Impact of periodontal condition for
individuals with COVID-19.
Impacto de la condición periodontal para
individuos con COVID-19.
Rafael Paschoal Esteves-Lima.1
Gustavo de Mattos Pereira.1
Federal University of Minas Gerais,
School of Dentistry, Department of
Periodontology, Brazil.
Corresponding author: Rafael EstevesLima. Antônio Carlos Avenue, 6627,
Pampulha, PO Box 359, Belo Horizonte,
Brazil. Phone: (55-31) 99807 4111 E-mail:
[email protected]
Cite as:
Esteves-Lima RP & de Mattos Pereira G.
Impact of periodontal condition for
individuals with COVID-19.
J Oral Res. 2020; Covid-19. S2(1):20-22.
In late December 2019 an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause
was observed in Wuhan, China. Thereafter, the viral etiology of the coronavirus family was identified by researchers, being named as Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the condition it
causes as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The contamination of health professionals who took care of infected
individuals demonstrated the possibility of transmission between humans
and the ability to spread of this virus, generating great concern. Since then,
we have observed that this virus has spread extremely rapidly around
the world. The number of new cases of infection is steadily rising in most
countries, as well as the number of deaths due to complications.1
The possibility of transmission by asymptomatic individuals seems to
contribute to the rapid spread of COVID-19. In addition, many individuals
have a mild form of the disease, whose low-intensity symptoms contribute
to the maintenance of daily activities and, therefore, the spread of the
virus. A significant proportion of contagion is believed to occur before any
symptoms appear. Transmission occurs by close contact or by droplets and
an incubation time of 3 to 9 days, on average, is observed.
A smaller portion of the population experiences a severe form of the
disease. Age over 65 years and the presence of comorbidities such as
hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease increases the risk
of more severe disease. The weakening of the immune system due to preexisting conditions may be the cause of a faster progression of the viral
infection. Fever and cough are the most frequent symptoms associated with
COVID-19; dyspnea and fatigue are also commonly observed. 2
SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded RNA virus whose genetic material is
enclosed within a lipid bilayer. Intracellular invasion occurs through protein
binding: The spike-protein (S-protein) binds to the human protein receptor
ACE-2, allowing the fusion of the viral lipid layer to the host cell membrane.
This fusion allows SARS-CoV-2 RNA to be introduced into the host
cell's cytoplasm with consequent translation of several viral proteins, virus
replication and cell death. The ACE-2 receptor used by the vírus to invade
human cells is found in significant quantities in the lung, heart and kidney. 3
There is no specific antiviral therapy for COVID-19. Therapeutic protocols
for infected individuals consists of supportive measures. Hydration, adequate
nutrition, control of fever and cough are actions used for individuals who
manifest mild or moderate forms of the disease.1
ISSN Print 0719-2460 - ISSN Online 0719-2479.
Esteves-Lima RP & de Mattos Pereira G.
Impact of periodontal condition for individuals with COVID-19.
J Oral Res. 2020; Covid-19. S2(1):20-22. Doi:10.17126/joralres.2020.046
For more severe cases, oxygen inhalation and
mechanical ventilation may be necessary. The main
complications associated with COVID-19 are severe
acute respiratory syndrome, myocardial injury and coinfections.
The binding of the virus to pulmonary ACE-2 receptors
allows the invasion of alveoli, causing serious respiratory
impairment in some individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2.
It is worth mentioning that the evolution of pulmonary
disease can be affected by infectious and inflammatory
processes, including periodontitis.
Another complication, co-infection is more often
associated with bacteria than with other types of viruses.
Bacterial infection has been reported to be responsible
for the atypical pneumonia seen in cases of COVID-19. 2
As such, special attention should be given to periodontal
diseases, considering the complications associated with
Periodontitis is a common chronic disease of bacterial
origin that can lead to the destruction of the connective
tissue and bone that support the tooth. Its prevalence
increases with age, as well as in the presence of diabetes,
groups considered at risk for COVID-19, with greater
severity of infection and higher mortality rates. 3,4
The relationship between periodontitis and several
systemic conditions, including respiratory diseases, is
due to its infectious and inflammatory profile. Four main
mechanisms make the relationship between periodontitis
and respiratory diseases plausible. First, oral pathogens
aspirated directly into the lungs and consequent
infection. Another highlights the role of salivary proteins
associated with periodontitis in modifying mucous
surfaces in the respiratory tract, favoring bacterial
adhesion and colonization.
A third mechanism involves the ability of hydrolytic
enzymes, produced by periodontopathogenic bacteria, to
destroy the salivary film that protects against pathogenic
Finally, cytokines and other active biological molecules, released from periodontal tissues, can alter
the respiratory epithelium, promoting colonization
by respiratory pathogens. 5 A study by Tan et al.,6
evaluated the relationship between periodontitis and
lung function in individuals with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).
The results showed that the severity of pulmonary
obstruction increased with the worsening of specific
periodontal indexes and that Porphyromonas gingivalis,
an important periodontal pathogen, showed a significant
negative correlation with lung function in individuals
with COPD.
Additionally, the study showed the presence of
respiratory pathogens in the oral biofilm, emphasizing its
role as a reservoir of microorganisms.
A recent systematic review shows that the presence of
periodontal infection is associated with an increased risk
of developing respiratory diseases, including pneumonia
(OR 3.21, 95% CI 1.99 to 5.17), COPD (OR 1.78, 95% CI
1.04 to 3.05) and asthma (OR 3.54, 95% CI 2.47 to 5.07).7
Therefore, periodontitis can contribute to the
worsening of the serious respiratory failure triggered by
COVID-19 and to the development of pneumonia, with
an impact on the length of hospital stay, morbidity and
mortality associated with this infection.
Additionally, in addressing the respiratory condition
caused by SARS-CoV-2, it may be necessary to
institute mechanical ventilation.3 The use of this ventilation apparatus presents the risk of developing a
serious hospital infection, that is ventilator-associated
pneumonia. This type of pneumonia develops 48 to
72 hours after orotracheal intubation and has a high
mortality rate. The reduction in salivary flow coupled
with unsatisfactory hygiene and inadequate immune
response facilitates bacterial colonization. 5,8
Again, periodontal bacteria and/or respiratory
bacteria present in dental biofilms can play an important
role in the development of nosocomial pneumonia in
individuals with COVID-19. A current systematic review
demonstrated that individuals with periodontitis are
more susceptible to the development of nosocomial
pneumonia compared with individuals without periodontitis (OR 2.55, 95% CI 1.68 to 3.86). 8
Taking greater care regarding oral hygiene in this
group of individuals can significantly reduce the number
of oral bacteria, as well as having a qualitative impact
on the oral biofilm. The use of chlorhexidine in the oral
hygiene of individuals admitted to intensive care units is
a therapeutic option that tends to become a standard
in these units. A 0.12% chlorhexidine protocol every
12 hours has been shown to be extremely effective in
preventing nosocomial pneumonia.9
A study by Araújo et al.,10 compared the periodontal
condition of patients admitted to intensive care units and
patients not admitted to intensive care units. Additionally,
a quantitative microbiological analysis of the subgingival
biofilm was performed.
ISSN Print 0719-2460 - ISSN Online 0719-2479.
Esteves-Lima RP & de Mattos Pereira G.
Impact of periodontal condition for individuals with COVID-19.
J Oral Res. 2020; Covid-19. S2(1):20-22. Doi:10.17126/joralres.2020.046
Individuals admitted to the intensive care unit
had worse periodontal condition, including a higher
prevalence and severity of periodontitis.
A positive correlation was also observed with P.
gingivalis, T. denticola and A. actinomycetemcomitans.
These results highlight the importance of establishing
protocols for oral care in intensive care units.
In this sense, we consider that periodontal infection
can negatively impact the evolution of the treatment of
individuals contaminated by COVID-19, contributing to
increase the length of hospital stay, the morbidity and
mortality associated with this infection. In this moment,
when we are preparing for a new world after the decline
of COVID-19 rates and the relaxation of isolation
measures, changes in behavior will be essential.
These changes added to the imminent risk of new
pandemics should culminate in deep discussions about
the oral condition of the world’s population
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ISSN Print 0719-2460 - ISSN Online 0719-2479.