Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Faaiz Y. Alhamdani
A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Newcastle
Dr. Ian Corbett
Prof. Mark Greenwood
Dr. Nick Strong
Dr. Justin Durham
Prof. Jimmy Steele
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
I cannot thank enough Dr. Ian Corbett for his continuous support. I have been privileged by
the way he helped me to handle the research question in the best possible way along the study
journey. I am deeply grateful to his kind guidance.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Justin Durham, who provided me with the
best of his knowledge and experience in the field of quality life and qualitative research. He
was keen to guide me through every step in these fields of research to ensure the highest
possible standards.
I would like to thank Professor Mark Greenwood for being there whenever I wanted his
support, guidance and invaluable feedback. I would like, also, to express my highest regards
to Dr. Nick Strong and Professor Jimmy Steele for their support, and useful comments on this
I would like to express my gratitude to Kat Taylor who gave me from her time and effort to
have the knowledge about the necessary orthoptic tests. My thanks to all the staff in Oral and
Maxillofacial department; the consultants, the senior house officers, the receptionists and
nursing staff who kept me informed about all new patients and updated me with their
treatment courses. I would like to thank all the patients who participated in this study and
provided me with their insight and experience, and I wish them the best in their future life.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my family, friends and colleagues who supported
me from the beginning of this journey in Baghdad and along the way through in Newcastle. I
will be always thankful for their unlimited support and prayers.
Finally, I would like to thank my beloved wife Areej for her dedication, commitment, all the
support and help I wished for. I hope that she benefited from this long journey as much I
hope for myself.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
A blow out fracture of the orbit is defined as one with orbital wall and or floor fracture
without orbital rim involvement. The management of this injury and its timing continue to be
a matter of some debate. One of the main reasons for this debate is the lack of unifying
objective, quantitative, clinical measures of diplopia severity that encompass both the clinical
and patient perspectives.
This thesis consists of two distinct studies: one study examines the factors associated with
outcome of blow out fractures, whilst the other examines the patient perspective and
experience of this type of fracture. The aim of this thesis is to study the impacts and
determine the factors that influence management outcomes with regard to diplopia. A
combination of retrospective data and qualitative data was used to help achieve this aim.
The retrospective study demonstrated binocular single vision assessment to be a valuable tool
in assessing management outcome. In addition, the data demonstrate it has a significant
prognostic value in blow out fractures of the orbit: lower pre operative diplopia scores, the
more chance of improvement in diplopia scores after surgery. Lower pre operative diplopia
scores were associated with a longer follow up time and a greater number of follow up visits
Demographic factors, surgical timing, type of surgical approach and surgical implant material
were shown to have no significant influence on diplopia. Orbital fat herniation in the absence
of orbital muscle involvement, as determined by CT scan interpretation, appears to have no
significant influence on diplopia when compared to fractures where no tissue herniation was
observed on diplopia scores in blow out fractures.
The impact of blow out fractures from the patient’s perspective was reflected through distress
and frustration which negatively influence patients’ daily activities, including their
employment. This distress and frustration was reported to centre around the individual’s fear
of losing their vision. This misconception appears to be due to potentially ineffective patient
clinician communication.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................ i
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ xi
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 1
Surgical anatomy of the orbit ............................................................................. 14
The bony orbit ........................................................................................................... 15
Soft tissues of the orbit .............................................................................................. 16
Muscles of the orbit: .......................................................................................... 18
Nerves of the orbit ............................................................................................. 19
Vessels of the orbit............................................................................................. 20
The globe of the eye ........................................................................................... 20
Position of the globe ..................................................................................................... 21
Ocular movements ........................................................................................................ 21
Chapter 2
Literature Review............................................................................................... 22
2.1. Mechanism of blow out fractures ................................................................................. 23
2.2. Classification of blow out fractures: ............................................................................. 29
2.2.1. Medial wall blow out fracture: .............................................................................. 30
2.3. Incidence of blow out fractures .................................................................................... 31
2.4. Diagnosis and clinical findings of blow out fracture .................................................... 33
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
2.4.1. Binocular diplopia .................................................................................................. 35
2.4.2. Enophthalmos ........................................................................................................ 38
2.4.3. Subconjunctival haemorrhage and circumorbital ecchymosis:.............................. 43
2.4.4. Infraorbital paraesthesia: ........................................................................................ 44
2.4.5. Periorbital emphysema: ......................................................................................... 44
2.4.6. Ophthalmic injuries associated with blow out fractures (intraocular injuries):..... 44
2.5. Radiographic examination ............................................................................................ 47
2.5.1. Plain radiography: .................................................................................................. 47
2.5.2. Computed tomography (CT scan).......................................................................... 48
2.6. Investigations for ocular motility disturbances ............................................................. 51
2.6.1. Clinical investigations (forced duction and forced generation test) ...................... 51
2.6.2. Quantitative assessment of diplopia: ..................................................................... 52
2.6.3. Assessment of ocular motility defects ................................................................... 54
2.7. Management of blow out fractures ............................................................................... 55
2.7.1. General considerations ........................................................................................... 55
2.7.2. Conservative management ..................................................................................... 57
2.7.3. Surgical management ............................................................................................. 59
Orbital Surgical approach ............................................................................................. 65
Materials used for reconstruction of the orbital floor ................................................... 72
2.7.4. Late management ................................................................................................... 77
2.8. Postoperative diplopia................................................................................................... 78
2.9. Patient perception and quality of life: ........................................................................... 80
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
2.9.1. Trauma and quality of life...................................................................................... 81
2.9.2. Facial trauma and quality of life ............................................................................ 83
2.9.3. Orbital trauma and quality of life........................................................................... 84
2.10. Summary ..................................................................................................................... 85
Chapter 3
Retrospective study (Ten year retrospective audit of orbital blow out fractures)
Aim of the study ........................................................................................................ 88
Objectives .................................................................................................................. 88
Materials and Methods .............................................................................................. 88
Retrospective study results ........................................................................................ 92
Patient demographics ......................................................................................... 93
Clinical findings ................................................................................................. 97
Orthoptic findings .............................................................................................. 99
CT scan findings .............................................................................................. 105
Surgical findings .............................................................................................. 110
The surgical outcome ....................................................................................... 112
Patient follow up time...................................................................................... 116
Retrospective study discussion ............................................................................... 118
Patient demographics ....................................................................................... 118
Clinical findings ............................................................................................... 120
Orthoptic findings ............................................................................................ 122
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
CT scan findings .............................................................................................. 123
Surgical findings .............................................................................................. 125
The surgical outcome ....................................................................................... 128
Follow up time ................................................................................................. 130
Summary ................................................................................................................. 130
Chapter 4
Qualitative study .............................................................................................. 132
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 133
Aim of the study ...................................................................................................... 133
Objectives ................................................................................................................ 133
Study design/methodology ...................................................................................... 134
Qualitative methodologies and philosophical assumptions ............................. 134
Qualitative study design ................................................................................... 136
Sampling ..................................................................................................................... 136
Data collection in qualitative research ........................................................................ 139
Observation ............................................................................................................. 139
Focus groups ........................................................................................................... 139
Qualitative interviews ............................................................................................. 140
Data analysis ............................................................................................................... 141
Data and discussion ................................................................................................. 149
The patient’s journey with blow out fracture .................................................. 149
Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) ............................................................ 151
The patient physician encounter in the consultant clinic............................................ 153
Surgical concerns and making decision ...................................................................... 165
Time ............................................................................................................................ 168
The surgical outcome .................................................................................................. 169
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
The influence of blow out fracture on everyday life ....................................... 174
Coping .............................................................................................................. 180
Physical (problem focused) coping ............................................................................. 181
Psychological (emotion focused) coping .................................................................... 182
Restoring the sense of life continuity (Influence of job and social support)........... 187
The positive influence of time................................................................................. 189
Summary .......................................................................................................... 191
Chapter 5
Closing Discussion........................................................................................... 193
Original Plan of Study ............................................................................................. 194
Retrospective study (study A) ................................................................................. 196
Qualitative Interview Study (study B) .................................................................... 199
Final Summary ........................................................................................................ 201
Chapter 6
Conclusions and Suggestions........................................................................... 204
Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 205
Retrospective study .......................................................................................... 205
Qualitative study .............................................................................................. 205
Suggestions for clinical practice ............................................................................. 207
Suggestions for further research .............................................................................. 207
Determining review point and reference period .............................................. 207
Identifying putative items for orbital trauma questionnaire ............................ 207
References .............................................................................................................................. 209
Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 1
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
1. Ethics committee approval ................................................................................................. 1
2. Qualitative topic guide ....................................................................................................... 2
3. Theoretical construct for the post injury period ................................................................. 3
2. Poster Presentation, IADR Barcelona 14 17/7/2010 .................................................... 10
3. Oral Presentation ABAOMS......................................................................................... 11
4. Work in progres ............................................................................................................ 12
a) Drafts of papers ............................................................................................................ 12
b) Developing outcome measure ..................................................................................... 37
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Figure 1 1: the bony orbit (adapted from Brady et al 2001). ................................................... 15
Figure1 2: Left orbital septum (adapted from Last 1999). ...................................................... 17
Figur 1 3: Schematic representation of a coronal section through mid orbit demonstrates
complex system of ligaments and septa which support the globe and extraocular muscles
(adapted from Iliff, 1991). ............................................................................................... 18
Figure 1 4: Orbital muscles and nerves (left side) (adapted from Brady et al 2001) .............. 19
Figure 2 1: Templates demonstrating the combined fractures from all cadavers following (A)
rim directed and (B) globe directed trauma. (Adapted from Ahmed et al 2003) ........... 27
Figure 2 2: Orbital sketch: (1) orbital floor, anterior third, (2) orbital floor, middle third, (3)
orbital floor, dorsal third, (4) infraorbital fissure, (5) supraorbital fissure, (6) optical
nerve, (7) lateral wall, (8) naso lachrymal duct, (9) medial border of the infraorbital
fissure. (Adapted from Jaquiery et al 2007 ...................................................................... 30
Figure 2 3: Blunt trauma to the eye results in a well recognised pattern of injury. (adapted
from Macewen 1999). ...................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2 4 Pre and postseptal variations of the transconjunctival approach (adaped from
Humphrey & Kriet 2008). ................................................................................................ 66
Figure 2 5 Paths traversed by the subciliary and subtarsal approaches through the lower
eyelid (adapted from Humphrey & Kriet 2008) .............................................................. 67
Figure 2 6 transcaruncular approach; reproduced from Humphrey & Kriet 2008 .................. 69
Figure 3 1 BSV chart for ‘normal’ patient (A), BSV scoring template (B), UFOF left eye and
UFOF right eye (C and D) ............................................................................................... 90
Figure 3 2: Distribution of blow out fractures by gender and management (n=257).............. 94
Figure 3 3: Distribution of blow out fractures by age (n=257). .............................................. 94
Figure 3 4: Percentage of cases by the causes of injury .......................................................... 95
Figure 3 5: Causes of blow out fracture by gender (no=234) ................................................. 95
Figure 3 6: Mechanism of injury by age band ......................................................................... 96
Figure 3 7: Percentage of blow out fractures by sites of injury .............................................. 98
Figure 3 8: The site of orbital fracture by age band (n=116) .................................................. 98
Figure 3 9: Percentage of blow out fractures by side for the whole sample and both
management groups ......................................................................................................... 98
Figure 3 10: Clinical features of blow out fracture by number of cases for the retrospective
sample .............................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 3 11: Clinical features of blow out fracture by number of cases in both management
groups ............................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 3 12: Age group by BSV1 category for the surgical patients .................................... 102
Figure 3 13: Age group by BSV1 for the conservative group ............................................... 102
Figure 3 14: Percentages of cases for BSV1 categories in both surgical and conservative
groups ............................................................................................................................. 102
Figure 3 15 (a) BSV score for conservatively managed patient. (b and c) Preoperative and
postoperative BSV score for surgically managed patient. ............................................. 104
Figure 3 16: Scatter plot for the relation between preoperative BSV1 and UFOF1 ............. 104
Figure 3 17: Changes in the means of BSV categories for surgical group ............................ 105
Figure 3 18: changes in the mean UFOF categories for surgical group ................................ 105
Figure 3 19: Percentage of cases for levels of tissue herniation for the general retrospective
sample (n=125) .............................................................................................................. 106
Figure 3 20: Percentage of cases for each level of herniation in both management groups 107
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Figure 3 21: Mean BSV and UFOF scores for the 3 levels of orbital tissue herniation for the
whole retrospective sample. ........................................................................................... 107
Figure 3 22: Percentages of cases with each level of tissue herniation for low (0 60%) BSV
category .......................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 3 23: Timing of surgery.............................................................................................. 110
Figure 3 24: Surgical approach (n=97) .................................................................................. 111
Figure 3 25: Implant materials used for the reconstruction of orbital wall defects (n=98) ... 111
Figure 3 26: the mean postoperative BSV for each implant material (n=55)........................ 112
Figure 3 27 Mean BSV2 by surgical timing within 1st month (n=55) ................................. 114
Figure 3 28: Mean BSV1 and BSV2 for outcome categories................................................ 115
Figure 3 29: Percentages of cases for the final outcome by the level of herniation (only one
case with no tissue herniation). ...................................................................................... 115
Figure 3 30: Frequency of orthoptic follow up visits for surgical patients (n=67). Cases with
no follow up visit were excluded (n=27). ...................................................................... 116
Figure 3 31: The number of follow up visits by the mean of BSV1 ..................................... 117
Figure 4 1 qualitative study sample ....................................................................................... 138
Figure 4 2 preliminary pattern ............................................................................................... 145
Figure 4 3 Factors negatively influencing the outcome ........................................................ 192
Figure 4 4 Factors positively influencing the outcome ......................................................... 192
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Table3 1: Available data for the general retrospective sample ............................................... 92
Table 3 2: Descriptive statistics for the BSV for the retrospective sample, conservative group
and surgical group .......................................................................................................... 100
Table 3 3: Descriptive statistics for UFOF for the retrospective sample, conservative group
and surgical group .......................................................................................................... 100
Table 3 4: mean and median BSV scores for the 3 levels of tissue herniation in the general
sample ............................................................................................................................ 108
Table 3 5: Dimensions and sizes of blow out fracture (n=27) .............................................. 109
Table 3 6: The final outcome in relation to diplopia (n=87) ................................................. 114
Table 4 1: General emergent themes and related codes after 3 interviews. .......................... 144
Table 4 2 Extracted example from the framework data sheet (numbers refers to page and line
numbers) ........................................................................................................................ 146
Table 4 3 Details of the qualitative study sample .................................................................. 148
Table 4 4: Patient and physician perspective about blow out fractures of the orbit. ............. 173
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Trauma to the orbit can result in soft tissue and or hard tissue injuries. This thesis
concentrates on isolated fractures of the orbital walls/floor or ‘blow out fractures’. The
sequelae of such injuries include diplopia, enophthalmos and infraorbital paraesthesia.
The term orbital ‘blow out’ fracture, relating to a fracture of the orbital wall/floor without
orbital rim involvement, was coined by (Converse and Smith, 1957). Since its recognition as
a unique entity, much debate has taken place on the mechanisms of injury, predictive value of
investigations and management regimens.
Development of management protocols for orbital blow out fractures has been hampered by
lack of objective, quantitative clinical measures of severity of diplopia. As a result, lack of
standardised measures of outcome makes direct comparison of management protocols
Current orthoptic investigations in the assessment of diplopia include Hess charts, binocular
single vision, uniocular fields of fixation and cervical range of movement tests. The binocular
single vision (BSV) test is of particular interest, its use being reported recently by several
authors (Kim and Woo, 1999; Stocker
, 2005; Banks, 2007). However, this has not been
put into context in determining the influence of various demographic, radiological and
surgical factors on diplopia associated with this type of injury.
Current opinion in the management of blow out fractures is toward early surgical intervention
(Ogata et al 2004, Jaquery et al 2007, and Kuttenberger et al 2008) based on the subjective
judgment of disability caused by diplopia. However, there is some evidence in the recent
literature suggests otherwise (Jin
, 2007; Shin
, 2011). Furthermore, there is a group
of patients in which there is a slow but steady resolution of diplopia without intervention
(Putterman 1991). This leads to a management dilemma over whether to surgically intervene
earlier or whether to manage conservatively initially.
Patients’ experiences of this type of facial trauma have not been thoroughly investigated.
Blow out fractures with diplopia related disability and or aesthetic concerns may exert both
psychological and social influences on patient’s lives. Knowledge of such influences could
help physicians to comprehensively address trauma related problems and help patients to
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
cope with negative outcomes.
This research project tries to address orbital blow out fractures management problems
through studying the factors that influence its impact and outcome. This will be achieved
employing quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative study bases on 10 year
retrospective data. Whereas the qualitative study bases on data extracted from semi structured
interviews with blow–out fractures’ patients. The retrospective study tries to determine the
influence of various factors, BSV score in particular, on diplopia outcome. The value of BSV
influence may help to consider BSV as a unifying objective measure for diplopia in blow out
fracture of the orbit. Qualitative study, on the other hand, will provide an insight to patient’s
experience, by studying the psychological and social impact caused by blow out fractures of
the orbit on patient’s life.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
$%% &
The bony orbit is a roughly quadrilateral, pyramidal cavity with its base directed forwards
and lateral. It is comprised of 7 bones: maxilla, palatine, frontal, zygomatic, sphenoid,
ethmoid and lacrimal bones (Figure 1 1).
The lateral orbital wall consists of zygomatic bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid. It
inclined at 45 degree to the anteroposterior axis of the skull. The roof of the orbit is thin but it
is reinforced laterally by the greater wing of sphenoid and the superior orbital rim. The
medial wall is formed basically from the thin orbital plate of the ethmoid bone and is aligned
parallel to the anteroposterior axis of the skull. Being adjacent to the ethmoidal air cells, and
more anteriorly to the nasal cavity, the medial wall is fragile and thus it is frequently grossly
disrupted in nasoethmoidal fractures with lateral displacement, giving the classical sign of
At the level of the optic foramen, close to the junction of the medial wall and roof, there are
two to three foramina through which pass branches of the ethmoidal artery. These foramina
are important landmarks during the dissection of this region.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
The floor of the orbit is the prevalent site involved with pure blow out fractures of the orbit.
It slopes upward and medially until it becomes horizontal as it approaches the anterior margin
of the inferior orbital fissure. The floor then curves downwards steeply into the infratemporal
fossa to form the posterior wall of the maxillary antrum. Reconstruction of the orbital floor
which involves this area therefore requires special attention to re establishing this sigmoid
The orbital floor is very thin and it is further weakened by the presence of the infraorbital
groove and canal. Most of the blow out fractures of the orbital floor occur immediately
medial to the infraorbital groove and canal, and therefore frequently involve the infraorbital
nerves and vessels, either by compression or contusion. `
The eyelids are covered by a thin skin which overlies a lax areolar tissue. It has a profuse
blood supply. Opening of the eye is achieved by levator palpebrae superioris muscle, which is
innervated by the oculomotor nerve. Eye closure is carried out by the orbicularis oculi,
supplied by the facial nerve.
The orbital septum (Figure1 2) consists of a fibrous diaphragm extending from the periphery
of the orbit to the tarsal plates. This septum prevents the escape of blood or pus outside the
orbit if present with the orbit. Collections within this compartment may therefore lead to an
increase in the retrobulbar pressure, which may cause vascular occlusion and hence interfere
with the circulation to the retina and consequently affect sight. Retrobulbar collections are,
therefore considered a surgical emergency. Because the orbital septum is incomplete in its
medial and inferior aspect, a nasoethmoidal fracture may result in peri orbital emphysema of
the lids with subsequent air collection anterior to the tarsal plates, often associated with the
nose blowing. The emphysema usually spontaneously resolves, although may need
decompression if significant. The tarsal plates form the skeleton of the eyelids, are
semilunar in shape, and are formed by dense connective tissue. The canthal (palpebral)
ligaments are two almost Y shaped fibrous extentions of the tarsal plates to the lateral and
medial walls.
The conjunctiva is a highly vascular structure, except in the area which covers the cornea
which is devoid of blood vessels. Subconjunctival heamorrhage hence ceases at the corneal
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
margin. It has a firm attachment in the palpebral portion but loose attachment where it covers
the sclera.
The lacrimal apparatus is involved in the production of tears and the removal of excess tears.
The lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal gland, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac and the
nasolacrimal duct. Under normal conditions the lacrimal gland secretes just enough tears to
replace those lost by evaporation. The nerve supply comes from superior nucleus via the
greater petrosal nerve. The postganglionic fibers run with the zygomatic branch of the
maxillary nerve, which anastomoses with the lacrimal nerve.
There is a layer of periorbital fat which acts as a cushion upon which the extra ocular muscles
of the eye can move and rotate the eyeball within the capsule of Tenon, which is a thin
membrane which envelops the eyeball from the optic nerve to the limbus. There are a large
number of fibrous septa within the periorbital fat, which may become entrapped with the fat
in orbital blowout fractures lead to interference with the free movement of the extraocular
muscles. Periorbital fat fills both intraconal and extraconal spaces.
Koornneef (1982) in his anatomic and histological study of the orbit, found a fine ligament
system, interconnecting the orbital soft tissue with the bony orbit (Figur 1 3). The presence of
such a ligament system could play an important role in extraocular muscle motility defects,
without the need for actual muscle entrapment.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
* '' &
The eyeball is moved by extrinsic or extra ocular muscles (Figure 1 4), consisting of four
rectus (superior, inferior, medial and lateral) and two oblique (superior and inferior) muscles.
The orbit also contains the levator palpebrae superioris for moving the upper lid.
The extraocular muscles, posteriorly, travel adjacent to the orbital walls, and are readily
identifiable on CT scans. Here they are vulnerable to the effects of fracture and to the trauma
of surgical dissection.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
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The four rectus muscles originate from the common tendinous ring which surrounds the
superior orbital fissure and the optic canal. As these muscles pass forwards from the apex of
the orbit they broaden out, to form a cone of muscles around the eye. They all pierce the
fascial sheath of the eyeball and are inserted into the sclera anterior to the coronal equator of
the eye.
A mock chemical formula is often used an aid to memorizing the cranial nerve supplies of the
eye muscles: LR6SO4, indicating that the lateral rectus is supplied by the sixth (abducent)
nerve and the superior oblique by the fourth nerve (trochlear). All other muscles (superior,
medial and inferior rectus and inferior oblique) are supplied by the third nerve (oculomotor).
The optic nerve is essentially an extension of the brain and is covered by dura, arachnoid and
pia mater. In contrast to the immobile intracanalicular portion of the nerve, the orbital portion
enjoys considerable mobility which decreases the likelihood of its injury in orbital trauma.
The infraorbital nerve enters the orbit accompanied by the zygomatic nerve and infraorbital
artery. The infraorbital nerve and artery occupy a groove in the posterior part of the orbital
floor. Both enter the infraorbital canal and continue to the face, supplying nerves to the
maxillary sinus and the anterior teeth
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
The zygomatic nerve passes along the lateral wall and divides into its zygomaticotemporal
and zygomaticofacial branches. The former gives secretomotor fibers to the lacrimal nerve
for the lacrimal gland
The oculomotor and the abducent nerves are situated inside the tendinous ring, and are
therefore better protected than the trochlear nerve, which is more vulnerable along its course
as it crosses above the origin of the levator and the muscle cone running along the upper part
of the medial wall. The nerve to the inferior oblique muscle leaves the protection of the
muscles between the inferior rectus and the lateral rectus and is at risk because of its
proximity to the floor of the orbit.
The ophthalmic artery, a branch of the internal carotid artery, enters the orbit through the
optic canal within the dural sheath of the optic nerve. It gives off several branches that
accompany the branches of nasociliary, frontal and lacrimal nerves. It supplies the ethmodial
air cells, the external nose, the eyelids and forehead. The blood supply to retina is derived
from the central retinal artery, a branch of the ophthalmic artery.
The eye contains the light sensitive retina and it is provided with a lens system, the cornea,
lens and refractive media, for focusing images and with means of controlling the light
admitted, the iris diaphragm. The inside of the globe is black to prevent internal reflections;
the large area behind the lens is occupied by the vitreous body. In front of the lens a small
area is filled by aqueous humour, the two compartments being incompletely divided into the
anterior and posterior chambers by the iris. The space bounded by the inner margin of the iris
is the pupil.
The wall of the eye, enclosing the refractive media is made up of three coats. The outer coat
is fibrous and consists of the sclera and cornea; a vascular coat, the choroid, ciliary body and
iris; and the innermost nervous coat, the retina. The sclera can be considered as a ‘cup like’
expansion of the dural sheath of the optic nerve. The choroid could be also considered as an
expansion of the arachnoid and pia, while the retina being an expansion of the optic nerve.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
The anteroposterior position of the eyeball is controlled by the periorbital fat; the balance
between the posterior pull of rectus muscles against the anterior traction of the oblique
muscles; the integrity of check ligaments derived from the sheaths of medial and lateral
rectus muscles and the atmospheric pressure and normal tissue hydration.
The vertical position of the globe depends primarily on the Lockwood’s suspensory ligament.
This is directly related to the fascial sheath of Tenon which closely surrounds the eyeball and
separates it from orbital fat.
The eyeball is moved by extraocular muscles; superior, medial and inferior rectus muscles are
responsible for the inward, medial movement of the eye, while lateral rectus muscle and both
oblique muscles are responsible for outward, lateral movement of the eye.
Because the medial and inferior muscles’ long axes are not parallel to the long axis of the eye
ball, the superior rectus turns the eye up and in, with the action of the inferior oblique muscle
turning the eye up and out. The collective action of both muscles will result in pure upward
movement of the eyeball. Inferior rectus and superior oblique have a similar collective action,
resulting in pure downward movement.
Rowe & Williams; applied surgical anatomy; maxillofacial injuries, 2nd edition, 1994
Churchill Livingstone, volume 1, chapter 15: fractures of zygomatic complex and orbit pp.
475 492.
Sinnatamby C.S. (1999); Orbit and eye; Last’s anatomy regional and applied, 10th edition,
1999. Churchill Livingstone, Part 14, pp.389 402.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of The Orbit
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The physical mechanism of orbital blow out fractures has been debated for years by
surgeons. Three main theories have been postulated, including the hydraulic theory,
the contact of globe to orbital wall theory, and the bone buckling theory.
In 1943, Pfeiffer reviewed 24 cases of “internal” orbital fractures with enophthalmos.
He suggested that these fractures are results of transmission of the force of trauma
directly from the ‘retropulsed’ globe toward the orbital floor (Pfeiffer, 1943).
A hydraulic theory was first proposed by King (1944): “The most ready explanation
for orbital blow out fractures is trauma transmitted through the eye to the orbital
floor” (He
, 2007). Subsequent work by Smith and Regan (1957) demonstrated
an experimental support for the hydraulic mechanism of blow out fracture. Jones and
Evans (1967) simulated the hydraulic mechanism on fresh human post mortem
cadavers. They subdivided the orbital floor into six zones of relative thickness. In
their experimentally produced fractures, 79% occurred in the posterior medial floor.
Their findings suggested that not only the thinness of the bone plays a “decisive “ role
in the fracture, but the upward convexity of the posterior orbital floor receive the most
force transmitted by the globe. The authors also confirmed that the anteroposterior
axis along which the globe would move when pushed into the orbit is towards the
posterior medial convex floor.
Another mechanism has been postulated by Fujino (1974) following an experimental
study on dried human skulls without orbital content. Fujino suggested that direct
compression or a buckling force is the causative factor for blow out fracture. Fujino
also reported that the force necessary to produce a blow out fracture by pressure
exerted on the globe is 10 times greater than the pressure required on the infraorbital
rim. He argued that this amount of force applied to the globe would cause a high
incidence of ocular injury.
These findings supported the theory first hypothesized by Le Fort, who also believed
that orbital floor fractures were produced by the force of the injury transmitted
through the orbital rim directly to the floor (Brown
, 1999).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Converse (1978) however, believes that the buckling theory does not explain fractures
of the medial wall and it cannot easily explain soft tissue displacement or entrapment
within the fractured walls of the orbit. However, Fujino and Makino (1980) with the
use of high speed photography showed that when a sudden force is applied to the
infraorbital rim of an epoxy model of the orbit, a linear fracture of the orbital floor
occurs through buckling caused by the posteriorly displaced infraorbital rim. This
will tear the periorbita, and the orbital soft tissues are forced into the maxillary sinus
by their attachment to the displaced orbital rim and floor, anterior to the linear
fracture. Once the force is relieved, the bone springs back to the normal position, but
the soft tissue does not return as quickly, causing an entrapment within the fracture.
Fujino and Sato (1987), in order to confirm the conclusion of the previous two
dimensional eye model, carried out an impact test utilizing a three dimensional eye
model. Three kinds of eye models were made, consisting of orbital walls alone, orbital
walls with orbital contents, but without the eyeball, and orbital walls, orbital contents
and the eyeball. Three impact tests were performed; impact to the infraorbital margin,
the eyeball or both the eyeball and infraorbital margin. They concluded that impact to
the eyeball alone did not increase the infraorbital hydraulic pressure sufficiently
enough to cause an orbital floor fracture. When the impact struck the infraorbital
margin, the orbital floor was displaced laterally and finally fractured by the bending
stress/buckling force.
Subsequent experimental and clinical studies have aimed to support either the
“buckling” or “hydraulic” models. Kulwin and Leadbetter (1984) presented a case
report supporting the theory that traumatic deformation of the bony orbital rims,
without concomitant orbital soft tissue injury, can cause an orbital blowout fracture.
The case reported was a 22 years old man who received trauma to his superior orbital
rim causing a blow out fracture toward the frontal sinus. Green
constructed an apparatus that delivered a quantifiable force to the globe only, without
involvementof the orbital rim, which was used on 11 anesthetized “Macaca
fascicularis” monkeys. After orbital exenteration, the orbital walls and orbital contents
were examined to determine the extent of injuries. Fracture of the orbital floor was
produced at and above energy of 2.08 J. The study showed that orbital floor fractures
can occur at low energies with direct ocular trauma only, a "pure" hydraulic
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
mechanism, and was the first to demonstrate a quantifiable force required to produce a
blow out fracture. However, this was an animal model and higher percentage of globe
rupture, 23% was noted. Phalen
(1990) in their study on dried skulls and
cadaveric specimens showed that minimal trauma to the orbital rim can produce
segmental fracture without the presence of the globe. However they stated that the
presence of the eyeball is necessary to produce a depressed fracture in the orbital
(1999), in a study based on review C.T. scans of the orbital wall,
supported the theory of direct globe to wall contact. They reported a globe “footprint”
at the defect, suggesting a direct globe wall contact. They stated that if the globe is
displaced posteriorly, it can fracture the orbital wall. Bullock
(1999) performed a
clinical, experimental and theoretical study to investigate the two accepted (hydraulic
and buckling) mechanisms for the blow out fractures. Their findings provided support
for each mechanisms of the orbital blow out fracture from a clinical and theoretical
basis. By using engineering formula for the hydraulic theory, they found that; the
predicted theoretical energy is 71 mJ, and for the buckling theory is 68 mJ.
In the last decade, researchers have tried to overcome the limitations of previous
studies, to provide a more supported conclusion about the real influence of each
mechanism. Waterhouse
(1999) drew the attention to the major flaws in the
design and execution of previous experimental methods such as: “low numbers,
unquantified forces, non human models, incomplete soft tissues, poor simulation of in
vivo conditions or a failure to isolate the position of the striking force”. In their study
they used fresh, intact unfixed human post mortem cadavers; they directed
quantifiable forces onto the same area on the infraorbital rim. The majority of
fractures were located in the anterior and anteromedial aspects of the orbital floor. No
medial wall involvement was observed and no herniation of the orbital contents into
the maxillary antrum was reported. The same study investigated the hydraulic
mechanism, using quantifiable forces confined to the globe. Fresh cadavers were
again studied, and the intraocular pressure was quantified. They concluded that,
fractures following trauma to the globe were located more posteriorly and
posteromedially, with invariable medial wall involvement and frequent periorbital
content herniation into the maxillary antrum. They demonstrated that the efforts to
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
establish either mechanism as the primary aetiology have been “misplaced” and that
both mechanisms produce orbital blow out fractures. However, the fractures produced
by each mechanism alone are different in their size, position and clinical significance.
(2002) carried out an experimental study on 5 cadavers, with support for
the "hydraulic" theory against the role of direct globe to wall contact in the
pathogenesis of orbital blow out fractures. Their findings suggested that greater force
to the orbital contents leads to greater damage to the orbital walls. Energy of 4,900 mJ
and higher led to orbital floor fracture with herniation of orbital contents, whereas
forces of 6,860 mJ and higher resulted in combination orbital floor/medial orbital wall
fractures. These results imply that that the orbital floor has a lower threshold for
fracture than the medial wall.
(2006) produced three dimensional models on a workstation simulating
eight dry skulls and applied striking forces on the orbital rim of each model from three
different angles (0, 15, and 30 degrees in the upward direction). They concluded that
for the buckling mechanism, a wider area of fracture occurred when the striking force
was directed upward than when the force was horizontally directed. They argued that
this finding would be helpful in predicting fracture width in blow out fractures.
(2003) used intact cadavers, quantifiable intraocular pressure, variable
and quantifiable force, and quantifiable bone strain distribution with strain gauge
analysis. Their study confirms the previous findings of Waterhouse et al, that the
buckling mechanism produces fractures in the anterior and anteromedial aspects of the
orbital floor without medial wall involvement. Furthermore, it confirmed that the
hydraulic mechanism produced fractures distributed throughout the anterior and
posterior parts of the orbital floor (Figure 2 1) with frequent medial wall involvement,
in contrast to the buckling mechanism. They also found that herniation of the orbital
contents is a feature of the hydraulic mechanism, as they did not observe herniation of
orbital contents into the maxillary antrum following trauma to the infraorbital margin.
They believed that herniation into the maxillary sinus is primarily due to the hydraulic
pressure and not the effect of gravity, since herniation was still observed in supine
cadavers. Their results also demonstrated that the mean energy required to produce a
fracture with the buckling mechanism was (1.54 J) which is more than that with the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
hydraulic mechanism (1.22 J). This represents a disagreement with the findings of
Fujino (1974), who found that the hydraulic mechanism required a force ten times that
required by the buckling mechanism to produce a fracture.
$ !
" &
(2006) further supported the fact that efforts to establish one or another
mechanism as the primary etiology are misplaced. Both mechanisms produce orbital
blow out fractures, with different and specific characteristics. They believed this
provides the basis for reclassification of such fractures. He
(2007) also agreed
with the fact that both mechanisms play a role in blow out fracture, because they
found it unlikely for an object to hit the globe separately without hitting the inferior
border at the same time, and they found that serious ocular injuries associated with
blow out fractures are uncommon (noted in 22% of cases) and this gives further
credence to the buckling mechanism alongside the hydraulic mechanism. This would
be in keeping with the fact that a low incidence of severe ocular injuries are observed
in blow out fracture patients: When the eye is struck by a large object, such as a
clenched fist, elbow or ball, the momentum of the force will be diffused and absorbed
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
by the orbital margin, preventing severe ocular damage (Eagling, 1974). Chen
(2009) consider that orbital blow out fracture may involve both mechanisms.
Interestingly, the authors suggested that the pyramidal structure and content of the
orbit could generate a steep, transient rise in intra orbital pressure when an external
force is applied, causing deformation of the orbital walls. Furthermore, the impact of
the external force is cushioned by orbital wall fracture, preventing damage to the
globe. This might explain the finding of Kohlhof
(2008) in a case report of
complete dislocation of the globe to the maxillary sinus, with few injuries which were
treated with satisfactory functional results.
(2005) also agreed with concept of involvement of both mechanisms in most
cases of blow out fractures, and that it would be difficult on the basis of history
taking and the knowledge of the cause to determine which mechanism is responsible.
They stated, however, that for blow out fractures in children, the buckling mechanism
may be more applicable than hydraulic theory. Klenk and Kovacs (2003) explained
the mechanism of blow out fractures in small children on the basis of buckling theory,
as they believed that in order to produce a blow out fracture by the sudden increase of
hydraulic pressure a greater force will be required because of incomplete
pneumatization of the maxillary sinus (before 8 years of age). Criden and Ellis (2007)
also explained the mechanism of trapdoor fractures with subsequent muscle
entrapment in children’s blow out fractures using “buckling” theory. Their
intraoperative examination of 12 children showed a linear non displaced fracture with
an entrapped inferior rectus muscle with the surrounding soft tissue with no bone flap
In conclusion, this literature review would suggest that there is reliable evidence that
both hydraulic and bucking mechanisms can produce blow out fracture of the orbit,
but with different characteristics and clinical features. Presence of medial /and or
large posterior blow out fractures fracture; incidence of ocular injuries and orbital
tissue herniation may suggest the likelihood of involvement of hydraulic mechanism.
Whereas, it seems that the role of buckling mechanism is more evident in paediatric
trapdoor blow out fractures.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
It seems that there is no widely approved classification for blow out fractures. Most of
the available classifications are more likely attempts to establish CT scan criteria for
blow out fractures. The use of CT scan in classification of facial fractures in general
has been discussed by Manson
(1990), and a classification for the facial fractures
suggested on the basis of CT scan findings (pattern of comminution and
displacement) in addition to the anatomical location of the fracture.
In cases of blow out fractures, however, CT scan findings have been interpreted in
more than one way. A classification of blow out fractures according to the
relationship between the fracture edges and the inferior rectus on coronal CT scans
was suggested by Gilbard
(1985). Harris
(1998) have classified blow out
fractures on coronal CT scans, and divided the patients by bone fragment
configuration and soft tissue distortion to reflect the severity of soft tissue damage
into 3 general categories: "Trap door" injuries, in which bone fragments with almost
perfect alignment, were classified as type I fractures. Type II fractures involve bone
fragment distraction with soft tissue displacement in between. In type III fractures, the
displaced bone fragments are surrounding the displaced the soft tissue over the area of
the fracture. Ahmed et al (2003) stated that until now there is no clinically useful
classification of orbital floor fractures. They classified blow out fractures, based on
their study of the mechanism of blow out fractures, into two categories; Type 1: a
small fracture confined to the anterior to mid medial floor of the orbit in which
herniation of orbital contents is unusual. Type 2: a large fracture, usually, involving
the entire orbital floor and medial wall, in which herniation of orbital contents is
(2005) classified the patients in their study into 3 different fracture types
(trap door type, bone defect type and a ‘muscle caught’ type). Furuta
classified orbital blow out fractures as either (closed flap) or (open flap) at the floor
and/or medial wall using CT scan image reconstruction. A closed flap fracture is a
fracture with one or two edges. It includes; linear fractures, green stick fractures, and
trapdoor fractures.
(2007) suggested a classification for orbital wall defects basing on two
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
dimensional schematic representations of the orbital walls in relation to coronal CT
scan in to 5 categories depending on the site and the size of the fractures in relation to
the 9 zones in the schematic circular representation of fracture (Figure 2 2).
A more recent classification suggested by Yano
(2009), for the sake of simplicity
of fracture description, divided blow out fractures into: linear type, punched out type
and burst type. Linear fractures were used describe fractures with minimally
dislocated bone fragments. Punched out was used as a term for fractures involving
less than one third of the floor. Burst fractures are the fractures which involve more
than two thirds of the orbital wall. Poeschl
(2011) adopted the same
classification, they used the “punched out” fracture term for fractures less than half of
the orbital floor, and the “burst” fracture term for fractures involving more than half
of the orbital floor.
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All the previously mentioned classifications of blow out fractures did not consider
medial wall fractures. This might be related to the fact that isolated blow out fractures
of the medial orbital wall are uncommon (de Visscher and van der Wal, 1988), or
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
because this type of fracture occurs more commonly with other orbital fractures.
(1999) found that the most common facial fractures associated with medial
wall fractures were nasal fractures (51 percent), not inferior orbital wall fractures (33
percent). This finding suggests that the force causing nasal fractures is as an important
causative factor of pure medial wall fractures as the buckling force from the medial
orbital rim. Jank
(2003) confirmed the high association of medial blow out
fracture with other types of fractures. Out of 424 patients they recorded only 1 patient
(0.2%) with an isolated medial orbital wall fracture, whereas 357 patients (84.2%) had
isolated blowout fractures of the orbital floor.
A blow out fracture of the medial orbital wall should be suspected when periorbital
trauma results in epistaxis, orbital hemorrhage, horizontal diplopia, dystopia of the
globe, and/or orbital emphysema (Barone and Gigantelli, 1998).
Manson and Iliff (1991) found that medial muscle incarceration is not a feature in
medial blow out fractures despite muscle proximity to the medial wall, and isolated
medial wall fractures primarily more responsible for orbital volume expansion.
(1996) pointed out that combined orbital floor and medial walls
fractures are usually associated with higher incidence of residual diplopia. Burm
(1999) found that 25 percent of patients with medial blow out fracture had diplopia
and 40 percent had enophthalmos. They explained that poor motility outcome in
patients with severe medial blow out fractures being due to more bleeding from the
ethmoid complex, which increases the possibility that orbital soft tissue will adhere to
(2003) advocate surgical reconstruction for medial blow out fractures, as
these fractures usually cause enophthalmos from increased orbital volume. In contrast
to the above studies, they also found an increase incidence of diplopia because of
medial rectus restriction, resulting in horizontal diplopia.
Blow out fractures of the orbit are relatively uncommon compared to other types of
facial fractures. Ioannides
(1988) recorded 59 isolated blow out fractures in a
series of 509 patients with fractures involving the orbit, including zygomatic,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
nasoethmoidal, Le Fort II and Le Fort III fractures. Al Qurainy
( 1991) in their 2
year prospective study of 363 patients who had sustained midfacial fractures found
that 36 patients were presented with pure blow out fractures of the orbit. Shantha
.(2000) in their study on 104 patients with craniofacial injuries, found
that blow out fractures of the orbital floor and medial wall are the most common types
of fracture (36% of the cases). Malara
(2006) recorded 5 cases of blow out
fracture out of 198 patients with facial fractures due to road traffic collisions. Gosau
. (2011) found that only 19.6% (n=37) had isolated orbital floor fractures out of 189
patients with various facial fractures,.
( 2003) studied a sample of 29 blow out fractures found that fractures
occurred most frequently between the ages of 20 and 29 years and were more
common in males than females. Violence was the most common cause, and the most
common fracture site was inferior wall combined with medial wall. Jones (1994) in
his study on 62 patients with blow out fractures, found that assault was the cause in
33(53%) cases, Sport 23(37%), Falls 3(5%), Road traffic collisions 2(3%) and Work
Blow out fractures of the orbital floor in children seem to be far less common,
particularly in those less than 8 years old, due to anatomical differences. The
preadolescent child presents with craniofacial disproportion, with an underdeveloped
midface, small maxillary sinuses, and protruded cranium and mandible (Anderson and
Poole, 1995). The “trapdoor” fracture is a common reported intraoperative finding of
blow out fracture in young patients in contrast to the “open door” fracture found in
adults. Sires
(1998) explained the association of (uncommon) trapdoor fractures
with children and young adults, by the elasticity of the orbital bone in this age group,
which allows the bone to return back quickly into position after it fractures and the
soft tissue has already prolapsed through the fracture. That is why a small, non
displaced fracture is associated with orbital soft tissue entrapment in the maxillary
sinus. This action may explain the late recovery of ocular motility in children after
surgical treatment, as ‘strangulation’ of the herniated tissue may cause loss of
muscular function (Theologie Lygidakis
, 2007).
(2000) study found that children older than 12 years of age were more
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
likely to sustain an orbital
bital fl
floor fracture as a result of interpersonall violence
children less than 12 years oof age. Of their sample, 62% had a trapdoor
door type
ty fracture.
Bansagi and Meyer (2000)) confirmed that trapdoor type fractures, usually
usuall involving
the orbital floor, are commo
ommon in the pediatric age group. Kwon
2005) in their
retrospective study of 70 pa
patients (16 patients were children aged less
ess than16
and 54 were adults aged 17 years), which further supported the fact
ct that trapdoor
fractures were more frequen
requent in the younger age group (n=13; 81%),
), whereas
patients (56%) had open do
door fractures were more common in the adult group
(30/56%). They also noticed
oticed that paediatric group had less severe periorb
eriorbital swelling
compared with the adults
To summarize; blow out fra
fractures of the orbit may constitute around
nd 10% of mid face
fractures. Although blow ou
out fractures are less likely to occur in small
all children,
frequently present with
th sym
symptomatic trap door type fractures. Interperson
rpersonal violence
seems to be the most freque
frequent cause of blow out fractures.
$+ 7
In a patient presenting with a history of blunt trauma to the orbit with resulting
diplopia, the differential
ial dia
diagnosis should include orbital haemorrhage
age or oedema,
extraocular muscle injury
jury or cranial nerve palsy, in addition to blow out fracture
, 2001).
An intact orbital rim may
ay ob
obscure the presence of a fracture in the orbital floor and the
clinician should suspect
ct the presence of blow out fracture until proven otherwise
(Rowe and Williams, 1994 ; Brady
, 2001)
Rowe and Williams (1994
1994 ) listed the findings which would raise suspici
uspicion of a blow
out fracture, including:: hist
history and nature of the injury; the presence
ce of immediate
limitation of elevation of the eye, especially if this is not matched by the degree of
restriction of movement
nt in oother directions; limitation of movementt with an intact
orbital margin and paraesthe
raesthesia of the infraorbital nerve; and change
ge in the
th ocular
level. The authors alsoo repo
reported the ‘tear drop’ sign or hemispherical
al opacity
to the roof of the sinuss on an occipitomental radiograph as indicative
ve of a fracture.
Furthermore, Brady et al ((2001) stated that infra orbital hypoaesthesia,
esia, or
o intraorbital
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
emphysema also should raise the suspicion about the presence of blow out fracture
Lerman (1970) stated that it is possible to predict the site of the fracture in relation to
the equator of the globe on the basis of the motility defect. If the inferior rectus
muscle is tethered anteriorly the eye will be fixed in a depressed position, resulting in
a hypotropia on the side of the injury when the opposite eye in the primary position.
This imbalance will be less marked when looking down and exaggerated when
looking up. If the inferior rectus muscle is entrapped posterior to the equator of the
globe, the eye will be fixed in an elevated position and in the primary position of gaze
and hypertropia on the same side as the injury will result, so that the imbalance will be
less on looking up and will be exaggerated on looking down.
In the same context, Seiff and Good, (1996) reported a subgroup of blow out
fractures cases with hypertropia. The CT scan showed a characteristic depressed
fracture of the posterior orbital floor extending to the posterior wall of the maxillary
sinus in all patients. In many patients, the inferior rectus was noted to be looped
inferiorly resulting in a steep contact with the globe. No spontaneous recovery of
diplopia was recorded in these patients. The authors concluded that if diplopia was
recorded in association with hypertropia, a posterior blow out fracture should be
suspected and investigated by CT scan.
Blow out fractures in children present with a different clinical picture, with a trapdoor
type of fracture with marked restriction of ocular motility. de Man
(1991) in their
study on 50 patients reported 15 children with orbital floor blow out fractures. 14 had
trapdoor type of fracture with sever restriction of ocular motility. Jordan
stressed that this type of blow out fracture, commonly affecting children less than 16
years of age, shows marked ocular motility restriction in upward and downward gaze
together with minimal soft tissue signs of trauma and absence of enophthalmos. These
finding were associated with a minimal CT scan evidence of floor disruption. They
termed this entity of blow out fracture as ‘the white eyed' blow out fracture.
Trapdoor fractures in children which are small with minimal soft tissue entrapment,
can make the interpretation of CT quite difficult Bansagi and Meyer (2000). Wachler
and Holds (1998) termed the characteristic absent inferior muscle in coronal CT ,
associated with small blow out fractures “the missing muscle syndrome”.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Bansagi and Meyer (2000) also reported that marked motility restriction and
nausea/vomiting were strongly suggestive signs of a trapdoor type fracture and an
indication for immediate surgical intervention. Tachycardia nausea and vomiting
associated with muscle entrapment are the result of an oculocardiac reflex, due to
stimulation of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. The impulses from the
ophthalmic division pass through the reticular formation to the vagus nerve’s visceral
motor nuclei with subsequent effect on the heart and stomach.
! !
Diplopia occurs as a result of stimulation of non corresponding points of the two
retinas by the same object (McGill, 1974). Diplopia is a common complication in
blow out fractures of the orbit. The incidence of diplopia in orbital blow out fractures,
as reported in the literature, ranges from 58% 84% (Hammerschlag
France, 1994; Biesman
, 1996; Shantha Amritha
, 1982;
, 2000; Brady
, 2001;
Hosal and Beatty, 2002). Diplopia is often caused by vertical motility impairment in
blow out fracture which is the most common ocular motility disturbance associated
with trapdoor fractures (Bansagi and Meyer, 2000).
Evaluation of diplopia in the immediate post traumatic period is invaluable in
decision making for the management of blow out fracture patients (France, 1994). As
an initial clinical assessment , the clinician may use a linear light and ask the patient
to focus his eyes and follow the light in the nine cardinal positions of gaze where they
perceive a double image (Stassen and Kerawala, 2007).
The direct cause of diplopia in blow out fractures is a debatable issue. Some authors
believe that direct muscle injuries resulting in haematoma, oedema and subsequent
fibrosis, or nerve injury are more likely to be the causative factors for diplopia in
blow out fractures as opposed to entrapment of muscles or fascia (Putterman
1974; Koornneef, 1982). Late motility problems are suggested by these same authors
to be caused by fibrosis due to oedema, haemorrhage, or denervation.
Dutton (1991) stated that poor motility is most commonly due to direct muscle
contusion but may represent entrapment. Putterman (1991), suggests that the
extraocular muscle motility problems and infraorbital anaesthesia resulting from the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
fracture frequently improve, but enophthalmos and hypophthalmos either persist or
worsen as the oedema and haemorrhage subsides.
Harley (1975) referred to the neurogenic causes of persistent diplopia. He
demonstrated the possibility of damage to the nerve entering the inferior rectus in
posterior fractures. Wojno (1987) referred to the importance of direct injury to the
extraocular muscles (EOM) or the nerve supply. He found of 40 blow out fracture
patients studied prospectively, 7 had motility disturbances consistent with palsy of
one extraocular muscles or cranial nerve. All seven patients had negative forced
duction tests, making entrapment, oedema, or orbital hemorrhage unlikely causes of
diplopia. The diplopia resolved in four patients within 1 year. Persistent diplopia is a
common indication for repair of such fractures. If, however, diplopia is due only to
extra ocular muscle or nerve palsy, orbital surgery should be deferred (in the absence
of significant enophthalmos) in favour of observation and/or later strabismus surgery.
Demer (2001) reported that the recovery of contused extraocular muscle or its motor
nerve may take months and that MRI will provide definitive information about the
structural integrity of the affected muscle after 3 to 6 months. On the other hand, if
diplopia is caused by orbital oedema and/or mild muscle contusion, with no evidence
of trapdoor muscle entrapment or transection, a period of 1 2 weeks for careful
observation is advisable as resolution of pain and oedema will allow a more
conclusive opinion (Criden and Ellis, 2007).
Ludwig and Brown (2001) demonstrated a group of patients who had avulsion type
flap tears of the extraocular muscles, after blunt trauma to the orbit (some with a CT
scan evidence of fractures whilst others did not); they considered this phenomenon
one of the common causes of strabismus after trauma. Intraoperatively the torn “flap”
of muscle was found external to the muscle, scarred into surrounding orbital
connective tissue and fat. They also observed that sometimes several small flaps were
avulsed as opposed to a solitary flap. As the muscle tear was not expected and was
overlooked in CT scan, a long time often elapsed before treatment was undertaken.
The authors also noticed that in some of patients the tear was distant from the fracture.
To explain this phenomenon, anatomic studies were carried out which showed 2
distinct layers in the extra ocular muscle: (1) the global layer, adjacent to the globe,
and (2) the orbital layer. They hypothesized that the sudden downward force
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
experienced by the orbital contents at the time of blunt trauma may exert a traction
effect on the orbital layer of the muscle, tearing the orbital from the global layer. Yip
(2006) reported an unusual case of inferior rectus muscle transection after
uncomplicated blow out fracture repair. They suggest that MRI can be used to assist
in precise management of such cases and avoid prolonged periods of observation.
Rowe and Williams (1994 ), on the other hand, suggested that diplopia is a
multifactoral problem. The authors suggested that blood or bony spicules, avulsion of
the muscle from the bone, incarceration of orbital fat or of the extraocular muscles in
the fracture line and fibrous adhesions between the muscle and the orbital fat or
periosteum, could cause physical interferences with the extraocular muscle action
causing diplopia. They stated that diplopia occurs with inability for compensatory
mechanisms to deal with considerable degrees of alteration in the visual axis as a
result of trauma, aggravated by compensatory over activity of the unaffected muscle
in the other eye. They pointed out that in the majority of cases of diplopia, failure in
eye movement is not because of the paresis of the moving muscle but the inability of
the counter acting muscle for relaxation due to the fibrosis between its sheath and the
adjacent periosteum in the fracture site. A common example in blowout fracture is the
inability of superior rectus muscle for upward movement due to the adhesion between
the inferior rectus muscle and the floor of the orbit.
Variable degrees of tissue involvement in the fracture defect have been suggested by
other authors to have a major influence on diplopia. Gilbard
(1985) used axial
and coronal CT scans to classify the pattern of inferior rectus muscle entrapment in
the orbital floor into free from entrapment, hooked, and entrapped, according to the
continuity of the muscle with bony density in “no area”, “along one side”, or “along
both nasal and temporal sides”. They stated that patients with CT scan evidence of
bone fragments adjacent to the inferior rectus muscle on both sides have high risk for
developing diplopia, while CT scan evidence of hooked muscles (the inferior rectus
muscle adjacent to a bone fragment on one side) had less diplopia and those with free
inferior rectus muscles had no diplopia. Harris
(1998) in their study on the
predictive value of preoperative CT scan findings, attributed the poor motility
outcome by the damage of the fibrofatty muscular complex to a varying degree as it is
driven between bone fragments, with subsequent intrinsic fibrosis and contraction
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
tethering globe movement.
Classification of the severity of diplopia also has been debated in the literature.
(1995) and Harris
(1998) described mild, moderate and severe
diplopia; suggesting that only moderate and severe diplopia are clinically important.
Diplopia is considered severe when it is present in all positions; moderate when
present in vertical fields of gaze; and mild when only in the extremes of gaze.
(1998) in their study on 14 patients who underwent strabismus
surgery for persistent diplopia, believed a comfortable field of binocular single vision
to be within 20 degrees upward to 30 degrees downward gaze, and Hosal and Beatty
(2002), within 30 degree of the primary position. Jaquiery
(2007), using Hans
Target Screen, considered no double vision within 20 degrees postoperatively to be
good and within 10 degrees to be satisfactory and double vision in all gazes to be
poor. They based this on a driving safety protocol for driving in Switzerland, as it
permits motor driving for patients who are free from double vision at 20 degree at all
gazes on Hans Target Screen. Cope
(1999) considered the definition
‘troublesome diplopia,’ which is dependent on patient perception rather than
measurement of ocular movement, to be most relevant definition. Similarly, Sleep
(2007) defined relevant diplopia as being diplopia in the primary position or of
importance in daily life and not just limited to the extreme of gaze.
In summary, this literature review suggests that the aetiology of diplopia is likely to
be multi factorial. However, it would appear that a combination of orbital soft tissue
injury and variable degrees of tissue involvement in the fracture defect are the most
probable causes for diplopia in blow out fracture of the orbit.
Subjectivity of diplopia and absence of a unifying quantitative measurement of
diplopia make the assessment and discussion of diplopia severity problematic.
Enophthalmos is a posterior displacement of the eyeball within the orbit in an
anteroposterior plane (Cline and Rootman, 1984). Rowe and Williams (1994 )
defined enophthalmos, as a disturbance in the balance between the periorbital fat and
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
the orbital walls. Enophthalmos is common complication of blow out fractures of the
orbit, with a reported incidence range from 30% to 62% (Jayamanne and Igillie, 1995;
Hosal and Beatty, 2002; Barry, 2005; Wang
, 2008).
The main focus of research regarding enophthalmos has been directed towards the
pathophysiology of this complication and the possible influential factors. Rowe and
Williams (1994 ) explained the reason behind enophthalmos by the increase of the
orbital volume by outward movement of one or more orbital walls or a decrease in the
quantity of orbital fat by herniation into adjacent spaces such as the antrum,
infratemporal fossa and the ethmoidal air cells. They term this loss ‘relative loss’,
absolute loss being the liquefaction or fibrosis of the orbital fat. They stated that the
degree of post traumatic enophthalmos is related to the degree of change in the orbital
volume. However, Hammerschlag
(1982) stated that, in the acute phase of the
trauma, enophthalmos can only result from prolapse of orbital contents into adjacent
(1986) found that loss of intramuscular conal fat (atrophy or
displacement), in both cadavers and patients, produced enophthalmos. They also
found that atrophy is not a prominent feature in most patients with post traumatic
enophthalmos. They concluded that the principal mechanism in post traumatic
enophthalmos involves both displacement and change in the shape of the orbital
tissue. They suggested that enophthalmos is caused through both bony enlargement of
the orbit and ligament disruption. Due to the loss of bone and ligament support of the
globe remodelling and fibrous scar contracture may occur. As a result a change in the
shape of retrobulbar content from conical to spherical will result, which in turn will
allow the eyeball to sink backwards and downwards.
Manson and Iliff (1991) believed that the loss of extraconal fat will not cause
significant change in the globe position. However, loss of intraconal fat or
displacement into the extraconal space will result in loss of globe support, aided by a
weak ligament system in the posterior orbit, and easy extrusion of the intraconal fat to
the extraconal space. They argued that fat atrophy is the probable cause for
enophthalmos in only 10% of patients. Hence, the key to successful repositioning of
globe of the eye is restoration of orbital volume. Furthermore, they stated that early
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
globe position does not predict late globe position because of oedema. Moderate
orbital enlargement on CT may predict development of enophthalmos when the
swelling subsides.
Pearl (1998) suggested that defects of the anterior orbital floor, anterior to the equator
of the globe, do not produce enophthalmos as the size of the defect is frequently too
small to cause eyeball displacement, whereas fractures of the posterior orbital floor
are more likely to produce enophthalmos because of greater volumetric loss behind
the equator.
(2007) summarized the pathophysiology of enophthalmos in orbital
trauma was the result of one of three factors: enlargement of orbital “container”,
reduction of orbital content and contraction of orbital content. They stated that
enlargement of the orbital container seems to be the most frequent cause of
enophthalmos. Clauser
(2008) also considered orbital enlargement as the
primary cause for enophthalmos. However, they mentioned soft tissue involvement
such as herniation of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus, fat atrophy, loss of ligament
support and scar contracture as other causative factors.
Since the mid eighties, research has concentrated on the major role played by orbital
volume changes on enophthalmos. However, some argued that enophthalmos might
occur with no significant orbital volume changes as demonstrated by CT scan.
Putterman (1991) pointed out that there was no evidence to support that the size of the
orbital fracture on CT scans or radiographs correlates with the amount of
enophthalmos or hypophthalmos. Smith
(1998) stated that enophthalmos can
occur even with minimally displaced fractures in the orbital floor when it involves the
inferomedial convexity. Furthermore, according to Hartstein and Roper Hall (2000),
not all patients with large fractures of the floor over (50%) necessarily develop
Hawes and Dortzbach (1983) suggested that fractures involving more than 25% of the
floor, based on CT imaging, increase the likelihood of enophthalmos, and fractures
with CT evidence of more half of the floor missing would result in more significant
enophthalmos. The authors advocate early repair in these situations, even in the
absence of clinical enophthalmos. Gilbard
(1985) believed that CT evidence of a
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
fracture involving over half of the floor would increase the likelihood of developing
enophthalmos, but they include the increase of the chance of development of diplopia.
Many studies have attempted to correlate orbital volume measurements from CT with
enophthalmos; Bite
(1985) did a CT scan analysis on 11 patients to measure total
bony orbital volume, detailed soft tissue volume and apex to globe distance in the
horizontal plane. Their analysis demonstrated a statistically significant increase in
bony orbital volume in the enophthalmic eye, and that the total soft tissue volume of
the orbital contents was the same as in the normal eye. Their results suggested that
post traumatic enophthalmos in the majority of patients results from the increased
bony orbital volume, not soft tissue loss or fat necrosis. However, they reasoned that
enophthalmos in cases with no orbital volume discrepancies was due to cicatricial
contracture. They stated that correction of enophthalmos should be directed to
decrease the volume of the bony orbit and to increase the anterior projection of the
globe, which is the same concept reported much earlier by (Devoe, 1947).
(1994) performed a CT study on 25 patients with blow out fractures.
They found that a 1cm3 increase in orbital volume causes 0.8 mm of enophthalmos,
confirming that the cause of enophthalmos after blow out fracture is orbital volume
increase rather than fat atrophy or fibrosis. Their results also showed that within 20
days of injury, up to 3 mm of enophthalmos may be obscured by retrobulbar soft
tissue swelling and that this effect may still be apparent up to 20 days after injury.
(1996) in their study on patients with orbitozygomatic fractures,
using software analysis for both coronal and axial CT scans, considered 4% increase in
orbital measurement as the critical volume difference at which enophthalmos becomes
clinically noticeable. Yab
(1997) in a CT scan analysis of 32 patients with blow
out fractures, found enophthalmos remains around 1 mm until total orbital
enlargement reaches 2 ml in volume, after which it increases proportionally with total
orbital enlargement until 4 ml, then plateaus. They also demonstrated a proportional
relationship between enophthalmos and medial displacement of the eyeball, but not
between enophthalmos and inferior displacement of the eyeball. Raskin
did a volume analysis based on CT scans of 30 patients with blow out fractures. They
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
found that early Hertel's measurements1 (less than 4 weeks) did not correlate with the
computer volumetric values or with subsequent late enophthalmos.
(2000) found a significant relationship between enophthalmos and increase in
fracture area and the volume of the herniated tissue. They conclude that enophthalmos
of 2 mm or more, which is a frequent indication for surgery, can be expected when the
area of fracture is 1.9 cm2 or more, or the volume of herniated orbital tissue is 0.9 mL
or more. Fan
(2003) in a study of 16 patients with blow out fractures found a
high correlation between the increment of orbital volume and the degree of
enophthalmos, reporting that an increase of orbital volume of 1cm3 causes 0.89 mm of
(2005), tried to establish the relationship between enophthalmos,
linear displacement, and volume change for various patterns of experimentally created
orbital fracture. They found that the displacement of 1 and 2 walled orbital defects
results in a direct and linear change in both orbital volume and enophthalmos,
regardless of the location of the defect.
Orbital volume measurement before early reconstructive surgery in cases of large
fracture has also been recommended by (Juan
enophthalmos. Kokemueller
, 2006), to predict possible
(2008), using a measurement protocol involving
spiral CT data in combination with image fusion techniques, analysed the degree of a
persisting enophthalmos and its origin. They stated that their measurement protocol is
especially suitable for long term follow up regarding changes of the bony orbit and its
contents in trauma patients.
(2009) believed that 3 D orbital volume measurement is essential for the
identification of post operative and post traumatic orbital volume changes and
consequent degree of enophthalmos. Their data, derived from 3 D MRI 3–4 months
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
after surgical reconstruction of the fracture, showed that all enophthalmic orbits
revealed a significant bony volume increase, as well as a reduced sagittal eye
projection compared to the contralateral side. Mean orbital volume enlargements of
1.0 cm3 lead to 0.93 mm enophthalmos, a value similar to that of Whitehouse
(1994) and Fan
(2003). The authors could not detect fatty atrophy by different
techniques of MRI.
Although the majority of research about enophthalmos prediction focused on orbital
volume changes, some researchers studied the influence of extra ocular muscle
configuration as determined by CT scan on enophthalmos. Kim
(2008b) in their
analysis on 24 patients with untreated medial blow out fractures found that the height
width ratio of medial rectus muscle in coronal CT scan is a useful parameter to predict
enophthalmos, and a value of over 0.7 requiring surgical correction. Matic
(2007) suggested that rounding of inferior rectus muscle in coronal CT scan has a
predictive value for enophthalmos. They found that if the height to width ratio of the
inferior rectus muscle is greater or equal to l.00, this will imply a late enophthalmos.
Subconjunctival bleeding can occur in trauma confined to periorbital tissue. In the
case of orbital fracture, blood starts to accumulate in the extraconal space then tracks
anteriorly; this will appear as a posteriorly unbordered subconjunctival haemorrhage,
a helpful diagnostic sign. Initial absence of subconjunctival haemorrhage, however,
does not exclude the presence of fracture, as in some cases there will be no tearing in
the periorbita, blood from the fracture slowly accumulating under the periorbital
plane, which may take days to manifest on the conjunctiva (Rowe and Williams, 1994
Circumorbital ecchymosis is a common sign in trauma to the pre septal soft tissue.
Tissue laxity allows free tracking of blood through the loose subcutaneous areolar
tissue. The extravasated blood may remain for several weeks. Although in itself
requiring no treatment, further investigation should be carried out to rule out more
serious injuries (Stassen and Kerawala,(2007).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Infraorbital paraesthesia is a result of infraorbital nerve injury whether outside the
infraorbital foramen or within the infraorbital canal. The presence of infraorbital
anaesthesia without clinical evidence of fracture in the inferior orbital rim should raise
suspicion of the presence of blow out fracture (Rowe and Williams, 1994 ).
The incidence of post traumatic infraorbital sensory disturbances ranges from 24.4%
to 84 %. (Schultze Mosgau
, 1999; Peltomaa and Rihkanen, 2000). Jayamanne
and Igillie (1995) in a series of 45 patients with blow out fractures, reported a 20%
incidence of infraorbital anaesthesia. Boush and Lemke (1994) reported 2 cases of
blow out fractures with severe, progressive infraorbital nerve hypoaesthesia. They
suggested that progressive infraorbital nerve hypoesthesia should be considered a
primary indication for blow out fracture repair in selected patients in whom
hypoaesthesia is severe.
' (
Periorbital emphysema is a benign, transient collection of air associated with small
orbital fractures communicating with the paranasal sinuses. This sign may be detected
by a ‘crackling’ sensation on palpation of the bony orbit. The collection may also
manifest as a 'pneumogram', which outlines the globe of the eye in plain radiography
(Rowe and Williams, 1994 ). Although benign, large collections have the potential to
cause central retinal artery occlusion, and should be managed appropriately (Hunts
, 1994). Patients with orbital fractures should be instructed to avoid Valsalva’s
manoeuvre, such as nose blowing, to avoid orbital emphysema (Marsden, 2002).
) *!
A direct blow to the eye and the surrounding tissue will result in a contusional injury
of varying severity; from “black eye” to severe intraocular disruption. When the eye is
struck, an anteroposterior compression will result with concomitant stretch in the
equatorial plane with subsequent contusional and tearing damage, as shown in
Figure 2 3.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
$ (! #
The consequences following the strike result in flattening of the cornea and an
immediate rise in intraocular pressure. As the anterior chamber is compressed, the
pupil can be forced to dilate rapidly with subsequent tear of the sphincter muscles of
the iris (traumatic mydriasis). Furthermore, the aqueous humor will be forced to the
periphery and damage the drainage angle, resulting in glaucoma. Tension on the
peripheral iris may result in displacement from its root, into the vitreous
(Iridodialysis). Iridodialysis manifests as a D shaped pupil. The condition shows little
tendency to heal, but does not affect the sight. Additionally, bleeding from these
highly vascularised structures will result in hyphaema, which is an accumulation of
the blood in the anterior chamber (Macewen, 1999). Hyphaema is usually minimal
and patients are advised to rest to avoid secondary bleeding. Injuries to the lens
include contusional cataract or lens dislocation which is usually partial.
Choroidal tears may result in loss of vision from vitreous haemorrhage if large.
Retinal haemorrhage may be single or multiple with variation in size, with obvious
effects on vision. Retinal tears commonly occur at the anterior margin of the retina
and may result in retinal detachment which may spread and affect the macula. The
most common cause of visual disturbance in concussional eyeball injuries is retinal
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
oedema (commotio retinae). It is usually resorbs spontaneously with residual
pigmentation (Stassen and Kerawala, 2007).
The incidence of ocular injuries in association with periorbital fractures led several
authors to acknowledge the importance of ophthalmological examination of patients
with periorbital fracture during initial assessment (Ioannides
2001; Barry
, 1988; Brady
, 2008). The ophthalmic examination should include the pupil shape,
size and the intraocular pressure, with an oval pupil or a pupil lying eccentrically
suggesting blunt trauma or perforation of the globe. If the intraocular pressure
increases above the normal level (10 22mm Hg) this may suggest glaucoma
secondary to trauma. Intraocular pressure lower than 10 mm Hg suggests either
perforation of the globe or hypotony which results from blunt trauma. The authors
also stressed the importance of intraocular pressure measurement after the orbital
fracture reduction. Similarly, al Qurainy
( 1991) suggested that all patients
sustaining mid facial fractures associated with a significant decrease in visual acuity
either pre or post operatively should have early ophthalmological review.
Ophthalmic injuries are more frequent with pure blow out fractures compared with
other types of orbital fractures. Barry
(2008) in their retrospective study on
patients with orbitozygomatic complex fractures, found that ocular injuries in blow
out fractures of the orbit are more common than impure (simple and comminuted
orbito zygomatic) fractures, Brown
(1999) also found of the patients who
sustained a pure orbital floor fracture; intraocular injuries occurred in 5.6%, compared
to only 2.0% in patients sustained an impure fracture.
There is no consensus regarding the severity of ocular injuries in blow out fractures of
the orbit. Jayamanne and Gillie (1995) suggested that severe ocular injuries are
uncommon in patients with pure orbital blow out fractures. Whereas, France (1994)
recorded two cases of 21 cases with blow out fractures presented with no light
perception. Jayamanne and Gillie (1995) in their retrospective study of 45 patients
found that the final visual outcome of patients with pure orbital blow out fractures
was excellent, with 43 (96%) patients having a visual acuity greater than 6/9 at
discharge. Out of 45 patients they recorded the following ocular injuries: 3
conjunctival injuries, 3 hyphaema, 3 commotio retinae, 2 traumatic mydriasis, 1
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
corneal abrasion,1 traumatic optic neuropathy and 1 choroidal rupture. They stated
that most of the ocular injuries were transient and of no permanent consequence, with
the exception of the traumatic optic neuropathy, which is uncommon, but potentially
serious complication. He
(2007) found that the most common ocular finding in
their study was commotio retinae, which was present in 21 of 60 globes (35%),
followed by traumatic mydriasis, 32%, and traumatic iritis, 25%. Most ocular injuries
were minor.
Monocular diplopia may occur with direct damage to the globe, including detached
retina, dislocation of the lens, and damage to the macula. Although it is far less
common than binocular diplopia, it should always be considered and excluded on
examination (Rowe and Williams, 1994 ; Stassen and Kerawala, 2007).
$1 /
The occipitomental view is the standard plain radiographic projection for orbital
fractures. The central ray of the X ray beam should pass though the nasal spine to
project the top of the petrous temporal bones just below the floor of the maxillary
sinuses to display the whole of both sinuses. This projection demonstrates fractures of
the maxillary sinuses, orbits and zygomatic arches (Rowe and Williams, 1994 ).
Plain radiography can provide indirect evidence of orbital blow out fracture by the
presence of an air fluid level. They give no definitive information on the status of the
soft tissues (Hartstein and Roper Hall, 2000) and cannot identify the exact
relationship of the fracture and soft tissue incarceration. This led many surgeons to
recommend surgical intervention in all blow out fractures, even in the absence of
conclusive radiographic findings (1991).
Inability of plain radiography to identify some of blow out fractures has been
mentioned in the literature. Dulley and Fells (1974) found that plain X rays were able
to identify 76.5% of the conservatively managed cases in their series. Chen
(2009) compared the accuracy of plain X ray in the diagnosis of blow out fracture
with CT scan and found that it was 52.6% (10/19) in plain radiography, while it was
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
73.7% (42/57) in cranial CT examination.
- #!
The use of CT is now commonplace in the investigation of blow out fractures. The
nature of investigation does not only include its usefulness in the diagnosis of orbital
fractures, but for its value in classification of blow out fractures of the orbit.
Manson and Iliff (1991) cited the criteria for proper evaluation of an orbital injury, as
an axial scan, beginning at the superior aspect of the frontal sinus and progressing
through the entire orbit terminating at the maxillary alveolus. Coronal sections should
begin anteriorly at the nasal pyramid and continue posteriorly through to the orbital
apex. CT scan can demonstrate in both axial and coronal planes the extent of the
fractured floor and its relationship to the soft tissue (Hartstein and Roper Hall, 2000).
(1993) referred to the potential importance of CT scan measurement in
patients with blow out fractures. They advised coronal CT scan, in particular, for
post operative assessment of the quality of orbital volume reconstruction. Baek
2003) also found the estimation of fracture size by using CT was more predictive of
late post operative enophthalmos. Hamedani
(2007) stated that CT volumetric
measurement with digital reconstructions may be useful for the predictive diagnosis of
late enophthalmos and the quality of surgical reconstruction. They believe that axial,
coronal and sagittal CT scans are valuable in assessing the location and the extent of
the fracture with soft tissue involvement, and plain radiography should be avoided.
However, they suggested that MRI may aid in the diagnosis of muscular fibrosis.
(2007) reported that axial and coronal CT scans are adequate for
diagnosis of medial orbital wall fractures, with coronal CT being superior for the
detection of orbital floor fractures and for the adequate assessment of the cribiform
plate and orbital roof. However, such examinations may not be practical for patients
with intracranial injuries and cervical fractures.
(2000) pointed out that three dimensional orbital imaging provides
reliable assessment of the position and extent of wall deformities, involvement of
orbital soft tissues, and ocular position before and secondary to fracture
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
reconstruction. Ploder
(2001) applied a software program on coronal CT scans
to measure the orbital floor and the fracture area. They found that the distances to the
medial and lateral boundary of the fracture can be successfully measured on each CT
slice. Furthermore, they measured the size of the dislocated fragment and the extent of
soft tissue herniated into the antrum.
(2006) studied the number of points of muscle contact with the orbital
fracture site on CT along with Hess Area Ratio (HAR) for measurement of
extraocular muscle function. They analysed 113 cases of blow out fracture with
diplopia and found that both clinical manifestation and prognosis could be
approximately predicted on the basis of number of muscle contact points with the
fracture margin. Furthermore, they stated that treatment decision should be guided by
thorough evaluation of the CT scan.
More recently, Higashino et al (2011) studied the CT scan findings of 106 cases with
blow out fractures. They found that all patients had diplopia when the fracture width
was less than half of the eyeball diameter, and when inferior rectus muscle herniation
into the maxillary sinus was half or more than half of its section. They also found that
this level of protrusion of inferior rectus muscle might result in enophthalmos, even if
the fracture width was less than half the diameter of the globe. Accordingly they
suggested a CT scan based algorithm for treatment of blow out fractures.
Nevertheless, there is some evidence in the literature which suggests a limited value
of CT in some cases of blow out fractures of the orbit. Hammerschlag
believed that direct coronal CT scans are inadequate for evaluation of orbital blow out
fractures. Putterman (1991) argued that there is no necessity for routine CT scans in
blow out fracture, the author ordering them selectively to aid in differentiating an
entrapped inferior rectus muscle from a contused inferior rectus muscle, or for
evaluation of the size of the implant needed to treat late enophthalmos. Charteris
(1993) in their CT scan volumetric analysis of 31 patients with blow out fractures
stated that there is no absolute value of volume discrepancy provided by CT scan
which can be given as an indication for surgery.
(1999) advocate the use of transantral endoscopy under local anaesthesia
as a useful clinical aid in diagnosis of blow out fracture, because of the disadvantages
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
and limitation in the accuracy of CT scans. Farwell
(2007) stated that in most of
their cases (53), endoscopic, intraoperative findings demonstrated that the size of
herniated orbital tissue into the maxillary antrum was larger than would be
appreciated by CT scan. They agreed with Saunders et al (1997) on the fact that CT
scan may not accurately quantify the size or extent of injuries.
(2003) and Theologie Lygidakis
(2007) found that trapdoor type
fractures with minimal soft tissue incarceration may sometimes be difficult to see,
even in CT scans. This finding was supported by Criden and Ellis (2007) in their
review of the radiologist’s interpretation of the CT for 12 cases of white eyed blow
out fractures. They demonstrated that a fracture was identified in only nine of the
twelve known cases. Radiologists identified entrapped inferior rectus muscles in only
three of the known cases and the reports were unclear in three other cases. Moreover,
(2008) provided strong evidence that there is underestimation of soft
tissue entrapment by CT compared to clinical examination and intraoperative findings
in the paediatric population. They found that more than 50% of the children in their
study had entrapment of orbital soft tissue that was not appreciated by the radiologist
on the CT scan; therefore, they stress the importance of performing a thorough
clinical examination and correlating this with the CT scan findings.
There are other imaging techniques that have been used for diagnosis of blow out
fractures of the orbit. These are Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Cone Beam CT
(CBCT), and ultrasonography (US). Hui Chuan
(2007) stated that high resolution
MRI can provide important information in oculomotor palsy regarding anatomical
abnormality, compressive lesions in the path of the oculomotor nerve, and associated
cranial nerve palsy. Furthermore, high resolution MRI can indicate the degree of
atrophy of affected extraocular muscles. They suggested that it may be clinically
valuable in selected, complex cases to employ high resolution MRI to see the path of
the oculomotor nerve from brain stem to the individual extratorcualr muslces. Kolk
(2009) suggested the use of high resolution MRI with an orbital coil as an
alternative for CT scan in diagnosis of paediatric orbital fractures as muscle
incarcerations could not always be diagnosed in CT scan. This agrees with Yoon
(2003), Theologie Lygidakis
(2007) and Parbhu
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Drage and Sivarajasingam (2009) described the use of cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT) for use in isolated fractures of the orbital floor as it shows
defects in the orbital floor with a lower dose of radiation than conventional computed
( 2004) investigated the diagnostic value of US in orbital floor fractures.
Their study showed a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 100% with a diagnostic
accuracy of 98%. Positive predictive value (PPV) reached 100% and negative
predictive value (NPV) reached 77%. They recommended US as it is cost effective,
widely available and does not have the disadvantages of radiation exposure. US may
also be used to show the disruption of the lens (Stassen and Kerawala, 2007)
It can be concluded that CT is a valuable tool in the management of blow out
fractures of the orbit, despite its limitations in detecting trapdoor fractures in
paediatric blow out fractures. CT can provide information about the site, size of the
fracture and the level of tissue involvement in the fracture defect. MRI has been also
used, but to lesser extent, to assess more subtle orbital soft tissue injuries.
Evaluation of diplopia with careful follow up is invaluable in decision making for the
management of blow out fracture patients (1994). An initial clinical assessment may
be performed using a linear light and requesting the patient to focus on and follow the
light in the nine cardinal positions of gaze and report the presence of a double image
(Stassen and Kerawala, 2007). Should diplopia be noted, referral for orthoptic
assessment is indicated.
Forced generation and forced duction tests have been used to differentiate between an
entrapped or paretic muscle. Topical anaesthesia is applied to the eye, and then an
attempt is made to move the eye upward with toothed forceps, holding the
conjunctival and episcleral tissue at the 6 o’clock limbal position. Difficulty in
elevating the eye with the forceps indicates a positive forced duction test. This implies
an entrapment of inferior rectus muscle and/or orbital contents within the fracture site.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
While still holding the forceps, the patient is asked to look downward. The power of
pull on the forceps will indicate if the inferior rectus muscle is intact or there is an
injury with subsequent paresis (Putterman, 1991). Some surgeons prefer to do the test
under general anaesthesia, suggesting that under local anaesthesia pain and muscle
spasm may affect the result (Straker and Hill, 1989; Hartstein and Roper Hall, 2000).
However, Straker and Hill (1989) believe that the forced duction test does not
necessarily imply that the muscle itself is entrapped within the fracture, but it may be
restricted by haematoma, tethering of orbital septa or fibrous adhesions. Rowe and
Williams (1994 ) stated that negative forced duction test in the early post traumatic
period, does not exclude the possibility of herniation of tissue into the antrum since
restrictive fibrosis may take 10 days to form.
! !
Early documentation and quantitative assessment of extraocular muscle function after
the injury is of great importance as this will provide a tool for differential diagnosis,
and aid in the decision regarding need and timing of surgical repair of the orbit, in
addition to providing baseline data to assist in determining outcome (Hartstein and
Roper Hall, 2000).
(2008) stressed on the importance of orthoptic examination in every
patient with blow out fracture before any surgical intervention, even with absence of
diplopia. Absence of diplopia in some cases may be associated with preexisting
binocular vision (BSV) problem and should be ruled out. A variety of orthoptic tests
are available in the assessment of blow out fractures, the more common being
outlined below.
The binocular field of vision may be plotted on a Goldmann perimeter using standard
charts. With both eyes opened, the patient observes a slowly moving target from the
primary position. The patient is asked to state when the object appears double
, 2008).
According to the concept of relative values, Esterman (1982) believes that certain
areas of the field are functionally more important than others in human activity, the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
central part of the field being more valuable than the periphery, the lower hemisphere
more useful than the upper, and the horizontal meridian more important than other
meridia. Sullivan
(1992) stated that diplopia score can easily be calculated from
binocular single vision (BSV) score by the subtraction of the BSV score from 100
(weighted BSV score). They stressed on the importance of the fact that the score must
be in the context of the patient's subjective complaints, systemic disability, and job
Kim and Woo (1999) in their postoperative follow up for 17 patients with blow out
fractures, found BSV scoring a reliable method for quantifying diplopia and
monitoring improvement. Stocker
(2005) recommended BSV tests should be
done routinely for patients with orbital trauma. The recommendation of BSV over
Hess Chart for routine evaluation of orbital trauma patients is based on the fact that it
is a simple tool and allows numerical analysis for both orbital and visual functions
, 2005; Stocker
, 2006; Banks, 2007).
(2005) divided diplopia using un weighted field of single binocular vision,
into four levels of severity from zero to three; zero corresponding to no diplopia, one
to mild (diplopia appears more than 30 degrees from the primary position), two to
moderate (diplopia 10 to 30 degrees from primary position, three to severe (diplopia
appears within 10 degrees from the primary position. Shotton
(2008) examined
the normal (weighted) range BSV field in normal population . They found that the
score of 100% was rarely achieved by asymptomatic visually normal population, and
the median normative BSV value was 94%. They also found that the BSV field is
reduced with age.
(2008) compared diplopia scores obtained with a diplopia questionnaire
to the established Goldmann diplopia field. They found an acceptable agreement in
the majority of patients. However, they suggested the diplopia questionnaire to be a
better representation of the patient’s daily experience than the Goldmann diplopia
An alternative technique for diplopia assessment is cervical range of motion (CROM)
(Holmes et al (2005). It is standardized in 9 gaze positions for distance fixation and 1
for reading, with score ranges from a minimum of 0 25. It has been described as valid,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
reliable, responsive measure of diplopia, easy to perform and requires minimal
equipment (Holmes
, 2005). However, the presence of a strong magnet may
prohibit its administration on patients with pacemakers.
The Hess chart test is commonly used test for assessment of extraocular motility
defects. The Hess chart gives a reproducible, record of ocular motility. It is obtained
for each eye and usually the unaffected eye muscles show overaction in contrast to the
contralateral affected muscle in the involved eye (Stassen and Kerawala, 2007).
(1992) suggested a new scoring system for Hess charts as they found
the interpretation of Hess charts was subjective and comparison between charts may
be difficult. Furuta
(2006) used a Hess Area Ratio (HAR) measurement to
express the ocular motility in numerical values by comparing the Hess chart between
the affected and healthy side and they found that in patients with HAR more than
85%, most experienced no diplopia.
Uniocular field of fixation (UFOF) measurement of ocular motility has similarly been
recommended for objective recording of eye movement. Unlike Hess charts, it
provides a numerical score for the six extraocular muscles for each globe (Haggerty
, 2005). This test has been used in ocular motility assessment for Graves
Ophthalmopathy2 patients (Steel
, 1995; Gerling
, 1997; Haggerty
2005). However, its use has not been previously reported for orbital trauma patients.
The Double Maddox rod test is another ocular motility assessment technique. This test
is particularly useful where superior or inferior oblique muscle weakness is suspected.
It is objective, reliable, simple and cost effective method for evaluation of diplopia,
and can be rapidly mastered (Shaunak
, 1995).
Graves’ ophthalmopathy is an autoimmune condition characterizes by marked
orbital inflammation mainly affects the extra ocular muscles and fibro adipose tissue
(Nikolousis 2011)
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(2007) demonstrated a new application of electro oculography to
identify the cause of diplopia in orbital floor fractures. By the use of the intact eye as
the reference, any motility difference between the normal and injured eyes can be
easily detected. The technique is based on electronystagmography equipment used for
vestibular testing in daily ENT practice.
Galldiks and Haupt (2008) advised the use of electro myography (EMG) in cases of
blow out fracture with incarceration of the EOM, as the diagnostic information
derived from the EMG pattern may be helpful in decision making concerning surgical
intervention and progress assessment.
Putterman (1991) mentioned the use of extraocular muscle motility assessment by the
Urist light reflex technique and Turnbull
(2007) considered intraocular pressure
measurement for globe movement restriction, pressure increasing in the affected eye
in upward gaze. He considered the equal measurements between both eyes (normal
and injured as an indication of recovery of extraocular muscle impairment.
$3 0
According to Manson and Iliff (1991) blow out fractures have enjoyed “all” or “none”
treatment policies, despite the fact that recent clinical studies and research provided
some unifying concepts for evaluation and treatment. These concepts are based on
better knowledge of orbital bone and soft tissue anatomy, physical examination, and
the excellent definition of bone and soft tissue injury by thin slice CT scanning. They
suggest that the surgical decisions involve two considerations: globe position (orbital
volume) and diplopia.
Putterman (1991) mentioned the difficulty of making treatment decisions for “ the
marginal group” of patients in which there is slow but steady resolution of diplopia
with slight changes in enophthalmos. For this group he advises frequent measurement
of extraocular muscle motility diplopia, enophthalmos, and hypo ophthalmos. Rowe
and Williams (1994 ) believed it is better to wait until oedema and swelling have
subsided before coming to a definitive conclusion about the treatment. They
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
suggested that whenever possible, a Hess chart should be completed prior to operation
since this is the best way to obtain a base line for further assessment. Harris
(1998) referred to the widely accepted protocol which states: if CT scan demonstrates
a large blow out fracture, enophthalmos is anticipated (even if it is initially masked by
orbital oedema or haematoma), and surgery should be performed within 2 weeks of
the injury. If CT scan demonstrates a small fracture that is unlikely to alter orbital
volume, surgical decisions are based on ocular motility. In the absence of diplopia,
small fractures are rarely repaired. In the presence of diplopia, examinations are
repeated for up to 2 weeks, and surgery advised for patients whose symptoms remain
clinically significant during this period. However, they stated that the ocular motility
outcome according to this protocol has been less than ideal.
Dutton (1991) reasoned the controversy over the treatment of blow out fractures by
the absence of accurate evaluation of trauma patients: no quantitative criteria for
diplopia or enophthalmos and an inability to predict the outcome of the treatment.
Hartstein and Roper Hall (2000) noticed that many of the ideas for the treatment of
blow out fractures derived from experience with more complex and comminuted
facial fractures. Brady e
(2001) stated that physician philosophy plays a major role
beside the physical examination and radiographic interpretation in management of
blow out fractures.
Morris and Gill (2000), in their review of literature found many examples of early
surgery with post operative diplopia up to 50%, along with other examples of
successful outcomes without diplopia in patients treated only with observation. Their
policy of treatment was early surgery for those patients with disabling diplopia
without demonstrable improvement in the first 2 weeks after injury, CT scan evidence
of a fracture, or demonstration of muscle restriction by forced duction or Hess testing.
Patients with trap door type floor fractures and restriction would be operated on
immediately. The authors also considered 2 to 3 mm of enophthalmos as an indication
for surgery. On the other hand, patients with minimal symptoms, negative forced
duction test, or reasonable ocular motility on Hess chart would be treated
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Koornneef (1982) believed that the repair of a pure blow out fracture through placing
of an implant may not address the real cause of the diplopia, which is he believed was
due to disruption of the ligament system and septa. Furthermore, Manson and Iliff
(1991) stated that surgery may not be necessary to correct diplopia, but it is frequently
required for facial aesthetics.
Putterman (1991) believed that a significant proportion of patients can be managed
conservatively, even with the entrapment of non muscular orbital soft tissue. He
explained the improvement of ocular motility disturbance following a blow out
fracture as a result of resolution of orbital fat oedema and haemorrhage with
subsequent decreased tension on the orbital fat band with eventual stretch of orbital
fat. He pointed out that some clinical tests such as the forced duction test can aid in
differentiating an entrapped muscle from a paretic one, although they might be
misleading and a positive result does not always correlate with entrapment. He
recommended observation for patients with minimal and/or rapidly improving
diplopia and good extraocular motility, supported by a negative forced duction test
and positive or normal generation test. He also recommended conservative
management for patients with CT scan evidence of extraocular muscle contusion
(rounding) without entrapment and those patients without development of
cosmetically unacceptable hypo ophthalmos. Putterman did not think that all large
blow out fractures need to be repaired to prevent the development of enophthalmos;
the author did not find a clear correlation between the size of the orbital fracture in CT
scan and the amount of enophthalmos. He believed that the problem as to whether to
perform surgery exists in those marginal cases with slow and slight resolution of
diplopia or with slow development of a cosmetic deformity.
de Man
(1991) preferred a ‘wait and see’ policy in the management of adult
patients and recommended surgery only for patients with impairment in vertical
motility within the “main field” after resolution of haemorrhage and oedema and
stabilization of the eyeball position confirmed by Hertel exophthalmometer.
As Putterman (1991) preferred careful monitoring of diplopia and enophthalmos in
the 2 3 weeks period of surgery, he advised the use of steroids to hasten the healing
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
process, especially for patients with no evidence of extraocular muscle entrapment. A
tapering protocol of systemic steroids for five to seven days was advised. Steroids
would provide minimum improvement of diplopia if the motility restriction is
secondary to true entrapment and that this information should help in the decision and
timing of surgery.
The use of systemic steroids had been also been acknowledged by Millman
(1987), with a steroid protocol consisting of 1 mg/kg of prednisolone. The authors
similarly suggest that steroids hasten resolution of oedema in order to reveal patients
with non improving diplopia. In their study they found resolution of diplopia without
surgery in patients with no CT evidence of entrapment or CT scan evidence of soft
tissue prolapsed, in both steroid and non steroidal anti inflammatory groups
resolution was noted within 5 days and enophthalmos unmasked within 1 week of
treatment in the steroid treatment group. The study also suggested that they obtained
improved surgical results with steroid treatment..
(2004) using Hess chart quantitative assessment of ocular motility, and
binocular field of vision listed the following criteria for conservative management:
orbital imaging without muscle entrapment; no strong mechanical restriction with
forced duction test; an involved ocular motility range of more than 10 or 20 degrees,
respectively, on the Hess chart at 15 or 30 degree movement of the fellow eye. If the
patient meets these criteria, they suggested that ocular motility would most likely
recover naturally.
(2007) stated that conservative management of isolated fractures of the
orbital floor and medial wall is usually reserved for patients whose diplopia is
resolving, who have minimal enophthalmos, and whose fractures are small and do not
entrap the orbital contents.
The reason for the agreement about rapidly improving diplopia as a clinical guide for
conservative management is the fact that it indicates that ocular restriction is mainly
related to orbital haematoma and oedema rather than actual tissue involvement in the
fracture defect. On the other hand, early clinical tests might not be reliable for
enophthalmos management. The small size of fracture as shown in the CT scan is
more reliable to consider conservative management with the absence of potential
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
enophthalmos (Manson and Iliff, 1991).
To conclude, there are generally agreed criteria for conservative treatment. These are:
minimum or rapidly improving diplopia, and/or minimal enophthalmos with no CT
scan evidence of extraocular muscle entrapment.
The major bulk of literature about blow out fracture has been directed towards
surgical management, with a focus on criteria for surgical indication and surgical
Dulley and Fells (1974) criteria for surgical intervention were: slowly resolving
diplopia in the early days following injury; fracture with large tissue herniation; tissue
incarceration in the fracture leading to globe retraction; and enophthalmos greater
than 3mm. Straker and Hill (1989) recommended the criteria outlined by Dulley and
Fells, with the addition to positive forced duction test.
Based on experience, Putterman (1991) listed the following indications for early
surgery (within one to three weeks after trauma): patients with severe, visually
handicapping, non resolving diplopia with a positive forced duction test that does not
allow upward movement of the eye, and with CT evidence of inferior rectus muscle
entrapment, or in patients with severe cosmetically unacceptable enophthalmos or
hypo ophthalmos.
The indications for early surgery (within one to two weeks) as preferred by Dutton
(1991) were: symptomatic diplopia with positive forced duction, showing no clinical
improvement over one to two weeks; CT evidence of muscle entrapment; early
enophthalmos of 3 mm or more; significant hypo phthalmos; and a large orbital defect
likely to result in late enophthalmos; or associated rim of facial fracture.
Rowe and Williams (1994 ) did not consider the CT scan findings in their criteria for
surgical intervention: presence of diplopia, limitation of ocular movement with
positive forced duction test, and tomographic evidence of the presence of a defect
more than 0.5cm. Their objectives for orbital repair were: replacing the displaced
orbital tissue, elimination of any interference with ocular movements, fracture
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
reduction with restoration of orbito antral partition and preservation of orbital volume
and orbital fat.
(1993) stated the following indications for surgery: failure of
improvement of the field of binocular single vision in serial orthoptic assessments
(diplopia in the primary or down gaze position, for more than 6 weeks with no signs
of significant improvement) presence of enophthalmos, especially during the early
Bansagi and Meyer (2000) considered muscle entrapment resulting in ocular motility
restriction with diplopia, early enophthalmos (more than 2mm), and orbital defects
involving more than 50% of the floor or medial wall as a current generally accepted
indications for surgical repair after an internal orbital fracture. Shantha et al (2000)
also considered enophthalmos more than 2 mm in their indications for surgery.
Brady et al (2001) suggested that in US surgical practice the indications for surgical
management were: diplopia in primary gaze or slight upward/downward gaze,
enophthalmos 2 mm or more or substantial soft tissue herniation into the maxillary
sinus if the fracture size is more than 50% of the floor area. With the increase number
of orbital floor defect reconstructions, Ellis and Yinghui (2003) stated that it is still
controversial on what basis the reconstruction should considered (eg, size, location,
displacement, amount of soft tissue herniation, etc).
Burnstine (2003) mentioned non resolving oculocardiac reflex, in "white eyed" blow
out fracture, and early enophthalmos or hypoglobus as indications for immediate
surgical repair. He recommended surgical intervention within 2 weeks period in cases
of symptomatic diplopia with positive forced ductions and evidence of orbital soft
tissue entrapment on computed tomography examination or large orbital floor
fractures, which may cause latent enophthalmos or hypo ophthalmos. Koide
(2003) stated that operative criteria in their surgical intervention on 200 patients with
isolated fractures of the orbit included diplopia within 30 degrees and enophthalmos
>3 mm. Lee
.(2005) in a series of 45 patients listed the following indications for
surgical intervention; enophthalmos more than 2 mm, persistent diplopia, positive
forced duction test, and extraocular muscle entrapment.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(2007) in their major review on enophthalmos, considered that
cosmetic demand with or without diplopia is the main indication for surgery in
enophthalmic patients, as enophthalmos appears in cases of larger fractures, which
hardly have chance of muscular entrapment. They found 1 2 week(s) post injury to be
the optimal period for surgery as it allowed for the resorption of orbital oedema and
(2007) found that most surgeons agree that large fractures,
enophthalmos and signs of entrapment are indications for surgery. Farwell
(2007) considered the following criteria as indications for surgical intervention:
restricted ocular motility with diplopia, clinically obvious enophthalmos, coronal CT
scan (direct or reformatted from fine cut axial scan) showing evidence of fracture 2
cm2 at least or 50% of the orbital floor associated with displaced orbital tissue and
increase of orbital volume.
(2008) divided the clinical indications for surgical intervention into adult
and paediatric groups. Their figures showed that entrapment represents the highest
number of surgical indications for paediatric blow out fractures, compared with
enophthalmos and large fractures which represent the lowest number. Enophthalmos,
conversely, had the highest number of surgical indications in adult age group.
Although uncommon, progressive infraorbital paraesthesia has been suggested as one
of the surgical indications for blow out fractures of the orbit. Boush and Lemke
(1994) reported 2 cases of severe, progressive infraorbital nerve hyperaesthesia which
required surgical intervention. They believe that progressive infraorbital nerve
hyperaesthesia should be considered a primary indication for blow out fracture repair
in selected patients in whom hyperaesthesia is both severe and progressive. Persistent
hyperaesthesia of the infra orbital nerve is another indication for exploration of the
orbital floor following blunt orbital trauma; Tengtrisorn
(2007) reported 2 cases
of persistent and severe hyperaesthesia in the distribution of the infra orbital nerve 12
and 26 months, respectively, after blunt orbital trauma.
Surgical timing for blow out fracture cases and its influence on both postoperative
diplopia and enophthalmos has been debated in the literature. Dulley and Fells (1974)
believed that the optimum time for surgical repair, if indicated, to be within 10 14
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
days. By this time orbital oedema and haematoma will have settled to permit
examination of ocular motility and orbital tissue fibrosis will not have occurred. They
found that cases treated within 14 days had 80% as average of BSV score.
Hawes and Dortzbach (1983) also advocate early repair (within 2 weeks of the injury)
on fractures with CT scan evidence of more half of the floor missing which would
result in more significant enophthalmos even in the absence of clinical enophthalmos,
as well as patients with persistent extraocular muscle dysfunction.
Manson and Iliff (1991) suggested that the optimal time to reconstruct orbital injuries
requiring surgical treatment is as soon as possible following injury, when other
considerations permit. They mentioned that early release of CT documented
incarceration of the musculo fibrous ligament system is beneficial on functional
grounds for patient with diplopia and positive forced duction, especially with tight or
moderate incarceration of muscle or adjacent fat in the orbital defect, to allow healing
in a correct anatomical position. They believed that early bony restoration will help in
proper replacement of the displaced fat. Furthermore, late surgery not only has no
effect on preservation of the soft tissue, but, also there will be shortening of the
traumatized muscle after posterior globe displacement and it seldom produces results
which are aesthetically comparable to those obtained by early definitive repair.
(1998) advised the release of entrapped orbital tissue within 24 to 48 hours
of injury to avoid permanent muscle damage. Furthermore, they stated that early
enophthalmos will worsen when oedema resolves and fibrosis begins.
(2000) sent a questionnaire to 256 practicing fellows of the British
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. They found that over half the
respondents preferred to operate 6–10 days after the injury. Brady et al (2001)
mentioned 1 3 weeks as a period for early surgery as a protocol in USA. Hosal &
Beatty (2002) suggested that surgical repair of blow out fractures within two weeks of
trauma decreases the incidence of residual diplopia.
Haddad (2003) stated that if a blow out fracture with muscle entrapment is not treated
within 10 days of the trauma, this will result in fibrosis of the involved muscle and
permanent functional disability. Therefore, he stressed the need for surgical
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
intervention within 9 days; otherwise subsequent strabismus surgery might be
necessary. This agrees with Rowe & Williams (1994) suggestion of 10 days period as
critical for extraocular muscle fibrosis to take place. Ogata
(2004) reported their
treatment for 4 children under 10 years old with strangulated trapdoor blow out
fracture. Their cases showed that favorable results when surgery was performed even
after 2 weeks.
(2007) found that best functional and cosmetic results were be achieved
by early revision and repair. Kuttenberger
(2008) in their series of 70 patients
concluded that the best functional outcome after orbital floor surgery is achieved if
surgical treatment was performed within one week post trauma. Brucoli
also supported early surgical intervention for blow out fractures. In their retrospective
study on 75 blow out fractures patients they found that patients who had surgery
within 2 weeks post injury had lower risk of postoperative diplopia.
With regard to paediatric patients, Sires
(1998) advocated immediate coronal CT
scanning for paediatric patients experiencing bradycardia, nausea, and syncope
following orbital injury. If a trapdoor fracture with incarceration of soft tissue is
identified, the fracture should be repaired the same day. They stated that fracture
reduction and release of the muscle and/or connective tissue will not only protect the
patient from life threatening cardiac arrhythmias but also ischemic necrosis of the
muscle with subsequent fibrosis and permanent diplopia. Jordan
(1998) found
that 2 week waiting period policy for such white eye blow out fractures may result in
poor motility outcome and advocate surgical intervention within a few days post
trauma to avoid permanent diplopia.
(1998) stated that paediatric fractures in general should be treated within
the first week because of the more rapid healing process in children. Several authors
supported early surgical intervention for children and young adults with trap door
fractures with severe entrapment and non resolving oculocardiac reflex (Bansagi and
Meyer, 2000; Egbert
, 2000; Kwon
, 2005), because of the strangulation of
periorbital soft tissues within the trapdoor type of blow out fractures, which is more
common in children, surgical intervention should be performed as soon as possible
(2007). Humphrey and Kriet (2008) pointed out that immediate intervention in the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
treatment of orbital floor fractures is indicated only when orbital soft tissue
entrapment is associated with the oculocardiac reflex.
(2005) in their study comparing blow out fractures in children and adults
found among the 13 children with trapdoor fractures, the recovery period was
significantly shorter in those who underwent surgery 1 to 5 days after the trauma,
compared to those who underwent surgery 6 14 days and 15 days or longer. In adults
the recovery period in those who underwent surgery 1 to 5 days and 6 to 14 days after
the trauma were significantly shorter compared with those who underwent surgery
after 15 days. Kakizaki
(2007) found that good results could be achieved in cases
of orbital trapdoor fractures with muscle incarceration when they are urgently
operated on. They explained the need for urgent surgery by the fact that extraocular
muscles require good blood supply; hence they will suffer severe ischemia and
subsequent necrosis if they are trapped, especially with the attempts of ocular
(2008) agree with the findings of previous authors that younger patients
with trapdoor fractures with soft tissue entrapment require more immediate repair, in
contrast with older patients with open door fractures. They found a significant
difference between the timing of surgical intervention in the paediatric patient in
comparison to the adult patient with an orbital floor fracture. They also found that the
most common clinical indication for surgery was entrapment in the paediatric group
versus enophthalmos in the adult group.
In conclusion, there is a fairly general agreement about the management of blow out
fractures in terms of surgical indications. These indications are: cases of large orbital
floor fractures and/or extraocular muscle involvement with positive forced duction
test. In addition, most studies recommend surgical intervention within 2 weeks. In
cases with orbital muscle entrapment and paediatric blow out fracture, it is not agreed
how early the intervention should take place, although where an occulocardiac reflex
is apparent this would indicate immediate surgery.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Orbital approaches are the most widely used approaches for the treatment of blow out
fractures. They are considered safe and efficient approaches in accessing the fractures,
and allow reconstruction of the orbital floor without difficulty and with predictable
results (Humphrey and J. David Kriet, 2008).
The trans conjunctival technique was originally described by Bourguet (1928), for the
treatment of fat herniation in the lower eyelids, and developed by Converse
(1973), and Tessier, (1973), for the treatment of orbital fractures. It has the obvious
advantage of an invisible scar but also the disadvantage of restricted access and
limited extension. It also requires a greater degree of operative skill. It is most useful
for those procedures which do not require an extensive exposure of the orbit and
fractures limited to the inferior margin and anterior aspect of the floor (Rowe and
Williams, 1994 ).
An additional advantage of this approach is decreased risk of ectropion when
compared with the subciliary approach (2000). The theoretical advantage of the
postseptal technique over preseptal approach, is a decreased incidence of
postoperative lower lid malposition since the plane between the orbicularis oculi and
orbital septum is not violated (Riu
, 2008), although the continually protruding
periorbital fat can be an annoyance.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
$+ .
Baumann and Ewers (2001) preferred the preseptal transconjunctival approach to the
postseptal transconjunctival approach (Figure 2 4) as the latter results in additional
disturbance of the intraorbital connective tissue framework. Such disturbance could
result in scarring of the fibrous septa involved in eye movement, participating in the
development of enophthalmos, and risk of fibrosis and vertical shortening of the tarsal
plate. They pointed out that the preseptal transconjunctival incision without lateral
canthotomy provides good exposure of the orbital floor and the caudal parts of the
lateral and the medial wall.
(2008) considered the transconjunctival approach as simple surgical
with good functional and aesthetic results. They think that it is the best choice for
orbital floor and medial orbital wall fractures, as it avoids interference with the
lacrimal drainage system and gives a wide visualization of the orbital floor compared
with the palpebral approach. Some surgeons combined this approach with endoscopy
for better visualization of orbital regions, while others have combined it with
transcarnucular approach for medial orbital wall surgery (Kushner, 2006).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The subciliary/subtarsal approach was originally described by Converse (1944) with a
preference for the subtarsal technique (Figure 2 5). Both transcutaneous approaches
provide access to most of the orbital floor (Baumann and Ewers, 2001). The
cutaneous approach provides an excellent exposure of the entire orbital floor and the
lower part of the lateral and the medial walls. If combined with other approaches from
the outer or inner aspects of the eyebrow, almost all areas can be reached with safety
and without difficulty, also it is better for major displacements of the floor, or when
the exact extent of the injury cannot be accurately assessed beforehand (Rowe and
Williams, 1994 ). Smith
(1998) also advised this approach for the wide surgical
exposure required for extensive orbital reconstruction.
$1 .
Advantages of the subciliary and subtarsal approaches are that they are easy to learn
and offer broad access to the orbital floor. Disadvantages are greater rates of
postoperative lower lid malposition and visible scarring when compared with the
transconjunctival approach. As such, technique in the transcutaneous lower lid
approach must be flawless to minimize the risk of scleral show and ectropion.
(2003) argued that the subtarsal variation of this approach produces less
risk of vertical lid shortening, scleral show and ectropion but slightly greater risk of
visible scarring. Innervation to the pretarsal and much of the preseptal orbicularis is
better preserved through the subtarsal variant which may help maintain the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
preoperative lower lid position (Baumann and Ewers (2001). Baqain
referred to the safety and simplicity of subtarsal approach as it is used in orbital floor
fractures with good functional and aesthetic surgical outcome.
Comparison between transconjunctival and subciliary approach has been a centre of
debate for several articles among most of which favoured the transconjunctival
approach, because of lower incidence of ectropion and/or lid position problem.
Maxillofacial literature has also shown a trend toward this approach, providng
necessary access for surgical treatment with better cosmetic results (Kushner, 2006).
However, some surgeons have advocated transcutaneous approaches for the medial
orbit exposure (Kushner, 2006). Kolk
( 2008) in their retrospective/prospective
study on 185 patients with various orbital fractures showed that large fractures of the
orbital floor or its posterior portion as well as combined fractures should be treated
via an open approach as they have better long term outcomes, while the
transconjunctival access is sufficient for small trapdoor fractures or that of the anterior
part of the orbit.
.(2008) in a retrospective study compared the outcomes of two different
approaches to the orbital floor: the classic subciliary versus the transconjunctival plus
lateral canthotomy (swinging eyelid). Forty five patients who underwent orbital
surgery (47 approaches) for different indications were placed in two groups,
depending on the approach. Their findings showed the advantages of the swinging
eyelid: better aesthetic results, the same or greater exposure of the orbital floor and the
caudal part of the lateral and medial walls, shorter surgical time (sutureless) and a less
extensive scar. Although in their experience this approach is preferable in orbital
surgery, some indications for the subciliary still remain, such as pre existing bone
exposing eyelid lacerations, a high risk of a corneal or globus lesion (i.e., hyphaema),
hypertrophic orbicularis muscle, the need to remove eyelid fat, the need for skin
resection, conjunctival pathology and ophthalmic prosthesis.
Maturo and Lopez (2008) reported that the transconjunctival approach with
canthotomy and cantholysis provided exceptional exposure to the inferior orbital rim,
the orbital floor, and the lateral orbital wall. Although canthotomy and cantholysis
are not a requirement, they have found that exposure is significantly enhanced when
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
lower eyelid tension is minimized.
(1998) presented an approach to medial orbit via an incision through the
caruncle, combined with an incision along the inferior conjunctival fornix. This
approach provides wide exposure for fractures involve the medial and inferior orbital
walls. They suggest that the transcaruncular approach is suitable for surgical repair of
medial wall blow out fractures together with an inferior transconjunctival incision.
(2000) used a combined transfornix transcaruncular approach in 19 of 24
orbits. They found no complications related to either approaches, with fracture
reduction carried out safely, and deemed this a suitable substitute for medial
cutaneous incision (Lynch approach) for medial orbital wall.
Moe (2003) in a cadaver and clinical study advocated the use of a precaruncular
approach for the medial orbital wall. He found it superior to transcaruncular because
of reduction in oedema and irritation of the surgical site associated with the latter. He
reasoned these complications were due to the complexitiy of the caruncular
epithelium. Also he believed that the precaruncular approach was less time consuming
and presented a bloodless surgical field. Edgin
(2007) recommend the
transcaruncular approach, arguing that the Moe approach needed further clinical
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Rowe and Williams (1994 ) stated that a decision as to whether to open the antrum or
whether to proceed directly to an exploration of the orbital floor depends upon the
judgment, based upon experience, of the surgeon in the light of all the evidence
available. If the surgeon is in doubt, they advised initial exploration of the antrum due
to ease, with subsequent exploration the orbital cavity in the same operation if
required. They advocate antral support for the orbital floor when there was a
communication and the fracture segment is attached to the periosteum or antral
mucosa or in case of trapdoor fractures. An
( 2005) in a 4 year retrospective
study found that transantral reduction of orbital floor using a foley catheter showed
favourable functional and aesthetic results. They believe that it is a reliable method
for the treatment of orbital blow out fractures.
Conversely, Hartstein and Roper Hall (2000) reported that this approach may cause
residual enophthalmos after fracture repair, because of inadequate surgical exposure.
However, they agreed with Rowe and Williams’ advice in the use of an endoscope
through maxillary antrostomy for better visualization of the posterior margin of the
defect and to ensure complete removal and proper repositioning of the orbital
contents. Furthermore, Sleep
(2007) think that antral packs have little place in
the management of orbital injuries as they correlate with inadequacy of restoration of
the orbital skeleton and the incidence of persistent diplopia. This agrees with the
emphasis of Hammer and Prein (1995) on the importance of adequate reconstruction
of the orbital skeleton because of the higher incidence of diplopia in patients with
severe enophthalmos.
Endoscopic approach alone or combined with orbital approach has been advocated by
some authors. Strong
(2004) used transmaxillary endoscopic approach on 16
cadavers and 10 clinical blow out fractures cases. They concluded that the endoscopic
transmaxillary approach is a safe, technique and offers improved visualization, with
no risk of postoperative eyelid complications, and good clinical results.
(2007) stated that the transantral endoscopic approach can be used
successfully in patients with diplopia caused by entrapment of periorbital tissue within
small fractures, as the safety of the procedure can save the time usually spent on
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
investigation to confirm the entrapment. This technique is also useful as an adjunct to
the orbital approach in cases when difficulties might be faced in establishing the
posterior bony margin. Kim
(2008a) confirmed that endoscopically assisted
intra oral, trans antral approach in combination with the extra oral approach is a very
valuable method in visualizing the posterior extent of the fracture, as well as to assist
in reduction of a comminuted fracture of the orbital floor.
In order to describe the best way to apply the endoscopic approach, blow out fractures
have been divided on anatomical basis into: (1) trapdoor, (2) medial blow out, and (3)
lateral blow out fractures. Trapdoor fractures occur when the fractured fragment
(medial to infraorbital groove) remains “hinged” and this type is the most amenable to
endoscopic repair; medial blow out refers to complete displacement of the bony
fragment medial to infraorbital groove; lateral fracture involves both medial and
lateral aspect of orbital floor. This type is not amenable to the endoscopic approach
(Strong, 2004; Strong, 2006).
Park and Diaz (2008) suggested a transantral microscopic assisted repair of the
paediatric orbital floor fracture. They believe this technique provides excellent
visualization of the entire orbital floor defect and facilitates placement of a
polyethylene implant.
Transnasal approach
(1999) did a retrospective analysis of 11 patients who underwent surgical
repair of orbital floor fractures using an endonasal approach. They stated that this
approach is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of diplopia. The
endoscopic approach enables meticulous manipulation of the repair, as it provides
better visualization of the fractured structures of the orbital floor, reducing both
intraoperative and postoperative complications. Rhee and Chen (2006) described a
transnasal approach for medial orbital defects, either alone or with a transcaruncular
or transconjunctival approach to facilitate precise placement of an implant for medial
orbital wall reconstruction. According to Humphrey and Kriet (2008) this approach
has the advantage of adequate visualization of the bony defect and limited risk to
intraorbital structures, especially if the operator is experienced with intranasal
endoscopic approach. The disadvantages of this approach are the increased risk of
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
skull base injury with CSF leak and limited space for implant introduction.
Despite the fact that the endoscopic approach provides better visualisation for
posterior fracture defects, difficulties might be encountered during implant insertion.
Technical difficulties which might hamper implant insertion in some cases might limit
the use of this approach alone. Consequently, the use of combined endoscopic and
orbital approaches might be recommended (Farwell
, 2007). Kwon
reviewed medical records of 102 patients with pure inferior blow out fractures whom
were treated by transorbital, transantral and combined approaches. Based on patients’
post surgical ocular symptoms, they suggested that patients with large orbital floor
fractures or posterior half fractures should be treated using a transantral or a combined
approach, while patients with trapdoor fractures or anterior half fractures of the orbit
are better treated with transorbital or a combined approach.
Implant material for repair of the orbital floor need to performe the following
functions: to seal off the antrum from orbit, to provide both a physiological and
physical surface to avoid adhesions, to restore the orbital contour and dimension and
to give indirect support to the eyeball (Rowe and Williams, 1994 ). Potter and Ellis
(2004) stated that ideal implant material should have three main characteristics: it
should replicate the missing tissue; should be easy to handle and should be bio inert
and bio compatible.
Regardless the choice of implant material, Manson and Iliff (1991) stressed the
importance of complete dissection of the orbital floor to demonstrate the entire defect
and the intact normally positioned bone surrounding all edges of the fracture.
Furthermore, the unique anatomy of the orbit, which dictates the choice of approach
needed, has its influence on the type of the implant material to be inserted to replace
the defect (Kozakiewicz
, 2008). Ellis and Messo (2004) in their review on
orbital implant material, further specified that the choice for primary orbital
reconstruction for acute orbital injuries might differ from the choice of material used
for cases of established enophthalmos or hypoglobus. In the chronic cases there could
be a change of soft tissue configuration from pyramidal to spherical. This means that
the required material should recreate the normal internal anatomy of the orbit.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(2000) stated that the choice of implant material for orbital wall
reconstruction, either alloplastic or autogenous, is governed by the clinical
circumstances and surgeon preference. However, both materials have their advantages
and disadvantages, which make the selection for suitable implant material for orbital
repair a controversial issue (Uygur
, 2009; Prowse
, 2010).
Autogenous bone graft for most surgeons is the gold standard material for bone tissue
repair (Baino, 2011). It has been the material of choice for about 40 years (Lee
1998). The recommendation for the use bone graft as an implant material based on the
fact that it has less risk of infection and low extrusion rate.
There is a particular preference for cranial bone graft because of lower donor site
morbidity, and less resorption/ more dimensionally stability, being a membraneous
bone (Zhu
, 2001). However, Sleep
(2007) believe that an iliac
corticocancellous bone graft is ideal for orbital construction. Even with the loss of up
to 30% of the thickness of these grafts, the remaining thickness of the grafts closely
matches the thickness of the intact orbital floor. The authors pointed out that there is
no evidence to support that one biomaterial is superior to another in relation to orbital
tissue reaction.
In addition to split calvarial grafts, iliac crest bone grafts are currently considered to
be suitable bone graft material (Baino, 2011). One other suggested donor site is the
anterior wall of maxillary sinus (Mandel, 1975; Lee
, 1998). The advantages of
this choice is that it obviates the need for two team approach as used in rib or iliac
crest grafts, less operation time and there are no external incisions. However, it has
the disadvantage of limited size which limits its use to small defects (Lee
, 1998;
, 2010).
Autogenous bone graft, however, has its complications: donor site morbidity;
resorption with potential enophthalmos and difficulty of contouring (Morrison
1995; Gear
, 2002). These drawbacks have led many surgeons to use alloplastic
materials (Manson
, 2002). In addition, donor site morbidity makes such bone
grafts unsuitable choice for small isolated orbital fractures with minimal possibility of
enophthalmos (Fries, 1994).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Autogenous cartilage grafts have been advocated recently by some researchers. The
advantages of autogenous cartilage grafts are that they are easier to harvest and
manipulate. They provide long term support as cartilage does not undergo resorption
for some considerable time (Baino, 2011). Talesh
(2009) advocated the use of
nasoseptal cartilage as the material of choice in the repair of orbital floor as an easily
accessible, available autogenous source with minimal donor site morbidity. Also it is
extremely adaptable to the orbital walls. The authors advised the use of 2 layers of
nasoseptal graft in large defects. They stress the superiority of nasoseptal graft over
alloplastic implant, homografts and bone grafts on the basis of cost, displacement,
possibility of infection, operation time and postoperative complications. Castellani
(2002) recommended the use of the auricular conchal grafts for small orbital floor
defects, being easy to harvest and providing good support/ adequate stability, with
minimum donor site morbidity.
(2000) in a questionnaire study of 256 practising Fellows of the British
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery found 66% per cent of respondents
preferred Silastic as an implant material. Autogenous bone and cartilage was used by
56%, with calvarial bone recommended by 28% of the respondents, while titanium
mesh was preferred by 18%.
Silastic is a widely used implant material because of its low cost, availability, easy
shaping and adequate rigidity, Fries (1994). Potter and Ellis (2004) stated that silastic
material’s resistance to phagocytosis by immune cells would enhance fibrous tissue
capsule formation around it. This capsule makes it tolerable by the body and once
stable the long term existence of the material would be unproblematic.
Another widely recommended material is porous ultra high density polyethylene
(‘Medpor’®). This material has been used successfully for about 20 years in the
surgical repair of orbital defects (Baino, 2011). Romano
(1993) recommend the
use of Medpor® as it was a biocompatible and adaptable material with long term
stability. It has good resistance to stress and the presence of pores facilitate vascular
in growth, decreasing the chance of infection. Morris and Gill (2000) also found
Medpor® implants satisfactory as their smooth surface when placed under the orbital
tissue decreases scar tissue formation, can be shaped to fit , and the presence of
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
channels makes it easy to use with titanium miniplates. Hosal and Beatty (2002) in a
series of 42 patients used Medpore® as their first choice material for reconstruction of
orbital floor defects in blow out fractures.
(2005) in their analysis on 268 patients with orbital floor fractures,
reported orbital floor reconstruction by autogenous bone graft, titanium mesh,
Medpor® and lactosorb implant systems. They concluded alloplastic materials are a
suitable substitute for autogenous bone grafts if the latter is contraindicated or by
surgeon preference. Furthermore, Theologie Lygidakis
(2007) in their series of
16 paediatric and adolescent patients used soft dura substitute and thin polyethylene
sheet . They found that the use of an alloplastic implant material on top of the fracture
lines after soft tissue release ensured adequate support with no re entrapment.
Han and Chi (2011) reviewed the medical records of 331 blow out fractures’ patients.
106 patients had surgical repair with Macropore and 225 patients were treated with
Medpor®. They found that both materials provided a satisfactory outcome and there
was no significant difference between the two materials in term of ocular motility and
Absorbable polymers have also been used over the last three decades. These materials
are easily shaped to the defect, well tolerated and offer more predictable absorption
compared with biological grafts (Baino, 2011). Enislidis et al (1997) advocated the
use of biodegradable lactosorb implant materials with resorbable screws for sizeable
orbital floor defects to avoid donor site morbidity and the need for removal. Jank et al
(2003) reviewed 435 patients with an orbital fracture reconstructed by lyophilized
dura patches, polydioxanone (PDS) foils, and Ethisorb® biodegradable material.
They recommend Ethisorb® because of its low complication rate.
(2005) used Ethisorb® synthetic resorbable patches, which was
originally designed to bridge dura mater defects, for orbital floor reconstruction. The
results of their study demonstrated the effectiveness of Ethisorb® in the repair of
small to moderate size orbital defects.
Al Sukhun and Lindqvist (2006) compared their clinical findings on the use of
autogenous bone grafts and bioresorbable poly L/DL Lactide implants to repair
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
inferior orbital wall defects. They concluded that there is no disadvantage in bridging
orbital defects using biodegradable materials.
Kruschewsky Lde
(2011) compared auricular cartilage graft and absorbable
polyacid copolymer in 20 patients with blow out fractures of the orbit. They found no
difference between the two materials in term of both functional and aesthetic
Metal, titanium mesh in particular has also been widely used for orbital floor defect
repair. This material is highly biocompatible, with osteo integration and mechanical
properties which make it a suitable substitute for bone (Baino, 2011). Ellis and Tan
(2003) found both bone and titanium mesh can be successfully used to reconstruct
isolated blow out fractures of the orbit. Furthermore, irrespective of the material used
in reconstruction, the soft tissues of the orbit were adequately replaced. However, they
suggested that titanium mesh is more suitable for posterior defects.
(2006) reported pre operatively preformed titanium mesh implants,
based on 3D CT models, to be more precise, less invasive and less time consuming
compared to ‘free hand’ formed titanium mesh or calvarial grafts. The authors stated
that this technique precisely predicted the required reconstruction for complex orbital
defects involving more than one orbital wall. Kozakiewicz
(2008) also reported
the clinical application of three dimensional, pre bent titanium mesh for orbital floor
fracture surgery. They stated that the technique was financially viable and clinically
Disadvantages of titanium implants include possible ‘edge abrasion’ upon shaping of
the metal to suit the defect, and late complications such as infection, metal corrosion
and toxicity. To overcome some of these problems a new titanium mesh, covered on
both sides by a thin sheet of polyethylene material, has been recently introduced
(Baino, 2011).
Size of the fracture defect and volume loss might influence the choice between single
or 2 implant materials. Jaquiery
(2007) advised the use of single implant material
in small to medium size defects, and a combination of different materials in large
orbital defects. Lieger
. (2010) suggested the use of calvarial bone graft combined
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
with a wedge of irradiated homologous costal cartilage placed behind the globe to
repair post traumatic enophthalmos.
Despite the choice of materials available for orbital floor defect reconstruction, there
appears to be a tendency toward the use of titanium mesh and porous Medpor® in
orbital wall reconstruction Ellis and Messo (2004), Potter and Ellis (2004) and (2006).
Nevertheless, the choice of the implant material is still highly dependent on operator’s
preference. This might be explained by the interaction between the factors that
influence the choice, which are the advantages and disadvantages of each material,
and the nature, the shape and the size of the defect and expected complication in each
particular case.
According to Putterman (1991), extraocular muscle motility in orbital floor fractures
rarely improves beyond 5 weeks post trauma. As such, Putterman advocated muscle
surgery to treat late diplopia in these cases. In addition, he believed that surgery even
after 3 weeks will result in little improvement. Fan
(2003) reported late surgical
treatment, one month to two years post injury, for orbital blow out fractures in 42
patients with enophthalmos. The authors found that enophthalmos was corrected in 32
of 42 cases and improved in the remaining 10 patients. Twenty five of the 42 patients
also presented with preoperative diplopia, which was corrected in 5 patients and
improved in 10 patients postoperatively. The remaining 10 patients had no significant
change to their diplopia. Preoperatively 19 of 42 patients had restricted motility with
recovery in 7 cases, improved in 4 cases and no change in 8 cases post operatively.
(2008) performed endonasal endoscopic surgery for 6 patients 3 months
post trauma. The authors suggested that adhesion between the periorbita, bone
fragments and sinus mucosa is the main cause for disturbance of ocular motility
disturbance, and recorded disappearance of diplopia in 5 of their cases. They
concluded that mechanical motility disturbances could be treated in delayed cases.
Although some researchers stated that diplopia could be improved with late surgical
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
intervention, this does not provide decisive evidence to support the delay of surgical
intervention. However, it seems that there is no clear evidence about the period
between the 2 weeks and 4 weeks post trauma and how outcome following surgical
intervention within this period could be different.
$4 .
Persistent postoperative diplopia is a frequent problem following the surgical
management of a blow out fracture of the orbital floor, even when repaired within 15
days of the trauma. There is no general consensus about the most likely cause. Some
authors have attributed the cause of postoperative diplopia to myogenic or neurogenic
causes. Harley (1975) suggested that incarceration of inferior rectus and inferior
oblique muscles for long periods worsens the postoperative prognosis. Hollier and
Thornton ( 2002) suggested inadequate surgical release of incarceration, recurrence of
incarceration or adhesions to the reconstructive material as causes for postoperative
(1989) evaluated the results of complex reconstructions in 49
severe orbital fractures, and reported that 12% of patients had residual strabismus and
10% had enophthalmos. Biesman
(1996) recorded 20 of 54 patients (37%) with
postoperative diplopia. 17 out of 54 cases (31%) reported with both medial wall and
floor fractures. The authors found that patients with combined orbital floor and medial
wall fractures appear to be at higher risk of clinically significant diplopia
postoperatively than those with fractures of the orbital floor only. They explain this
difference by the difficulty in restoring the preoperative orbital contours in combined
fractures. Meyer
(1998) in a two year postoperative follow up found that 91% of
the patients (242) with several types of orbital floor fractures, demonstrated that the
degree of postoperative enophthalmos was related to the quality of bony
reconstruction, rather than the extent of the initial bony defect.
(1999) reported that long term outcome in children with blow out fractures
is worse than that in adults with similar injuries. In their study on 45 children (up to
15 years old) they divided the children to 3 age groups: 0 9 years (9) patients, 10 12
years (11) patients and 13 15 years old (25) patients. They found that more than half
the 0 9 year group had persistent diplopia compared with less than a third of the two
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
other 2 groups. Hosal and Beatty (2002) in their study on 42 patients with blow out
fractures, found that the age of the patient and timing of surgery were significant for
the development of post operative diplopia; elderly patients were more liable to
develop postoperative diplopia and early surgical repair (within 2 weeks of the
trauma) decreased the chance of residual diplopia. They found that sex, location of the
fracture (orbital floor or combination of orbital floor and medial orbital wall) and the
type of the alloplastic material used were not significant in relation to the
development of residual diplopia.
(2003) in their retrospective study of 76 patients with blow out fractures
agreed that patient age and timing of surgery were significant factors in development
of postoperative diplopia, and the type of alloplastic material was not a significant
factor. Nevertheless, they found fracture location and fracture size were also
significant. Furthermore, they found timing of surgery and fracture size were
significant in the development of postoperative enophthalmos, but patient age,
fracture location and alloplast material were not significant.
(2003), in a series of 200 patients with isolated orbital fractures, found that
the highest success rate for complete resolution of diplopia was observed when
surgery was performed within 3 days of the injury. Furthermore, enophthalmos was
improved to less than 2 mm postoperatively for patients who had surgery within 14
(2005) tried to correlate the postoperative surgical result with the type of
surgery in sixteen cases of blow out fractures. They found that the recovery from
diplopia was excellent in patients with trap door type and bone defect type fractures,
however, recovery was less in the muscle caught (entrapped) type after surgery. Lee
(2005) in their analysis for 45 patients various orbital wall fractures found that
postoperative ocular motility disturbances were more common in patients who
presented with initial severe extraocular motility disturbance after trauma.
Criden and Ellis (2007) reported delayed recovery of extraocular muscle motility,
even for months, in their series of 12 children with linear fractures with muscle
entrapment. Sleep
(2007) in their study on 6 patients with blow out fractures of
the orbital floor found that the mean time for the resolution of diplopia after
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
reconstruction was 4.4 months, ranging from 1 7 months. They suggested that: young
patients, elderly patients, patients whom were operated on after 2 weeks, and patients
with temporary antral packing had a high risk for development of post operative
diplopia. Moreover, they agreed with Biesman et al, 1996, regarding the high
possibility of diplopia in patients with extensive fractures of deep orbital floor,
posterior to the anterior limit of the inferior orbital fissure.
(2007) in their series of 72 patients with various orbital wall fracture
reconstructions, found that 91% of the patients had no diplopia within 20 degrees and
that the best postoperative results for motility could be achieved with early surgical
intervention. Kuttenberger
(2008) in a 3 month follow up of 70 blow out
fracture patients who underwent surgery, recorded normal ocular motility in 46% of
the patients, 51% showed an improvement and 3% no change.
There would appear to be general agreement in the literature about the high incidence
of postoperative diplopia in blow out fractures of the orbit. Direct soft tissue injury
has been shown to be one of the factors involved. Some researchers have suggested
postoperative diplopia is the result of late surgical interventions, and others have
argued that inadequate surgical manipulation and repair is a cause. Multiple orbital
wall involvement has been also found to play a role in postoperative ocular motility
defect. However, it is agreed that persistent diplopia could be corrected by strabismus
surgery. Harley (1975) reported the elimination of persistent diplopia in association
with blow out fractures of the orbit is usually possible even in late treated cases with
strabismus surgery. The need for secondary strabismus surgery in such cases may be
explained by the fact that delay in the treatment of blow out fractures will result in
fibrosis of the injured orbital tissue, and this fibrosis with markedly displaced
extraocular muscles results in less favourable outcome (Demer, 2001).
$' .
Quality of life (QOL) measures assess the individuals’ perceptions in the context of
their culture and value systems, their personal goals, standards and concerns (WHO,
1997). Health related QOL (HRQOL), however, is the assigned value to life duration
when modified by the impairments in perception, all functional abilities and social
relationships caused by diseases, injuries and their treatment (Patrick and Erickson,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
HRQOL measurement has become increasingly important in patient management, as
it measures the quality of care and clinical effectiveness in order to improve how
people are feeling, not only in prolonging their lives (Guyatt
, 2001) Such
measures are vital for health care providers to choose between different treatment
options and approaches (Chen and Whigham, 2004). Furthermore, the use of HRQOL
measurement has been advocated in clinical interventions by a number of authors,
because quality of life is not determined by pathological processes alone, and the
impact of health problems on functional, psychological, and social wellbeing of the
patients should be considered (Allen
, 2009). Since the patient is the best source
of information about his or her HRQOL, the developed practical tools usually rely on
patient self ratings (Casado, 2005).
On the other hand, controversy exists concerning the boundaries of HRQOL, and the
level of the included individual patient's values. Gill and Feinstein (1994) argued that
the aim of most measurements of quality of life in the medical literature seem to be
incorrectly targeted, because quality of life is a personal perception, while HQOL
instruments may be biased by some researchers’ opinions. Moreover, HRQOL
measures have been applied to 'quality of life' research without theoretical
underpinnings and with little understanding of how the public, or patients, define or
value the different components of life, as a result it can be measured using proxy data
based on assumptions of what its constituents are (Bowling, 1995).
Leplege and Hunt (1997) criticized quantitative measures to assess HRQOL because
they reflect the values and concerns of physicians and social scientists rather than of
patients. Furthermore they referred to the lack of clear conceptual basis for HRQOL
measures. They suggest that quality of life as an outcome could be defined more
clearly if quality of life were replaced with the term "subjective health status."
QOL was developed originally for patients who have chronic, incurable diseases and
health related quality of life may be the most important outcome to be considered
when deciding the most effective treatment to be delivered (Casado, 2005). However,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
there is developing interest in the literature regarding the influence of trauma on QOL.
In his face to face interviews conducted with a nationwide sample of 1,518 elderly
people in 2003, Krause (2004) found that exposure to lifetime trauma is associated
with less life satisfaction in old age. He further referred to the need to develop
interventions that help older people deal more effectively with lifetime trauma.
(2001) used a Quality of Well Being Scale in a questionnaire for 1,048
eligible trauma patients. They found that functional outcome was significantly worse
at each follow up time point in females and Quality of Well being scale scores were
markedly and significantly lower at 6 month follow up in females. This association
persisted at 12 month and 18 month follow up. The authors also found that females
were significantly more likely to suffer depression at all follow up time points. These
findings were not affected by the mechanism or severity of injury. Moreover,
Holbrook and Hoyt (2004) in a study using the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies
Scale and the Impact of Events Scale found that women were significantly more likely
to develop early combined depression and symptoms of acute stress reaction (SASR)
at discharge from hospital. They stated that attention to this fact would be an
important component of efforts in the improvement of trauma care and long term
outcome in mature trauma systems.
(2007) also considered age as an important risk factor for low
HRQOL. In their study of 401 trauma patients, aged 12 to 19 years, who sustained
major trauma, they found that adolescents were associated with significant decrease in
HRQOL throughout the 24 month follow up period, compared with National Health
Interview Survey (NHIS) norms for this age group. Ham (2008) did cross sectional
surveys on 24,327 Korean individuals with experience of unintentional injury
experience, aged 19 65 years; these surveys were performed using face to face
interviews. Twelve percent of the study sample had experienced an unintentional
injury that required hospitalization at least once in their lifetime. He found that older,
male patients, with less education and lower income, working in a blue collar job, and
being enrolled in medical aid programs were associated with increased unintentional
injury. He also reported that this group have more risk taking behavior, limitations in
daily activities, suicide ideation, and drinking associated with their injury experience.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(1990) conducted psychometric questionnaires for 122 patients treated
for jaw fractures. The questionnaires were completed at outpatient appointments one
week and three months after injury. They found that a short term psychological
reaction is similar in victims of assault and accident, and half of their patient series
were distressed one week after injury. They explained this by the temporary
disfigurement, fear of permanent disfigurement or disability, and loss of self
confidence. They advised psychological support is important for all victims of trauma
during the first week and that longer term support is more important for victims of
assault than of accidental injury.
(2001) further emphasized the psychological impact of facial trauma. In their
study, 147 patients admitted for surgery following facial trauma over a seven month
period were assessed using three questionnaires, the Hospital Anxiety Depression
scale, a modified University of Washington Quality of Life questionnaire and five
non validated facial trauma items, to record patient derived levels of dysfunction.
They reported anxiety and depression in 30% of the sample, despite the significant
improvement in scores from preoperatively to one year. The findings of Hull
(2003) highlighted the adverse psychological effect of maxillofacial trauma both
immediately after the event and 4–6 weeks after injury. They suggested that proper
assessment of injured patients must include psychological aspects.
(2005) reported that facial trauma, significantly decreased satisfaction
with life, and was associated with altered perception of body image. They listed a
high association of incidence of post traumatic stress disorder, alcoholism, post
trauma custody, unemployment, drinking, and marital problems following facial
trauma. They concluded that facial trauma was associated with a significant negative
social and functional impact. Furthermore, Ukpong
(2008) found that patients
with facial injuries are at risk of poor QOL after trauma and with a high incidence of
depression throughout the follow up period.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
To the best of our knowledge, the study of Folkestad
(2006) is the only study to
report QOL measurement in orbital trauma patients. In their study on orbito
zygomatic fractures, they compared doctor recorded and patient described symptoms
using a visual analogue scale system (VAS) in a questionnaire given 5 times during a
one year follow up period. They found that patients’ profession and life style play
important role in determination of the extent of their perception of eye motility
problems. They also noticed that the degree of agreement between patient experience
and doctor assessment of enophthalmos was low. However they found congruence
between doctors and patients regarding facial asymmetry and diplopia.
In comparison, there have been many QOL studies for eye diseases using generic
instruments, including WHO BREF, SF 36, MOS 24, and Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale, and disease specific questionnaires, for example NEI VFQ 25 and
Visual Function 14 index. However, not all these questionnaires cover common
problems in orbital trauma patients, primarily in relation to diplopia and eye
appearance domains.
(2005) assessed the HRQOL for patients with Graves Ophthalmopathy
using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, by a German adaptation of the
Ways of Coping Checklist, and with the 36 item Short Form, respectively. They
found that diplopia plays an important negative role on QOL for these patients.
(2006) found that NEI VFQ 25 scores for patients with GO were lower
for those with diplopia symptoms (composite score, 61) compared with those without
diplopia (composite score, 90). Yeatts (2005) analyzed questionnaires for patients
with GO for general and mental health (Short Form, or SF 12), self perception and
social functioning (adapted from the Dermatology Specific Quality of Life
Questionnaire, or DSQL) general visual function (51 item NEI VFQ) and visual
function specific to GO. He discovered that these patients have poorer self image
and significantly more disturbance in their sleep, social function, and work function
because of facial disfigurement.
(1997) asked 31 adults with poor ocular alignment to complete a self
reporting repertory grid about their facial appearance following strabismus surgery.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
They found that before surgery, the majority of subjects reported various psychosocial
concerns due to their unsightly strabismus. After surgery these subjects showed a
significant improvement in interpersonal interactions. The authors concluded that
strabismus surgery had a major effect on the quality of psychosocial functioning for
the majority of adults undergoing such surgical procedures. Archer
administered a modified version of the RAND Health Insurance Study quality of life
instrument to parents or guardians of children with strabismus. The questionnaire was
carried out by telephone interview, conducted by trained staff, before and 2 months
after corrective surgery. They also found statistically significant improvements in
social, emotional, and functional measures of the children's health status.
(2006) studied the psychological impact of strabismus on 46
participants, seen 6 weeks before and 3 months after corrective surgery. They used a
Hospital Anxiety and Depression and social anxiety scale (Derriford Appearance
Scale), and a quality of life measure (WHOQoLBref). They similarly reported that
Strabismus surgery offers significant improvements to psychological and physical
(2006) advocated a GO specific questionnaire, reporting that the NEI
VFQ 25, although including many items applicable to GO patients, showed
significant ceiling effects in more than half of the subscales and lacked items on
issues that are important to GO patients, such as altered appearance and ocular
The nature of the facial disfigurement usually associated with facial or orbital trauma,
for example enophthalmos, may have an influence on patient QOL. However, there is
little evidence in the literature with regard to patient perception.
$ %
Blow out fractures of the orbit have been a subject of controversy in more than one
aspect. The controversy involves the mechanism of injury, the choice of treatment,
timing of surgical intervention, surgical approach and choice of implant material.
However, the main area of disagreement around blow out fractures of the orbit has
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
been centred around the influence of surgical intervention on ocular motility outcome.
Development of the CT scan has contributed in uniting of some of the concepts with
regard to nature of the injury and its management. This resulted in a broadly agreed
protocol for management which states that surgery is recommended not more than 2
weeks after the injury for cases with persistent diplopia and/or large fractures.
However, this management protocol did not resolve the problem of postoperative
diplopia. This might be related to nature of orbital soft tissue injury associated with
this trauma, which is further complicated by this tissue involvement in the fracture
Disturbance of ocular motility disturbance has wide influence of patients’ life, as
shown in literature relating to Graves Orbitopathy. However, it has not been studied
thoroughly in relation to orbital trauma. Consequently, it is not clear how
postoperative diplopia would influence the patient’s quality of life and whether
clinician understanding for patient experience might improve the management
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
( /
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
To determine the factors that influence diplopia management outcome in blow out
fractures of the orbit.
, 8
To study the influence of demographic, radiographic and surgical factors on diplopia
in blow out fractures of the orbit.
To assess the prognostic role of Binocular Single Vision test in blow out fracture
Its results will be used to help inform the research team of items of statistical
importance in the outcome of blow out fracture.
Over the last ten years all patients presenting to Newcastle General Hospital Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery department with diplopia following facial trauma have
followed a formal multidisciplinary protocol. This protocol involved
ophthalmological, orthoptic and maxillofacial assessment and data collection. The
cumulative data will allow the study to examine: preoperative clinical, radiological
and ophthalmic/orthoptic assessment, timing of surgical intervention, surgical
technique and outcome.
Patients were identified from a database of orthoptic examination results held in the
Ophthalmology Department, covering a period of ten years (1999 onwards).
Ophthalmology and Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust notes have been obtained and
hand searched for the following information:
1. Demographic information
2. Date of injury
3. Date of presentation
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
4. Date of surgery
5. Clinical findings
6. Radiology findings
7. Ophthalmology examination
8. Orthoptic assessment
9. Surgical approach
10. Post operative orthoptic assessment
11. Orthoptic patient follow up
Inclusion criteria: Patients who sustained blow out fractures of the orbit, both
conservatively and surgically managed during the last 10 years.
Exclusion criteria: Patients who sustained orbital fractures involving orbital margins
identified pre or peri operatively; patients who have been suspected to have blow out
fractures not confirmed by CT scan; and patients with history of amblyopia or
monocular diplopia.
For the purpose of statistical analysis, cause of injury was divided into 4 categories;
assault, fall, sport and others. Others include: RTA, self inflicted injury, work injury,
play fight, which were infrequently reported in this patient series.
The level of orbital tissue herniation was divided according to CT scan reports into 3
levels; zero for cases with no evidence of soft tissue herniation, level one for cases
with orbital fat herniation and level 2 for cases with orbital fat and muscle prolapse
into the fracture defect. This categorization was the most frequently applied by the
reporting radiologists throughout the study period.
Orthoptic data included binocular single vision (BSV) scores for diplopia and
uniocular field of fixation (UFOF) scores for ocular motility measurement
(Figure 3 1). A weighted scoring template was used to quantify the field of BSV. The
scoring template gives weighting to areas of the field of vision more commonly used
in everyday life, with higher scoring given to primary position and depression and less
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
scoring given for elevation and peripheral gaze (Sullivan
The fracture size measurement was adopted from Jin
, 1992).
(2000). They assumed that
the fracture defect resembles an ellipse. They used coronal and axial CT scans to
measure the diameters of the fracture defect (A and B) for both orbital floor and
medial wall fractures. They calculated the defect area from the formula π AB/4.
@ ,
# =
" &* # =
"#&* @ ,
Weighted BSV scores range from 0% (which indicates diplopia in primary position)
to 100% (which indicates no diplopia). BSV scores were divided into 3 categories:
low BSV category (0 60); moderate BSV category (61 80) and high BSV category
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(81 100).
The UFOF score represents the collective score for the 6 extraocular muscles for each
eye (Haggerty
, 2005). UFOF scores range from 60 365. UFOF scores for both
normal and injured sides were documented. UFOF scores were stratified into low
score (60 240), moderate score (241 270) and high score (271 365) categories.
The low, moderate and high categories were based on the mean BSV and UFOF
scores for both the surgically and conservatively managed population. The reason for
categorization was to identify which BSV and UFOF categories would achieve
different degrees of change (improvement) after surgery. This, hopefully, would
provide an orthoptic based guide to assist in management choice.
Surgical outcome in relation to diplopia was subjectively divided according to the
orthoptic report at the final patient visit into 4 groups, in which the orthoptist
summarizes the patient’s comments and perception about their double vision after
surgery. In this coding process, the term “asymptomatic” was used for the first group
of patients who have no complaint of diplopia; the second group are patients who
were “not concerned” regarding any residual diplopia; the third group of patients were
“symptomatic”, with residual diplopia in one or more fields of gaze. Finally, the
fourth group of patients was considered to require further measures, such as prism
glasses or strabismus surgery, to correct disabling diplopia.
Data analysis was performed in SPSS (ver.17) using one way ANOVA, paired t test,
Wilcoxon signed ranks test, Mann Whitney U test, Pearson, Spearman and Chi square
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
As with most of retrospective studies, the dataset for the study period was incomplete.
Table 3 1 shows the available numbers of variables at the time of data collection.
Cases with incomplete data were not excluded from the study, but where possible
‘sub group’ analyses were performed. The variables and the number of cases in each
statistical analysis test for available data are stated.
A ,
Time from injury to orthoptic examination
UFOF1 (injured side)
UFOF1 (normal side)
BSV2 (surgical group)
BSV2 (conservative group)
UFOF2 (injured side)
UFOF2 (normal side)
Tissue herniation
fracture side
fracture type
Fracture size (cm²)
( ! -
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Two hundred and fifty seven patients were identified. Male to female ratio was 3:1
(Figure 3 2), with males more prevalent in both surgical and conservatively managed
groups. Distribution of fractures by age is shown in (Figure 3 3). Injury was most
common in the age groups 21 30 and 31 40. Chi square test showed no statistical
significant relation ( >0.05) between patients’ age and the choice of management.
Figure 3 4 presents the frequency of the various reported causes of injury. As it can be
seen from this figure, cause was similar in both conservatively and surgical managed
groups of patients. Assault was the most frequently reported cause of injury. The term
“Others” refer to various injury causes that were highly infrequent for the general
sample and both conservatively and surgically managed patients. These include: self
inflicted injuries, work injuries, play fight, RTA and previous surgery. As shown in
Figure 3 5. The highest number of cases occurred with injury caused by assault.
Pearson Chi square test showed a highly significant relation ( <0.001) between
gender and the cause of injury (n=234).
Causes of blow out injury by age group are illustrated in (Figure 3 6). It is apparent
that assault dominates in 11 20 to 41 50 age groups. Fall dominates the higher age
groups (51 60 onwards). The highest incidence of sporting injury by age group was
reported in (11 20) and (21 30) age group. Chi square statistical test showed that there
was a significant relation ( <0.001) between the involved age groups and the cause of
the injury.
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no. of cases
general sample
surgical group
rvative grop
( $! 7
" B$13&
no. of cases
4 4
10 8
6 7
1-10 group
general sample
( (! 7
" B$13&
65 63 67
18 19 17
8.1 8.1 8.1
( +! .
8.5 9.6 7.1
general sample
no . of cases
% of cases
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
( 1!
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no. of cases
1 1 0 2
6 6 5
2 1
5 6
1 1
1 0
1 0
1-10 group
11-20 group
( 2! 0
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Orbital floor fractures were the predominant site of blow out fractures in the study
(Figure 3 7). Figure 3 8 shows the frequency of the involved site by age. There is a
significant relationship ( <0.05) between patients’ age and the site of injury. There
was no significant relationship between the causes of the injury and the site of blow
out fracture (Chi square test, p>0.05), or the cause of injury and the type of
management. Similarly, no significant relationship (Chi square test, >0.05) between
fracture site and preoperative BSV, postoperative BSV (n= 149, 82), UFOF scores
(n= 86, 35) or subjective outcome in relation to diplopia (n=68) was present.
Left side orbital blow out fractures are more frequent than right side fractures as
shown in Figure 3 9. The difference between the incidences of both sides is more
evident in surgical group.
Figure 3 10 and Figure 3 11 demonstrate the frequency of the clinical findings
associated with the blow out fractures for the general retrospective sample, surgical
group and retrospective groups. Diplopia reported the highest level of incidence
compared with other features. Enophthalmos, on the other hand reported low
incidence. Chi square test showed no significant relation ( >0.05) between gender and
incidence of enophthalmos in the surgical group. Ophthalmic injuries were reported in
about 1% of the cases examined. Those recorded were: corneal abrasion, conjunctival
chemosis, hyphema, traumatic mydriasis, peripheral retinal haemorrhage, and
commotio retinae.
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
% of cases
general sample
surgical group
orbital floor
combined orbital floor and medial wall
( 3! .
no. of cases
ive group
mediall wall
3 2
0 0
0 0
0 1
1-10 age
11-20 age
rbital floor
medial wall
( 4!
combined fracture
" B 2&
% of cases
general sample
left side
surgical group
right side
( '! .
tive group
no. of cases
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
infra orbital subconjunctival enophthalmo
paraesthesia haemorrhage
no. of cases
( %!
no. of cases
infra orbital subconjunctival enophthalmo
paraesthesia haemorrhage
surgical group
conservative group
Table 3 2 and Table 3 3 provid
rovide the descriptive statistics for orthoptic examinations
for the
retrospective sample in general
eneral and both management groups. The median
dian time
ti between
injury and preoperative orthopti
rthoptic examination in both management groups
ups was
w 11 days.
A Pearson correlation testt show
showed no significant relation between age of patients
and both
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
BSV1 and BSV2 scores. Chi square test showed no statistically significant ( >0.05) relation
between gender and both pre operative and postoperative diplopia categories (n=184, 101
respectively). It also did not show significant statistical relation between gender and
preoperative and postoperative UFOF scores (n=99 and 44 respectively). Similarly, the cause
of injury (n=176) was not significantly related ( >0.05) to BSV1 categories (Chi square test),
0 )
BSV1 (1ST BSV) general sample
BSV1 (1ST BSV) conservative group
BSV1 (preoperative) surgical group
BSV2 (postoperative BSV)
"# =&
( $! 7
# =
"@ , &
0 )
UFOF1 general sample (injured side)
UFOF1 conservative group
UFOF1 surgical group
UFOF2 (postoperative UFOF)
UFOF1 general sample (normal side)
( (! 7
@ ,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Figure 3 12 demonstrates how BSV categories are distributed by age groups for surgical
patients. For (41 50) age group (0 59) category is predominant, whereas in (11 20) age group
(81 100) is predominant. As shown in Figure 3 13, high BSV category (81 100) dominates the
BSV distribution in all age groups of conservatively managed patients.
It has been found that there is a statistically significant relationship ( <0.05) between age of
the patients (no=99) and uniocular field of fixation (UFOF1) for the injured side (Pearson
correlation). Conversely age was not statistically related to diplopia (BSV1) for the general
sample (no=183), or preoperative diplopia (no=106) and postoperative (no=81) diplopia
(BSV2) for the surgical group (Pearson Correlation).
Figure 3 14 compares BSV categories in surgically and conservatively managed patient
groups. The low BSV1 category for the surgical group showed highest frequency of cases,
whereas the high (81 100) BSV group recorded the highest percentage in the conservative
group. As the figure implies, there is a highly significant difference ( <0.001) between
BSV1 for surgical and conservative groups (Mann Whitney U test).
Figure 3 15 demonstrates BSV scoring using weighted template for 2 patients; one was
conservatively managed (BSV=90%) and the other was a surgically managed patient with
preoperative and postoperative BSV scores (24% and 72% respectively). The shaded area
represents the area of single vision.
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no. of cases
2 2
2 2
1 1
1-10 group 11-20 group
( $!
# =
no. of cases
1-10 group 11-20 group
( (!
# =
% of cases
BSV categories
surgical group
conservative group
( +! .
# =
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
A Pearson correlation, showed a highly statistically significant relationship (p<0.001)
between preoperative UFOF1 and BSV1scores (n=93), which is clearly demonstrated in
Figure 3 16. There is also a highly significant relationship between UFOF1 and BSV2 in the
surgical group (n=44, Pearson correlation, <0.01). There is a highly significant relationship
( <0.001) between BSV1 & BSV2 (n=70) in the surgical group. As shown in Figure 3 17, the
improvement level in mean BSV score is not similar for the three BSV categories. The figure
demonstrates that BSV improvement decreases with the increase of BSV1 category. The
lower the BSV category the higher level of improvement in the mean score can be seen.
There is a highly significant improvement ( <0.001) in the lowest BSV category. The
improvement is also significant ( <0.01) in the mid BSV category (Wilcoxon Signed Ranks
Test). Unfortunately, there was a decrease in the mean BSV postoperatively for the highest
BSV group, although not statistically significant. However, there was a significant difference
( <0.05) in BSV score for the high BSV category (n=11) in the conservative group (paired t
test). Paired t test showed no statistical significant changes ( >0.05) in cases with BSV score
below 80 (n=4).
Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test showed significant difference between UFOF1 and UFOF2
scores in surgically managed group. Figure 3 18 demonstrates that this imporvement in the in
the lower UFOF category group. Whereas, there is a decrease in post UFOF scores for mid
and high UFOF score categories..
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
( 1" &# =
- # =
( 2!
- # =
@ ,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
range of BSV score
mean BSV1
range of UFOF score
( 3!
mean BSV2
# =
preoperative mean
( 4!
> 270
postoperative mean
@ ,
The number of CT scan reports for blow out fracture cases was 127. These reports usually
record the fracture site (floor, medial wall or both), the position of orbital tissue in relation to
the fracture, any evidence of orbital tissue entrapment or herniation, globe position and
associated bleeding or haematoma.
Our data showed no significant relation ( >0.05) between the level of tissue herniation and
age, gender (n=125), cause of injury (n=120), site of injury (n=122), and side of injury
(n=121) (Chi square test). Spearman correlation test also showed no significant relation
between herniation level and patients’ age (n=125).
Figure 3 19 shows the percentage of cases for the 3 levels of tissue herniation, as can be seen,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
orbital fat herniation was reported most frequently. Orbital fat herniation was reported in all
but one case, with medial wall fracture. Orbital muscle entrapment, as opposed to herniation,
was reported in only 2 cases (1.57%).
The level of tissue herniation for both management groups is shown in Figure 3 20. This
figure shows that almost all the surgical group reported with tissue herniation. There is an
obvious difference between both management groups in the percentage of cases with no
herniation and extraocular muscle herniation, while cases with orbital fat herniation show a
comparable percentage. The difference between both management groups in the level of
tissue herniation was found statistically (Mann Whitney U test) significant ( <0.05).
Figure 3 21 demonstrates how the mean scores for both BSV and UFOF decrease gradually
with the increase in extent of tissue prolapse in the fracture defect. There was a significant,
though weak, relationship between tissue herniation and both BSV score (p<0.01, r= 0.30)
and UFOF score (p<0.05, r= 0.27), the influence of orbital muscle herniation being more
evident on mean BSV scores.
The influence of orbital muscle herniation on BSV is clear in Figure 3 22. Most of the cases
(60%) in the low BSV category had orbital muscle herniation, with no tissue herniation
% of cases
reported in only 8.5% of the cases.
no tissue herniation
orbital fat herniation
orbital fat and muscle
herniation (n=49)
percentage of cases
( '! .
" B $1&
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no tissue herniation
orbital fat herniation
( $%! .
orbital fat and
d muscle
conservative group
the mean score
% of cases
no orbital tissue
orbital fat herniation
mean BSV
mean UFOF
tissue herniation levels
( $ !0
# =
@ ,
( -
orbital fat and muscle
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
# =
no tissue herniation
orbital fat herniation
orbital muscle herniation
( +!
# =
# =
( -
no herniation
orbital fat herniation orbital fat and muscle
percentage of cases
( $$! .
"% 2%C& # =
Table 3 4 shows that the mean and median BSV values for orbital muscle herniation in
surgical group are within the lower BSV score category, while the mean and median BSV
values for no tissue herniation and orbital fat herniation lie within middle and high BSV
categories respectively. The mean for no tissue herniation and orbital fat herniation lie within
the same moderate BSV category, also the median for both levels of tissue herniation lie
within the same, although now high, BSV category.
Mann Whitney test showed no significant difference ( >0.05) for both BSV and UFOF
scores between cases with “no tissue herniation” and “orbital fat herniation”. Whereas there
was significant difference ( <0.05) for both BSV and UFOF scores between “no tissue
herniation” and “orbital muscle herniation” cases.
Our data showed that the level of tissue herniation is not a significant (Spearman correlation
test) influential factor on postoperative BSV score (n=51), BSV score improvement (n=46),
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
postoperative UFOF score (n=17), UFOF score improvement (n=21) nor on the final
outcome in relation to diplopia (n=48).
Table 3 5 gives a detailed blow out fracture dimensions for both orbital floor and medial wall
fractures in our study sample. There is, however, no obvious difference between the mean
sizes of orbital floor and medial wall fractures. T test showed no significant difference
(p>0.05) between males and females in relation to the size of the fracture in the surgical
group (n=23).
No significant relation ( >0.05) was found between the size of the fracture and the level of
tissue herniation (Mann Whitney U test) for the general sample (n=25). Pearson Correlation
test did not show significant relation between fracture size and BSV1 (n=23), UFOF1 (n=16)
for the general sample. Pearson Correlation test, also, did not show significant relation
(p>0.05) between size of the fracture and both BSV2 and UFOF2 for the surgical group
(n=14, n=7 respectively).
" B$2&
length (cm)
width (cm)
size (cm²)
length (cm)
width (cm)
size (cm²)
" B 2&
( 1! 7
" B$3&
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
' $
Surgery was performed for 152 patients, leaving 107 patients who were conservatively
16-30 days
>30 days
1-7 days
8-15 days
percentage of cases
( $(!
Figure 3 23 shows that 90% of the cases were treated within 30 days after the injury. More
than half of these were treated within 7 days of injury. No significant relation (Pearson
correlation) was noted between surgical timing and both BSV2 and BSV score improvement
for the surgical group (n=62, n=56 respectively). Similarly, no significant relation (Pearson
correlation) was observed between surgical timing and UFOF2 (n=29) or UFOF
improvement (n=27). However, cases treated within one month (n=49) showed significant
improvement ( <0.001) in their BSV scores, while cases treated after one month (n=7) did
not show significant improvement ( >0.05) in BSV score, despite the fact that the mean
preoperative BSV1 score for the cases treated after one months was 54.1.
A subciliary skin approach was used in majority of cases (Figure 3 24). Transconjunctival and
transconjunctival with lateral canthotomy approaches were also used, but to a far lesser
extent. Chi square correlation test showed no significant relation between the surgical
approach and BSV2 (n=56), UFOF2 (n=30) and both BSV and UFOF score improvement
(n=52, N=27 respectively).
As shown in Figure 3 25, silastic sheet was the preferred implant material for the surgical
reconstruction in orbital defects, followed by titanium mesh. Within the titanium group, 2
orbital defects were reconstructed using both silastic sheet and titanium mesh. Bone grafts,
mostly calvarial bone graft, were the least used implant material. In one case no implant
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
material was used to repair the orbital floor defect, with fracture reduction only. Mann
Whitney U test showed no significant difference (p>0.05) in the size of the fracture between
silastic material and titanium mesh reconstruction (n=17).
Figure 3 26 shows a descending pattern for mean BSV2 with highest BSV mean for bone graft,
followed by silastic implant and finally the lower mean BSV2 score for titanium mesh.
However, there was no significant relation ( >0.05) between the choice of implant material
and BSV2 (n=56). There was, also, no significant relation between BSV score improvement
for the surgical group (n=51). Chi square test also did not show significant statistical relation
between the choice of implant material and UFOF score improvement (n=26).
subciliary approach (n=82)
subconjunctival with lateral
canthotomy (n=8)
subconjunctival approach (n=7)
percentage of cases
( $+!
" B'3&
silastic implant (n=48) titanium mesh (n=41)
bone graft (n=8)
no implant material
percentage of cases
( $1!
" B'4&
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
bone graft (n=2)
silastic implant (n=29)
titanium mesh (n=24)
mean BSV2
( $2!
- # =
" B11&
Surgical complications were relatively low in this case series. Out of 152 patients who
underwent surgery, 4 cases required a second procedure for removal of silastic implant. A
silastic implant had to be replaced by a bone graft for persistent diplopia in one case. In the
remaining 3 cases silastic was removed because of persistent diplopia and discomfort.
Four cases reported with postoperative enophthalmos, orthoptically considered as “mild”.
One case reported with 1mm enophthalmos, the cosmetic appearance of which did not
concern the patient. In a second case the patient refused to have a calvarial bone graft for
correction of both enophthalmos and diplopia against the surgeon’s advice, titanium being
used as a compromise. The third case reported both enophthalmos and diplopia in upward
The final outcome of the treatment for the surgical group in relation to patient appreciation
of diplopia is shown in Table 3 6. The symptomatic group of patients was largest in our
sample. These patients, although demonstrating variable degrees of improvement, were still
aware of diplopia, mainly in up and/or down gaze. These patients were variously reported as
coping with their double vision or still bothered by their diplopia. Four patients required
further intervention; 3 out 4 in this group started to use prism glass or blender, the last patient
required strabismus surgery.
Figure 3 27 shows a moderate decrease (within 10%) in BSV2 score with the increase of
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
surgical timing within one month of injury. The highest BSV2 scores were achieved when
surgery was performed within one week. Despite this finding, Spearman correlation test did
not show a significant relationship ( >0.05) between surgical timing and BSV2 score
categories (n=55).
As shown in Figure 3 28, both lower BSV1 and BSV2 were associated with less favourable
subjective outcome. Significant statistical relation has been found between both BSV1
(n=49) and BSV2 (n=51) in the surgical group and the final outcome ( < 0.05) and ( <
0.01) respectively. However, BSV improvement (n=56) has not been found to be
significantly related ( > 0.05) to the subjective outcome in relation to diplopia (Spearman
correlation). No significant relation has been found between UFOF1 (n=29) with final
outcome in relation to diplopia (Spearman correlation).
Despite the fact that there was no statistically significant relationship between the level of
tissue herniation and the final outcome in relation to diplopia ( >0.05), Figure 3 29 shows that
70.5% of cases with orbital fat herniation were within “asymptomatic” and “not aware or
concerned” categories, whereas 58% of the cases with orbital muscle herniation reported with
“symptomatic” and “required other measures” categories.
There was no significant relation (Spearman correlation) between surgical timing and
diplopia final outcome (n=60). Chi square test also showed no significant relation between
surgical approach and implant material with the final outcome in terms of diplopia (n=55).
Furthermore, patients’ age (Spearman correlation) (n=72), gender (n=88), cause of injury
(Chi square test), size of fracture (Pearson correlation) were not related to surgical outcome
in relation to diplopia.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
1st week (n=7)
2nd week (n=32)
3rd and 4th week (n=16)
mean BSV2
( $3 0
# =$
" B11&
not aware or not concerned
required further treatment
( 2!
" B43&
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
not aware or not
mean BSV1
( $4! 0
# =
required further
mean BSV2
# =$
% of cases
not concerned
orbital fat herniation (n=17)
required other
orbital muscle herniation (n=31)
( $'! .
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
0 (
! #
Orthoptic follow up period for surgery group ranged from 2 weeks to 13 months. As
demonstrated in Figure 3 30 the general trend of follow up is that the number of cases
decreases with the increase of frequency of follow up visits. The average time between
surgery and 1st orthoptic follow up visit was 1.5 month, while the average time between the
1st and the 2nd orthoptic follow up visit was 2 months. As shown in Figure 3 31, there is a
highly significant ( <0.001) negative relation between the number of follow up visits and
BSV1 (n=88). Pearson correlation test also showed significant relation ( <0.01) between
UFOF1 and the number of follow up visits (n=48). Pearson Correlation showed that BSV2
was statistically ( <0.05) related to follow up time (n=43) and number of follow up visits
(n=74). Whereas UFOF2 was not found to be statistically related ( >0.05) with follow up
time and number of follow up visits (n=20, n=32 respectively).
Pearson correlation showed highly significant negative relationship ( <0.01) between BSV1
and follow up time (n=44). It also showed a significant negative relation ( <0.05) between
BSV2 and follow up time (n=43). However, the relationship ( <0.05) between BSV score
improvement and follow up time (n=33) was positive.
single visit
two visits
three visits
four visits
five visits
six visits
seven visits
frequency of occurance
( (%!
" B$3&
" B23&
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
one visit
two visits
three visits
four visits
six visits
mean BSV1
(( !
# =
seven visits
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
There is a paucity of data with regard to blow out fracture studies compared to facial trauma
studies in general, and the number of studies with which we had to compare our findings.
Our data showed that the difference in percentage between males and females in surgically
managed group is higher than conservative group. Apart from the fact that that the percentage
of diplopia in males (95.3%) was slightly higher than females (87.8%), there was no other
data that explains this difference. Data analysis did not show that males were involved in
more aggressive injuries, since no significant relation was found between gender and severity
of diplopia (BSV1 score category) and no significant relation between gender and the level of
tissue herniation. In terms of surgical decision based on treatment of enophthalmos or large
fracture size, our data did not show any significant difference between the incidence of
enophthalmos between males and females in the surgical group, also it showed no significant
difference between males and females in terms of the fracture size. Subjective considerations
from patient’s and surgeon’s side and their influence the choice for treatment must not be
Our study data showed that assault was the major cause for injury for males. In agreement
with our finding, assault was the most frequent cause of injury in other studies (Jones and
Evans, 1967; Mustaffa
, 2008; Simon
, 2009). Assault followed by fall then sport
was also reported by Gosse (2009), though in lower percentages. Chi
(2009) also found
that violent assault was the leading cause of fractures, followed by fall. Egbert
found that interpersonal violence was the most common cause for injury in a young
population. Cope
(1999) and Koide
(2003) reported assault, especially alcohol
related, to be the main cause of injury in their series. Anecdotally, alcohol was frequently
mentioned in our own assaulted patients’ notes also.
Our finding disagrees with Rowe and Crowley (2003) who found that sport was the most
common cause following assault, whereas falls were the second most common cause in our
series. In their study Row and Crowley found that females were not involved in assault, while
in our case series females constitute about 20% of such injuries. The cause of injury,
however, was not statistically found to influence the management choice. The percentage of
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
sport as a cause for injury in our sample disagrees with Jones (1994), who found that sport
form one third of the causes of blow out fracture. This might be related to the types of sport
in USA. Baek and Lee (2003), however, reported accidents as the most common cause in
their series.
This study showed no relation between age and the cause of injury. It also showed that cause
of injury is not an influential factor on both pre and post operative diplopia and ocular
motility scores and subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
Our findings suggest that gender is not a highly influential factor on both pre and
postoperative ocular motility and diplopia scores or the subjective outcome in relation to
diplopia. This finding agrees with Brucoli
(2011) who also found that gender is not
influential factor on postoperative diplopia. It should be mentioned, however, that they used
different tests for evaluation of diplopia (cover test, red glass test, and Hess Lancaster test).
The highest incidence of blow out fracture in this study was reported in (21 30) age group,
which agrees with Chi
(2009) finding, as they reported that (20 29) age group is higher
than other age groups. However, in our sample, age group (31 40) reported almost the same
frequency of incidence as (21 30) age group. Twenty one thirty age group was also most
prevalent among those patients managed surgically. Extreme age groups 1 10 and 61 70
years recorded the lowest incidence of blow out fracture for all sample categories. This
concurs with other studies which found that paediatric blow out fractures are uncommon. The
cause of injury in elderly patients was predominantly falls.
There is no agreement about the influence of age on ocular motility and diplopia in orbital
fractures. In this study age was not found to influence preoperative diplopia score. Similarly,
age was not found to be highly influential on postoperative BSV score and the subjective
outcome in relation to diplopia. This finding agrees with Rowe and Crowley (2003), who
found no relation between age groups and outcome of surgery in relation to ocular motility.
However, this disagrees with Kim
(2003) who found significant relation between age of
patient and postoperative diplopia.
Our data showed that age had a negative influence on the preoperative ocular motility score
(UFOF); as patient age increases the ocular motility score of the injured side decreases.
However, our results did not show a relationship between age and UFOF normal side,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
suggesting that the injured UFOF is not the result of a general age related decline in motility.
To the best of our knowledge this is the first study that has measured the influence of age on
both normal UFOF and on the UFOF for the injured eye in patients with orbital blow out
It worth considering that our study, unlike previous studies, includes demographic and
clinical data for both conservative and surgical management groups. This may explain the
reason behind some of the discrepancy with other studies’ findings.
Apart from age influence on ocular motility score, demographic data does not seem to have a
major influence over pre, post operative diplopia and subjective outcome in relation to
diplopia. This finding might explain the little interest over demographic data in other studies.
Blow out fractures occur predominantly in the weakest regions of the orbit: orbital plate of
ethmoid bone and the orbital floor (Jones and Evans, 1967). In this case series, the
occurrence of orbital floor fractures dominates both the conservative and surgically treated
patients. A low incidence of medial wall fractures in our sample supports the findings of
other studies (Evans and Fenton, 1971; Hosal and Beatty, 2002; de Silva and Rose, 2011;
, 2003). Medial wall involvement including isolated and combined with orbital
floor fracture occurred in 21% of the cases. This percentage agrees with of Dulley and Fells
The medial orbital wall, although thin, receives support from the ethmoidal air cell walls, and
as a result, it requires greater force to fracture it (Biesman
, 1996). Nevertheless, fewer
air cells with large lamina papyracea between septa will increase the likelihood of medial
fractures (Song
, 2009). Differences in fracture site due to racial anatomical differences
have been reported in the literature (Gittinger
, 1986; de Silva and Rose, 2011): de Silva
and Rose (2011) suggested that an increase frequency of medial wall fracture in comparison
with orbital floor fracture in African Caribbean race might be attributed to the strength of the
orbital floor. The authors reported, however, that the incidence of blow out fractures in
relation to the site was similar between Caucasian and Asian (Chinese) in their sample.
Interestingly, Asian studies on blow out fractures, Korean in particular, reported a
comparable or even higher incidence of medial blow out fractures compared with floor
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
fractures (Jin
, 2007; Chi
, 2009; Song
, 2009).
The incidence of combined fractures might be related to the anatomical continuation of the
floor to medial wall. Our study showed no significant influence of fracture site on
preoperative and postoperative diplopia, ocular motility scores or subjective outcome in
relation to diplopia. This finding agrees with Brucoli et al (2011) who found that the site of
the fracture had no influence on postoperative diplopia.
The incidence of left side fractures is higher in our sample. Bilateral involvement was
reported in only one case within the surgical category. In fact there are few reported cases
with bilateral blow out fractures in the literature, only 5 cases with bilateral blow out fracture
published in the last decade (Takehiro
, 2000; Swinson
, 2004; Agir
, 2005).
The difference between the incidences of right and left sided injury is more evident in
surgical group. Biesman
(1996) also reported higher incidence of left side fractures
(57%), while Hossal and beatty (2002) reported almost the same level of incidence for both
sides. Given that the majority of cases were assaults, it could be postulated that a blow from a
right fist would results in a left sided injury, and the unequal distribution observed in our
study. However, the difference between two sides in other causes of injury still favours the
left side, although in closer percentages of occurrence. Literature review did not show any
explanation about the reason for differences in frequency of occurrence between both sides,
and whether it was related to the cause of trauma, assault in particular.
Diplopia was the most common clinical finding compared to other clinical features in our
study. This concurs with other studies Helveston (1977), France (1994) (78%), Biesman
(1996) (86%), Jones
(1997) (67%), Shantha
(2000) (70.3%), Hosal and Beatty
(2002) (83%). Enophthalmos, on the other hand, had a low recorded incidence compared to
other orbital features. The incidence of enophthalmos in previous studies was higher, ranging
from 30.6 to 62% (Jayamanne and Igillie, 1995). Hosal and Beatty (2002) in their series of 42
patients with pure blow out fractures in orbital floor and medial wall found that 30.9% of the
patients have enophthalmos greater than 2 mm. One of the reasons for the low reported
incidence of enophthalmos in our study is that it is often a late rather than immediate
complication of fracture. In this study, the majority of fractures, even with no significant
diplopia, were repaired early, which may have prevented subsequent enophthalmos.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
There is general consensus on the low incidence of ocular injuries in blow out fractures
(Jones and Evans, 1967; Lerman, 1970; Biesman
, 1996). In our sample, the reported
ophthalmic injuries were less common compared to other complications. Low incidence of
ocular injuries in blow out fractures has been explained by the occurrence fracture itself, with
pneumatisation of maxillary sinus acting as a protective mechanism (Kellman and Schmidt,
Ocular motility disturbances in orbital injuries are frequently assessed using a Hess chart.
The reliance of orbital trauma studies on Hess charts only, makes diplopia recording
subjective and often difficult to evaluate (Sveinsson, 1973). It has been noticed that diplopia
and ocular motility disturbances, as terms, have been used frequently in orbital fracture
studies interchangeably (Egbert
, 2000; Koide
, 2003; Lee
, 2005), whereas,
more correctly defined, diplopia represents the clinical manifestation of an ocular motility
Assessment of diplopia using a Goldman Perimeter (BSV test) is generally considered the
‘gold standard’ for diplopia assessment (Holmes
, 2005). Despite this, the Goldman
Perimeter has not been used consistently in clinical studies (Evans and Fenton, 1971; Dulley
and Fells, 1974; Harris
, 1998; Lee
, 2005). Recently, there is increasing evidence
in the literature which favours its use as a routine procedure, using both weighted (Sullivan
template) and unweighted scoring, as it is simple tool and allows numerical analysis for both
orbital and visual functions. Banks
(2010) stated the advantages of BSV over Hess
charts, suggesting the latter to be difficult to present numerically.
The UFOF has been validated in ocular motility measurement in thyroid eye disease patients
, 1995; Gerling
, 1997; Haggerty
, 2005), although its use for orbital
trauma patients has not been reported. Despite the popularity of Hess charts in ocular motility
assessment in orbital fractures, UFOF appears to have some advantages. UFOF identifies the
affected muscle/muscle groups as the result of trauma. Also it may aid in determining
whether the muscle has been restricted or is under activated, for example as a result of direct
injury with no actual incarceration. UFOF can provide the examiner with a reliable
comparative numerical measurement using the contra lateral muscle/muscles in the
unaffected side.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
From our study, it would appear that patients with low BSV (<60%) may benefit more from
surgery than higher BSV categories. However, low BSV score alone cannot be considered as
a criterion for surgical intervention. The main reason behind this is that we do not have
sufficient data for low BSV score in the conservative group to compare the level of
improvement. Only 4 cases (in the conservative group) lie within lower and middle BSV
score categories in which their preoperative and postoperative BSV scores were available. T
test statistics, however, suggest that these 4 cases did not have significant change in their
BSV scores.
Nevertheless, it might be suggested that BSV score thresholds could be used to help in the
choice of treatment. Patients with BSV scores > 80% (n=13) did not benefit from surgery in
term of BSV level. On the other hand patients with BSV score >80% (n=11) whom were
conservatively managed showed significant improvement.
According to our results, orbital fat herniation was the most common reported level of orbital
tissue herniation. This agrees with the finding of Sleep
(2007) where periorbital fat
involvement was reported in most of the cases.
Entrapment of extraocular muscle was reported in only two cases in the retrospective sample,
agreeing with what has been reported in the literature. The literature suggests that entrapment
of extraocular muscles is uncommon in adult blow out fractures (Egbert
, 2001; Arnoldi and Mattheu, 2004; Gosse
, 2000; Sosuke
, 2009).
To the best of our knowledge, the influence of orbital tissue herniation level on diplopia
(BSV score) and ocular motility (UFOF score) has not previously been reported. Our data
showed that orbital tissue herniation has a negative influence on both ocular motility and
diplopia. Correlation coefficient values, however, indicate that this influence is not a
considerable one. Thus factors other than tissue herniation are likely to play an important
role in ocular motility problems in blow out fractures. Koornneef (1982) stated that
incarceration of orbital tissue is not responsible for severe ocular motility problems, rather a
dysfunction of the entire motility apparatus in the fracture region. Furthermore, it is not only
the mechanical displacement that should be considered, but also the extent of the related
muscle injury (Harris
, 1998).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Weak correlation between tissue herniation and diplopia could be also explained by the fact
that diplopia and ocular motility scores in “fat herniation” cases, which constitute about half
of the cases, were not significantly different from the “no tissue herniation” level.
The level of tissue herniation was not previously included within the criteria for surgical
management. However, the absence of significant difference in diplopia and ocular motility
scores between “no tissue herniation” and “orbital fat herniation” levels, as well as the fact
that cases with orbital fat herniation have almost the same prevalence in both management
groups, raises the question of the value of surgical management in cases with orbital fat
herniation alone.
The fact that most of the cases (60%) with low BSV were reported to have orbital muscle
herniation might suggest that orbital muscle involvement in the fracture defect could be an
important factor in lowering BSV score in blow out fracture cases. Higashino
(2011) in
their case series found that all cases had diplopia when the herniation of the inferior rectus
muscle into the maxillary sinus was half or more of its section.
It is generally agreed that coronal CT is the first choice of view in orbital blow out fractures
(Rowe Jones
, 1993; Courtney
, 2000) with its superiority in diagnosis of medial
wall fractures over axial CT (Santos
, 2007). In our case series we found that Coronal
CT scans were available in all cases, while sagittal views were used in 30 cases. This affected
the ability to accurately determine defect size in our sample. However, in this study the mean
size of orbital floor fractures was 0.83 cm² (minimum 0.141 cm² and maximum 4.2 cm²),
which was similar to the mean size of medial wall fractures observed, 0.84 cm². However, the
maximum size for the medial wall was less, 2.35 cm². The size of medial wall fractures in our
sample is less than in Jin
’s (2000) sample, which might be attributed to the racial
anatomical differences.
The relationship between fracture size and ocular motility has received little attention in
previous studies, predominantly being reported in relation to enophthalmos. In this study, no
statistically significant relationship was found between the size of orbital fracture and the
level of orbital tissue prolapse in the fracture line. The size of the fracture also had no
apparent influence on either preoperative BSV or UFOF. This finding disagrees with
Sveinsson (1973) who believed that the extent of diplopia depends on the size of the fracture.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
'' $
Surgical indications for blow out fracture usually target diplopia, enophthalmos, or large size
defects which may result in late enophthalmos (Turnbull
, 2007). The criteria for
diplopia as an indication for surgery as suggested in the literature are subjective. Conversely,
enophthalmos, as an indication, has objective management criteria.
It has been found that the percentage of surgically managed patients is slightly higher than
Dully and Fells (1975), Putterman (1991) and Gosse
(2009) who reported about half of
their cases with surgical intervention. However, Higashino
(2011) reported that the
majority of their sample (89 out of 106 cases) were managed conservatively, demonstrating
the subjective nature of the decision to intervene.
In this sample, the subjective surgical indications were persistent diplopia, with the presence
of a fracture confirmed on CT, and/or enophthalmos. Large asymptomatic defects were
treated on the basis that enophthalmos could be expected as a sequelae. A baseline orthoptic
examination taken preoperatively has generally been used to support the clinical decision
rather than determining the need for surgery. The presence of ’persistent diplopia’, is
frequently stated as a criteria for surgical management of blow out fractures of the orbit
, 2007; Gosse
, 2009), along with terms like “diplopia not resolving
significantly within the first 10 days” (Fells, 1975); “visually handicapping diplopia”
(Putterman, 1977); “disabling diplopia” (Biesman
, 1996); “clinically significant
diplopia” (Hosal and Beatty, 2002); “diplopia persists for several days of observation” (Yano
, 2009) are subjective terms.
In keeping with general agreement, the optimum time window for surgical intervention in
this sample was considered to be 2 weeks, (Dulley and Fells, 1974; Hawes and Dortzbach,
1983; Hartstein and Roper Hall, 2000; Hosal and Beatty, 2002; Hamedani
, 2007).
(1988) in their review of 18 cases based on the generally followed protocol on
blow out fractures of the orbit (surgery within 2 weeks for persistent diplopia) found that
85% of the cases had complete resolution of diplopia. Accordingly, they recommended this
protocol for orbital blow out fracture management.
Half of the cases in this sample were treated within 7 days, which reflects the tendency for
early management of this injury. This also might be related to the early clinical presentation
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
of these cases. More than 75% of blow out fracture cases were presented within the 7 days of
the injury and 13% of cases within the 2nd week of injury.
Despite the fact that the mean postoperative diplopia score (BSV2) decreases with increasing
time to surgery, surgical timing was not found as a highly influential factor on either BSV2 or
subjective outcome in relation to diplopia. Jin
(2007) also found that surgical timing
was not statistically related to postoperative diplopia. They considered surgical timing to be
crucial in cases with trapdoor fractures with extraocular muscle entrapment, which is
uncommon in adult blow out fractures (de Man
, 1991). Shin
(2011) reviewed 233
cases with non trapdoor blow out fractures which were surgically treated for diplopia; 195
cases were treated within 2 weeks and 38 cases treated between 15 30 days. They did not find
a significant difference between the two groups in terms of diplopia outcome. However, this
disagrees with Hossal and Beatty (2002) who found a significant relationship between timing
of surgery and postoperative diplopia.
Nevertheless, our data showed that cases which had been treated more than one month from
injury (10% of the cases) did not show significant improvement in BSV score. Putterman
(1991) believes that orbital surgery after 5 weeks was unlikely improve ocular motility
disturbances. For such cases he advised extraocular muscle surgery.
Surgical technique for orbital blow out fracture also raises debate (Courtney
, 2000).
Among such issues is surgical approach (Stassen and Kerawala, 2007), which is frequently a
matter of personal preference or related to previous teaching. In a questionnaire sent to 256
surgeons in UK, Courtney
(2000) found that the infraorbital and the subciliary
approaches were most commonly used (78%), transconjunctival and mid lower lid incisions
were not common.
In this sample subciliary approach dominated the surgical group, providing adequate, rapid
access to the fracture (Holtmann
, 1981; Yano
, 2009; Salgarelli
, 2010).
However, our data showed that approach is not an influential factor on BSV2, BSV score
improvement or subjective diplopia outcome.
This study data showed no significant relation between the size of the fracture defect and the
choice of implant material. This is an interesting finding, because anecdotally surgeons
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
usually decide the choice of implant material upon the size of the defect, which agrees with
Fries (1994) and Camuzard
(1988). This could be attributed to the discrepancy between
CT scan findings and surgeon’s judgment. It is possible, also, to assume that CT scan in some
cases might suggest small defects, while surgical manipulation might reveal that the bony
margin of the defect might not be strong enough to support small implant material. In our
sample small defects were generally repaired with silastic sheet, as seen in almost half of the
fractures. This alloplast is readily available, of low cost, is easily shaped and is of adequate
rigidity (Fries, 1994).
Our data showed that bone graft cases showed higher postoperative mean BSV score
followed by silastic implant then titanium mesh. The difference, however, between mean
BSV scores in the 3 types lies within 10% of BSV score. This might explain why there was
no significant relationship between the choice of implant material and postoperative BSV
score. Prowse
(2010), in a 12 year comparative retrospective study of 81 patients,
compared silicone implant material (silastic implant) and non silicone implant materials
including bone and cartilage grafts, resorbable and titanium implant materials. The
comparison was based on the surgical outcome in relation to post operative diplopia, pain,
abnormal eye position, infection, palpable implant and numbness. They found a lower
incidence of these complications with silicone materials compared to non silicone materials.
However, they reported 4 cases out of 58 silicone material cases where silastic implant
required surgical removal, with extrusion in 3 cases. Displacement during active globe
movement especially in large unfixed implants has been previously reported (Potter and Ellis,
2004). Infection was seen in the fourth case; silastic implants frequently produce an
avascular implant capsule interface, with the potential for infection of the peri implant space.
(1995) did not believed that it is ideal implant material as they had to remove
the implant material in 13% of the cases because of infection, migration and worsening of
diplopia. In our sample, 3 out of 48 cases treated with silastic implant, in which the silastic
sheets were removed, with one case the silastic sheet was replaced with bone graft for
persistent diplopia.
Titanium mesh also used widely in our sample. According the department policy titanium
mesh was preferred in larger size fracture. Gear
(2002) stated that Titanium mesh is
usually recommended for large orbital defects because of its good functional outcome and
low risk of infection. However, there was no significant relation between CT fracture size
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
and the choice of implant material.
Despite the fact that autologous bone graft is considered as the gold standard for repair of
orbital floor defect (Baino, 2011), it was seldom used in this sample. This might be related to
its complications: donor site morbidity; resorption with potential enophthalmos and difficulty
of contouring (Morrison
, 1995; Gear
, 2002) making bone less likely to be chosen
for small isolated orbital fractures with minimal possibility of enophthalmos (Fries, 1994).
The trend for blow out fracture repair in this sample reflects the tendency for use of
alloplastic material over autogenous bone graft. The size of the defects, wide availability of
implant material with the continual improvement in their characteristics, time factor and
avoidance of donor site morbidity might be the reasons in the material choice.
Overall, our data showed that choice of implant materials was not an influential factor in
postoperative BSV and final outcome in relation to diplopia.
The primary aim of surgery is considered to be to release incarcerated tissue to restore ocular
motility. Inadequate surgical release, especially in posterior fractures has been suggested to
influence motility outcome (Noorden and Campos, 2002; Kim
, 2003; Ochs, 2004).
However, surgery itself does not address direct extraocular muscle injury (Iliff
indeed, muscle injury may occur during surgical manipulation (Kugelberg
, 1999),
, 1998).
(2007) believe that this type of injury in blow out fractures is usually associated
with delayed recovery, with over 6 months persistent diplopia being not uncommon.
About 77% of the surgically managed patients had a postoperative diplopia score (BSV2)
within the moderate and high BSV score categories, 60 100%. Dulley and Fells (1974)
considered 60 90% BSV as satisfactory surgical outcome. Apart from Dully and Fells, there
are no quantifiable criteria as to what could be considered as successful outcome of surgery,
with most of the available literature using subjective terms to describe the level of
postoperative ocular motility (Putterman, 1977; Hosal and Beatty, 2002; Gosse
, 2009).
The subjective outcome in relation to diplopia can be divided into two categories; favourable
outcome category which includes “asymptomatic” and “not aware or concerned by diplopia”
groups and unfavourable category which include “symptomatic” and ‘requiring further
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
measures” groups. The “symptomatic” category includes cases which did achieve
improvement after surgery in terms of diplopia, but, they were reported with variable degrees
of residual diplopia. Our data showed that patients with low BSV scores are more likely to be
at risk of an unfavourable diplopia outcome. The mean postoperative BSV for this group was
still around the upper limit of low BSV score category. This might explain why this group of
patients reported as symptomatic. This finding is in keeping with Lee
(2005), who stated
that postsurgical ocular motility disturbances usually persist if the extraocular motility was
significantly affected by the trauma.
The fact that about 50% of surgically treated cases, for whom follow up data was available,
were still complaining of postoperative diplopia in variable degrees is comparable with
, 2008) and agrees with the notion of Harris (2006) about the ocular
motility outcome in surgical cases of blow out fractures being less than ideal. Unfortunately,
this data is compromised by the number of surgically managed patients for whom no
postoperative data is available (n= 88).
Our data has shown that preoperative and postoperative BSV scores relate to subjective
outcome in relation to diplopia. The lower the BSV1 score the less favourable outcome will
be, despite the fact that cases with low BSV category achieve better score improvement
compared to those in the high BSV category. This fact reflects that BSV score improvement
itself does not relate to subjective diplopia outcome. This has been statistically confirmed.
The absence of significant relation between BSV improvement and subjective diplopia
outcome might be explained by the fact cases with low BSV1 could still end up with a
moderate BSV2, despite the obvious improvement in BSV score. Whereas, cases high BSV1
with little improvement could still have high BSV2.
In addition, BSV improvement measures the difference between preoperative BSV score and
first postoperative BSV score. Diplopia, in some cases, improves gradually over time. The
other factor might be that patient appreciation to the outcome might not be influenced by
physical improvement in diplopia score. It could reflect that there are certain levels of
improvement which have not been found by patient as significant, and some patients might
still find it uncomfortable having residual diplopia postoperatively.
Despite the fact that tissue herniation level has no statistical influence on the subjective
diplopia outcome categories, our data showed that cases with orbital muscle herniation are
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
more likely to have an unfavourable diplopia outcome. Harris
(1998) believe that the
more tissue involved in the fracture, the more likely to there is to be ocular muscle injury,
which negatively affects the motility outcome. Indeed, it may be tissue injury rather than
tissue herniation that is important in diplopia arising from orbital fractures.
'0 5
! #
Published studies to date have presented variable postoperative follow up periods. A
comprehensive literature review did not show a unified follow up pattern for patients with
blow out fractures. The only reported follow up protocol for blow out fracture was by Orgel
(1971), who adopted a monthly follow up period. In this retrospective sample the time
between follow up visits did not follow a particular time, and was primarily dictated by the
patient’s progress. Our data showed the significant influence of preoperative diplopia score
on both follow up time and number of follow up visits. The higher preoperative BSV score
the shorter follow up time and the less number of follow up visits.
It is interesting to find that the relation between BSV score improvement with follow up time
is positive relation. This might be explained by the fact that higher improvements reflect
lower initial BSV scores. Patients with lower per operative BSV scores might end up with
moderate post operative scores, the reason why some of these patients might still complain
from certain degrees of double vision and, eventually, require more follow up time.
This study data showed a wide range of follow up time. The minimum follow up period was
2 weeks postoperatively and the maximum was 13 months with mean of 4.5 months. Sleep
(2007) reported (1 7) months as a time range for the resolution of postoperative diplopia,
with mean of 4.4 months. Jin
(2007) gave a range of follow up from 3 months to 4
years. Hosal and Beatty (2002) found that diplopia improved 1 4 weeks in 80% of their cases.
The absence of a unified follow up period and timetable might be explained by the suggestion
that ocular motility disturbances continue to improve for up to 9 months (Gosse
, 2009).
Through studying many possible factors that might influence ocular motility and diplopia, it
was hoped to determine a more objective basis for management choice for blow out fractures
of the orbit. It is suggested that the use of quantifiable values for ocular motility and diplopia,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
along with the level of tissue herniation may be important factors to be considered in orbital
blow out fractures.
Our data indicated that cases with BSV ≥ 80% may not benefit greatly from surgery, whilst
possibly benefitting from initial conservative management. Unfortunately it has proved
difficult to compare the diplopia score improvement in both management categories based on
BSV values, as we do not have sufficient data from the conservative management side to
In addition, it is difficult to define a diplopia score which distinguish between a motility
deficit caused by direct tissue injury or due to tissue herniation in the fracture defect in this
type of injury.
Despite the difficulty in determining BSV levels indicative of the need for surgical
intervention, our data suggests that the benefit of surgery would be the most likely in cases
with low BSV category (0 60%) and orbital muscle herniation. This has been based on 4
1 Orbital fat herniation does not seem to have significant influence on ocular motility
and diplopia over no tissue herniation.
2 Both mean and median of BSV in cases with orbital muscle herniation fall within
lower BSV category.
3 Most of the cases (69.2%) with low BSV category had orbital muscle herniation
4 Cases with lower BSV category benefit more from surgery compared to other BSV
categories in terms of BSV improvement.
In terms of surgical timing it has been found that postoperative diplopia scores have a
tendency to decrease with the increase in time to surgery. However, statistically, surgical
timing does not significantly affect postoperative diplopia, if surgery is performed within 1
month of injury. However, these finding suggests that early surgical intervention is
recommended when patient’s condition permits.
Our data showed that preoperative diplopia score correlates to postoperative diplopia, follow
up time, number of follow up visits and subjective outcomes in relation to diplopia. This
reflects the prognostic value of BSV score in cases with blow out fractures of the orbit.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
+ E
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Some researchers believe that the philosophical foundations of qualitative research were
based on the work of twentieth century authors: Heidegger, Merleau Ponty and Habermas.
These foundations were applied by anthropologists, sociologists and recently by health care
researchers (Berry
, 2006). Others believe that qualitative research can be linked back to
the ideas of Immanuel Kant in his book (Critique of Pure Reason) published in 1781, when
he proposed that “our knowledge of the world is based on ‘understanding’ which arise from
thinking about what happens to us, not just simply from having had particular experience”;
and Wilhelm Dilthey (1860s 70s) who emphasised the importance of ‘understanding’ and
studying people’s lived experience (Snape and Spencer, 2010).
The aim of qualitative research is to develop a concept that helps to understand a social
phenomenon in natural setting rather than in an experimental setting (Pope and Mays, 1995).
It seeks to explain and understand rather than quantify or predict. Qualitative studies seek to
explore questions to which the answer is not known and predictions cannot be made. To
achieve their aims qualitative studies use systematic purposive non probabilistic sampling,
not random sampling (Mays and Pope, 1995; Hartley and Muhit, 2003).
The success of both quantitative and qualitative research depends on the judgement and skill
of the researchers and their ability to employ appropriate research methodology to answer a
particular question. Researchers in both fields also have to ensure the rigour in which
systematic and self conscious research design, data collection and interpretation, are
imperative requirements (Mays and Pope, 1995).
To understand patients’ experience of orbital blow out fractures.
, 8
To investigate the psychosocial impacts of orbital blow –out fractures on the patients.
To explore patients’ adaptation to orbital blow out fractures.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The main difference between qualitative and quantitative research lies in the diversity of the
philosophical backgrounds of the qualitative methodology. Qualitative methodology research
is closely linked with the researcher’s philosophical assumption (this will be explained
further in the next paragrahphs). In quantitative research, methodology is a technical matter
based on a unified philosophical background (Murphy
, 1998). Despite the fact that
qualitative research has a range of approaches based on different belief backgrounds, the
generic aim of most qualitative research methods is to develop conceptual understanding and
theoretical explanation for the studied phenomenon (Ritchie and Lewis, 2004; Pope
In order to ensure an accurate qualitative study design, Ghezeljeh and Emami (2009)
suggested that the researcher should state his/her philosophical view which defines his/her
beliefs about truth (epistemology) and reality (ontology), which could be put under an
overarching paradigm. The paradigm defines the ontological, epistemological and
methodological approach adopted in a qualitative study (Ellett and Beausang, 2002).
Ontology is simply the study of being (Ghezeljeh and Emami, 2009). It is the nature of the
world and what we know about it (Snape and Spencer, 2010). In other words, ontology asks
the question; is there a reality outside what I think and believe?
Ontological stances lie between two extremes: realism and idealism. Realism suggests that
there is an outside reality independent to our perception. The other extreme is idealism
which states that there is no reality outside our belief and understanding and that reality is
only what the researcher’s perception provides him/her with. In between these positions lies
subtle realism which acknowledges the presence of a reality but that this reality is symbiotic
with, and exists through our interpretation. The ontological views could be exemplified by a
movie (outside reality) which is seen by many spectators. Some of these spectators believe
that what is happening in this movie is their reality. It is part of their everyday life (realism).
Others find what is happening in this movie is just fiction and has no what so ever connection
to their life (idealism). The last group of spectators believes what is happening in the movie is
not their life, but they accept the fact that there are some events might actually happen or
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
could have happened (subtle realism). Some of these spectators, however, differ in the extent
of these events’ existence and effect might bring to their life.
In this study I adopt the subtle realism view. It means that I acknowledge the presence of
reality out there (the patient’s reality). However, as I am a clinician, I recognize this influence
on my interpretation of the patient’s reality.
Epistemology is the (theory) nature of knowledge (Ghezeljeh and Emami, 2009).
Epistemology, also, has two extreme positions. The first of these positions is positivism,
which states that the world facts are independent of and unaffected by the researcher (Snape
and Spencer, 2010). This position assumes that the social facts can be approached in the same
way as the natural world, because human behaviour is governed by regularities that allow
independent and objective social research (Ghezeljeh and Emami, 2009; Snape and Spencer,
The second epistemological position is interpretivism, which states that the social world and
the researcher have a mutual influence on each other and that social facts and values are
influenced by the researcher’s perspective. Furthermore, since the social world is not
governed by natural sciences rules, the methods of the natural sciences are not appropriate.
Hence, the researcher has to explore the social world through the participants’ perspective
(Snape and Spencer, 2010). I have taken an interpretivist stance for the qualitative study.
Research should be governed by the phenomenon being investigated as opposed to rigid
adherence to certain types of research (McEvoy, 2006). Otherwise any attempt to legislate the
use of any method apart from the research question itself will violate the creativity and
viability of scientific research (Colliver and Verhulst, 1996).
Methodology is the conceptual framework that governs the methods within a particular
research (Nicholls, 2009a). Over the twentieth century different schools of qualitative
research have emerged, such as: narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography
and case studies (Creswell, 2007). Each of these methodological schools is related to an
overarching philosophy (Nicholls, 2009a).
Some researchers believe it is better in qualitative studies to avoid mixing between two
methodological approaches, as this will violate the philosophical background of these
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
approaches (Moore, 2009; Parahoo, 2009). However, there are some research methodologies
have been recently suggested in the literature, in which no restrictions from existed
methodologies, and the philosophical assumption is not explicitly expressed by the researcher,
such as general inductive approach (Thomas, 2006) and framework approach (Ritchie and
Lewis, 2004).
The methodology adopted in this study is a generic qualitative approach (Rapley, 2010;
Snape and Spencer, 2010). This approach cuts across the most basic terms shared by different
methodological approaches. This means the start with close inspection of particular dataset to
discover certain themes, explore and explain the underlying pattern of the studied concepts
and themes (Rapley, 2010). In this study, this approach aims to provide a wider and deeper
understanding of the patients’ experience with the types of injury under discussion. This
understanding is hoped to help clinicians in providing more comprehensive approach in
management of patients with blow out fractures of the orbit.
Qualitative research is concerned with the meaning that people give to the world, and it
assumes that they are different in this instance. Hence it does not look for a sample of people
who represent the population, but it looks for the sample which provides adequate insight
(both depth and breadth) into people experience (Nicholls, 2009b). Qualitative research
therefore employs a purposive sampling strategy, aiming to recruit participants who are likely
to have different experiences.
Another type of non probabilistic sampling employed in qualitative research is "Theoretical"
sampling. This type of sampling is guided by the objective of explanation or theory
development (Mays and Pope, 1995). In other words, the next participant recruitment is
guided by data analysis for the need of theory development or extended exploration of
various aspects of participants’ experiences.
In the current study, a purposive, theoretical, maximum variation sample has been taken
(n=21) to ensure breadth and depth of opinions and experiences. Sampling criteria were:
preoperative, postoperative surgically managed patients; and conservatively managed
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
patients; gender; age over18; severity of BSV; postoperative course (Figure 4 1and Table 4 3).
For the purpose of this study, patients were recruited from patients attending The Oral and
Maxillofacial Department in Newcastle General Hospital with blow out fractures of the orbit.
Interviews were performed in one of the consulting rooms. The duration of interviews ranged
from 30 to 50 minutes (Mean 37.6 minutes). These interviews were digitally recorded and
transcribed verbatim.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
There are 3 main methods of data collection in qualitative studies: observations, interviews
and focus group discussions. Other less commonly used methods include the analysis of
public or private documents, and e mails (Hartley and Muhit, 2003).
In observational methods, the researcher systematically observes participants’ behaviour in
their natural environment. In this type of data collection, the researcher will be a participant
in addition to being an observer (Pope and Mays, 1995). The assumption behind observation
is that the best way to discover the real fact is by watching and listening. Observational data
can be accrued from field notes, verbatim quotations, or from audio visual recordings.
A focus group is a group of individuals selected to discuss their personal experience about the
research topic (Powell and Single, 1996). It has been used to explore a wide range of health
related issues (Wong, 2008). In focus group discussions participants are encouraged to talk to
each other asking questions, exchanging ideas, experiences and points of view (Kitzinger,
1994). In this way a focus group is thought to encourage the research participants to explore
relevant issues in the group, thereby meaning the participants conceptualise the research issue
in the different forms of communication that people use in their daily lives as opposed to in
the researcher’s terms (Kitzinger, 1995).
For reasons of validity, logistical considerations, and time constraints, observation and focus
groups were not used in this study. Both observation and focus group would not have been
practical. It is difficult and sometimes intrusive to observe different patients in different
places including potentially their home and work environment. If focus groups are not
properly balanced it is possible that one more vociferous individual may speak for the rest of
the group. In addition to this some of the issues to be discussed can be: a) personal, b)
sensitive and/or litigious, and therefore focus groups were not appropriate. Semi structured
interviews were the preferred data collection method because they allow in depth exploration
of relevant issues with a singular individual.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
There are 3 types of interviews: Structured interviews, semi structured interviews and in
depth interviews. The structured interview has fixed standardised questions and the answers
are from fixed choices. SF 36 is an example of structured interview (Britten, 1995).
Qualitative interviews usually have more loose structure. Semi structured interviews consist
of open ended questions which define the areas to be explored as a beginning, and then it
diverges for further details. Semi structured interviews do not use a previously structured
questionnaire, rather utilising a topic guide which, as the name suggests, provides guidance to
the interviewer of the areas to cover during the discussion as opposed to a rigid structure of
questions. In this way emergent themes can naturally be explored in the order in which they
arise during the interview, thereby minimising the risk of “forcing” the interview.
In depth interviews are even less structured than semi structured interviews. They begin with
one or two questions and all the following questions will depend on what the interviewee will
say. These questions aim to clarify and provide more depth understanding on the issue under
question (Britten, 1995).
Qualitative interviews are essentially conversations with subjects which aim to understand
the world from the subject’s perspective. They explore in depth the issues of concerns to the
participant (Kvale, 2006). Qualitative interviews are widely used in exploratory health
researches aim to study a range of patients’ concepts beliefs, attitudes and experiences
, 1998).
In this study, the qualitative interview was used in preference to the focus group, for the
reasons outlined previously. The privacy afforded by using interviews, we believe, allowed
patients to be more open and willing to talk about what might be considered by some trauma
patients as an embarrassing experience. Furthermore, individual interviews are performed in
a natural setting at each participant’s appointment, and at the patient’s convenience.
The principle researcher conducted semi structured interviews with the sample using a
flexible evolving topic guide. The initial topic guide was informed by expert opinion and
research examining strabismus and diplopia (Hatt
, 2007). Interviews were conducted
until data saturation occurred, that is no new themes or ideas emerge from the data collected.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Data analysis in qualitative research differs from quantitative analysis. Quantitative research
adopts a deductive reasoning approach (hypothesis testing). In qualitative studies an
inductive approach is usually adopted, as data analysis process moves to hypothesis
generation (Pope and Mays, 1995). Qualitative research, however, is not always about
inductive reasoning, as it might involve both inductive and deductive approaches in various
stages of the study (Snape and Spencer, 2010). Toward the end of qualitative studies,
researchers try to direct their findings to state what is specific about the studied phenomenon,
either through a single statement (grounded theory approach) or by trying to capture the
essence of the meaning of the lived experience of the phenomenon studied
(phenomenological approach).
In quantitative study the research aims to answer a specific question: does X differ from Y or
is X related to Y. Whilst in qualitative research the researcher wants to know more about X,Y
and Z. This understanding is achieved through open questions which require more than a one
word answer. Furthermore, researchers in qualitative studies also use probes and prompts
during the course of an interview. Probes are responsive questions used by the researcher to
find out more about issues brought up by the interviewee. Prompts are questions which aim
to raise other issues that might interest the researcher and have not been raised by the
interviewer himself (Legard
, 2010).
In this study the approach was largely inductive as little is known about the factors that might
influence patients’ experiences of blow out fractures of the orbit. During the process of data
analysis we summarized the study findings towards two major concepts centred on the
concepts of positive and negative influence.
Different methodological approaches adopt different analysis techniques (Richards and
Morse, 2007; Spencer
, 2010). There are, however, common generic aspects in
qualitative data analysis, such as “iterative concept”, “coding” and “abstracting”.
The iterative method is an important principle of qualitative research. It is early repetitive
data analysis alongside data collection. This overlapping of collection and analysis helps to
inform subsequent data collection through theoretical sampling, or through changing the
interview/observation method used for data collection, to ensure the study explores for new
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
data or disconfirming data for emerging themes (Pope
, 2000; Endacott, 2005).
The aim of coding is to move from unstructured data to sorting and providing structure to
emergent themes from data. It is a way to simplify and focus on specific characteristics of the
data. Coding is essential for data reporting (Endacott, 2005). Coding, however, is not merely
labelling, in fact it leads the researcher from the data to ideas, and this will assist the
researcher to abstract from the data (Richards and Morse, 2007).
Abstracting is the primary goal of qualitative research. It starts at the beginning of data
collection. It is the way by which the researcher builds understanding from the data, as the
researcher starts to conceptualize by transforming data from being individual instances
through creation and exploration. That is why it is considered the most problematic part of
the qualitative research (Richards and Morse, 2007).
In this study we used line by line coding and for the aim of data organisation we adopted
framework approach, case by case and theme by theme (Table 4 2) (Ritchie
, 2004). The
principles of constant comparative method (Glaser, 1965) were broadly employed to help
produce an inductive and iterative analysis of the data.
Glaser (1965) divided constant comparative analysis into four stages: (1) comparison of
incidents within a category, (2) integration of categories and their properties, (3) delimiting
the theory which occurs at two levels: (1) the theory and (2) the original list of categories. In
other word the theory solidifies as modifications of the theory become less even with the
addition of new data as themes. The last stage of analysis is (4) writing the theory.
Constant comparison method simply means categorizing data in a list of coded themes, fitting
each segment of the transcribed data in one of these coded themes (analytical categories). The
chosen segments in each category (code) will be compared with others. This process is
progressed through comparing between codes and categories. This comparison is continued
with more data (Ghezeljeh and Emami, 2009).
To explain the analysis method used in this study further, it is helpful to use the generic steps
defined by Creswell (2003) for qualitative data analysis. He believes that it is ideal to blend
these steps with the specific design of the proposed study.
Step one: data organization and preparation: this involves interview transcription, and sorting
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
data according to the sources of information
Step two: obtaining general sense of the information provided by the data. This includes
looking for the general ideas; the general tones within the ideas; and having a general
impression. In this study the first 3 interviews were reviewed searching for possible general
trend or pattern provided by the data.
Step three: coding process or what could be called organization of the materials into blocks.
These blocks were organized into categories and labeled, and this represents the start of the
analytic process. In this study the coding process started after reviewing three interviews and
continued to be refined throughout the data analysis.
Step four: generating a description, in which codes are used to generate a small number of (5
7) themes or categories (Table 4 1). These themes are analyzed for each case and across
several cases or shaped into general description.
Physical complaint
Immediate complaint/ preoperative complaint
Reaction toward injury
Double vision
Opinion about medical and
administrative procedures
A& E
Administrative and professional medical
Patient’s perception to various aspects of
the injury
Description of the injury
Knowledge of injury/ its influence
Opinion of seriousness
Concerns about injury
Feeling protective about the injured eye
Worries from surgery/concerns about surgery
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Aesthetic concerns
Perception of outcome (physical)
Perception of injury/outcome (psychological)
Surgical decision
Expectation from surgery
Direct influence of the injury
Effect of injury on daily life
Influence on work
Financial outcome
Social influence of the injury
Social life before/after surgery
Family/friends role
Coping strategies
+ !G
Step five: representing a description of themes mostly by using narrative passage to convey
analysis findings. This could be achieved by describing the chronology of the event or
discussing different themes relationship. This is usually accompanied by figures or tables as
adjunct to the discussion process.
Step six: interpretation, which is the final step of data analysis. This could be termed as
capturing the essence of the idea. Along with data analysis, a pattern was noticed (Figure 4 2).
This pattern was developed into a theoretical construct to summarize the relationship between
the analysis findings. Each developed version of the theoretical construct was tested against
and informed by the newly emerged data (Strauss and Corbin, 1990).
All data in this thesis was independently examined by one of the supervisors (JD) and the
emergent themes reviewed, discussed, revised, and agreed. The emergent themes and their
representative data from the transcript has been organized and analysed using concurrent
(iterative) method. Line by line coding was used to analyse the transcripts because it is the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
most intensive and productive manner in which to code (Strauss and Corbin, 1990).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Age and
double vision
effect of injury on daily life
case 1
female 24
female 62
1: 4 I had to cover this eye all the time before the surgery because my double
12:5 Kind of between when it happened and when I had surgery it basically frustrated all of it. Yeah I
vision I couldn’t see a thing. 7:4 I couldn’t see. I had to have this eye covered
couldn’t … there was very little that I could do.
in order to be able to see anything because I had … there was no area in which
boring and I felt … I didn’t sort of, obviously I did feel a bit cabin, a bit cabin, feverish a little bit sort of
I could see single vision if I had both eyes open. So … I tried the eye patch
claustrophobic not being able to go out and do much.
thing for about five seconds but I couldn’t do it because all the sort of … it
13: 14 But I was able to do very … the sort of things that I would do inside, you know, and not think
was all too painful around the eye for anything to touch it. And as I got used to
about it normally like go down the shops and get some stuff. Like my mum is extremely ill, she can’t
my eye being closed I think I looked like I was kind of winking all the time
really get out of bed much, so running round just doing sort of errands helping her out, helping her out
10:5 it looked like it was dead. For instance it had barely any movement at all.
with the house and stuff.
4: 11 I’d got a lot of double vision. I’d got one image above the other one.
14:14 I seemed to want to sleep a lot. So I was sort of quite happy having 10 or 12 hours sleep at night
6: 4 Before the operation. It was … it was fairly … I was fairly able to see at
and then dozing at times during the day.
this end of the eye and it got very wide at the opposite end. Is that the right
Paris on the Friday. So we had to cancel that one.
5:2 I wasn’t really doing a lot. I was meant to be going to
5:5 … I didn’t go out much because it was so
way round? One end was quite close together and the other end was very wide.
cold. There was one point, I think at the weekend before the operation, I went out with my daughter, up to
I’m trying to think which way it was. I think it was this end probably that was
the Coast, and it looked sunny but as soon as we got out of the car the wind was biting into my face. So
very wide open.
we didn’t take a walk at that point.
8:10. My eye was starting to look as though
16: 15 ....... and I’m a lot more cautious driving … you
it was sinking. As the swelling disappeared, the eye was sinking back more
know, sort of walking around, you know. A little bit more sort of anxious on stairways in say shops or
and you could see in the mirror that it was dropping.
escalators, that sort of thing. I want to hold on more.
15 I think I was worried about it before the operation, whether it would …
whether they’d be able to sort it out.
+ $ H)
12: 15 it was frustrating and
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Cause of
Pre or
BSV score
Injury and treatment
2 months
2nd month
2nd month
2 days before operation
30 days postop
1 day postop
within 2 weeks of injury
within 2 weeks of injury
3 weeks after injury
Kicked by
6 weeks after injury
one day preop
6 weeks postop
2 weeks post injury
5 days post injury
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
1 week after injury
2 weeks post injury
2 months post 2nd
18 months postoperative
(from the retrospective
Kicked by
+ (7
3 weeks after surgery
4 weeks after surgery
More than one year after
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Blow out fractures of the orbit may differ from other types of facial trauma. They are
characterised by the highest incidence of diplopia, which may persist despite treatment. The
influence of this long term diplopia and the presence of diplopia within the context of trauma
may disable the patient in different ways to other facial trauma. The patient’s experiences of
blow out fractures have not been explored in depth previously.
Consequently, little is known about the psychosocial impact on patients of blow out fractures,
which may, given the nature of the injury, be long lasting. These features accompany the
patient throughout the journey from injury, and may continue beyond the “definitive”
This chapter attempts to explore and explain the patient’s experience toward this type of
orbital trauma, thereby providing an understanding of the impacts of this type of trauma
which hopefully will lead to suggestions on how to improve management of these patients.
In this section it is intended to explain the following recurrent themes: patient’s experience in
Accident and Emergency Department (A&E), patient physician encounter, surgical concerns
and making decision, time influence, surgical outcome and coping. These themes will be
discussed in chronological event order from injury through to postoperative “recovery”.
6 %
Patients reported sustaining blow out fractures as a result of an assault, fall or sports injury.
The “shock” is the word used by patients to entitle the emotional impact of trauma.
#$ "
However, the patients found it difficult to describe their immediate reaction toward the
incident. Normally, individuals assume a reasonably ordered and cohesive life path (Crossley,
2000). Trauma, by its nature, breaks this continuity (Tuval Mashiach
, 2004), hence the
experience of trauma will disrupt the somehow orderly sense of existence (Crossley, 2000).
In fact trauma has the power to confuse ordinary forms of conception. Trauma seems to be
incomprehensible and it belongs to another world because it is beyond the limits of our
understanding (Belau, 2001).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Accordingly, it is not easy for a traumatised individual to describe the impact of trauma. This
difficulty was more obvious in some patients, who at time of the interview, were still very
affected by the incident and it was very current to them. Frank (1997a) pointed out that
turning what is perceived as chaotic “unexpected” incident into verbal story requires the
ability to distance yourself from the incident and therefore (re)gain the ability to reflect upon
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It is suggested that trauma results in the loss of the sense of life’s map and destination for the
traumatised individual (Frank, 1997b). This might be the reason behind the fact that some
patients start to question “Why”. This questioning may reflect the patients’ attempt to
rationalise their senses towards what has happened, and also their attempt at rebuilding the
coherence of their life stories (Crossley, 2000; Taieb
, 2010).
+, -
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This questioning may, however, not only demonstrate an attempt to make sense of what
happened, but, also, might reflects the patient’s feeling that the trauma is unjustified or unfair.
For the patient, this incident should have not happened and there must been something wrong
to make it happen.
#$ "
In addition to the immediate psychological impact of this type of injury, the patients reported
a degree of fear caused by the associated severe pain and alarming bleeding.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Most of the patients in our sample reported attending the A&E department after the incident.
What occurs in A&E has been described by some of the patients in a way that reflects their
disappointment. In this study, interviewed patients reported their dissatisfaction with
ineffective communication and waiting times. They believe that their suffering (pain and
emotions) were underestimated by the clinicians.
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The emergency department (A&E) is considered to act as the gateway to treatment for the
problem. As such, it should provide a satisfactory amount of care and information
, 2011). There are three important factors in relation to the services
provided by an emergency department: staff skills, attitude and active communication (Trout
, 2000; Taylor and Benger, 2004), and waiting time (Taylor and Benger, 2004;
, 2011).
Patient satisfaction can be achieved when the patient’s expectations for management have
been met (Trout
, 2000). Taylor and Benger (2004) as they reviewed the literature on
patient satisfaction in A&E, defined two factors that could influence patient satisfaction in
A&E. These factors are: patient’s background, which includes age, sex, social status and
illness severity; the quality of how patients are approached by A&E staff, which includes
personal skills and the level of delivered information.
The immediate impact of injury needs to be considered alongside the physical complaint by
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
the accident and emergency clinician. It has been suggested that lack of adequate attention
towards patients’ concerns in emergency department may result in poor patient satisfaction
, 2002). The brief patient physician encounter, for some cases, in the emergency
department might be one of the reasons for our sample’s reported disappointment, as patients
often complain about physicians who either poor listeners or are in a hurry (Barrier
2003). Rhodes (2004) found that, the physician patient encounter in the academic emergency
departments tends to be brief and lacking in important health information.
Ineffective or inadequate communication has been reported in other studies. Watt et al.(2005)
did a focus group study on patients’ expectations of emergency care and found that patients
reported being frightened, anxious and in pain whilst in the emergency department. They also
complained about the inadequacy of staff communication and explanations. They expected
the staff to listen to their concerns and provide reassurance. Some participants expected
frequent updates about the stages of their A&E visit including details on: investigation,
treatment, and explanation for delays. What has been reported by some patients in this study
echoes what has been reported in the study conducted by Watt
. The following quote
from our study shows the patient frustration of waiting in the emergency department for a
long time without any idea for how long should he wait.
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The length of waiting time according to patients’ expectation varies widely (Watt
2005). Some patients expect to be seen within one hour, others expect 3 6 hours, although a
wait of 3 6 hours was the time period which had the most complaints (Watt
, 2005).
One of the patients in this study accepted a 5 hour wait in the A&E department, because of
the emotional support provided by the A&E staff, which helped console her and her
pragmatism over the time of day and the day of the week she attended.
( (
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
#$ "
Inaccurate medical information provided by the A&E, might heighten the patient’s concern.
The following quote shows the negative influence of misleading information provided by an
A&E clinician about having more serious facial fractures. This made the patient more
worried about his existing condition.
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The emergency department, however, is a complex and stressful environment. That is why it
has been described as a challenging (Keller
, 2002) and an interrupt driven environment
, 2002). Such environment may therefore inevitably interfere with patients’
ability to understand their management (Engel
, 2009). Despite the fact that some
patients might have some unrealistic expectations from emergency departments, such as
providing all the required tests or answering all the questions they have, it is possible to
improve A&E medical services to achieve better patient satisfaction. Improvement of A&E
services is a multi directional effort. It might be suggested one method to achieve higher
patient satisfaction in A&E is to increase the medical staff awareness about the psychological
impact of blow out fracture and the concerns or worries that patients might have (Watt
2005). Sen et al.(2001) pointed out that greater appreciation of patients’ problems at the time
of initial trauma would improve the patient care over the longer term.
Our data and the literature also suggest that shortening the waiting time, at the same time as
explaining the delays (Watt
, 2005; Soleimanpour
, 2011) might help improve
psychosocial management of blow out fractures’ patients at initial presentation.
In the immediate period after the injury, some patients might be unaware how serious the
injury was. For these patients getting punched in the face with the resultant swelling or black
eye seemed to represent a mild soft tissue injury and an expected outcome after a blow. That
is why some of these patients did not seek immediate medical attention. With the appearance
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
of unexpected symptoms, like diplopia, or facts, like the possibility of orbital fracture, the
patient will start to feel that it is not just a mild soft tissue injury, or even a broken nose. It
therefore becomes apparent to the patient that it is more serious than expected.
.. A
One of the emergent symptoms that makes the patient question the nature and the severity of
the injury was the occurrence or presence of diplopia. When double vision is experienced, the
patient starts to become concerned about the integrity of his/her vision. Patients with blow
out fractures seem to lack the biomedical knowledge about the nature of diplopia. They
conceive diplopia, especially, complete double vision, as visual loss and a sign of eye
damage. By using the term “eye” they are actually implying damage to the “globe” and
subsequently their visual acuity (sight).
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The patients’ concept of “sight damage” raises the issue of patient health literacy and the
physician’s role in overcoming the lack of patient’s biomedical knowledge and ensuring they
thoroughly understand the nature of their complaint. Health literacy has been defined as the
ability to make informed decision within the health care settings (Kickbusch
, 2005).
Despite the increased awareness of patient physician communication and its role in
improving patient’s health literacy and the treatment outcome (Williams
, 2002; Barratt,
2008), it seems that there are still problems for some of the patients in our sample getting the
medical information they require, or getting the information they require in a manner in
which they can understand it.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
As the patient moves from the urgent environment, or from A&E, to the elective and
organised environment of a consultant clinic there still appears to be problems of
understanding the nature of the injury. It seems that ineffective communication between the
patient and the health care team is not the problem of the A&E department alone. The patient
comes to the consultant clinic after an anxious waiting period with his/her concerns about the
visual acuity.
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Some of the patient reported visual concerns seem unrelated to the clinical facts dealt with by
clinicians. Clinicians tend to deal with the clinical findings of this type of injury in a way that
differs to how the patients perceive them (Table 4 4). For example, the surgeon considers
what the patient believes as a probable vision loss as an eye movement problem related to
presence of orbital fracture; and “sinking of the eye back into the head” as backward
displacement of the eye ball (enophthalmos) due to an increase in orbital volume.
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In other words, clinicians deal with this trauma and its related symptoms as a bony fracture
that interferes with eyeball movement and/or position. Double vision and enophthalmos are
signs of orbital wall fracture that warrant treatment, or as it is frequently mentioned in the
literature as “correction”. As a result of these different views and patient’s lack of biomedical
knowledge or understanding of the injury, patients might find it difficult to relate their
complaint with the fact presented to them by the surgeon that they have an orbital fracture.
This difficulty is likely to relate to the use of medical terminology by health care providers
as they communicate with patients who have inadequate health literacy and this acts as a
barrier to them understanding their problems (Williams
, 2002).
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Another aspect of ineffective patient physician communication is the technical medical form
of the relationship usually adopted in patient physician encounter, which can constrain the
development of engaging patient physician communication (Hall and Roter, 2007). The usual
professional conversation in clinical setting, which is mainly based on specific clinical facts,
might limit the physician’s ability to address effectively the patients’ concerns. Clinicians
might be unaware, sometimes, of the psychological attitude of patients with this type of
trauma, which might influence the patients’ reaction toward the symptoms and the clinical
facts provided by the clinician.
Although it is difficult to understand the complex relationship between trauma and its short or
long term psychological outcome (Carlson, 1997a), our data shows that patients with blow
out fractures experience distress and frustration at least in the short term. This distress and
frustration is related to the trauma itself and to its disabling consequences.
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Facial trauma is known to be accompanied by distressing psychological reactions, with post
traumatic stress disorder being the most prevalent condition (Bisson
, 2005; Roccia
, 2005; Auerbach
, 2008). Auerbach
, 1997; Levine
(2008) found that the
psychological influence of facial trauma was related more to the patient’s subjective appraisal
than to the objective severity of the trauma and this would seem to be apparent in our data
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
also. The following quote for one of participants expressed her frustration from her condition,
despite the fact that she had 90% single vision.
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It is important for health care providers to consider psychological sequelae of trauma (Shetty
, 2003) as it has been shown that most individuals suffering from trauma report losing
self related positive feelings, positive self image and worth (Horn, 2009). This would help to
partly explain some of the participants’ description of the trauma as a negative life changing
experience. It is suggested that such post traumatic psychological effects may also have an
influence on patient’s compliance with treatment and recovery from the physical effect of
injury (Hull
, 2003).
In addition to the influence of trauma itself, the impact of trauma related disability should
also be considered. As disabling illnesses have wide influence on patient’s life (Falvo, 2005),
a patient with disability may experience depression and other distressing feelings (Mechanic,
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The distress and frustration exhibited in the above quote related to the diplopia experienced
could be further exacerbated by fear and uncertainty over perceived visual impairment and
eye damage. Fear or anger is usual immediate post trauma response (Carlson, 1997c), but it
seems in our sample that diplopia related visual impairment tends to direct patient fears and
concerns towards possible loss of vision (not routinely probable in this injury) and this
impairs their ability to continue with their lives in a normal manner.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The impairment and activity limitations of orbital blow out fractures seem mainly related to
diplopia. Patients perceive diplopia as a serious visual problem (visual impairment). The
following quotes show the extent of this impairment as perceived by patients. As a result of
visual impairment caused by diplopia, patients perceive diplopia as a serious visual problem.
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It is clear from the previous quotes, how this perceived visual impairment can interfere with
wide range of essential daily activities. This might be the reason why patients sometimes find
it difficult to explain the influence diplopia on their lives.
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Any impairment has direct causative effects on the daily activity limitations that constitute
disability (Thomas, 2004b). The level of visual impairment caused by diplopia seem to be no
exception, as patients with complete double vision (no single vision in any fields of gaze)
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
report more limitation problems than patients with a degree of single vision. Complete
diplopia was reported to have negative influence on their confidence during performing usual
daily activities.
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It has been found that diplopia caused by other health problems (strabismus3) has broad scope
of both functional and psychological effects (Beauchamp
2005a; Beauchamp
, 2005b). Coulter
, 2003; Beauchamp
(2007) found that impaired vision as a result
of diplopia was strongly related to various negative feelings such as anxiety, depression,
confusion, fatigue, anger and tension. There are also a preponderance of non specific
negative findings reported by patients suffering from strabismus induced diplopia (Hatt
2007) which would also seem to be the case in our data:
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Clinical findings associated with blow out fractures such as diplopia and enophthalmos, for
the patient, are not merely symptoms of orbital wall fracture. The patient deals with each of
these signs as a problem in his/her eye. They are not just functional or aesthetic problems, for
the patient, these problems mean that there is damage in the eye. Similarly, when the patient
has surgical emphysema4, the patient tends to relate it to a problem within his eye.
Periorbital surgical emphysema is a benign, transient collection of air associated with small
orbital fractures communicating with the paranasal sinuses.
#$ "
Strabismus is an eye disorder, could be congenital or acquired, due to defective eye movement of the affected
eye; as a result they do not look at the same object at the same time thereby often causing diplopia. Rowe F,
editor (2000b). Incomitant Strabismus: Blackwell Science Ltd.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The previous findings show the heavy burden caused by the blow out fracture and its
disabling consequences. The physical and psychological effects of blow out fractures may
distract the patient and thereby negatively influence his ability to pay full attention as the
medical information delivered (Rosenzweig
, 1997). This will then interfere with the
patients’ ability to relate the pure clinical facts provided by the physician with their
If the health care provider is unaware of the extent of the burden felt by the patient, he/she
might think that informing the patient about what has actually happened according to the
clinical and radiographical findings will give the patient the ability to understand the
problem. In fact on the basis of our data the contrary might be true, as the patients seem
unable to link these clinical and radiological findings with their concerns and therefore the
use of visual aids in the form of CT scans or radiographs may only serve to further confuse
some patients.
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This patient physician miscommunication might exacerbate the patient’s fear and uncertainty
about the injury. The feeling of uncertainty is commonplace in the medical literature,
especially in chronic illnesses (Bury, 1982; Goodman
, 2010). Durham
, 2005; Nettleton, 2009; Durham
(2010) found with TMDs sufferers uncertainty is a common
problem, because of the inadequate explanation they had received for their symptoms and this
negatively impacted on their lives.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Living in uncertainty about health condition can also lead the patient to have thoughts that
may be unrelated to their medical conditions. Goodman
(2005) interviewed 36 patients
with systemic lupus erythmatosus. They found that the lack of previous knowledge about
their condition resulted in wrong initial idea about it. Accordingly this led to wildly distorted
cognitive and emotional representations of the disease. Representation of a disease, according
to Leventhal (1983), is the common sense definition of threatening health condition.
The data in this study demonstrate that the uncertainty caused by the lack of adequate
knowledge about the nature of diplopia leads the patient believe that he has a potential loss of
vision, whilst actually, he/she does not.
It appears that the biomedical focus for clinician differs from the patient focus. This
difference in the perspectives is clearly explained by a health care professional in our sample
experienced a blow out fracture. This experience gave him/her a better insight about the way
patients feel and how to be approached more effectively.
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It seems that inadequate health literacy and an unclear medical message are not the only
reasons for ineffective communication. Sometimes patients are just unable to be clear about
their concerns. It is suggested that patients, in general, are unable describe what happened
and what they feel exactly in patient physician encounter (Szolovits, 1995; Hall and Roter,
2007). A patient wrote down his questions, before the consultant clinic appointment, with
the help of his medical student girlfriend in the way shown in the following quote.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The quote shows, the patient put his real concerns, according to the interview, in the bottom
of the list as he mentioned (
). First the patient put his
partner’s questions. The sensory disturbance and the terms “risks” and “side effects” were not
mentioned by the patient during the interview, they were, however, written in the first part of
his list.
Some patients find it difficult to explain why they did not express their concerns to the
surgeon about their eyes. Some patients share their real concerns with the close family
members instead.
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Hall and Roter (2007) explained this difficulty by suggesting that distressed patient either
physically or mentally is not keen to be engaged in social conversation, or they are reluctant
to appear inappropriate or foolish. The previous quote might provide another reason, as this
patient seems to be afraid to express his visual concerns as he feels it may affect his ability to
be positive and optimistic. This reflects the hidden fear of the possibility he might be
confronted with some facts, which he might be unable to deal with, if he expresses his real
Another reason for patients to withhold their real concerns may be related to the nature of the
medical interview itself. A closed questioning pattern is often followed in the medical
interview and this therefore sets a narrow field for the patient potentially preventing most of
the patients to elaborate (Hall and Roter, 2007). It might, also, give the patient the impression
that questions asked further by the clinician are those that are of primary importance in the
management. This epistemological authority may make the patient reluctant to speak with the
physician about his real concerns.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The previous quote reflects the parentalistic model of patient physician communication,
where the patient is submissive to the physician’s professional authority (Charles
1999). This creates a professional distance, which may make the patient feel it is
inappropriate to mention what he considers are personal worries and concerns to the surgeon,
especially when the patient believes that knowledge of the surgeon about these issues will not
change the treatment plan and the surgeon knows how to deal with condition in the suitable
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The previous quotes were taken from a rugby player who found it more suitable to discuss his
professional concerns, about his ability to continue playing for the coming season, with the
team’s physician. His view was that the team physician, will in turn, discuss the matter with
the surgeon. The patient believes that the club doctor will be more able to convey his
concerns to the surgeon, as the patient trusts that the team physician is better equipped to
understand his situation. The level of relationship between the team doctor and the patient
makes the patient feel that he can discuss these issues with the club doctor. The patient
considers the club doctor a suitable advocate in order to close the communication gap
between him and the surgeon.
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Given the difficulties apparent in our data, clinicians treating blow out fractures of the orbit
may need to reconsider the way in which they approach and communicate with patients. The
literature suggest that it is better to encourage patients first, allowing them to express their
concerns and ascertain what they actually know about their condition (Travaline
Hall and Roter, 2007; Zandbelt
, 2005;
, 2007). Improving patient physician communication in
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
this manner can improve emotional, psychological and physical outcome (Travaline
2005). Furthermore, encouraging patients to ask questions about their health condition helps
to reduces patient anxiety and such compassionate communication will not only strengthen
the therapeutic relationship, but it will also help the patient to cope (Travaline
, 2005).
One of the methods to engage patients in consultations is the use of both verbal and
nonverbal encouragement (Zandbelt
, 2007). Encouraging patients in this manner may
increase consultation time, but is also likely to establish realistic expectations of outcome and
improve psychosocial outcome.
Another method to improve patient physician communication is to shift from physician
centred interview to patient centred interview. In the commonly adopted physician centred
model, the interview follows a biomedical pattern. Whereas, patient centred interview allows
the physician to be more attentive to patients expression and concerns (Barrier
, 2003).
Within the data there were reports, though not many, suggesting that some clinicians were
potentially adopting this approach.
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One of the other approaches used to explain the injury to patients evident in our data was
showing either conventional X ray or CT scan images. Showing the CT image to some
patients with blow out fractures can, however, be a distracting rather than informative during
the consultation, although for others within our sample there was value in seeing CT scan
image in that it provide a better understanding of the injury.
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Not all patients in our sample seemed to need or want the same level of detail of information
about their condition and treatment.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Patients’ visual concerns experienced in this type of injury are clearly expressed in some of
the patients’ notion of having surgery in their “eye” and being uncertain about the outcome of
surgery in terms of its effect on visual acuity. These concerns around vision made the
decision to undergo surgery more difficult, especially if they had only mild impairment or
when surgery was indicated to prevent possible enophthalmos.
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Effective physician patient communication is an important prerequisite for patient to be able
to become involved in making a choice about treatment options (Coulter
, 2008;
, 2010). Increasing the patient’s involvement in decision making (shared
decision making) also tends to improve outcome (Edwards and Elwyn, 2005).
Uncertainty about treatment decisions within health care systems is not unusual (Cayton,
2004; Coulter and Ellins, 2005). The available evidence suggests that true shared decision
making is not widely adopted. It seems that crucial information is inadequately expressed by
physicians and is equally as poorly comprehended by patients (Coulter and Ellins, 2005).
Charles (1999) identified 3 models of decision making in health care: paternalistic model,
informed model and shared model. In the paternalistic model the patient submits to the
professional authority of the physician, whereas the informed model involves a partnership
between physician and patient. Here the physician provides the patient all the suitable
information about the possible treatment options regarding the advantages and disadvantages,
to enable the patient to make an informed treatment decision. In a shared model, on the other
hand, there is shared agreement through all stages of decision making and treatment
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
decisions. Charles (1999) pointed out that in the real clinical world, the decision making
process is some form of a hybrid model, due to the complexity and dynamicity of human
nature and the personal nature of patient doctor relationship.
Our data, however, showed that patients either followed, or were led to follow, the
paternalistic model. The reason behind this seems to be environmentally driven. Before
entering the consultant clinic, the patient waits anxiously to find answers to his concerns and
s/he believes that the surgeon will help him to clear their concerns. This makes the patient
prepared to accept the epistemological authority of the surgeon. The patient already believes
that surgeons are the experts.
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This belief might be further supported by the unclear message patients report receiving from
the clinician, as this also leads them to simply accept the surgeon’s authority.
It has been suggested that that the medical interview has 3 main functions: 1) gathering
information; 2) building relationships; 3) patient education (Cohen Cole, 1990). Data
gathered in this study raises the question about the effectiveness of the third function. The
third function aims to provide the patient information about the diagnosis, the course of
treatment and prognosis. This function of the medical interview is critical to the course of
care. For the patient to be involved in the treatment decision, s/he has to understand what the
surgeon is suggesting about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis (Lipkin, 1996). Accurate
understanding is necessary for informed consent in order that the patient can select the best
treatment option for them (Lipkin, 1996; Sowden
, 2001). In clinical reality, however, it
is difficult to separate between these three functions, as they are intertwined (Cohen Cole,
1990). Accordingly, inability to achieve adequate patient education may be the result of
inadequate relationship building and information gathering.
From our data it would seem that the problem with patient surgeon communication starts
with data gathering stage. In other words with the way the medical interview starts. Medical
interviewing textbooks, usually, refer to the importance of the chief complaint. The surgeon’s
job is to focus on this complaint with little attention paid to other contexts of patient’s
experience associated with his or her health problem. The surgeon follows a certain course in
the interview, through closed ended questions, to reach the diagnosis. This form of
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
questioning, which is common in medical interviews, represents an interruptive conversation
pattern. This interruptive interview pattern may not allow some patients to express their
thoughts. Subsequently, an inappropriate message might be provided by the surgeon during
sharing the diagnostic information (Frankel, 2000). This can be seen in our sample from some
patients’ mixed emotions and reactions to the possibility of surgery. Surgery might be a
difficult decision for a patient to make, but it would appear in our data that the consultation
does not help to calm down patient’s fears and concerns, especially about surgery “in eye”.
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Despite the fact that it might be unclear how the surgery improves their vision, some patients
did show more enthusiasm for surgery, and it seems to be that one of the influencing factors
is the degree of diplopia. Patients who subjectively perceive a more disabling degree of
diplopia appear more frustrated about their visual acuity and they hope that surgery will
improve their vision.
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On the other hand, patients who have less concerns about double vision, seem to be more
anxious about undergoing surgery. Patients with single vision in the primary central position
seem to think that surgery might not be a preferable option. The other reason for this might be
the prospect of having time off work, especially if the patient feels that he can continue to
work even with certain degree of double vision.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Similarly, the patient’s expectation (hopes) from surgery seems to be driven by the patient’s
concern about his/her vision and it would be reassuring for them to know the that surgery will
overcome the visual difficulty and be able to carry on with their lives.
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Time and its influence on blow out fracture management have been extensively discussed in
the literature. This discussion tends to be centred on the surgical timing of repair in relation to
achieving the most optimal surgical outcome for both postoperative diplopia and
enophthalmos (Haddad, 2003; Ogata
, 2004; Jaquiery
, 2007; Kuttenberger
Time for patients has a different emphasis. In the data, time before operation seems to have
negative influence on the patient’s condition, especially if the patient does not know if he/she
is going to lose his/her vision or will become diplopic for the rest of his life.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
This might explain why early management has a reported positive influence in our data. The
following quote shows how the patient is overwhelmed by the speed his condition has been
dealt with.
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However, the presentation of some cases might be delayed. For some patients this type of
injury might not be alarming at the beginning and does not warrant immediate medical
consultation. The data showed that some of the patients might go to the A&E department
after period of time with the appearance of unexpected symptoms like surgical emphysema.
Patient’s concerns about vision influence his/her perception on the surgery outcome. Patients
understandably consider the return of some/ any single vision as an encouraging outcome,
even with a certain degree of persisting peripheral diplopia. As the patient feels that he/she
can see, the patient can regain his confidence.
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When the patients realise that they have regained some degree of single vision, they report
becoming more confident that further improvement of their visual ability will occur.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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From the clinical point of view, orbital volume change with subsequent enophthalmos
represents a major indication for blow out fracture surgery. Since patients, according to the
department treatment policy, are usually treated within 2 weeks window from the injury,
enophthalmos would not be quite evident for most of patients before undergoing surgery as
enophthalmos might require more than 2 weeks being clinically evident (Charteris
1993; Whitehouse
, 1994).
Our data suggests that aesthetic concerns in the preoperative period are not as evident as in
the postoperative period, because any pre surgical aesthetic concerns are overshadowed by
the concerns around the visual ability.
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The females in our sample placed more emphasis on any enophthalmos than male
participants due to what they perceive as an alarming difference of appearance between their
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Female patients with postoperative enophthalmos, even, if it was mild from the clinical
perspective, might be disappointed from the outcome of the treatment. The following quote
from a female participant illustrates this disappointment, despite the improvement in her
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
double vision.
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The patient above found it difficult to accept the mild enophthalmos and the feeling of the
implant material under her eye. The reason behind refusal of this mild enophthalmos might
be related to the fact that changed body image is significantly related to self esteem for
females (Furnham
, 2002). This perceived sensitivity in body image is provoked by the
widely accepted fact that the image of beauty, as portrayed by media, contemporary literature
and marketing, has an idealised or unblemished look (Rankin and Borah, 2003). The high
standards of female appearance presented by the media make it ever more difficult for girls
and women to feel positive about their appearance (Gentile
, 2009).This consequently
has the effect of diminishing the value of individuals who deviate from the presented “norm”
in the media (Rankin and Borah, 2003). This patient had a high expectation from surgery. She
has been told by some of her relatives who believed that they have some knowledge based on
their experience, that the surgery would be straight forward and simple. This raises again the
issue of the clear medical message to be conveyed to the patient. Inadequate communication
between the patient and the surgeon through lack of, or incorrect nature of knowledge leave
the patient with unrealistic expectations.
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Lack of perceived success can be moderated in some patients by the belief that the NHS
cannot help them further. The notion that “L=5
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in the following
quote reflects some patients’ perception that there is a limit to what the NHS offer to them,
thus their complaint does not deserve to be mentioned and they have to accept the level of
what has been achieved.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Taking into account the data presented thus far, it is possible to summarise patients’
interpretations of the biomedical problem or concepts underlying a blowout fracture. This
summary is shown in Table 4 4.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Eye ball injury
Inability to see
unable to understand most of the time
Sinking of the eye in the head
Loosening/knocked teeth
Surgery in the eye
Ability to see, ability to return to work,
ability to drive
Mostly not apparent (frequently
enophthalmos is not very evident
Not expected
+ +! .
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Blow out fractures of the orbit appear to have a wide ranging impact on patients’ lives, in
terms of: impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions. Impairment refers to a
problem in body function because of significant alteration or loss. Activity limitation means
the difficulties encountered by the individual in performing activities due to their impairment.
Participation restrictions are the problems experienced by an individual when involved in life
situations (WHO, 2002).
Visual impairment associated with diplopia was reported by our sample to have a major
impact on their ability to work. It is difficult for some patients to pursue their jobs, whether
manual or administrative, as most jobs require adequate degree of single vision.
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Consequently, the work environment can become a stressful environment. The patient starts
to feel worried about his ability to continue in employment. For patients who find themselves
successful in their jobs, the possibility of losing the job is a difficult prospect to consider.
Some patients were not confident that they will keep their jobs because they are not sure that
they will have reasonable degree of vision in the future.
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Loss of job due to trauma related physical limitations has been found to be associated with
higher psychological morbidity (Mason
, 2002). It negatively influences patient’s feeling
of accomplishment, control, independence, pride, and self worth. These negative feelings,
with the related financial burdens, might contribute to depressive symptoms (Horn, 2009).
Diplopia also interferes to varying degrees on patients’ ability to drive. DVLA medical
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
questionnaire ‘V1’, states that an individual must be able to control or suppress the double
vision to be eligible for driving (DVLA, 2010). However, it seems that patients differ in their
approach to driving, regardless of their ability to deal with diplopia.
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Patients with a perceived mild degree of diplopia do not seem to experience the same
functional limitations and consequently they do not have the same concerns as patients with
no single vision. The following quote reflects the fact that single vision in the primary
position “straight ahead vision” is what really concerns the patient. Having double vision
away from the primary position does not seem to be a major concern.
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Another restrictive influence of diplopia occurs through affecting the individual’s ability to
drive. The sample reported that concerns over their ability to drive not only affected their
work, but also their ability to participate in various everyday life activities. This aspect of the
disabling influence of diplopia might make the patient feel unable to take full control of
his/her environment (Mechanic, 1995). Ability to drive means the choice of mobility afforded
by driving, thus it symbolises independence (Charmaz, 1983).
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Activity limitations caused by disabling illnesses impose their influence on patient’s
relationships with family, friends, employers, and other wider social circles (Falvo, 2005).
This complex relation between health and social life has been attributed to the fact that
disabling conditions challenge the individual’s ability to perform their usual life activities and
therefore also challenge the individual’s self perception (Falvo, 2005).
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Bury (2002) stated that an individual’s health plays an important role in shaping key factors
of their social structure. The work environment, for some individuals, could also be an
important part of their social relations. Trauma related disability, resulting in job loss, might
therefore also lead to the loss of an important aspect of individual’s social interaction (Horn,
2009). The following quote shows a patient’s concern about her ability to fit in another job
and new work team.
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The disability related to diplopia might not be the only factor which causes social restrictions.
Factors associated with the trauma itself seem to also play a role. The nature of a patient’s
response to trauma has been attributed to several factors one of which is the social context
before and after the trauma (Carlson, 1997c). Our data suggests, however, that the social
influence of a blow out fracture appears to have bearing on the patient’s self esteem
potentially leading them to feel stigmatised, and feeling vulnerable.
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In our sample it would appear that being assaulted has more of an influence on patients’
social activities as opposed to having the fracture
. Some assaulted patients in our
sample tended to report needing more time to return to their social life. It might reflect two
types of overprotective behaviours; physical and social. Patients who were not assaulted and
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
sustained through their injuries through different mechanisms (fall and sport) tended to
continue with their outdoor activities, but still tried to be cautious about their injured eye. On
the other hand, patients who were assaulted tended to stay at home and avoid social places
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One of the factors that influences this over protective behaviour seems to be related to self
esteem. Self esteem can be defined as an appraisal concept adopted by individual to evaluate
his competence and achievement. It is a part of personality concerned with motivation and
self regulation (Guindon, 2007). Despite the fact that self esteem is an individual construct, it
is, to certain extent, socially and culturally directed (Guindon, 2007; Gentile
, 2009).
Some male patients whom have been assaulted tend to use words like “being down” (Case
12) or “not myself” (Case 11) to describe their affected self esteem. Some male patients
reported that this trauma affects their “male pride” (Case 12). This might reflect frustration
because they were unable to defend themselves against unexpected assault. Being unable to
defend yourself seems to shake the masculine image for these patients. Frome and Eccles
(1996) found that being masculine was positively related to self esteem for males. They
explained this by the fact that there is a social norm for males to be masculine and females to
be feminine. This might show the selective effect of trauma on self esteem. Self esteem as a
concept could be global, which is the overall evaluation of self worth in general, and
selective, which reflects the evaluation of specific quality within the self (Guindon, 2007).
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The social influence of this injury could also be viewed from the aspect of time. It appears
that blow out trauma has an immediate as well as a long term influence on patients’ social
activities. One of the immediate social trauma consequences might be related to the
immediate physical trauma symptoms, like “black eye” (circumorbital ecchymosis). Patients
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
reported a stigmatising effect of this appearance in the immediate post injury period. They
reported staying at home to avoid being stigmatised.
The term stigma is used to refer to an attribute which is discrediting. A stigmatised person
feels that he might not be accepted by others because of his disability or blemish because he
does not know how others think about him (Goffman, 1963). Scambler (2009) added that
stigma could be experienced or anticipated as a health related social devaluation. Stigma
might be socially inflicted (enacted) or felt stigma. Enacted stigma refers to evident
discrimination on the sole grounds of social unacceptability, while felt stigma reflects the
sense of shame and fear of encountering enacted stigma (Scambler, 2009).
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This reflects a type of felt stigma, it is a self inflicted form of stigma (Nettleton, 2009). The
following quote shows the embarrassing image the patient started to conceive because of the
continuous clinching of the affected eye, to avoid double vision.
/$ "
Alteration of facial appearance as a result of this injury has its social consequences. These
consequences may be connected with the patient’s idea of his body image, and how it is
perceived by other people. Altered body image has an additional negative influence on a
patient’s confidence. The face is a vital component of personality and body image (De Sousa,
2010), which is why facial scarring can significantly alter the patient’s perception to his body
image and negatively influences social function (Rankin and Borah, 2003; Levine
2005). The negative influence of the post surgical facial scar was reported in our data.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The long term social influence of this type of injury might also be related to patient’s feeling
of vulnerability. The patient, after the injury, starts to behave in overprotective way. This also
can seemingly negatively affect their usual outdoor and social activities
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Furthermore, if the injury was caused by an assault, as frequently reported by patients in this
study, the patient might lose some of his confidence in people and social gathering places
such as pubs and clubs. This can largely restrict the patient’s social activities outside the close
circle of family and close friends. This self imposed limitation may reflect the patient’s fear
from being faced with the same problem again.
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Moreover, some patients might feel that they are no longer living in safe living environment,
because they were attacked by their flatmates or by people living in the neighbourhood. This
might further restrict their social interaction due to their ability inability to deal with their
(problematic) environment.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Another patient who was still taking antidepressant medication, for over a year since the
injury, as he was still concerned about re assault because the original alleged offenders were
still living near him. This patient, however, had another blow out fracture in the same side
which required another operation, but the second injury occurred in another city.
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The previous quotes showed different ways of social avoidance. Avoidance in its various
forms such as social avoidance is generally considered as maladaptive coping strategies
, 2005).
- !
Coping procedures are cognitive and behavioural actions to improve health and to overcome
or rehabilitate from diseases (Leventhal and Contrada, 1998). There are two major functions
of coping: problem focused and emotional focused. Problem focused coping aims to change
the troubled person environment relationship by changing the environment itself. Emotion
focused coping aims to either: a) change the stressful relationship with the environment
through denial, or b) change and find another meaning for the problem. The latter form of
emotion focus trauma is considered the most powerful and widely used coping mechanism to
regulate stress (Lazarus, 1993).
Carver (2007) stated that problem focused coping aims to deal with the physical impact of the
problem (stressor). In this perspective, physical coping could be considered as a type of
problem focused coping. Problem focused coping is most likely when the stressor or the
problem is viewed by the person as controllable (Carver, 2007). In this aspect dealing with
the impairment caused by diplopia is a problem focused coping.
Both coping strategies have been identified within our data as being reportedly adopted by
patients with blow out fractures; physical coping (problem focused) and psychological coping
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(emotional focused). Emotion focused coping is more likely to be adopted when the person
views the stressor or the problem as an incontrollable event (Carver, 2007). In this aspect, the
person’s attempt to deal with the impact of the trauma is an emotional coping.
The study data show that there was a recurrent physical strategy reported by patients to deal
with diplopia in the peripheral fields of gaze. This strategy involved adopting a compensatory
head position which has been reported in the literature before in the case of vertical diplopia
which results in a compensatory head flexion or extension Sullivan
Patients in our sample report that, over time, they start to adapt by moving their head towards
the side where the diplopia occurs. Patients report that the use of a compensatory head
position is most important during driving and using the stairs more than other life activities.
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If surgery is not a treatment option, sometimes prism glasses5 are prescribed to help patients
with certain degree of diplopia. Some patients, however, described wearing these prisms as
unpleasant experience. It seems that some patients prefer, either a compensatory head
position, or periods of “relaxation” for their eyes from time to time, as they report diplopia
worsens with exhaustion.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
For cases where diplopia is in primary central filed of gaze the issue is different. It is not
useful to manoeuvre the head position because diplopia is in the central field of vision. Some
patients find it easier cover the effected eye, using their eye glasses, or just close the effected
eye. Some female patients, however, do not like to “scrunch” their face to use the normal eye
and as such they have to deal with the problem of double vision. Other patients reported
becoming totally dependent on the family in doing their daily life activities.
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Some patients used other ways to deal with constant diplopia (diplopia in the central field of
vision). One patient noticed that the false (higher) image is weaker, so she started to rely on
the (lower) stronger image. This adoptive mechanism has not been seen to be followed by
other patients with diplopia in the primary gaze. This is possibly because it is not always
consistently the same image which is incorrect: some patients see both images as real; despite
they believe that one of them is unreliable.
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Psychological coping has been defined as individual’s attempts to preserve self worth and
value. It involves bringing meaning to the altered situation and its effects on body and soul
(Bury, 2002). Individuals use coping to manage, control, or reduce the stress associated with
significant life events in an attempt to restore psychological equilibrium after a traumatic
event (Falvo, 2005). Coping can be: successful or unsuccessful; consolidated or fluid;
consistent or inconsistent (Lazarus, 1993).
Psychological coping should be understood as the product of multiple biopsychosocial
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
influences (Thomas, 2004a), as coping depends on other people’s reaction towards the
problem and the degree of emotional support and reinforcement provided by them (Bury,
2002). This may be the reason behind the difficulty in determining why people use specific
coping strategies in relation to specific stressful encounter (Lazarus, 1993).
Psychological coping in trauma should also be considered with respect to active or passive
coping strategies. In active psychological coping, the patients confront their condition,
learning useful skills to help them to be engaged in treatment to control their condition.
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Alternatively in passive psychological coping, patients refuse to face the problem and try to
deny its seriousness. Denial or avoidance aims to help them escape from feeling of distress.
The essential problem with this way of coping is that it does nothing about the stressor or its
impact (Carver, 2007). That is why it has been considered as maladaptive strategy (Falvo,
2005; Olff
, 2005).
It has been argued, however, that the dichotomy of acceptance and denial, as used by health
care professionals, should be considered according to patient’s perspective within the concept
of optimism and pessimism. Some people with illness, as they hold the burden of the illness
in the background (denial behaviour), can sustain the sense of well being that allows them to
live as they wish (Paterson, 2001).
It is believed that passive (denial or avoidance) coping is easier for patients with the presence
of sort of distracting habits or behaviours that encourage the patient to avoid thinking about
the trauma and its sequences (Olff
, 2005). Avoidance as a cognitive behaviour aims to
protect the traumatised person’s thoughts from exposure to reminders of the traumatic event
(Carlson, 1997b).
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Blow out fractures have the potential to be a life changing experience in both negative and
positive ways. In fact there is evidence in the literature shows that trauma could have positive
influence on people experience in different aspects, such as: perceived changes in self; a
change sense with relationship with others; and a changed philosophy of life (Tedeschi and
Calhoun, 1996).
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On the other hand, the state of anger and frustration from the trauma could make the patient
refuse to accept the physical limitations imposed as a result of the trauma, even if these
limitations are minor degrees of diplopia. This might then present an obstacle in coping with
the injury.
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Patients can perceive trauma as a sudden unexpected incident, in which they have become
involved with often no justifiable cause. This, also, negatively influences the way patient can
deal with the trauma. This can make it a difficult situation to deal with.
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Some trauma patients may become incapacitated through trauma related depression due to its
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
wide psychological influence. That is why it is important to understand the patient’s need to
help to overcome it (Horn, 2009).
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The discussion of the data so far has shown that both the lack of knowledge about the blow
out fractures especially in the early post injury period and consequent fear about permanent
visual loss can potentially exert a negative psychological influence. The patient becomes
uncertain about their ability to cope with the prospect of possible loss of vision. This doubt is
especially pertinent for patients who perceive (and/or possess) severe or complete double
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Trauma related psychological disturbances are known to impact on patient’s cooperation
during the treatment and recovery period (Hull
, 2003). However, the surgeon might
help the patient to tackle the negative psychological effect of trauma. This could be achieved
through active engagement of patients with their care (Coulter
, 2008). Our data
demonstrated that having knowledge about the injury helps the patient to understand.
Understanding the problem will enable the patient to adapt is a positive coping strategy, as it
enables him to change his look toward his injury and overcome its effect (Coulter
Knowledge about the medical condition can provide the individual with an opportunity to
conceptualise the disease process in a manner by which he is able to hold the disease in the
background of his thoughts (Bury, 1991; Paterson, 2001). This foreground and background
shifting perspective model (Paterson, 2001) suggests it is possible to shift the illness
perspective from the foreground to background of one’s mind. Paterson suggests that learning
as much as possible about the disease will ensure a wellness in the foreground perspective.
Accordingly, the self, not the affected (wounded) body, may then become the source of
identity. The wellness in the foreground perspective separates the diseased body from the
patient. The “wounded” or affected body will become objectivised and no longer control the
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Furthermore, knowledge, from the perspective of self regulation, has an influence on coping
through changing disease representation. Disease presentation and coping process are linked
together. Within the context of self regulation, people as health problem solvers attempt to
improve their health and coping with disease as they define and re define them (Leventhal
and Contrada, 1998).
On the basis of our data, helping the patient to understand the difference between double
vision and vision loss, from the beginning, might provide the patient with the early support
they need. This early support could prove crucial as the immediate post injury period, which
can last for a few weeks to months post trauma is when coping occurs (Tuval Mashiach
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The influence of such knowledge can be seen if the patient had previously experienced this
type of trauma. The following quote shows how the patient perceives his blow out injury
when it occurred for the second time to the same side.
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The quote above also reflects the quality of communication this patient may have had during
the previous treatment sessions. This communication then enabled the patient to understand
his symptoms.
Some patients find that searching the web for the injury can help them to understand more
about their problem and react more positively to the information provided by the surgeon.
This, however, is not the case for all patients, since some seem to believe that these web sites
provide general information, which is not necessarily related to the patient’s specific
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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As previously discussed (section 5.2.2), it has been noticed earlier that fear of losing one’s
job is one of the elements which can add to the patient’s suffering. In contrast, returning
back to work positively influences patient’s confidence. Loss of confidence, as shown earlier,
is one of the indirect sequelae of the injury. It might be important, therefore for clinicians, to
consider the patient’s ability to work again as an important management outcome.
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The increase in confidence related to a patient’s ability to perform his job is one of the
reasons why patients report that they try to return to work even if they still be unable to
perform their jobs in the way they used to. Although we cannot ignore the financial factor,
still, regaining confidence through returning to work is an important part of patients’
perceived recovery process.
The other positive aspect of returning to work is, as the patients report, the fact that it
occupies their thoughts as opposed to the injury persistently occupying their thoughts. A
frequent preoccupation with their injury reportedly makes it more difficult for the patient to
be alone becuase his/her mind tends to be engaged with negative thoughts all the time.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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Patients might cope with the trauma using more than one coping strategy. Family members
and friends around the patient help provide the patient with the psychological support.
Despite that Lazarus (1993) pointed out that social support seeking is not a consistent coping
mechanism, our study data would suggest individuals with blow out fractures rely on both
physical and psychological support provided by family members and friends.
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(2003) suggested that emotional support in the early post injury period plays a
positive role on trauma patients. The lack of support in the early post trauma period, on the
other hand, has been found associated with higher rate of post traumatic symptoms at 1
month from the injury.
Social support and communication might also be helpful factors in coping with distressing
feelings associated with the disability (Bury, 1991; Mechanic, 1995). Charmaz (1983)
explained that social contact can help minimise the patient feeling of “loss of self” as a result
of his/her health problem. It gives the ill person the feeling of being valued as person and
therefore “the loss of self” is incomplete. In this study’s data this has been reflected by the
fact that social support helped the patient regain confidence.
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In our study, social support took more than one form. Family members and friends might
help the patient with his/her daily activities as well as providing him with potentially useful
information concerning his/her condition.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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In addition to the support patients received from family and close friends’ circle, some
patients also acknowledged the support they received in work environment. They reported the
importance of this support in overcoming the difficulties they faced during period when they
had a stressful work load.
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It is clear that the environment has an influence on coping with the injury and clinicians
should try and ensure it is as supportive as possible in order to facilitate patients regaining
confidence and minimising felt stigma.
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The positive effect of time, in terms of coping, can be seen in the post treatment period as it
allows the patient to develop his coping methods with the injury complications. In this study
data shows that there is no time limit for coping with blow out fractures concurring with
similar findings in the literature (2004).
It seems that the coping process starts as soon as the patient recovers from the “shock” of
injury/assault, and realises that he/she does not have a choice but to accept and deal with the
new situation. Coping processes are than established as the patient develops his own
mechanisms to deal with the outcome of trauma.
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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The interviews with blow out fracture patients have shown that there are different ways of
coping with this injury and its complications. Although, most of the coping methods are
patient related mechanisms, it should be noted that successful surgery in term of regaining
acceptable level of single vision (regaining confidence) and elimination of enophthalmos
(satisfaction with appearance) have a major influence on patient ability to cope with the
injury and its complication. Auerbach
(2008) also found that the extent of emotion
focused coping strategies was related to patients’ satisfaction with facial appearance.
Bury (1982) suggested that illness itself represents a type of disruptive event. Accordingly,
patients with illnesses conceptualise their lives as two halves, before and after the onset of the
illness. Coping process, on the other hand, try to bridge that break in life continuity. It would
seem on the basis of our data that orbital blow out fractures might have similar disruptive
effect as illness, especially as some of the results of the fracture such as diplopia and or
enophthalmos are long lasting (chronic) and therefore have to be managed similarly to a
chronic illness, as the following quote shows;
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The quote above reflects an attempt at "Normalisation", in which the patient is trying to avoid
the psychological "bracketing" of the impact of the illness (Bury, 1991) and trying to
continue with life as far as possible as before. The process of normalization might be
accumulative process. It develops “broaden and build”, and this achieved when coping skills
improve with time (Friedman, 2007).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
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This study attempted to explain aspects of patients’ experience which could be of clinical
relevance to assist clinicians to provide more comprehensive approach in blow out fracture
management. Data analysis has revealed multi factorial influences on patient’s perceived
outcome including positive and negative influence patient experience.
Patients with blow out fractures mainly experience distress and frustration in variable
degrees. These negative feelings occur as a result of trauma itself and the concomitant fear
and uncertainty. Fear is a usual response to trauma. In blow out fractures of the orbit,
however, it is mainly centred around the fear of losing vision, inability to work and inability
to drive, in addition to the uncertainty about the result of treatment. This fear and uncertainty
is related to: the presence of diplopia which is perceived by the patient as a visual acuity
problem; inability to understand the reason behind this diplopia (lack of biomedical
knowledge) and ineffective communication. The extended time before definitive diagnosis
and explanation or treatment, within this context, is a joint factor which provokes the
negative influence of other factors.
On the other hand, time after treatment seems to positively influence the patient’s ability to
cope with the injury. With increased time post definitive treatment, patients seem to better
understand their injury and equipped with confidence through ability to return to work and
through social support. These factors help patients to regain their confidence about their
ability to continue with their life. The summary of the study findings is shown in Figure 4 3
and Figure 4 4.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Management of blow out fractures of the orbit is a controversial issue. Since 1974 the
management of blow out fracture has been controversial (Dortzbach, 1985). This controversy
does not involve just the choice of management, but it diffuses through management details,
starting from orthoptic measurement tools, timing of surgery, surgical approach, the choice of
implant material and the follow up protocol.
The controversy seems to be related mainly to the ocular motility outcome, which has been
described as less than ideal compared to enophthalmos (Harris, 2006). This could be
attributed to the subjectivity of diplopia assessment (Dutton, 1991; Mustaffa
multi disciplinary involvement (Yano
, 2008),
, 2009) and the fact that most of the previous
prospective studies have suffered from relatively small patient numbers. Such studies have
suffered from a shortage of patients for several reasons, including uncommon injury
presentation, insufficient period of study and issues with ‘reliability’ of the maxillofacial
trauma population. More recently, there have been studies published with higher patient
numbers (Jin
, 2007; Han and Chi, 2011; Higashino
, 2011; Shin
, 2011),
which has provided the literature with more robust conclusions in regard to the factors which
might influence management in relation to diplopia. However, lack of unifying measurement
of diplopia still represents an obstacle toward the effort to provide a unifying aspect in term
of blow out fractures’ management.
As a busy trauma unit, the Oral and Maxillofacial Department in Newcastle General Hospital
manages a relatively large number of blow out fractures, operatively treating about thirty
cases per year.
This study was originally envisaged to have three major arms: a retrospective, a prospective
and a qualitative study. The retrospective study has taken the form of an audit of a large,
comprehensive, although incomplete data set, gathered over a ten year period. The reason for
the retrospective audit was to ensure that there was sufficient data to enable some robust
conclusions concerning the factors that might influence ocular motility outcome. The
qualitative study arm aimed to include the patients’ perspective as a management aid, through
understanding patient’s experience during the management journey and identify coping
strategies to overcome orbital blow out fracture problems.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The objectives of the prospective longitudinal exploratory study (third study) were to:
I) Obtain data on the longitudinal changes in orthoptic indices (BSV, UFOF) following
treatment for blow out fractures by serial orthoptic examinations.
II) Obtain data on the patients’ perceived changes in double vision (diplopia) over time by the
use of self report diplopia diaries, including diplopia score (Adams
, 2008), self reported
diplopia (VAS) and global transition scales.
III) Use the diplopia diary and serial orthoptic indices data to help define improvers from
non improvers in the sample
IV) Use the improver’s diplopia diary data and serial orthoptic indices data to help determine
a review6 point and reference period7 for patients with orbital blow out fractures.
V) Obtain pilot data from the whole sample and controls on the validity and responsiveness
of two quality of life measures (SF 36 and Amblyopia and Strabismus questionnaire) giving
an indication which of these measures was most appropriate for further testing in future
There were, however, some practical problems, in that the majority of patients refused to
agree to participate in this study, the most common reason given being difficulty in to
committing to such a follow up schedule (4 6 additional follow up visits). This reluctance to
attend had not been anticipated. However, even with reducing the number of follow up visits
to 2 visits (one month and 3 months respectively) and such data had been collected, there
were issues:
Review point – the point in time when clinical improvement has reached a plateau and clinicians will be able
to determine the surgery’s effect
Reference period – working back from the review point the time over which patients are most likely to have
noticed significant change in their condition
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
It is difficult to compare between the clinical data and quality of life measures since the
time differences between the clinical appointments (where the quality of life
questionnaires to be answered) and orthoptic appointments might be more than one week.
It is difficult to fit the patient orthoptic appointment into 1 month and 3months
postoperatively, because of the time availability. It was, also, difficult to fit orthoptic
appointment with the surgical appointments. As a result it would be difficult to compare
the orthoptic and quality of life measures data between the cases.
For the above reasons, it was difficult to continue with the longitudinal prospective study
The main focus of the retrospective study was to investigate the possible factors that might
influence ocular motility and diplopia outcome following orbital trauma. In relation to
enophthalmos, it has been felt that there has been, over the last decade, general agreement
about the relationship of orbital size changes and resultant enophthalmos. In contrast,
diplopia, which is considered by some to be the most important complication of orbital blow
out fracture (Orgel, 1971) appears to be the main issue in management dilemma.
It is difficult to identify a single major cause of diplopia in orbital wall fractures (Lee
2005), which is why it has been considered as a multi factorial condition by some authors
, 2000). There have been three suggested causes, as discussed in the literature,
for diplopia: direct musculo fascial complex injury; orbital tissue involvement in the fracture
defect; and nerve injury.
(1999) and Manson (2007) suggest that muscle contusion and fibrosis of the
musculo fascial network play an important role in diplopia associated with blow out
fractures. Iliff
l (1999) found that both angiogram and histological studies did not confirm
compartment syndrome, suggested by Smith et al in (1984), as being a cause of extraocular
muscle motility disturbances. Furthermore, they did not support the concept of nerve injury
as a frequent cause of extraocular motility disturbances as oculomotor (III) nerve branches
which enter the orbit though the superior orbital fissure travel inside the muscle cone and
they are well protected. They did report, however, the close proximity of inferior oblique
branch of III nerve to the orbital floor, which makes it vulnerable. This has been supported by
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
documented the incarceration of the inferiorr oblique
obliq branch of the
Kakizaki et al (2005) whoo docu
oculomotor nerve in two cases oof orbital floor trapdoor fractures.
In contrast, Yano
(2009) argued that extraocular muscles are less susceptible
to injury,
as they float in well vascularise
larised adipose tissue, and if they are damaged,
ed, they
the recover faster
than injured muscles in other
ther pa
parts of the body. However, evidence from
m the literature
(Ludwig and Brown, 2002; Yip
, 2006; Huerva
, 2008) suggests
ests that
th muscle injury
might be considerable, since
nce str
strabismus surgery has been reported to bee required
postsurgical cases of blow out ffractures in this study and others (Gosse
, 2009).
Orbital tissue involvement,
t, othe
other than the extra ocular muscles themselves,
lves, has
h also been
suggested to be the major cause of diplopia (Converse and Smith, 1957; Gilbard
, 1985;
, 1998). Totsuka and Koide (1997) , using animated MRI study,
tudy, found
incarcerated connective tissue
issue ssepta to be the main cause of motility problem
roblems in blow out
fractures. They suggested that iincarcerated septa at the fracture site causes
uses restricted
movement through their interfer
nterference with the contraction and relaxation
n of the
t external
ocular muscles.
According to the assumption
tion of hydraulic theory, the pressure exerted by backward
displacement of the eyeball
all has its impact on the muscular fascial network.
ork. The close
proximity of inferior rectus
us mus
muscle to the orbital floor in posterior orbit
it makes
mak it more
susceptible to contusion after
fter fr
fracture. Whereas, in the anterior half of the orbit
or the
extraocular muscles are protecte
rotected by a cushion of extramuscular fat (Iliff
, 1999). The
pressure effect by the eyeball,
ball, in addition to the frictional or mechanical
al effect
effe of orbital
tissue involvement in the fractu
fracture, may certainly have a contusive effect.
ct. This
Thi assumption is
supported by reported cases
es of eextraocular muscle flap tear and avulsion
on at their
th eyeball
insertion site as a consequence
uence oof blow out fracture (Ludwig and Brown,
n, 2002;
200 Yip
2006; Huerva
, 2008)
However, the significant percen
percentage of conservatively managed cases in our study and other
studies might suggest otherwise
erwise. It seems that the anatomy of the orbital
al floor
floo itself acts as a
shock absorber, not only to prot
protect the eyeball from significant damagee in this
th type of injury,
as suggested by Kellman and Sc
Schmidt (2009), but it may also have somee protective
over the fibro fatty muscular
ular ne
network (musculo fascial complex). In addition
ddition, some of this
damage could be overcomee by hhigh healing potential of extraocular muscles
uscles (Yano
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
2009). This might explain why loss of binocularity is not disabling in most of blow out
fracture cases (Jones, 1994). What might support this assumption from this study is the fact
that fracture size was not significantly related to the severity of both BSV and UFOF scores.
It seems that direct muscle injury as a result of this type of trauma has not received enough
attention in terms of surgical decision making. The primary aim of surgical repair for blow
out fracture is to minimise orbital soft tissue damage and to restore a full field of functional
binocular single vision (Carroll and Ng, 2010). This is usually achieved through releasing of
the herniated or entrapped orbital tissue in the fracture defect. However, tissue involvement
in orbital blow out fracture, for which surgery aim to rectify, is not the only influential factor
on ocular motility. Damage to the fibro fatty muscular complex should be considered in this
type of injury (Koornneef, 1982; Iliff
, 1999; Manson, 2007). Therefore, the outcome of
surgery might be unpredictable, as the extent of orbital tissue damage and it contribution to
ocular motility deficit may not be readily determined at the time of injury or by the extent of
its involvement in the fracture.
The controversy regarding surgical intervention versus conservative management may not
reflect only the inability to predict, on clinical basis, who would recover from the ocular
motility disturbances (Gosse
, 2009), but may be related, as our data has shown, to the
limited role of surgery in terms of timing, approach and the type of implant material in
improving the ocular motility outcome.
Evidently surgery does not provide the ideal solution for all ocular motility problems in this
type of trauma. About 80% of our cases presented with variable degrees of diplopia
postoperatively. Furthermore, cases with low preoperative diplopia scores which showed
better improvement in comparison with higher BSV scores, which might justify surgical
intervention, were still at risk of an unfavourable outcome, i.e. incomplete, symptomatic,
resolution. Moreover, cases with orbital muscle herniation, which represent a positive
criterion for surgery, were also under the risk of unfavourable outcome.
Koornneef (1982) believed that surgical management of a pure blow out fracture may not
address the real cause of the diplopia, which is disruption of the ligament system and septa.
This could be the reason behind the fact that diplopia is unlikely to be completely corrected
by surgery (Jones, 1994; Kugelberg
, 1998; Stassen and Kerawala, 2007), which concurs
with our findings.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Although making a decision as for the need for surgery in blow out fracture is difficult
(Mathog, 2000), it is logical to assume that an effective approach for management of diplopia
in this type of injury should consider more than one factor. Our study suggests that these
factors should include a preoperative BSV score consideration of the level of tissue
Our data showed that preoperative BSV score has an important prognostic value in term of
postoperative diplopia score, follow up time, number of post operative visits and subjective
diplopia outcome. It also showed that patients with BSV >80% score do not benefit from
surgery, while patients with BSV <60% benefit from surgery more than other BSV categories
in terms of BSV improvement.
However, BSV score could not be used alone as surgical management guide criterion. It
shows the severity of diplopia, but does not give the exact cause behind it. Surgery aims to
restore single vision through restoring the normal position of the herniated or entrapped
orbital tissue, as such, it worth considering the influence of tissue involvement on binocular
vision. It appears from our data, that orbital fat herniation, which forms about half of the
cases with surgical intervention, has no significant influence when compared to no tissue
herniation in relation to diplopia and ocular motility. It is logical to suggest decreasing the
number of surgical interventions according to this finding. However, this could be further
addressed in the future studies.
Because of lack of adequate follow up data, from the conservative patients’ group it would be
difficult to suggest definitive guide for the management of blow out fractures of the orbit. It
is possible, however, to provide a figure about the potential benefit of surgery for different
levels of preoperative BSV score: Surgical intervention would be more beneficial in terms of
postoperative BSV scores for cases with orbital muscle entrapment / muscle herniation with
preoperative BSV score ≤60%. Conservative management might be considered for cases with
BSV ≥80% even with orbital muscle herniation. In the 60 80% BSV range, the level of tissue
herniation may advise the need for surgical intervention.
Providing measurements and figures might help guide management decisions. However,
numbers and measurement are not necessarily representative of the effects of blow out
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
fractures on patient daily lives: they do not explain or help clinicians understand the
biopsychosocial impact of the fracture on patients. Accordingly, clinical definitions or
classifications might not provide us with all the information we need for comprehensive
health management planning (WHO, 2002).
The goal of medical care for most patients today is to improve QOL through maintaining
functioning and well being. Consequently, there is an increasing consensus that the patient’s
perspective is pivotal in monitoring outcomes of medical care (Kahaly et al 2002). This is
particularly important when management decisions are not clear cut through lack of evidence
or other reasons. In such cases it is imperative to study the health problems from all possible
aspects. To achieve this aim we studied the patients’ experiences of blow out fractures of the
orbit, in a hope to optimise current management by improving the clinician’s understanding
of orbital trauma patients’ perceived experiences and outcome.
The qualitative study showed an understandable deficiency of knowledge about blow out
fractures form patients, who perceived the injury as potential visual loss. This subsequently
leads to the fear of being unable to return to their normal lives and, also led to uncertainty
over the outcome of treatment. Sometimes, the health care provider, unintentionally,
appeared to compound this deficiency of knowledge and consequent uncertainty through their
biomedical perspective and ineffective communication of the bony nature of the injury.
Man, as an inquisitive creature, lives in world of questions. Through the course of
uninterrupted life events the man maintains the logic of continuity. Answers for undisturbed
life events, by the virtue of continuity, are obtainable. In cases of trauma or disrupted life
events answers may need to be searched for and may be difficult to find and therefore this
disrupts the continuity of life (Tuval Mashiach
, 2004).
This importance of a patient’s knowledge about his/her condition might be related to the fact
that knowledge could be the core of coping process. The importance of knowledge in coping
with trauma could be seen in the immediate response toward trauma, when the injured patient
asks “why?” Patients with this type of trauma might address or answer this question
differently: some accept the fact of trauma; some seem to believe that it is a punishment;
others, just refuse to deal with it as a fact. Whatever the answer is, the patient has to put the
answer in the context of his life. When the patient finds his/her answer, with time, the coping
process starts to build up and the patient regains life continuity and becomes re engaged with
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
the logic of continuity (Crossley, 2000).
Some of the patients responded to the trauma by saying “It should have not happened”8. This
may reflect a denial of a situation that could happen to anyone. What might help the patient to
reverse this denial is knowledge about the true nature of this injury. When we know about
something, this means that this thing exists, otherwise we would have not known about it.
Knowledge can help the patient to understand that trauma, disability and disease can be
inevitable parts of our lives and that there are ways to manage them. Through this acceptance,
the patient might be able to contain their problem and continue with their lives.
In addition, when an individual is supported by family members or friends who live in normal
life’s logic, this, also, might help them to overcome the disruptive effect of an injury. Social
support might surround the patient with the logic of continuity encouraging them to continue
to adapt to their new life circumstances. Social support in this sense has been mentioned by
Friedman (2007) as he referred to group of patients with “self healing personality”. These
individuals tend to evoke positive reaction from others, promoting good physical health and
subsequently good mental health. In contrast absence of support might isolate the patient and
put him under the control of disrupted life logic.
It seems that there is a relation between clinical (orthoptic) diplopia score and diplopia as
perceived by the patient. This relation mainly centres on whether diplopia is complete (0%)
or there is certain degree of single vision. Patients with complete double vision appear to be
more apprehensive about the possibility of visual loss and do not really seem to differentiate
between complete diplopia and vision loss. Patients with a degree of single vision, on the
other hand, can appreciate the difference between visual loss and double vision because they
are able to see, mainly in the primary central field of gaze.
Data from the retrospective and qualitative studies show some relation between BSV score
level and patient willingness to perform surgery. It seems that the less BSV level and the less
ability for patient to see the more willingness for patient to undergo surgery, while patients
with high BSV scores appear to be more reluctant to undergo surgery.
' -
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Patients with complete double vision (0% BSV score) tend to report that decision to undergo
surgery is an easy one to make. This seems related to the hope that surgery will restore their
vision and this in turn will influence their ability to do their jobs and continue their daily lives
The retrospective study data showed that surgical timing, within one month window has no
significant influence on both postoperative diplopia score and subjective diplopia outcome.
However, time in terms of the patient experiences identified different issue. In the qualitative
data, extended period of time preoperatively seems to have negative influence on the patient’s
reaction to their injury, especially if the patient does not know if he is going to lose his/her
vision or will become diplopic for the rest of his life.
Surgeons should, therefore, consider the influence of waiting on patient’s concerns,
especially if the patient thinks that s/he has potential visual loss. Surgeons when considering
bioclinical factors in surgical timing, should also consider patient’s worries and address these
fears in a way makes waiting for surgery less stressful.
The retrospective study has shown that preoperative BSV score has a significant association
with subjective outcome compared to UFOF. However, there was no significant relationship
between BSV scores improvement and subjective outcome in relation to diplopia. This might
reflect that the degree of BSV score improvement does not exactly meet patients’
expectations in relation to the improvement of their double vision and therefore there might
be more factors to take into account in assessing outcome than just objective improvement in
double vision.
Measurements and numbers frequently guide our clinical judgements and treatment planning.
However, it is important for clinicians to embrace a more interpretivist and holistic approach
in their attempt to understand the health problem they are dealing with. Otherwise they might
miss important opportunities to improve their ability to help the patient through their journey
through different health problems and challenges.
Patients’ reported experience of blow out fractures of the orbit demonstrates that proper
patient physician communication is pivotal to management. Clinical measures adopted in the
treatment of this type of injury, whether conservative or surgical, might not be able to address
direct muscle injury, the fact that might leave the patient with certain level of double vision.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
It might be possible, however, to help the patient to cope with this possible outcome through
providing suitable answers that address patient’s deficient knowledge and concerns. The
qualitative data showed that patient management is not a single sided aspect. Successful
outcome of any health care is a collaborative effort that targets the patient as well as the
disease process.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The first objective was to study the influence of demographic, radiographic and surgical
factors on diplopia in blow out fractures of the orbit. Patient demographics have been found
to have no significant influence on preoperative or postoperative diplopia scores. They also
had no influence on subjective diplopia outcome in the surgical group.
Similarly, the radiographically determined size of the fracture was found to have no
significant influence on the level of tissue herniation. It also had no significant influence on
preoperative diplopia, postoperative diplopia, or subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
In this study, timing of surgery, surgical approach and the choice of implant material had no
significant influence on postoperative diplopia score, diplopia score improvement and the
subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
Orbital fat herniation, in the absence of muscle herniation, appears to have no significant
influence on diplopia, showing similar outcomes when compared to fractures with no tissue
herniation on diplopia scores in blow out fractures. However, when orbital muscle herniation
is observed, this has significant negative influence compared to no tissue herniation on
diplopia scores. Patients with orbital muscle herniation are more likely to be at risk of
unfavourable outcome in relation to diplopia.
The second objective was to assess prognostic role of BSV in blow out fracture management.
BSV has a significant prognostic value in blow out fractures of the orbit. The lower the
preoperative diplopia and ocular motility scores the more chance of improvement in both
diplopia and ocular motility scores after surgery. In addition, it was noted that the lower the
preoperative diplopia score, the greater the number of follow up visits and longer the length
follow up time.
The first objective of this study was to investigate the psychosocial impacts of orbital blow
out fractures on the patients. The psychological impact of blow out fractures on the patients
was reflected through distress and frustration which negatively influence patient’s daily
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
activities including their employment. The distress and frustration were reported to centre on
the individual’s fear of losing their vision, and consequently being unable to work and drive.
This fear was compounded by their uncertainty about the result of treatment. Individuals’ fear
and uncertainty appears to be related to the generalized perception, expressed throughout the
sample, that diplopia is a visual acuity problem as opposed to a mechanical entrapment
causing secondary visual disturbance. This misconception potentially appears to be due to
ineffective clinician communication leading to a lack of patient knowledge.
The social impact of blow out fractures seems to be related to the limitations caused by
diplopia on daily activities which challenge the individual’s perception of self. Blow out
fractures also appear to have a bearing on the patient’s self esteem, potentially leading them
to feel stigmatized and vulnerable.
The second objective of this study was to explore patients’ adaptation to orbital blow out
fractures. The lack of information leading to a misunderstanding to the nature of the injury as
globe injury rather than bony injury may affect their ability to adapt. The adaptive
mechanisms reported tended to vary between patients with the most common adaptive
technique being to adopt a slightly altered head position in order to compensate for the
A better understanding of the nature of the injury might help the patients to regain their
confidence in relation to conducting their daily activities and therefore resume their normal
lives. Within the qualitative data social support emerged as an important influence on positive
adaptation to the injury.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
It is recommended that BSV scores should be considered as a unifying measurement tool for
diplopia assessment in orbital blow out fracture cases, because of its prognostic value in
relation to diplopia outcome.
It is suggested that surgery should be recommended for cases with BSV scores ≤60 with
orbital muscle herniation/entrapment, whereas an initial conservative approach may be taken
for patients with diplopia score ≥80, with no tissue herniation or with orbital fat herniation
The results of the qualitative study suggest that we should endeavor to improve patients’
knowledge at the time of presentation. This would improve patient’s understanding about the
injury and help him/her to cope with the possible outcomes, some of which might not be
anticipated by the patient. Improvement of pain control in some cases might help reduce
anxiety during the period of the injury.
It could be suggested that ‘diplopia diaries’ and serial orthoptic examinations be compared to
the self report global transition scores completed at each orthoptic examination. This would
help to determine the responsiveness to perceived change and might be helpful to identify
review points and follow up period. This was initially attempted in this study, however, it
was difficult to achieve. To overcome this difficulty, the number of orthoptic follow up visits
need to be reduced. More time would also be required to allow the patient to answer the
Quality Of Life Questionnaires during each orthoptic visit.
# 4
Data from semi structured interviews can be used to help identify items for a suggested
orbital trauma questionnaire. These data will be incorporated with the Amblyopia and
Strabismus Questionnaire, which will be used as a scaffolding instrument (Guyatt
1986). Employment of such an instrument is likely to help clinicians assess orbital trauma
patients’ outcomes better. This has already started and a study with suggested orbital
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
trauma outcome measure is in its writing stage. It is hoped to be published in the near future
(appendix p.37).
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Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
$ E
Initial concept of injury (ex: what did you did you think about injury; how did you
find the severity of it?)
Degree of severity
Likely effects
Daily effects of: (what did you feel immediately after the injury, what were your
concerns about it?)
Episode of trauma – pain, worry etc
Double vision
Surgery or conservative management
Psychological consequences of trauma, injury and double vision: (what did you think
about your double vision?)
Worries or concerns over surgery, injury, vision
Self confidence and appearance
Social effects of injury/surgery
Work and personal relationships
Self management of on going problems
Double vision
Surgical complications
Any degree of handicap pre or post therapy for injury
Financial loss
Satisfaction with life
Level of functioning
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Model 1 ver.1
Model 1 ver.2
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Model 1 ver.3
Model 1 ver. 4
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Model 1 ver. 5
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Model 2 ver.1
Model 2 ver.2
Model 2 ver.3
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Theoretical model ver. 4
Factors negatively influence the outcome
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Factors positively influences the outcome
Theoretical model ver. 5
Factors negatively influence the outcome
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Factors positively influence the outcome
Theoretical model ve4
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
7/ #
+ 3F3F$% %
Binocular Single Vision:
Value in orbital blow out fractures management
# 4840
School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University UK. Email:
[email protected]
To explore the role of binocular single vision
(BSV) measurement in the management of blow
out fractures of the orbit.
Management protocols for orbital blow0out fractures have
been hampered by lack of unifying, quantitative clinical
measures of severity of diplopia.
The binocular single vision (BSV) test (Evans and Fenton,
1971) is of particular interest, as it provides a simple
numerical analysis of diplopia (Stocker et al, 2006, Banks,
2009) which may assist in the decision making process.
Patients undergoing orthoptic assessment for traumatic
diplopia in the period 1999 02009 were identified. Notes
were hand searched for patients meeting the inclusion
criteria of an isolated blow out fracture of the orbit,
confirmed by CT scan, and BSV scores recorded at
presentation and post0operatively when surgically
managed. Data were analysed using Wilcoxon signed
ranks test.
Ninety eight conservatively and fifty two surgically
managed patients met the inclusion criteria.
The mean BSV score at presentation for the
conservative managed group was 82.7% and 58.85% for
surgically managed group. The mean post0surgical BSV
was 74.80%.
We stratified the surgical patients into three groups
according to their pre0operative BSV, using the mean pre0
operative BSV of the surgical and conservative groups as
A significant increase (improvement) in BSV pre to postoperatively
was recorded in pa8ents with a preopera8ve BSV in the range 0-60%
and 61-80% (p<0.001 and p<0.05 respec8vely). There was no
significant increase in BSV for those in the BSV 81-100% group, with
four patients having a decrease in BSV.
It is apparent from the data that patients with low BSV scores
(BSV<60%) experience the greatest improvement following
surgery. Patients with a BSV score of greater than 80%
demonstrate no quantifiable benefit from surgery in terms of
improvement in BSV (diplopia). Pre0operative BSV may
therefore be a useful guide to the likely success of surgery in
improving diplopia for patients with orbital blow0out fractures.
Further prospective studies are required to confirm its
prognostic value.
We suggest that patients with a BSV≥80% should be
considered for conservative management in the
absence of other indications for surgery such as
significant enophthalmos.
1 Evans JN, Fenton PJ (1971). Blow-out fracture of the orbit. J Laryngol Otol 85:1127-1145.
2 Banks RJ (2007). Binocular Single Vision in Orbital Blow Out Fractures–The First 50 Cases Journal of
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryVolume 65( 9):143-44.
3 Stocker J, Postlethwaite KR, Edwards K, Banks R (2005). Binocular single vision—A quantitative and
qualitative measure of pre- and post-operative diplopia in the management of the orbital
blowout fracture. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 43:445–475
(0060) BSV group (n=24)
(61080) BSV group (n=15)
mean preoperative BSV
(810100) BSV group (n=13)
mean postoperative BSV
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
# ,0
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
! !
" &
Alhamdani F, Durham JA, Greenwood M and Corbett IP.
School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University, UK.
Orbital CT scans are the most common imaging modality undertaken to help diagnose an orbital
blow out fracture. Extensive research has been conducted into their role in determining the influence
of orbital volume change on enophthalmos, however, no research has been conducted which examines
the influence of the herniated tissue on ocular motility and diplopia.
The aim of the study is to determine the effect of orbital tissue herniation, as determined by CT scan,
on diplopia and ocular motility scores in blow out fracture patients.
Patients who sustained pure orbital blow out fractures in the period 1999 2009, and for whom CT
scan reports were available were included in the study. Three levels of tissue herniation were
reported; none, fat only, and fat and muscle. Orthoptic assessment included binocular single vision
(BSV) and uniocular fields of fixation (UFOF) scores.
123 patients were included in the study. Although mean BSV and UFOF scores decrease with
increasing amounts of tissue prolapse, there was no significant difference between the BSV, UFOF
scores of injuries with no tissue prolapse and those with only fat herniation (p>0.05). A significant
difference was noted between the BSV and UFOF scores of no/fat herniation and injuries with fat and
muscle prolapse groups. Patients with muscle herniation had a tendency for an unfavourable outcome
following surgical intervention.
We suggest that orbital fat herniation may not be an adequate indication for surgical intervention for
correction of diplopia in orbital blow out fractures. Cases with orbital muscle herniation are more
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
likely to be have an unfavourable
rable outcome in relation to diplopia.
Ocular motility disturbance in blow
low out fractures is a multi factorial phenomenon
enon [1] [2]. However, It is
believed that orbital soft tissue
sue in
involvement in the fracture defect is an important
rtant influential
factor on
ocular motility in this type off injur
injury [3] [4] [5]. Despite this belief, the subject hass received
little attention.
classified the patter
pattern of inferior rectus muscle entrapment in orbital
rbital floor fractures into
3 categories; free from entrapmen
apment, hooked, and entrapped. They stated that
at patients
with CT scan
evidence of bone fragments adjac
adjacent to the inferior rectus muscle on both sides have
a high risk for
developing diplopia, while CT sscan evidence of hooked muscles, or thee inferior
rectus muscle
adjacent to a bone fragmentt on oone side only, had less diplopia, and those with free inferior rectus
muscles had no diplopia [4].
Totsuka and Koide using ann anim
animated MRI study, suggested incarcerated connec
onnective tissue septa, as
described by Koornneef 1982 [6], to be the main cause of motility problem in blow out fractures. They
believed that incarcerated septa at the fracture site cause restricted eye movement
through their
interference with the contraction
ction aand relaxation of the external ocular muscles .
studied the number
umber of points of muscle contact with orbital fracture
actures on CT along with
Hess Area Ratio (HAR) for measu
measurement of extraocular muscle function. They
ey analysed
113 cases of
blow out fracture with diplopia
lopia aand found that both clinical manifestation and prognosis
could be
approximately predicted on the basis of number of muscle contact points
ts related
to the fracture
margin. Furthermore, they stated that treatment option should rely mainly on
n thorough
evaluation of
CT scan .
Harris et al ref postulated that
at sof
soft tissue damage and subsequent diplopia was
as related
to the level of
tissue involvement and bony fragm
fragment distraction shown in preoperative CT scan studies
. However,
this study had limitations: They aapplied six criteria (2 types and 3 subtypes)
s) on 30 patients, which
resulted in low number of cases
ases ffor each subdivision, reducing the statistical
al value
valu of their findings.
The authors also did not provide
vide ppreoperative ocular motility measurements for their
the cases [9].
The paucity of studies that discus
discussed the influence of orbital tissue involvement on ocular motility in
blow out fractures, made their
eir fin
findings inconclusive [10]. Reliance on subjective
ctive criteria to describe
ocular motility and diplopia might be one reason. [11] In addition, the fact thatt surgeons
might be more
concerned about spotting the sitee aand the type of fracture rather than the degree
ree of tissue involvement
in it may also be of relevance.
Measurement of binocular single vision (BSV), using a Goldman Perimeterr has been suggested for
[12] [13] [14, 15]
routine evaluation of diplopia
ia ass
assessment of orbital trauma patients by several
eral authors
providing a simple, reliable
ble m
method for quantifying diplopia
It hass been
bee recommended ,.
Uniocular field of fixation (UFOF
(UFOF) measurement of ocular motility has similarly
ilarly been
for objective recording of eyee mov
movement. Unlike Hess charts [17], it provides a numerical
score for the
six extraocular muscles for each gglobe [18]. The relationship between BSV and
nd ocular
motility scores
has not previously been reported.
The aim of the current investiga
vestigation was to determine the effect of orbital
ital tissue
herniation, as
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
determined by CT scan, on diplopia and ocular motility scores in blow out fracture patients
Materials and Methods
Patients with orbital blow out fractures were identified form orthoptic records of the host institution
for the ten year period January 1999 to December 2009 inclusive. Patient records were obtained and
hand searched for the following information.
Demographic data
Dates of attendance
Clinical findings
Ophthalmology examination
Radiology findings
Orthoptic assessment
diplopia outcome in surgically managed group
The inclusion criteria for this study were as follows: Patients who had sustained an isolated orbital
blow out fractures during the 10 year period, for whom CT scan reports were available.
For the purpose of statistical analysis, the level of orbital tissue herniation was divided according to
CT scan reports into 3 levels; zero level for cases with no evidence of soft tissue herniation; level one
for cases with orbital fat herniation; level 2 for cases with orbital fat and muscle prolapse into the
fracture defect. This categorisation was the most frequently applied by the reporting radiologists
throughout the study period. Cases with orbital muscle entrapment were excluded from our sample, as
entrapment represents a different mechanism of tissue involvement. Entrapment was uncommon in
our sample, with only 2 cases were identified.
Orthoptic data included:
Binocular Single Vision (BSV) scores for diplopia measurement. Scores range from 0 (diplopia
in positional fields) to 100 (no diplopia)(ref Kates paper here)
Uniocular Field of Fixation (UFOF) scores for ocular motility measurement. Scores range from
60 365. UFOF scores for both normal and injured sides were documented. Ocular motility was
recorded as a percentage maximum achievable score.
Surgical outcome in relation to diplopia was subjectively divided according to the orthoptic report at
the final patient visit into 4 groups. In this report the orthoptist describes the patient comments and
perception about their double vision after surgery. In this coding process, the term “asymptomatic”
was used for the first group of patients who have no complaint of diplopia; the second group are
patients who were “not concerned about” any residual diplopia; “symptomatic” for the third group of
patients who had residual diplopia in fields of gaze and finally the forth group of patients who
needed further measures, such as prism glasses or strabismus surgery, to correct disabling diplopia.
Data analysis was performed in SPSS (ref ver.17) using Wilcoxon signed ranks, Pearson, Spearman
and Chi square tests.
Of 257 patients identified, 123 patients met the inclusion criteria. BSV scores were obtained for 104
cases. UFOF scores were available for 63 cases. Follow up data was available for 48 patients. All
patients were managed in the Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Newcastle General Hospital.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The time range for patients’ examinations and treatment is shown in Table 1.
Table 5: Descriptive statistics for timeline of patient management
0 )
Between injury and
clinical presentation
Between injury and
orthoptic examination
Between injury and
Between surgery and
postop. orthoptic examination
Sixty seven patients (54.9%) had injuries to the left orbit, and 54 cases (44.3%) right. One patient
presented with bilateral blow out fractures. Males represent 71.4% of the cases, whilst females
represent 28.6%. The age range in this case series was 5 79 years, mean 33.73. A Spearman
correlation test showed no influence of patients’ age on the level of orbital tissue herniation.
Isolated orbital floor fracture was the most common type of injury, affecting 91 patients (74%) of the
cases. Seven patients (5.7%) reported with medial wall blow out fracture only and 25 patients (20.3%)
combined floor and medial wall fractures. Orbital fat herniation occurred most frequently in this
sample (48%). Cases with no tissue herniation represent the smallest group (12.8%) (Figure 1).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no tissue herniation 13%
orbital fat herniation
orbital fat and muscle
herniation 38%
Figure 5. Percentage of cases for each level of tissue herniation.
Our data showed no significant relationship ( >0.05) between the type of injury or side of injury and
the level of tissue herniation (Chi square test).
Forty nine patients underwent surgery and 74 patients were treated conservatively. When comparing
surgically managed with conservatively managed groups, a similar incidence of orbital fat
involvement was noted, approximately 50% of cases. As may be predicted, conservatively managed
patients were twice as likely to have no apparent tissue herniation in the fracture line (Figure 2),
whereas the majority of the surgical group (87%) reported with muscle herniation. The significance
( <0.05) of difference between the two management groups in the level of herniation has been
statistically confirmed (Mann Whitney U test).
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no tissue herniation
orbital fat herniation
surgical group (n=49)
orbital fat and muscle
conservative group (n=74)
Figure 6. Level of tissue herniation for surgically
and conservatively managed groups
Figure 3 and figure 4 illustratse the negative relationship between tissue herniation level and both
mean BSV and UFOF scores. This relationship has been statistically confirmed ( <0.05, r= 0.30 and
=0.05, r= 0.27 respectively).
no orbital tissue
orbital fat herniation
orbital fat and muscle
mean BSV
Figure 7. Mean BSV (n=104) for the 3 levels of orbital tissue herniation
for the whole retrospective sample.
mes aand Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
no orbital tissue
orbital fat herniation
orbital fat and muscle
mean UFOF
Figure 8. Mean UF
UFOF (n=63) for the 3 levels of orbital tissue herniation
for the whole retrospective sample.
Table 2 shows that mean BSV sscores in cases with “no orbital tissue herniatio
rniation” and cases with
“orbital fat herniation” are simila
similar in each management category. On the other
ther hand
the mean BSV
scores for “orbital muscle hernia
herniation” are different from the mean BSV scores
cores in both “no tissue
herniation” and “orbital orbital
ital tiss
tissue herniation”.
Table 6: Mean BSV
SV sc
scores for each level of herniation by management
ement groups
# =
# =
No herniation
Orbital fat herniation
Orbital muscle herniation
Mann Whitney test showedd no significant difference ( >0.05) for both BSV and UFOF scores
between cases with “no tissue
ue her
herniation” and “orbital fat herniation”. Whereas
reas there
was significant
difference for both BSV and
nd U
UFOF scores between “no tissue herniation”
on” and
an “orbital muscle
herniation” cases.
The relationship between the lev
level of tissue herniation and the postoperative
ve diplopia
outcome was
not significant ( >0.05). Howev
owever, 70.5% of cases with orbital fat herniation
niation were within the
“asymptomatic” and “not concern
oncerned” categories, which could be considered
ed favourable
whereas 58% of the cases with
ith or
orbital muscle herniation lay within the “symptom
ptomatic” and “required
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
other measures” categories, i.e. unfavourable outcomes (Figure 4),.
not concerned
orbital fat herniation (n=17)
required other
orbital fat and muscle herniation (n=31)
Figure 9. Final outcome by the level of herniation.
Our finding that orbital fat herniation was the most common reported level of tissue herniation,
. Entrapment of extraocular muscles was uncommon this
agrees with the finding of Sleep
retrospective sample and is in keeping with previous studies. [20] [21] [22] [23]
To the best of our knowledge, the influence of orbital tissue herniation level on diplopia (BSV score)
and ocular motility (UFOF score) has not been reported in the literature. Our data showed that orbital
tissue herniation has a negative influence on both ocular motility and diplopia. Correlation coefficient
values, however, indicate that this influence is not a considerable one. Thus factors other than tissue
herniation are likely to play an important role in ocular motility problems in blow out fractures.
Koornneef stated that incarceration of orbital tissue is not responsible for severe ocular motility
problems, rather a dysfunction of the entire motility apparatus in the fracture region [6]. Weak
correlation between tissue herniation and diplopia could be also explained by the fact that diplopia
and ocular motility scores in “fat herniation” cases, which constitute about half of the cases, were not
significantly different from the “no tissue herniation” level.
The level of tissue herniation was not previously included within the criteria for surgical
management. The absence of significant difference in diplopia and ocular motility scores between “no
tissue herniation” and “orbital fat herniation” levels, as well as the fact that cases with orbital fat
herniation have almost the same prevalence in both management groups, raises the question of the
value of considering orbital fat herniation in surgical intervention in blow out fractures.
Despite the fact that tissue herniation level has no statistical influence on the surgical diplopia
outcome categories, our data showed that cases with orbital muscle herniation are more likely to have
an unfavourable diplopia outcome. Harris
believe that more tissue involved in the fracture, the
more likely to there is to be ocular muscle injury, which negatively affects the motility outcome. [5] ,
Indeed, it may be tissue injury rather than tissue herniation that is important in diplopia arising from
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
orbital fractures.
As with all retrospective studies, problems arose with missing data, in particular orthoptic follow up
data for the conservative group. This prevented comparison of diplopia outcomes for each level of
tissue herniation in both management categories.
It is concluded that orbital fat herniation has no significant influence compared to “no tissue
herniation” on diplopia in blow out fractures.
We suggest that orbital fat herniation may not be an adequate indication for surgical intervention for
diplopia correction.
Cases with orbital muscle herniation are more likely to be at risk of unfavourable outcome in relation
to diplopia.
Iliff, N., et al., Surg, 1999. %((3): p. 787 99.
Holmes, S.B., J.L. Carter, and A. Metefa, E
2000. ($ (7263): p. 750 1.
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Sveinsson, E., :
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Maxillofacial Surgery, 2006(1 Facial trauma ): p. 161.
Banks, R.J., ?
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Holmes, J.M., D.A. Leske, and M.J. Kupersmith, L
Ophthalmology, 2005. $(11): p. 2035 9.
Kim, J. and K. Woo,
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p. 356 62.
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Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2007. +1(3): p. 190 6.
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Gosse, E.M., et al., ? 9
C :
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2009.
* *
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
" ''' $%%'&
Faaiz Alhamdani, Dr. Justin Durham, Prof. Mark Greenwood and Dr. Ian Corbett
Institution: School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University
There is no general consensus regarding management of blow out fractures of the orbit. This might be
the reason behind the fact that surgical outcome in terms of ocular motility, in the last two decades,
has been less than satifactory.
It is hypothesized that lack of unifying quantitative clinical measures for the level of diplopia in the
literature has hampered the management of blow out injury of the orbit and played a role in the
management controversy.
To study diplopia (BSV) and ocular motility (UFOF) characteristics in blow out fractures of the orbit
and their value in blow out fracture management.
To relate the current management practice for blow out fractures within Newcastle General Hospital
Oral and Maxillofacial surgical unit to surgical outcome measures.
Patients with isolated blow out fractures treated (1999 2009) and their preoperative and postoperative
BSV scores are available, were included.
BSV scores were stratified into 3 categories: low BSV category (0 60); mid BSV category (61 80)
and high BSV category (81 100). UFOF score also divided into 3 categories low score (60 240), mid
score (241 270) and high score (271 365) categories. This categorisation relied on the median BSV
and UFOF scores for both surgically and conservatively managed patients.
Eighty seven patients (70 from the surgical group and 17 from the conservative group) met the
inclusion criteria.
There was no significant improvement in high BSV category in the surgical group, whereas there was
significant improvement ( <0.05) for the high BSV category in the conservative group.
Preoperative BSV was found significantly related ( <0.05) to postoperative BSV, subjective diplopia
outcome, follow up time and number of follow up visits. However, improvement of BSV score in
surgical group was not found significantly correlated with subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
Preoperative UOFO score has been found significantly related to the number of follow up visit.
However, it has no influence on subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
Surgical timing, approach and the choice of implant material were not found statistically related to
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
final diplopia outcome, the follow up time, and the number of follow up visits.
Binocular single vision (BSV) has more influence than unicular field of fixation (UFOF) on diplopia
outcome, follow up time and number of follow up visits. On the basis of this study, surgical
intervention would not be recommended for blow out fracture cases with BSV score >80% for
correction of diplopia alone.
Management of isolated orbital blow out fractures remains a topic of controversy. General consensus
suggests surgical intervention in cases of persistent diplopia, enophthalmos, or large size defects
which may result in late enophthalmos [1]. However, the criteria for diplopia as an indication for
surgery described in the literature is predominantly subjective, for example; ‘persistent ‘troublesome’
diplopia’, ‘severe’, ‘visually handicapping diplopia.’ [2] [3] [4] [5])
Conversely, enophthalmos has more objective management criteria, with intervention suggested for
enophthalmos of 2 mm or more, fracture size greater than 2 cm² or more than 50% [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. In
addition, it is generally accepted that when surgical intervention is indicated, early intervention, as far
as patient’s condition permits, is advocated. Such general protocols have been adopted in many recent
clinical studies investigating the evaluation and treatment of blow out fracture [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [10]
Despite the fairly agreed management protocol, surgical outcome, in terms of ocular motility and
diplopia, in the last two decades has been less than ideal [18], with persistent postoperative diplopia
frequently reported [5] [15].
Ocular motility disturbances in orbital injuries are usually assessed by Hess chart. The reliance of
orbital trauma studies on Hess chart only, makes diplopia subjectively represented and difficult to
evaluate [19].
Attempts have been made at quantifying Hess charts [20, 21], although not been adopted. Furuta
used Hess Area Ratio (HAR) measurement to express the ocular motility in numerical values by
comparing the Hess chart between the affected and healthy side and they found that, of the patients
with HAR% > 85%, most experienced no diplopia.
It is hypothesized that lack of unifying quantitative clinical measures for the assessment of diplopia
[22] [23] [24] [25] [15] [26] [17] [16] [5]
has hampered progression in the management of blow out injury of the
Diplopia’ and ‘ocular motility disturbance’, as terms, have been used frequently in orbital fracture
studies interchangeably [27] [14] [16]. This could be explained by the fact that diplopia being a clinical
manifestation of ocular motility disturbance.
For the measurement of diplopia, binocular single vision test on Goldmann Perimeter has been
recommended for routine evaluation of orbital trauma patients by several authors, as it is a simple
reliable method for quantifying diplopia [28] [29] [30], [31].
Unicular Field of Fixation test (UFOF) provides a quantitative assessment of ocular motility, as the
primary field of action of each of the six individual ocular muscles is plotted on Goldmann perimeter
. This test has been used in ocular motility assessment for Graves Ophthalmology patients in
different methods [33] [34] [32]. However, it has not been reported on orbital trauma patients before.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The aim of this retrospective study is to investigate the value of two objective measures, binocular
single vision (BSV) and unioccular fields of fixation (UFOF) in the management of blow out fractures
of the orbit. In addition, the study aims to relate the current management practice for blow out
fractures within this unit to surgical outcome measures.
Patients’ data in held in the Orthoptic Department, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne
was tracked back to 1999. Patients’ notes were hand searched for the following information.
Demographic information
Date of injury
Date of orthoptic examination
Date of surgery
Clinical findings
Ophthalmology examination
Pre and post operative orthoptic assessment, including BSV and UFOF scores.
Follow up visits.
Inclusion criteria: Patients who had a CT scan confirmed blow out fracture, involving orbital floor
and/or medial wall, whom were managed surgically or conservatively, in the period 1999 2009
inclusive, with recorded preoperative and postoperative BSV scores available. Exclusion criteria:
Patients who sustained orbital fractures involving orbital margins identified pre or peri operatively.
Orthoptic examinations included weighted BSV [35] and UFOF tests for both affected and unaffected
sides. UFOF scores were taken as the sum score for the 6 extraocular muscles [32]. Most patients who
underwent surgery had a minimum of two BSV measurements performed by an orthoptist. One was
taken shortly after presentation and the other postoperatively. At the time of the first orthoptic
examination patients were also examined by an ophthalmologist. For the majority of conservatively
managed patients, one orthoptic examination was performed.
For statistical analysis BSV scores were stratified into 3 categories: low BSV category (0 60);
moderate BSV category (61 80) and high BSV category (81 100). UFOF scores were similarly
stratified into low score (60 240), moderate score (241 270) and high score (271 365) categories. This
categorisation relied on the median BSV and UFOF scores for both the surgically and conservatively
managed population. Median has been chosen to represent the central tendency because of the wide
range of BSV observed for both surgical and conservative group.
A subjective assessment of diplopia at the final orthoptic review was also recorded. This outcome
divided according to the orthoptists comments into 4 categories; asymptomatic, not concerned by
diplopia, symptomatic and requiring further measures. Further measures included provision of prism
glasses and strabismus surgery.
Collected data were analysed using SPSS ver.17. Statistical relations were examined with Wilcoxon
signed ranks test, Pearson, Chi square and Spearman tests.
Of 391 patients identified from the orthoptic database, 259 patients were recorded as having isolated
blow out fractures. Surgery was performed for 152 patients, leaving 107 patients who were
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
conservatively managed. However, only 87 patients (70 from the surgical group and 17 from the
conservative group) met the inclusion criteria, predominantly due to a failure to record data correctly
in the patient records. Failure of records, also, affected available follow up data of surgical group
patients. Out of 87 patients, 56 patients from the surgical group whom their complete follow up data
are available.
The patients ranged from 9 to 80 years of age, with a median of 35 years, of which 19 patients were
females, while 68 were males. Timeline for patients’ management and orthoptic data are shown in
table 1 and 2.
As shown in figure 1, diplopia was the most common presenting complaint, with a low incidence of
enophthalmos at presentation in this group. Reported ophthalmic injuries included corneal abrasion,
conjunctival chemosis, hyphema, traumatic mydriasis, peripheral retinal haemorrhage, and commotio
Table 1 shows the timeline of patient management. More than half of the surgical cases were treated
within the first 2 weeks of the injury (Figure 11). Only 12.5% were treated more than one month after
the injury.
The median BSV1 for the surgical group was 59.5%, while the median BSV1 for the conservative
group was 86% (Table 8). Preoperative BSV (BSV1) was found significantly related ( <0.001) to
BSV2. Also, there was a highly significant relationship ( W0.001) between UFOF1 and both BSV1
and BSV2.
There was significant difference between preoperative and postoperative BSV scores in both low and
middle BSV categories ( <0.001 and W0.05 respectively) in the surgical group. The high BSV
category, however, showed no significant ( >0.05) change. In contrast, there was significant
difference ( <0.05) in BSV score for the high BSV category (n=11) in the conservative group (paired
t test) (Figure 12, Figure 13).
The surgical approach for the vast majority of the cases was the 1st skin crease incision. Conjunctival
approach was the least (less than 2% of the cases) used approach in this sample (Figure 14). Silastic
sheet was the most common implant material, followed by titanium mesh. Bone graft on the other
hand used in less than 5% of the cases. Only two cases were managed without placement of implant
material (Figure 15). Surgical timing and implant material choice were not significantly related
( >0.05) with postoperative BSV (BSV2) score.
More than half of the cases reported with symptomatic diplopia outcome (Figure 16). These cases
showed variable degree of improvement, although residual diplopia was present in one or more than
one field of gaze. There is a negative relationship ( <0.05) between BSV1 score and the final
diplopia outcome categories (Figure 17). BSV1 also found statistically ( <0.01) related to the follow
up time and number of the follow up visits.
The level of improvement in BSV score has been, also, found significantly related ( < 0.05) to the
follow up time. However, BSV improvement has not been found to be significantly related ( > 0.05)
to the subjective outcome in relation to diplopia.
A significant relationship, also, was found between UFOF1 and the number of follow up visits
( <0.05). However there was no significant relationship ( >0.05) between UFOF1 and the final
diplopia outcome and the follow up time for the surgical group.
The surgical timing and the choice of implant material have not been found significantly related
( >0.05) to the BSV score improvement, subjective diplopia outcome, follow up time and the number
of follow up visits.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
0 )
@ ,
# =
@ ,
# =
@ ,
infra orbital
circumorbital subconjunctival enophthalmos
percentage of cases
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
within first 2 weeks
within 3rd and 4th
more than 1 month
percentage of cases
pre operative BSV
# =
post operative BSV
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
(# =
cutaneous approach
subconjunctival with
lateral canthotomy
percentage of cases
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
bone graft
no material
percentage of cases
asymptomatic not aware or not
bothered by
percentage of cases
required further
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
not aware or not
mean BSV1
# =
required further
# =$
BSV measurement, using a Goldman Perimeter, has been suggested as the ‘gold standard’ for
diplopia assessment [36]. It has been recommended for routine evaluation of orbital trauma patients by
several authors, as it is a simple reliable method for quantifying diplopia [28] [29] [30] [31]. Despite such
reports, BSV has not been reported routinely in the literature. The UFOF test is not routinely done in
the orthoptic department. It has been found, however, that UFOF scores correlate with both
preoperative and postoperative BSV and the number of follow up visits. UFOF has not previously
been reported in orbital trauma studies.
Within this Oral and Maxillofacial unit, the need for surgical intervention has essentially been
subjective, based on persistent diplopia, with a fracture confirmed on CT. Baseline orthoptic
examination have been used to support the clinical decision rather than as an indicator of need for
surgery. From our data it is be suggested that BSV score thresholds may be of value in determining
the need for treatment. Surgical patients within the high BSV score category (BSV> 80%),
demonstrated no overall improvement in terms of postoperative BSV scores. Conservative group
patients within the same BSV score category, however, showed significant improvement.
Timing for blow out fractures surgery is one of the debated issues [37]. Some surgeons advocate early
surgery to avoid fibrosis and permanent disability of the involved muscle in the fracture defect [38] [39]
. Conversely, others argue that time should be given to allow resolution of haemorrhage and
oedema [41], [42], [43], [9] [3].
Although there is general consensus that delay of surgery is not advisable, there is a disagreement
about what constitutes delay, with early management ranging between 1 week [40], 10 days [39] [44], 2
although not advocating
weeks [15] [45] [3], 3 weeks [41] [46] [13] [8], to 2 months of injury [47]. Hinohira
delay in surgery, found that ocular motility disturbances could be corrected even 3 months after
trauma [48].
In the current study the vast majority of the cases were treated within 30 days from the injury and
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
more than half within 14 days, which is a widely adopted time frame [15] [45] [3].
Timing of surgery was not found to have an influence on BSV2, the reported final diplopia outcome
or the number of the follow up visits. Jin
(2007) also found that surgical timing was not
statistically related to postoperative diplopia. They considered surgical timing to be crucial in cases
with trapdoor fractures with extraocular muscles entrapment [49]. However, this disagrees with Hossal
and Beatty (2002) who found significant relation between timing of surgery and postoperative
diplopia [15]. The reason for this disagreement might be attributed to the difference in the subjective
criteria for diplopia. This confirms the need for unifying quantitative measurement criteria for
diplopia. Putterman (1991) believes that orbital surgery after 5 weeks unlikely improve the ocular
motility disturbances. For such cases he advised extraocular muscle surgery [8].
In this case series, orthoptic follow up time exceeded one year for some cases (up to 7 postoperative
visits), dictated by the level of diplopia and resolution. The mean/median follow was 5/3 months
respectively, with the majority of surgical patients having 1visit(s). Studies published to date have
reported variable postoperative follow up periods, with little agreement as to a follow up protocols,
Orgel (1971) suggesting review on a monthly basis. However, he did not point out the follow up end
point [41]. Hosal and Beatty (2002) found that diplopia improved 1 4 weeks in 80% of their cases [15].
(2007) believe that this type of fracture is usually associated with delayed recovery, over 6
months persistent diplopia. They reported (1 7) months as a time range for the resolution of
postoperative diplopia, with mean of 4.4 months [26]. Other studies gave a range of follow up from 3
months to 4 years [49]. In their case series Poeschl
reported 1 14 months follow period with 3
months mean. The absence of a unified follow up period and timetable might be explained by the fact
that ocular motility disturbance continues to improve for up to 9 months Gosse
Interestingly, our data showed that there was no significant influence of BSV improvement over the
subjective diplopia outcome, despite the functional scoring criteria [35] adopted in this study. The
absence of significant relation between BSV improvement and subjective diplopia outcome might be
explained by the fact cases with low BSV1 could still end up with a moderate BSV2, despite the
obvious improvement in BSV score. Whereas, cases high BSV1 with little improvement will still
have high BSV2.
Management controversy in blow out fractures of the orbit has been attributed to the absence of clear
criteria for surgical versus conservative managements [51], a reflect of personal preference [44], and
multi disciplinary intervention [52].
it should be considered however, that surgery does not address direct extraocular muscle injury [53],
indeed, muscle injury may occur during surgical manipulation [54]. Iliff
stated that close
proximity of inferior rectus muscle to the orbital floor in posterior orbit makes it more susceptible to
contusion after fracture. In the anterior half of the orbit the extraocular muscles are protected by a
cushion of extramuscular fat [53]. Stocker
found that patients with posterior blow out fractures,
generally, have lower BSV scores compared to patients with anterior fractures [30].
It was hoped that enough orthoptic follow up data for the conservative management group are
available. Most of the conservatively managed patients had only single orthoptic visit. Measurement
of diplopia score improvement (BSV) for this group would have provided us with quantitative
measurement to compare the managements’ results. This in turn will help to resolve some of
management controversy.
This study demonstrates a numerical presentation of diplopia and ocular motility for blow out
fractures of the orbit, in surgical and conservative management groups, It is hoped that use of BSV
scores for diplopia would be encouraged in future studies allowing comparison of results, and might
further bring agreement regarding the management protocol of blow out fracture injury.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Binocular single vision (BSV) has more influence than uniocular fields of fixation (UFOF) on
diplopia outcome in term of improvement and follow up time.
Timing for surgical intervention and the choice of implant material have no influence over diplopia
surgical outcome.
On the basis of this study, surgical intervention would not be recommended for blow out fracture
cases with BSV score >80% for correction of diplopia alone.
The main focus of this study series was to investigate the possible factors might influence ocular
motility and diplopia outcome. In relation to enophthalmos, it has been felt that there has been, over
the last decade, general agreement about the relation of orbital size changes and resultant
enophthalmos. In addition, diplopia which is the most important complication of orbital blow out
fracture (Orgel, 1971) appears to be the main driving factor for management dilemma.
It seems that direct muscle injury as a result of this type of trauma did not enough attention in terms of
surgical decision. The primary aim of surgical repair for blow out fracture is to minimise orbital soft
tissue damage and to restore a full field of functional binocular single vision (Carroll and Ng, 2010).
This is usually achieved through releasing of the herniated or entrapped orbital tissue in the fracture
defect. However, tissue involvement in orbital blow out fracture, for which surgery aim to rectify, is
not the only influential factor on ocular motility. Damage to the fibro fatty muscular complex should
be considered in this type of injury (Iliff et al., 1999; Koornneef, 1982; Manson, 2007). Therefore, the
outcome of surgery might be unpredictable, as the extent of orbital tissue damage and it contribution
to ocular motility deficit may not be readily determined at the time of injury.
The controversy regarding surgical intervention versus conservative management may not reflect only
the inability to predict, on clinical basis, who would recover from the ocular motility disturbances
(Gosse et al., 2009), but may be related, as our data showed, to the limited role of surgery in terms of
timing, approach and the type of implant material in improving the ocular motility outcome.
Evidently surgery does not provide the ideal solution for all ocular motility problems in this type of
trauma. About 80% of our cases presented with variable degrees of diplopia postoperatively.
Furthermore, cases with low preoperative diplopia scores which showed better improvement in
comparison with higher BSV scores, which might justify surgical intervention, were under the risk of
unfavourable outcome. Moreover, cases with orbital muscle herniation which represent a positive
indication criterion for surgery, also, were under the risk of unfavourable outcome.
Koornneef (1982) believed that repair of a pure blowout fracture by placement of an implant may not
address the real cause of the diplopia, which is disruption of the ligament system and septa. This
could be the reason behind the fact that diplopia is unlikely to be completely corrected by surgery
(Jones, 1994; Kugelberg et al., 1998; Stassen and Kerawala, 2007), which concurs with our findings.
Although making prediction for the need of surgery in blow out fracture is difficult (Mathog, 2000), it
is logical to assume that effective approach for management of diplopia in this type of injury should
consider more than one factor. These factors are: preoperative BSV score; and the level of tissue
Our data showed that BSV score has an important prognostic value in term of postoperative diplopia
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
score, follow up time, number of post operative visits and subjective diplopia outcome. It also showed
that patients with BSV >80% score do not benefit from surgery, while patients with BSV <60%
benefit from surgery more than other BSV categories in terms of BSV scores.
However, BSV score could not be used alone as surgical management guide criterion. Surgery aims to
restore single vision through restoring the normal position of the herniated or entrapped orbital tissue,
as such, it worth considering the influence of tissue involvement on binocular vision. It appears from
our data, that orbital fat herniation which forms about half of the cases with surgical intervention has
no significant influence over “no tissue herniation” in relation to diplopia and ocular motility. It is
logical to consider this finding in surgical intervention.
Because of lack of adequate follow up data, from the conservative patients’ group it would be difficult
to suggest definitive guide for the management of blow out fractures of the orbit. It is possible,
however, it suggest a management guide through the triangulation of both studies findings: Surgical
intervention might be considered for cases with BSV scores≤60% with for cases with orbital muscle
entrapment/herniation. Conservative management might be considered for cases with BSV ≥80% with
no tissue or orbital tissue herniation.
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Acta Ophthalmol Scand,
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
# #
Despite the fact that many quality of life measures have been developed, literature review
revealed lack of validated orbital or, even, facial trauma specific QOL questionnaire.
Researchers investigated the influence of facial trauma on QOL using several HRQOL
instrument. Among measures used to assess facial trauma influence; Eysenck personality
questionnaire [1]; hospital anxiety and depression scale, Beck depression inventory, general
health questionnaire, and; SF 36, depression, and trauma scales [2]; the Hospital Anxiety
Depression scale, a modified University of Washington Quality of Life questionnaire and five
non validated facial trauma items [3]; The Posttraumatic Disorder Scale, The Social
Readjustment Rating Scale [4]; Acute Stress Disorder Scale, Satisfaction With Appearance
Scale COPE Short Form, Impact Message Inventory, Participatory Style of Physician Scale,
Injury Severity Scale [5]; World Health Organization QL Questionnaire (WHO QoL
Bref),the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [6].
Lack of orbital trauma questionnaire mandates development of quality health instrument for
orbital trauma cases, as different health conditions have different impact on physical and
psychological aspects of patients’ lives [7]. To the best of our knowledge, article published
by Folkestad et al [8] is the only article in this field. Their study tried to find the level of
agreement between patients and physicians about the subjective outcome in orbital floor
A hybrid model for HRQOL measure has been adopted in this study [7] through item
addition from the qualitative study data to a HRQOL measure (Amblyopia and Strabismus
Questionnaire) which has face validity through its fair coverage to the most important
symptoms of orbital blow out fracture: diplopia and enophthalmos. It also has the
participation restriction elements related to the impairment caused by diplopia and eye
Amblyopia and Strabismus Questionnaire (A&SQ) (Appendix 2) has been tested for validity
and item coverage using data extracted from 21 semi structured interviews with orbital blow
out fractures’ patients. The new suggested instrument was developed through A&SQ
modification via item addition. This questionnaire development model based on [9].
Table 15 shows the items and domains of Amblyopia and Strabismus Questionnaire [10] in
relation to what have mentioned by interviewed patients (study B).
In front of each item, patient quote were documented. Diplopia domain shows high content
coverage compared to other domains. There are domains related to other amblyopia and
strabismus symptoms such as visual disorientation and distance estimation. Although these
symptoms are not usual blow out fracture’s findings, there were patients’ complaints
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
mentioned in the interviews related to 2 items for each of these domains.
Table 16 shows that all the items of “eye appearance” domain and all but one item from the
“distance estimation” domain are unsupported by the data extracted from the qualitative
Table 17 shows the suggested items to be included in the modified A&SQ. six items to be
added in diplopia domain and three items to be added in appearance with social contact
domains. In addition, a new domain “pain and sensory disturbances” has been suggested.
In front each item the number of responses reported to show the relative importance of each
of these items in patients’ experience [7]. The pain and sensory disturbance domain’s items
include trauma pain and sensory disturbances related to infra orbital nerve injury, which have
adopted from [8].
Accordingly, items and domains for the suggested blow out trauma questionnaire will be as
shown in Table 18. The green cells refer to the added items and domains. The yellow cells
refer to the items which were presented in both original A&SQ and the qualitative data.
Table 19 demonstrates the final format for the suggested instrument. Three items have been
added to diplopia domain, two items were added to appearance domain and one item was
added to “seeing with two eyes” domain.
Table 15 A&SQ interview data supported domains and items with related patients’ quotes.
- 6
Ability to see with both
Picking items
“I’m straining all the time and, you know, like
doing the smallest things like. I mean even
picking a book up or a magazine, I can’t
because it’s hard work, you know.”
difficulty walking down
“going downstairs and things is quite difficult”
“I couldn’t read. Even my glasses I couldn’t
see the chair”
“If I’m walking down flights of stairs, I can’t
see the edges of the steps”
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Playing football (sport)
“Playing sport would just be a nightmare”
difficulty in finding the
“because of the double vision I get very
disorientated and fall
Difficulty in finding the
way in supermarket
“A little bit more sort of anxious on stairways in
say shops or escalators, that sort of thing. I want
to hold on more”
I see double
“I’d got a lot of double vision. I’d got one image
above the other one”
Double vision disturbed
daily activities
“I just cut a lot of things out”
Being careful
“A little bit more sort of anxious on stairways in
say shops or escalators, that sort of thing. I want
to hold on more”
Effect on daily activities
“I didn’t really do anything. I was just at home
just sitting down, lying in bed and doing
Table 16 A&SQ domains and items unsupported by interviews’ data
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Fear from losing vision in the other eye
Fear from problems in the other eye
Ability to estimate distance
Can see in depth well.
uncertain when putting something on the table
miss my hold when shaking hands
car parking
it difficult to put a plug in a socket
have problems pouring out drinks
difficulty finding my way in a railway station
have to squint with one eye in strong sunlight
difficulty making eye contact in a one to one conversation
difficulty making eye contact with people in a group
I have a squint
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Because of my squint I feel uncertain
If I did not have a squint, I would be more self confident
Table 17 pain and facial sensory disturbance domain, diplopia and eye appearance items to be
suggested for modified A&SQ
Ability for driving
The need for extra effort to do things because of double vision
Facial asymmetry
Embarrassment from facial appearance limited my social
Pain while moving the eye
Tingling sensation
Ability to do the job
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Table 18 suggested blow out fractures’ questionnaire domains and items with A&SQ and
qualitative data inclusion for each item
Item no.
Item summery
A&SQ inclusion
Qualitative data inclusion
I can see equally well with two eyes
I am afraid of losing my injured eye
I am afraid of losing my better eye
I am afraid that something might get into the better eye
I can estimate distance well
I can see in depth well
I am uncertain when putting something on the table
I miss my hold when shaking hands
I have difficulty with parking my car
I find it difficult to cap a pen or a felt pen
I find it difficult to put a plug in a socket
I have problems pouring out drinks
I have difficulty walking down stairs
I have problems playing ball games
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
I have difficulty finding my way in a mall
I have difficulty finding my way in a department store or a large
I have difficulty finding my way in a railway station
I see double
Double vision disturbs me in my daily activities
Because of double vision, I am unable to do my job
Because of double vision, I am unable to drive
When I am tired, I must be very careful not to miss my hold
I have to move more slowly when I am tired, because of my eyesight
because of double vision I need for extra effort to do things
I have to squint with one eye in strong sunlight
Both sides of my face are not symmetrical
Because of my facial appearance I feel embarrassed
I have difficulty making eye contact in a one to one conversation
I have difficulty making eye contact with people in a group
I have a squint
Because of my squint I feel uncertain
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
If I did not have a squint, I would be more self confident
Pain while moving the eye
Tingling sensation
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Table 19 the suggested format for Orbital Trauma (modified A&SQ) Questionnaire
Included items
All of
the time
Most of
the time
Some of
the time
I can see equally well with two
If yes skip to question 5
I am afraid of losing my injured
I am afraid of losing my better
I am afraid that something might
get into the better eye
I can estimate distance well
I can see in depth well
I am uncertain when putting
something on the table
I miss my hold when shaking
I have difficulty with parking
my car
I find it difficult to cap a pen or
a felt pen
I find it difficult to put a plug in
a socket
I have problems pouring out
Little of
the time
None of
the time
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
I have difficulty walking down
I have problems playing ball
I have difficulty finding my
way in a mall, especially
when I am there for the first
I have difficulty finding my
way in a department store or
a large supermarket,
especially when I am there
for the first time.
I have difficulty finding my
way in a railway station,
especially when I am there
for the first time.
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Included items
I see double
Double vision disturbs me in my
daily activities
Because of my double vision I
am unable to work
Because of my double vision I
am unable to drive
When I am tired, I must be very
careful not to miss my hold
I have to move more slowly
when I am tired, because of my
because of double vision I need
for extra effort to do things
I have to squint with one eye in
strong sunlight, for instance at
the beach
Both sides of my face are
Because of my facial
appearance I feel embarrassed
I have difficulty making eye
contact in a one to one
All of
the time
Most of
the time
Some of
the time
If yes skip to question 33
Little of
the time
None of
the time
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
I have difficulty making eye
contact with people in a group
I have a squint
Because of my squint I feel
If I did not have a squint, I
would be more self confident
How often does pain interfere
with your daily activities
How often unusual sensations
(numbness, tingling or other
sensations) interfere with your
daily activities
Effects of health care should not be directed towards clinical measures target the frequency
and severity of diseases alone. It must include the patients’ well being [11]. In other words,
the aim of medical intervention is to help clinician to make patients feel better [12]. However,
it seems unclear how can this fact be implemented in devising HRQOL instrument in terms
of what are the important items to be included. There are two aspects of importance; the
patient’s and the clinician’s aspects.
From the clinician’s point of view, clinical experiences (experts’ opinion), is one of the main
item selection sources for questionnaire development [13, 14]. Juniper et al [15], in the item
reduction phase for development of Asthma Control Questionnaire, relied on 100 asthma
clinicians. The item importance decided upon the frequency of response they had from these
clinicians about each of 10 asthma control symptoms.
The level of item importance is considered according to the its influence on the medical
intervention as: Crucial measure, without which the physician cannot make rational decision
without information how it affects the QOL; Important which is the QOL information that
provide aid to optimal treatment decision; Secondary which is the information might be of
relevance but it is not likely to influence the treatment decision; or Irrelevant [16].
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
Accordingly, the inclusion of patients’ concerns and how they perceive their health condition
might not be of use in the medical decision process. It will not bring an added clinical value
to the intended HRQOL instrument to be devised. This fact might limit the value of quality of
life measurement from the patient’s perspective.
1 (
The previous quote clearly demonstrates the gap between clinical and patient’s sides of
relevance. This might be the reason behind the argument that quality of life measures are
biased by clinical rather than patient’s judgement [17 19].
This is one of the issues could face a researcher as s/he tries to use qualitative interviews’
data in developing or modifying a quality of life instrument. Qualitative data is about patient
experience and perception, whereas item inclusion in many quality of life instruments is
mainly about physical functioning [20, 21]. It might be argued that patients concerns are
related to the physical abilities inflicted by any health problem. In fact qualitative data has
shown the contrary. Because of lack of biomedical knowledge, patients tend to have
unrealistic concerns about their conditions and sometimes unrealistic expectations about the
treatment outcome.
[7] suggested certain steps for new instrument development following one of two
models; Rolls Royse Model and Volkswagen Model. These steps are item selection,
reduction of number of items and presenting.
The Rolls Royce model requires detailed semi structured interviews with 50 100 patients to
determine all areas of dysfunction and patients’ concerns for item selection. A step which
usually bypassed by Volkswagen model which requires reviewing 2 existing instrument,
consulting content area experts to choose appropriate item. Accordingly, Volkswagen model
bypasses the first step of item selection.
The method followed in the identification of suitable items in the newly suggested orbital
questionnaire measure (M A&SQ) represents a combination between two models (Rolls
Royce and Volkswagen model). It utilises tested and validated A&SQ [10, 22, 23]. And
qualitative data for 21 interviewed blow out fracture patients.
Devising a modified measure based on other instrument has several advantages; time saving;
the items of the original instrument have been tested and validated; and there are limited
ways to ask about certain questions in relation to the relevant dimensions or problems shared
by the original and newly devised instruments [14].
Regardless the method or model used, the developed QOL instrument should fulfil certain
criteria to achieve the aims for which the instrument has been devised for. These criteria
include coverage, validity, reliability, responsiveness and sensitivity. Coverage means that
each symptom, condition or social role which is important to the patient should be covered by
the instrument. Validity simply refers to the fact that the instrument targets the health
condition it claims to measure. Reliability of an instrument means its consistency within
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
similar conditions. The instrument considered to be responsive when it reflects changes in
patient condition with treatment or intervention. Sensitivity is the ability of the instrument to
detect sensitive changes in quality of life [24].
The reason for choosing A&SQ among other eye disease specific questionnaires such as
National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire 25 (VFQ 25) [25], VF 14 [26] is
the relative face validity and item coverage in relation to orbital trauma, in the aspects of
diplopia and aesthetic concerns. Face validity simply is the impression that the instrument is
assessing the desired qualities, whereas content validity relies on the judgment that the
instrument contains all the relevant items or domains [14].
A&SQ consists from five domains with 26 items. The five domains are: fear of losing the
better eye, distance estimation, visual disorientation, diplopia and problems with social
contact and cosmetic problems. Most of the answers follow the same 5 points ordinal scale
used in VFQ 25: none of the time = 1, a little of the time = 2, some of the time = 3, most of
the time = 4, and all of the time = 5 [10].
The “seeing with both eyes equally” domain shows the psychological influence on patients
with amblyopia and strabismus. Other domains show the impairment and related activity
limitations. Participation restrictions have been covered by “eye appearance domain”. The
phrasing used in this domain’s items was not similar to blow out fractures’ patients. This
might explain why this domain is not supported in the interview data, despite the
psychosocial concerns reported by the interview data (Table 16).
[27] used six items strabismus disability questionnaire (Appendix 3). This
instrument despite its content validity over A&SQ for orbital trauma patients and being short,
which decreases the burden on the patients, has two downsides: the first one is that the
response rating range from 0 to 10 (none=0 to severe=10), and there is a good evidence from
the literature suggests that people are unable to discriminate effectively beyond seven rating
levels [14]; the other downside is that each item by itself represent a group of items; for
example “concerns” item:
“Concerns/doubts about the future—including worry about possible blindness, inability to
work, read, etc”
Short instrument might be under the risk having low reliability coefficient (which ranges
from 0 1) and higher measurement error [14]. This will not only negatively influence the
instrument reliability, but it will lose the specific influence of each of these included items
from the response.
Folkestad et al.[8] studied patient and physician agreement over orbital fractures symptoms’
improvement after surgery, including orbito zygomatic fracture dimensions: eye sight,
physical appearance, sensitivity and mouth opening and bite. They used VAS with anchors
“never” “always” at the extreme with “sometimes” and “often” in between.
Eye sight dimension includes double vision; physical appearance includes sunken eye, visible
scar, and flattened cheek; sensitivity dimension includes numbness, pricking, and pain; lastly
is the mouth opening and bite dimension, which includes reduced mouth opening and
affected bite items. they added the choice of “other” for each dimension [8].
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The problem with Folkestad et al. [8] instrument, despite its simplicity is including only one
scale for each attribute. For example; diplopia has been considered as one item, whereas it is
better to be considered as a dimension with multiple items. For cases with blow out fractures
of the orbit in which postoperative diplopia as a common problem, such scale will cost the
clinician important information about the wide influence of diplopia on patients’ QOL, as the
qualitative data has shown. In addition to reliability problem yielded with such short
instrument compared to longer QOL instrument [14].
A&SQ, on the other hand, does not have the quite required content validity in relation to
orbital trauma patients’ problems, as qualitative data has shown. Ten out of 26 items have
been supported by qualitative data Table 15 and Table 16.This mandates certain modification
to improve content validity and coverage of this instrument. Modification includes items’
addition in diplopia and eye appearance domains, which have been supported by interview
data (Table 17).
The item addition criteria in the suggested HRQOL measure are guided by literature review
and the item importance. One of the importance criteria is the frequency of reports “item
frequency” [15] in addition to the potential responsiveness the item yields [7]. Although
qualitative data is not about frequency or recurrence of findings, the frequency of reports in
the qualitative data reflects the relative item importance (Table 17). Increasing number of
items might increase the questionnaire burden on participants. However, it positively affect
the instrument reliability [14].
As it may be seen in A&SQ (appendix 2), item 18 in diplopia domain shows the influence of
diplopia on life activities in general without separation between the influence on household
activities, work and driving:
4 ( *
Qualitative data shows that patients usually separate their expressed concerns about their
work, driving and other daily (household) activities. In addition, some of their daily life
activities such as shopping, watching TV and reading do not to appear as frequent as work
wise or driving wise concerns.
Furthermore, some of quality of life measures, like Sickness Impact Profile [28] and WHO
quality of life (BREF) [29] do separate the daily work from household activities’ item. The
job wise influence on patients with diplopia in term of activity limitations has been
acknowledged by [27] in their 6 item strabismus disability questionnaire.
Moreover, diplopia seems to have variable degree of severity during the daytime.
3 RC )
3 RC "
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
This might influence some activities over others and the possibility to cope with its severity
while performing certain tasks. Consequently, the diplopia influence on work and driving has
been included in 2 additional items within diplopia domain.
Despite the face validity of eye appearance and its social influence domain, it does not show
the content validity according to what the interviews have shown. There have been
appearance concerns with associated social contact problems in more than one level, which
required being included within eye appearance and social contacts domain.
It should be considered that eye appearance and related social effect is not only related to
enophthalmos, but is it related also to participation restriction influenced by circumorbital
ecchymosis haemorrhage and facial scaring which have been reported by orbital blow out
( 1
It is early in this development stage to reduce unsupported A&SQ items. The fact that there
are no supporting quotes from the qualitative data does not mean that these items are
redundant. In addition removing these item without testing might result in missing effect for
items are not included [21]. However, absence of signal effect of unsupported items upon
testing might justify their reduction.
According to the grading criteria of A&SQ, questions 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 26 have “not
relevant” response for which the item does not apply to the participant condition. This
response has been maintained and applied for all items in the suggested orbital trauma
questionnaire to test the redundancy as suggested according to qualitative data interviews.
A&SQ lack the pain and sensory disturbance dimension. The justification for this domain
addition is literature review, which shows the frequency of this item reporting in patients with
orbital fractures which ranges from 24% to 84% [30, 31]; this item has been considered as an
indication for surgical intervention in some blow out fractures’ cases [32, 33].
This domain items were adopted from Folkestad
[8] with wording modification for one
item (prickling sensation) has been substituted by (tingling sensation) to match patients’
Outcomes and Impacts of Blow out Fractures of the Orbit
The item (others) has been maintained as in Folkestad
[8], in the suggested items as
there are other sensory disturbances mentioned by patients:
Only one item has been added to the pain domain which was not originally considered by
[8], which is “pain while moving the eye", which has been raised by 3
Development of orbital trauma questionnaire based on qualitative data extracted from
interviews with blow out fractures patients might raise the issue of item coverage, as blow out
fracture is just one type of orbital trauma. However, blow out fractures have high incidence
of diplopia compared with other orbital trauma cases [34 36]. Many studies have shown the
wide influence of diplopia on patients’ QOL [37, 38]. Accordingly, extracting data from
patients with other types of orbital trauma might not provide enough data about the influence
of diplopia on patients’ experience.
The newly suggested instrument needs to be tested for item redundancy, reliability and
responsiveness in orbital trauma cases. There is one limitation in the suggested instrument. It
does not cover the psychological influence of the trauma itself. This is a problem of disease
specific measures. This might limit this instrument value in measuring the influence of
treatment on patient response to the trauma.
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