Papers by Laurent Mazliak
The paper studies the presence of Sergei Bernstein at Kharkiv university during two decades, in t... more The paper studies the presence of Sergei Bernstein at Kharkiv university during two decades, in the turmoil of events that happened in Ukraine in the Great War and its aftermath. The apparent refusal of emigration by the mathematician during the 1920s is examined as well as his successful career, leading to a transfer to Leningrad and Moscow in spite of his rather open opposition to some ideological aspects of the Soviet ideology. Some particularities of the local situation in Kharkiv may have played a rôle in this singular evolution.
This chapter provides a detailed examination of the manner in which elements drawn from a reading... more This chapter provides a detailed examination of the manner in which elements drawn from a reading of Volterra's work on the generalization of the concept of function and differential calculus became decisive for the research programs of first Hadamard and then Fréchet, and how this passing of the baton to a new generation marked a turning point in the evolution of studies on partial differential equations, and more broadly, for all of twentiethcentury functional analysis. 2 This publication provided the occasion for Volterra to begin an important correspondence with Gösta Mittag-Leffler (1846-1927), who had founded the journal Acta Mathematica in 1882 and directed it energetically for almost half a century. A study of this correspondences (see [75]), which was most frequent in the years 1888-1892, offers a very vivid picture of the young Volterra's boundless activity.
Statistique et Société, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
National audienc
The present paper deals with the life and some aspects of the scientific contribution of the math... more The present paper deals with the life and some aspects of the scientific contribution of the mathematician Rene Gateaux, killed during World War 1 at the age of 25. Though he died very young, he left interesting results in functional analysis. In particular, he was among the first to try to construct an integral over an infinite dimensional space. His ideas were extensively developed later by Levy. Among other things, he interpreted Gateaux's integral in a probabilistic framework that later led to the construction of Wiener measure. This article tries to explain this singular personal and professional destiny in pre and postwar France. It also recalls the slaughter inflicted on French students during the conflict.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
Lettera matematica, Jul 26, 2013
In France the tragic story of Maurice Audin is by now relatively well-known but the originality o... more In France the tragic story of Maurice Audin is by now relatively well-known but the originality of the touching book by Michèle Audin lies in the introspective nature of the account, seen through the eyes of his daughter.
Cet article contient une brève présentation des travaux du philosophe tchèque Karel Vorovka (1879... more Cet article contient une brève présentation des travaux du philosophe tchèque Karel Vorovka (1879-1929) en philosophie des sciences, suivie de la traduction d'une conférence sur Vorovka par Bohuslav Hostinský et d'un article mathématique de Vorovka.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2009
Dans le présent article, nous examinons d'une part la manière dont Paul Lévy dans les années 1930... more Dans le présent article, nous examinons d'une part la manière dont Paul Lévy dans les années 1930 a fait usage de conditions du type martingales pour sesétudes de sommes de variables aléatoires dépendantes, et d'autre part l'attitude qu'il a eue envers Jean-André Ville et ses travaux mathématiques.
Éduquer, Jun 1, 2012
Le sujet de cet article concerne la maniere dont Alfred Binet a aborde la question de l’analyse g... more Le sujet de cet article concerne la maniere dont Alfred Binet a aborde la question de l’analyse graphologique, et la reaction interessee que la lecture de son ouvrage sur le sujet (Binet, 1906) a suscitee chez son collegue mathematicien Emile Borel (1871-1956). La graphologie constitue un aspect quelque peu marginal dans l’activite d’Alfred Binet, a cela pres que l’angle sous lequel il avait choisi d’examiner la question offrait de fortes resonances avec une certaine facon de concevoir la mis...
Philosophia scientiae, Mar 1, 2023
Nous entendons réexaminer tout un pan de l'histoire de la philosophie des sciences en France entr... more Nous entendons réexaminer tout un pan de l'histoire de la philosophie des sciences en France entre le milieu des années 1930 et l'immédiat après-guerre en nous appuyant sur les activités d'un réseau de scientifiquesphilosophes qui s'est constitué autour de Gaston Bachelard, Jean-Louis Destouches et Ferdinand Gonseth après le congrès parisien de philosophie scientifique de septembre 1935. Ce réseau officialise sa rupture avec les positivismes logiques en organisant un colloque à Morgat en septembre 1938. Les activités de ce réseau se concrétisent sous l'Occupation avec la publication en 1942 puis en 1944 de deux fascicules qui offrent une large place aux réflexions de Louis de Broglie, Jean-Louis Destouches et Paulette Destouches-Février en physique théorique, tout en traitant d'autres thématiques telles que le langage et le finalisme. Ces deux fascicules reflètent ponctuellement les engagements de l'un de ses membres, à savoir Jean Mariani, en faveur de la Révolution nationale. Si ce dernier est durement sanctionné à l'automne 1946, l'essentiel de ce réseau continue à jouer un rôle structurant en philosophie des sciences après la guerre et il gagne même en visibilité sur la scène philosophique internationale, grâce au soutien de Ferdinand Gonseth et de Stanislas Dockx.
Revue des questions scientifiques, Dec 1, 2020
Borel (Émile), À l’aube de la théorie des quanta : notes inédites d’Émile Borel sur un cours de P... more Borel (Émile), À l’aube de la théorie des quanta : notes inédites d’Émile Borel sur un cours de Paul Langevin au Collège de France (1912-1913) / édité par Martha Cecilia Bustamante De La Ossa. – Turnhout : Brepols Publishers, 2019. – x, 335 p. – (De diversis artibus, 105 ; Nouv. série, 68). – 1 vol. relié de 20 × 26 cm. – 65,00 €. – isbn 978-2-503-58638-0.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2013
The paper is devoted to Poincaré’s work in probability. The starting point for the discussion is ... more The paper is devoted to Poincaré’s work in probability. The starting point for the discussion is Poincaré’s intervention in the Dreyfus Affair. Although works on probability do not represent a large part of the mathematician’s achievements, they provide significant insight into the evolution of Poincaré’s thought on several important matters, such as the changes in physics implied by statistical mechanics and molecular theories. The general historical context of this evolution is presented.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2009
Hermann eBooks, Sep 21, 2015
International audienc
Revista brasileira de história da matemática, 2014
During his long scientific life, Vito Volterra devoted a lot of energy to the cause of young math... more During his long scientific life, Vito Volterra devoted a lot of energy to the cause of young mathematicians. He helped many of them to find their way in research by providing advice on their work and also by helping them enter the academic community. In the present paper, we are studying the particularly important case of the exchanges of students between Italy and France in which Volterra played a fundamental role. We focus on what may be seen as the genesis of a fruitful tradition, unfortunately brutally interrupted by the surge of the Great War.
Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2020
Soigner les fous. Histoire des traitements médicaux en psychiatrie,
Papers by Laurent Mazliak