22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
Managing Community Knowledge to Build a Better World
William P. Hall
Engineering Learning Unit
University of Melbourne, Victoria;
Kororoit Institute Proponents & Suporters, Inc.
[email protected]
Bill Kilpatrick
Institute of Transport Studies (Monash)
Monash University
Clayton, Victoria
[email protected]
Our planet faces many impending crises as a consequence of growing populations and rising affluence.
Governmental bodies at any level seem unable to provide the leadership to mitigate these. It seems to be up to
those in the community who are most directly affected to take the leadership. Yet, without access to knowledge
and understanding, individuals and communities are powerless against administrative juggernauts that are all
too often beholden to a few powerful individuals rather than the communities they are supposed to represent
and support. However, the Internet and newly invented social and cloud computing technologies provide
individuals with fingertip access to humanity’s knowledge base; tools for extracting, evaluating, and sharing
knowledge that is relevant to local needs; as well as tools for socially coordinating that action to promote and
guide action. This paper reviews some of these tools and discusses how they can be applied for good or ill.
Community action, cloud computing, socio-technical systems, governance, knowledge management.
The daily news, any number of television documentaries, and mountains of scientific papers tell us that we face
a number of looming human generated global crises that will inevitably have detrimental effects on our lives if
they are not mitigated. These include such important and controversial issues as the depletion of non-renewable
natural resources, unsustainable use of potentially renewable natural resources, and global warming and its
consequences – climate change and the possible complete destruction of the ecosystem. Humanity must change
tack where exploitation of our planet’s limited resources is concerned if our civilizations are to have a future.
Governments around the world are aware of the problems, but irrespective of whether they are authoritarian or
“democratic”, they are often reluctant to act because of sensitivities to vested interests. These include limitedissue voting blocks and the interests such as those of super-wealthy miners, oil barons, military industrial
complex, and land developers able to buy votes, control pressure groups or even buy politicians in order to
prevent any restrictions on their exploitation (Brody 2005; Baker 2008). The influence of media barons is also
not new, but the situation is exacerbated with the rise of propaganda organs such as the pan-Anglophone
Murdoch press that uses its power to influence politicians and to bias and even invent “news” in apparent
support of vested interests (Boaz 2011; Wright 2011). If we accept that this situation is likely to continue
forward into the future the outlook for humanity would seem bleak.
The concepts we explore here are based on a fundamentally optimistic view of the future: that people are
fundamentally rational (the alternative view offers little hope). When faced with a problem people will act
rationally if they have the time and knowledge to make considered decisions. Unprecedented developments in
information technology over the last couple of decades can empower grassroots people who will be most
directly affected by deteriorating environments to combine and rationally work to mitigate impending changes.
Individual and local communities can now access reliable knowledge and tools to influence governing decisions.
The remainder of this paper explores the problem space where these tools may be most useful, developing an
understanding of how access to computer-based cognitive tools changes the nature of individual humans and
their social constructions. It also discusses some examples of existing uses, and some preliminary thoughts as to
how individuals and groups can use the new technological assists to confront the big issues outlined above.
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
We assume that if individuals fully understand what resources they and their society actually need for their
continued healthy existence, they would try to change things within their power to mitigate adverse impacts.
Thus we are concerned to understand how individuals and local community groups can gain the necessary
knowledge to understand and control the environments and resources they need for survival. The new internet
technologies are dramatically changing how single individuals and local community groups can gain and apply
knowledge. Some of the ideas presented are still speculative; however, they do suggest ways ahead.
An anonymous reviewer reminds us that “Knowledge” is a problematic concept. Here, we are concerned with
effective action. To be effective, action must be based on reliable knowledge. To be judged reliable, claims to
know must be demonstrably connected to external reality. Our concept of knowledge comes from Karl Popper’s
(1972) evolutionary epistemology. He argues that no claim to know can be proved to be “true”, but that a well
tested claim is more likely to be close to the truth, or be more reliable than claims that are simply asserted. Our
constructed knowledge can be improved through trial and error (Campbell 1960, 1974; Hall 2005, 2006, Hall et
al. 2005, 2007). Reliability is best achieved in an iterated cyclic process of observing a problem of existence,
proposing tentative solutions or theories, and criticising or testing the tentative solutions against the real world
to eliminate those failing to give the expected results (see Hall 2005: Fig. 2). The result is a change to the overall
problem situation, due to the fact that working solution(s) have been demonstrated for past situations that caused
problems. Having reliable knowledge of the world confers the possessor with a certain amount of strategic
power over the world, in that the knowledge can be used to inform effective action (Boyd 1996; Hall 2003; Hall
et al. 2007; Osinga 2005). Popper also recognizes three ontological domains: world 1 (abbreviated here as
“W1”) that comprises the physical world of uninterpreted dynamics, world 2 (“W2”) that comprises cognition
and the subjective and dispositional knowledge of living things, and world 3 (“W3) that contains inertly
persistent physical artefacts of knowledge (e.g., as codified in DNA, printing on paper, or bits and bytes stored
on magnetic disks). In this framework “knowledge” is solutions or claims to solutions to problems in W1. Such
knowledge may exist either in living entities in “subjective”, “dispositional” or tacit forms (i.e., W2); or be
codified into inertly persistent “objective” or explicit forms that may be understood at other times and places
Herbert Simon (1962, 1973) observed that complex systems are often hierarchically organized, such that they
may be resolved into self-defining modules at several scales – what Simon called “nearly decomposable”.
Modules at the same (i.e., “horizontal”) level of complexity are recognisable by lower frequencies of dynamic
interactions between modules than within them. “Vertically”, along a scale of increasing complexity, the
dynamic interactions within smaller scale, smaller sized components take place more rapidly such that when
seen from the viewpoint at a larger scale the dynamics appears to represent a steady-state. Conversely, the
dynamics of a larger scale, larger sized entity are so slow that they provide a relatively constant environment.
Thus a single unit at a focal level (a “holon”) may be seen to consist of several smaller scale modules, or
conversely, the single module at a focal level may interact with several other modules to form a larger scale
module (Koestler 1978). Stanley Salthe (1985, 1993, 2004) extended the theory of hierarchical complexity.
Systems are comprised of causally interacting components whose limits may be arbitrarily defined by an
observer or may be to some degree recognizable by boundaries determined by their internal dynamics as
described by Simon. It is these self-defining systems that interest us here. Human social systems are
hierarchically complex. Identifiable, autonomous entities emerge at different levels of organization: e.g.,
community action group/community of practice < enterprise/ company < city < state < country <
economy/society. Many have properties to define them as “living” entities in their own rights (Hall 2006; Hall
and Nousala 2010; Maturana and Varela 1980; Nousala and Hall 2008; Urrestarazu 2011; Varela et al. 1974).
Individual people form the lowest level components of social systems.
People, comprised of living cells, are living systems in their own rights, and work together socially to form
larger scale social living organizations. We follow Simon’s (1997) definition of organization as:
the pattern of communications and relations among a group of human beings, including the processes for making and
implementing decisions [i.e., the “structure” of the organization]. This pattern provides to organization members
much of the information and many of the assumptions, goals, and attitudes that enter into their decisions, and
provides also a set of stable and comprehensible expectations as to what the other members of the group are doing
and how they will react to what one says and does [p. 18-19].
Large enterprises and government organizations serve as centres of power over many aspects of environmental
concern, where decisions to apply that power are often bureaucratized and centralized in a few people who may
be far removed from the problem areas. As Simon (1955, 1957, 1979, 1997) noted, organizational decisions are
rarely completely rational, i.e., decision maker(s) rarely have access to all relevant knowledge and the necessary
time to consider all possible courses of action to pick the best. Thus, the rationality of organizational decisions
are bounded by what knowledge and time is available when they are made (Else 2004; Hall et al. 2007). This
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
leads to what Simon called “satisficing” - a decision-making strategy that attempts to meet criteria for adequacy
within the bounds of time, knowledge and cognitive capacity, rather than to identify an optimal solution.
In conventional governance, where decision-makers are separated by geography and hierarchy from the lives of
people affected by their decisions, many decisions will prove to be sub-optimal or even catastrophic for those
people, even though the decision makers may be acting with the best intentions. Even worse, in hierarchical
governance structures where there are at best weak connections between affected groups and bureaucracy,
vested media interests often have far more capacity to influence decisions than do the people most directly
In the past, most people neither had access to appropriate information and knowledge, nor the capacity to
strongly influence decisions – hence the centralization and bureaucratization of environmental and urban
management. However, in the last decade or so, changes relating to the invention and explosive evolution of
Internet technology can radically alter the relationships between local issues and centralized decision and action.
Moore’s law (Schaller 1997) suggests that the number of transistors that can be placed on a computer chip
double every two years. The consequence is an exponentially growing power of personal technologies that is
amplifying and extending the cognitive abilities of individual humans (Hall 2006a; Hayles 1999; Yakhlef 2008)
that also extends the potential capabilities of local interest and action groups in relationship to the administrative
juggernauts. The significance of these extensions will be explored in the next section.
Building the Human Knowledge Base
In an organizational sense, knowledge may be tested and formalised or authorised for use by various
institutional process (Hall and Nousala 2010a; Vines et al. 2007; 2010). To understand knowledge construction
we need to understand how cognitive processes detect and eliminate errors. The external world impinges on the
system boundary to create propagating disturbances within it (sense data or “observations”). Cognitive processes
relate these to previous observations to form a view of changes (i.e., “information”) that can be compared to
what the entity anticipates from its prior knowledge of the world, i.e., to test that information and determine
what it means (i.e., “knowledge”). This provides a cognitive basis for the well known Data – Information Knowledge pyramid indicating the relationships between unconnected (sense) data, relationally based
information, and tested solutions to problems (Ackoff 1989; Hall 2003; Bernstein 2009; Rowley 2007; see also
critique by Frické 2009).
Knowledge objects such as books,
databases, documents, etc.
Observing and sense making
Specialized social languages and
narrative threads running
through career and work networks
To see how our minds
and structuring data,
construct our own personal/
information and knowledge
private know-ledge requires
careful introspection that can
suffer many biases of self- WORLD 2
sense data
W2 W3
1995). Following Popper knowledge
(1972) self-criticism of
data, information
facilitated by objectifying
and knowledge
the claims through moving
them to W3 where they can
Figure 1. Knowledge processing at the personal level (after Vines et al. 2007,
be examined as external
objects (Fig. 1). Also, once
claims have been objectified, they can be criticised socially.
Individuals create knowledge and make it explicit, where initially it has no more claim to authority than any
other claim by an individual. However, in an organizational framework, social criticism provides further
important steps in establishing the reliability of knowledge claims. Vines et al. (2007, 2010) identified three
stages in the process (Fig. 2). As a claim to knowledge is circulated and shared within an organizational network
(that may be virtual) at a higher level in the hierarchy, and other people become familiar with it, it can be called
“Common” knowledge. The open source software movement is an exemplar notable for such social criticism
and testing. Many organizations have established processes to further criticize and review documents towards
determining their reliability and formalizing and authorizing them as organizational policy. Such cycles may be
iterated many times for new versions of existing documents and the creation of new ones from what is already
More broadly, similar hierarchically structured knowledge constructing and testing cycles can be found in the
world at large, where they have been elucidated for the develop-ment of the scientific and technical literature
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
Impact testing and analysis
Peer review
Committee review
Knowledge exchange
Expert group review
Team review
Community of practice review
Supervisor review
Editor review
Knowledge quality assurance through criticism and reality testing
Error reduction in new knowledge claims
(Hall and Nousala 2010a;
Vines et al. 2010) and
community action (Hall et
al. 2010). As shown in Fig.
3, knowledge can be improved through knowledge
development cycles working in at least three
hierarchical levels before it
is released into the
“Noosphere” (Figure 3).
Knowledge is problem
particular contexts in W1.
Individual humans are
immersed in W1 contexts
and construct knowledge
via Popperian cycles and
refer to knowledge in the
Noosphere in order to
immersed in local know-ledge-based organizations/ communities (i.e., com-munity groups, CoPs) and share this
knowledge explicitly, the knowledge is able to be subjected to additional criticism and testing where it can be
considered to be “Com-mon” in the community. For authorization that the knowledge can be con-sidered to be
reliable, it may be circulated to a larger scale organization, institution or professional body for formal peer
review, before release to
Figure 2. Formation of "authorised" or "formal" knowledge (after Vines et al.
2007, 2010).
“Authorized” or “Formal”
knowledge. At any level in this knowledge building hierarchy, actors can compare the claims at hand with
in the
Noosphere. Scholarly and
scientific publishing communities
journalism all follow such
reviewing practices to
minimise errors in what is
Peer review /
formally published.
When publishing was only
done to paper, the content
accumulated primarily in
the world’s libraries, but
physical capacities and
Figure 3. Knowledge cycles in governance (derived from Vines et al. 2010).
could hold only fractions
Noosphere is the sum of human knowledge. Individuals, groups and councils all
of what was published.
draw from and add to this store of knowledge as consequences of their activities.
Few people could readily
Curved arrows represent cyclically iterated knowledge building processes within
access research libraries,
the hierarchical level. Small straight arrows indicate knowledge flows between
and even then, they could
hierarchical levels of organization. Long straight arrows indicate knowledge flows
physically hold for ready
from the Noosphere into the organizational hierarchy.
reference only a tiny
fraction of what they could access. Most people, even though they knew their local contexts quite well, were
condemned to remain more-or-less ignorant of what someone in the world already knew about the kinds of
problems they faced.
In the last twenty years this situation has changed radically. Much of the world’s formally published
documentation has been scanned and is now available electronically on the Web to anyone with a personal
computer. By July 25, 2008 Google claimed (Alpert & Hajaj 2008) to have registered over 1 trillion (1 x 109)
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
web pages (after removing duplicate URLs!). They have also scanned and indexed most books in several of the
world’s major libraries. Probably most importantly, the major fraction of the world’s current academic, scientific
and technical literature is indexed via Google Scholar (both by content and by citations), with similar services
being provided for journalism by Google News. Thanks to Open Access publishing and individual authors
posting copies of their works to various open-access archives and repositories, probably around 50% of what is
indexed can be freely retrieved (based on our personal experience searching for knowledge in a variety of
Today anyone with a computer, and able to ask the right questions, can in a few minutes determine from the
Noosphere what is known about any problem under consideration. With an understanding of how to assess the
reliability of any particular claims (as discussed above), the person can be armed to confront governing
bureaucracies or see where gaps need to be filled. This is an absolutely revolutionary “phase shift” in human
Interconnecting Actors and Knowledge
Even when armed with access to the Noosphere via a personal computer, isolated individuals have little power
to influence or change governing bureaucracies. Nousala and Hall (2008) note that the power of knowledge can
be developed through emergent organizations of individuals having common interests, where the emergence
may often be crystallized by a single motivated individual. To do this involves mastering tool sets and
technologies relating to three additional phase shifts. Exemplary tools are listed below with a few comments.
Details for all may be found using Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/). All these tools are freely available
via a browser.
Social computing tools to find people with similar interests, build groups and coordinate actions:
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com) allows individuals to advertise interests and ideas to the
world; searching and networking functions allow like-minded people to make connections,
communicate, share photos, etc.
Linkedin (http://www.linkedin.com) is a professional networking tool, allowing users to advertise
their qualifications, make connections, communicate and share news within professional and
disciplinary groups. Being based on professional and academic connections and referrals, Linkedin
provides a more trusted platform for exchanges than does Facebook.
Meetup (http://www.meetup.com). Compared to the global extents of Facebook and Linkedin,
Meetup helps people assemble local groups of people with common interests for face to face
meetings, and provide them with on-line shared calendars, communications and news.
Twitter (http://twitter.com) provides people with a near real-time tool for breaking news and
personal activities.
Cloud-based tools are applications and services that can be accessed by users with little more than a webbrowser. These provide individuals and groups with highly capable tools for authoring and collecting
content, and constructively managing “eye-witness” observational data and assembled knowledge that can
be built combining their own observations with what can be retrieved from the Noosphere.
Blogs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog). Some of the earliest cloud applications provided
individuals with web-log or diary facilities to present their thoughts, graphical observations, and
knowledge to the world. Facilities for outside commentaries and group authoring were soon added
(e.g., see WordPress - http://en.wordpress.com/features/).
Wikis. MediaWiki (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki), initially developed for Wikipedia
– a tool for collaboratively building knowledge bases. Google Sites combines blogging and wiki
functions (http://www.google.com/sites/overview.html - see also Hall and Best 2010).
Google Docs (http://www.google.com/google-d-s/tour1.html) provides a gigabyte of cloud-based
file storage for free (additional storage is available at very low cost), plus HTML–based text
document, spreadsheet, and presentation authoring applications, and a variety of Apps & widgets
that can be embedded in these. Enables group authoring with versioning and tracking functions.
Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com) is repository system providing 2 GB free storage that can be
increased to a free bonus of 8 GB by inviting other users to join the system (50 GB additional
storage is available at $100/year). Provides versioning and tracking of modifications and mirrors
copies of all shared content to all local computers involved in the sharing.
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
Zotero (http://www.zotero.org) is designed for shared access to formal documentation supported
by the maximum amount of bibliographic metadata to assist indexing and searching functions.
Currently offers only 100 MB free storage for documents (10 GB additional storage costs $100/yr).
Flikr (http://flikr.com) is one of several photo sites enabling the collection, sharing and publishing
of a photographic record of the world together with associated textual comments. Provides 300
MB free storage (unlimited additional storage is available for $25/year).
YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/) is one of several sites for sharing video and aural records of
the world, being used for everything from personal, news and educational videos.
Geospatial tools: Thanks to global positioning technology the newer portable and hand held devices know
exactly where they are in the world to determine exact locations of the people carrying them and to
associate “eye witness” observations with precise geographical coordinates. Freely available mapping
systems are then able to link from the geographic location back to the photographs, videos or other
observations made at that location, e.g., as at 23 July 2011 Flikr’s catalogue listed more than 153,000,000
geotagged items.
Global positioning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Positioning_System)
Laptop computers, Smartphones (e.g., Apple iPhone - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphone) and
tablets (e.g., Apple iPad - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPad).
Digital photography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_photography)
Geomapping applications (e.g., Google Maps – http://maps.google.com; Google Earth http://www.google.com/earth/index.html).
Decision makers and actors with reliable knowledge of the world and access to appropriate resources can change
the world (Hall et al. 2007, 2010) – for better or for worse.
As mentioned above, human social systems are hierarchically complex, where discriminable entities self-defined
by their organizational knowledge can emerge at different levels of hierarchical organization. The revolutionary
tools discussed above provide the basis for rapidly forming robust and powerful groups able to recursively
accumulate and assess situational, theoretical and practical knowledge, and turn this all into decisive action.
Situational awareness and the identification of problems is based on individuals’ immersion in W1 and
cognitive responses to it in W2. Subjective cognitive responses can be distilled into text (W3) supported by
geotagged observations (W3 – i.e., photos, sound recordings, videos, remote sensing measurements).
Formation of special interest groups (“communities of interest” - Nousala 2006, Nousala and Hall 2008,
Nousala et al. 2005) sharing common interests and knowledge relating to similar kinds of problems can be
greatly speeded by social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook, facilitated by tools such as Linkedin
and Meetup, and formalized via membership-based tools like Meetup, discussion groups, and Google Sites
(e.g., see demonstration by Hall and Best 2010).
Building understanding: A lot we need to know is expressed in technical and foreign languages. The
dictionary site, OneLook - www.onelook.com accesses a wide variety of general and technical dictionaries
for quick lookup. Wikipedia provides extensive explanatory discussions on almost any topic. We have
found Google Translate has made sites in Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese intelligible; and its Translator
Toolkit (http://translate.google.com/toolkit) includes powerful tools for honing translations through live
Building knowledge: Rapid knowledge building can be facilitated by cloud-based tools. With tools like
Google’s Web, Scholar, and News, within hours of seeing a problem a person can assemble can assemble
into a cloud-based repository (e.g., DropBox) what the Noosphere knows about the problem. With
formation of an interest group individual findings can be virtually instantaneously “shared” with others via
the cloud repository. Collaborative authoring tools offering controlled access such as wikis and Google
Docs facilitate the collective assembly, construction and criticism of intersubjectively shareable
documentation about problem situations and proposed solutions before fully developed ideas are released to
the public.
Building influence: Easily constructed websites or blogs can be used to advertise issues and solutions (e.g.,
see http://itsgettinghotinhere.org/), and direct access to more detailed websites and collections of
documentation. Such sites can be advertised via Facebook, Twitter and web forums.
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
Enabling and supporting decisions: Collective action is more effective than the uncoordinated activities of
single people. Applications supporting group decision include such tools as SurveyMonkey
(http://www.surveymonkey.com/TakeATour.aspx) that can quickly assess what the group thinks about
particular subjects.
Applying actions: How social technologies are used will depend on the kinds of actions contemplated.
These can range from using social networking to organise rallies and get out the votes to support favourable
politicians (e.g., Miller 2008) to overthrowing governments as in the Arab Spring (ref. Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Spring) and perhaps integrating local action groups into governing
bodies for observation, decision and action (Iramoo@VU - http://www.iramoo.org/ begins to approach this
Following are three examples known to our own research community. Even though they are tentative steps, they
illustrate a number of revolutionary functions working together.
Riddells Creek Landcare’s web site (http://www.riddellscreeklandcare.org.au/) built using Google Site’s
technology illustrates many of the possibilities discussed above, ranging from online solicitation and
registration of members (.../join) and event calendar (.../calendar) to weed eradication (.../projects/weederadication/community-weed-mapping-project)
Natureshare (http://natureshare.org.au/; https://sites.google.com/site/naturesharehelp/) illustrates the use of
geotagged natural history observations to build distribution maps for flora and fauna. This is done in
cooperation with the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Natural Resources and as data are
accumulated over a period of time the site will provide a genuine resource for wildlife and conservation
biologists working to protect natural diversity.
http://www.neatstreets.com.au/FAQ). NeatStreets shows the potential for interest groups to monitor aspects
of infrastructure and the environment in close association with government organizations or authorities
responsible for maintenance, but has not yet been adopted by particular interest groups.
The examples listed above show some integration of revolutionary social, cloud and geospatial technologies to
support community involvement in mitigating impending environmental crises. However, these examples are
only early steps towards building knowledgeable and capable sociotechnical systems for sustainably managing
our planet’s life support systems. We list here just a few of many areas where we think these kinds of sociotechnical organizations could be effective:
“Keeping the bastards honest” political monitoring and advising – making sure politicians genuinely
represent their communities. Organized groups armed with reliable knowledge and understanding of what is
at stake can counter misinformation and bias presented by politicians or media with vested interests.
Hall et al. (2010) suggested that the new internet technologies provided the means for integrating local
observation and action within higher level governing and administering organizations to move decision
points closer to problem situations, minimising the problems of bounded rationality.
Resource monitoring & management: NatureShare and NeatStreets provide models for the kinds of
sociotechnical structures that could be used to closely monitor resource usage and misuse.
Intelligent Transport Systems: In 2008, the transport sector accounted for 13.9% of Australia’s total
greenhouse gas emissions (ParlLibrary 2010), with road transport representing 86.9% of that (ParlLibrary
2010a); and in turn much of that is involved with moving people. Revolutionary internet technologies can
substantially reduce the need to move people (1) by minimizing the need to commute at all by implementing
sociotechnical systems allowing people to work from home, (2) by using social technologies to facilitate
and coordinate car pooling and delivery services, (3) by making it easier for people to use bicycles, etc.
Additional savings will come from reducing the number of new vehicles required to be produced.
The preservation of community knowledge: Shaw and McGregor (2010) describe a methodology for
surveying, collecting and preserving otherwise ephemeral personal knowledge of a local community about
its history and experiences. Such approaches are being facilitated by such tools as YouTube and Flikr that
support the collection of visual artefacts to support narratives.
22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems
29th November to 2nd December 2011, Sydney
Managing Community Knowledge
Hall & Kilpatrick
The revolutionarily new internet technologies can be used to enhance the formation and power of knowledge
based organizations at the community level. Potentially, such community organizations should be able to work
in new ways within the hierarchy of governance to effectively minimise existing bounds to rational decision
making. Such community organizations can work to maximise the extent and quality of knowledge available to
existing decision makers. Alternatively, or also, bureaucracies may be able to confidently delegate decisions and
actions to community groups closer to the problem situations.
Sociotechnically empowered community organizations can potentially be used for ill (such as pressure groups
led by vested interests or fanatics) or good. This is evidenced by the fact that such demagogues’ achieve their
persuasive powers through twisting, misrepresenting or even denying the real situation of the world. The
Internet offers access to what is now close to the sum total of human knowledge, and if people understand how
reliable knowledge of the world is built, they can compare and falsify the demagogues’’ claims with this.
It is true that we now have the tools to form powerful sociotechnical systems for monitoring, moderating and
mitigating human impacts on the planetary life-support systems that sustain us. 30.2 percent of the world’s
population access the Internet (IWS 2011). Technologically literate high consumers having the most impact on
world resources will be Internet users. What is signally lacking is public understanding of these new and
tremendously powerful capabilities and how they can provide awareness of looming problems and the
knowledge and means to mitigate them. This is an issue that the IT community needs to address with some
urgency at all levels of society, from schools through secondary and tertiary education to community groups,
agencies and governments. The knowledge to do this is “out there”. We need to collect, advertise, and apply that
Towards this end we are participating in an organization, the Kororoit Institute Proponents and Supporters
Association, Inc. (http://kororoit.org) that has recently been formed to establish a cross disciplinary research and
outreach organization focusing on the design and construction of sociotechnical systems able to manage and
mitigate complex problem situations. The name of the proposed institute reflects our location in Australia’s most
rapidly growing outer urban area – where human impacts on the environment can most easily be seen.
This work is a product of an informal knowledge-based group that began to coalesce around 2005 who are
interested in the Theory, Ontology and Management of Organizational Knowledge (TOMOK) in complex
emergent organizations. Public aspects relating to interests of this group are currently manifested in The
Melbourne Emergence Meetup Group (http://www.meetup.com/emergence-24/), and the Kororoit Institute
Proponents and Supporters, Inc. (http://kororoit.org). We thank the members of these organizations for many
fruitful discussions and collaboration opportunities that have contributed greatly to the ideas expressed here.
This work also benefits significantly from the helpful critique of an anonymous reviewer. We acknowledge the
support of the Engineering Learning Unit, University of Melbourne and the Institute of Transport Studies
(Monash), Monash University.
Note: this paper is intended to be read as an hypertext. All URLs have been checked as valid as at 6 October
Ackoff, R. L. 1989. “From Data to Wisdom,” Journal of Applied Systems Analysis (16), pp 3–9.
Alpert, J., and Hajaj, N. 2008. “We knew the web was big…” The Official Google Blog (July 28) http://tinyurl.com/5blvgm.
Baker, R. 2008. Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History
of the Last Fifty Years, New York: Bloomsbury USA.
Bernstein J. H. 2009. “The Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy and its Antithesis,” Proceedings
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (Vol 2) - http://tinyurl.com/3hwxbdd.
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