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In general, to achieve goals in teaching and learning the teachers can prepare appropriate strategy. This paper discusses a teaching and learning medium of speaking through story completion technique. By using this technique, it can be one of the exciting activities for motivating students in learning English confidently, especially speaking. The technique has activities which enable students to convey their ideas and all students obtain the same opportunities to speak at every meeting. The activities are oral activities that make student relax, happy and fun. The technique equips the students who have good English grammar and have sufficient vocabulary to explore their ideas in speaking. It does not mean that Story Completion technique cannot be used for students who have low English competence. The English teachers could manipulate the class by providing students with vocabularies of certain topic and tenses they will use in their speaking before running the meeting with this tech...
Journal of English Language Teaching Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Mataram, 2018
Speaking is a main tool of communication to others. Many people are difficult to speak English. It is caused by some factors such as need of information, less frequent of practice, low self-confidence, and so on. This UHVHDUFK DLPHG WR GHVFULEH GHYHORSLQJ VWXGHQWV ¶ speaking ability through story completion. Story Completion is very enjoyable in freespeaking activity where students sit in a circle (Kayi, 2006). There are three objectives of the research were to describe: (1) To describe the implementation of story completion in teaching speaking. (2) To describe the improvement of speaking skill for students after being given story completion. (3) 7R GHVFULEH WKH VWXGHQWV ¶ UHVSRQVH to the implementation of story completion. Descriptive qualitative was applied as the method of the research while the observation was conducted to obtain the data to answer the first research about how are the implementation of story completion. The result showed that the technique of story completion wDV VXFFHVVIXOO\ LPSOHPHQWHG WR LPSURYH WKH VWXGHQWV ¶ VSHDNLQJ VNLOO The technique can make students to encourage themselves to speak up. They have to be brave and have enough self-confident when they want to talk something.
U Jet, 2014
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa, respon siswa, dan proses implementasi teknik Story Completion di SMAN. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa tingkat pertama kelas X sosial 1 yang terdiri dari 31 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Embedded, penggabungan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data Penelitian dijaring menggunakan tes berbicara, kuesioner, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) nilai rata-rata pada pretest adalah 5,29, sedangkan nilai rata-rata pada posttest adalah 71,57 dengan nilai signifikansi p=0,000, p<0,05, (2) siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap teknik Story Completion, dan (3) dalam proses pembelajaran, beberapa siswa tampak tidak percaya diri ketika berbicara padahal sebenarnya mereka bisa berbicara dengan baik. Dari hasil temuan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Story Completion efektif untuk pengajaran berbicara. 7KH REMHFWLYHV RI WKLV UHVHDUFK ZHUH WR ILQG RXW WKH LQFUHDVH RI VWXGHQWV ¶ VSHDNLQJ VNLOO WKH VWXGHQWV ¶ UHVSRQVH DQG WKH SURFHVV RI LPSOHPHQWLQJ Story Completion technique in SMAN. The subject of this research was the first grade students consisting of 31 students in class X social 1. This study used Embedded design, a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected using speaking test, questionnaire, and observation. The result showed that (1) the mean score of pretest is 53.29, while the mean score of posttest is 71.57. The significance value (2-tailed) is (p=0.000, p<0.05), (2) the students gave positive response toward Story Completion, and (3) in the process of learning, some students were lack of confidence to speak English although actually they were able to speak well. From the findings, it can be concluded that Story Completion is effective for teaching speaking.
Speaking is an activity used by the people to communicate with others. According to Zhang (2009), speaking remains the most difficult skill to master for the majority of English learners, and they are still incompetent in communicating orally in English”. Many people are difficult to speak English. This research aims to find out the effectiveness of story completion effective toward students’ speaking skill. To solve the problem above, the writer would like to apply the story completion technique in teaching speaking from Kayi (2006). Quasi-experimental was applied as the method of the research. The research was conducted in SMA N Krangkeng with 66 participants; 34 students from X MIPA 1 as the control group and 32 students from X MIPA 2 as the experimental group. To collect the data, a speaking test was given to the participants. Based on the statistical analysis the technique of story completion was successfully improved the students’ speaking ability.
Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan atau tidak terhadap penguasaan kosa kata siswa setelah diajarkan menggunakan teknik Story Completion. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilakanakan di kelas VIII A yang berjumlah 30 orang. Peneliti menggunakan tes kosa kata untuk mengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata sisiwa setelah diajarkan menggunakan teknik Story Completion. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari pretes ke postes yaitu 76.09 ke 89.04, dengan nilai t-table 2.045 dan t-value 10.333. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan jika teknik Story Completion dapat meningkatkan kosa kata siswa. The aim of this research was to find out whether there was a significant improvement of the studentss vocabulary mastery after they were taught by using Story Completion. This research used quantitative approach and was conducted to 30 students in class VIII A. The ...
Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan atau tidak terhadap penguasaan kosa kata siswa setelah diajarkan menggunakan teknik Story Completion . Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilakanakan di kelas VIII A yang berjumlah 30 orang. Peneliti menggunakan tes kosa kata untuk mengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata sisiwa setelah diajarkan menggunakan teknik Story Completion . Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari pretes ke postes yaitu 76.09 ke 89.04, dengan nilai t-table 2.045 dan t-value 10.333. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan jika teknik Story Completion dapat meningkatkan kosa kata siswa. The aim of this research was to find out whether there was a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after they were taught by using Story Completion. This research used quantitative approach and was conducted to 30 students in class VIII A. Th...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menginvestigasi apakah ada peningkatan pencapaian berbicara sesudah diajar menggunakan teknik story completion , dan (2) menemukan aspek berbicara manakah yang paling meningkat setelah diajar menggunakan teknik story completion . Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, peneliti menggunakan studi kuantitatif yang melibatkan satu kelas. Instrumen untuk pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes berbicara dan rekaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan content and construct validity , dan juga inter-rater reliability untuk mengukur konsistensi tes. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pencapaian berbicara siswa setelah diajar menggunakan teknik story completion . Kemudian, pemahaman adalah aspek yang paling meningkat diantara aspek yang lain. Hasil tes hipotesis menunjukan bahwa nilai signifikan (2- tailed) adalah 0.000 (p<0.05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa H 0 ditolak dan menunjukan bahwa teknik story completion dapat meningkatkan kemampuan ber...
Jurnal Serunai Bahasa Inggris, 2021
The research aims to find out the effect of using story completion on students’ speaking skill to eleventh grade students of SMK Swasta YPIS Maju Binjai at academic year 2020/2021. The problems that had been identified by the researcher are including that students were not interested in learning English. This research uses narrative text with oral test. This type of research is an experiment research. The populations of this research were students of the eleventh grade students of SMK Swasta YPIS Maju Binjai which consisted of five classes of the eleventh grade. The sample of the research consisted of 42 students. The study was an experiment and control research, the experiment class is XI TKJ and the control class XI AKL. The test was used in the pre-test and post-test. After that, the data has been computed by using t-test, it showed that tvalue was 11,797. The experimental class, standard deviation was 2, 81 and the control class, standard deviation was 2, 45. Then, after lookin...
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study aims to seek how students’ experiences in using story telling technique as an English speaking learning. Story telling is one of the learning method to encourage student learning in developing skills and knowledge of speaking. Many researchers said that story telling is important in the field of education along with the times as a main characteristic in the quality of teaching and learning more active and creative, especially in English speaking learning. This qualitative descriptive focused on story telling as learning method on Junior High School students to find out their experiences in English speaking. The data were collected from observation, interview, and documentation. This study presents the results of students’ experiences in story telling technique as learning to speak English can provided new vocabulary, how to pronounced it correctly, and trained students’ English speaking skills. Thus, story telling technique is a learning method on students exercise has a ...
Applying appropriate technique to expand the students speaking ability is the English lecturer’s responsibility in STKIP YPUP Makassar to create the situation. Narrative Storytelling with Guided Question is a technique in generating speaking class more enjoyable, fun and memorable for the students. This research aims at: (1) finding out whether or not narrative storytelling technique with guided questions enrich the students speaking ability and (2) knowing the students' attitude toward the use of narrative storytelling technique with guided questions in learning speaking.This research employed quasi experimental design. The population of this research was the students of English department at STKIP YPUP Makassar in academic year 2017/2018. The sample of this research consisted of 60 students that belong to two groups; 30 students in control group and 30 students in experimental group. The research data was collected by using speaking test through interview and questionnaire wh...
Sudanese Online Research Journal, 2021
Story telling is an art of converting events into meaningful phrases and sentences. Sometimes stories are told to share information, culture, norms and awareness and sometimes the sole purpose of telling stories is just entertainment. However, storytelling is not just limited to this. It can effectively be used in teaching of English language. Particularly this research is focused on the useful technique of storytelling to develop speaking skills among beginner level students. From Wad Medani English School (GR 1), at El Gezira state, Sudan, thirty students were selected as a sample for this research including both male and female. It was an experimental study with analytical descriptive method. Collected data was run on SPSS and findings were interpreted after gaining results from the software. Statistically significant results were obtained for the students of experimental group which were levels of knowledge (0.005), comprehension (0.010), application (0.004), analysis (0.045), s...
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