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It was said that on 7 October some burned bodies were found in an ambulance and the remains were photographed at the Nova music festival site. The precise location is not clear, but it seems likely that the area was among the tents, in the camping area. Within a few days photographers were let in and pictures of the ambulance emerged. It's likely that it was towed away, perhaps by the end of the month. Our purpose is to display some pictures of this ambulance. Among other things, we will show that it was not "Ambulance 26."
lntroduccion Necropolitica Contenido Sobre el gobierno privado indirecto 9 17 77 lntroducci6n ELISABETH FAWMIR ARCHAMBAULT Necropolftica 'lrigen del pueblo sino su decadencia; no el nacimiento natural del ser humano, sino su muene antinatural.»}, H. Arendt, La tradicion oculta, Paidos, 2004, p. 34. 6. M. Foucault, Genealogia del ra cismo. De Ia guerra de las razas al ra cismo de Estado, La Piqueta, 1992, p. 90. 7· Ibid., p. 10. 8. M. Foucault, op. cit.
Mauss y Bataille: el don y lo inter-social ante el sacrificio comunitario, 2024
Este artículo propone un análisis del manuscrito La nación de Marcel Mauss con el objetivo de examinar su propuesta de integración pacífica inter-nacional ante la devastación que acarreó la Primera Guerra Mundial. Para dar cuenta de su sociología política se analizan las categorías fundamentales, que van desde los tipos sociales, el don, el internacionalismo y el socialismo, las cuales se propone leerlas a la luz de la noción de intersocial, en tanto concepto original que permite enlazar a todas las anteriores. En la segunda parte, se repone la teoría de Georges Bataille, donde, a partir del Ensayo, estableció al gasto improductivo como núcleo de lo social desde el cual analizó los nacionalismos extremos del ‘30, y elaboró la idea de una comunidad acéfala como solución al fascismo. Finalmente, mediante un contrapunto entre ambas visiones se marcan los caminos divergentes ante un presente que exige retomar el problema de la nación.
This study was an endeavor to investigate the effects of the use of unfamiliar/foreign languages as mediums of instruction (English and Shona), to teach Tsonga (Shangani) speaking children in Chiredzi south district of Zimbabwe. Because of the nature of the study, quantitative methods were adopted to study the performance of the Tsonga (Shangani) language speaking learners in five purposively sampled schools. Two hundred and twenty two (222) learners participated in the study. The main aim of the researcher was to find out whether teaching learners in a foreign or unfamiliar language was a bridge or barrier to learning. In this case, the research did not only look at the effect of using English for instructional purposes, but also investigated how the so calledmajor or dominant indigenous languages which are used for instructional purposes in schools, affected the academic performance of Tsonga (Shangani) language speaking children in Chiredzi district of Zimbabwe. Data for this study were collected using lesson observation and a knowledge test. In doing so, fifteen lessons were observed. Fifteen children who came from Tsonga (Shangani) speaking homes were purposively selected and taught in their home language(Tsonga/Shangani) only and the other fifteen children who came from Shona speaking homes were also purposively selected and taught the same topic in their home language (Shona) only and a third group of fifteen Grade Seven learners per school, were randomly selected and taught in English only. A knowledge test was given to each group thereafter. Children from each language condition were allowed to answer questions in their home languages, except for the third group which was taught in English. This group answered the questions in English with a restricted use of Shona. Each of the test results from the knowledge tests were analysed using a One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and conclusions were drawn. Data were presented in tables. The results from the knowledge tests given showed a significant difference in the mean marks obtained from the three groups (the Shangani, Shona and English group). The result showed that language has a significant influence on the academic performance of learners since the p – value was 0.000. This implied that the performance of learners between the three groups is significantly different. On the basis of these observations, the Null hypothesis was rejected. Consequently, conclusions were drawn and recommendations made.
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2016
Tagebuch No. 24/5, 2024
In den letzten Seminaren von Mark Fisher wird nicht nur das postkapitalistische Projekt greifbar, das den Poptheoretiker und Kulturkritiker am Ende seines Lebens beschäftigte, sondern auch seine Stimme als Lehrender und Vermittler seiner eigenen Theorie.
de Proyectos es una función sustantiva en las tareas de un arquitecto, un ingeniero o un constructor. Este trabajo se lleva a cabo sistemáticamente, para el desarrollo de todo tipo de proyectos, desde pequeños proyectos en los que está involucrada una sola persona, hasta proyectos complejos y de gran magnitud que requieren de equipos de trabajo multidisciplinarios, con personal especializado, que demandan abundantes recursos materiales y cuantiosos recursos económicos. Con una visión amplia podemos considerar como proyecto desde la mudanza de un edifi cio a otro, hasta el lanzamiento de un satélite, incluyendo, naturalmente, la elaboración de un proyecto arquitectónico.
“The Universal Blackboard”, in A. Kanev (ed.), New Realism. Problems and Perspetives, Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press 2019: 63-72
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Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2020
Creación de proyectos sonoros, 2024
Canadian-American Theological Review, 2024
Polymatheia, 2023
Malaria Journal, 2015
Myrmecological News, 2013
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, 2020
Transportation Research Record, 1991
Advances in Space Research, 1983
PLOS ONE, 2014
Nanoscale Research Letters, 2021
Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems