pathogenesis, diagnostic procedures and both medical and surgical approaches to treatment. Owing to better imaging techniques, it is now clear that there is almost no normal visceral pleura in the case of spontaneous pneumothorax, and that blebs and bullae are not always the cause of pneumothorax. In first episodes of primary spontaneous pneumothorax, observation and simple aspiration are established first-line therapies, as proven by randomised controlled trials. Aspiration should be better promoted in daily medical practice. In the case of recurrent or persistent pneumothorax, simple talc poudrage under thoracoscopy has been shown to be safe, cost-effective and no more painful than a conservative treatment using a chest tube. There are also new experimental data showing that talc poudrage, as used in Europe, does not lead to serious side-effects and is currently the best available pleural sclerosing agent. Alternatively, surgical techniques have considerably improved, and are now less invasive, especially due to the development of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Studies suggest that video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery may be more cost-effective than chest tube drainage in spontaneous pneumothorax requiring chest tube drainage, although it is more expensive than simple thoracoscopy and requires general anaesthesia, double-lumen tube intubation and ventilation. Recommendations are made regarding the treatment of pneumothorax. In secondary or complicated primary pneumothorax, i.e. recurrent or persistent pneumothorax, some diffuse treatment of the visceral pleura should be offered, either by talc poudrage under thoracoscopy or by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Moreover, all of these new techniques should be better standardised to permit comparison in randomised controlled studies. KEYWORDS: Spontaneous pneumothorax, state of the art S pontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is defined as the presence of air in the pleural cavity. It is divided into primary SP (PSP) and secondary SP (SSP). SSP is associated with underlying lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), AIDS, etc. There are, therefore, two distinct epidemiological forms of SP, PSP, with a peak incidence in young people, and SSP, with a peak incidence in those aged .55 yrs [1]. Traumatic pneumothoraces (accidental or iatrogenic) [2, 3] are not discussed here. PSP remains a significant health problem, with an annual incidence of 18-28 per 100,000 population in males and 1.2-6.0 per 100,000 population in females [4]. The annual incidence of SSP is 6.3 per 100,000 population in males and 2.0 per 100,000 population in females [5], with incidences varying over time, e.g. during the AIDS-related Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia of the 1980s and
Introduction: Pneumothorax is defined as the presence of air in the pleural cavity, ie, the space between the chest wall and the lung itself. Pneumothorax is classified ethiologically into spontaneous pneumothorax and traumatic pneumothorax. Spontaneous pneumothorax is further classified into primary and secondary. Traumatic pneumothorax may result from either blunt trauma or penetrating injury to the chest wall. It can also be caused by iatrogenic injuries. Spontaneous pneumothorax is a significant health problem because of the high recurrence rate (this is so called recurrent pneumothorax). The aim of the study: the review of modern diagnosis and surgical management of pneumothorax Methodology: This is a review article. We used Medline and Pubmed databasis for retrieving the literature. Conclusion: Pneumothorax, either spontaneous or traumatic, demands urgent intervention in order to normalize lung function and save life of the patient.
Annals of translational medicine, 2015
Pneumothorax is a situation where air is inserted in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall. Pneumothorax can be primary or secondary. There is also a third type called; tensioned. Based on the concentration of air and type of pneumothorax the proper treatment has to be selected. There are cases where the concentration is minimal and observation is enough and more severe cases where surgery is required. Currently there are many techniques used for the biopsy of lung lesions. The bronchoscope (forceps, fine needle aspiration), fine needle aspiration under computed tomography scan and endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) are commonly used. However, all these techniques have in common a possible side effect; pneumothorax. In our current issue we will focus on the different minimally invasive techniques of pneumothorax management. Moreover, a presentation will be made for several systems that are being used for air or fluid aspiration.
История. Журнал Белорусского государственного университета, 2018
Рассмотрены проблемы германо-сарматских влияний на формирование черняховской культуры Западного Подолья. Отмечено, что, несмотря на политическое доминирование готского союза (Государства Германариха), пришлые вельбарские племена в скором времени подверглись процессам культурной ассимиляции и в основной своей массе постепенно растворились в полиэтнической черняховской среде, став одним из ее компонентов, однако на территории Волыни, а также в северной части Подольской возвышенности вельбарское населения сумело сохранить свою идентичность в домостроении, лепном керамическом производстве, элементах духовной культуры до конца позднеримского периода. Указано, что значительную роль в формировании черняховской культуры Западного Подолья сыграли сарматы, которые во второй четверти I тыс. н. э. достигли районов среднего течения реки Днестр и его левых притоков. Их присутствие прослежено при помощи анализа специфических элементов погребальной обрядности на некоторых черняховских могильниках, антропологических исследований, а также находок отдельных предметов на вельбарских и черняховских поселениях. Выделена особенность исследуемого региона, заключающаяся в присутствии на западе славянского населения, известного под названием «Верхнеднестровская локальная группа черняховской культуры». Германо-славянские взаимоотношения требуют дальнейшего изучения, однако исследования последних лет позволяют предположить, что в Западном Побужье существовала контактная зона на подобие фронтира, разделявшая территории проживания этих племен.
ABSTRAK Agama Islam tersebar di Asia Tenggara dan di Kepulauan Indonesia sejakabad XII dan XIII. Karena suatu kenyataan yang sudah pasti ialah, di SumateraUtara-di Acehyang sekarang ini-para penguasa di beberapa kota pelabuhanpenting sejak paruh kedua abad XIII sudah menganut Islam. Pada zaman inihegemoni politik di Jawa Timur masih ditangan raja-raja beragama Syiwa danBhuda di Kediri dan Singasari, di daerah pedalaman. Ibu kota Majapahit, yangpada abad XIV sangat penting itu, pada waktu itu belum berdiri. Sebaliknya, besarsekali kemungkinan bahwa pada abad XIII di Jawa sudah ada orang Islam yangmenetap. Sebab, jalan perdagangan di laut, yang menyusuri pantai timur Sumateramelalui laut Jawa ke Indonesia bagian timur sudah ditempuh sejak zaman dahulu.Para pelaut itu, baik yang beragama Islam maupun yang tidak, dalam perjalanansinggah di banyak tempat.
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