ISSN: 0976-3104
Andrade et al
Marina Alexandra Pedro Andrade1*, Manuel Alberto Martins Ferreira1, José António Candeias Bonito
Filipe1, and Manuel Francisco Pacheco Coelho2
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), BRU-UNIDE, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Technical University of Lisbon, SOCIUS, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Received on: 25th-Apr -2012
Revised on: 12h-June -2012
Accepted on: 11h-Aug -2012
Philosophical meaning of
Probability; Neuroprobabilty;
Statistics; Law and Neuroeconomy
*Corresponding author: Email:
[email protected]; Tel: +351 21 7903000; Fax: +351 21 7903072
In this work it is intended to analyze the different forms
assumed by the decision process, about random events, in what
concerns mainly the one practiced by the judges in court.
Indeed, courts necessarily have to make decisions under
uncertainty, consequence of their own nature. They have to
produce decisions related to the past events that must be
evaluated, but sometimes they are not, in every presented case.
Whenever it is mentioned traces or evidence, either
scientifically or not, it is understood incompleteness of
knowledge, therefore one has to assess uncertainty. A trace is a
sign. To be able to say something more, one has to determine its
importance, or weight, for each case, using knowledge and
considering the hypotheses under evaluation.
The increasing development of the techniques and the
methodologies also increase the need to properly evaluate the
presented information. Thus, along with a qualitative
assessment inevitably arises the quantitative, which reflects the
uncertainty evaluation, in the case of the forensic context.
The probability theory can be approached from a purely
mathematical viewpoint or, in another view, from a
philosophical perspective. If one confines to the mathematical
perspective, “probability” must be seen as a primitive concept,
in a Kolmogorov sense. To discuss the content of the concept it
is necessary a more comprehensive framework of the
Knowledge Theory. The first significant developments in the
mathematical theory of probability are dated on the second half
of the 17th century undertaken by Leibnitz or Locke.
Nevertheless the debate enlargement either on the use of
mathematical tools or on what concerns the philosophical sense
was established in the beginning of the 20th century.
The development of the mathematical probability theory shows
that, from Fermat and Pascal to Laplace, the engine of growth
set in the hazard games problems, although there were attempts
to apply it, by some mathematicians, in other areas specially
driven for the first social statistics data collections. There were
also attempts aspiring to apply the mathematical approach to
problems that intended to estimate the probability of an accused
individual being guilty, based on the presented evidence. The
earliest use of probabilistic arguments in legal decisions, even in
an incipient form, seems to have occurred more than 18
centuries ago in Babylonia and Israel with the Jewish scholars.
The reflections related to the notion of probability, which began
with questions related to hazard games problems, allowed a
much more simplified approach in many problems that arise
every day. But the emergence of different approaches, different
schools, and the debate around it suggests that different
scenarios allow different mind moves. Here it is supported an
epistemological approach following the subjective notion of
probability, but not entirely rejecting that to certain phenomena
may be adopted another approach. It is assumed a conciliatory
attitude as opposed to leave unanswered many problems. To
consider probability Janus faced appears to be necessary in
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
Published on: 8 -Apr-2013
Usually the probability theory is approached from a purely mathematical viewpoint or, not entirely in
alternative, from a philosophical perspective. If one confines to the mathematical perspective, probability”
must be seen as a primitive concept, in a Kolmogorov sense. To discuss the content of the concept, a
more comprehensive framework of the Knowledge Theory is needed. In this paper it is intended to
present another approach based on the concepts that are typical of Neuroeconomics, that go beyond the
rationality either quantitative or qualitative. This may be described simply by the word “Neuroprobability”.
Reflections in the notion of probability, which began with questions related to hazard games problems,
allowed a much more simplified approach in many problems that arise every day. But the emergence of
different approaches, different schools, and the debate around it suggests that different scenarios allow
different mind moves. The epistemological approach is supported following the subjective notion of
probability, but not entirely denying that in certain phenomena another one may be adopted. And often
some decisions about random events are taken in the form of pure reactions, not supported for any kind
of reason, as it happens for example in Neuroeconomics, giving rise to what we may call a different
concept of probability, the Neuroprobability.
Andrade et al
The Probability Theory is a powerful tool to model the human,
rational, behavior in this context. So, it is important to present
its foundations. So considering a transcription in common
language of Kolmogorov [1] construction it is usual to consider
the probability space (Ω, Α, P ) in which:
Ω is a fundamental non empty space - generally named
outcomes space - composed by elementary events
wi ∈ Ω ;
Α is a non empty family of Ω subsets, closed for the
usual Boolean operations. These sets {A ∈ Α}are entities
for which it is possible to associate a non negative real
number, i. e., a probability;
P is an additive function which domain is Α , such as:
If A ∩ B = Ø then P( A ∪ B ) = P( A) + P(B ) .
Kolmogorov [1] also generalized the additive property for non
finite spaces (Ω ) provided with non finite algebras (Α ) , but
contrarily to what had been said he did not advance from the
structure of algebra to a structure of σ -algebra. To force a
structure Α of subsets of Ω to be closed for operations of sets
in non finite number gives rise to some small monstrosities
which the observer is not able to identify.
One may have some prevention to the generalization of the
additive property for non finite spaces provided with non finite
Axiom of continuity:
A1 ⊃ A2 ⊃ ... An ⊃ ... and
limn P( An ) = 0 . ■
An = Ø then
He also added the theorem:
If A1 ,..., An ,... and A ∈ Α and
i =1
i =1
Ai ∩ A j = Ø, i ≠ j with
A = U Ai then P( A) = ∑ P( Ai ) . ■
Which demonstration results from the acceptance of the axiom
of continuity.
The numerable additivity raises some objections within the
Subjectivists (see Kyburg and Smokler [2]). In fact,
Epistemological theories see the probability as a state of mental
uncertainty about an event. These theories can be divided into
logical and subjectivists theories. Logical theories suppose the
existence of a single rational degree of uncertainty about the
event. However, the problem is that it is not known yet. The
subjectivist, but rational, interpretation has become more
popular in the last years. Subjectivists regard probability as a
degree of reasonable belief in a certain event, from an
individual viewpoint. Therefore probability is a numeric
subjective measure of a particular person according his/her
degree of belief, as long as it is 'coherent' - avoiding the Dutch
Following Savage, see [3], an economist that used mathematical
tools to model the Economic behavior, “It may seem peculiar to
insist on σ -algebras as opposed to finitely additive algebras
even in a context where finitely additive measures are the
central object, but countable unions do seem to be essential to
some of the theorems...
So much of the modern mathematical theory of probability
depends on the assumption that the probability measures at hand
are countably additive that one is strongly tempted to assume
countable additivity or its logical equivalent, as a postulate. But
I am inclined to agree with de Finetti and Koopman that,
however convenient countable additivity may be, it, like any
other assumption, ought not be listed among the postulates for a
concept of personal probability unless we actually feel that its
violation deserves to be called inconsistent or unreasonable.
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
It is this mode of dealing with probability that here is called
Neuroprobability, the third face of Janus, maybe not very
correctly but that emphasizes a different behavior, in face of the
same situation, from those described by the two faces of Janus.
Similar situations are studied in the Neuroeconomics context
where, for instance, acquisition of goods is determined not
necessarily thinking in concepts like price, utility, evaluation,
… but due to any stimulus supplied by the experience of the
buyer: the advertising, a pleasant experience, …
algebras. The most common attitude consists in imposing to Α
a structure of σ -algebra and to substitute the last Kolmogorov
axiom with the generalized additivity. In fact, this was not
followed by Kolmogorov. He added a sixth axiom:
theoretical terms as in its interaction with the practical
A third alternative is to consider what may be called subjectivity
beyond rationality. One aspect of this alternative is that facing
the same evidences and probabilities two different judges do not
decide necessarily in the same way. The other is that although
facing the evidence and the respective evaluation, the decision
of a judge may differ in accordance with different stimulus
experienced recently or older, even if the written decision is
based in the evidence and the respective evaluation. One
example of this kind of stimulus are the so called convictions,
sometimes passions, the most of the times unexplainable, of the
judges and in the same sense of the members of the jury, in jury
Andrade et al
Bayes' Theorem (also called Bayes’ Law):
To Savage's objections one may add the de Finetti's, “No-one
has given a real justification of countable additivity (other than
just taking it as a “natural extension” of finite additivity);
indeed, many authors do also take into account cases in which it
does not hold, but they consider them separately, not as absurd,
but nonetheless “pathological”, outside the “normal” theory.
These objections are very close within the careful thinking line
in Kolmogorov approach that is not taking the σ additivity as
an axiom - generalized of finite additivity - but instead consider
that it works under certain conditions: axiom of continuity and
circumstantial “closeness” - not structural - for a certain
numerable union of events - A =
U A ∈Α.
i =1
Taking into consideration the comments above, one may follow
considering A1 , A2 ,..., Am a finite or non finite partition of Ω
P ( Ai ) > 0, Ai ∩ A j = Ø, i ≠ j, U Ai = Ω .
Given any other event B , with P(B ) > 0 , it is easy to see the
decomposition of B as a union of disjoint sets
B = U ( Ai ∩ B ) .
Consequently, assuming for the present case the additivity of
the function P and the definition of conditional probability,
P(B ) = ∑ P( Ai ∩ B ) = ∑ P(B Ai )P( Ai )
P( Ai ∩ B ) = P(B Ai )P( Ai ) = P(Ai B )P(B )
P ( Ai B ) =
P (B Ai )P ( Ai )
P (B )
P (B Ai )P ( Ai )
∑ P(B A )P( A )
Ai , i = 1, 2, ..., m , as m hypotheses, H i , i = 1,2,..., m , and B as
data, being I the initial information, Jaynes [5] presents the
Bayes's Theorem in a different way (see Andrade [6])
P(H i Data, I ) =
P(Data H i , I )P(H i , I ) .
∑ P(Data H i , I )P(H i , I )
In each case the judge, or jury, has, necessarily, to make a
decision - Non Liquet principle. Although it is a decision
problem, it cannot be understood, studied and solved by the
methodologies presented in the Decision Theory.
This context, in which there is always a decision, it is not
adequate to use the “tools” of the Decision Theory, which is
based on an utilitarian approach for the different possibilities although there are also followers of the utilitarian theory among
the Law area theorists.
On this concern, one can say that there is an agreement in the
Law area: The task that the judge has before him is the
following: to find a decision, solution, founded by the law,
Engisch [7]. Perelman also states that the law as actually works
is essentially a decision problem: the legislature must decide
which laws are mandatory in an organized community; the
judge must decide what is right in each situation brought to his
trial, Perelman [8]. And also Larenz [9]: the judge's task is to
determine legally factual situations that have occurred, and that
there were only imagined.
What seems not to reach a consensus is that lawyers and
statisticians may in some issues, to have to deal with similar
problems. Of course, it is recognized that Statistics and Law are
autonomous and deal with specific problems. In fact, prima
facie, it seems that those sciences have little or nothing in
common. Statistics immediately suggests a quantitative
relationship with the phenomenon under approach, whereas
Law, using argumentation, the laws and the decisions, which is
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
Countable additivity cannot, therefore, be conceived of as a
general principle which leads us safely around within the
special field, and allows us to roam outside, albeit in an
undirected manner, with an infinite number of choices. On the
contrary, it is like a good-luck charm which works inside the
field, but which, on stepping outside, becomes an evil geni,
leading us into a labyrinth with no way out”, de Finetti [4].
and settling P Ai B it is obtained:
It therefore seems better not to assume countable additivity
outright as a postulate, but to recognize it as a special
hypothesis yielding, where applicable, a large class of useful
Andrade et al
The question that the judge has to answer is: After the case
being presented what is the posterior probability of the facts
based on evidence presented? The judge must evaluate the
evidence presented and the arguments of the different parts,
defence and prosecution, arguing about the hypotheses in
dispute. Based on the exposed case, and using a reflective
analysis regarding the situation under appreciation, and
supported, sometimes also in their experience, the judge reaches
a conviction and decides. As it is known the judge mission is to
administer justice, and the whole decisions must be justified and
grounded, which allows everybody to understand the reasons
for either decision. It is important to mention that to accomplish
a conviction the judge makes use of legal and not so legal
“The speakers who addressed the judge can rely on all the rules
of law and procedures available to the process and the judge
cannot refuse them without being guilty of a violation of the
law. Moreover, it is according to those rules that the judge must
support his sentence, so as to obtain the consent of their peers,
their superiors and the opinion of jurists, on the fact that has
issued a decision according to the Law. It is known that, along
with rules of law that anyone seeks to challenge, or to interpret
its own way, the whole Law system contains a sufficient
As Perelman stated in Law one is faced with the dialectic of the
reason and the will versus the reality and the value, being the
reason and the reality the objective part, the one that the judge
must take into account and should be leaning, providing the will
and the value subjective part which depends, ultimately, of the
judge's decision, Perelman [8]. “Acknowledging the power of
judge's decision that manifests itself through the subjective part,
it should be noted that this power is not arbitrary, i.e. it is not an
optional or despotic power which the judge can use without
control, since all decisions must be reasoned. Whatever
functions can the irrational sources of the discovery of the
judicial statements or the decision perform, the judge
confronted in his position (function) and conscience, only can
feel justified when his decision may also be based on the Law ,
which means being derived from it”, Engisch [7].
Thus, it is possible to agree that the Law operates with decision
making, which is not contrary to reason whenever justified by
an argument that is recognized. It is true that conclusions of the
arguments are not compelling, and so to agree with all
The argument based on the evidence presented may allow
influencing the direction of the decision, supported by the most
convincing arguments, but it is not the only way in concrete
situations. Other kind of “reasons”, may be called “nonreasons”, as the stimulus described above may influence either
the initial conviction of the judge or the final appreciation after
joining that conviction with the appreciation of the evidence.
Cultural aspects, prejudices, education, convictions may be
joined or even replace the computation of probabilities and the
legal aspects in the building of the decision. And even the
appreciation of a number may differ from a judge to one another
according to those factors.
This mechanism of belief creation may be interpreted as the
replacement of the probability computation by the consideration
of a probability built through neuro-stimulus: the so called
The philosophical meaning of the probability concept has
originated very different ideas. Consequently in an initial
moment, four main currents of interpretation appeared.
Following Gillies [11], these interpretations can be summarized
as follows:
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
In what concerns those who operate in Law, whether in practice
or theoretically, e.g. judges, lawyers, there is an almost
unanimous shared idea that mathematics, in a general sense or,
more specifically, some branches of Mathematics and Law are
not related disciplines or even concilable. “It is not a
mathematical formula ...”, “It cannot be translated into a
number ...”. That is why the reasoning of a judge is dialectical
opposite to the reasoning of mathematicians, who always walk
in one direction, from premises to conclusions. (...) The reasons
given by judges would be arguments that are not coercive, as in
a mathematical proof, according Perelman [8]. These are
examples of beliefs that will be encountered when seeking to
inquire about sharing common interests between Statistics and
Law, from latter’s representatives. In fact, it is not intended to
provide an algorithm or sensational formula as a solution, but
rather to look for common elements, realizing that the problems
that both deal with are, many times and in many ways identical.
Although the approaches are different, broadly speaking their
common interest is dealing with evidence interpretation.
number of uncertainty elements, which gives the judge enough
freedom, and depends on both the inner conviction of Judge
regarding the establishment of the facts, that the judges’
personality always plays a role, sometimes limited, but often
also decisive in the process and its result”, Perelman [8].
taken following the contours of the laws and the consciousness
of the "decider", presents a more qualitative treatment of the
topics of interest. Even a layman in the field of Law, accepts
that the disciplines are far more than that. Some might even
admit that there will be eventually identical points between
them. Following Dawid, “although the concerns of Statistics
and the Law might seem to have little to do with one other, they
do share some fundamental common interests, such as
interpretation of evidence, hypothesis testing, and decision
making under uncertainty”, Dawid [10].
Andrade et al
Frequency theory that defines the probability as the
"limit" of proportion of successes in a sequence of
Propensity Theory to which the probability is an inherent
propensity within a set of repeatable conditions – actual or
virtual – (Among those who advocate logical theory of
probability was John Maynard Keynes who stressed his
more philosophical aspect, for whom the probability is
defined as the degree of partial causality (probability is the
degree of partial entailment). Ramsey and de Finetti,
independently, were the forerunners of the ideas concerning
the subjective theory of probability, during the 1920s and
beyond. The frequentist theory initially followed by Ellis
and Venn was later developed by Reichenbach and von
Mises two thinkers closely linked to the Vienna Circle. The
propensity theory was introduced by Karl Popper in 1957
and latter developed and explained in his works in 1983
and 1990).
During the historical discussion different approaches of the
concept have risen, however a systematic classification has not
been consolidated. In 1983 Murteira [12] has noticed that
compared to the antagonism between the Classical and Bayesian
Box attempt through a dualistic theory of statistical inference to
reconcile them, Murteira [12], for whom the doctrines more
than competing, are complementary. Box “ecumenism” is
reflected in a division of the work: to Frequencists the critical
(the model is adequate?), to Bayesians the estimation (if the
model is adequate then estimate the parameters!), Murteira [12].
In 1994 Gillies [11] proposes to divide the interpretations of
probability in Objective and Epistemological. The objective
interpretations consider probability as a property of material
world, where human knowledge through observation, will
quantify the uncertainty, i.e., the uncertainty is in nature. The
epistemological interpretations conceive probability as related
to the degree of belief or knowledge of human beings.
According to this perspective the probability measures the
degree of knowledge or belief of each individual, moving the
uncertainty into the perspective observer/ phenomenon.
These two conceptions of probability describe the rational
approaches to random events appreciation. The emphasis
intended here is on what is beyond this rationality even when
people thinks that it is acting rationally. In fact, the ambience –
In the Roman tradition Janus was the god who gave his name to
January, god of the beginnings had two sides in its
representation - perhaps one looking to the past and the other
looking to the future. Since mid-nineteenth century, with
Poisson, Cournot and Ellis, it is mentioned the two sides of
probability, Hacking in 1975 calls it the two faces of Janus: ...
probability... is Janus-faced. On the one side it is statistical,
concerning itself with stochastic laws of chance processes. On
the other side it is epistemological, dedicated to assessing
reasonable degrees of belief in propositions quite devoid of
statistical background, see Gillies [11] and also Andrade and
Ferreira [13].
It is following this line why it is proposed the name “third face
of Janus” to describe the interpretation and the evaluation of
probabilities subject to neuro-stimulus, the Neuroprobability,
influencing the decision process.
In fact, the interpretation of probability concept is still a subject
of intense debate, and even among the supporters of an
approach are differences. It seems, however, that, in the
essence, the distinction lies in this distinction between objective
interpretation and epistemological interpretation of probability.
What has been observed is that the different approaches to
uncertainty have declared these two conflicting interpretations.
Beyond these interpretations and their consequent proposals of
behavior it must be considered, in this context, the “third face of
Janus” characterizing behavior.
Uncertainty is in nature and repetition is the mechanism used to
determine it, argue the objectivist. But if that is accepted, then
there are many problems left to unanswered arising every day,
for not be incurring into contradiction. Uncertainty evaluation is
supported on nature-observer for the epistemological approach,
which does not state a kind of “prescription”, but opens the
perspective to subjectivity and to a certain plurality of
On one hand the objectivist current argues for the repeatability
in what concerns probability, on the other epistemological
current attempts have been made to establish some agreement,
seeking for an enlargement of the concept.
The subjectivist school while rejecting the essential character of
the frequencist theory, does not rejected it to be considered in a
process that allows “repetition” and frequency analysis as an
element of information in the process. Although this is a
tolerant kind of approach it is also an agglutinating proposal,
recognizing the viability of the process, frequency analysis,
removing the autonomy as a current and coherent. The
frequency analysis can be, among others, an element of
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
Subjective Theory which identifies probability with a
degree of belief that each individual has in a certain
hypothesis. It is allowed the difference of opinion between
different individuals;
time, local, mental, … - influence the behavior of anyone not
necessarily in what it called a rational mode.
Logic Theory which identifies probability with a
reasonable degree of uncertainty. It considers that before
the same evidence all rational human beings have the same
belief in a certain hypothesis;
Andrade et al
In Philosophical Theories of Probability, Gillies [11] describes
the various theories and their philosophical meaning,
proceeding with a proposal. Gillies [11] advocates a pluralistic
view of probability, and admits adopting either of the objectivist
or of the epistemological current, depending on the type of
phenomenon or process under study, therefore trying to
reconcile the concepts and their own daily practical decisions in
the most various problems.
If one wants probability to become truly an operational tool in
the most diverse areas as hazard games, physics, quantum or
deterministic, or even the social sciences, it is important to
reach the operationally of the concepts and their connection
with specific methodologies in the different application areas,
so that the purposes may be achieved. It seems appropriate to
consider that certain phenomena exist per si regardless the
observer and others exist only if observed, Why not to adopt
different approaches in different situations?
The Neuroprobability cannot be considered an operational
concept. One only may influence it trying to find the adequate
neuro-stimulus, there having a lot of examples in the speeches
of the counsellors in the final allegations.
The first reflections relating to the probability concept began
with the hazard games. Thus, a more simplified approach was
allowed. The emergence of different approaches, different
schools, and the debate generated by them suggests that
different scenarios allow for different approaches. For our part it
is preferred a subjective epistemological approach, but it is not
absolutely rejected that to certain phenomena it is adopted a
different approach. It is admitted a conciliatory attitude in
opposition to leave unanswered many problems. Reaffirming
the probability two Janus faces, it is necessary to consider them
when mentioning probability, in theoretical terms and when
related with the practical applications. But of course it is
imperative to note that the Neuroprobability is always present,
independent of our will. So the consideration of Janus third
The ever-increasing ease of communication among different
areas of knowledge and the amount of problems that arise
It is not indifferent to opt for one or another probability concept.
Following Dawid “even without (before) one chooses an
interpretation it can be considered that “probability” as a purely
theoretical term, inhabiting the intellectual universe and without
any direct physical counterpart”, Dawid [14], being indirect the
link between theoretical probability and the physical universe.
In this context, the knowledge of the phenomenon under study,
supported by the convictions of the “agent”, leads the choice of
which interpretation to use, in each case.
Given the diversity of problems that arise, the ambition to take
advantage of the concept that allows the search for different
solutions, which should be wide-ranging? Although there may
be (and there always is!) a preference for an interpretation of
probability, to make the concept malleable allows us, for sure, a
greater number of better answers.
One can say that the core element of Statistics lies in the
inference. Indeed, the observation of some data for a particular
phenomenon leads in making statements and inferences about
one or more unknown characteristics of the system or
mechanism that caused it. And that was probably what
motivated the work of John Graunt (1662) Natural and Political
Observations on the Bills of Mortality, which can be considered
an attempt to collect data on births and deaths and the
subsequent extraction of conclusions.
Note that, since the mid-seventeenth century some
mathematicians have tried to apply their theory to the available
empirical evidence. However, recourse to the application of
mathematical theory to study real world problems has begun in
a strict context of hazard games. It took some time until it could
be successfully applied to economic/social practical problems.
But, the theory maturation allowed finding innumerable
practical applications either in natural sciences or in social
There were already presented different notions of probability
that in practical applications may be different for different
particular contexts. If it is true that physical phenomena often
originate a large amount of repetitive information, there may not
be disregarded social phenomena that are of high interest to
human activity, which by their nature do not allow repeatability.
The lack of quantitative theories successful in these situations
stimulates the need to introduce operational procedures for
quantifying what is qualitative by nature.
In court it is preferred to follow a subjective epistemological
approach. But it is not absolutely impossible that for certain
phenomena a different one is adopted. Reaffirming the
probability two Janus faces, it is necessary to consider them
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
The “repetition” is not essential for Neuroprobability. One only
stimulus may be determinant in the conviction building.
Although not rejecting it it is not essential. This fact
differentiates definitively this probability concept from the
reinforce the need to question: which probability concept to
adopt? What and how to articulate application of the concept (s)
to the practical question (s).
information, but more than one element can be considered a
particular case, is only available to a limited number of cases. It
can provide information in some cases therefore can be included
in its evaluation.
Andrade et al
This work was financially supported by FCT through the Strategic Project
The authors thank very much the comments and suggestions of Prof.
Kostas Rontos, whose comments about the edition of Andrade and
Ferreira [13] were very pertinent in the conception of this paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interests.
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World: A Bayes - de Finetti - Popper – Borel Synthesis.
Statistical Science, 19: 44–57.
Prof. Marina Alexandra Pedro Andrade is
Graduated in Probability and Statistics and a
Master in Probability and Statistics by Lisbon
University; is PhD in Quantitative Methods Statistics and Data Analysis by ISCTE-IUL; is
Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL, Department
of Quantitative Methods and Member of BRUIUL research group. Research interests:
Mathematics; Statistics; Bayesian StatisticsApplication
Stochastic Processes-Queues and Applied
Probabilities; Applications to Social Problems.
Prof. Manuel Alberto Martins Ferreira is
Electrotechnical Engineer and Master in
Applied Mathematics by Lisbon Technical
University, PhD in Management-Quantitative
Methods and Aggregate in Quantitative
Methods by ISCTE-IUL. Former Chairman of
the Board of Directors and Vice- President of
ISCTE-IUL; is Full Professor at ISCTE-IUL,
Department of Quantitative Methods, and
Member of BRU-IUL research group.
Research interests: Mathematics; Statistics;
Stochastic Processes-Queues and Applied
Probabilities; Game Theory; Applications to
Management, Finance and Social Problems;
Bayesian Statistics-Application to Forensic
Prof. José António Candeias Bonito Filipe is
Graduated in Economics by Instituto Superior
de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Técnica
de Lisboa, Master in Management Sciences by
ISCTE-IUL and PhD in Quantitative Methods
(Operations Research) by ISCTE-IUL; is
Assistant Professor in ISCTE-IUL, Department
of Quantitative Methods and Member of BRUIUL research group. Research interests:
Mathematics; Statistics; Stochastic Processes Queues and Applied Probabilities; Game
Management, Finance and Social Problems;
Prof. Manuel Francisco Pacheco Coelho is
Graduated, Master, PhD and Aggregate in
Economics by Technical University of Lisbon; is
Assistant Professor in ISEG-UTL and Member
of SOCIUS research group. Research interests:
Microeconomics and Quantitative Methods.
Coordination of Post-Graduation in Energy and
Environmental Economics. Teacher of the
Doctoral Program MIT /Portugal on Sustainable
Energy Systems.
Andrade et al, IIOABJ; Vol. 4; Issue 3; 2013: 15-21
Making:: GUEST EDITOR: José António Filipe
Neuroscience In Economic Decision Making
The Neuroprobability as it was seen above is not a question of
option but of presence. And the counsellors intuitively know it
very well.
when mentioning probability, in theoretical terms and when
related to the practical applications. This is the recommended
procedure in court combining the conviction of the judge, jury,
with the practical, experience, knowledge, i.e. the subjective
and the objective probability concepts.