Araştırma Makalesi / Original Article
J Med App Sci, 2021; 1(2): 31-35
Assessment of the pre-analytical phase errors in the clinical
laboratory at Tripoli University Hospital
Ashur A.B.
, Magrahi H.E.
, Bleha Z.
, Atia A.
University of Tripoli, Faculty of Medical Technology, Department of Medical Laboratories Sciences, Tripoli, Libya.
Tripoli University Hospital, Department of Medical Laboratories, Tripoli, Libya.
University of Tripoli, Faculty of Medical Technology, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Tripoli, Libya.
Corresponding author / Sorumlu
Abir Ben Ashur. University of Tripoli,
Faculty of Medical Technology,
Department of Medical Laboratories
Sciences, Tripoli, Libya.
[email protected]
The pre-analytical stage is the commonest source of laboratory errors. Errors in this
stage can lead to a misdiagnosis, mismanagement, and represent serious harm to
patients. Clinical laboratories use many different methods to reduce errors and improve
quality, including assessment of pre-analytical phase errors that would result in improved
quality of health care services. The purpose of this study was to determine the
prevalence of pre-analytical phase errors in a clinical laboratory at Tripoli University
Hospital, Libya. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from March to May
2021 at the clinical laboratory of Tripoli University Hospital, involving 400 laboratory
request forms and blood containers. Data was collected using an international standard
checklist, and further analyzed using SPSS. Findings reveled that date of request and sex
of the patients were present in all collected forms. However, physician’s full name was
missing in 80% of the request forms. No clinical details were provided in 79% of the
forms. The doctor's signature was absent on 57% of the request forms. A bout 50% of
the samples delivered in the laboratory did not contain the recommended volume of
blood and 50% samples were hemolyzed. Besides, laboratory personals were not
adhered with the standardized handling and transportation methods according to the
International Organization of Standardization. Continuous educational action is needed
for all lab staff involved in laboratory testing to improve the quality of the pre-analytical
phase of the total testing process.
Keywords: Blood specimens, Clinical laboratory, Pre-analytical errors, Request form.
Journal of Medicine and Applied Sciences
Ashur et al. J Med App Sci, 2021; 1(2): 31-35
Laboratory errors can occur at any stage in the
laboratory testing process, which requires to be
monitored and controlled [1]. These medical errors
captured a considerable attention and necessitate an
urgent action to avert any undesirable consequences
of medical outcomes, that could affect patient safety
Data settings and approval
A descriptive study was carried out from March to
May 2021 with the aim of evaluating and analyzing
pre-analytical errors occurred at the clinical laboratory
of Tripoli University Hospital, using a simple random
sampling strategy. This study was approved by the
research committee of the Faculty of Medical
Technology, University of Tripoli, Libya (No. MedRCC-012).
In clinical diagnostic laboratories, the process of
laboratory testing is merely divided into three phases;
pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases,
according to the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).The pre-analytical phase is the
primary phase before the beginning with the
laboratory analysis. It involves the registration of
clients, specimen collection and transportation. The
second phase compromised of sample analysis, result
examines, and technical validation. The third step
involves the post-analytical phase, which includes
result drafting, approval, and revealing to the doctor
[4]. Laboratory errors might occur at any of these
three phases, nevertheless the frequency of laboratory
errors reported mostly in the pre-analytical phase [5].
Data collection
An international standard pre-analytical checklist was
used to collect data from Laboratory Request Forms
(LRF), sample containers, and observation of
biological specimens. Data was prospectively obtained
through qualified clinical laboratory technicians during
their duty work, and were checked for completeness
by the principal investigator. All lab technicians
voluntarily participated in the current study after
signing a consent form. Data regarding the type of
errors, missing data on patient identification (ID), date
of birth, gender, clinical diagnosis, physician’s name,
date of request, and physician’s signature were
collected from about 400 laboratory request forms.
Errors collected from blood containers such as;
missing data on patient identification (ID), patient age,
gender, date of sampling, time of sampling, and
sample hemolysis, were also collected. Any visual
hemolysis or lipemia were considered as sample
errors, and were subsequently recoded.
Earlier studies reported that errors in results from
laboratory testing were mostly recorded in the preanalytical phase. Due to that, data accuracy, reliability
and quality are influenced by this stage [6,8].
Inappropriate pre-analytical procedures of patient
transportation, sample preparation, and sample
storage making the reliability of the results doubtful.
It has been shown, from the literature, that maximum
errors occur during the pre-analytical phase were
about 61.9%,comparing to 15% and 23.1%, in
analytical and post-analytical phases; respectively [9].
Errors in the pre-analytical phase had reported to
commonly grows to be obvious subsequently at the
analytical and post-analytical phases [10]. patient’s
safety and medical diagnosis improvements are
depending on a currency of laboratory results, and
that 70% of medical diagnostic decisions rely on the
accuracy of laboratory tests [11].
Data analysis
The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS
Statistics for Windows, version 26 (IBM Corp.,
Armonk, N.Y., USA), and were presented as counts
and percentages.
Out of all the required information on LRFs (n=400),
only the date test was requested. Patient gender was
present on all LRFs. The name of the physician,
patient’s clinical details, clinical diagnosis, and
physician’s signature were not provided on 332
(82.0%), 316 (79.0%), 240 (60.0%), and 228 (57.0%)
of LRFs respectively. While, patient’s full names were
not found on 80 (20.0%) of the request forms, and
age was missing on 88 (22.0%) of LRFs (Table 1).
It cannot be denied that laboratory errors play a
significant role in the overall risk of error in healthcare
[12]. Moreover, it is important to assess pre-analytical
errors to define ways to reduce or eliminate laboratory
errors that consider potentially significant on a
patient’s health, to improve the quality of laboratory
analysis and reduce harm to patients [13]. Therefore,
this study aims to assess and determine errors that
occurs in the pre-analytical phase at the clinical
laboratory of Tripoli University Hospital.
Journal of Medicine and Applied Sciences
Ashur et al. J Med App Sci, 2021; 1(2): 31-35
Table 1. Frequency of errors linked with LRF and sample container
Variables of requests form
Percentage %
Clinical details
Requesting Physician’s full name
Physician’s signature
Patients’ full names
Age (Years)
Variables of sample container
Time of sampling
Gender of patient
Age of patient
Date of sampling
Patients’ full names
Percentage %
Table 2. t-CT and chest radiography compliance
Insufficient volume of specimen
Hemolyzed sample
Inappropriate container
Clotted sample
Delay in sample transport
Lipemic sample
15]. On the other hand, major pre-analytical errors
(82.0%) were noticed in lab requesting forms about
missing the physician’s name, followed by 79.0% of
missed clinical information. These findings were in
agreement with results from study conducted in
Ethiopia, which exhibited 17.9% and 22.5% missed
information of physician name and clinical
information, respectively [16]. Besides, the clinical
diagnosis was not mentioned in 60.0% of the lab
request forms. This was comparable to earlier study
conducted in North India, which reported 61.6%
missed information concerning the diagnosis in
request forms [17]. Extraneous and unneeded tests are
performed when clinical information (diagnosis) is
lacking or uncertain.
Regarding errors on sample containers, the current
results revealed missed data of 392 (98.0%) about
gender, 388 (97.0%) regarding age, and 188 (47.0%)
about sampling date. While, patient’s name was absent
on 4 (1.0%) sample containers (Table 1).
Regarding errors on blood specimens, sample
hemolysis and insufficient volume of blood were the
most commonly observed pre-analytical errors on 200
(50.0%) of total samples, followed by 140 (35.0%)
improper container, 100 (25.0%) clotted samples, 88
(22.0%) delay in sample transport, and 40 (10.0%)
lipemic samples (Table 2).
The primary goal of the study was to determine the
frequency of pre-analytical errors that could affect the
performance in the overall testing procedure. The
current analysis of LRF data revealed that, only the
reference gender and date test request appeared on all
of the examined LRFs, dissimilar findings were
reported in previous studies in India and Ghana [14,
Journal of Medicine and Applied Sciences
Patient’s names were recorded in almost all sample
containers, whereas 97%, 98%, and 47% of ages,
genders, and date of sampling, were missed;
respectively. Recording the age and sex of the patient
in the laboratory request form and sample container is
important for correct interpretation of results, as the
reference range of the tests are different for different
age groups and sex.
Incorrect or insufficient
information in the test request or on the test tube
label are major source of pre-analytical errors [18,19].
Ashur et al. J Med App Sci, 2021; 1(2): 31-35
Generally, erroneous requests and labels are
responsible for more than two-thirds of all rejected
samples in clinical laboratories. In addition, several
other investigations have confirmed that test requests
can be clinically significant cause of errors [20,24]. In
this study, laboratory request forms and sample
containers did not carry all the required information
regarding patient and sample details. This could be
due to an overabundance of patients, as well as a lack
of medical staff awareness of the relevance of the
essential information in the appropriate processing of
samples and transmission of reports. These details
about patient's characteristics, such as age, gender,
physiological conditions pregnancy and menopause
details, used medications, and suspected diagnoses, are
required to avoid unnecessary test repetitions in the
event of dissimilar results that cannot be evaluated
due to a lack of information.
In the present study, findings regarding blood
specimens revealed that 50% of both hemolyzed
sample and insufficient volume were the most
common pre-analytical errors leading to specimen
rejection in the clinical lab at this research. This was
comparable to previous study done in Turkey where
insufficient volume was the most common errors with
48.8% [25], and less prevalence from study conducted
by Goswami et al., which reported 81% hemolyzed
specimens that caused specimen rejection [26].
The current findings reported the presence of errors
in the pre-analytical phase which could be of concern
to patient safety. Continuous evaluation of the preanalytical phase, causes of error, and corrective
measures should be taken to make this phase errorfree. To improve the quality of services, physicians
and laboratory workers should collaborate more
closely together. Incomplete request forms and
samples should be rejected, and laboratory technicians
should be educated on established guidelines.
We acknowledge University of Tripoli for their
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