Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 2018
This research investigates the practice of madrasah principle leadership in managing changes. The... more This research investigates the practice of madrasah principle leadership in managing changes. The foci of this research are the process of an event. In details, it is about obtaining an in-depth understanding about how is the foundation practice of head of madrasah in managing successful madrasah. This research applied the qualitative approach (study case). Data were collected through some techniques, which are in-depth interview, semi-involved observation, and documentation. Then, the obtained data is analyzed by using descriptive qualitative technique (data on a website) and comparative analysis (data from various websites. To measure the validity of the obtained data, the researcher used some standards, such as: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Leadership in managing changes in madrasah had some principles, they are: (a) analyzing and identifying the performance of madrasah to respond toward organizational situation in creating the need of changes; (b) distributing authority and decision making process by building and strengthening the team of change coalition; (c) setting direction of madrasah which covers building and disseminating vision and mission, creating consensus about goals and priorities, and building high expectation of madrasah performance; (d) inspiring acceptable understanding about education and schooling through the strategic implementation to accomplish goals and creating an effective learning in organization; (e) building madrasah capacity, both personality and professionalism to broaden changes and madrasah development by developing human resources; (f) stimulating appreciation to increase commitment towards madrasah development through short-term-achievement celebration; (g) redesigning organization, identifying, creating, maintaining, and modifying structure of decision making process to consolidate changes; (h) building the collaborative culture which encourages the involvement of school stakeholders in order to strengthen the result of changes.
Kandungan hadis-hadis tentang perempuan berpakaian tetapi telanjang seyogyanya tidak dipahami pad... more Kandungan hadis-hadis tentang perempuan berpakaian tetapi telanjang seyogyanya tidak dipahami pada sisi literalnya saja: muslimah berpakaian ketat, tipis, minimalis dan lain sebagainya. Akan tetapi, juga pada sifat-sifat dasar lain yang lebih menekankan pada kualitas diri sebagai muslim yang dapat membuahkan kebaikan-kebaikan sosial, baik bagi diri maupun orang lain, sehingga agama tidak hanya dijadikan simbol saja, melainkan pemahaman yang mendalam dan pengamalan ajaran agama yang baik. Ketentuan mengenakan pakaian yang sopan bagi setiap muslimah adalah berlaku universal, sebab tidak terikat oleh tempat dan waktu, diberlakukan baik pada masa Nabi saw masih hidup maupun sekarang ini.
Pengembangan Cd Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalampenelitianinimenggunakan software Adobe Flash... more Pengembangan Cd Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalampenelitianinimenggunakan software Adobe Flash CS 5.5 menggunakan kode Action Scribt 2.0. di MI kelas III . Media inidikembangkandidasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa belum tersedianya media berupa Cd pembelajaran yang memiliki kriteria sebagai media pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis yang memadai. Hasil pengembangan ini dimaksudkan untuk dapat memenuhi ketersediaan media pembelajaran multimedia yang dapat meningkatkan keefektifan dan kemenarikan pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis di MI. Prosedur pengembangan Cd pembelajaran interaktifini ditempuh melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: 1) tahap studi pendahuluan dengan melakukan penilaian kebutuhan dan analisis kurikulum, 2) tahap pengembangan media Cd pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis yang dibuat menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS 5.5 kode Action Scribt 2.0. yang dikembangkan penggunaannya untuk pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Dick & Carey dan tahap uji coba/ validasi produk.Pembelajaran denga...
This study aims to develop and create autoplay learning media based teaching materials on mathema... more This study aims to develop and create autoplay learning media based teaching materials on mathematics learning for elementary schools which meet the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. This study adopts Research and Development (R&D) through the development model of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection techniques applied in this study are questionnaires and tests. Besides, the results of the research were analyzed through questionnaire analysis, t test, and n-gain test. The results of this study indicate that the development of instructional materials based on autoplay learning media meets the criteria of valid, practical and effective, where the average validation results by 3 validators are 90.67; students' response on the use of instructional media-based teaching materials is 85% which is responded positively; learning outcomes of the experimental class was better than the control class; and there was a high increase in the experimental class between pretest and posttest of 0.85.
This research was motivated by the low level of understanding of student concepts on the subject ... more This research was motivated by the low level of understanding of student concepts on the subject matter on the theme of rich my country. One of the causes is the use of learning media that is still not maximal. The aim of this study was to develop and produce of learning media advanced micro devices to improve the understanding of concepts in thematic learning that meet the valid, practical and effective criteria. This study uses research and development by following the steps proposed by Brog and Gall. In general, the steps of research and development include 1) preliminary study, 2) media development, and 3) product test. Data collection techniques used in this study are tests and questionnaires. Furthermore, the data of the research results are analyzed using the n gain test and the percentage of questionnaire test. The results showed that learning media advanced micro developed fulfilled the valid, practical, and effective criteria.
JMIE (Journal of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Education), 2017
The development of thematic teaching book with subtheme energy utilization is one of the faciliti... more The development of thematic teaching book with subtheme energy utilization is one of the facilities to help students understand during learning process. By using teaching book, the purpose is to motivate and initiate the creativity of the students, and an effort to form their habit to work hard in order to gain knowledge, without teacher’s assistance. The teaching book to support the learning process with subtheme energy utilization is Islam-integration-based teaching book, in the form of teaching book for IV grader of elementary school.Product specification resulting from research and development is to produce a textbook integration of Islam based thematic sub-themes of energy utilization. Textbooks thematic sub-themes of energy in it presses right on the breadth of material content and concept of learning so that students can better understand the lesson. In addition to emphasis the concept, teaching materials fitted with the integration of Islam and the end of each lesson there i...
Buku Falsafah Pendidikan Ulul Albab ini merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari pemikiran pengem... more Buku Falsafah Pendidikan Ulul Albab ini merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari pemikiran pengembangan kurikulum yang selama ini telah dirumuskan oleh UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sejak kampus ini berubah menjadi Universitas. Berisi gagasan dan pemikiran tentang integrasi keilmuan dan standar kompetensi lulusan yang telah dirancang oleh para pemikir pendahulu seperti Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, Prof. H. Muhaimin, MA., Prof. Dr. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si. dan para pemikir pengembangan keilmuan di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang lainnya yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu. Pikiran-pikiran para pendahulu yang masih relevan tetap kita jadikan dasar dan rujukan untuk disesuaikan dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan yang ada serta untuk memenuhi tuntutan terbitnya peraturan-peraturan baru. Apa yang dilakukan ini tidak lain merupakan bentuk al-Muhafadzah ala al-qadim al-shalih wa al-akhzu bi al-jadid alashlah.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 2018
This research investigates the practice of madrasah principle leadership in managing changes. The... more This research investigates the practice of madrasah principle leadership in managing changes. The foci of this research are the process of an event. In details, it is about obtaining an in-depth understanding about how is the foundation practice of head of madrasah in managing successful madrasah. This research applied the qualitative approach (study case). Data were collected through some techniques, which are in-depth interview, semi-involved observation, and documentation. Then, the obtained data is analyzed by using descriptive qualitative technique (data on a website) and comparative analysis (data from various websites. To measure the validity of the obtained data, the researcher used some standards, such as: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Leadership in managing changes in madrasah had some principles, they are: (a) analyzing and identifying the performance of madrasah to respond toward organizational situation in creating the need of changes; (b) distributing authority and decision making process by building and strengthening the team of change coalition; (c) setting direction of madrasah which covers building and disseminating vision and mission, creating consensus about goals and priorities, and building high expectation of madrasah performance; (d) inspiring acceptable understanding about education and schooling through the strategic implementation to accomplish goals and creating an effective learning in organization; (e) building madrasah capacity, both personality and professionalism to broaden changes and madrasah development by developing human resources; (f) stimulating appreciation to increase commitment towards madrasah development through short-term-achievement celebration; (g) redesigning organization, identifying, creating, maintaining, and modifying structure of decision making process to consolidate changes; (h) building the collaborative culture which encourages the involvement of school stakeholders in order to strengthen the result of changes.
Kandungan hadis-hadis tentang perempuan berpakaian tetapi telanjang seyogyanya tidak dipahami pad... more Kandungan hadis-hadis tentang perempuan berpakaian tetapi telanjang seyogyanya tidak dipahami pada sisi literalnya saja: muslimah berpakaian ketat, tipis, minimalis dan lain sebagainya. Akan tetapi, juga pada sifat-sifat dasar lain yang lebih menekankan pada kualitas diri sebagai muslim yang dapat membuahkan kebaikan-kebaikan sosial, baik bagi diri maupun orang lain, sehingga agama tidak hanya dijadikan simbol saja, melainkan pemahaman yang mendalam dan pengamalan ajaran agama yang baik. Ketentuan mengenakan pakaian yang sopan bagi setiap muslimah adalah berlaku universal, sebab tidak terikat oleh tempat dan waktu, diberlakukan baik pada masa Nabi saw masih hidup maupun sekarang ini.
Pengembangan Cd Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalampenelitianinimenggunakan software Adobe Flash... more Pengembangan Cd Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalampenelitianinimenggunakan software Adobe Flash CS 5.5 menggunakan kode Action Scribt 2.0. di MI kelas III . Media inidikembangkandidasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa belum tersedianya media berupa Cd pembelajaran yang memiliki kriteria sebagai media pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis yang memadai. Hasil pengembangan ini dimaksudkan untuk dapat memenuhi ketersediaan media pembelajaran multimedia yang dapat meningkatkan keefektifan dan kemenarikan pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis di MI. Prosedur pengembangan Cd pembelajaran interaktifini ditempuh melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: 1) tahap studi pendahuluan dengan melakukan penilaian kebutuhan dan analisis kurikulum, 2) tahap pengembangan media Cd pembelajaran al-Qur`an Hadis yang dibuat menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS 5.5 kode Action Scribt 2.0. yang dikembangkan penggunaannya untuk pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Dick & Carey dan tahap uji coba/ validasi produk.Pembelajaran denga...
This study aims to develop and create autoplay learning media based teaching materials on mathema... more This study aims to develop and create autoplay learning media based teaching materials on mathematics learning for elementary schools which meet the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. This study adopts Research and Development (R&D) through the development model of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection techniques applied in this study are questionnaires and tests. Besides, the results of the research were analyzed through questionnaire analysis, t test, and n-gain test. The results of this study indicate that the development of instructional materials based on autoplay learning media meets the criteria of valid, practical and effective, where the average validation results by 3 validators are 90.67; students' response on the use of instructional media-based teaching materials is 85% which is responded positively; learning outcomes of the experimental class was better than the control class; and there was a high increase in the experimental class between pretest and posttest of 0.85.
This research was motivated by the low level of understanding of student concepts on the subject ... more This research was motivated by the low level of understanding of student concepts on the subject matter on the theme of rich my country. One of the causes is the use of learning media that is still not maximal. The aim of this study was to develop and produce of learning media advanced micro devices to improve the understanding of concepts in thematic learning that meet the valid, practical and effective criteria. This study uses research and development by following the steps proposed by Brog and Gall. In general, the steps of research and development include 1) preliminary study, 2) media development, and 3) product test. Data collection techniques used in this study are tests and questionnaires. Furthermore, the data of the research results are analyzed using the n gain test and the percentage of questionnaire test. The results showed that learning media advanced micro developed fulfilled the valid, practical, and effective criteria.
JMIE (Journal of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Education), 2017
The development of thematic teaching book with subtheme energy utilization is one of the faciliti... more The development of thematic teaching book with subtheme energy utilization is one of the facilities to help students understand during learning process. By using teaching book, the purpose is to motivate and initiate the creativity of the students, and an effort to form their habit to work hard in order to gain knowledge, without teacher’s assistance. The teaching book to support the learning process with subtheme energy utilization is Islam-integration-based teaching book, in the form of teaching book for IV grader of elementary school.Product specification resulting from research and development is to produce a textbook integration of Islam based thematic sub-themes of energy utilization. Textbooks thematic sub-themes of energy in it presses right on the breadth of material content and concept of learning so that students can better understand the lesson. In addition to emphasis the concept, teaching materials fitted with the integration of Islam and the end of each lesson there i...
Buku Falsafah Pendidikan Ulul Albab ini merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari pemikiran pengem... more Buku Falsafah Pendidikan Ulul Albab ini merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari pemikiran pengembangan kurikulum yang selama ini telah dirumuskan oleh UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sejak kampus ini berubah menjadi Universitas. Berisi gagasan dan pemikiran tentang integrasi keilmuan dan standar kompetensi lulusan yang telah dirancang oleh para pemikir pendahulu seperti Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, Prof. H. Muhaimin, MA., Prof. Dr. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si. dan para pemikir pengembangan keilmuan di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang lainnya yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu. Pikiran-pikiran para pendahulu yang masih relevan tetap kita jadikan dasar dan rujukan untuk disesuaikan dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan yang ada serta untuk memenuhi tuntutan terbitnya peraturan-peraturan baru. Apa yang dilakukan ini tidak lain merupakan bentuk al-Muhafadzah ala al-qadim al-shalih wa al-akhzu bi al-jadid alashlah.
Papers by Muhammad Walid