Designing for palpability: Workshop at Pervasive 2007, 13-16 May 2007, Toronto, Canada.
Supporting inspection strategies through palpable
Marti Patrizia, Grönvall Erik, Pollini Alessandro, Rullo Alessia
University of Siena, Communication Science Department
Via Roma 56, 53100 Siena, Italy
[email protected], {gronvall, pollini, rullo}
The paper reports an early study on inspection strategies of highrisk systems using ambient computing technologies.
Traditionally, the main goal of ambient, pervasive and ubiquitous
computing applications is to make the technology transparent or
invisible for the users. However this sort of technological
disappearance is not always desirable in particular in presence of
any failure in the system. In such an event the user would benefit
from the visibility of the system state, and from adopting
inspection strategies to detect the error and take, if possible, the
necessary correctional measures. The paper presents a study
performed in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where novel ambient
computing technologies and related inspection strategies are
currently being designed and assessed in the context of the
European project PalCom (
High-risk systems, ambient computing, inspection, error detection
Traditionally, the main goal of ambient, pervasive and ubiquitous
computing applications is to make the technology transparent or
invisible [1] for the users. However, when these applications are
more deeply considered, it becomes obvious that this sort of
technological disappearance is not always possible or even
desirable. When, for example, an error occurs within ubiquitous
systems, a user would benefit from the visibility of the current
system state, which would thus permit the inspection of the error
and allow, if possible, the necessary correctional measures to be
taken. In other words, this means that in order to effectively use
these applications the users must always remain in control [2].
This is especially true in emergency or breakdown situations in
safety critical domains, such as, for example, Neonatal Intensive
Care [3]. In these kinds of settings where distributed processes
and simultaneous overlaps between the situations deeply affect
the nature of the work, many potential conflicts and dangerous
situations can be generated. In this paper we draw on
ethnographic studies and long-term participatory design sessions
with the medical staff and the parents of premature children at the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of ‘Le Scotte’ Hospital in
Siena (Italy). The study investigates visibility and control of
ambient devices in relation to inspection strategies for errors or
faults detection and recovery.
Balancing transparency and automation with awareness and
control is the goal of PalCom (PalCom,, which aims at developing an innovative design
approach called Palpable Computing. Palpable computing
complements key features of ambient computing, such as
invisibility and end-user composition of devices, with their
opposites - e.g., visibility and decomposition – to enable users to
independently navigate and influence the computing system [2].
As compositions of devices, or ‘assemblies’ become increasingly
dynamic there is an urgent need for supporting users in handling
resources and debugging processes in detailed and useful ways.
Indeed, quality of service depends on people’s ability to gauge the
different capacities of the created assemblies (e.g. levels of
accuracy for measurements, location information, or other
information provided by elements of an assembly) [4].
2. Assemblies and inspection
Palpable assemblies are characterized by their availability for
dynamic composition and use. A major feature of many current
ubiquitous and distributed computing applications is the use of
fixed (or pre-defined) collections of devices for specific activities.
An example in a fairly common environment (home technology)
is the automatic service composition developed at Nokia Research
Center U.S. where a ‘Media Library’ device, a ‘Video Screen’, a
‘Media Server’, ‘Media Receiver and Controller’ are collected in
a network [5].
Palpable assemblies ought to support user needs regarding
flexible and adaptable tools. If composition is automated, users
should be able to notice and take control at any step in the
process. In addition, completely user controlled composition of
assemblies should be supported. A dynamic assembly is made
from collections of devices, services and communication
capabilities where palpability emerges as property-in-use of these
systems. In the dynamic construction and deconstruction of
assemblies, services are distributed and able to dynamically
discover and interact with each other and the discovery can in
principle reside on any of the participating devices. PalCom
devices and services thus recognize each other and heterogeneity
among the assembled devices is made possible.
As assemblies become dynamic there is an urgent need for
handling resources and debugging processes in detailed and useful
ways. We are going to debate what happens when connections
break among the components and how to notice and understand if
the assembly still preserves (some of) its initial capacities.
Managing resources and inspecting processes reveals to be
dramatically critical in using dynamic assemblies. A component
might not always have the same capacities and services, thus it
can potentially have different levels of accuracy. It is very
important that the users can be made aware of the given accuracy
of the assemblies that they are relying upon.
3. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
The NICU presents some peculiar features which challenge the
design of ambient computing technologies in many ways, as they
can support the premature babies’ necessities and the inspection
mechanisms of the medical staff. The incubators used in the ward
represent a complex system of different components, each one
playing a precise role for the child care. More in detail [3], [6]:
The system is characterized by a high level of reconfigurability, i.e. each incubator should be conceived
as an ad hoc entity, tailored to the baby’s conditions and
dynamically changing over time.
The incubator is associated to external equipments to
sustain the baby necessities, but no functional coupling
is now supported among the different devices, this
making complicate to recognize and discriminate
system failures vs. aggravation of the baby conditions.
The work practice is based on the continuous
combination and integration of data coming from
different sources.
Different actors have different access to the incubator
depending on their role: this implies a different access
to the information to be displayed.
This setting should support co-existence of emergence
situations as well as daily care.
how well the baby is breathing and how well the blood is being
pumped around the body.
The scenario describes the inspection strategies adopted by the
nurse and the neonatologist to overcome the mismatch and detect
and solve the error occurred in the system.
Such a complexity can generate latent conflict situations that
could affect the safety of the patients and the security of the work
environment [3]. Indeed, the correct execution of different
undergoing processes depends on the medical staff’s control of
the equipment, the possibility to anticipate breakdowns’
occurrences and the inspection of the system behavior.
From a direct observation of the activity in the ward, a number of
scenarios have been collected to understand the current inspection
strategies adopted by the medical personnel at NICU.
The collected scenarios have been presented using the Model for
Error Detection developed by Rizzo, Ferrante and Bagnara in
1995 [7]. The model is based on the idea that a stimulus can be
evaluated with respect to the reference system it evokes after the
fact, rather than in relation to pre-established expectations. The
process includes four main phases: i) mismatch emergence (i.e., a
breakdown in the perception-action loop; it consists in a conflict
or clash of knowledge in the working memory); ii) detection (i.e.,
the awareness that an error occurred; in this case the undesired
result is properly attributed to the own activity); iii) identification
(i.e., individuation of the source of the breakdown); iv)
overcoming of the mismatch (i.e., strategies for either reducing
the mismatch, or to get rid of it, or to undo its cause). The four
steps do not necessarily occur in all the error detection episodes;
instead the contrary is often the case.
In the following we illustrate a real scenario occurred at the
NICU, generated by a variation in the SpO2 value of the baby.
SpO2 is a measurement of the amount of oxygen attached to the
haemoglobin cell in the circulatory system. Put simpler it is the
amount of oxygen being carried by the red blood cell in the
blood. SpO2 is given in as a percentage, normal is around 96%.
The "S" stands for saturation and the SpO2 is monitored by the
Saturimeter. In practice, SpO2 goes up and down according to
Figure 1: Inspection scenario – SpO2 variation
As the scenario illustrated in Figure 1 shows, the incubator and
the equipments surrounding it define a quite opaque system which
in presence of an unexplainable variation does not offer any
means to inspect the system and overcome the error. The only
way to cope with the mismatch is to apply a trial and error
strategy. Indeed when a variation in the SpO2 value occurs, the
medical staff first decides to control the baby and then to check if
the sensor is correctly positioned on the baby to decide to change
the sensors’ position or substitute it. Eventually they control the
respirator. The way in which this trial and error strategy is applied
depends on the previous experiences of the nurse and of the
neonatologist. During the inspection, the medical staff generates
different hypotheses about the system status, continuously
checking the conditions of the baby and trying to understand
which the source of the mismatch is. This strategy has two main
consequences: in the case of mismatch detection, the medical staff
must question the overall reliability of the system; no level of
degradation is provided: whenever a component stops working the
whole system is compromised. In other words, this can be
considered an on/off system. Moreover it is not possible to figure
out the functional relations among the different equipments
necessary for the child survival; although a malfunction on one
device (e.g. the respirator) directly effects the functioning on
another device (e.g. the Saturimeter) which in turn directly
influences the baby status (e.g. change in the SpO2 value).
4. Making existing technology palpable: the
Incubator assembly
We are designing technologies that can be used to create flexible
incubator assemblies that can be adapted on-the-fly for different
kinds of treatments and situations. This allows the staff members
to manage events related to the baby care more flexibly and
sensitively. The incubator assembly is composed by the incubator
itself, the surrounding machinery as well as a number of
technologies we developed in the PalCom project. These include:
The BioBelt: A wearable device augmented with a set of sensors
to be placed around the infant’s chest on the abdomen.
The PalCom-node: This node is an I/O-device functioning as a
bridge between non-palpable devices (existing technologies in the
ward) and the PalCom technologies. This allows non-palpable
equipment to take part in palpable assemblies.
The Assembly Browser: With the browser users can manage
assemblies throughout the whole assembly lifecycle [8]. It allows
the users to construct, initiate assemblies as well as reconfigure
and turning off assemblies along the activity. The Assembly
browser exists today as one version targeting developers. One
intended for the end-users are now being under development.
The palpable devices can be assembled with other palpable
devices but also in combination with the current, existing
equipment at the NICU (e.g. the Saturimeter). This is permitted
through the use of the ‘PalCom node’. All these devices (i.e. the
devices running the PalCom architecture and the devices
connected through the PalCom-node) can be managed (e.g. be
attached to different running assemblies or inspected) through the
Assembly Browser.
Figure 2: System overview and examples of assemblies (red and
green dot lines)
The biosensors belt is developed as a first prototype with
embedded sensors and transducers for monitoring the heart rate
(HR), the breathing rate (BR), the body movements (BM) and the
temperature (T) [9], [10]. Concerning the physiological
parameters, the belt aims at facilitating the continuous HR, BR,
BM and T monitoring with proper signals acquisition and preprocessing systems, ensuring an unobtrusive measure [11], [12].
In order to address the requirements of this particular application
domain, the biosensor belt design necessitates specific
considerations in relation to the sensor integration in a textile
substrate. The belt is about 4 cm wide and can be adapted in
respect to the baby size and fixed in a non invasive way, to avoid
the direct contact of scratchy material to the baby skin. The
BioBelt can interact with the Assembly browser and other
PalCom devices through a PalCom-node. The already existing
equipment in the ward, such as the Respirator and the Saturimeter
become part of the PalCom network in the same way, by
connecting them to PalCom-nodes running services that can wrap
them into PalCom devices. The Saturimeter measures the Heart
rate and the SpO2 values from the child while the Respirator
assists the child breathing function.
The neonatologist can combine the information coming from the
belt in order to get more detailed assessment of the baby
conditions. A first assembly consists of the Saturimeter and the
biosensors belt for monitoring of the Sp02 values. The assembly
not only allows to connect PalCom devices with existing ones but
its networking properties support the inspection of the system by
checking the status of the functional connections among the
different components of the assembly. To facilitate this task, the
belt can transmit also the raw bio-signals ((electrocardiogram
(ECG) and the chest dilatation (respiratory movement)) thus
facilitating the understanding of possible sensors’ failures.
The definition and the use of the assemblies result in a deeper
understanding of the baby’s conditions. Indeed in this way any
failure in the functional connections among the assembly
components can be easily detected, in particular those which
directly affect the baby’s conditions.
5. Discussion: network-based inspection
The Incubator assemblies described above define a system of
different components that can allow novel forms of inspection by
relying on the networking among the assembly components. This
allows the medical staff to respond to the evolution of the baby
conditions more flexibly and sensitively. In this system different
assemblies can co-exist (e.g. the BioBelt, the Saturimeter and the
assembly browser in parallel with the BioBelt, the Saturimeter
and the Respirator) integrating palpable applications with the
existing equipment in the NICU. This notion of assembly captures
a very critical feature of the work the NICU. As the scenarios in
Figure 3 and 4 show, the incubator system is the product of
various, interrelated components that have a strong, logical
connection since all of them have a mutual influence on each
other through the baby. Despite this strong correlation, the
incubator does not create a system with the other external
components. In fact nowadays they are not functionally connected
and each one works independently from the others. The use of
assemblies in this setting can significantly modify this situation
by establishing novel connections among the incubator equipment
and making it visible the functional relations among the assembly
In the implemented system, it is possible to recognize two
complementary strategies to allow inspection of the system
behavior. The first one is illustrated in Figure 3. In this case a
classical redundant error handling strategy is applied. The heart
rate (HR) detected by the Saturimeter (HR1) is continuously
compared with the heart rate coming from the BioBelt (HR2) that
the child wears. In this application an alarm is generated each
time the compared values overcome a defined threshold. This
represents a classical inspection strategy which compares the
same value coming from different sources. Currently this
comparison is done by the medical staff without any external
Figure 3: Inspection strategies based on redundancy
Figure 4: Network-based inspection strategies
Redundancy is a well consolidated strategy and is considered
necessary for high-reliability organizations to manage activities
that are sufficiently dangerous to cause serious consequences in
the event of operational failures. In classic organizational theory,
redundancy is provided by some combination of duplication (two
units performing the same function) and overlap (two units with
functional areas in common). The theory is that reliability can be
enhanced by parallel configurations—standby components that
are in place to operate should the primary components fail [13].
Not all of the critical points of exposure and of vulnerability,
however, can be covered, as safety is a compromise between
requirements and economic necessity [14]. Indeed inserting
additional levels of control is costly and poses problems on the
interactive complexity of the system: unexpected interactions can
affect supposedly redundant sub-systems. A sufficiently complex
system can be expected to have many such unanticipated failure
mode interactions, making it vulnerable to normal accidents.
For this reason other kinds of inspection strategies are currently
investigated in the PalCom project working with the notion of
assembly. Figure 4 shows a scenario exploiting the network-based
inspection: each component of an assembly is interconnected with
the others and in this way is aware of and responsible for the
others. If a failure in a component occurs, the other components
of the assembly can notify it to the user. Indeed, while using
dynamic assemblies, users can discover and detect connections’
breakdowns and inspect a failure of a component that for some
reason does not respond any more to its neighbor in the assembly.
Relying on the networking enabled between the assembly’s
components each constituent is aware and become “responsible”
of its neighbors and can be used to check whether it is receiving
signals and data from the others or not. In this way each
component of the assembly can refer to the others about the state
of its neighbors and the message can be broadcasted in the
assembly. An example of such application is the case of the
breathing rate monitoring. In the scenario illustrated in figure 4,
the Respirator provides the child with oxygen, while the breathing
rate, which correlates to the respirator function, is monitored by
the BioBelt; the SpO2 values are monitored by the Saturimeter.
Whether any malfunction occurs in the respirator the discovery
protocols enabled by the PalCom nodes will propagate the
information on the missing signal from the respirator to the whole
assembly. This creates a novel inspection opportunity for the user
who can understand what is going wrong and at which level of the
system. This allows taking different recovery actions.
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As anticipated in the introduction, this study on inspection
strategies in high-risk systems is at an early stage. In order to
more deeply investigate the opportunities of the network-based
inspection, the scenarios described in the paper will be simulated
in the NICU with the medical staff with the purpose to raise new
requirements from the operators. Initial results show that the
possibility to use both redundancy and the network-based
inspection strategy may offer new insights about the way in which
the user can make sense and perceive the assemblies in particular
in relation to breakdowns and failures in ambient computing
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