The Journal
M. Murphy,’
of Neuroscience,
Blobs in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
G. Jones,2,a
C. Van
‘McMaster University, Neural Organization and Plasticity Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 4K1, Canada, 2McGill University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Montreal, PQ H3A 2A7, Canada, and
3University of California, School of Optometry, Berkeley, California 94720-2020
blobs are central to two of the most
ideas in contemporary
visual neurosciencecortical
and parallel
the regular 2D array of cytochrome-oxidase-rich
blobs in primate visual cortex is arguably
the most compelling evidence for cortical modularity
and has been hypothesized
to mark a separate processing
stream through
the visual cortex. Although
a variety of mammals have been studied, blobs have only been demonstrated in the visual cortex of primates,
which has led to the
that blobs represent
a primate-specific
of visual cortical
Here we demonstrate
of cytochrome-oxidase
blobs in a nonprimate
species. Throughout
the full tangential
extent of layers IIIll in cat visual cortex the cytochrome-oxidase
staining pattern is distinctly patchy, with the darkly stained blobs forming a regular 2D array. In addition,
the blobs in cat visual
cortex are functionally
related to the underlying
columns. The presence of cytochrome-oxidase
blobs in the cat clearly demonstrates
that they no longer
can be considered
a primate-specific
feature of visual cortical organization.
[Key words: cytochrome-oxiclase,
blobs, cat, visual cortex, modules,
ocular dominance]
Features of the mature visual cortex are distributed in a periodic
fashion across its tangential extent forming the familiar modular
structure of this cortical area (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962, 1974).
A relatively simple histochemical
staining technique for the mitochondrial
enzyme cytochrome
oxidase (CO) (Wong-Riley,
1979) produces a notably regular pattern of darkly stained
patches in the upper layers of primate visual cortex (Horton and
Hubel, 1981; Horton, 1984). The darker CO-stained patches are
called blobs, and the lighter intervening regions, interblobs (Livingstone and Hubel, 1984a). The 2D pattern of CO blobs has
become the most easily visualized neuroanatomical
correlate of,
and arguably the most compelling evidence for, cortical moduReceived
Aug. 17, 1994; revised
Oct. 21, 1994; accepted
Dec. 7, 1994.
This work was supported
grants (URF0124132,
to K.M.M.,
NIH grant (EY02193)
to R.C.V.S.,
Grant (EY03176).
is an NSERC
and an Alfred
P. Sloan Research
We are especially
Drs. Michael
P Stryker,
Steven W. Zucker,
and Jonathan
for their helpful discussion
of these data.
be addressed
to Dr. Kathryn
M. Murphy,
and Plasticity
of Psychology,
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton,
L8S 4K1, Canada.
of Computer
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton,
LSS 4K1, Canada.
0 1995 Society
for Neuroscience
larity in primate visual cortex. The distribution
of CO blobs has
provided a robust, albeit opportunistic,
anatomical marker with
which to correlate the distribution of physiological
properties in
the visual cortex, the array of local cortical circuits, and the
arrangement of corticocortical
connections. These studies have
allowed the formation of links between physiological
and the underlying anatomy of both the modular organization
the primary visual cortex and the streaming of visual information into parallel processing pathways (Zeki, 1975; Livingstone
and Hubel, 1983, 1984a; DeYoe and Van Essen, 1985, 1988;
Shipp and Zeki, 1985; Van Essen et al., 1992).
In the monkey, blobs lie at evenly spaced intervals along ocular dominance columns (Fitzpatrick and Diamond, 1980; Hendrickson et al., 1981; Horton, 1984) and are linked by a latticework of blob-specific
connections (Livingstone
Hubel, 1984b). Cells within blobs tend to be less binocular and
less selective for orientation, but more color selective, than cells
in interblob regions (Livingstone
and Hubel, 1984a), and projections from blob or interblob regions to higher cortical areas
exhibit a certain degree of segregation (Zeki, 1975; Livingstone
and Hubel, 1983, 1984a, 1987a,b). Hence, in addition to being
an impressive anatomical demonstration
of cortical modularity,
the CO blobs have proven to be a key feature for understanding
the parcelling and streaming of functions within the primate visual system.
Although previously a variety of mammals have been studied
(e.g., Wong-Riley,
1979; Horton, 1984; Price, 1985), blobs have
only been demonstrated in the visual cortex of primates, which
has led to the widely accepted notion that blobs represent a
feature of visual cortical organization.
The lack
of evidence for CO blobs in other mammals resulted in primates
becoming the animal model for studies of parallel processing
streams and frustrated attempts to formulate general models for
the functional organization
of modules in the mammalian visual
system. For example, the pattern of CO staining in the cat visual
cortex has been described as uniform within the supragranular
layers (e.g., Wong-Riley,
1979; Horton, 1984; Price, 1985),
thereby raising the possibility
of a significant interspecies difference, even at this relatively early stage in the visual pathway,
in the other higher mammal commonly
studied in visual neuroscience. Thus, although other features such as ocular dominance columns appear to arise from similar constraints in cats
and monkeys (Jones et al., 1991), the apparent lack of blobs in
the cat became an impediment
for integrating
gleaned from experiments using the cat model into an overall
of the significance of cortical modularity for visual perception.
In our previous studies of the anatomical organization
of oc-
ular dominancein the cat visual cortex, we came to appreciate
the insightsthat can be gained when the overall organization of
this pattern is examinedin large, tangential sectionscut from an
unfolded and flattened cerebral hemisphere(Anderson et al.,
1988; Murphy et al., 1989). For example, viewed in this way,
the ocular dominancepattern is easily recognized as a two-dimensionalnetwork of branching, beadedbandsthat are not oriented along any particular axis. In our experience, examination
of sectionscut tangential to the surface of the unfolded and
flattened cortex provides the most sensitive technique for resolving virtually any anatomicalpattern that is arrayed parallel
to the cortical laminae.This is especially true when the histological image of the anatomicalpattern is of low contrast. For
this reason,along with the possibility that blobs might be spatially related to the underlying pattern of ocular dominancecolumns in the cat, we were encouragedto reexaminethis issuein
tangentialsectionscut from unfolded and flattened visual cortex.
Here, we demonstratethat cytochrome-oxidase blobs are, indeed, a feature of primary visual cortex in nonprimatespecies.
Preliminary reports of this discovery have included someof
thesedata (Murphy et al., 1990, 1991a,b).
Materials and Methods
Animuls and surgical procedures. A total of 10 adult cats were used to
study the organization of CO blobs in the visual cortex. The cats were
placed into one of four experimental groups; no manipulations (n = 3),
unilateral eye injection with wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) (IZ = 3), unilateral retina lesion (n =
2), and unilateral retinal lesion plus WGA-HRP injection into the fellow
eye (n = 2). The complete pattern of cortical ocular dominance was
revealed following unilateral intraocular injections of the anterograde
transneuronal tracer WGA-HRP (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (5% in saline),
using previously described procedures (Anderson et al., 1988). To further examine the relationship of the CO blobs to cortical ocular dominance columns, a complete retinal lesion of one eye was performed.
Aseptic surgical techniques, gaseous anesthetic (0.5-5.0% halothane in
67% N,0/33% 0,), and postsurgical analgesics were used for the retinal
lesion procedure. A circumlimbial incision of the cornea was made,
exposing the iris and lens. Using light suction, the lens was extracted
through the pupil, taking care to not tear the iris or ciliary body. The
vitreous humor was aspirated, then the whole retina was swabbed free
from the eyecup. Saline-and-thrombin-soaked
Gelfoam was used to
pack the eyecup tightly and the circumlimbial incision was sutured
closed. A broad spectrum ophthalmic antibiotic was applied to the front
of the closed eyecup, then the lid margins were sutured together for
about 7 d to protect the ocular incision while it healed. Postlesion survival periods ranged from 7 to 90 d.
Histology. Animals were euthanized with a lethal injection of Nembutal (150 mg/kg, i.p.) then perfused transcardially with saline (1 -I .5 1
at 45°C) followed by 4 min of fixation with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1
M phosphate buffer (4°C). This perfusion protocol was optimized
the process of unfolding and flattening the cortex; glutaraldehyde fixes
the gray matter while leaving the white matter relatively unfixed. The
brain was removed from the cranium and the cerebral hemispheres were
resected for unfolding and flattening (Olavarria and Van Sluyters, 1985).
The block of brain containing the dLGNs was placed in 30% sucrose,
2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and refrigerated (4°C).
During the unfolding and flattening of the cortex the hemispheres were
kept wet with 2% glutaraldehyde while the white matter was carefully
excised. After removal of the white matter, the intrinsic curvature in the
sheet of gray matter was relieved by making a medial and a lateral cut,
thereby allowing the visual cortex to lie flat. It is important to note that
at this stage in the unfolding and flattening procedure the cortical tissue
was well fixed, and these cuts in the tissue were essential to prevent
tearing or possible distortion of the visual cortex during flattening. Once
flattened, the hemispheres were postfixed with 2% glutaraldehyde, 30%
sucrose in phosphate buffer (4°C) for up to 6 hr, then transferred to
30% sucrose in phosphate buffer (4°C) and stored overnight. The following day the unfolded and Battened cortices were cut tangential to
the pial surface (50 km) on a freezing microtome and the sections were
Journal of Neuroscience, June
collected in phosphate buffer. For those cases where both CO and labeled ocular dominance columns were studied, all the supragranular
sections to a depth of 550 p,rn were stained for CO, then alternate
sections were either stained for CO, or reacted with TMB to reveal the
labeled ocular dominance columns.
The sections for CO staining were mounted onto gelatin-coated glass
slides, allowed to air dry, and then reacted (5-7 hr incubation at 40”)
following the standard CO histochemical procedure used by Horton
(1984). All sections from a hemisphere were reacted together for the
same incubation period. The dLGNs were sectioned coronally on a
freezing microtome (50 km). mounted onto slides, and air dried, then
reacted for CO (2-4 hr incubation). Stained slides were dehydrated and
defatted, coverslipped with DPX (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI), and allowed to dry before photographing.
Sections reacted to reveal the labeled pattern of ocular dominance
columns were collected in phosphate buffer, washed in three changes
of buffer, then reacted with the chromogen tetramethylbenzidine (Sigma, St. Louis) using the Mesulum histochemical procedure as modified
by Gibson et al. (1984). This modification keeps the A and B parts
separate and continuously filters the B solution, thereby minimizing the
amount of precipitate and resulting in very high sensitivity for revealing
transneuronally transported WGA-HRF? Once any bluish precipitate was
washed out in the postreaction rinse, the sections were mounted onto
gelatin-coated glass slides and air dried. The sections were dehydrated
and defatted, then coverslipped using DPX.
Tangential analysis. The relationship between the CO blobs and ocular dominance columns was studied in two groups of animals: one in
which ocular dominance columns were visualized following an eye injection of WGA-HRP, and a second where one eye was injected with
WGA-HRP while retinal activity was silenced in the fellow eye by
lesioning the whole retina. In both of these groups, the tangential relationship of the blobs in layers IIll
was compared with that of the
ocular dominance pattern from layer IV. Using radial blood vessels to
manually align sections through layers II/III and IV, a region with distinct blobs was analyzed. These successive tangential sections through
layers II/III and IV were input to a computer system (SUN4) by imaging
with a color CCD camera (Sonv, XC-7 11) connected to a large-format
macrophotography system and frame-grabber board (Parallax Graphics,
XVideo/RGB). The low magnification (0.7-5.0X), good color resolution of the imaging system, and ability to store and view multiple
aligned raw images, were helpful in locating the CO blobs. First, blobs
were visualized and marked with a cross using the computer system to
view the aligned raw images from all supragranular CO-stained sections
in rapid succession, in a manner akin to focusing up and down through
the sections. Next the resulting pattern of crosses was overlaid onto
aligned serial images of the ocular dominance pattern representing the
full thickness of layer IV; the crosses were then color coded such that
crosses coincident with the labeled ocular dominance pattern were coded red, and crosses coincident with the unlabeled ocular dominance
regions were coded green. During the analysis, the positions of the blobs
were localized without any prior knowledge of the underlying ocular
dominance pattern, and this was done independently by two observers.
This analysis was performed on rectangular regions within area 17,
varying in size from 4.5 X 3 mm to 10 X 7 mm. The technique for
serially viewing all of the CO-stained sections on the computer aids in
the analysis of these data in two ways. First, the third dimension is
included, thereby eliminating the problem of missing blobs in a single
2D section because regions had dipped out of the plane of section.
Second, viewing successive aligned sections improves the signal-tonoise, since the spatial location of the blobs is consistent through many
images, while nonspecific variations in staining show no spatial correlation across sections. Thus, the apparent contrast of the blobs is improved. In addition, a second analysis was performed with aligned single sections, one section from layers II/III stained for CO with obvious
blobs, and the other section from layer IV reacted to reveal the pattern
of ocular dominance following an eye injection. Each image was thresholded at midluminance to produce binarized images; the binarized blob
and ocular dominance images were added to generate a color-coded
image of the relationship between blobs and ocular dominance.
When single tangential sectionsthrough the posterior neocortex
of the cat are stainedfor CO, the ovate, two-dimensionalshape
of areas17 and 18 standsout as a region that generally stains
et al. * CO Blobs in Cat Area 17
layers from the unfolded and flattened posterior
(4.2 X 3 cu., au P..L ..wk), througl. ,,,,,,,,.,,lar
1. A, A
neocortex of the cat, stained for cytochrome oxidase. The complete 2D extent of area 17 is visible in this section as the darker stained
The Journal of Neuroscience, June 1995, 75(6) 4199
2. The
normally reared LU UKIKO 1x1
more darkly than the surrounding
cortical areas. Closer inspection of the staining pattern reveals that within area 17 of the cat
cortex the staining pattern is nonuniform
in certain sections.
the full extent of area 17 the staining pattern in
sections passing through layers II-III is distinctly
blobs are, indeed, present in supragranular
(Fig. 1A). The nature of these patches of darker CO staining is
even more apparent at slightly higher magnification
(Fig. 1B).
The blobs were generally somewhat more distinct in the region
of area 17 in which the central part of the visual field is represented (see Fig. 1B) than in the region representing the periphery
of the visual field. This tangential variation in the qualitative
appearance of the blobs was a consistent feature of all hemispheres studied and resembles tangential variations present in
the cat ocular dominance pattern (Anderson et al., 1988; Murphy
et al., 1989). Further analyses are confined to the more central
visual field representation
(< 10”) within area 17 .where both the
blobs and ocular dominance patterns are most easily distinguished.
Blobs were observed in the primary visual cortex in both
hemispheres of all cats studied. Figure 2 shows the appearance
of the blobs observed in each of the six normal cats studied. It
is apparent from comparison of the pattern of CO staining shown
in the panels of Figure 2 that the shape, size, and spacing of the
blobs appears similar in all of the cats studied. In primate cortex,
CO staining is nonuniform
in a number of extra-striate cortical
areas, most notably V2, which has an arrangement of thick and
thin darkly stained stripes (Horton, 1984). In our initial examinations of cat area 18 we have not observed any consistent pat-
:ach of the six
terning of the staining in this area. This may reflect the fact that
unlike the primate, area 18 in the cat receives some direct input
from LGN Y-cells, or it may simply be that the incubation times
used to achieve optimal staining of area 17 are not appropriate
for staining area 18. It is apparent in the CO-stained tangential
sections through areas 17 and 18 (see Fig. 1A) that, as has been
reported using coronal sections (Price, 1985), there is no abrupt
change in CO staining at the area 17/18 border and that the
dramatic change in the density of staining occurs more lateral
at the area 18/l 9 border.
A patchy pattern of CO staining in layer IV of cat visual
cortex had been reported previously only following
of normal binocular
visual experience
and Carroll, 1984). If an abnormality
with one eye resulted in the patchy pattern of CO staining in
the cortex observed in the present study, then it also should have
resulted in reduced staining of the layers of the dorsal lateral
geniculate nucleus (dLGN) that receive their input from that eye
and Riley, 1983; Kageyama
and Wong-Riley,
1986). Examination
of dLGN sections reacted for CO revealed
that the staining was of comparable density in the right- and
left-eye layers of the normally reared cats (Fig. 3A). This is
contrasted with the staining pattern found following
retinal lesion where there was a reduction in the density of staining in the dLGN laminae subserving the lesioned eye (layer Al
in Fig. 3B).
Having established the presence of blobs in the cat visual
cortex, some of their anatomical characteristics were examined.
The radial extent of the blobs was assessed by using blood vessel
Within area 17, the cytochrome-oxidase
ovate region that extends across almost the full width of the photomicrograph (delineated by filled arrows).
staining is noticeably patchy, and these darker patches or blobs are apparent throughout virtually the entire extent of area 17 in this single
supragranular section. Some variation in the density of the background staining is apparent where there is a change in the laminar plane of section.
In this section, anterior is to the right and medial toward the top. The two cuts, one medial (open arrow) and the other lateral, were made to relieve
the intrinsic curvature of the cortex so that the tissue could lie flat. The scale bar represents 1 cm. B, A higher magnification view of the blobs
from the area centralis representation of the section shown above (open arrow indicates the “V-shaped” medial relieving cut). The blobs are darker
patches of cytochrome-oxidase staining that are distinct from the interblob zones. The qualitative nature of the blobs in cat visual cortex appears
similar to that observed in macaque monkey visual cortex. Scale bar, 2 mm.
et al.
CO Blobs
in Cat Area 17
Figure 3. A, The pattern of CO staining in the dLGN
density. B, CO-stained section from the dLGN ipsilateral
lamina that receives inout from the lesioned retina (Al
dorsal is to the top andmedial to the right. Scale bar, 1
of a normally reared cat. The A and Al laminae are darkly stained and of comparable
to an eye with a complete retinal lesion. The density of staining is notably lighter in the
laver) than the layer that receives input from the intact eye (A layer). In these sections,
m&. ’
landmarksto align serial tangential sectionsand following the
staining pattern for individual blobs through adjacent sections.
Typically, blobs are first faintly visible at a depth of about 250300 pm below the pial surface (Fig. 4A). The blobs become
progressively darker, reaching their maximum density at about
450-500 Frn below the surface (Fig. 4C). Beneath this depth,
the blobs rapidly mergetoward a uniformly densestainingpattern within layer IV, so that by about 550-600 pm below the
pial surface(Fig. 4E) they are no longer visible. Often the blob
pattern is only easily discernible where the contrast between
blob and interblob regions is the highest (i.e., about 450 p,rn
below the pial surface). This latter finding underscoresthe importance of carefully unfolding and flattening the visual cortex
in order to obtain tangential sectionswith large regionsthat pass
through the portion of layers II-III where blobs are most easily
discriminated.Compiling the radial changesobservedfrom several animalsreveals that blobs are largely confined to layers IIIII of cat visual cortex and that their total radial extent is approximately 250-300 pm.
We extended the radial analysis of the blobs in the cat to
include comparisonwith the location of the geniculocortical terminations,labeledfollowing an eye injection, in comparableseries of tangential sectionsfrom an earlier study (Anderson et al.,
1988). Since all sectionsin this and the earlier study were from
unfolded and flattened cortices cut tangentially at a thicknessof
50 pm, it was possibleto compareacrossanimalsand begin to
analyze the depth below the pial surface where either blobs or
geniculocortical inputs are located. AS describedabove, the radial location of the blobs is from a depth of about 250-500 p,rn
and geniculocortical afferents were seento occupy the region
extending from about 450 to 850 km below the pial surface
(Anderson et al., 1988). Clearly, most of the radial extent of the
blobs must be superficial to the geniculocortical afferents, and
the laminar positionswhere each of thesepatterns is most distinct are not coincident. However, at their deepestextent the
blobs may overlap the zone of geniculocorticalinput (LeVay and
Gilbert, 1976; Leventhal, 1979).
It shouldbe recognized that the presenceof CO blobs in the
monkey was a mere curiosity until they were linked with other
featuresof cortical organization. One of the first relationshipsto
be examinedin monkeyswas that betweenthe blobs and cortical
ocular dominancecolumns, where it was shown that blobs are
both spatially correlated with ocular dominance columns and
functionally eye specific (Fitzpatrick and Diamond, 1980; Hendrickson et al., 1981; Horton, 1984). In the present study, the
spatialrelationshipwasexaminedin an additional threenormally
reared adult cats in which the tangential patterns of both CO
blobs and ocular dominancecolumnsin area 17 were visualized
within the samehemisphere.An example of an analysis performed to examine whether there is a simplespatialrelationship
betweenthe position of the CO blobs and the ocular dominance
patternsis shown in Figure 5, where the tangential location of
blobs in all sectionsthrough layers II/III were marked (Fig. 5A;
seeMaterials and Methods for details) and aligned using radial
blood vessels with the underlying WGA-HRP labeled ocular
dominancepattern from layer IV. The locations of the blobs
were then color coded to reflect whether a blob was associated
with a labeled (red crosses)or an unlabeled(green crosses)ocular dominance column. In the color-coded map (Fig. 5B), it
appearsthat there is a relatively even mixture of blobs that are
associatedwith either the ipsilateral (labeled) eye’s ocular dominancecolumns(red crosses),or the presumedcontralateral(unlabeled)eye’scolumns(greencrosses).The presenceof both red
and green crossesin this analysisindicatesthat the blobs do not
simply reflect the pattern of one eye’s inputs. The spatial locations of thesered and greencrosses,however, are not positioned
above the centers
columns.Thus, an additional analysisof this spatialrelationship
was done to assessthe area1extent of blobs with respectto the
pattern of ocular dominance.From this analysis we could visualize whether blobs located near an ocular dominanceboundary are encompassed
by or straddleocular dominancedomains.
Regions from single supragranularsectionswith distinct blobs
(Fig. 6A, red blobs) and a layer IV section reactedto reveal the
pattern of inputs from one eye (Fig. 6B, green labeled ocular
dominance)were aligned, binarized, color coded, and then added together (Fig. 6C; see Materials and Methods for details).
Clearly, from this analysis (Fig. 6C) some blobs are situated
largely within the unlabeled (largely red blobs) regions of the
ocular dominancepattern, while others are encompassed
by the
The Journal
of Neuroscience,
June 1995,
labeled(yellow blobs) zones, and somestraddlethe labeledand
unlabeleddomains (red and yellow). The results of these two
analysesindicate that in the cat the spatialrelationshipbetween
blobs and ocular dominance does not follow the same simple
pattern observed in primates (see Discussion). However, the
finding in normal cats that someblobs do overlie either the labeled or unlabeledaspectsof the underlying ocular dominance
pattern leavesopenthe possibility that blobsmay befunctionally
eye specific.
At this point, the relationshipbetween ocular dominanceand
blobs had only been examined as a simple spatial correlation
from which it is tenuous to either draw or eliminate possible
functional relationships.Therefore, we challengedthe hypothesisthat blobs may be functionally eye specific by using one of
the techniquesemployed in previous primate studiesto address
this issue(e.g., Horton, 1984), that of silencingthe activity from
one eye. The notion of a functional relationship was tested by
examining the arrangementof blobs with ocular dominancecolumns in four cats that were monocularly enucleatedas adults
reduces CO staining in the layers of
(Fig. 7). This manipulation
the dLGN (Fig. 3B) and in the cortical ocular dominancecolumns correspondingto the enucleatedeye. If the blobs are not
eye specific, then one would expect their tangentialarrangement
to be unchangedby this manipulation, and the analysisof their
relationship to ocular dominancecolumns would still have red
and greencrosses.Conversely, if the blobs are eye specific then,
as has been demonstratedin the monkey (Horton, 1984), there
should be a significant reduction in staining of blobs overlying
the enucleatedeye’s ocular dominancecolumns,possibly to the
point where those blobs are no longer discernible,and the analysis would result in crossesof only one color. To ensurethat a
reduction in contrast of some blobs did not bias this analysis
against finding blobs over unlabeled
Figure 4. Rat changes m the pattern ot CO stammg through layers
II/III (A-C) and into upper layer IV (D-E). The sections were aligned,
using the radial blood vessels, to allow for comparison of the CO staining pattern in these layers. The pattern of CO staining (A) 250 pm, (B)
350 pm, and (C) 450 urn, below the pial surface is consistently patchy.
Using the radial blood vessels as landmarks to align sections, it is clear
that the dark patches of CO staining are in register radially and form a
columnar structure. The subsequent panels show (D) the pattern of CO
staining at the transition between layers II/III and layer IV (500 pm
of the ocular dom-
inance pattern, care was taken to mark every region of denser
CO staining that may possibly representa blob. A color-coded
map (Fig. 7B) of the relationship between the 2D arrangement
of CO blobs and ocular dominancecolumns followmg monocular enucleation showsthat blobs now are almost exclusively
associatedwith the remaining eye’s ocular dominance columns-there are only red crossesin this analysis.Further analysis of the relationship between blobs and ocular dominance
following enucleation reveals that blobs are virtually encompassed(yellow regions)by the underlying ocular dominancepattern (Fig. S), suchthat very little red remainswhen the binarized
blobs and ocular dominancepatterns are added. This contrasts
with the arrangementfound in nonlesionedcats, where many
blobs overlie the unlabeledregionsof the ocular dominancepattern (seeFigs. 5B, 6C). Following a completeretinal lesion,we
could find no blobsthat appearto be above the unlabeledregions
of the ocular dominancepattern, the presumedmonocular aspects of the lesionedeye’s ocular dominancecolumns.The results of these two analyses(Figs. 7B and SC) solidifies the argument for a functional relationship between blobs and ocular
dominancein the cat. Furthermore, the remaining CO blobs in
layer II/III were patchy (seeFigs. 7A, 8A) and so it was not the
casethat the pattern of CO staining in the supragranularlayers
merely reflected the complete pattern of geniculocortical affer-
below the oial surface), and (E) laver IV (5.50 nm below the oial surface) where the CO staining pattern becomes dark and relati;ely uniform. Scale bar, 1 mm.
et al. * CO Blobs
in Cat Area 17
Figure 5 (left). Using radial blood vessels to align a series of CO-stained sections with those reacted to reveal the pattern of ocular dominance
columns, a region with distinct blobs was overlaid onto the underlying ocular dominance pattern. A, In this 10 by 7 mm portion of a tangential
section from layers II-III (450 brn below the pial surface) CXLKKY mark the location of blobs. The blobs were located by comparison with the
adjacent cytochrome-oxidase stained sections and in this example the range of center-to-center spacing is approximately 350-1000 km. B, This
image shows the relationship that is revealed by overlaying the crosses onto the underlying ocular dominance pattern revealed following intraocular
injection of the transneuronal tracer WGA-HRP. In this dark-field view of a section from a depth of 750 km (i.e., 300 pm below that in B), the
light bands represent the arrangement of the geniculocortical inputs from the injected ipsilateral eye. Where the blobs are coincident with the labeled
ocular dominance columns, the crosses are color coded reel, and where they are coincident with the unlabeled ocular dominance regions the crosses
are coded green. Similar results were obtained when the hemisphere contralateral to an injected eye was examined. Scale bar, 2 mm.
6 (vight).
in yellow,
Visualization of the relationship between aligned regions of (A) CO blobs (red) in single sections through layers II/III, and (B)
(green) in layer IV revealed following an eye injection with WGA-HRP in a normally reared cat. Images of the CO staining and
were thresholded at midluminance then added to generate a color-coded image. C, CO blobs over the labeled eye’s inputs are
blobs over the unlabeled regions are shown in red. Scale bar, 1 mm.
ents subserving the surviving eye (see Figs. 7B, 8B). Thus, the
functional relationship between blobs and ocular dominance columns in the cat seems similar to that found in the monkey; in
both species, blobs exhibit eye specificity.
Parenthetically, no previous study in the cat had demonstrated
that the pattern of CO staining observed in layer IV following
disruption of retinal activity reflects the remaining eye’s ocular
dominance columns. In this study, the combination
of a retinal
lesion, CO staining, and an eye injection of a transneuronal tracer to visualize the pattern of ocular dominance in layer IV, answered this question. Images of adjacent sections from layer IV,
either stained for CO or reacted to reveal the pattern of the
surviving eye’s inputs, were added together to determine the
between these patterns. A negative contrast image
of CO staining (dense CO staining 1s white) was added with the
dark-field image of the ocular dominance pattern. With this analysis, it is straight forward to visualize whether the labeled ocular
dominance and dense CO-staining
patterns are in register or
In the situation where these two patterns are in
register, the resulting image would appear very similar to each
of the component images. On the other hand, if the ocular dominance and CO images are complementary,
then the resulting
image would be uniformly white. The visual cortices examined
in this experiment showed good agreement in layer IV between
the pattern of CO staining (Fig. 9A) and the pattern of ocular
dominance columns labeled following injection of the surviving
eye (Fig. 9B). Since the anatomical features present in CO staining (Fig. 9A) and labeled ocular dominance (Fig. 9B) persist in
The Journal
of Neuroscience,
June 1995,
Figure 7 (left). The relationship between CO blobs and the underlying ocular dominance pattern is shown following 2 weeks survival after
monocular enucleation. A, Cytochrome-oxidase blobs are apparent in this 7 by 5 mm portion of a tangential section through layers II-III. B, By
comparison with adjacent CO-stained sections, the blobs in A are marked with crosses. The arrows indicate some of the radial blood vessels used
for alignment. B, A color-coded map of the relationship of blobs to the underlying ocular dominance columns revealed following an eye injection
of WGA-HRP, prepared according to the methods described in Figure 5. The light bands represent the geniculocortical inputs from the remaining
eye. As indicated by the red crosses, after monocular enucleation, all of the blobs in layers II-III overlie the remaining eye’s ocular dominance
columns. Scale bar, 2 mm.
Figure 8 (right). Following complete monocular retinal lesion, the arrangements of (A) CO blobs (red) and (B) labeled ocular dommance pattern
(green) of the surviving eye were compared. Images were prepared following the method described in Figure 6. C, In the color-coded map, CO
blobs over the surviving eye’s inputs are shown in yellow while the small amount of CO staining over the unlabeled regions is shown in red. Scale
bar, I mm.
the summed image (Fig. 9C), this confirms that the dense CO
staining in layer IV after a total retinal lesion is in register with
the regions subserved by the remaining eye’s geniculocortical
inputs (Fig. 9C).
In this study we report patchy, nonuniform
CO staining in the
upper layers of cat visual cortex. This patchy pattern of dark
CO staining is within the supragranular
layers and bears a qualitative similarity to demonstrations
of CO blobs in macaque visual cortex. In addition, the dark patches of CO staining in cat
visual cortex appear to be functionally
related to the modular
organization of this area. Thus, based on similarities in both their
appearance and their relationship
to other features of the visual
cortex, it seems prudent to apply the accepted nomenclature
from the primate to describe the patterns of CO staining observed in these two species. Hence, we have referred to the dark
patches of CO staining in cat visual cortex as blobs. This discovery lags by more than a decade the initial reports of CO
blobs in primate Vl (Horton and Hubel, 198l), and subsequent
attempts by numerous other groups (e.g., Wong-Riley,
Horton, 1984; Price, 1985) to demonstrate the presence of CO
blobs in nonprimate species.
At first glance, the present demonstration
of CO blobs in the
visual cortex of a nonprimate species may seem somewhat surprising, since until now it had been widely accepted that CO
blobs represent a primate-specific
feature of the visual cortex.
However, using the standard CO histochemistry
from Horton
(1984) on sections from the unfolded and flattened visual cortex,
blobs have proven to be a robust feature of layers II/III in adult
cat visual cortex. The major technical difference in the present
approach is that CO staining was examined throughout the complete tangential extent of area 17, in sections from unfolded and
flattened cat cortex, whereas previous attempts had examined
et al.
CO Blobs in Cat Area 17
Figure 9. The relationship between CO staining and labeled ocular
dominance patterns in adjacent sections from layer IV following monocular retinal lesion. A, A negative image of CO staining in layer IV
after lesioning one eye’s retina (white represents dense CO staining). B,
Dark-field image of the ocular dominance pattern following injection
of WGA-HRP into the surviving eye (white represents labeled inputs).
C, The aligned images from A and B were added together to demonstrate that there is good correspondence between the regions of dense
CO staining in layer IV after monocular retinal lesion and the surviving
eye’s inputs. The features of the pattern in C resemble the anatomical
features present in both A and B.
radially cut sections.The finding that blobs are readily apparent
in sectionscut tangential to the pial surface in the cat affirms
that this approachis more sensitive for revealing virtually any
anatomicalpattern arrayed parallel to the cortical laminae, especially if the pattern is of low contrast.
To our knowledge, no other histochemical staining method
has revealed such a widespread,regular, patchy pattern that is
an intrinsic feature of the supragranularlayers in visual cortex
of normally.reared adult cats. Although, a recent report hasdescribed a patchy distribution of a molecularly distinct classof
pyramidal neuronsin layers II/III of adult cat visual cortex (Mareschalet al., 1994), and others have noted during development
transiently patchy distributions of various markers,somein layers II/III, in the kitten visual cortex (Schoenet al., 1990; Dyck
et al., 1993; Dyck and Cynader, 1993a), as well as patchy expressionof the proto-oncogeneC--OS(Beaver et al., 1992). Following our initial reports of CO blobs in adult cats (Murphy et
al., 1990, 1991a,b),Dyck and Cynader (1993b) have observed
patchy CO staining in the visual cortex of the kitten. Surprisingly, they have reported that at postnatalday 50 CO staining
is patchy in layer IV, in contrast to the presentfindings in adult
cats, and previous data from primates (e.g., Horton, 1984),
which show that CO staining is relatively uniform in layer IV
and most patchy supragranularly.
Prior to the present study, nonuniform CO staining in adult
cat visual cortex had beendemonstratedin layer IV only following disruption of binocular vision (Wong-Riley, 1979; WongRiley and Carroll, 1984). There are several lines of reasoningto
indicate that the variegated pattern of CO staining we find in
layers II-III is not an inadvertent demonstrationof the underlying ocular dominancepattern. First, all six cats studied were
reared with normal binocular visual experience, and yet each
clearly demonstratedblobs in both visual cortices. Furthermore,
blobs were presentin sectionsthrough layers II-III, whereasthe
stainingpattern within layer IV was uniform (Fig. 4). Finally, if
an abnormality associatedwith one eye had disruptedthe pattern
of cytochrome-oxidasestaining in the cortex, then it also should
have resulted in reduced staining of the layers of the dorsal
lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) that receive their input from
that eye (Wong-Riley and Riley, 1983; Kageyama and WongRiley, 1986). Examination of dLGN sectionsreacted for cytochrome oxidase revealed that the staining was of comparable
density in the right- and left-eye layers of the normally reared
cats (Fig. 3A), as comparedwith the CO staining of the dLGN
layers following a monocular retinal lesion (Fig. 3B). All of
these points indicate that there was no hidden abnormality in
the primary visual pathway of thesecats that could have caused
a patchy pattern of cytochrome-oxidasestaining in layers II-III.
Evidently, CO blobs are a normal feature of cat visual cortex.
In the monkey, although the blobs are superficial to the zone
of densestgeniculocortical input, the blobs do receive somedirect thalamic input from the intercalated layers of the dLGN
(Livingstone and Hubel, 1982; Fitzpatrick et al., 1983; Horton,
1984; Wong-Riley and Carroll, 1984; Lachica and Casagrande,
1992). In the primate visual cortex there is a correlation between
the arrangementof geniculocortical inputs and denseCO staining: it is precisely thoseregionsthat receive direct thalamicinput
(the blobs, layers IVA, IVC, and VI) where CO stainingis most
dense.The radial relationship between geniculocortical inputs
and the pattern of CO staining in cat visual cortex appearssimilar to that describedfor the primate and is consistentwith the
possibility that blobs may receive some direct thalamic input.
Geniculocortical input to the lower tier of layers II-III in the cat
is from the C laminae of the dLGN and injection of an anterogradetracer into the C laminae,suchthat eacheye’s laminaeare
labeled, results in patchy labeling in the visual cortex with an
interpatch spacingof approximately 500 pm (LeVay and Gilbert,
1976; Leventhal, 1979). Thus, the radial and tangential pattern
of CO staining in cat visual cortex is consistentwith the notion
that denseCO staining may be related to direct input from the
dLGN. In addition, the CO blobl in cat visual cortex are most
distinct in the region representingthe areacentralis, wherephysiological investigations have found the highest proportion of
monocularly driven cells (Albus, 1975), and anatomicalstudies
have demonstratedthe most distinct pattern of ocular dominance
columns(Anderson et al., 1988).
Methodological considerations
Since the introduction of techniquesfor flattening the cortical
mantleto examinepatternsarrayed tangentialto the cortical laminae (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970; Welker and Woolsey,
1974), the use of this type of preparation has grown steadily.
When applied to the study of gyrencephalic brains, however,
The Journal
there is the potential that less than optimal unfolding and flattening strategies may introduce physical distortions or possibly
even artifactual histological results. The procedure used in this
study for unfolding and flattening the visual cortex, developed
by Olavarria and Van Sluyters (1985); produces a well-fixed
sheet of cortical gray matter that maintains its cellular integrity
(see Fig. 5 in Olavarria and Van Sluyters, 1985) and is resilient
to the flattening process. As Olavarria and Van Sluyters indicated, once the white matter is removed and the sulci are opened,
the shape of area 17 is similar to the hull of a ship, and this
significant intrinsic curvature must be relieved prior to flattening
to prevent distortions of area 17. Following the lessons learned
by cartographers, who sought to render a distortion-free flat map
by introducing a series of discontinuities that relieved the intrinsic curvature of the globe, the visual cortex is flattened by introducing a medial and a lateral cut in the tissue (see Fig. 1B in
Olavarria and Van Sluyters, 1985). Although this procedure does
result in a discontinuity within area 17, without cuts sufficient
to relieve the intrinsic curvature, the process of flattening will
result in one of two undesired outcomes. In the case where the
visual cortex is adequately fixed, during flattening it will tear at
the point of maximum curvature (evidence of this can been seen
in Fig. 1A). If the cortex is unfixed, or only very lightly fixed,
so that it remains extremely pliable, then insteadof tearing, it
may relieve its intrinsic curvature by undergoing differential
stretching, compression,and shearing,which must result in distortion of the tissue.Since the cortical mantle is a three-dimensional slab of tissue,this distortion could be very complex. The
potential for nonoptimal flattening to distort the tissue has obvious implications for quantitative analysesof tangentially arrayed patterns. Another seriousconcern is the possibility that
forcing a piece of unfixed or lightly fixed tissueto lie flat may
disrupt its laminar and/or cellular integrity, thereby adversely
affecting subsequenthistological analyses.Given these obvious
risks, we chose a procedure where the cortical gray matter is
firm and cuts are made in the cortical tissueto relieve the intrinsic curvature of this region, rather than a “flat-mount” technique on lightly or unfixed tissue that does not introduce cuts
into area 17.
In light of the above discussion,a potential, albeit unlikely,
concern is that this demonstrationof blobs in cat visual cortex
could somehowbe an artifact of the unfolding and flattening
procedure. This seemshighly improbable for a number of reasons.First, blobs were found only in the supragranularlayers in
area 17-the sameareaand layers where they are found in primates.In addition, the laminar location and 2D pattern of blobs
was similar for all casesexamined (see Fig. 2). Finally, when
we have examinedthe pattern of CO staining in macaquevisual
cortex using the sameperfusion, unfolding, flattening, and COstaining techniquesdescribedin this study (K. Murphy, unpublished observations),the blob pattern, the thick and thin stripes,
and the laminar variations in CO staining are the sameas those
previously reported (e.g., Horton, 1984). Thus, the logical conclusion from this evidence is that CO blobs are a robust feature
of the cat visual cortex.
blobs and ocular
The significanceof CO blobs in primatesfor understandingthe
organization of the visual cortex follows from their functional
relationshipwith other anatomicaland physiological featuresof
Vl. To begin to addressthis issuein the cat visual cortex, we
examinedthe relationshipof CO blobs to ocular dominancecol-
of Neuroscience,
June 1995,
7~76) 4205
umnsand found evidencethat blobs are functionally related with
the underlying ocular dominancecolumns.Initial analysisof the
position of blobs with respectto the ocular dominancecolumns
revealed that there are blobs over each eye’s columns; thus,
blobs do not simply reflect one eye’s columns. In addition, the
location of some blobs in cat visual cortex is not above the
center of a labeled ocular dominancedomain, which raisesthe
possibility that they may not be functionally eye specific. This
arrangementcontrastswith that in monkey visual cortex, where
individual blobs are centeredupon and confined entirely within
the boundariesof an underlying ocular dominancecolumn (Fitzpatrick and Diamond, 1980; Hendrickson et al., 1981; Horton,
1984). At first glance, these spatial differences might give the
impressionthat, unlike in the macaque,in the cat the distribution
of blobs is functionally unrelatedto ocular dominancecolumns.
However, there are at least two points to considerin interpreting
the presentanalysisof the organization of blobs in the cat. First,
the apparentdiameter of the blobs in cat visual cortex in comparison to the width of the labeled ocular dominancecolumns
is greater than that relationship in monkeys. Thus, it would not
be uncommon for the edgesof a blob to overlap the adjacent
ocular dominancedomains,even if the blob was centeredupon
an unlabeledregion. Second,in macaquevisual cortex, the geniculostriate afferents are strictly segregated,with virtually no
overlap of the inputs from the two eyes (Hubel and Wiesel,
1977; Blasdel and Fitzpatrick, 1984; LeVay et al., 1985). In the
cat, on the other hand, there is significant overlap of the inputs
from the two eyes within layer IV (Shatz and Stryker, 1978),
resulting in much lessareathat is strictly monocularthan is the
case in the macaque.The regions labeled in cat visual cortex
following an eye injection indicate both the zones where only
the injected eye hasinputs, as well asthe regionswhere it overlaps with the fellow eye. Only the unlabeled regions reflect the
truly monocularaspectsof ocular dominancecolumnsin the cat.
Consequently,a simple analysisof the position of blobs above
the ocular dominance pattern may fail to reveal if there is a
functional link betweenthesetwo features.To examine the functional relationship between blobs and ocular dominancein the
cat, in the samemanneras hasbeen done for the monkey, it is
necessaryto identify and manipulatethe strictly monocular aspects of the ocular dominancecolumns, then to comparethose
monocularity mapswith the array of blobs. To the extent that
suchan approachreveals a relationshipbetween blobs and monocular regionsof the ocular dominancepattern, it provides support for the notion that the functional organization of the blobs
is similar in cats and monkeys.
The question of a functional relationship between blobs and
ocular dominancewas addressedin the presentstudy by silencing the activity of one eye, the manipulationusedpreviously to
make this functional link in monkeys. The resultsof the present
experimentsindicate that CO blobs in cat visual cortex are related to specific aspectsof the ocular dominancecolumns.First,
in normally reared cats there are someblobs over the truly monocular regions of layer IV-those areasnot labeledby an eye
injection. Second, when the inputs from one eye are silenced,
there is a complete lossof blobs over the regions aligned with
the monoculardomainsof the enucleatedeye. Thus, the presence
of CO blobs in layers II/III of adult cat visual cortex is contingent upon the presenceof active geniculocortical inputs (from
either the A, Al, or C laminae), the sameinputs that form the
anatomical basis of ocular dominance columns. However, the
pattern of CO staining in layers II/III doesnot simply reflect the
et al. * CO Blobs
in Cat Area 17
pattern of active geniculocortical inputs within layer IV, since
the regions of dark CO staining in the supragranular layers remain patchy and do not become as extensive as the underlying
inputs from the surviving eye.
Cortical modularity
The demonstration of blobs in the visual cortex of the cat
strengthens the evidence for a modular organization within this
area. It also raises the intriguing possibility that streams of visual
processing, similar to those reported for the primate visual system (Zeki, 1975; Livingstone and Hubel, 1983, 1984a; Shipp
and Zeki, 1985; DeYoe and Van Essen, 1985, 1988; Van Essen
et al., 1992), may have parallels in the visual systems of these
other mammals (Shipp and Grant, 1991; Boyd and Matsubara,
1992). In addition, it is possible that by employing the approach
of the present study, blobs may be revealed in the visual cortex
of other mammals. Clearly, CO blobs can no longer be referred
to as a “primate-Lspecijic” feature of the visual system, and their
role as a more general characteristic of mammalian cortical organization must now be considered. The compelling qualitative
similarities in the appearance of blobs in cat and macaque visual
cortex underscore the idea that the functional organization of
this area in these two species may have more in common than
was previously proposed.
Exactly what the functional significance of the blobs in cat
visual cortex is, and how closely the responses of cells within
these blobs will match those reported for blob-cells in primate
cortex are currently unexplored questions. Blob-cells in primate
visual cortex have been reported to exhibit certain characteristic
physiological selectivities for color, orientation, and spatial frequency, in addition to their relationship with ocular dominance.
The next stage in understanding the significance of blobs in
these other mammals will involve exploring the physiological
characteristics of blob and interblob cells. It is known that cats
have relatively poorly developed color vision (e.g., Weinrich and
Zrenner, 1983); consequently, it seems likely that blob cells in
cat visual cortex may be similar to those in nocturnal primates
(DeBruyn et al., 1993) and not exhibit color selectivity similar
to that observed in diurnal primate species. On the other hand,
physiological and anatomical information about the organization
of the orientation map makes it a possible candidate. Orientation
selectivity is well developed and its tangential arrangement is
known to be periodic (Schoppman and Stryker, 1981; Singer,
1981; Bonhoeffer and Grinvald, 1991, 1993). Furthermore, the
patchy intracortical connections in the supragranular layers of
cat cortex (Gilbert and Wiesel, 1979, 1983; Callaway and Katz,
1990; Katz and Callaway, 1992) are known to link like orientations (Gilbert and Wiesel, 1989; T’so et al., 1986). The blobs
are interconnected in primate visual cortex (Livingstone and Hubel, 1984b), raising the possibility that the horizontal connections in cat visual cortex also may represent a blob-specific network that links regions with similar orientation selectivity.
In addition to studying the tangential pattern of CO staining
in cat visual cortex, we, as well as others, have made preliminary
investigations of a second species, the ferret (Cresho et al., 1992;
Murphy and Stryker, unpublished observations).
through surpagranular layers of unfolded and flattened ferret visual cortex revealed patches of dark CO staining regularly
spaced within area 17. These patches may relate to features of
the ferret visual cortex that are arrayed in a periodic fashion
(Redies et al., 1990). The dark patches of CO staining in the
ferret were qualitatively similar to those observed in cat visual
cortex, although the contrast between blob and interblob regions
appeared somewhat less in the ferret. Relative to the tangential
area of visual cortex the blobs appear large, so that in comparison with the number of blobs in cat or macaque, there are fewer
blobs in ferret visual cortex. This extends the observation made
previously by Horton (1984) for primates. The size and number
of blobs appears to vary considerably across species.
Recent controversy over the degree of segregation of physiological properties into blob and interblob zones in primate cortex (see Merigan and Maunsell, 1993) has raised concerns that
the importance of the blobs may not be as great as originally
proposed. However, a recent hypothesis about the functional significance of CO blobs that focuses upon the style of computations possible with metabolically more active neurons provides
a different perspective, and a possible species-independent function for blob-cells that goes beyond limits set by visual niche
differences (Allman and Zucker, 1990). After all, the patchy CO
staining observed in supragranular layers of the mammalian visual cortex is an indication that the metabolic activity across its
tangential extent is not uniform. How metabolic activity becomes organized in this periodic fashion has remained a largely
unstudied question. One thing that is clear is that the development of CO blobs in primate visual cortex is not strictly dependent upon retinal activity, since blobs are present even after removal of both retinae very early in gestation (Kuljis and Rakic,
1990). Furthermore, blobs are present even when the generation
of layer IV neurons is disrupted resulting in a failure of geniculocortical afferents to segregate into ocular dominance columns (Kind et al., 1993). Perhaps it is wise to begin to view the
significance of the blobs for understanding the organization of
the visual cortex, and ultimately vision, in a manner that is consistent with these results-the
patchy organization of CO blobs
appears to reflect an intrinsic periodicity of the mammalian visual cortex that is independent of certain developmental processes that rely upon retinally based activity (Jones et al., 1991).
Our demonstration of CO blobs in cat visual cortex indicates
that they are a more ubiquitous feature of mammalian cortical
organization than was previously believed and provides a new
model system for comparative investigations of their significance for visual cortical organization. At this stage, the regular,
patchy nature of CO blobs in the visual cortex of the cat reaffirms the general notion of modularity within the mammalian
visual cortex and underscores the importance of species-independent models of functional organization within the visual system .
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