Compositional Dependability Evaluation for STATEMATE

2009, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Software and system dependability is getting ever more important in embedded system design. Current industrial practice of model-based analysis is supported by state-transition diagrammatic notations such as Statecharts. State-of-the-art modelling tools like STATEMATE support safety and failure-effect analysis at design time, but restricted to qualitative properties. This paper reports on a (plug-in) extension of STATEMATE enabling the evaluation of quantitative dependability properties at design time. The extension is compositional in the way the model is augmented with probabilistic timing information. This fact is exploited in the construction of the underlying mathematical model, a uniform continuous-time Markov decision process, on which we are able to check requirements of the form: "The probability to hit a safety-critical system configuration within a mission time of 3 hours is at most 0.01." We give a detailed explanation of the construction and evaluation steps making this possible, and report on a nontrivial case study of a highspeed train signalling system where the tool has been applied successfully.

1 Compositional Dependability Evaluation for S TATEMATE Eckard Böde, Marc Herbstritt, Holger Hermanns, Sven Johr, Thomas Peikenkamp, Reza Pulungan, Jan Rakow, Ralf Wimmer, Student Member, IEEE, Bernd Becker, Fellow, IEEE, Abstract— Software and system dependability is getting ever more important in embedded system design. Current industrial practice of model-based analysis is supported by state-transition diagrammatic notations such as Statecharts. State-of-the-art modelling tools like S TATEMATE support safety and failure-effect analysis at design time, but restricted to qualitative properties. This paper reports on a (plug-in) extension of S TATEMATE enabling the evaluation of quantitative dependability properties at design time. The extension is compositional in the way the model is augmented with probabilistic timing information. This fact is exploited in the construction of the underlying mathematical model, a uniform continuous-time Markov decision process, on which we are able to check requirements of the form: “The probability to hit a safety-critical system configuration within a mission time of 3 hours is at most 0.01.” We give a detailed explanation of the construction and evaluation steps making this possible, and report on a nontrivial case study of a highspeed train signalling system where the tool has been applied successfully. Index Terms— Real-time and embedded systems, Fault tolerance, Modelling techniques, Reliability, availability, and serviceability, Model checking, Reliability, Design notations and documentation, State diagrams. I. M OTIVATION E NGINEERS of safety-critical embedded software are facing great challenges. To ensure safe and dependable behaviour of the final system requires careful design-time modelling and analysis. Often behavioural models are developed in the form of (huge) state-transition diagrams of various kinds, which are evaluated using verification and validation tools, for instance model checkers. When it comes to studying performance and dependability of such systems, the industrial practice uses stochastic models such as Markov chains, simulation models, or probabilistic interpretations of fault trees, to estimate system performance and especially failure risks. These latter models are often developed separately from the state-transition models used for studying functional correctness. This is especially problematic if the functional behaviour itself is affected by failures, or is specified to compensate for component failures, like in repairable or fault-resilient system designs. Manuscript received January 27, 2008; revised September 04, 2008. This work is supported by the German Research Council (DFG) as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center “Automatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems” (SFB/TR 14 AVACS). See for more information. E. Böde and T. Peikenkamp are with OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany. M. Herbstritt, R. Wimmer and B. Becker are with Albert-LudwigsUniversity Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. H. Hermanns, S. Johr and R. Pulungan are with Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. J. Rakow is with Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany. This disturbing gap is amplified by a considerable distance of theoretical advances to the industrial daily practise. Especially the area of probabilistic verification and stochastic model checking has seen great advances in the past years [1]–[4], which seem ready for industrial practise. Motivated by this observation, we have undertaken efforts to integrate very recent advances in stochastic model checking into a modelling environment with a stable industrial user group. The modelling environment is S TATEMATE, a Statechart-based tool-set used in several avionic and automotive companies like A IRBUS or B MW. The model checking is based on computing time bounded reachability probabilities, and allows us to verify properties like: “The probability to hit a safety-critical system configuration within a mission time of 3 hours is at most 0.01.” The algorithmic workhorse to validate (or refute) such properties is the first implementation of an algorithm [4] which computes the worst-case (or best-case) time bounded reachability probability in a uniform continuous-time Markov decision process (uCTMDP). This combination of Statechart-modelling and uCTMDP analysis raises theoretical and practical questions, both of which are answered in this paper. On the theoretical side, we describe how the S TATEMATE-model can be enriched with real-time probabilistic time aspects, and then transformed into a CTMDP which is uniform by construction. One key feature of this approach is that the model construction steps rely heavily on compositional properties of the intermediate model, which is the model of interactive Markov chains (IMCs) [5]. On the practical side, we report how symbolic (i. e. BDD-based) representations and compositional methods can be exploited to keep the model sizes manageable. While the later steps in our analysis trajectory use explicit state space representations, the earlier steps are symbolic, and use a novel and very effective symbolic branching bisimulation minimisation algorithm. From an engineer’s perspective, a typical analysis scenario is shown in Fig. 1, which will serve as a running example: The S TATEMATE design represents the functional behaviour of a heating system. Owed to its safety-critical nature, the model contains distinguished safety-critical states (here TLE, top level event). To identify them, techniques like Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA) [6] are often employed, but this is beyond the scope of this paper. The design also comprises distinguished delay transitions, which correspond to the bold arrows. These transitions have an effect or are effected by the advance of time. Mostly, delay transitions indicate component failures (FM, failure of monitor and FS, failure of sensor), but the concept is more flexible, as we will explain later. A typical dependability requirement for such a system demands that the risk of hitting any safety-critical state within a given mission time bound is below some threshold. Such requirements refer to a real-time probabilistic interpretation of the model. In our approach this interpretation is based on delay 2 S TATEMATE design HEATER CTRL CONTROLLER [SHUTDOWN]/ HEATER:=DISABELD CTRL ON Delay Transitions e13 CTRL OFF LTS Generation (III-A) HEATER ON e15 [TEMP==TOO COLD]/ Safety-Critical States HEATER:=ENABLED [TEMP==TOO HOT]/ e02 [TEMP==TOO COLD]/ e01 HEATER:=DISABLED HEATER:=ENABLED C [TEMP==TOO HOT]/ [M ACTIVE e14 HEATER:=DISABLED and S ACTIVE and not SHUTDOWN] HEATER OFF MONITOR M INIT Delay Distributions symbolic processing explicit processing [S FAILED]/M ACTIVE:=false; SHUTDOWN:=true LTS Labels Symbolic Minimisation of the LTS (III-B) Phasetype Approximation (III-C) Quotient LTS Absorbing CTMCs Weaving the time constraint (III-E) Elapse (III-D) e12 [S ACTIVE] /M ACTIVE:=true e11 e08 M OK M FAILED EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN FM uIMCs uIMC SENSOR S INIT FS/ S FAILED:=true [true]/S ACTIVE:=true; TEMP:=TEMP IN e06 e16 OBSERVER SAFE e07 S OK uCTMDP [S FAILED and HEATER==ENABLED] e03 e04 [not S FAILED or HEATER==DISABLED] CTMDP Transformation (III-G) S STUCK UP/ TEMP:=TEMP IN WAIT e05 TLE Time Bound Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Timed Reachability Analysis (III-H) Worst Case Probabilities SYNC Overview: processing steps and basic models. An extended Statechart: the heater example. II. BASIC M ODELS distributions, in the form of continuous probability distributions affecting the occurrence of the delay transitions. In the heater example, this means that the engineer is asked to provide the distribution of the time to failure for the monitor (FM) and the sensor (FS). All in all, the S TATEMATE design, safety-critical states, delay transitions, delay distributions, and a time bound make up the ensemble of information needed to verify the above dependability requirement. They are indicated as dashed boxes in Fig. 2. Based on these inputs, our tool computes the worst-case probability to reach a safety-critical state within the time bound, thus providing the engineer with the required model-based prediction. The heater shown in Fig. 1 demonstrates some of the intricacies of typical behavioural models that make them hard to analyse: large state-based systems with parallel activities (separated by dashed lines) that communicate by means of shared variables (e. g. TEMP), non-determinism resulting from specification freedom or unknown variables (e. g. TEMP IN), and prioritised transitions are typical features that are present in today’s systems designs. In summary, this journal paper makes the following contributions, based on the conference publications [7]–[10]. We (1) devise a sound and effective methodology to assess dependability of industrial-size safety-critical designs. This is based on (2) the first implementation of a time bounded reachability algorithm for uCTMDPs [7], (3) the first—to our knowledge—entirely BDD-based algorithm for computing branching bisimulation quotients [9], (4) a provably sound compositional method to construct uniform CTMDPs [8], [10], and (5) the integration of these pieces into an effective tool chain [7]. We report (6) on the results of applying this tool chain to a nontrivial case study from the train control domain. For this case study, we manage to avoid state spaces in the order of 1040 , and instead only need to handle models of up to 105 states and 106 transitions. Organisation of the paper. The paper is organised as follows. Section II introduces the basic mathematical concepts and models that are combined in our tool. The interplay of the various concepts is described in detail in Section III. Section IV demonstrates the practical feasibility of our approach by an example from the train control domain. Section V concludes the paper. This section introduces the behavioural models used in this paper. First, we address foundations related to the stochastic aspects of our compositional approach. We then introduce a variation of the Statechart formalism, which we use as the main vehicle to describe functional behavioural models and explain its particularities. A. Stochastic Models The construction process revolves around different flavours of interactive Markov chains [5], an orthogonal combination of labelled transition systems and continuous-time Markov chains. We consider a basic set of actions A and let Act = A ∪˙ {τ } where τ is a distinguished action not in A. This action is deemed unobservable and plays a crucial role in our approach, since it is used for abstracting behaviours of the system, which at certain stages are irrelevant for the transformation steps that follow. Definition 1 (IMC) An interactive Markov chain (IMC) is a tuple (S, Act, T, R, s0 ) where S is a non-empty set of states, Act is the above set of actions, T ⊆ S × Act × S is a set of interactive transitions, R ⊆ S × R+ ×S associates a set of Markov transitions with each state, and s0 ∈ S is the initial state. R(s, s′ ) denotes the transition rate from states s to s′ , i. e., P ′ R(s, s′ ) = λ∈Λ λ where Λ = {λ | (s, λ, s ) ∈ R}. A labelled transition system (LTS) is a tuple (S, Act, T, s0 ) whenever (S, Act, T, ∅, s0 ) is an IMC. A continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) is a tuple (S, Act, R, s0 ) whenever (S, Act, ∅, R, s0 ) is an IMC. Notation: For IMC I = (S, Act, T, R, s0 ), a state s ∈ S is stable, τ written s − 6 →, if ∀s′ ∈ S : (s, τ, s′ ) 6∈ T . Otherwise s is called unstable. For stable state s and C ⊆ S we define r(s, C) = P ′ s′ ∈C R(s, s ). For unstable s, r(s, C) = 0. The distinction between stable and unstable states is justified by the notion of maximal progress, see [5] for details. IMC I is called uniform, τ iff ∃e ∈ R+ such that ∀s ∈ S : s 6− → implies r(s, S) = e. We a τ∗ write s − → t for (s, a, t) ∈ T , and −−→ for the reflexive transitive τ closure of − →. If R(s, s′ ) = λ > 0 we will sometimes depict this λ as s 99K s′ . 3 For an equivalence relation B ⊆ S × S , we let S/B denote the set of equivalence classes of B and B(s) the equivalence class of s. If s and t are contained in the same equivalence class of τ∗ τ∗ B , we write s ≡B t. Furthermore, we write s −−→ t if s −−→ t B and s ≡B t. Such transition sequences whose source and target state are contained in the same equivalence class of B are called inert. An equivalence relation B is a refinement of an equivalence relation B ′ (denoted by B ⊑ B ′ ) iff ∀s, t : s ≡B t ⇒ s ≡B ′ t. Definition 2 (Stochastic Branching Bisimulation) For a given IMC I = (S, Act, T, R, s0 ), an equivalence relation B ⊆ S × S is a stochastic branching bisimulation iff for all s1 , s2 , t1 ∈ S the following holds: If s1 ≡B t1 then a 1) s1 − → s2 implies either a = τ and s2 ≡B t1 , τ∗ a or ∃t′1 , t2 ∈ S : t1 −−→ t′1 − → t2 ∧ s2 ≡B t2 , B and τ 2) s1 − 6 → implies τ∗ τ ∃t′1 : t1 −−→ t′1 − 6 →: ∀C ∈ S/B : r(s1 , C) = r(t′1 , C). Two states are stochastic branching bisimilar, iff they are contained in some stochastic branching bisimulation B . This notion is a variant of branching bisimulation [11] and stochastic weak bisimulation [5]. For LTSs, the definition coincides with that of the original branching bisimulation, which we can hence define as follows. Definition 3 For a given LTS (S, Act, T, s0 ), an equivalence relation B ⊆ S×S is a branching bisimulation iff it is a stochastic branching bisimulation on (S, Act, T, ∅, s0 ). Two states are branching bisimilar iff they are contained in some branching bisimulation. Definition 4 (CTMDP) A continuous-time Markov decision process (CTMDP) is a tuple (S, L, R, s0 ) where S is a non-empty set of states, L is a set of transition labels, R ⊆ S × L × (S 7→ R+ ) is the set of transitions, and s0 is the initial state. Any CTMDP can be viewed as a special IMC in which interactive transitions and Markov transitions occur in a strictly alternating manner. This will be used in the final step of our construction. As in [4], a CTMDP is called uniformP iff ∃e ∈ R+ such that ∀s ∈ S and ∀l ∈ L : (s, l, R) ∈ R implies s′ ∈S R(s′ ) = e. Both IMC and CTMDP have inherent non-determinism that has to be resolved by an entity called scheduler. A scheduler is a function that determines how to proceed next for a given state s. In state s, it resolves non-determinism by picking a particular enabled action. It does so on the basis of information about the current state and the history of the system evolution. In full generality, schedulers may decide on the basis of the entire history of the system, and may decide using randomisation (i. e., probability distributions over enabled actions). In a timed model, the history of the system may even be a timed one. Scheduler theory is not in the core scope of this article, but we like to point out that measurability issues quickly arise for schedulers that base their decision on time. We have introduced the class of measurable schedulers for which probability measures on paths are guaranteed to exist [12], [13]. For a given IMC I (respectively CTMDP C ) and measurable scheduler D (D′ ) over I (C ) the probability measure on paths is denoted by Pr I,D (Pr C,D′ ). B. Extended Statecharts In this section, we introduce the user-visible formalism to specify behavioural models, in the form of extended Statecharts, which are based on S TATEMATE Statecharts. The language definition presented here focuses on the relevant core needed to clearly expose the syntactical and semantic extensions to the conventional S TATEMATE formalism. Before providing a more formal definition, we have a closer look at the behaviour of the heater introduced in Section I. Example 1 The main parts of the heater are a CONTROLLER, a MONITOR, a SENSOR, and an OBSERVER. The SENSOR is responsible for measuring the temperature at periodic intervals and makes the data available to the CONTROLLER: After initialisation the sensor becomes active and, in regular intervals (triggered by the UP action), reads a new temperature from the environment TEMP IN. New temperature values—either TOO COLD or TOO HOT—are chosen non-deterministically from this environment and stored in the local variable TEMP (from where they will be read by the CONTROLLER). A failure (triggered by the action FS) can cause the sensor to become inoperational and therefore prevents further updates of the temperature value. The bold arrow indicates here that the failure FS occurs after some unknown time (of which we will later provide its distribution function). The CONTROLLER initially waits for both the sensor and the monitor to become active. After that, depending on the current temperature stored in TEMP, the heater is switched on or off by setting the control signal HEATER to ENABLED or DISABLED. In case the monitor detects a sensor failure, the system shuts down, in order to prevent critical situations in which the heater may overheat. This might happen if it continues to operate even though the current actual temperature TEMP IN is already TOO HOT, but this is not sensed by the failed sensor. The purpose of the MONITOR is to check for failures in the sensor and to send a shutdown signal to the controller if one is detected. After activation of both the sensor and the monitor any sensor failure will be detected and lead to a safe shutdown of the system. Note that, if a failure in the monitor occurs prior to a failure in the sensor (by transition to M FAILED), there is still a possibility of reaching a safety-critical situation. The OBSERVER is not an actual part of the system but rather a means of specifying requirements in the analysis framework1 . It is used here to observe whether a safety-critical system state (we also refer to this as toplevel event, TLE) has been reached. This is the case if the sensor has failed (thus preventing the system to update the temperature) while the heater is still on. Internal switching times of the heater are very small compared to occurrence times of other events (e. g. occurrence of failures FS or FM). This means that in case of a SENSOR failure the propagation time for passing the failure from the SENSOR via the MONITOR to the CONTROLLER are negligible. It is thus unrealistic to move from the WAIT state to the unsafe TLE state in this situation. In our modelling, this is achieved by making the respective transition SYNC a delay transition, indicated by the bold arrow. Conventional Statecharts [14], [15] support non-determinism, but no stochastic time aspects. In order to enable the integration of stochastic durations in this modelling formalism, extended Statecharts allow one to refer to particular Statechart transitions by a distinguished set of action labels A . Such labelled transitions, called delay transitions, are later used as reference anchors to start, stop, or interrupt the advance of time, in combination with a set of stochastic time-constraints, and as a whole allow us to model stochastic, non-deterministic systems. Statecharts have an intuitive graphical syntax with a corresponding textual syntax, which we vary as follows. 1 In a production environment one would expect to keep such requirements separately from the model. 4 Definition 5 (Extended Statecharts) An extended Statechart SC = (N, A, V, G, S, E, m, r, d, c) is a 10-tuple, with • N is a finite set of nodes, • A a finite set of action labels, • V a finite set of variables with a (possibly empty) subset I of input variables, • G a finite set of boolean expressions on V , • S a finite set of variable assignment statements, ˙ {τ } × G × 2S × N is a finite set of edges, • E ⊂N×A∪ • m : N → {Basic, Or , And } is a type function, identifying nodes as Basic nodes, Or nodes, or And nodes. • r ∈ N, m(r) = Or is the root node of SC , • d : {n : n ∈ N ∧ m(n) = Or } −→ N assigns a default node to each node of type Or , N • c :N →2 a child relation introducing hierarchy on N . The main extension to [14], [15] is the labelling of edges by elements of A ∪˙ {τ }. While action labels in A will remain visible for the later transformation steps, and especially be used for synchronisation with start and stop events of stochastic timeconstraints (see Section III-D), the label τ is used for ordinary Statechart edges. For the sake of brevity, the above definition omits some well-formedness conditions (cf. [14], [16]) that are unchanged with respect to S TATEMATE Statecharts. Example 2 The Statechart of Fig. 1 provides some intuition of the drawing conventions for extended Statecharts. The And node HEATER CTRL is the only child of the root node r. The hierarchy determined by c is shown by nesting of states. Default nodes are indicated by arrows without source node. The edge e02 = (HEATER ON, τ, TEMP==TOO HOT, {HEATER:=DISABLED}, HEATER OFF) is a τ -labelled Statechart edge which we draw as a thin line by convention, while edge e16 = (S OK, UP, true, {TEMP:=TEMP IN}, S OK) and edge e05 = (WAIT, SYNC, true, ∅, TLE) are labelled by elements of A respectively, and hence drawn bold. We implicitly define the guard g of such bold edges to be true. In this example A = {UP, FM, FS, SYNC}. In the above explanation, we refer to an additional edge labelling (e. g. e02 ). These labels are not part of the Statechart itself, but used to keep the explanations uncluttered. It allows us to refer to ‘edge e02 ’ in place of ‘edge (HEATER ON, τ, TEMP==TOO HOT, {HEATER:=DISABLED}, HEATER OFF)’. Essentially, the behaviour of an extended Statechart is in line with that of conventional S TATEMATE Statecharts [14], [15], except that extended Statecharts allow for a more refined control over which sets of edges are allowed to be fired in orthogonal components within one step. We introduce the following usual notions to determine this semantics. The scope sc(e) of an edge e ∈ E is the most nested Or state that contains the edges nodes. We use de(n) to denote the depth of node n ∈ N in the node hierarchy c and define de(SC) = max({de(n) : n ∈ N}). The priority of an edge e is given by its scope distance from the root r . We define the priority relation e ≤p e′ , s. t. e ≤p e′ iff de(SC) − de(sc(e)) ≤ de(SC) − de(sc(e′ )). Two edges e, e′ ∈ E are orthogonal, denoted e⊥e′ , iff either e = e′ or their scopes are different children of some And node or their descendants. In the heater Statechart, it holds e12 ⊥e03 , for example. The labels in A affect the semantics of the edges they label as follows. Definition 6 (Configurations) Let D be the data domain of the variables V . A configuration of an extended Statechart SC is a pair c = (M, σ) ∈ C ⊂ 2N × Σ , where Σ is the set of all variable valuations σ : V \ I → D and M is a set satisfying 1) r ∈ M , 2) n ∈ M, m(n) = Or implies 6 ∃n′ ∈ c(n) : n′ ∈ M , 3) n ∈ M, m(n) = And implies ∀n′ ∈ c(n) : n′ ∈ M . Such a node set M is called a valid node configuration. We denote c0 for the unique initial configuration of Statechart SC , given by an initial valuation of the variables σ0 and the node configuration determined by d . The set of all configurations of SC is denoted by Conf . With dc(M ) for some M ⊂ N we refer to the default completion, as the smallest superset of node set M , s. t. dc(M ) is a valid node configuration. In particular dc(M ) comprises the default node d(n), for all those Or nodes n ∈ dc(M ), that are not already represented by a child node in M . The scope completion scc(e) of edge e is the maximal set of child nodes derived by recursive application of c to the edges scope node sc(e). Intuitively, configurations comprise all current Basic nodes and their parent nodes (given by inverse of c ) and a valuation of the variables V . In the following examples we will denote valuations σ by equation tuples and the node sets M will, for the sake of brevity, contain Basic nodes only. Example 3 Five possible configurations in the example chart in Fig. 1 are given by c01 = c04 = c09 = c08 = c16 = ({CTRL OFF,M INIT,S INIT,SAFE}, (TEMP=TOO COLD,HEATER=DISABLED,M ACTIVE=false, S ACTIVE=false,S FAILED=false,SHUTDOWN=false)) ({HEATER ON,M OK,S OK,SAFE}, (TEMP=TOO COLD,HEATER=ENABLED,M ACTIVE=true, S ACTIVE=true,S FAILED=false,SHUTDOWN=false)) ({HEATER ON,M OK,S OK,SAFE}, (TEMP=TOO HOT,HEATER=ENABLED,M ACTIVE=true, S ACTIVE=true,S FAILED=false,SHUTDOWN=false)) ({HEATER OFF,M OK,S OK,SAFE}, (TEMP=TOO HOT,HEATER=DISABLED,M ACTIVE=true, S ACTIVE=true,S FAILED=false,SHUTDOWN=false)) ({HEATER ON,EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN,S STUCK,WAIT}, (TEMP=TOO COLD,HEATER=ENABLED,M ACTIVE=false, S ACTIVE=true,S FAILED=true,SHUTDOWN=true)). The semantics of extended Statecharts is given by sequences of such configurations: Definition 7 (Configuration Paths) For extended Statechart SC , the transition relation −→ ⊆ C × A ∪˙ τ × C is composed of two types of transitions: τ Internal Step. c = (M, σ) −→ c′ = (M ′ , σ ′ ), iff there exists a maximal set of edges E = {ei : e1≤i≤k = (ni , ai , gi , si , n′i ) ∈ E} so that 1) E ⊆ Een = {e = (n, a, g, s, n′ ) ∈ E : n ∈ M and g evaluates to true in σ}, 2) ∀ei ∈ E : ai = τ and ∀ei , ej ∈ E : ei ⊥ej , 3) ∀e ∈ Een \ E ∃e′ ∈ E , s. t. e ⊥ 6 e′ and e ≤p e′ , and σ ′ is obtained from σ by applying the statement sets s1≤i≤k S in some permutation on σ and M ′ = dc((M \ ki=1 scc(ei )) ∪ {n′i }1≤i≤k ). a External Step. c = (M, σ) −→ c′ = (M ′ , σ ′ ), iff ′ 1) ∄e = (n, τ, g, s, n ) ∈ E : n ∈ M and g evaluates to true in σ, 2) ∃e = (n, a, g, s, n′ ) ∈ E : a ∈ A and n ∈ M , 5 and σ ′ is obtained from σ by applying the statement set s on σ and M ′ = dc((M \ scc(e)) ∪ {n′i }1≤i≤n ). A sequence of alternating configurations and actions l l l 0 1 2 c0 → c1 → c2 → ... is called configuration path. In a nutshell, we embed the conventional Statechart configuration transitions in the Internal Step rule. Such a step comprises firing of a maximal set of τ -labelled edges (thin arrows) in orthogonal components, and thus implements truly concurrent executions. Instead a delay transition between Statechart configurations is defined by the External Step rule. It restricts the (bold) labelled edges to be fired in mutual isolation, and only if no τ -labelled edge can be taken. Since bold edges relate to time-relevant events, this mutual isolation allows us to recover particular configuration transitions, relative to other transitions. The semantics also embodies that internal steps do not take time, by giving them precedence over external steps. This idea of timeless computation is typical for the super-step semantics of S TATEMATE Statecharts [14]. Example 4 Starting in the initial configuration c0 = c01 of the Statechart in Fig. 1, by firing the (τ labelled edges) e06 , e11 , e15 one after the other, finally configuration c04 is reached. Note that the non-determinism introduced by the input variable TEMP IN ∈ I allows a second sequence, which comprises e14 instead of e15 and thus leads to configuration c08 instead of c04 . In c04 a delayed transition, comprising edge e08 , e07 or e16 may be fired. In the overall composition context, firing these transitions will be constrained by (stochastic) delays: While e16 could be constrained to be fired every n minutes, e08 and e16 are constrained to be fired after 105 hours in the mean, for example. The operational behaviour updates (e16 ) the temperature TEMP in regular intervals and thus yields firing of e02 and e01 , respectively, again depending on the value of the non-deterministic input TEMP IN. After some time the sensor fails (e07 ) and the temperature value is stuck at the current value of TEMP. Consequently, a configuration is reached, where S FAILED==true. Provided that the temperature currently is stuck at the value TEMP==TOO COLD and thus it holds HEATER==ENABLED, immediately an internal step comprising concurrent firing of the edges e03 , e12 takes place. Now the heater is in configuration c16 . The external step e05 labelled by SYNC may not be fired in this configuration, as further τ labelled progress is possible: e13 is fired. Intuitively, the monitor has observed the sensor failure and initiated an emergency shutdown. As this behaviour does not yield a safety-critical situation, the node {TLE} is not entered. We allow hiding of action labels once the semantics is generated. This is a simple transformation that replaces the respective transition labels by τ . This allows us to keep the effect of external steps without keeping their labels. Example 5 In the running example, we hide the action SYNC. III. F ROM S TATEMATE TO N UMBERS This section presents a detailed description of our construction and transformation process. This process starts with the input parameters mentioned in Section I and returns the worst-case probability to reach a safety-critical state within the provided time bound. An overview of the steps is given in Fig. 2. The figure indicates that the first two steps are applied to a symbolic (i. e. BDD-based) representation of the system: The first, detailed in Section III-A, transforms the S TATEMATE design plus the delay transitions and the safety-critical states into an LTS. The second step (Section III-B) minimises the system and produces an explicit state representation of the system by computing the quotient of the LTS w. r. t. a branching bisimulation induced by the labels appearing in the LTS. Up to this point, the delay transitions are contained in the resulting model, but not their associated delay distributions. We incorporate them as follows. First, the given delay distributions— typical distributions in this context are Weibull, deterministic, exponential distributions, or distributions obtained from empirical measurements—are approximated by phase-type distributions, which can be represented by absorbing Markov chains (Section III-C). These chains are combined with the delay transitions via the action labels associated with them. This is performed by a dedicated elapse operator, that transforms the delay distributions into so-called time-constraint IMCs, governing the timely occurrences of the delay transitions in the system (Section IIID). These time-constraints are then weaved into the quotient LTS (Section III-E) resulting in an IMC that encodes all user-specified inputs (S TATEMATE design, delay transitions plus their associated delay distributions, and the safety critical states.). This IMC represents thus the entire system under study and captures the behavioural essence of both the functional and the dependability aspects. This monolithic system model is subjected to a transformation procedure (Section III-G) that preserves timed reachability properties and computes the underlying CTMDP of the IMC. From this CTMDP we can compute the worst-case probabilities to reach the set of safety-critical states within a given time bound (Section III-H) by using the probabilistic model checker MRMC [17]. Comparing this to the given threshold of the safety requirement allows us to determine whether the requirement is satisfied by the given system. As highlighted in the motivation, this algorithm works only for uniform CTMDPs. In uniform CTMDPs, state changes occur according to a Poisson process in time. However, we ensure uniformity (Section III-F) all along our tool chain and ensure that the resulting CTMDP is indeed uniform. A. LTS Generation An extended Statechart SC = (N, A, V, G, S, E, m, r, d, c), with initial configuration c0 , can be considered as an LTS M = (S M , ActM , T M , sM 0 ) by setting M • S = Conf ∪˙ {cinit }, the set of all valid configurations in SC plus a unique pre-initial state cinit . M • Act = A ∪˙ {τ } ∪˙ {INIT}, the set of labels occurring in the Statechart steps plus a unique label INIT. a M • T = {(cinit , INIT, c0 )} ∪ {(c, a, c′ ) : c −→ c′ } ⊆ S M × AM × S M , the set of transitions possible between the StateINIT chart configurations plus an additional transition cinit −→ c0 , introduced to represent the system start. M • s0 = cinit , a pre-initial configuration of Statechart SC . Note that we added edge (cinit , INIT, c0 ) as a unique reference anchor for the system start. Apart from this LTS, a set of safety M critical states Scr ⊂ S M is distilled from the Statechart. This set is induced by a user-specified characterisation of critical M Statechart nodes Ncr ⊂ N , by setting Scr = {c = (Mc , σc ) : Mc ∩ Ncr 6= ∅}. 6 The first step of the translation extracts such an LTS M from the M extended Statechart SC , together with the set Scr . c00 IN IT τ c02 τ c03 UP c04 τ τ FS τ FM τ F S c12 τ c20 τ τ c19 c22 UP τ c15 c09 τ τ c21 c08 τ τ c07 c13 P FM FS c10 τ sig(P, s) = (a, B) ∈ Act × P | ∃s ∈ S, s ∈ B : s −−→ s − →s ∧ (a 6= τ ∨ s 6∈ B) . c23 UP UP Fig. 3. UP FS c18 τ c17 c14 c06 UP c05 c16 cr τ c01 UP is based on analysing the signatures of states w. r. t. the current partition. The signature of a state is like a fingerprint identifying possible actions which can be executed in that state. To preserve branching bisimilarity, the unobservable action τ is taken into account by ignoring inert sequences of τ -transitions. Let P = {B0 , . . . , Bp−1 } be a partition of the state space S . The signature sig(P, s) of a state s w. r. t. P is formally defined as  τ∗ ′ ′′ ′ a ′′ c11 UP LTS of the heater example. Then, a refinement of the partition can be computed by splitting the blocks of the current partition according to the signatures of their states:  ′ ′ sigref(P, B) = {s ∈ B | sig(P, s) = sig(P, s )} s ∈ B . sigref(P ) = [ sigref(P, B). B∈P Example 6 Given the extended Statechart of Fig. 1 and the specification of safety-critical states as the node set {TLE}, the LTS in Fig. 3 is derived. The states of this LTS in particular refer to the configurations of the examples in Section II-B. Moreover it shows the configuration path to the safety-critical state we are interested in during the timed reachability analysis. Recall, that in c04 the sensor failure (FS) yields a safe shutdown of the system. If instead MONITOR (FM) fails prior to the SENSOR (FS), then c12 is reached. Here the shutdown (namely Statechart edge e12 ) can no longer be taken. Hence, after the Sensor has failed (FS), in c14 no further τ progress is possible and thus the SYNC edge e05 is fired. The translation comprises several stages that finally result in an efficient BDD-based encoding of the LTS. In particular, some standard reduction techniques (e. g. cone-ofinfluence reduction (COI) as presented in [18]) are used to eliminate variables whose values do not contribute to the reachability of the safety-critical states. This elimination reduces the number of possible variable valuations and therefore also the state space of the resulting model. This COI reduction is property specific, and as such, a core step allowing us to obtain small, propertyspecific models from large designs. The result of this stage is passed to an extended version of the VIS model checker [19], that we primarily use to restrict the transition relation to the reachable transitions only and as a framework to implement the final semantics described above. Using VIS, we get an LTS symbolically encoded as a BDD. Three BDDs, coding the LTS, the set of safety-critical states and the initial state, are then passed to the symbolic branching bisimulation algorithm, which will be described in the next section. The partition of the state space induced by the predicate (into safety-critical and non-safety-critical states) will be used as a starting point for this algorithm. B. Symbolic Minimisation of the LTS To further reduce the models (beyond the COI reduction) to a size which can be handled by the explicit part of the tool chain, the development of an entirely symbolic branching minimisation algorithm was necessary. We assume that the reader is familiar with BDDs and the corresponding algorithms. For a comprehensive treatment see e. g. [20]. In [21], Blom and Orzan presented a novel approach for the distributed computation of branching bisimulation. Their algorithm Starting with the initial partition, which is provided by the predicate separating safety-critical and non-critical states, we iteratively apply the sigref -operator, until a fix-point is reached. Theorem 1 (adapted from Blom/Orzan, [21]) Let P (0) , P (1) , . . . be a sequence of partitions with P (i) = sigref P (i−1) . Then there is n > 0 such that P (n) = P (n−1) . P (n) is the coarsest branching bisimulation which refines P (0) . We will illustrate the function of the algorithm in the following example. Example 7 For the heater example (cf. Fig. 3), we set the initial partition P (0) = {c00 , . . . , c23 }, {cr} = (B00 , B10 ), as induced by the characterisation of configurations to be safety critical. It is depicted in Fig. 3 by diamond-shaped and round circles, respectively. Computing the signatures w. r. t. P (0) , we obtain the following sets  sig(P (0) , c00 ) = (INIT, B00 ) , sig(P (0) , c01 ) = sig(P (0) , c02 ) = · · · = sig(P (0) , c09 ),  = (UP, B00 ), (FM, B00 ), (FS, B00 ) , sig(P (0) , c16 ) = sig(P (0) , c17 ) = · · · = sig(P (0) , c19 ), = sig(P (0) , c20 ) = · · · = sig(P (0) , c23 ), = ∅, sig(P (0) , c10 ) = sig(P (0) , c11 ) = · · · = sig(P (0) , c13 ),  = (UP, B00 ), (FS, B00 ) ,  sig(P (0) , c14 ) = sig(P (0) , c15 ) = (τ, B10 ) , sig(P (0) , cr) = ∅. Hence, the application of the sigref-operator splits the two blocks of the initial partition into the following six parts: P (1) = {c00 }, {c01 , . . ., c09 }, {c16 , . . . , c19 , c20 , . . . , c23 }, {c10 , . . . , c13 }, {c14 , c15 }, {cr} . Please note that cr and, for example, c16 are placed in different blocks, although they have the same signature w. r. t. P (0) , since they are not equivalent in P (0) . The iteration of this refinement step, until a fix-point is reached, leads to the following final branching bisimulation, which comprises nine blocks: P (n) = {c00 }, {c01 }, {c10 , c11 }, {c12 , c13 }, {c14 , c15 }, {c02 . . . c05 }, {c06 . . . c09 }, {c16 . . . c23 }, {cr} . This partition is depicted in Fig. 3 using dashed frames around equivalent states. In the following we describe briefly how this signature-based refinement can be turned into a BDD-based algorithm. 7 TABLE I BASIC O PERATIONS FOR S IGNATURE C OMPUTATION Operation τ -transitions Pairs of equivalent states Non-τ - or non-inert (“observable”) transitions Reflexive transitive closure of R(s, t) Concatenation of R1 (s, t) and R2 (s, t) Substitution of t in R(s, t) by its block number BDD expression T|a=τ (s, a, t) ` ´ inert(s, t) = ∃k : P(s, k) ∧ P(t, k) obs(s, a, t) = T (s, a, t) ∧ ¬(inert(s, t) ∧ a ≡ τ ) Closure(R) ` ´ ∃x : ` R1 (s, x) ∧ R2 (x, ´ t) ∃t : R(s, t) ∧ P(t, k) Signature-BDD: Algorithm 1 Signature for Branching Bisimulation 1: procedure S IG B RANCHING 2: tauSteps(s, t) ← Closure(T|a=τ (s, a, t)) ∧ inert(s,  t) 3: seq(s, a, t) = ∃x : tauSteps(s, x)  ∧ obs(x, a, t) 4: return ∃t : seq(s, a, t) ∧ P(t, k) s′0 s0 s′n sn v a) Data representation: The starting point is a BDD T for the a transition relation with T (s, a, t) = 1 iff s − → t. Note that the state space is implicitly encoded by T . The BDD relies on a vector of variables s, a, and t to encode the current state, the transition label, and the target state, respectively. Beside the system itself we have to represent partitions and signatures symbolically. For the partition representation several possibilities have been used in the literature: Bouali and de Simone [22] represent the corresponding equivalence relation ≡P ; another possibility is to use one BDD per block or a compact logarithmic encoding thereof [23]. We have decided to use the following novel technique, since it supports partition refinement and quotient computation very efficiently. To represent the current partition, we assign a unique number to each block, i. e. P = {B0 , . . . , Bn−1 }, and encode it using additional BDD variables. The representation is thus a BDD P(s, k) such that P(s, k) = 1 iff s ∈ Bk . Additionally, we have a BDD S for the signatures with S(s, a, k) = 1 iff (a, Bk ) ∈ sig(s). b) Signature computation: Given a partition P(s, k) in our BDDbased representation, we have to compute the signatures of the states. To facilitate this, we provide several core operations which are listed in Table I. The table contains a description of each operation and an expression for the BDD-based implementation. The notation T|a=τ denotes the co-factor operation on BDDs (setting the a variables to the value τ ). For the computation of the reflexive transitive closure Closure(R) of a relation R, there exist several symbolic algorithms, see e. g. [24], [25]. We apply the (at least in our experiments) more efficient method of [24] to τ∗ compute −−→. (P ) Algorithm 1 shows the pseudo-code for computing the signatures for branching bisimulation. At first, all pairs of states that are connected by an inert sequence of τ -transitions are computed. In line 3 we extract all transitions that are either not inert or not labelled with τ and concatenate them with the inert τ -sequence. In the third step we replace the target state of the transition sequence by its block number. The signatures for other kinds of bisimulation can be computed in a similar way. Please note that everything that does not depend on the current partition, like the closure of the τ -steps, can be computed once as a preprocessing step. c) Partition refinement: The novelty of our approach is a dedicated BDD-operator for identifying states that have the same Signature of s and s′ Fig. 4. Symbolic partition refinement. signature, thus enabling a full BDD-based methodology. To do so, we place the si -variables at the beginning of the variable order of the BDDs. Then, level(si ) < level(aj ) and level(si ) < level(kl ) hold for all i, j , and l. This enables us to exploit the following observation (see Fig. 4): Let s be the encoding of a state and v the BDD node that is reached when following the path from the BDD root according to s. The sub-BDD at v is a representation of the signature of s. Since the BDD is reduced, all states which have the same signature as s lead to the same BDD-node v . Therefore, to get the representation of the new block that contains s and all other states having the same signature as s, we simply have to replace the sub-BDD at v by the BDD for the encoding of the new block number k. This can be achieved by traversing the BDD recursively in linear time in the size of the BDD. d) Optimisation Techniques: Additionally, we integrate some simple, but efficient optimisation techniques [26]: The first observation is that the computation of the expression ∃k : P(s, k)∧P(t, k) is computationally very expensive, since the state (s, t) and block number variables (k) are placed at different ends of the variable order. To avoid the computation of this expression we only refine one block B(s) at a time. Then we can replace the expensive expression by B(s)∧B(t). This enables us to update the partition after the refinement of each block. So the finer partition is already used for the subsequent blocks of the same iteration. This reduces the number of iterations required to reach the fixpoint. Furthermore, by applying block-wise refinement we are able to handle arbitrary initial partitions. The second observation is that in each iteration (except in the first few iterations) only a very small number of blocks is indeed split. We can exploit this in the following way: Splitting a block only influences the stability of blocks which are directly connected with the split block by an observable transition. We capture this in the backward signature:  ′ ′ bwsig(P, B) = B ∈ P | ∃s ∈ B∃a ∈ Act : (a, B ) ∈ sig(P, s) . Since the same problem as above—the dependence on the inert τ -sequences—prevents an efficient implementation, we only 8 Algorithm 2 Computation of the coarsest branching bisimulation 1: procedure B RANCHING B ISIMULATION(LTS M , Partition P (0) ) 2: U, P ← P (0) 3: while U 6= ∅ do 4: Unew ← ∅ 5: for all blocks B ∈ U  do 6: P ← P \ {B} ∪ sigref(P, B) 7: Unew ← Unew \ {B} 8: if B was split then 9: Unew ← Unew ∪ bwsigoa (P, B) 10: U ← Unew 11: return P compute an over-approximation by ignoring that τ -steps only influence the stability of blocks if they are not inert. This leads to bwsigoa (P, B). The algorithm which applies all these optimisations is shown in Algorithm 2. P contains the current partition; U denotes the potentially unstable blocks which have to be refined in the current iteration. Unew stores all blocks which became potentially unstable during the current iteration. We iterate the following step until no unstable blocks are left: We replace the current block in the current partition by the result of its refinement and declare it as stable. If it has been split, we add the blocks of its backward signature to the potentially unstable blocks. e) Quotient extraction: Finally, after we have reached the fixpoint, we have to extract the quotient LTS from the final partition. This can be done by mapping all states of a block onto one quotient state, which is given by the block number. Each quotient state which is safety critical is decorated with a self-transition labelled cr during the extraction. The resulting model is now represented in an explicit form, i. e., all states are explicitly enumerated, and passed on to the next phase of the tool chain. We refer to [27], [28] for more details and for experimental evaluations of this minimisation algorithm. C. Phase-Type Approximation The approach we follow renders the model under study into a Markov model. To achieve this, we must represent the delay distributions provided to us in a Markov chain. This is possible by applying a widespread approach based on phase-type approximation [29], [30]. A phase-type distribution is the distribution of the time until absorption in a finite and absorbing Markov chain [31]. Let (S, Act, R, s1 ) be CTMC with S = {s1 , s2 , · · · , sn , sa }. Further, let sa be an absorbing state (i. e., r(sa , S) = 0) and let all other states si , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be transient (i. e., there is a non-zero probability that the state will never be visited once it is visited). The set of Markovian transitions R is related to the corresponding infinitesimal generator matrix Q by: for all s, s′ ∈ S , Q(s, s′ ) = R(s, s′ ) if s 6= s′ else Q(s, s) = −r(s, S). The generator matrix of the Markov chain can be written as   Q= B 0 ~ B 0 . Matrix B is non-singular because the first n states in the Markov ~ is a column vector where its chain are transient. Vector B ~ i , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, represents the transition rate from component B state si to the absorbing state. Then the probability distribution of the time to absorption in the CTMC is called a phase-type distribution. Note that in our definition a phase-type distribution starts from a single state with probability 1. This does not restrict the generality of the definition, because any phase-type distribution with arbitrary initial distribution can be transformed into our form by using the procedure described in [32]. The class of phase-type distributions is topologically dense [33]. In principle, any probability distribution on [0, ∞) can be approximated arbitrarily closely by a phase-type distribution given enough phases, i. e., states. Efficient approximation algorithms are available, such as those based on expectation-minimisation [29], [30], [34] and that based on the least-square method [35]. We implemented a variant thereof, based on orthogonal distance fitting [36], which is a type of least-square fitting method where the errors to be minimised are measured according to geometric distance. The approximation algorithms mentioned above are general purpose. Two specific delay distributions are approximated in a more straightforward manner. Delay distributions with an underlying Poisson process are best represented by exponential distributions. Erlang distributions are suitable for approximating deterministic delay distributions or fixed delays [37], [38]. For instance, according to [38], an Erlang distribution with shape parameter 5 and rate 5 is sufficient to approximate a fixed delay at 1 time unit. Better approximations may be achieved by increasing the shape and rate parameters. D. Elapse We now assume that the delay of each delay transition d in the system model is given by a phase-type distribution PHd determining the time until the transition occurs. Structurally, PHd is a CTMC (S, Act, R, s1 ) with a distinguished initial state s1 and an absorbing state sa . Operationally, the distribution PHd can be viewed as describing the time up to which the occurrence of transition d has to be delayed, since it is triggered by the occurrence of some delay transition (called starting) unless another delay transition (called breaking) occurs in the mean time. This interpretation is called a time-constraint in [39], where an elapse operator is introduced. This operator enriches PHd with ‘synchronisation potentials’ needed to effectively weave the underlying CTMC of PHd into the behaviour described by some LTS or IMC. Definition 8 (Elapse Operator) Let s, d and b be the sets of starting, delay and breaking transitions, respectively. elapse(PHd , s, d, b) is an IMC (S ′ , Act′ , T, R, ss ) where the following holds 1) if s − d − b 6= ∅ then S ′ = S ∪ {ss } else S ′ = S , ss = s1 , 2) Act′ = Act ∪ s ∪ d ∪ b, s → s1 ∈ T , 3) ∀s ∈ s − d − b : ss − d → s1 ∈ T , 4) ∀d ∈ d ∩ s : sa − d d → ss ∈ T , → ss , sa − 5) ∀d ∈ d − s : ss − b 6) ∀b ∈ b ∩ s : ∀t ∈ S : t − → s1 ∈ T , b 7) ∀b ∈ b − s : ∀t ∈ S : t − → ss ∈ T . Example 8 Three time-constraints are required in the running heater example. The delays before the occurrences of sensor and monitor failures (FM and FS) are initialised when the system starts, namely when INIT occurs. The delay before the occurrences of temperature update (UP), on the other hand, is initialised by INIT, and afterwards 9 ss UP INIT, UP λUP s1 Fig. 5. λUP s1 sa λUP λUP sa A simple absorbing CTMC (left) and the elapse operator (right). restarted continuously after each delay elapses. In this example, we use simple exponential distributions with rates λF M and λF S as the phase-type distributions for the first two time-constraints. They are denoted by Exp(λF M ) and Exp(λF S ), respectively. For the third, an Erlang distribution with rate parameter λU P and shape parameter 2—denoted by Erl(λU P , 2)—is used. The three time-constraints are obtained from the following elapse operations 1) elapse(Exp(λF S ), {INIT}, {FS}, ∅), 2) elapse(Exp(λF M ), {INIT}, {FM}, ∅), 3) elapse(Erl(λU P , 2), {INIT, UP}, {UP}, ∅). Fig. 5–left shows Erl(λU P , 2), while Fig. 5–right depicts the IMC of the third time-constraint. hide hi in (elapse(PHdi , si , {di }, bi ) |[si , {di }, bi ]| Sys i−1 ) where hi is the set of transitions that can be hidden at this stage, namely those that will not be used in further synchronisations. The result of the construction is then minimised with respect to stochastic branching bisimulation to form Sys i . If we are dealing with n different delay transitions, then the resulting IMC Sys n does not contain any delay transitions anymore, but the delay distributions now interleave in the correct way governing the time to reach a safety-critical state. The above approach alternates construction and minimisation steps, and as such it deviates from the sequential procedure indicated in Fig. 2: it replaces the trajectory from quotient LTS and uIMCs to uIMC by the one depicted in Fig. 6. This compositional approach is justified, because stochastic branching bisimulation is compatible with the two operators we have introduced: it is a congruence for parallel composition and hiding. Sys n Stochastic branching bisimulation of hide hn in (elapse(PHdn , sn , {dn }, bn )|[sn , {dn }, bn ]|Sys n−1 ) E. Weaving the Time-Constraints In elapse(PHd , s, {d}, b), between any two occurrences of a delay transition d, there must be a delay which is given by the CTMC PHd . To enforce this also for the LTS of our system under study, we weave this uniform IMC with the LTS, where weaving is just another word for interleaving, with proper synchronisation. To this end, we use the process algebraic parallel composition operator. Intuitively, given IMCs I and J and their set of common transitions c, in I|[c]|J both IMCs have to synchronise on ctransitions, while they interleave all other transitions. For I = elapse(PHd , s, {d}, b), this has the expected effect, namely that between any two d-transitions in J , the Markov chain associated with PHd is weaved. The semantic rules of parallel composition of IMCs are as follows (where it is understood that whenever multiple distinct proof trees for the same Markov transition exist, the respective rate is weighted by that multiplicity.) a s− →s′ a v− →v ′ a∈{a / 1 } a s|[a1 ]|v − → a s− →s a∈{a / 1 } a s|[a1 ]|v − →s|[a1 ]|v′ s′ |[a 1 ]|v a ′ v− →v ′ a∈{a1 } a s|[a1 ]|v − →s′ |[a1 ]|v′ λ s99Ks λ ′ v 99Kv λ ′ λ s|[a1 ]|v 99Ks′ |[a1 ]|v s|[a1 ]|v 99Ks|[a1 ]|v ′ With this operator, and the elapse operator, we can weave the delay distributions one by one into the original system. During this composition phase the IMC is explicitly represented and grows in size. One way of counteracting this is to minimise according to stochastic branching bisimulation. For this we use a stochastic branching bisimulation minimisation algorithm [40], together with the abstraction (or hiding) operator. The semantics of the abstraction operator is as follows (we give it for single actions only here for the sake of brevity.) b s− → s′ a s− →s′ τ hide a in (s)− →hide a in (s′ ) a6=b b hide a in (s)− →hide a in (s′ ) λ s99Ks′ λ hide a in (s)99Khide a in (s′ ) In our composition scheme, we start from the initial explicit LTS as Sys 0 , and incrementally build an IMC where the delay distributions are weaved, which is achieved by constructing ... Sys n−1 Sys 2 Stochastic branching bisimulation of hide h2 in (elapse(PHd2 , s2 , {d2 }, b2 )|[s2 , {d2 }, b2 ]|Sys 1 ) Sys 1 Stochastic branching bisimulation of hide h1 in (elapse(PHd1 , s1 , {d1 }, b1 )|[s1 , {d1 }, b1 ]|Sys 0 ) Fig. 6. Compositional weaving of phase-type distributions. F. Uniformity So far we have ignored the word ‘uniform’ (abbreviated ‘u’) which is attached to the IMC models appearing in Fig. 2. We recall that IMC I is called uniform, iff ∃e ∈ R+ such that τ ∀s ∈ S : s − 6 → implies r(s, S) = e. In the following, we establish that parallel composition, hiding and (stochastic) branching bisimulation preserve uniformity. Theorem 2 Let I and J be two uniform IMCs with uniform rate EI and EJ , respectively. 1) For a given set of actions A it holds that IMC I|[A]|J is uniform with rate EI + EJ . 2) For a given action a it holds that IMC hide a in (I) is uniform with rate EI . 3) Suppose that I and J are stochastic branching bisimilar according to Definition 2. Then it holds that EI = EJ . For a detailed proof we refer to [13]. As a result of Theorem 2, we are left with the requirement that all our input models must be uniform in order to ensure uniformity by construction. Since any LTS is a uniform IMC by definition, we only need to ensure that the time-constraints, which are used for composition, are uniform, too. Technically, this can be achieved as follows. Let (S, Act, R, s1 ) be the CTMC of some phase-type distribution PHd with initial state s1 and absorbing state sa , and let e = maxs∈S r(s, S). To this CTMC we associated a uniform CTMC (S, Act, R′ , s1 ), where R′ (s, s′ ) = R(s, s′ ) if s 6= s′ and R′ (s, s) = e − r(s, S\{s}) otherwise. Under the usual interpretation of CTMCs, there is no difference between the two CTMCs (since the induced generator 10 matrices are identical). For our purposes, however, we note a seemingly minor difference, namely that in the uniform CTMC, jumps occur on average after 1/e time units, regardless of the state considered2 . For the example in Fig. 5, the uniform variant is obtained by equipping state sa with a looping λ-transition. Here, and in general, the result can be easily ensured to be a uniform IMC. All in all, the time-constraints, and the input LTS are uniform, and thus our construction preserves uniformity all along. G. CTMDP Transformation In Section III-D time behaviour has been incorporated into the system description, turning the LTS into an IMC. This section describes a transformation from IMCs to CTMDPs that preserves timed reachability properties and uniformity. The model we are dealing with is the complete description of the system under consideration, and therefore can be viewed as a closed system. This means that the transformation to be carried out now no longer needs to be compositional, because all necessary composition operations have been performed in earlier steps of the tool chain. As a consequence we will now employ an urgency assumption, i. e., we assume that interactive transitions take zero time (which is a non-compositional hypothesis [5]). Given an IMC I = (S, Act, T, R, s0 ), we can partition the set S into three disjoint sets of states. These are the sets of (1) interactive states, where a state has no Markov transitions (denoted SI ); (2) Markov states, where a state has only Markov transitions (denoted SM ); and (3) hybrid states where a state has at least one Markov and at least one interactive transitions (denoted SH ). Recall that any CTMDP can be viewed as a special IMC in which interactive states and Markov states occur in a strictly alternating manner. Thus, in order to turn an IMC I into a CTMDP C we have to ensure that all states are either Markov or interactive states, and that they strictly alternate. We call this class of IMC strictly alternating. We now discuss a transformation which turns any IMC into a strictly alternating one [13], while preserving the probabilistic behaviour. The transformation involves: (1) ensuring that the state space contains interactive and Markov states only (called alternating IMC); (2) making the target state of each Markov transition an interactive state (called Markov alternating IMC); and (3) making the target state of each interactive transition a Markov state (called interactive alternating IMC)—where the order of steps 2 and 3 can be swapped. As a result we end up in a strictly alternating IMC which directly corresponds to a CTMDP. The terminology used here to name the various intermediate models is inspired by Hansson [41]. We use the IMC depicted in Fig. 7(a) as an example to show the effect of the singular transformation steps. This example is taken from [10]. Here, state s1 (light grey) is a hybrid state, s6 , s7 and s8 are Markov states (grey), and all other states are interactive states (white). Step (1): Alternating IMC: An alternating IMC does not possess any hybrid states anymore. Whenever s was a hybrid state in the closed IMC I , s is interpreted as interactive state in the 2 The uniform CTMC is—strictly speaking—not an absorbing one, since the state sa is now equipped with an e-loop. Nevertheless, the time to hit this state sa is still distributed according to PHd . alternating counterpart of I , i. e., all of its emanating Markov transitions are cut off, and the Markov transition relation is changed to (SM × R+ × S) ∩ R. This is justified by the urgency assumption that is imposed on the closed IMC I that is subject to the transformation. The alternating IMC of the example IMC is depicted in Fig. 7(b). In general, certain parts of the LTS may become unreachable as a result of this step, which in practice often shrinks the state space to be considered in subsequent steps drastically. Step (2): Markov alternating IMC: Turning an alternating IMC into a Markov alternating IMC requires splitting the sequences of Markov transitions, as follows. Suppose s, s′ ∈ SM and λ s 99K s′ . In order to break this sequence of Markov states, we introduce a fresh interactive state (s, s′ ) which is connected to s λ τ via s 99K (s, s′ ). State (s, s′ ) in turn is connected via (s, s′ ) −→ s′ to s′ . This yields the following transformation step. For a given alternating IMC I = (S = SM ∪˙ SI , Act, T, R, s0 ), we define its Markov alternating counterpart as IMC (S ′ , Act, T ′ , R′ , s0 ) with • • • S ′ = S ∪˙ {(s, s′ ) ∈ SM × SM | ∃λ ∈ R+ : (s, s′ ) ∈ R}, T ′ = T ∪˙ {((s, s′ ), τ, s′ ) ∈ S ′ × {τ } × SM | ∃λ ∈ R+ : (s, s′ ) ∈ R}, R′ = R ∩ (SM × R+ × SI ) ∪˙ {(s, λ, (s, s′ )) ∈ SM × R+ × S ′ | (s, s′ ) ∈ R}. We illustrate this transformation step in Fig. 7(c) where s′6 = (s6 , s7 ) and s′7 = (s7 , s8 ) are the freshly inserted states. Step (3): Interactive alternating IMC: We now handle sequences of interactive transitions ending in a Markov state. To compress these sequences, we calculate the transitive closure of interactive transitions for each interactive state s that (is either the initial state of the IMC or) has at least one Markov predecessor. The computation is carried out in a way such that we get all Markov successors of s that terminate these sequences. We label the resulting compressed transitions with words from the alphabet A+ ∪˙ {τ } (also denoted Words ). Interactive states that do not have any Markov state as a predecessor will not be contained in the resulting interactive (or strictly) alternating IMC any more. These states violate the strict alternation of interactive and Markov states and therefore will not be contained in the CTMDP. For Markov alternating IMC I = (S, Act, T, R, s0 ) we define its strictly alternating counterpart as IMC (S ′ , Words, T ′ , R, s0 ), with λ • • S ′ = SM ∪˙ SI′ where SI′ = {s ∈ SI | ∃t ∈ SM : t 99K s, for some λ ∈ R+ } ∪ {s0 }, W T ′ := {(s, W, t) ∈ SI′ × Words × SM | s =⇒ t}. This yields a strictly alternating IMC. So, after applying steps (1)–(3) to IMC M we obtain an IMC M′ which is strictly alternating and where each interactive transition is labelled by a word W from the alphabet A+ ∪˙ {τ }. The strictly alternating IMC M′ = (S = SI ∪˙ SM , Words, −→, 99K, s0 ) can now be interpreted as a CTMDP P CM = (SI , Words, R, s0 ) where R := {(s, W, R)|R(s, s′ ) = n i=1 λi iff ∃u ∈ SM , λi ∈ W λi R≥0 such that s −→ u ∧ u 99K s′ , i = 1, 2 . . . , n}. Interpretation: A strictly alternating IMC can directly be interpreted as a CTMDP. Fig. 7(e) depicts the corresponding CTMDP of the strictly alternating IMC in Fig. 7(d). Example 9 Once the time-constraints described in the previous example are woven into the quotient LTS of the heater example, we obtain a monolithic uIMC. Using the CTMDP transformation, the uIMC can be converted into a uCTMDP. The resulting uCTMDP 11 aaba τ a s4 s3 λ s6 τ s0 a s1 s5 b b a τ a s4 s3 s5 b b a s2 ν s8 κ s7 s6 τ s0 a s1 µ τ (a) s3 s0 a s1 µ b a s2 ν s8 κ s7 (b) s2 s4 a s6 τ s5 b µ s′7 s′6 τ κ τ ν s s7 8 (c) aabb s0 s6 ba bb µ s′7 s′6 τ κ τ s2 ν s8 s7 (d) aaba s0 aabb µ µ ba µ bb ν s2 s′6 µ τ κ (e) s′7 τ Fig. 7. Transformation: (a) example IMC, (b) alternating IMC, (c) Markov alternating IMC, (d) strictly alternating IMC, and (e) the corresponding CTMDP. λm s6 τ λs λu λm λs λc s1 τ s2 λu λm s3 λs λc τ s0 λm λu λm λs λs τ τ Fig. 8. τ s 8 τ cr s7 λs (2) For each scheduler D over C there exists a scheduler D′ over I such that for all measurable sets P of paths (in C ) Pr C,D (P ) = Pr I,D′ (Φ(P )) . λu λs λm λu λm s9 λu τ τ s5 s4 τ τ λs λm λu We refer to [13] for a detailed proof. H. Timed Reachability Analysis λu uCTMDP of the heater example. is depicted in Fig. 8, where λs = λF S , λm = λF M , λu = λU P and λc = λF S + λU P + λF M . The safety-critical state s7 is marked by a self-loop labelled cr.3 The non-determinism, modelling the unpredictable environmental temperatures (cf. input variable TEMP IN in the Statechart), is represented in the states s0 and s9 . Intuitively these non-deterministic choices embody the temperature update to either TOO HOT or TOO COLD. Sink state s3 can be interpreted as a safe state: either the heater has performed a safe shutdown, or simply does not heat, as the SENSOR is stuck already at temperature TOO HOT. The model obtained after performing the transformation described above is a uniform CTMDP, since the input IMC is uniform. Our aim is to calculate the worst-case probability of reaching any of the safety-critical states within a given time bound. For CTMCs, the corresponding question can be reduced to an instance of transient analysis [42], for which efficient and numerically stable iterative algorithms are known, based on uniformisation. Timed reachability analysis of stochastic systems with nondeterminism is not that straightforward. For uniform CTMDPs this problem was tackled in [4]. For a uniform CTMDP C with uniform rate E we aim at calculating the maximal probability to reach a given set of states B within t time units from a particular state s in C w. r. t. all schedulers D ∈ Sched . We denote this by ≤t sup Pr C,D (s, B), D∈Sched ≤t As indicated in the introduction to this section, the transformation preserves uniformity. To establish this formally and to clarify more detailed correspondences of the two models, we fix IMC I = (S I , Act, −→, 99K, s0 ) and let CTMDP C = (S C , Words, R, s0 ) denote the result of the transformation. Theorem 3 If I is uniform then C is uniform with the same rate. This theorem is shown in [13]. Beside uniformity, the transformation preserves the timed probabilistic behaviour in a very strict sense. In particular, for each scheduler over I there exists a scheduler over the corresponding C such that probabilities on measurable sets of paths agree. Path correspondence is defined via a mapping Ψ, which for a given path σ in I identifies the unique corresponding path Ψ(σ) in CTMDP C . Theorem 4 (1) For each scheduler D over I there exists a scheduler D′ over C such that for all measurable sets P of paths (in I ) Pr I,D (P ) = Pr C,D′ (Ψ(P )) . 3 Recall that all safety-critical states in the symbolic part are, in the explicit part, decorated with a self-loop labelled cr. This encoding preserves the relevant information, and is needed because the latter format is strictly transition-oriented, and does not allow information to be directly attached to states. We remark that this strictness is what enables our compositional approach, because state identities can be considered entirely irrelevant, the entire information is in the transition structure. A more elaborate discussion of the issue of state vs. transition labelling in the context considered here can be found in [10]. where s, B denotes the measurable set of paths starting in s and hitting a state s′ ∈ B within t time units. [4] studies the problem of approximating this probability for Sched being the class of all untimed history-dependent schedulers that may use randomisation. The algorithm is based on three observations: (1) randomisation does not add to the power of the schedulers, (2) history-dependence only adds in the form of step-dependence. A step-dependent scheduler only counts state changes instead of recording the entire history. Further, observation (3) is that the step-dependence is only decisive up to a specific depth k which can be precomputed on the basis of E , t and the accuracy ε of the approximation. Thus, it is sufficient to consider non-randomised k-truncated stepdependent scheduler D : S × {0, . . . , k} 7→ L. Unfortunately, the number of such schedulers can be exponential in the value of k. ≤t However, in order to derive the maximal value of Pr C,D (s, B), the actions to be selected by a (worst-case) scheduler D can be computed by a greedy backward strategy. Due to space constraints we refer to [4] for an elaborate discussion of this greedy algorithm, which is linear in k and linear in the size of L. The algorithm returns for each state the worst-case probability to reach a state s ∈ B within time t. We apply this algorithm to the uniform CTMDP C = (S, L, R, s0 ), where the set of goal states B ⊆ S corresponds to the set of safety-critical states. By looking up the probability returned for the initial state s0 , we finally arrive at the worst-case probability to reach a safety-critical state within time t for the system in question. 12 BORDER POS TO NRBC RBC RBC (pre-announce train) SC TRACK TRACK MA TO HRBC (if segment is free, grant) TRACK FREE [TRAIN ENTERED]/ TRAIN ENTERED:=false PASSAGE STARTS @SC SPEED CONTROL BRAKE TIMER BREAK/ TRACK CLEARED:=true MA [TRACK PASSED]/ TRACK PASSED:=false BORDER POS BRAKE TIMER START/ BORDER POS:=true (interrupts brake-timeout) BORDER POS GOT MA (initiate hand-over, start brake-timeout) BRAKING [MA]/ MA:=false BRAKE TIMER ELAPSED WAIT FOR MA CONNECTION LOSS BEGIN GSM R CONNECTION Balise CONNECTION LOSS CONNECTED Balise CONNECTION LOSS END SC FIRST TRACK SC TRACK SC TRACK SC LAST TRACK MA FROM NRBC MA TO HRBC MA FROM NRBC MA TO HRBC RBC TRAIN ENTERS TO NRBC BORDER POS TO NRBC TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC TRAIN LEAVES TO NRBC BORDER POS FROM HRBC BORDER POS TO NRBC TRAIN LEAVES TO NRBC TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC BORDER POS TO NRBC BORDER POS FROM HRBC MA FROM NRBC MA TO HRBC TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC BORDER POS FROM HRBC /PERMISSIBLE SPEED:=0 NO TRAIN /PERMISSIBLE SPEED:=1 DET SPEED /PERMISSIBLE SPEED:=2 [MA FROM NRBC and in(CONNECTED)]/MA:=true; MA FROM NRBC:=false TRACK GRANTED /PERMISSIBLE SPEED:=3 [TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC]/ TRAIN ENTERED:=true; TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC:=false [TRACK CLEARED]/ TRAIN LEAVES TO NRBC:=true; TRACK CLEARED:=false LEAVING Fig. 9. [BORDER POS FROM HRBC]/ MA TO HRBC:=true; BORDER POS FROM HRBC:=false LEAVE REQUESTED [BORDER POS and in(CONNECTED)]/ BORDER POS TO NRBC:=true; BORDER POS:=false TRACK BUSY ETCS: RBC hand-over scenario and model architecture. Fig. 10. Example 10 We continue the heater example and set λF S = 0.005, λF M = 0.0005 and λU P = 2. Thus, on average the sensor fails once in 200 time units, the monitor fails once in 2000 time units, while the updates commence once a time unit. In this case, the worst-case probability for the heater to reach the safety-critical state s7 (in which the heater heats forever) within 1000 time units ≤1000 ( sup Pr Heater ,D (s0 , s7 )) is calculated to be 0.0878864. D∈Sched It is worth noting that this algorithm requires the CTMDP to be uniform. Intuitively, the reason is that in uniform CTMDPs with uniform rate E , jumps occur on average after 1/E time units, regardless of the state considered, while in non-uniform CTMDPs the average time between two jumps varies from state to state, and thus the precise history of visited states provides more information about the estimated time that has elapsed, than just counting the number of steps. We refer to [4] for a nonuniform CTMDP example where this fact is exploited to construct a history-dependent scheduler which is—with respect to timed reachability—strictly more powerful than any step-dependent one. IV. C ASE S TUDY This section demonstrates the application of our tool chain to an example taken from the context of the upcoming European train control system (ETCS) standard. Our purpose is to study and demonstrate the strength and limitations of the tool chain, therefore we deviate in some aspects from the standard [43] and set the focus on the S TATEMATE design’s scalability. A. Description ETCS and GSM-R (Global System for Mobile communications– Railway, an adaptation of the GSM wireless protocol) are designed to replace the multitude of incompatible safety systems used by European railways and to enable safe and fast transnational railway service. In application level 2 of the upcoming ETCS standard, trains report their exact position and direction of travel via GSM-R to the so-called radio block centres (RBC). These RBCs monitor the train movements, grant (or deny) ‘Movement Authorities’ (MA) for a particular track segment and provide additional route-related information, such as the permissible speed to the trains. An RBC has two roles: as a neighbour RBC (NRBC) to the train in the track segment prior to its scope and as a hand-over RBC (HRBC) to the train in the track segment Model of a single track segment. inside its scope. Balises, mounted in the track bed, are used as electronic milestones to indicate special track regions, such as border positions that mark the end of an RBC’s scope. Here NRBC takes over the responsibility of an approaching train from the current HRBC. In this hand-over situation, the HRBC acts as an agent between the NRBC and the train. In particular, it has to request a valid MA for the subsequent track segment from the NRBC and then to forward the MA, once it is granted, to the train. A snapshot of this hand-over is depicted in Fig. 9. In this case study, we examine the braking probabilities of trains in such hand-over situations: As soon as a train reaches a border position balise, it requests an MA for the track segment controlled by the neighbour RBC via GSM-R. The train now waits for a new MA for the subsequent track segment within a certain time interval. If during this interval, the MA is not received, the train must start a braking manoeuvre. The braking probabilities are influenced by the interplay between (i) the connection losses in the GSM-R-based MA communication and (ii) the variation of permissible speeds of the trains. B. Modelling The S TATEMATE model consists of the Statecharts depicted in Fig. 10 and 11. The lower part of Fig. 9 shows the mappings applied to combine these Statecharts to the overall model. For example, when connecting an instance of the SC FIRST TRACK with a SC TRACK chart, leaving the scope of the former means entering the scope of the latter. Hence the mapping from TRAIN ENTERS TO NRBC to TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC. The delay distributions to be incorporated into the model are listed in Table II. The Statechart SC TRACK, divided into three concurrent components, captures the model’s core behaviour. Initially the track segment is free and the RBC is idle (NO TRAIN). In this state an MA request for an approaching train (BORDER POS FROM HRBC) is granted (MA TO HRBC:=true) immediately. Afterwards the permissible train speed is chosen (/PERMISSIBLE SPEED:=0,1,2,3) non-deterministically. As soon as the approaching train leaves the subsequent track segment (TRAIN LEAVES), the RBC is busy4 4 Note the mapping from TRAIN LEAVES TO NRBC TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC (cf. Fig. 9.) to 13 SC FIRST TRACK NEW TRAIN ENTERS/ BORDER POS TO NRBC:=true SYNC NEW TRAIN BRAKES WAIT FOR MA WAIT [MA FROM NRBC]/TRAIN ENTERS TO NRBC:=true; MA FROM NRBC:=false; SC LAST TRACK [BORDER POS FROM HRBC]/ BORDER POS FROM HRBC:=false /MA TO HRBC:=true SEND MA WAIT ENTERS [TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC]/TRAIN ENTERS FROM HRBC:=false SC SPEED CONTROL [PERMISSIBLE SPEED==0] SET SPEED SPEED 1 D/ TRACK PASSED:=true SPEED 1 S SPEED1 [PERMISSIBLE SPEED==1] PASSING1 SPEED 2 D/ TRACK PASSED:=true SPEED 2 S SPEED2 [PERMISSIBLE SPEED==2] PASSING2 [PERMISSIBLE SPEED==3] PASSING3 SPEED 4 D/ TRACK PASSED:=true SPEED 4 S SPEED4 Name A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 D1 Starting INIT, C L E CLB SPEED 1 S SPEED 2 S SPEED 3 S SPEED 4 S BTS INIT, N T E Delay CLB CLE SPEED 1 SPEED 2 SPEED 3 SPEED 4 BTE NTE D D D D Breaking BTB - P H of Expr. 1 Exp(0.001) Exp(10.0) Exp(1.0) Exp(1.5) Exp(2.0) Exp(2.5) Exp(3.0) Exp(0.4) P H of Expr. 2 Exp(0.001) Exp(10.0) Erl(5.0, 5) Erl(7.5, 5) Erl(10.0, 5) Erl(12.5, 5) Exp(3.0) Exp(0.4) TRACK PASSED SPEED 3 D/ TRACK PASSED:=true SPEED 3 S SPEED3 TABLE II P HASE -T YPES AND OTHER PARAMETERS OF E LAPSE O PERATION PASSING4 Fig. 11. From top to bottom: model of (a) the first, (b) the last track segment, and (c) the speed control unit. (TRACK BUSY). The track is now passed by the train in accordance to the chosen permissible speed (SC SPEED CONTROL, delays B1– B4 in Table II), until the border position is reached (BORDER POS). The train then informs the RBC (BORDER POS) that it is in the border position; it starts a brake timer (BRAKE TIMER START, delay C1) and waits for a new MA (MA). If the timer elapsed (BRAKE TIMER ELAPSED) before the MA is received, the critical state (BRAKING) is reached, otherwise the timer is reset (BRAKE TIMER BREAK). The reception of the MA request by an RBC (BORDER POS) depends on the state of the GSM-R connection (BORDER POS and in(CONNECTED)). This connection is modelled in the GSM R CONNECTION component. From time to time (delay A1) the connection may be lost (CONNECTION LOSS) for a certain amount of time (delay A2). Furthermore, in order for an MA to be granted before the train starts braking, the next track segment has to be cleared by the preceding train. Therefore the speed of the train in that track segment is the second parameter influencing the overall probability for observing a train braking. Table II shows the parameters of the elapse operator. There are eight types of time-constraints used in this case study, named according to the first column. The starting, delay and breaking transitions associated with these time-constraints are listed in columns 2–4, respectively. The names of these transitions are shorthands of those in Fig. 10 and 11, given by the underlined characters. We use two sets of phase-type distributions for the delays of the time-constraints, denoted by “Expr. 1” (shorthand for Experiment 1) and “Expr. 2” in columns 5–6 of Table II. Some of the delays are distributed according to exponential distributions Exp(λ), while others are given by deterministic distributions or fixed delays. The latter are approximated by Erlang distributions Erl(λ, k). Note that the phase-type distributions used for each time-constraint in both experiments have the same mean value. The Erlang distributions, however, have less variance. C. Statistics In this section, we provide some statistics that were obtained from experiments on the ETCS case study where we vary the number of track segments (Tracks) and speed profile choices (Choices). Experiments related to the S TATEMATE-plugin were carried out on a PC with P4 2.66 GHz processor with 1 GB RAM running Windows XP SP2. All other experiments were run on PCs with P4 2.66 GHz processor with 2 GB RAM running Linux 2.6.15-1-k7. 1) Symbolic Transformation: In Table III we show the results for the symbolic translation and minimisation steps.5 The table lists both the number of bits necessary to encode the state space and transitions (columns Potential s bits and t bits) as well as the actual size of the generated LTS (reachable states and transitions). The number of bits in the Potential columns corresponds to a state space size of 2s states and 2s+t transitions. In order to emphasise the importance of the cone-of-influence (COI) reduction prior to the translation into an LTS we also performed additional experiments where the COI reduction was disabled. From this column it is evident that the LTS size is only marginally impacted but nevertheless it is an essential step in the overall translation process. As can be seen from the Time column, even relatively small models cannot be handled without COI reduction since the intermediate models used during the LTS computation become too large. The columns in the middle of the table show the size of the actual models that were used in subsequent experiments and those to the right show the size of the LTS after the symbolic branching bisimulation minimisation and the time needed to compute it. 2) IMC Construction: In Table IV, we report the result related to the compositional construction and minimisation of the IMCs. For each model, we provide the size of the largest intermediate state space we have to handle when weaving the time-constraints to the minimised LTS model and the computation time (in seconds) required to generate and minimise all intermediate models until the final model is obtained. The sizes of the state spaces of the final models are also provided. The table is divided into two parts, which correspond to the two types of experiments specified in Table II. For both types of experiments, the state space and the computation time increase with the number of track segments and speed choices. The largest model we handle in the case study is the 4 tracks and 2 choices case in the second experiment. The final IMC has 416274 states and it takes around 68 hours to compose. 3) CTMDP Transformation: In Table V, we present the result related to the transformation from IMC to CTMDP. We provide the number of states and transitions for the resulting CTMDPs, together with the computation time (in seconds) required for the corresponding transformations. The sizes of the quotient IMCs input to these transformations are shown in the last two columns of Table IV. The column depicting the number of CTMDP transitions deserves a special comment. Since each transition in a CTMDP is a tuple (s, l, R) with the function R assigning rates to the successor states, representing one transition may, in the worst 5 Each entry marked by “∗)” in the table indicates that the corresponding experiment cannot be completed due to the length of time required for its computation. 14 TABLE III S YMBOLIC S TEPS : S TATEMATE S AFETY A NALYSIS AND M INIMISATION S TATISTICS Tracks – Choices 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 3–1 3–2 3–3 4–1 4–2 4–3 Model Size Without COI Potential Reachable Time s bits t bits States Trans. (sec.) 37 18 102 397 24.7 45 20 203 650 2670.5 45 22 304 1010 5322.4 45 23 465 802 6945.7 64 33 1693 10315 867.8 80 37 6769 114440 44970.8 80 41 15229 533104 364276.6 *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) Potential s bits t bits 37 16 41 16 45 22 45 23 64 29 72 29 80 41 80 43 91 42 103 42 115 60 118 55 134 55 150 79 Model Size With COI Reachable States Trans. 102 157 203 325 304 505 405 697 1693 3451 6769 14305 15229 33319 27073 61249 28085 66857 224673 553569 758269 1931473 457097 1205873 7313537 19953537 37024777 104353921 Time (sec.) 2.3 2.9 3.0 9.0 16.3 413.1 994.8 357.4 164.6 37.4 49.6 68.1 6960.6 2923.8 Branching Bisimulation Min. Result Time States Trans. (sec.) 36 87 0.05 50 123 0.07 62 157 0.09 74 191 0.10 411 1709 1.05 852 3543 3.11 1318 5655 5.37 1880 8231 6.63 4851 28455 42.59 14616 84947 278.47 28208 169579 639.48 57381 434213 3555.73 250444 1861767 143334.70 *) *) *) TABLE IV E XPLICIT S TEPS : C OMPOSITION AND M INIMISATION S TATISTICS Expr. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Tracks – Choices 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 3–1 3–2 3–3 4–1 4–2 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 3–1 3–2 3–3 4–1 4–2 Compositional Construction States Transitions Time (sec.) 71 261 16.95 59 225 20.40 71 275 23.78 83 325 27.11 475 2640 27.62 999 5577 34.65 1440 8130 41.61 2099 12109 49.01 5683 41632 39.91 17151 125035 61.69 33007 242643 100.24 67237 610938 103.21 306699 2855455 3372.16 71 261 18.70 79 325 22.58 99 419 26.87 119 513 30.43 731 3888 31.72 1755 11059 39.55 3127 20737 47.71 4899 33495 57.83 10075 75377 50.01 53858 387501 293.53 134555 1061958 1114.82 143641 1343747 785.30 1350908 11619969 243687.33 Final Quotient IMC States Transitions 8 23 13 37 15 47 17 57 35 150 105 402 153 655 209 964 189 1060 922 4427 1680 9056 1061 7254 8450 47734 16 55 29 101 39 143 49 185 187 1006 665 3442 1281 6991 2097 11780 2573 18260 16602 112011 44880 320504 35637 313270 416274 3452502 TABLE V E XPLICIT S TEPS : CTMDP T RANSFORMATION AND A NALYSIS S TATISTICS Expr. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Tracks – Choices 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 3–1 3–2 3–3 4–1 4–2 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 3–1 3–2 3–3 4–1 4–2 Uniform CTMDP States Transitions 13 25 (1.92) 19 39 (2.05) 23 51 (2.22) 27 63 (2.33) 59 167 (2.83) 146 418 (2.86) 226 693 (3.07) 322 1032 (3.20) 319 1159 (3.63) 1308 4637 (3.55) 2520 9590 (3.81) 1787 7811 (4.37) 11902 49676 (4.17) 29 65 (2.24) 51 119 (2.33) 71 171 (2.40) 91 223 (2.45) 363 1175 (3.23) 1202 3938 (3.27) 2386 8037 (3.36) 3970 13576 (3.41) 4991 20599 (4.12) 30028 124493 (4.14) 83616 357302 (4.27) 69115 345667 (5.00) 751870 3764716 (5.00) Time (sec.) 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.37 0.46 0.55 0.47 1.26 0.50 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.54 0.57 0.65 0.69 1.83 4.54 3.93 42.84 Analysis (supD PrD (s, t=1 Time 0.0471218 192 0.0471218 277 0.0471219 349 0.0471219 411 0.0549173 633 0.0483948 1980 0.0486557 3529 0.0488844 5157 0.0481474 3891 0.0484857 23783 0.0487916 53024 0.0481494 27827 0.0484907 304608 0.0574318 321 0.0574318 545 0.0574318 774 0.0574318 1013 0.0574456 3886 0.0574755 15412 0.0575228 35035 0.0575811 65762 0.0574456 74233 0.0574755 600453 0.0575229 1984091 0.0574456 1403805 0.0574755 22297183 ≤t B) for different t) and t=5 Time 0.3379318 156 0.3379318 283 0.3379318 381 0.3379318 547 0.3835667 878 0.3883743 3151 0.3924282 5622 0.3957582 8971 0.4036817 6821 0.4139489 44175 0.4224391 104475 0.4122475 56871 0.4271817 632008 0.3702204 358 0.3702204 704 0.3702204 1196 0.3702204 1747 0.3885393 6396 0.3962310 29214 0.4037369 74749 0.4101266 161831 0.3976218 146828 0.4149666 1350805 0.4311642 5261678 0.4010432 3128218 0.4251593 57290732 Execution Time in µsec. t = 10 Time 0.5857440 193 0.5857440 364 0.5857440 500 0.5857440 647 0.6575970 1257 0.6621517 4539 0.6665755 8422 0.6703472 14030 0.6949978 10636 0.7053435 70686 0.7137807 174939 0.7166049 98012 0.7321903 1088549 0.6196606 442 0.6196606 991 0.6196606 1733 0.6196606 2793 0.6483349 9728 0.6583843 47731 0.6679403 132162 0.6760732 293089 0.6669833 241163 0.6906316 2432469 0.7111358 9628030 0.6794333 5612398 0.7149502 104880604 15 case, already require space in the order of the number of states. Of course, this is not the case: the functions are very sparse. The numbers denoted in brackets are the average number of non-zero entries per transition. Overall, the transformation requires computation times in the order of seconds. For the biggest model, namely the 4 tracks with 2 choices case in the second experiment, the transformation runs for less than 42 seconds converting an IMC having 416274 states to a CTMDP having 751870 states. 4) CTMDP Analysis: In this section, we give the result of the reachability analysis applied to the case study. The reachability analysis basically provides us with the maximum probabilities that any train is forced to brake in any track segment within some duration of time. We supply several different settings for the analysis by varying the numbers of tracks and speed choices. A series of experiments is devoted to each of the set of timeconstraints specified in Table II. For both of these series, the arrivals of a new train at the first track segment is governed by an exponential distribution with rate 0.4, which means on average a train arrives once every 2.5 time units. A time unit is the average time for a train to pass through one track segment, when it travels with the slowest speed (SPEED 1), which corresponds to the mean values of Exp(1.0) and Erl(5.0, 5). In Table V columns 6–11, we summarise the obtained result. We report the braking probabilities for different time bounds t, i. e., for 1, 5, 10 time units. The runtime of the extended MRMC model checker in computing the probabilities (given in microseconds) is shown for each time bound. The table shows that the runtime grows according to the sizes of the CTMDPs and the time bounds. The reason why the time bounds affect the computation time is that in the uniformisation method used by the algorithm: larger time bound requires more iterations for the same error bound. For the biggest model, namely the 4 tracks with 2 choices case in the second experiment, the tool runs for around 104 seconds to obtain the probability for time bound t = 10. Observing the obtained braking probabilities, we can conclude that, in general, the probabilities increase when either the track number, or the speed choice number, or the time bound is increased. The experiments also indicate that tuning the speed of the trains more precisely results in increased chances of braking, as shown by the uniformly higher braking probabilities in the second experiment than those of the first. Furthermore, the braking probabilities can be deemed large, since within 10 time units, which means that in average 4 trains have entered the first track, the probability that any one of them has to brake is more than one half in all experimental cases. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper we demonstrated how to address dependability properties in a typical, functional behaviour-oriented industrial modelling environment. We defined extended Statecharts to enable the integration of real-time probabilistic phenomena, like failure occurrences, with non-determinism that typically arises in the specification of the functional behaviour. Thereby we avoided a coherency gap between the dependability oriented failure models and models explicating the functional behaviour of the system, at the same time extending an existing industrial modelling environment with quantitative (i. e. real-time probabilistic) behaviour. We demonstrated how to analyse the specifications, taking advantage of recent advances in the area of both stochastic modelling and stochastic model checking. By combining compositional modelling and novel algorithmic analysis techniques, we arrive at an overall methodology to compute the worst-case dependability risk. The complexity challenges posed by the probabilistic verification problem could only be addressed by (1) performing a state space reduction on the non-deterministic part of the model by means of a symbolic minimisation capable of handling huge state spaces and (2) weaving stochastic time-constraints after this reduction into the model. A key enabler for this compositional approach was the selection of an adequate intermediate model that generalises both labelled transition systems (LTS) and continuoustime Markov chains: interactive Markov chains, which provides the necessary compositional operations while preserving uniformity which, in turn, allows for the use of existing stochastic model checkers. The developed technology was applied to a non-trivial case study from the train control domain with an explication of the improvements contributed by each of the relevant translation steps. One may wonder why we did not compare our experimental results with simulation studies of the same system. This is an important question with a short answer: it is impossible to use simulation on the models we needed to consider. Simulation is only possible if the model is a stochastic process, which is not the case here. By fixing a particular scheduler it is possible to arrive at a specific instance of the final CTMDP which is a stochastic process (a CTMC), but we did not explore this, since there is no estimate how far the values obtained from simulating that instance differ from the worst-case result. From a fault analysis perspective, our model-based approach is exact in the sense that our quantification takes into account the precise ordering of events on the critical paths leading to the safety-critical situation. This is superior to more naive analyses methods (like fault trees) that often are too pessimistic, since they cannot incorporate the ordering. CTMDPs constitute a model class that is well studied from the operations research and artificial intelligence perspective. In this paper we focused on timed reachability properties for CTMDP, owed to its importance for dependability questions. However, the CTMDP models generated by our construction process are amenable to a variety of other analyses, for which algorithms are available. We can analyse steady state properties such as the longrun average (availability), the long-run expected reward rate, the long-run instantaneous reward or the long-run expected accumulated reward. Transient analyses that could be performed include expected reward rate per time unit, instantaneous reward, and expected accumulated reward. Most of these quantities require the model to be decorated with a reward structure, specifying the costs (or bonuses) for states and events. To derive such a decoration from an extended Statechart model is not difficult. Thus, our construction has paved the way for integrating also these analyses coherently in a functional behaviour-oriented, model-based development process. Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Samuel Wischmeyer (Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg) and Hubert Garavel (INRIA Rhônes-Alpes) for their valuable support during the preparation of this paper. The comments received during the reviewing process were a great help in improving the paper. 16 R EFERENCES [1] J. Hillston, A compositional approach to performance modelling. Cambridge University Press, 1996. [2] D. Kartson, G. Balbo, S. Donatelli, G. Franceschinis, and G. Conte, Modelling with Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994. [3] A. Hinton, M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman, and D. Parker, “PRISM: A tool for automatic verification of probabilistic systems,” in Proc. of the 12th Int’l Conf. on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), ser. LNCS, vol. 3920. 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His research interests focus on satisfiabilitybased verification methodologies, especially in the context of partial system designs. Since 2008, Dr. Herbstritt is editor for Applied Sciences and Computer Science at Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel (Switzerland). Holger Hermanns studied at the University of Bordeaux, France, and the University of Erlangen/Nürnberg, Germany, where he received a diploma degree in computer science in 1993 (with honors) and a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science in 1998 (with honors). From 1998 to 2006 he has been with the University of Twente, the Netherlands, holding an associate professor position since October 2001. Since 2003 he heads the Dependable Systems and Software Group at Saarland University, Germany. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, holds various research grants, and has co-chaired several international conferences including CAV, CONCUR and TACAS. His research interests include modeling and verification of concurrent systems, resource-aware embedded systems, and compositional performance and dependability evaluation. Sven Johr received his diploma degree in computer science in 2002 from the RWTH Aachen, Germany. He received his Ph.D. degree (2007) from the Saarland University, Germany. Since the beginning of 2008 he is working in the research and development department of the company TWT Science & Innovation. He is currently involved in research projects on 3D search engines, micro-fabrication technologies and the 3D reconstruction of manufactured parts. Besides that, his research interests encompass stochastic systems with inherent non-determinism and stochastic learning techniques. Thomas Peikenkamp has been working for more than 15 years on methods and tools for the development of safety-critical systems and about 8 years on model-based safety assessment methods. Currently he is leading the group for Safety Analysis & Verification in the R&D Division “Transportation” at OFFIS research institute. Reza Pulungan received his bachelor’s degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia) and his master’s degree from University of Twente (the Netherlands). Since 2004, he has been a Ph.D. student in Dependable Systems and Software, Saarland University (Germany). His research interests lie in the field of stochastic processes, especially Markov processes and phase-type distributions. He is also interested in modelling and analysis of networked systems. Jan Rakow received his diploma degree in computer science from the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg (Germany). Since 2006 he is working at the German Transregional Collaborative Research Center AVACS. His research interests include the development of verification techniques for and the modelling of safety critical systems, especially networked transportation systems. Ralf Wimmer (IEEE student member) received his diploma degree in computer science from the AlbertLudwigs-University, Freiburg (Germany) in 2004. Since 2005 he is working as a Ph.D. student at the German Transregional Collaborative Research Center AVACS in Freiburg. His research interests are applications of symbolic methods for stochastic verification. Bernd Becker received a Diploma degree in Mathematics (1979), a Doctoral degree (1982) and a Habilitation degree in Computer Science (1988), all from Saarland University. Between 1979 and 1988, he was with the collaborative research center “Electronic Speech Recognition” (79-81), with the Chair for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (81-83) and the collaborative research center “VLSI Design Methods and Parallelism” (84-88) at Saarland University. From 1989 to 1995, he was an Associate Professsor for “Complexity Theory and Efficient Algorithms” at J.W.Goethe-University Frankfurt. Since 1995, he has been with the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg as a Full Professor (Chair of Computer Architecture). The research activities of Bernd Becker have been primarily in the area of computer-aided design, test and verification of (digital) circuits and systems (VLSI CAD). More recently, he has been working on verification methods for embedded systems and test techniques for nanoelectronic circuitry. He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals and has been on the programme committees of numerous major international conferences. Bernd Becker was the General Chair of the IEEE European Test Symposium 2007. He is a fellow of IEEE.