ICIGR 2021
ICIGR Conference Proceedings
Volume 2022
Research article
Implementation of Muhammadiyah Values in
School Dynamics
Nur Kholis1 , Suripto Suripto2 , Nuril Mufidah3 *, and Munardji Munardji4
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (STAIM) Tulungagung, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
Nuril Mufidah: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0287-3310
Corresponding Author: Nuril
Mufidah; email:
[email protected]
Published 20 June 2022
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The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the
values basing the spirit in developing Muhammadiyah charitable effort. The study
was conducted at MTs Muhammadiyah in Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency,
Indonesia using a qualitative case-study approach. While the objects of the study were
the restructuring efforts and the values held by Muhammadiyah board members and
managers, the subjects were the branch manager of Muhammadiyah Gandusari; the
principal, vice-principal, and teachers at the school; and the school committee. Data
were collected via in-depth interview, documentation, and observation techniques.
The validity of data was ensured by credibility, transferability, dependability, and
confirmability checking techniques. Data analysis was done in interrelated stages of
data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing, and data verification. It was observed
that the restructuring of the school was done through some efforts of reflection and a
core team formation. Finally, the values of the struggle consisting of the purification of
religious practices, the revitalization of the meaning of amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar, and
the values of being Indonesian and Muhammadiyah people were planted to sustain
the development of Muhammadiyah school.
Keywords: implementation of values, school dynamics
redistribution provided that the
original author and source are
Selection and Peer-review under
1. Introduction
the responsibility of the ICIGR
Each institution has some values hold by the management staffs and the managers
2021 Conference Committee.
as a basis of its struggle. Values have a function as an instrument to take care of the
spirit, energy, and motivation that can play an important role in the dynamics of the
institution. Any institution is always faced with various obstacles and ease that allows
the stakeholders to seek as much progress as possible for the institution. There are
several factors that cause school managers to have attitudes to be persistent, passion,
creative, innovative, and flexible so as to be able to face all the barriers of institutions.
They always believe that any change in the institutional external structure always affects
the institution internal condition. This is what is called the values that underlie the
How to cite this article: Nur Kholis, Suripto Suripto, Nuril Mufidah*, and Munardji Munardji , (2022), “Implementation of Muhammadiyah Values in
School Dynamics” in ICIGR Conference Proceedings, KnE Social Sciences, pages 113–123. DOI 10.18502/kss.v7i10.11214
Page 113
ICIGR 2021
thoughts, attitude patterns, and behaviour patterns in maintaining the institution of
Muhammadiyah [1].
Values are beliefs being struggled, a source of energy, and movers. Values can come
from the teachings of religion, social institutions, philosophy of life, and the demands of
life. They can form the basis for the formulation of the norms of life of individuals and /
or groups within the wider community and society. Norms also become the reference
in formulating the behavior of an individual person and / or group of people where they
know what may and may not be done so that life becomes more orderly and better
[2]. Values and norms can be divided into two, namely; absolute and relative values
and norms. Absolute values and norms derive from religious teachings, while relative
values and norms derive from the knowledge, thought, and experience of the individual
person and/or group of people which serve as the basis of common life.
Attitudes and behaviors of individuals or groups usually are based on their values,
norms, and subjective beliefs which determine what other people want us to do [3].
The synergy between certain attitudes with the norms will determine the intensity
of a behavior. Behavior intensity is also influenced by the motive (motivive), desire,
and opportunity owned by individuals. Schools that have a good culture usually have
the values and norms that serve as a source of energy, the drivers of changes in
attitudes and behavior. School values can be obtained from religious teachings, religious
organizations, mission and vision of the school, and community. Some approaches to
planting values in the development of school culture among others are habituation,
discipline and law enforcement. The methods used in planting the values are giving
good models through stories, lectures, advice, frequently asked questions, parables,
satire, assignments, demonstrations, direct experiences, out bonds, and singing. The
atmosphere of interaction in the learning process is developed through democratic
process on the basis of giving affection [4].
This study focuses on how school restructuring is done and what values are underlying it. It is expected that the results of the study contribute to improving the quality
of school culture in general because schools that are developed based on the values
and great ideas usually have a good school culture. Every attitude and behavior of all
elements of the school have integrated and supportive contribution to the improvement
of the school system. In addition, the leadership of the principal has an important role
in improving the school system and this can be started from the improvement of the
quality of school documents which serve as a common reference for the principals, the
vice principals, the teachers, the school administration staff, and the parents. All school
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stakeholders (both internal and external ones) have also a similar role in building a good
quality school culture.
2. Methodology
The research used qualitative with case study approach. The setting of the study was
at MTs Muhammadiyah at Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency. The bjects were
the restructuring efforts and the values hold by Muhammadiyah board members and
managers. The subjects of the study were the branch manager of Muhammadiyah
Gandusari, the principal, the vice principals of the school, the teachers, the school committee. The data were collected by administering in-depth interview, documentation and
observation techniques. The validity of data was ensured by credibility, transferability,
dependability, and confirmability checking techniques. The data were then analyzed
in interrelated stages of data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing, and data
3. Findings: Preliminary
3.1. Findings
The Muhammadiyah charity effort is the spirit of the organization. The Muhammadiyah
branch organization that has no charity effort is considered meaningless. The presence
of Muhammadiyah organization board members should give impact to the surrounding community. As a movement organization, the Muhammadiyah organization board
members should hold the attitudes of innovation and creativity in managing the organization. Therefore, the togetherness and the cohesiveness in building relationships are
very crucial. After SMP Muhammadiyah Gandusari was closed, Muhammadiyah branch
management in Gandusari were confident to continue to develop a charity effort in
the educational aspect which was the public interest. At that time, the choice was to
establish a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Muhammadiyah. The selection of this type of
educational institution, among others, was based on the assumption that in the District
Gandusari there was no religious education institution yet.
Based on the data collected through interviews, observation and documentation,
it was found that the process of institutional restructuring conducted from Muhammadiyah Junior High School (SMP) to be Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Muhammadiyah
through several stages as follows. The first effort was mutual reflection. Reflection
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on internal potentials and external potentials were done. Muhammadiyah Junior High
School increasingly could not be maintained because there was public demand. Several
evaluation efforts resulted in two dimensions of the causes of the closure of SMP
Muhammadiyah, namely internal and external dimensions. The internal dimensions,
among others, were the decreasing confidence of the board toward the existence
of SMP Muhammadiyah, the decreased school performance or quality, low quality
of school management, weak internal unity of the institution, and minimal utilization
of social capital of Muhammadiyah. Meanwhile, some external dimensions include
lack of communications with the local community, the establishment of two SMPNs
in Gandusari, the lack of support from Muhammadiyah branch and officials, and the
low anticipatory power of social change trends. Both of these dimensions have a strong
influence so that the energy and spirit of managers and administrators decreased, which
mainly turn off the creativity, innovation, and effectiveness of the organization.
The second process was forming the core team. After the board and prospective
managers agreed to establish MTs Muhammadiyah, the first step was to form a core
team. It was stated by one of the respondents as follows.
”The board formed a core team consisting of some members of the Muhammadiyah
Branch of Gandusari Sub-district and the prospective manager. The core tasks of
the core team were ranging from inviting branch and regional leaders, planning and
realizing important meetings, taking care of licensing to the District and Provincial
Kemenag offices, including to the regional board (PW) of Muhammadiyah East Java
”. (W.SW01.PAUPM.03042017).
In other words, the task of the core team was to prepare educational institutions
and managers.The core team worked collaboratively, both with internal and external
stakeholders of the school. In determining core team members, Muhammadiyah management considers internal and external potentials. Internal potentials include being a
member and/or board of Muhammadiyah, having attitudes of loyalty, sincere (in terms of
energy, wealth, knowledge, and time), being able to work in team, being collaborative,
and having network (individual or group). Meanwhile, external potential include the
Ministry of Religious Affairs policy in permitting the establishment of new schools,
the individual / group networks, the fact that there was no Madrasah Tsanawiyah
in Gandusari. The combination of these two potentials were utilized by the branch
manager of Muhammadiyah Gandusari to implement his desire in establishing Madrasah
Tsanawiyah (MTs). This was based on the culture developed among the Muhammadiyah
where every branch of Muhammadiyah organization must have a charitable effort in
accordance with its potential (local wisdom). Some charity efforts that can be selected
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were in economic, social, educational, health, and art-culture fields. Such charitable
efforts are part of the way the organization is positioned as an institution that benefits the
people and the nation. The charitable effort of Muhammadiyah can also be interpreted
as the implementation of ”theology of al-ma’un” and the teachings of Islam that the best
human beings are believers, sholih and beneficial to others (Surat al-Bayyinah / 98: 7).
The third process was planting the values of the struggle in order to sustain the
spirit of doing charity. Indoctrination of values was used as an instrument to nourish the
spirit of the managers and managers of business charities. The values embedded and
made as a reflection material among others are the Muhammadiyah values, the spirit of
purification of religious practices, the revitalization of the meaning of amar ma’ruf nahyi
mungkar, and the values of being Indonesian citizen and Muhammadiyah member.
Dealing with Muhammadiyah values, Muhammadiyah presence in society should
have meaning for good thought, attitude patterns, and daily behavior patterns. Da’wah
must always apply the principles of knowledge and behavior change with the approach
of ”empowering”. Society needs to be empowered in various aspects ranging from
Tauhid matter, Islamic teaching, and Indonesia view as well as religion, economics,
social, education, health, and art-culture aspects. Muhammadiyah must give the color
of change by applying the values taught to the QS. al-Ma’un (now it is known as AlMa’un’s theology.
In terms of the spirit of purification of religious practices, the practice of worship must
be adapted to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The socio-cultur condition of
society is a factor of religious practice which is not according to Islamic teachings, for
example; superstition, bid’ah, singkretisme and so forth. The mission of Muhammadiyah
presence is to improve such religious practices so that the presence of dakwah is
beneficial to the surrounding community. So the education charity effort becomes
For Amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar issue, the meaning of this da’wah principle is to
conduct activities that are positive, beneficial to the people and the nation, solving
the problems of people and nation, reducing the negative impacts, and preventing the
occurrence of the helplessness of the people and the nation. Therefore, the establishment of a business charity becomes imperative as the implementation of al-ma’un
Related with the spirit of Islam and Nationality, the orientation of dakwah Muhammadiyah is devotion to people and nation. These two objects of dakwah become spirits
and binding energies for all administrators and members of Muhammadiyah. That is
why, Muhammadiyah still exists and is relevant to the needs of development. Therefore,
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creativity, innovation, and renewal are the main principles in order to present a da’wah
model that has a positive impact.
Table 1: Summary of Restructuring Process of Muhammadiyah School.
Aspect of Activity
Organizational internal dynamics Organizational external dynamics
Establishmen of core Considering internal potentials Considteams
ering external potentials
Indoctrination of values Muhammadiyah’s values Purification of
of institution’s struggle religious practices Amr ma’ruf nahyi
mungkar The spirit of the Indonesia
and ummat
3.2. Discussion
Reflection is a mirror, picture, contemplation and introspection of what we are and have
done. Meanwhile, reflecting is the activity of contemplating, reflecting, considering,
thinking, for what we are and have done. After realizing that it was not possible to
continue SMP Muhammadiyah by considering internal and external factors, Executive
Board and managers of SMP Muhammadiyah continued to conduct studies, discussions,
and reflections in the form of focus group discussions (FGD). The FGD was followed by
the Muhammadiyah Branch Executive (PCM) of Gandusari and the Regional Board of
Muhammad (PDM) of Trenggalek and the SMP Muhammadiyah management staffs once
a week. Before the FGDs were conducted, usually a joint prayer (riyadloh) and structured
discussion were done. The focus of the discussion ranged from the reorientation of
educational institutions, the preparation of action plans, the implementation, and the
evaluation. Reorientation is an effort to develop and / or change the type of educational
institution that suits the needs of the community. The activity plan drafting includes
what steps will be undertaken, who will do the plan, when the plan will be done,
who will be involved, and what other institution will be involved. The compilation of
activity in the form of activity matrix table is written systematically. Implementation of
activities describes what activities are carried out from the preparation and inauguration
of institution establishment, as well as monitoring each stage of the activity. Meanwhile,
the evaluation of the program is done once a month which is inserted within the routine
weekly FGD activities.
The expanded reflection activity involves the external stakeholders of the Muhammadiyah management, both individuals and institutions. Among the external stakeholders are community leaders, religion leaders, youth leaders, women leaders, prospective
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student parents, higher educational institutions, and business and industry people.
The involvement of external stakeholders is to provide the views, ideas, and models
of institutional development that most people want. The information obtained from
these stakeholders is used as a mandate to be realized by educational institutions
and can also be part of the values that will be developed as a school culture [5].
Implementation of activities to realize the mandate of external stakeholders is done by
integrating school curriculum with national, religious, and guidance values of the world
of work and expectations of parents [6] [7]. The knowledge, awareness, and objectives
of the establishment of MTs Muhammadiyah education institutions are parts of the
Muhammadiyah da’wah model developed in Gandusari for the purification of religious
practices. In addition, it was also considered as a long-term strategy for the existence
and continuity of Muhammadiyah’s struggle in giving the real contribution to the people
and nation.
The decision to establish Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Muhammadiyah has been
unanimous. To carry out the decision, the core team as the initial school development
team was formed. One of the core team’s tasks was in preparing the MTs Muhammadiyah. They also develop a good school culture. The school culture is urgent because
it can drive the growth of school atmosphere, school culture, and the growth of cooperation among the founders [8] [9]. The development of school culture can be the foundation for MTs Muhammadiyah principals to accelerate the growth of quality schools.
Discipline, cooperation, and optimization of the usefulness of each individual and group
of school stakeholders is a social capital for schools. The core team is headed directly
by the principal in driving school culture maintenance activities by doing joint reflection
[10]. Collective reflection is done routinely in the form of FGD every week by involving
all elements of school stakeholders (both internal and external). This model also serves
to test the commitment and loyalty in developing the school [11]. Cooperation, loyalty,
discipline, and commitment have become the character of the branch of Muhammadiyah
(PCM), Gandusari. The character thus becomes the instrument to realize a quality
school so that today MTs Muhammadiyah became one of the schools that many people
FGD reflection objects include the school’s internal and external potentials. The
results of reflection are aimed at improving the principal’s leadership system, school
culture, and the development of the school’s mission vision. Every element of the
stakeholders involved in the FGD conveys ideas, ideas, expectations, and desires to
reflect which are then summarized as mandates. The vision of the mission, based on
the stakeholders’ mandate, is further elaborated and developed in the preparation of
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curriculum and learning. According to previous research results, in general an effective
school culture can be measured from curriculum and rigorous instruction, assessment
and accountability, teacher effectiveness and professional growth, student and family
involvement, stakeholder engagement, effective leadership, organization and structure,
and sustainability [12]. The cultures to gather and to cooperate that have existed before
the establishment of MTs Muhammadiyah were parts of positive cultures that need
to be developed. Regular and structured meetings as the core team did can generate
ideas and a good work plan. The core team succeeded in formulating the establishment
time schedule of MTs Muhammadiyah starting from the stages of preparation, planning,
execution, and evaluation.
The school culture is the daily quality of the everyday atmospher manifestation of
rules, policies, norms, work-practices, work habits, and leadership style of the principal
and the response of all staffs of the institution. Also, it can be interpreted as the
spirit and belief that underlies the birth of the rules, norms and values that govern
how individuals work. It is also the structure that governs how each component of
the school establishes a formal and informal relationship with people and / or other
institutions. It is also work system or procedure that governs how work habits should
be owned by the head and other school elements. In other words, school culture is
a blend of values, beliefs, assumptions, understandings, and expectations that school
principals and other stakeholders believe, and it serves as a guide for behavior and
as a solution to problems faced in school. Rules, policies, order, and the orientation of
relationships between individuals within the school are developed based on the values
and beliefs that form the basis. The basis of school development can come from the
teachings of religion, nationality, organizational goals (foundations) where schools take
shelter, and / or teachings of religious organizations / community. The fundamentals of
the development value of MTs Muhammadiyah Gandusari were derived from religious
doctrine, nationality, and Muhammadiyah principles [13] [14]. These values and beliefs
are used as instruments of doctrine / teachings that form the basis of how to think,
behave, and behave in developing quality school culture.
There are three stages of development of quality school culture, namely; the development on the level of spirit and values, the development on the technical level, and
the development at the social level. The development of school spirit and values begins
by identifying different spirits, values, beliefs, theologies, dogmas, and teachings about
the optimization of charity effort that benefit the surrounding community. The values
that encourage, motivate, and hope for the development of high school culture in MTs
Muhammadiyah Gandusari, include the values of the Muhammadiyah, the purification
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of religious practices, the amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar, and the spirit of Indonesian and
Islam. These values are indoctrinated into the minds of management and managers
of MTs Muhammadiyah, through regular meetings, work meetings, morning teaching,
and formal institutional meetings. The development of the technical level is done after
the principal along with stakeholders successfully identifies the spirit and values by
developing various management work procedures, management toolkits, and schoolbased management work habits that are reflected from beliefs and the foundations of
school-building theology. The creation of a framework and various work guidelines is
thus done through a series of workshops involving all school stakeholders so that the
level of participation is high. The high level of participation of all stakeholders in the
creation of a work framework, work system, or software of the institution works allows
a high level of input and successful implementation. Development of social level is
the process of implementation and institutionalization so that it becomes habit (work
habits) in school and outside the school. In practice, this social stage is the publication
of various norms, such as policies, rules, and other school regulations, including the
unwritten policies the principal has conveyed in formal and non-formal meetings.
4. Conclusion
Based on the findings on the restructuring process at Muhammadiyah school, it can
be concluded that the restructuring of the Muhammadiyah charity effort was first done
through reflection which resulted in finding the decreasing of the confidence of the
board toward SMP Muhammadiyah, the decreasing of school quality, the lack of quality
of school management, the weak internal unity of the institution, the lack of utilization
of social capital owned by Muhammadiyah, the lack of communication with the local
community, the establishment of two SMPN in Gandusari, the lack of support from
Branch organization of Muhammadiyah, and the lack of anticipatory power against
the tendency of social change. The second process was forming a core team who
prepare educational institutions and managers. This team works collaboratively, both
with internal and external stakeholders of the school. The elements of the core team
were Muhammadiyah managers who are members and / or administrators of Muhammadiyah, loyal, sincere (manpower, wealth, knowledge, and time), able to work team,
collaborative, and have network with individuals and / or groups. The third process
was the cultivation of the values of the struggle in order to sustain the spirit of charity
effort. Among others are the values Muhammadiyah, the spirit of purification of religious
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practices, the revitalization of the meaning of amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar, and the values
of Indonesia and Muhammadiyah.
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