Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
The Role of Translanguaging in Computational Literacies
Documenting Middle School Bilinguals’ Practices in Computer Science Integrated Units
Sara Vogel
Christopher Hoadley
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
New York, NY
New York University
Brooklyn, NY
Laura Ascenzi-Moreno
Kate Menken
Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Brooklyn, NY
Queens College, City University of New York
Queens, NY
subjects. Translanguaging, a recent theory from the fields of applied linguistics and bilingual education, posits that people fluidly
call into action their full meaning-making repertoires, including
their linguistic resources (e.g. knowledge of Spanish and/or English vocabulary), semiotic resources (e.g. drawing, intonation) and
social practices (e.g. conventions for greeting, joking, etc.) [13].
Translanguaging argues that the way people ś especially bilingual
and multilingual people ś assemble language features often defies
categorization into traditional named languages (like łSpanishž or
łFrenchž) [29]: in a single interaction, people may use words from
multiple languages, gestures, and even emoji and other resources
from the environment and technology to make meaning.
Translanguaging is a relevant theory to apply in K-12 CS learning environments. In such classrooms, students are not just expected to write compilable code, they are expected to collaborate
to produce meaningful projects for particular users, to deepen their
understanding of concepts in a particular subject area, and to think
critically about the impacts of technology [2]. In these activities,
language takes on a central role. Students communicate to a range
of audiences using dynamic configurations of spoken and written
human and programming languages, through modalities such as
comments in code, paper prototypes, UML diagrams, and a host of
other resources: in other words, they translanguage. In introducing
translanguaging to the CS education field, we do not equate programming languages with named languages like French or Chinese
(as some states have controversially done by enabling students to
fulfill foreign language graduation credits with CS courses [4]), but
rather recognize the ways computer science is taught and learned
with and through language.
As CS for All initiatives are implemented in more schools serving multilingual students, it’s imperative to consider the role that
students’ language resources might play in learning. There is, however, an absence of research documenting translanguaging in CS
education. How do students, especially emergent bilinguals (students with diverse linguistic backgrounds who may be learning
English in school), draw upon their diverse language repertoires?
How might teachers support students to translanguage in ways that
promote engagement with CS concepts and practices? How can
classroom communities work across language differences so all can
learn? Past studies demonstrated how łtalk, specifically, when used
consciously and productively in an introductory CS curriculum
for young learners can shape the process of development of CT
[computational thinking]ž [16]. We build on this by considering
how students make meaning in CS ed using language beyond łtalk,ž
Bilingual education has described a process called translanguaging
by which students use linguistic resources across and beyond multiple named languages to learn. Here, we examine how bilingual
learners translanguage while learning computer science. These
middle schoolers participated in a curricular intervention which
infused computational thinking into their Spanish-English bilingual
language arts class. Through a descriptive qualitative methodology, we document classroom moments supporting four claims: 1)
students’ translanguaging blurs linguistic, disciplinary, and modal
boundaries, 2) computational literacies are intertwined with students’ other literacies , 3) students’ attitudes about language and
the contexts around them play a role in their translanguaging, and
4) students translanguage to engage in specific CT practices.
· Social and professional topics → Computational thinking;
K-12 education; Cultural characteristics;
Computer Science for All, Middle School, Bilinguals, Translanguaging, Computational Literacies, English Language Learners
ACM Reference Format:
Sara Vogel, Christopher Hoadley, Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, and Kate Menken.
2019. The Role of Translanguaging in Computational Literacies : Documenting Middle School Bilinguals’ Practices in Computer Science Integrated
Units. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education (SIGCSE ’19), February 27-March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN,
USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
Humans use language as a primary way to communicate and to
learn. This is as true in computer science as it is in other school
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5890-3/19/02. . . $15.00
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
and how their language use is shaped by their diverse profiles and
experiences. Translanguaging has been mentioned in CS education
studies of Indian tertiary schooling contexts, mostly to describe
how teachers used both English and Hindi [30] or Tamil [32] to
teach programming to students who have been schooled through
a vernacular language. Those studies, however, do not provide
researchers and practitioners with an understanding of the characteristics of students’śespecially young bilingual students’ślanguage
practices while they engage in CS, and the relationship of students’
translanguaging to computational thinking concepts or practices.
In this paper, we report preliminary findings from a study we
conducted using a descriptive qualitative research methodology at
a bilingual Spanish-English middle school program where teachers
infused computational thinking into other subjects. Specifically, we
document a series of classroom moments which help support four
main claims: 1) students’ translanguaging practices in CS learning
contexts blur linguistic, disciplinary, and modal boundaries; 2) computational literacies are intertwined with the many other literacies
students bring with them; 3) students’ language attitudes and activity contexts around them play a role in their translanguaging; 4)
students translanguage in order to engage in specific CT practices
(like remixing and abstraction). Finally, we discuss how evidence of
translanguaging among bilingual learners has implications not only
for how bilingual students might learn computer science but for
understanding monolingual learners’ use of language during CS activities, and how teachers might support students to translanguage
purposefully while they learn CS.
and concepts in at least one meaningful, 10-25 hour instructional
unit per grade band (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) to all 1.1 million students in
NYC. While there are tools such as the NYC DOE Computer Science
Education Blueprint [27] to guide this implementation, there are few
resources for teachers of emergent bilinguals. In NYC, 41% percent
of students speak languages other than English at home [28], and
12.5% were categorized as English Language Learners in the 201516 school year [9]. Simply translating curricula and software into
multiple languages is insufficient to deal with our city’s variability
in learners’ linguistic backgrounds which includes 155 languages
other than English [9]. Students use a variety of language practices,
and vary in terms of country of birth, educational history, race, and
language, among other factors [10]. Because of this diversity within
the population and because this diversity is not static, schools
implementing NYC’s CS4All policy must come to understand their
students’ languaging practices, and devise responsive and flexible
approaches to CS curriculum design and implementation.
To address these challenges, the PiLaCS RPP brought together
New York City-based university researchers with teachers at three
public schools in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. Multilingualism is woven into the fabric of that community.
Forty-eight percent of area residents are foreign-born, with twothirds of them from the Dominican Republic. The neighborhood
is within the NYC DOE’s District 6, which had the highest share
of students classified as ELLs in the City (nearly 29 percent) [1].
This study focuses in on one of the schools that participated in
the RPP in the 2017-18 school year: a public 6th-8th grade middle
school where 51% of the student population was categorized with
the ELL designation that year. At this school, parents and caregivers of Spanish-speaking emergent bilingual students can opt
their children into a bilingual program, where the school policy
is to alternate the language of instruction between Spanish and
English by day. This paper will focus on data from two sixth and
seventh grade dual-language arts classes where teachers and students tend to use language flexibly despite the official language
allocation policy. (Other schools in the project integrated CS into
other subjects such as Science.)
2.1 Bilingual Students and CS Education
The context for this study is a research practice partnership (RPP)
called Participating in Literacies and Computer Science (PiLaCS),
which grapples with a core problem of practice facing schools and
districts implementing CS for All policies: how to meaningfully
include emergent bilingual students. The linguistic diversity of
the country’s school-aged student population is the highest it has
ever been [19]. The close to 10 percent of the US public school
students that are classified as łEnglish Language Learnersž [5]
often face many challenges as they navigate the school system:
nearly 60 percent of ELLs in every state live in families whose
income falls below 185 percent of the federal poverty line [15], they
often attend schools of variable quality [8] where administrators
and teachers have limited knowledge about language learning and
bilingualism [26], they are unfairly evaluated by assessment policies
that measure them against monolingual English standards [24],
and often experience subtractive models of education that do not
build on their language or cultural backgrounds [25]. For these
and other factors, emergent bilinguals graduated at below-average
rates (66 percent to 84 percent nationally in the 2015-16 school
year) [3]. There is no data available on the rates of these students’
participation in CS education.
2.3 Our Curriculum Design Lenses and Process
Teachers and researchers in the RPP co-designed CS-integrated
units of study, taking into consideration students’ language backgrounds, language objectives they were expected to meet in English
and Spanish, content objectives in Language Arts, and computational thinking (CT) objectives. Our team designed projects for students to complete within the Scratch programming environment
and community, because it is available in more than 40 languages,
and can be used in many disciplines and kinds of projects. As we
selected the CT objectives to focus on in the units, we drew on
Brennan et al.’s [6] definition of CT in Scratch, which includes
concepts (e.g. loops and conditionals), practices (e.g. debugging
and remixing), and perspectives (e.g. participating in computing to
express, connect, question).
Two other key concepts framing the collaborative design process were translanguaging pedagogy and literate programming [20].
Translanguaging pedagogyśthe idea that teachers should leverage
students’ dynamic language resources to support their learning ś
2.2 The New York City Context
The home base of our RPP is New York City, where this problem
of practice is a particularly important one. Here, the Department
of Education has committed to teaching CS perspectives, practices,
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
has been applied in many teaching and learning fields to advance
equity in education, especially for emergent bilinguals [11]. Traditional bilingual pedagogies focus on the extent to which students’
practices conform to standard named languages, locating łproblemsž in students that schools could łfixž [33]. Translanguaging
pedagogy instead embraces speakers who have been traditionally
marginalized for their language practices in education and policy.
This pedagogy encourages teachers to understand and build on
students’ repertoires [12], much in the way that culturally relevant
and responsive models ask teachers to build on students’ cultural
practices [21, 22]. Culturally relevant [14] and responsive [31] computing approaches have been readily taken up in the CS education
community as part of efforts to broaden participation in the field. In
this study, we applied translanguaging pedagogy to the design of CS
learning environments to promote equity in this discipline for emergent bilinguals. Our other guiding principle, literate programming,
is a concept many associate with Donald Knuth’s programming environments, which supported turning English into pseudocode, and
finally into computer code plus embedded comments. His broader
philosophy helps us view programming not as the mere construction of code for a computer to execute, but as texts humans will
read, write, and discuss, just as people interact around other texts.
With these lenses in mind, we developed curriculum that provided multiple opportunities for students to draw upon their language resources and to communicate about, with, and through
code. First, teachers described their knowledge of students and
their languages practices. Then, they surfaced the specific subjectarea content objectives that they were expected to cover in their
typical units of study. Together, we discussed how language and
content objectives might be enhanced through integration with CS
and students’ interests and practices. This process led to unique
CS-integrated unit plans which were relevant to students’ experiences and language resources. At the school in this study, we were
inspired by another initiative at the school that had brought authors of young adult novels to classrooms to read and dialogue with
students. Sixth and 7th grade language arts students produced three
Scratch projects: a remix of a simple łtelenovelaž dialogue, a remix
of a project where users could practice conducting a bilingual łinterviewž of a character or an author of a story they read, and a łtalk
showž style project featuring a bilingual dialogue between book
characters or authors. Teachers planned individual lessons in the
unit to ensure that there were ample opportunities for students to
make sense of code through writing, drawing, and speaking about
it bilingually, for example, though annotations of code printed on
paper, and the commenting feature within Scratch.
called łmoment analysisž [34], which seeks to analyze the creativity and criticality of multilinguals’ language-in-use at important
łtranslanguaging momentsž as well as research participants’ sensemaking and metacommentary about those practices.
To conduct moment analysis, the researcher collects both recordings of naturally occurring interactions and metalanguaging data ś
the commentary of language users about their language practices
and decisions. In this study, researchers conducted 50 hours of classroom observation during periods when teachers were conducting
the CS-integrated units. During observations, researchers recorded
field notes and audio of whole class discussions, and of small groups
of particular focal students at work on unit activities. We took photographs of students’ screens, and collected student work samples.
We also conducted focus groups with students, which combined
questions from artifact-based interviews [7] ś meant to elicit communication about particular computational thinking practices like
remixing, debugging, and experimenting ś with questions meant
to elicit students’ meta-commentary about their language choices.
The findings we present below were generated through a series of analysis procedures. We flagged moments in our field notes
and student work samples that showcased the creativity of students’ translanguaging, and/or their engagement with computational thinking. We brought some of these examples to the broader
RPP team to reflect upon. Two collaborative descriptive inquiry
sessions (CDI) [17] were conducted with our team’s teachers and
researchers, centered around these artifacts. CDI protocols set out
a focus question, ask those present to first describe using nonevaluative language what they noticed, and then to use those noticings to prompt inferential answers to the focus question, plus recommendations and action. During CDI sessions, researchers and
teachers from these schools and others described student work
examples and commentary from focus groups, sharing what we
thought they demonstrated about students’ learning.
Our analysis substantiated four "existence proof" claims about student translanguaging. We saw that 1) students’ translanguaging
practices in CS learning contexts blur linguistic, disciplinary, and
modal boundaries, 2) computational literacies are intertwined with
the many other literacies students bring with them, 3) students’
language attitudes and activity contexts around them play a role in
their translanguaging, and 4) students translanguage in order to engage in specific CT practices (like remixing and abstraction). In the
section below, we describe sample critical moments that illustrate
each of these claims. Due to space limitations we can not include all
of the relevant critical moments supporting these claims, however,
we detected no contradictory examples in our much larger dataset
of field notes and analytic memos.
The research question guiding our analysis was: how, when, and
why do students translanguage (draw on a range of linguistic, social, and semiotic resources) as they learn computational thinking?
Given that not much is known about the performance of emergent
bilinguals in CS education, our study seeks to explore the terrain:
we are not interested in evaluating a particular intervention against
a set of criteria, but rather, aim to better describe students’ language
use. For this, our study follows a naturalistic, qualitative descriptive
paradigm [23]. We draw from a methodology in applied linguistics
4.1 Moment 1: “Predicting” Code
In one activity, seventh graders were given łScratch cardsžśa resource produced by the Scratch Education community to serve as
starter łrecipesž for projects. These particular cards were written in
English. Students were asked to predict on a sticky note what they
thought the code on the card would make happen on the screen.
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
called on for support with his project, however, typically used Spanish in their interactions with him. One student spoke in mostly
Spanish as she showed him how to use Google Translate to change
the text strings of his project from one language to another.
As the unit progressed, Jack wanted to share his work on Scratch
with his peers, and it became necessary for him to translanguage.
At times he used English words he knew his bilingual peers would
understand, at other times, he practiced oral and written Spanish,
supplementing words with gestures (pointing at particular parts of
the screen), and also engaging with them digitally through łlikesž
on Scratch projects (selecting the heart or star icons on project
pages). In one instance Jack observed another student remixing
his own project in the Spanish language interface of Scratch, then
modified his own code using the English language interface to
match hers. (Scratch’s interface allows changing not only the user
interface elements between English and many other languages, it
also changes the keywords displayed on the code blocks.)
Jack’s teacher, knowing he was reluctant to practice Spanish,
consciously paired him with a student who more often used Spanish,
and would benefit from Jack’s preference for English. In this way,
both students had authentic contexts for practicing new language,
and in the end, Jack’s remix featured a great deal of Spanish text,
which helped him ensure his work would be accessible to his classmates. After presenting his project to the class, he stated: łWhen
I was working with [female student], she was helping me with
some of the words, because they were had misspellings in Spanish.
And I was helping her with the ones that she had misspellings in
English. . . I liked peer editing because I need help sometimes with
my grammar.ž
This example supports our third claim that students’ language
attitudes and the activity contexts around them play a role in their
translanguaging. Jack’s initial attitude made him resistant to use
Spanish in his Scratch projects and interactions with peers around
Scratch. As he discovered, given his peers’ language preferences
and his desire to share his Scratch project and process with them,
he would benefit from occasionally using language he found łtoo
hard.ž The teacher’s strategic pairing of Jack with a student more
comfortable using Spanish pushed both students to practice new
forms of language, expanding their repertoires.
Choose a sprite Or, paint a new one.
from the library.
You can choose a different effect from the menu:
Or, type in a different number. Then press the space bar again.
To clear the effects, click the stop sign.
Figure 1: The Scratch card that Julio used to make his stickynote prediction.
One student Julio, who had arrived in New York from the Dominican Republic the previous school year, wrote: łEl personaje cabia
el color conforme a la vanderita por ejemplo: rojo azul y verde. Son
mi predision.ž Translation: łThe character changes color along with
the little flag, for example, red blue and green, is my prediction.ž
This example supports claims one and two. First, it demonstrates
how students’ translanguaging blurs linguistic boundaries between
named languages. Julio told us he was more comfortable using
Spanish over English. At the same time, he drew on the English
he knew and English/Spanish cognates such as color/color to help
him interpret the English text and Scratch codes on the card. He
then recast his understanding of the English card on his sticky
note in a way that made sense to him (using Spanish). In this
example, Julio also translanguaged łbeyondž named languages.
His response employs the word łvanderitaž a term that he and
peers spontaneously generated to refer to the green flag button
in Scratch (łvanderitaž is a diminutive form of the Spanish word
bandera, meaning flag, spelled phonetically by Julio). Even if his
response is written using language forms that might not appear
in formal dictionaries, he is using his repertoire to help him make
meaning of the code. Julio may also be interpreting the graphic
features of the Scratch card, such as the images of the butterfly
changing color. Supporting claim two is the idea that his response
features words that are frequently employed in the language arts
discipline, such as łel personajež (the character) and łpredisionž
(prediction, spelled by Julio in Spanish with invented spelling). By
drawing on all of his linguistic and semiotic resources ś including
English/Spanish cognates, images, and discipline-specific words ś
Julio expresses his budding understanding of concepts such as how
computer programs include events that trigger various behaviors.
4.3 Moment 3: Interviewing a bachatero
In one activity, students were shown an interactive Scratch project
in which the user simulates interviewing the author of a novel
through multiple choice Q&A. The teachers at this school recommended that students remix the project by choosing a different
author or book character to interviewÐbut students had other ideas.
Students selected figures from sports such as Stephen Curry, or pop
culture, like Nicki Minaj and the reggaeton artists, Bad Bunny and
Osuna. One 7th grade student, Diani, decided she wanted users of
her project to interview her favorite bachata singer, Romeo Santos.
This required her to draw on what she knew about this artist to ask
him informed questions, and to import photos from the internet.
This detail provides evidence for our second claim, that students
think about computational practices such as remixing in integrated
ways with their own interests and literacy practices they are familiar
with ś in this case, her knowledge of pop culture. As Diani planned
4.2 Moment 2: “I don’t like Spanish”
In one activity, students were asked to remix a simple project where
two sprites dialogue in Spanish with each other in a kind of łtelenovela.ž As Jack, a sixth grade student who said he grew up in
the US but identified as Dominican, was working on his remix, he
expressed that he wanted to change the conversation to English,
stating: łI don’t like Spanish, it’s too hard.ž Many of the peers he
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Figure 2: The remix plan that Diani drew on paper before coding in Scratch.
her remix of the łMeet the Authorž project, her teacher gave her an
opportunity to look at the code for the project ś represented with
English code blocks on the right side of a handout ś and to plan
out her modifications on the left side of the handout before using
the digital Scratch interface. To complete this task, Diani engaged
in translanguaging across linguistic and modal boundaries, supporting our first claim. She translanguaged across named language
boundaries because the subject of her interview was himself, a wellknown bilingual person. For this, her character Santos łsaysž to
users: łHola, I’m Romeo Santos, el cantante bachatero [the bachata
singer]. Ask me your question,ž and the questions she would enable
users to ask the singer included: łWhat’s is your name?ž łCuando
nacistež [When were you born?] and łYou have girlfriend.ž
The representation of her remix plan also employed modes beyond written language. She drew representations of Scratch code
blocks using English keywords (the łsay. . . for one secž and łforeverž blocks in the figure). While the handout was printed in black
and white, Diani colored certain code blocks in orange corresponding to the color of many common Scratch blocks. She also drew
invented blocks which featured Spanish and English keywords,
such as the first orange block pictured at the top of her drawing
which has the keywords łAl preguntar [flag],ž which would literally
translate to łWhen you ask the flag.ž This representation combines
the łAl presionar [flag]ž block and the łpreguntarž blocks in the
Spanish interface of Scratch (łWhen [flag] clickedž and łaskž blocks
in the English interface.) The way she translanguages across modal
and linguistic boundaries in this example is reminiscent of the
way beginning writers sound out words and use invented spelling
to help them write a story. This aspect of the classroom moment
demonstrates the range of linguistic and modal resources students
draw upon, supporting claim 1.
Further down the page, she combined the commands łanswer
- say - answerž in a representation of a block next to English and
Spanish text of questions she wanted Santos to answer. While there
is no such code block, it captures a simple algorithm for a backand-forth conversation between people in an interview. In this
instance, Diani translanguages as she employs the computational
thinking practice łabstraction,ž or creating steps to represent the
real-world phenomena she is interested in. Diani translanguages
as she plans her remix and engages in abstraction. This moment
supports our fourth claim that students translanguage in order to
engage in specific CT practices.
4.4 Moment 4: Bilingual conversation with
In a second project, students were asked to use Scratch to portray a dialogue between an interviewer and a character of a book.
Julio and his partner, Yadira, decided their interviewee would be
Esperanza, the main character of the novel House on Mango Street.
They took their time deciding who the interviewer would be. First,
they discussed choosing Nicki Minaj, the pop singer, but decided
against it since she only speaks English. They then considered a
Spanish-speaking pop singer, but decided that her particular accent in Spanish would be too difficult for them to emulate when
recording. It was important to the students that they be able to
provide the voices for these characters. Shakira, they determined,
would be the perfect person to interview Esperanza, because she
can bridge two languages, and would help amplify the audience
of their Scratch project. When asked why it was important that
the interviewer speak both languages, Julio responded, łporque
también la gente que hable inglés también al verlo puede entender
un poco de lo que se está hablando y la gente que hable español
también no se desincluyež [because people who also speak English
can understand a little bit of what’s being talked about, and the
people who speak Spanish also won’t be excluded.] The dialog
between Julio and Yadira as they discuss their chosen characters,
and Julio’s comments describing why he values the bilingualism in
his project, supports claim three that students’ language attitudes
and the activity context play a role in translanguaging. We also
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
whether it is their literacy in the norms and forms of a telenovela,
or their understandings of how to craft a message for a particular
audience. Nor are their computing practices divorced from their
values about languages and bilingualism. Students’ computing in
this project was driven by their desire to connect with their bilingual peers who had varying experiences with English and Spanish,
which meant their choices about sprites and scripts were tied up
with their perceptions of their own and others’ language use. Moreover, as students came to value their own fluency in Scratch, it was
deeply influenced by how that skill intersected with their cultural,
linguistic, and disciplinary literacies.
Our original research question asked about the use of translanguaging while students learn computational thinking. In the classroom profiled in this study, doing computer science meant becoming a part of the classroom community though use of multiple
named languages, code, and shared references to pop culture and
books. These moments shifted our view away from translanguaging
as a process that co-occurs with or mediates learning computational
thinking, and encouraged us to begin considering computational
literacies as the real goal, through the lens of translanguaging. By
łcomputational literaciesž we mean ways of creating and communicating about, with, and through computational artifacts (like code,
datasets, and models) for particular purposes, and in and for communities. In this way, computation is participating in a community
of discourse, i.e., being able to co-construct meaning with a larger
community of interlocutors [18]. Viewing CS as participating in
computational literacies prompts educators to ask the question:
łWhat conversation is this code a part of?ž
Translanguaging has implications not only for how emergent
bilingual students use home language and English as they participate in computational literacies, but also how all students, including
monolingual students, leverage across and beyond human and computational languages and representations. It also means that educators should not treat computer science education as pursuing fixed
learning progressions of computational concepts with ‘remediation’
or ‘differentiation’ for emergent bilinguals. Rather, educators must
think more about how to join the varied literacies students bring
to the classroom with potential computational literacies they could
participate in through translanguaging. This is as true for teachers
of monolingual learners as it is for emergent bilinguals, since each
student brings their distinct repertoires and values to the domain
of computation. Translanguaging provides an important lens to
help us describe and support this process. Understanding students’
translanguaging can help teachers design CS projects and lessons
that support all learners more equitably.
Figure 3: Julio and Yadira’s script for their Scratch dialogue,
featuring Shakira.
see students’ translanguaging help them use computing to express
and connect with local audiences ś key computational thinking
perspectives [6], supporting claim 4.
Julio and Yadira wrote a script for their characters using both
English and Spanish. Given they wanted to ask at least one question
using all English, they chose to practice writing out the standard
English sentence structure for questions. As they recorded (and
re-recorded) their dialogue as audio in the łsoundž section of the
Scratch software, the students translanguaged between modes ś
their written text, and their oral interpretation of it. Students drew
on disciplinary literacies that are encouraged in their language
arts class (making inferences about characters’ emotions based on
text-based evidence) as they imagined how the character’s tone
of voice would change if she were to meet the famous Shakira.
As they sequenced the code blocks to animate their sprites, their
speech was peppered with Scratch keywords in both Spanish and
English. Throughout the planning process and as they built their
project, this pair of students translanguaged across and beyond
named languages, modalities, and code (supporting claim 1).
Guided by the theory of translanguaging, this study aimed to document the diverse language practices of bilingual students, and to validate them as meaning-making resources in computer science education. Through moment analysis, we generated four claims that we
illustrated with examples, namely: 1) that students’ translanguaging
practices in CS learning contexts blur linguistic, disciplinary, and
modal boundaries, 2) computational literacies are intertwined with
the many other literacies students bring with them, 3) students’
language attitudes and activity contexts around them play a role
in their translanguaging, and 4) students translanguage in order to
engage in specific CT practices (like remixing and abstraction).
Similar to the literate programming philosophy, we see evidence
that students can and do use their full linguistic repertoire as they
leverage into new competencies and discourses. They express computational ideas through code and many other associated representations such as sprites, audiofiles, text and so on. These ideas
are not divorced from other literacies the students bring to bear,
The authors would like to thank the students and teachers that participated in this research. This material is based on work supported
by the US National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. CNS1738645 and DRL-1837446. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
Paper Session: Culture & Language
SIGCSE '19, February 27–March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
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