Towards an Ontological Account of
Agent-Oriented Goals
Renata S.S. Guizzardi1 , Giancarlo Guizzardi2,3 ,
Anna Perini1 , and John Mylopoulos4
ITC-irst, Trento-Povo, Italy
Department of Computer Science, UFES, Vitória-ES, Brazil
Laboratory of Applied Ontologies (ISTC-CNR), Trento, Italy
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada
[email protected]
Abstract. The software agent paradigm has received considerable attention recently, both in research and industrial practice. However, adoption of this software paradigm remains elusive in software engineering
practice. We claim that part of the adoption problem lies with the fact
that mentalistic and social concepts underlying agents are subjective
and complex for the average practitioner. Specifically, although there
are many efforts related to the topic coming from philosophy, cognitive sciences and computer science, a uniform and well-founded semantic
view on these concepts is currently lacking. This work extends an existing upper-level ontology and offers it as a foundation for evaluating
and designing agent-oriented modeling languages. In particular, the paper focuses on the concept of goal, aiming at disambiguating its definition, discussing its different manifestations, and clarifying its relation to
other important agent-related concepts. For that, we examine how goals
are conceived and used according to some relevant literature on agentorientation. In addition, related work on akin fields, especially philosophy
and AI are used as a basis for the proposed ontological extensions.
The agent paradigm is shaped by developments from several research areas,
such as Distributed Computing, Software Engineering (SE), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Organizational Science [Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995]. An AI
perspective of agents focuses on their cognitive (or mentalistic) properties, e.g.
beliefs, goals and commitments. On the other hand, an SE perspective emphasizes its potential for designing open, distributed, dynamically reconfigurable
software, with only lip service paid to mentalistic or cognitive underpinnings.
However, given the potential of using agents both for conceptual modeling and
system development, such properties may indeed be central to both domain
analysis and system development. For instance, understanding agent goals, perceptions and beliefs leads to a deeper understanding of values and strategies
R. Choren et al. (Eds.): SELMAS 2006, LNCS 4408, pp. 148–164, 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
adopted in an organization, thereby contributing to the conception of effective
information systems [Guizzardi, 2006] [Dignum, 2004].
Several agent cognitive models are proposed in the AI literature, the bestknown among them being the BDI model [Rao and Georgeff, 1991]. This model
focuses on three basic mental components of agents: belief, desire and intention. Belief refers to knowledge the agent has about the environment and about
other agents with whom she interacts. Desire refers to the “will” of an agent towards a specific goal, although she might never actually pursue these goals.
Finally, intention entails specific plans and commitments to achieve specific
goals. A different model characterizes the state of an agent as a combination
of mental components such as beliefs, capabilities, choices, and commitments
[Shoham, 1993]. Besides these well-known models, much work related to AI theory, philosophy and cognitive sciences underlies the definition of such cognitive
notions, guiding their practical use for modeling and developing multi-agent
systems. Among them is the early work of Bratman [Bratman, 1987] on goals,
beliefs, intentions and related mental models, and the contribution of Castelfranchi and colleagues on delegation [Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1998], dependency [Conte and Castelfranchi, 1995] and commitments [Castelfranchi, 1995].
In addition to these, work on conceptual formalization through the use of ontologies also provides valuable contribution in this respect [Guizzardi, 2006]
[Bottazzi and Ferrario, 2005] [Masolo et al., 2003].
This work constitutes a follow-up to earlier efforts on defining a uniform conceptualization for agent-oriented systems. We aim at investigating diverse definitions and treatments of the agent mentalistic concepts and - where possible
- merge these through amalgamation or compromise. In [Guizzardi, 2006], we
propose an ontology of agent and related concepts, based on previous results
and guidelines presented in [Guizzardi, 2005]. In this earlier work, we use the
proposed ontology to guide the understanding and evaluation of modeling languages adopted in the development of agent-oriented knowledge management
systems. Regarding the use of ontologies to support the evaluation and re-design
of software engineering modeling languages, the role of the ontology is threefold:
– clarify modeling language concepts;
– evaluate and re-design the notation in order to avoid construct overload,
excess, redundancy and incompleteness [Guizzardi, 2005];
– in cases where different notations A and B are used, assist in the transformation from one notation to the other, by guiding the mapping between the
concepts of language A to those of language B.
In this paper, we specifically focus on the concept of goal, aiming at clarifying its meaning and finding out its relations to other basic agent-inspired
concepts. Goals are widely used in agent-orientation and related fields, ranging from conceptual goal modeling in Agent Organizations and Requirements
Engineering to goal execution in AI Planning and Agent Teamwork. In Agent
Organizations, for instance, goals are used to describe the objectives of the organization as a whole, being generally associated with roles, which are then
assigned to agents that act on behalf of the organization [Hubner et al., 2002]
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
[Dignum, 2004] [Esteva et al., 2002]. In a few Requirements Engineering approaches, on the other hand, the concept of goal is the basis for requirements
analysis, representing the objectives of different stakeholders, and rationalizing strategic dependencies among these stakeholders [van Lamsweerde, 2000]
[Yu, 1995] [Bresciani et al., 2004]. In AI Planning [Ghallab et al., 2004], goal is
an essential concept, since this area mainly focuses on computational approaches
to the problem of reasoning and deliberating about actions that are intended to
fulfill a goal. Finally, the research area of Agent Teamwork generally makes extensive use of Planning techniques to support the cooperation of the team agents
in the pursuit of a common goal [Boella et al., 1999] [Yen et al., 2001].
It is important to emphasize that although being the result of careful investigation, this work still represents the first steps in the direction of providing
uniform semantics to the concept of goal. The remaining of this article is organized as follows: section 2 focuses on the main motivations behind this research
initiative; section 3 describes this work’s main contribution, by presenting an
excerpt of our agent ontology (named UFO-C) and discussing it in comparison
with related work; section 4 presents applications of the use of UFO-C to support
agent-oriented software engineering; and section 5 finally concludes the paper.
Concerns with the definition of syntactic and semantic properties of agentoriented concepts have contributed to the proliferation of research initiatives
on metamodels. Many of these works focus on: a) defining organization-centered
concepts such as agent, group and roles in order to enable modeling of heterogeneous systems [Odell et al., 2004] [Ferber and Gutknecht, 1998]; b) interoperating and/or unifying modeling methodologies [Henderson-Sellers et al., 2005]
[Perini and Susi, 2005][Bernon et al., 2004]; and c) enabling agent-oriented modeling through the use of CASE tools [Perini and Susi, 2005]. These works have
been generally based on a bottom-up strategy, constructing their conceptualizations by abstracting concepts that are present in existing languages, methodologies and formalisms. Modeling Language are sometimes the result of a
negotiation process, and commonly incorporate features motivated by reasons
other than being truthful to the domain in reality being represented (e.g., increasing computational efficiency, providing compatibility to a computational
paradigm, facilitating the translation to a specific implementation environment).
Thus, one of the disadvantages of a bottom-up approach such as the ones just
mentioned is to incorporate in the produced metamodel many of these improper
In contrast, the objective of our research is to employ theories developed in
disciplines such as cognitive science, philosophy, as well as social sciences to
uncover the kinds of individuals that constitute the social reality as well as
to understand the ontological nature of these entities. As a result we aim at
producing a Foundational Ontology that explicitly represents these entities.
As argued in [Guizzardi, 2005], the quality of a conceptual modeling language
can be systematically evaluated by comparing, on one hand, a metamodel of this
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
language, and on the other hand, an explicit representation of the subject domain
this language is supposed to represent, i.e., a domain ontology. In the ideal case,
these two entities are isomorphic and share the same set of logical models. To put
it simple terms, in this ideal situation the language is not only able to represent
all the relevant concepts of the subject domain at hand, preserving all their
properties, but the user of the language can identify in an unambiguous manner
what are the domain concepts represented by each of the language’s modeling
constructs. Thus, if we have a concrete model representing the subject domain,
this model can be used for evaluating and (re)designing modeling languages in
that domain.
The work described here can then be seen as complementary to the effort
of developing metamodels for agent-oriented concepts. First, it can be used to
systematically evaluate and perhaps propose modification to these metamodels
so that they become isomorphic to this ontology. Second, once the mapping
between elements in a metamodel (syntactic elements) and in an ontology are
established, the elements of the latter can be used to provide real-world semantics
for the elements of the former. In other words, the interpretation mapping from
a language construct to a category in an ontology establishes the meaning of
that construct in terms of the real-world element represented in that ontology.
If the ontology itself is described in a formal language (see [Guizzardi, 2005],
this linking also enables the definition of a formal semantics for this language.
In this article, however, we do not intend to formally characterize the proposed
ontology and, for this reason, the UML diagrams depicting fragments of this
ontology are intended here for presentation only. This is mainly due to the fact
that this ontology (UFO-C) is still in preliminary stage of development and
that we defend the position that we should first concentrate on understanding a
certain conceptualization before formally describing it.
The UFO Ontology
In this section, we present our conceptualization of goal and related concepts. We
base this conceptualization on the UFO (Unified Foundation Ontology) defined
in [Guizzardi, 2005] [Guizzardi and Wagner, 2005] [Guizzardi, 2006], extending
it when necessary.
The UFO ontology is divided into three incrementally layered compliance sets:
1) UFO-A defines the core of UFO, as a comprehensive ontology of endurants; 2)
UFO-B defines - as an increment to UFO-A - terms related to perdurants 1 ; and
3) UFO-C defines - as an increment to UFO-A and UFO-B - terms related to the
spheres of intentional and social entities. In this paper, we focus on the UFOC ontology, referring to the other ontologies only to provide definitions when
needed. The ontologies are described here in natural language, and illustrated
with the aid of UML class diagrams. Thus, UML is not intended here for formalization purposes but rather for facilitating the visualization of the concepts.
Endurants and perdurants intuitively correspond to objects and events (respectively)
as understood in natural language.
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
(from UFO-A) Moment
Institutional Agent
Artificial Agent
< inheres in
Physical Agent
(from UFO-A) Intrinsic Moment
Human Agent
wants >
Mental Moment
(from UFO-B) State of Affairs
(from UFO-A) Set
< refers to
Fig. 1. UML diagram representing a fragment of UFO-C
For an in depth discussion and formal characterization of UFO-A, one should
refer to [Guizzardi, 2005]. The formalization of UFO-B and UFO-C is planned
as future work, once the semantics of the concepts comprising these ontologies
is fully comprehended.
Figure 1 shows an excerpt of UFO-C defining a goal in relation to two other
important concepts, namely desire and physical agent. In general, we say that a
physical agent has a goal, and this goal is related to the agent’s desire. Desire
here is defined as a mental moment, which specializes the concept of intrinsic
moment from UFO-A. UFO-A defines a moment as an entity whose existence
is existentially dependent on another entity. This Husserlian notion of moments
is akin to what is termed trope, abstract particular, property instance, or mode
in the literature. An intrinsic moment is a special kind of moment that is existentially dependent on one single individual (e.g., the color of an apple depends
of the existence of the apple itself). Examples of intrinsic moments of a physical agent are age, height and address. Mental moment is a specialization of
intrinsic moment referring to mental components of a physical agent, such as
belief, desire, intention, and perception. Summing up, a desire is conceived as
a mental moment, which is existentially dependent on a particular agent, being
an inseparable part of its mental state.
Fig. 1 also defines goal as a set of states of affairs (i.e. a set of world states).
This choice has some important implications that deserve debate. We noted two
main views on goals in the AI and agent-orientation literature. On one hand, a
goal may be seen as a specialization of the concept of mental moment. On the
other hand, a goal may be treated as a state of affairs (or set of state of affairs).
However, in agent-orientation, both views are possible. In fact, it is common
to find works that treat them interchangeably [Conte and Castelfranchi, 1995]
[Rao and Georgeff, 1991]. We believe that the reason behind this confusion is the
fact that in artificial systems, both the mental states of the agents composing
the system and the state of the world are explicit and sometimes treated as the
same thing. This approach is illustrated in the context of the CAST architecture
supporting Agent Teamwork, where the authors affirm that the team agents
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
develop an “overlapping shared mental model, which is the source for team
members to reason about the states and the needs of others” [Yen et al., 2001].
However, when we consider hybrid systems involving artificial and human agents,
we cannot assume anymore the explication of mental moments. Instead, beliefs,
intentions and perceptions remain inside the human agent’s mind. With this
discussion, however, we do not intend to say that mental moments cannot be
considered and represented in an agent-oriented model. What we find important
is the realization that there are two distinct concepts involved here: one external
and another one internal to the agent. The external concept regards a state of
affairs desired by an agent (here called goal), and the internal one is the desire
itself, which is part of the agent’s mental state.
In this work, we commit to the definition of goal as a set of states of affairs
because we find it more flexible from several different perspectives. For instance,
it allows a more flexible view of organizational goals. For now, UFO-C views an
organization as an institutional agent constituted by a number of other (physical,
artificial or institutional) agents (refer to Fig. 1). Thus, a goal could be seen as a
mental moment associated with a sort of collective mind, in the sense of Searle.
Nevertheless, [Bottazzi and Ferrario, 2005] see an organization as an abstract
social concept, which is separate from the collective body of agents that composes
it. Taking this approach leads to the impossibility of considering a goal as a
mental moment, since an organization here cannot be conceived as having a
mind. Defining goal as a set of states of affairs accommodates both views, i.e. it
is always possible to say that an organization (or institutional agent) has a goal.
Since our account for organization and related concepts is still preliminary, we
prefer to take this more flexible approach2.
Another reason for this choice comes from the fact that some ontological
theories do admit part-of relations applied to states of affairs but not to moments. Thus, having goal as a mental moment would disallow goal decomposition (defined in to Figure 2). However, several approaches foresee the need
to refine goals by decomposing it into sub-goals. This is applied, for instance,
by some Agent Organization methodologies (e.g. MOISE+ [Hubner et al., 2002]
and OperA [Dignum, 2004]) to understand the goals of particular roles by refining general organizational goals. Moreover, this is also common practice for
some Requirements Engineering approaches, which use goal decomposition to analyze objectives of particular stakeholders and/or to derive the requirements of
supporting information systems [van Lamsweerde, 2000] [Bresciani et al., 2004]
[Yu, 1995].
Fig. 2 shows that according to UFO-C a goal decomposition is a kind of basic
formal relation (from UFO-A) between goals, which is defined in terms of a
binary mereological (part-of) relation between these goals. A Goal decomposition
groups several sub-goals related to the same super-goal. In other words, suppose
We do not include here an in depth discussion on organizational goals. In order to
be complete, the concepts of roles, commitments/claims and norms would have to
be considered. [Guizzardi, 2006] presents our initial views on this topic. However,
more remains to be done in the future and is out of the scope of this paper.
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
(from UFO-A) Formal Relation
Part-of relation
Goal Formal Relation
Goal Decomposition
Fig. 2. Goal decomposition
(from UFO-B) Atomic Event
(from UFO-B) Complex Event
(from UFO-A) Physical Object
perceives >
Physical Agent
achieves >< refers to
(from UFO-B) Event
* 1..*
Mental Moment
Non-Action Event
performs >
Plan Execution
< associated with
can execute >
Fig. 3. Differentiating between Goal and Plan
that goals G1 and G2 are parts of the super-goal G. Thus, we can say that there
is a goal decomposition relation between G (as a super-goal) and G1 and G2 (as
Figure 3 focuses on the relation of goal to the actual plan executed to achieve
this goal. This leads us to the distinction made in UFO-B between action and
non-action events. The former refers to events created through the action of a
physical agent, while the latter are typically events generated by the environment
itself and perceived by the agents living in it.
A plan execution is an intended execution of one or more actions, and is
therefore a special kind of action event. In other words, a plan execution may be
composed of one or more ordered action events, targeting a particular outcome
of interest to the agent. These action events may be triggered by both action and
non-action events perceived by the agent. Besides, a plan execution instantiates
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
mediates >
Physical Agent
< inheres in
(from UFO-A) Moment
(from UFO-A) Intrinsic Moment
< refers to
(from UFO-A) Externally Dependent Moment
Mental Moment
Social Relator
Social Moment
Fig. 4. Commitments and Claims
a plan (or plan type). Thus, when we say that a physical agent executes a plan,
we actually mean this agent creates the action events previously specified in
the plan. Furthermore, such plan is connected to the agent through a mental
moment referred to as intention. Agent’s intention directly leads to the adoption
of certain goals, and is associated with a plan, i.e. a specific way of achieving this
specific goal. In fact, the association to a plan is the main differentiation between
desire (as in Fig. 1) and intention. To put it differently, while a desire refers to
a wish of the agent towards a particular set of state of affairs, an intention
actually leads to action towards achieving this goal [Rao and Georgeff, 1991]
[Conte and Castelfranchi, 1995] [Boella et al., 1999].
The difference between goal and plan is an important one, not always clear in
existing works. For instance, some AI Planning techniques define goals as tasks
the system must perform [Ghallab et al., 2004]. MOISE+ [Hubner et al., 2002]
also adopts a more operational view on goals as being the tasks performed
by the agents of an organization. Examples of work that do make this differentiation include the KAOS [van Lamsweerde, 2000] and i*/Tropos [Yu, 1995]
[Bresciani et al., 2004] requirement engineering approaches.
Figure 4 clarifies UFO-C’s view on the social concepts of commitment and
claim, highly associated with the concept of goal and thus, presenting important
contribution to enable the understanding and modeling goal adoption.
First, it is important to have a more detailed view of how UFO-A specializes
the concept of moment. Moments can be specialized into intrinsic moments and
relators. The former refers to a moment that is existentially dependent on one
single individual. In contrast, a relator is a moment that is existentially dependent on more than one individual (e.g., a marriage, an enrollment between a
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
student and an educational institution). A relator is an individual capable of
connecting or mediating entities [Guizzardi, 2005]. For example, we can say that
John is married to Mary because there is an individual marriage relator that
existentially depends on both John and Mary, thus, mediating the two. Likewise, we can say that Lisa works for the United Nations because there is an
employment relator mediating Lisa and the United Nations.
An externally dependent moment is a special kind of intrinsic moment that
although inhering in a specific individual, also existentially depends on another
one. The employee identifier is an example of externally dependent moment,
since although inherent to the employee, is also dependent on the organization
where this employee works. The UFO-C notion of social moment is a specialization of the concept of externally dependent moment and includes the concepts
of commitment and claim. When two physical agents agree to accomplish goals
to one another, a commitment/claim pair is generated between them. These
concepts are highly important to regulate the social relations between members
of an organization, being related to the deontic notions defined for example in
ISLANDER [Esteva et al., 2002] and OperA [Dignum, 2004]. A pair commitment/claim constitutes a social relator, which is a particular type of UFO-A
relator. Fig. 4 also shows that a social relator refers to a goal. When a physical
agent A commits to a physical agent B, this means that A adopts a goal of B.
Conversely, the social relator created between A and B state that B has the right
to claim the accomplishment of this specific goal to A.
Dependency is a common relation explored in Requirements Engineering approaches (e.g. i* [Yu, 1995] and Tropos [Bresciani et al., 2004]) and Agent Organization methodologies (e.g. OperA [Dignum, 2004]). However, the distinction
between dependency and delegation is usually not made. Figure 5 depicts this
important distinction. The first difference regards the fact that while a dependency constitutes a formal relation, a delegation consists of a material relation
[Guizzardi, 2005]. This distinction between formal and material relations is elaborated in UFO-A. A formal relation is either an internal relation holding directly
between two entities (e.g., instantiation, parthood, inherence), or it is reducible
to an internal relation between intrinsic moments of involved relata. Examples
of formal relations of the latter type is Lisa ‘is older than’ Mike, and John ‘is
taller than’ Mary. In both of cases, these relations are reducible to comparative
formal relations between intrinsic moments of the involved relata (individual
heights and ages). A material relation, in contrast, cannot be reduced in such
a way and has real material content. For a material relation to take place between two or more individuals, something else needs to exist, namely, a relator
connecting these entities. The relations ‘married to’ and ‘works for’ aforementioned are examples of material relations founded by relators of type marriage
and employment, respectively.
Let us examine this difference in further detail. Fig. 5 shows that a dependency connects two physical agents (a depender and a dependee) and a goal (a
dependum). An agent A (the depender) depends on an agent B (the dependee)
regarding a goal G if G is a goal of agent A, but A cannot accomplish G, and
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
Social Moment
Social Relator
(from UFO-A) Material Relation
(from UFO-A) Formal Relation
< associated with
refers to >
Physical Agent
1 delegatum
Goal Delegation
Plan Delegation
Fig. 5. Goal Delegation and Dependency
agent B can accomplish G. A delegation is associated with a dependency but it is
more than that. As a material relation, it is founded on something more than its
connected elements. In this case, the connected elements are two physical agents
(delegator and delegatee) and a goal (delegatum), and the foundation of this
material relation is the social relator (i.e. a commitment/claim pair) established
between the two physical agents involved in this delegation. In other words, when
agent A delegates a goal G to agent B, besides the fact that A depends on B
regarding G, B commits herself to accomplish G on behalf of A, thus adopting
the goal of A. Goal and plan delegation refer to what Castelfranchi and Falcone
define as open and close delegation [Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1998], meaning
that the former leaves the decision regarding the strategy towards goal accomplishment to the depender. The latter rather prescribes a specific strategy (i.e.
a plan) the depender should adopt towards achieving the delegated goal.
To illustrate the difference between dependency and delegation, consider the
following case. Suppose John is a program committee member of a certain conference and that he received from Paul (the conference program chair) an article
X to review. Suppose that John cannot review this article by himself, since there
are some aspects of the article which are outside his field of competence. Now,
suppose that George is a colleague of John who is knowledgeable exactly in
those aspects that John needs to review article X. In this case, we could say
that John depends on George to review article X. Notice, however, that this
relation between John and George can be reduced to relations between the goals
and capabilities of these individual agents. Moreover, this relation does not even
require that the related agents are aware of this dependence. This is certainly
not the case for the relation between Paul and John. As the program committee
chair, Paul depends on John to review article X. However, in this case, not only
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they are both aware of this dependence but there is the explicit commitment
of John to Paul to review article X. In other words, the delegation of Paul to
John to review article X cannot be reduced to relations between their intrinsic
moments, but it requires the existence of a certain relator (a commitment/claim
pair) that founds this relation.
Figure 6 depicts four specializations of the category of goals, namely depended,
collaborative, shared, and conflicting goals, typical of agent-oriented theoretical and practical works [Boella et al., 1999] [Bresciani et al., 2004] [Yu, 1995]
[Conte and Castelfranchi, 1995] [Dignum, 2004] [Yen et al., 2001]. Such distinctions reflect different ways a goal can participate in relations with agents and
with other goals, i.e., different roles a goal can play in the scope of certain relations.
Depended goal is the kind already discussed in the context of Fig. 5, i.e. a
goal which is a dependum of a dependency relation between two physical agent
individuals: the depender and the dependee. In fact, the dependency relation
depicted in Fig. 5 is generalized in this model to the category of Goal Formal
Relation involving agents, which is always a ternary relation between two agents
and a goal. A shared goal is a set of states of affairs intended at the same time by
two different physical agent individuals. In other words, two agents share a goal
if they both have individual desires that refer to that same goal. A collaborative
goal is a special kind of shared goal. A collaborative goal G is the subject of a
potential collaboration relation between agents A and B if: (i) G is shared by A
and B; (ii) there are at least two sub-goals G1 and G2 of G such that A wants
G1 but depends on B to accomplish it, and B wants G2 but depends on A to
accomplish it. In other words, a collaborative goal is always composed of at least
two depended goals. To illustrate collaborative goals, suppose agents A and B
have a shared goal of “taking a heavy table out of the room”. This goal can
be decomposed in two sub-goals referring to carrying out each side of the table,
which can be respectively adopted by A and B. In this case, one agent depends
on the other to accomplish their shared super-goal, thus this goal can only be
attained in collaboration. Finally, two goals are conflicting if they cannot be
achieved at the same time. For instance, taking two conflicting goals G1 and G2,
the accomplishment of goal G1 would preclude the achievement of goal G2 and
vice-versa. In other words, if we take any two state of affairs S1 and S2, such
that S1 satisfies G1 and S2 satisfies G2, we have that S1 and S2 cannot obtain
simultaneously (i.e., in the same world or world history).
Note that the definition of these different types of goal also influenced our
choice for preferring the definition of goal as a set state of affairs rather than
a mental moment. Such definitions are actually facilitated by this choice. For
example, a shared goal can be seen as a state of affairs referenced (i.e. intended)
at the same time by two physical agents. If it were to be defined as a mental
moment, we would have to be careful to talk about shareability, since each agent
has its own mental moment and thus, the goals would not be effectively shared.
Instead, we would have anyway to assume that these two agents having distinct
goals would aim at the same set of state of affairs.
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
(from UFO-A) Formal Relation
Role-playing Goal (RPG)
Goal Formal Relation (GFR)
Conflicting Goal
RPG involving Agents
GFR involving Agents
Physical Agent
1 1..*
2..* Depended Goal
Shared Goal
Potential Collaboration
Collaborative Goal
Fig. 6. Different Roles played by Goals in Goal Formal Relations
Applications of UFO-C to Support Agent-Oriented
Software Engineering
The UFO-C ontology is aimed at providing a consistent understanding of the concepts involved in agent-orientation. In particular, with respect to agent-oriented
software engineering, we hope to provide support to: i) clarifying the concepts
underlying modeling languages; ii) evaluating and (re)designing modeling languages to make it more consistent and accessible to the user; and iii) interoperating different modeling languages. Figures 7 and 8 present applications of the
UFO-C ontology to achieve all these aims.
The Tropos actor diagram of Fig. 7 depicts the main agents and dependencies
of a paper review scenario. In the Tropos original language, dependencies and
delegations were overloaded in the concept of dependency. In other words, an
analysis of this language in light of UFO-C has shown that in many Tropos models, what is called dependency is actually a delegation. In these cases, besides a
dependency between agents A and B, the relationship also implies that agent B
commits to deliver the dependum (e.g. a goal) to agent A. The diagram of Fig.
7 illustrates this difference. Most relationships shown in the diagram are delegation, for instance, the PC Chair depends on the PC Member to accomplish
the goal of reviewing papers. And in this case, the PC Member commits
herself to this goal. Thus, this is a case of delegation. We can then say that
the PC Chair delegates the goal of reviewing papers to the PC Member.
On the other hand, the relationship between the Conference Chair and the
Paper Author is an example of dependency. While the former depends on the
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
having paper
review form
PC Member
goal delegation
dependee acquisitor
goal dependency
resource acquisition
Fig. 7. Tropos actor diagram illustrating a paper review scenario
latter to submit papers in order to guarantee the realization of the conference,
she cannot assume that the Paper Author will actually do it. In other words,
it is possible that no paper is submitted to the conference because there is no
commitment from specific paper authors to do so.
Understanding both concepts of dependency and delegation with the aid of
UFO-C led to the decision of redesigning Tropos to incorporate both dependency
and delegation. This has solved a problem of construct overload, which could
prevent the correct understanding of the nature of the relationships while at
the same time, has given more expressivity to the language. Benefits gained by
considering both concepts are for instance:
– supporting analysts to reason about different degrees of vulnerability. In general, a dependency makes the depender more vulnerable than a delegation.
This happens because in a delegation, the dependee has an explicit commitment toward the depender in respect to the goal to be accomplished.
In a dependency, however, this is not the case. In fact, sometimes, the dependee is not even aware of this dependency (e.g. the dependency between
Conference Chair and Paper Author mentioned above). Consequently,
if a goal is depended but not delegated, the depender is less certain of its
– allowing the understanding when the dependee can be subjected to sanctions.
In the case of a delegation, which assume a commitment from the dependee
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
Lia: PCC
Beth: PCM
ListPCM=[John, Beth, Rose, ...]
Fig. 8. AORML’s interaction sequence diagram
towards the depender, sanctions may be applied in case the dependee fails
to accomplish the goal she had committed to.
– enabling the analyst to find during the analysis, dependencies which can be opportunities for the establishment of latter delegations. In other words, if there
are dependencies that are critical for the accomplishment of the goals of an
agent, then this agent can seek to obtain a commitment from the dependee, lowering her degree of vulnerability. Also in organizational modeling, this analysis
can be helpful in the (re)design of the commitments of organizational roles in
order for organizational goals to be accomplished more efficiently.
Fig. 8 depicts an AORML (Agent-Object-Relationship Modeling Language)
interaction sequence diagram, showing the interactions between PC Chair and
PC Member to accomplish the goal of reviewing papers. This diagram illustrates how UFO-C may assist the interoperation of two notations, namely Tropos and AORML. The delegation between the PC Chair and PC Member
previously analyzed is mapped into an AORML commitment construct during
interaction modeling. The ReviewPaper commitment is created after the PC
Member acknowledges that she has received the papers assigned to her for review (view create arrow coming from the ackPaperRecieved message to the
ReviewPaper commitment). The ReviewPaper commitment has a message
attached to it (i.e. a sendReviewPaper message), indicating that this commitment is fulfilled if the PC Member submits a message of this kind to the
R.S.S. Guizzardi et al.
PC Chair. Otherwise, this commitment is broken, giving the PC Chair the
right to sanction. Fortunately, in this case, the PC Member has fulfilled her
responsibility (refer to sendReviewPaper message which discharges the ReviewPaper commitment).
This paper presented excerpts of the UFO-C ontology specifically concerned
with the concept of goal. The UFO-C ontology itself is an extension of the UFOA and UFO-B ontologies, which together lay out the foundations for domainindependent concepts such as objects, processes, types, properties, state of affairs
as well as their relations, such as instantiation, partonomy, participation, inherence, causality, among many others. In this manner, UFO-C concepts of agent
and social moment can, for instance, be conceived as extension of the UFO-A
concepts of object and externally dependent intrinsic moment, respectively, thus,
inhering not only their characterizing ontological meta-properties (e.g., existential (in)dependency, unity), but also the complete formalization of the theories
regarding these notions.
We are aware of existing formal addresses of the notion of goal, such as, for example, the logics proposed in [Dastani et al., 2006] [van Riemsdijk et al., 2005]
and [Cohen and Levesque, 1990]. Although we also intend in a second stage of
this enterprise, to completely formalize the theories put forth here, this work
differs from these “logics of goals” in a manner of emphasis. The aim in this particular paper is not to define a formal language that can be used to reason about
goals. In contrast, the focus is on the real-world semantics of this concept, i.e.,
to understand the meaning of the notion of goal by making explicit its ontological meta-properties as well as its relations to other ontological categories (such
as state of affairs, mental and social moments, social commitments and claims,
objects, processes, etc.) for which a number of formal theories have already been
developed in areas such as philosophy and cognitive science.
Several research areas permeating the agent-oriented paradigm make use of
the term goal. Examples of these areas include Agent Organizations, Requirements Engineering, AI Planning and Agent Teamwork. However, further analysis
of these different usages of the term goal in these areas shows that it has been used
to represent a number of different and sometimes incompatible notions. In this article, we make use of a comprehensive network of ontological categories to make
explicit which ontological elements are referred by these different senses of the
term goal used in the literature, as well as the relations they bear to each other.
Finally, although several related works have already been analyzed and discussed, our research agenda for the future includes the study of other works that
may provide valuable input to enhance the present conceptualization. In parallel, we aim at extending UFO-C even further, deepening our understanding of
other important concepts (for instance, those of action and event, and especially
communicative action and communicative event, commitment and claim, etc.).
Moreover, we intend to apply UFO-C to evaluate and re-design diverse modeling
Towards an Ontological Account of Agent-Oriented Goals
languages, proceeding with our previous effort in this direction, while profiting
from the advances in the ontology to provide more consistent and semantically
uniform languages.
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