Entheseal changes: youth and work

Entheseal changes (ECs) occur at the interface of the soft and hard tissues where the muscles transfer their energy to the skeleton and have, consequently, been used to infer activity patterns in past populations. However, the relationship between fibrocartilaginous entheses, development and activity pattern is still poorly understood. The aim of this research is to categorise the variety of changes and size of entheses in relation to puberty and activity-patterns in individuals. Hypothesis: ECs in the upper limb will be most prevalent in the post-pubescent manual workers and these entheses will be larger than the those who died during puberty. Methods: New Coimbra method, measurements of entheses alongside a method to record puberty were used to record males aged 35 and under in the Coimbra identified skeletal collection (n=99). Results: All types of entheseal changes are seen in those who died during the growth spurt, dependent on enthesis and side. The size of rotator cuff entheses is larger in those performing heavy manual labour in both the growth spurt and post-pubescent groups, but is reversed for most other entheses. Overall most entheses are larger in the post-pubescent. Discussion: The results indicate the need to question the assumptions that activity-patterns and the ageing process are the causes of EC and further study the growth and development of these structures. Most importantly it highlights the need to consider each enthesis and type of change separately rather than ranking ECs by enthesis to study which muscles were most commonly used.

16th Annual Conference of BABAO 12th - 14th of September, 2014 Entheseal Changes: Youth and Work Charlotte Henderson CIAS – Research Centre for Anthropology and Health, University of Coimbra, Portugal 1.0 Introduction 3.0 Results and Discussion Entheseal changes (ECs) have been widely used to infer activity-patterns in past populations [1]. However, current knowledge of when these changes occur and what causes them is still limited, but that age-related degeneration is the primary cause [2]. To avoid this, it has been proposed that only young individuals should be studied. Therefore, this research aims to study the relationship between entheseal changes, puberty and activity-patterns in young individuals for whom degenerative changes (the predominant cause of EC) are unlikely to be the primary cause. ● Figure 3 shows the age distribution and puberty stage of the sample. ● Figure 4 demonstrates that neither hypothesis 1 nor 2 are supported, with EC of almost all types occurring in early stages of puberty, except for MPO and CA but this could be because of their rarity and the small sample size. Differences in presence between the puberty stages are mostly minimal: odds ratios rarely have p<0.05. ● Figure 5 demonstrates that hypothesis 3 is supported, i.e. size standardised enthesis area is smaller during puberty than after puberty (this was the case for all entheses measured, not just those presented here), indicating that enthesis growth is still likely to be occurring during puberty. Effect sizes for the difference are mostly over 0.50 (0.50 is considered a medium effect and means the difference is 50% of the standard deviation). ● Figure 6 demonstrates, for the post-puberty sample only, that hypothesis is supported in all entheses except the common extensor and flexor origins of the left side. Effect sizes are predominantly under 0.30 indicating that the heavy manual workers had larger entheses but that the difference is typically less than a third of a standard deviation. So heavy manual labour has a limited effect on the size of entheses compared to nonmanual labour. ● Figure 7, and calculated odds ratios, demonstrates that there is no difference in EC feature between the nonmanual and heavy manual workers either for those during puberty or those post-puberty, except for the latter group for BF(Z2). Therefore, activity-pattern does not appear to cause EC presence in these young individuals. The hypotheses are: 1) EC (predominantly bone formation) appear after the end of the growth spurt; 2) lytic lesions appear first in the post-pubescent period; 3) the size of entheses in those before the end of the growth spurt are smaller than in post-pubescent individuals; 4) manual labour at an early age increases the size of entheses; 5) heavy manual labourers have more EC than nonmanual workers. Table 1. New Coimbra method: description of features and abbreviations used. Left 0.5 A C B D 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 growth spurt (stage 2-4) Post-growth spurt (stage 5-6) Post-puberty 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 BF(Z1) Figure 1. Sk 77 right rotator cuff. A. example of rotator cuff with no changes (NB some postmortem damage to the infraspinatus. B. Location of zones. Grey=supraspinatus. Black and blue= infraspinatus. Figure 1 continued. Sk 77 right subscapularis. C. no changes. D. Location of zones. ER(Z1) BF(Z2) FPO MPO ER(Z2) CA TC Figure 4a and b. Frequency of EC features (entheses pooled) by puberty stage. Note lack of MPO and CA in earliest stages. Odds ratios significant for left FPO and right BF(Z2) only. Figure 5. Boxplots of standardised enthesis area by puberty stage. Demonstrating that in postpuberty the standardised area is always larger than during puberty. Light blue: puberty stages 1-6, dark blue: post-puberty. 2.0 Materials and Methods Male skeletons aged under 36 from the Coimbra identified skeletal collection (n=99) dated and covering the period 1826-1938 [2]. Puberty stage was recorded [3] and entheses were recorded using the new Coimbra method [4] as well as measured along two perpendicularly bisecting axes [5]. Measurements were converted into an area approximation by multiplying together. Three bone measurements were also taken, to standardise the area approximations by body size to avoid measuring body size (see captions in Figure 5). Entheses recorded were the infra- and supraspinatus, subscapularis, triceps brachii (new Coimbra method only), and biceps brachii insertions as well as the common extensor and flexor origins. Table 1 provides a brief summary of the method, note that for data analysis the method was modified to presence and absence of features (as opposed to scores). Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate some key features of the new Coimbra method and provide some examples of EC features scored in this new method and seen in the sample. Frequencies were calculated for feature presence, plotted and odds ratios calculated [6]. Boxplots were plotted for standardised enthesis size and effect sizes (unbiased Cohen's d) calculated [7]. Calculations performed and graphs plotted can be seen in the results. Figure 2a. Sk 146 left infraspinatus with BF(Z1) (arrow). Figure 2c. Sk 359 left subscapularis with BF(Z1) (arrow), BF(Z2) (star) and MPO (blue arrowhead). Figure 2d. Sk 359 left rotator cuff showing BF(Z2) (star) and MPO (blue arrowhead) in the subscapularis (Fig. 5) and MPO in the supraspinatus (arrowhead). Figure 6. Boxplots of standardised enthesis area by occupation category. Demonstrating that heavy manual workers do not always have the largest entheses. Effect size for heavy manual compared to nonmanual. Figure 2b. Sk 146 left subscapularis with BF(Z1) (arrow). Figure 2e. Sk 359 right rotator cuff showing BF(Z1) of the supraspinatus (arrow) and ER(Z2) in both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus (arrowheads). 0.6 0.5 R BF(Z1) R0.4 ER(Z1) R BF(Z2) R0.3 FPO R MPO 0.2 R ER(Z2) R0.1 CA R TC 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Figure 3. Plot of age and puberty stage for sample Left Right 0.6 0.1 0 During nonmanual Postpub nonmanual During manual Postpub manual L BF(Z1) L ER(Z1) L BF(Z2) L FPO L MPO L ER(Z2) L CA L TC Figure 7. Plots of EC frequency by puberty stage and activity-pattern. Only significant odds ratio is for differences in activity pattern in post-puberty for the right BF(Z2) (p=0.03). During nonmanual Postpub nonmanual During manual Postpub manual 4.0 Conclusions References [[1] Henderson & Alves Cardoso 2013. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 23:127-134. [2] Alves Cardoso & Henderson 2013. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 23:186-196. [3] Shapland & Lewis 2013. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 151:302-310. [4] Wilczak et al. 2014. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 153:272. [5] Henderson 2013. Anthropol. Sci. 121:63-73. [6] Field & Gillett 2010. Br. J. Math.Stat. Psychol. 63:665-694. [7] Nakagawa & Cuthill 2007. Biolog. Rev. 82:591-605. The results demonstrate that in this sample, when studying entheses in younger individuals, the effects of puberty outweigh the effects of activity-pattern for both the size of entheses (when size standardised) and for the presence of all features of EC. Therefore, using EC to infer activitypatterns in young individuals to avoid the problems of age-degeneration in older individuals, is not possible using this methodology. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grant SFRH/BPD/82559/2011 and conference attendance from CIAS – Research Centre of Anthropology and Health, University of Coimbra, Portugal PEst-OE/SADG/UI0283/2011.