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ITlib.Informačné technológie a knižnice
Článok sa zameriava na problematiku evidencie obchodne nedostupných diel v správe Slovenskej národnej knižnice v zmysle novelizovaného Autorského zákona a európskej legislatívy. Výsledky medzinárodnej spolupráce zaraďujú Slovenskú republiku k lídrom v oblasti realizovaných štrukturálnych digitálnych projektov v rámci príspevku do portálu EUIPO. Metódy a skúsenosti Slovenskej národnej knižnice poskytujú neoceniteľné informácie pre budúcich používateľov a partnerov v oblasti aplikácie európskej smernice do Autorského zákona v jednotlivých štátoch Európskej únie.
Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 2016
Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2016, 4:1:127-135 Museology in Slovakia This paper examines the history of museology in Slovakia as a scientific discipline in general and a specialized university course of study in particular. We discuss the fundamental characteristics of the discipline, including the development of the current conception of museology as a university course and describe the fundamentals of the course as currently implemented in various institutes of tertiary education in Slovakia. In conclusion, we briefly survey the current state of the field in Slovakia, its potential and its possible future development.
Otroctvo nemožno považovať za novodobý fenomén, ale za koncept s neskutočne dlhou a zložitou históriou. Tento fenomén je dokonca starší než peniaze či právo. V dnešnej dobe sa problematika moderného otroctva stáva čoraz diskutovanejšou, a to nie len v odborných kruhoch. Tento citlivý problém (ne)dodržiavania ľudských práv začína postupne prenikať a dostávať sa aj do záujmu širšej verejnosti. Napriek tomu, že odborné termíny ako obchodovanie s ľuďmi, detská práca, nútené manželstvo sa začali používať len nedávno, otroctvo ako termín je možné datovať už do prehistorických časov. Kľúčové slová Otroctvo, otroci, obchodovanie s ľuďmi, novodobí otroci, trestná činnosť Abstact Slavery cannot be considered a modern phenomenon, but a concept with an incredibly long and complex history. This phenomenon is even older than money or law. Nowadays, the issue of modern slavery is becoming more and more discussed, and not only in professional circles. This sensitive problem of (non) respect for human rights is gradually beginning to penetrate and reach the interest of the general public. Although technical terms such as trafficking in human beings, child labor, and forced marriage have only recently been used, slavery as a term can be dated back to prehistoric times.
summary:Uvedieme históriu a prehľad výsledkov o ukladaní kociek do kvádra s minimálnym objemom a pridáme aj hlavné myšlienky niektorých dôkazov. V závere sa veľmi stručne zmienime o iných ukladacích problémoch
Slavica Slovaca, 2014
The activity of both saints, Constantine-Cyril and Gregory of Nazianzus, is characterized by several similarities (love for education, inclination towards spiritual life, longing for solitude) that may have been influenced by Constantine’s selection of Gregory as a special patron. The study is based on the hypothesis that not only Gregory’s panegyrics and his autobiographical poem De vita sua but also a wider spectrum of Nazianzen’s poetic works influenced Constantine. It shows some selected Gregory’s verses reflected in the life and works of St. Constantine.
The Russian Review, 1984
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Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2017
This study brings information about the structure, importance and development of the settlement in the locality Mužla-Čenkov from the 9th to the 10th century situated on the left bank of the Danube River. The finds fund helped to sort out the members of elite from the population, to determine their dwellings and to elucidate their relation to the construction built on the edge of their burial ground. It turned out that the fortification was built later, when the centre was threatened by external enemies. Only at that time the settlement with important economic potential changed into a Great Moravian fortified settlement.
Archaeologia historica, 2017
Nine settlement features were investigated at the Orechový sad location in the cadastral zone of Mužla-Čenkov (Nové Zámky district) in 1989. These included sunken features with a tongue-shaped entrance, four grain storage pits and three storage pits situated 3-8 m from one another on the bank of the Danube. The features make up a part of a settlement segment from the first half of the 17th century. Their chronological classification was contributed to by sparse fragments of ceramic vessels, shoe heel tips and fragments of cannonballs. The analysis of the collection elucidated the importance of the segment for the location, the reasons behind its origin and violent decline, as well as the occurrence of militaria in the farming environment.
Musaica archaeologica, 2020
A La Tène period logboat from Šamorín. In the article we present preliminary results of research of a logboat housed in the Žitný Ostrov Museum in Dunajská Streda. According to our research the boat comes from the 3 rd century or later part of the last third of 1 st millennium cal BCE. It is the earliest chronometrically dated vessel countrywide and the second specimen of Late Iron Age logboats known from Slovak and Czech Republics.
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The Art of Reception (ed. by Jacobus Bracker - Ann-Kathrin Hubrich). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Muhammad Hafizhurrahman, 2024
M+A Revista electronica de Medioambiente, 1899
Kidsmart - Early Learning Program, 2008
Educación e Identidad Nacional Argentina, 2024
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2023
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 2016
The Lancet Oncology, 2012
International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2012
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 2015
Book of Abstracts, 2021
Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences