Chapter 12
Practical Introduction to the MD
Simulations of Ionic Systems
Examples of MD Simulation of Ionic System
For anyone interested in performing molecular dynamics simulations, there are many
possible approaches. Nowadays, many kinds of MD programs and those for analysis
are available. Choice of the method of the calculations depends on the objective of
the researcher and the application of MD depends on scientific background of the
researcher. Due to large number of possible selections, it may be difficult to choose
the most suitable programs or conditions for starting the MD simulations.
In such situations, fundamental steps taken in the study of simpler system with a
minimum setting will be useful as a start for learning how to perform MD simulations. Then one can select the suitable methods for one’s purpose. Therefore, in
Sect. 12.1, we will show some examples and carry out the exercise of MD
simulations of ionic systems using a short program. Although the program is not
optimized one for your machine, it is essentially the same one used in our studies
and can be used for other purposes. In this exercise, we planned that one can run
MD simulations and treat the data on “windows machine” by oneself. Some programs and examples will be found in Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM)
( You will be able to find materials by searching the
book’s ISBN. Please use contents of ESM at your own risk.
In Sect. 12.4, fundamental setting in MD programs is explained. How to prepare
initial configurations of melt, crystals and glasses are also explained with examples.
After that, introduction of several products of software of MD simulations and for
visualization available freely or commercially are given. For advanced features to
acquire, one may need to consult with experts of related systems, manuals of
In principle, it should be avoided to use addresses of WEB sites in publication.
However, especially in the present section, addresses of some WEB sites are
included for convenience of users, in spite of the fact we cannot guarantee the
validity of the address.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
J. Habasaki et al., Dynamics of Glassy, Crystalline and Liquid Ionic Conductors,
Topics in Applied Physics 132, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42391-3_12
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Example 1: MD simulations of lithium metasilicate glass on “Windows”
In the first example, we use a program for the lithium silicate glass that works on
“Windows” with a personal computer.
STEP 1 (Preparation of Linux like environment on Windows)
Unfortunately, the situations of the readers (for machines, OS etc.) can be different
case by case. Here we assume the case of the “Windows 8.1 or 10” machine with
64 bit, while most of MD programs work on the “Unix” or “Linux” platform with
suitable compilers. Therefore, at first, linux-like environment is introduced on
windows by “Cygwin” [1]. Cygwin user can skip this step; although addition of
some options may be required later.
Cygwin is a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide
functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows. Please visit the WEB
page (Ref. [1]) and follow the instruction there. Please include GCC and Gfortran
compilers. Additional installations of editors (such as vi) may be useful for modification of the input files, although one can also use the text editor on windows.
This environment can be used for many purposes. Some knowledge for Linux or
UNIX may be required, although usages of some commands (appeared after the
prompt $) are included below. Caution may be required for the difference of code
(for example, it is found in carriage return (CR) or line feed (LF)), in using different
• If you are a user of the Linux or Unix and Intel compilers, please try to use the
file named “mdintel.exe” in the ESM instead of “lsomd.exe”.
• If your environment is not suitable for using exe files found in the ESM, please
skip step 1–4.
STEP 2 (Preparation of files on your home directory)
Put all files within “Example 1” folder in ESM in your home directory of Cygwin
(You can do it by the usual operation on windows). By the default installation, the
home directory may be located at C:\cygwin64\home\“User Name”. For starting the
program, one can prepare some shortcuts during the installation.
For example, click “Cygwin64Terminal” created on the desktop for starting
Input the following command and then depress the enter key to see file list.
$ls –al
File names with information will appear.
STEP 3 Structure of Files
lsomd.exe is a binary code of the MD Program LSOMD for M2SiO3 systems.
The test data used is for M ¼ Li.
Input files
Initial configuration of the system of 3456 atoms (Li 1152, Si 576, O 1728) is given
Please copy the configuration data to “” for the input of the
program by the following procedure.
Examples of MD Simulation of Ionic System
For copying the data from A to B files, put the command “cp A B” after the
prompt, $, then depress a return key. In this trial, please input the following.
The data included in this file are initial coordinates of ions and atoms, xn, yn, zn
in Å.
That is, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ----x3456, y3456, z3456 followed by dx1,dy1,dz1,dx2,
dy2,dz2-----dx3456, dy3456, dz3456. Here dx1 is for a difference of x1(t) and x1(t þ dt)
and similar definitions are used for dy, dz for n ¼ 1, 2,---3456.
Several parameters are necessary to be set in “”.
“”: Setting of total steps, temperature, pressure, delta t, etc.
Initial setting in the file is as follows.
¼¼¼¼¼ lslarset.data¼¼¼¼¼
5000 100 33.15 800. 1.00E 15 0.
6.941 28.0806 15.9994
0.87 2.40 1.38
1.0155 0.8688 2.0474
0.07321 0.03285 0.17566
10.87 23.18 70.37
For the first line, number of steps, N, interval of steps, mitv, length of the cell
(in Å), target temperature (in K), and step time (in s) and parameter for setting
conditions. In the last figure, ‘0.’ means NVE condition, while ‘1.’ means NVT
condition (using Gaussian thermostat). The value ‘target temperature’ does nothing
when the NVE condition is chosen. In the following lines, potential parameters (see
Sect. 9.1) for lithium metasilicate are given. In the second line, mass of Li, Si and O
are given. In the third line, effective charges of Li, Si and O are given, respectively.
In line 4, (5 and 6), potential parameters in Gilbert-Ida type for these species, ai, (bi,
and ci) are given in the order of Li, Si and O in this case. Please distinguish integer
and real figures carefully.
Setting of these parameters depends on the problem to be examined as well as
the properties of the system. For example, one needs to modify the setting considering following situations.
Usually longer total time steps will be necessary for slow dynamics in melts,
glasses, and crystals. The highest frequency accessible depends on the mint of the
output. Shorter step time is required for the system with faster dynamics. If the
system includes light atom such as hydrogen, it should be less than 0.5–1 fs.
Step 4 Run the program
Please run the program “lsomd.exe” using the Configuration file is also used by the program. Put the following command.
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
$./lsomd.exe <
Here “./” is for using a current directory for execution of the program.
After pressing the “enter key”, the program will start.
At first the content of “” is repeated for confirmation.
Please wait for a while.
Then the status of the run with interval of mitv steps will be appeared on screen.
Count, Temperature for Li, Si, O and total (in K), Pressure (in GPa),
Energies (Total, Coulombic, Repulsive and for cicj term (in J/mol).
The following is an example.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COUNT T_Li T_Si T_O Tmean P Etot Ecoul Erepul Ecc
10 822.208 808.818 804.311 811.027
0.8087Eþ07 0.2975Eþ07 0.2576Eþ07
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The execution time depends on your machine.
You can see temperature and energy fluctuate during the run. Total energy of the
system is maintained if NVE condition is chosen.
Pressure of the system tends to show large fluctuations including negative
values. Note that the pressure is sensitive to the setting of the box size and also
the potential parameters used. The value has a relatively large error because it is
obtained from a difference of large comparable values.
When a run stops, the following files will be found. Coordinate of atoms obtained for every mitv steps are accumulated in this file. The data have similar sequences as but is repeated
for N steps with interval of mitv steps. The data for dx, dy, dz are not included here. This output is the same one, which is shown on the screen
during the run.
“” is the last configuration for the input of continuing run.
The structure of the file is the same as the “”.
Pair correlation function, g(r) of the system was stored in
Please examine the size of output files and “real time” required for the calculation of 5000 steps in your system. If your file space is enough and run time is
acceptable, further longer runs can be done by your own choice.
Before starting the second run, copy the to
Please try further the longer runs for better statistics. During the following runs,
output files are overwritten by new data. Such “overwriting” seems to be used in
several MD programs and caution may be required if you need long successive
runs. When you need old data, rename the old files. Probably it is better to prepare
the script file for renaming or modify programs to add the run number.
It may be also useful to add the name of the system, temperature, date, etc. to the
file name with some rules of order and abbreviations.
Examples of MD Simulation of Ionic System
Fig. 12.1 Example of the plot of g(r) using the “” obtained by the 100,000 steps run
(Li2SiO3 system at 800 K) using “Excel”
STEP 5 Visualization of data
After finishing run, one can plot the g(r) for each combination of ion pairs using the
file named “” (or “lslar-gr.csv” if you skipped step 1–4) by several
plotting programs.
For example, the plot using “Microsoft Excel” after some setting of the appearance can be found in Fig. 12.1.
In the “”, the first column of the data is a distance r. The values of
g(r) are found from the 2nd to 7th column for Li–Li, Si–Si, O–O, Li–Si, Li–O and
Si–O pairs, respectively.
Please examine the characteristics of the structures.
An example of the output file “lso.pdb” will be found in the ESM. The pdb file
can be read from many visualization programs. One can use it to examine the
structural details such as angles, distances, etc. Please try to use VESTA
(Visualization for Electronic and STructural Analysis) [2] and open the pdb file.
Select “Edit” tab and “bonds” tab and set Si–O bonds (connecting the atoms
within 2.1 Å is useful in almost all cases) in the case of VESTA. Then select the
“ball and stick” model. You can also use other styles such as “space filling
model”, “polyhedra (after setting bonds)”. The file “lso.vesta” will be found in
the same location, where the Si-O bonds are connected and polyhedra of SiO4
units are shown as in Fig. 12.2.
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Fig. 12.2 Examples of the visualization of the Li2SiO3 system (3456 particles) (near the
glass transition temperature) at 800 K. (a) SiO4 units are shown by polyhedra. Li ions are
shown with atomic radius to emphasize the positions and existence of ionic paths. (b) The
same structure as (a) but with ionic radius of Li ion. (c) The same structure in ball and stick
model. (d) The same structure in space filling model. Green: Li ions, Red: Oxygen atoms and
Blue: Si atoms (and SiO4 units). These figures are visualized using the file “lso.vesta” (or “lso.
pdb”) in ESM and the program “VESTA” [2]
Please change the size of atoms or ions by yourself. You can also Zoom, Rotate
and Move it. You can also measure distances or angles in the structures. Please
follow the manual of VESTA or other programs used for further details.
You can also visualize the structure obtained by the run you have performed.
Please run the program inftoxyz.exe to change the “” to “”
by the following command.
./inftoxyz.exe <
The file named “” was created in the same directory. Many programs for
visualization can read “xyz” format. Please modify the appearance by your own
STEP 6 Further analysis of the system
Change temperature or box size gradually. How does the structure change?
You can also examine more details by your own programs.
Example 2: Analysis of the Lévy Flight and Lévy (Alpha Stable) Distribution
Example 2: Analysis of the Lévy Flight and Lévy
(Alpha Stable) Distribution
12.2.1 Example of Analysis for a Mobile Ion
In this subsection, an example for the ionic motion in the lithium “metasilicate” is
shown, and after that examples included in the ESM will be explained.
It shows a Lévy distribution as found in the functional form of the self-part of the
van Hove functions for all ions. This result shown here is another proof of
the existence of Lévy flight with α < 2. Original time series for ionic motion is
plotted in Fig. 12.3, where the absolute value of the displacement for Li ion jri(t)j
in lithium metasilicate at 500 K during 1 ns runs is used. Here t is a sampling time
measured by an interval of dt. (In this example, dt is taken as 4 ps).
12.2.2 Log Return of Data
For examining the functional form of vibrational motions and jumps, one can use
“log return” defined by following relation, which is often used in the analysis of
financial time series (for example, see Ref. [3]).
For the time series, jri(t)j(¼jrtj), log-return, Δlnjrtj is given by,
Δln r t ¼ ln r tþ1
ln r t ;
r tþdt
r tþdt
¼ ln 1 þ
jr t j
jr t j
Fig. 12.3 Time series of absolute value of the displacement for Li ion jri(t)j in lithium metasilicate
at 500 K during 1 ns runs plotted against t. Here t is a sapling time measured by an interval of dt
(in this example, dt is taken as 4 ps), plotted by using Mathematica
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Fig. 12.4 Log-return of the time series of absolute value of the displacement for Li ion shown in
Fig. 12.3
Therefore, the log-return is an estimation of the expansion rate of jrtj.
The distribution of jrtj is affected by the sudden jumps of the data, and the
change of the absolute value of the jrtj is affected by the distance from the initial
position, while the log-return does not depend on the absolute value of the jrtj.
Log return of the time series in Fig. 12.3 is shown in Fig. 12.4.
12.2.3 Comparison of the Distribution of Log-Return
and the Fitted Curve
In Fig. 12.5, histogram for the probability distribution for the log-return (denoted by
Z here) (orange) is shown, where a fit by the stable distribution is represented by the
blue curve (blue). Thus the motion of ion is represented by the Lévy flight dynamics
with α ¼ 1.46.
12.2.4 Further Analysis of Cumulative Distribution
and Comparison of Lévy (Alpha Stable with α < 2)
and Gaussian Distribution (Alpha Stable with α ¼ 2)
To check the quality of the fit, cumulative distribution function is useful. In the long
time scale, the distribution is affected by the exponential truncation of the tail.
One should note that the exponential truncation (see Appendix A.2) in the selfpart of the van Hove functions is found in the log-log scale (For example, see
Fig. 9.8 of Chap. 9), where the contribution is less than ~1 %, but is emphasized in
the log-log scale.
Example 2: Analysis of the Lévy Flight and Lévy (Alpha Stable) Distribution
Fig. 12.5 Probability distribution, P, of the log return (denoted Z here) of the time series of
absolute value of the displacement for Li ion shown in Fig. 12.3. Histogram (orange) is for the data
obtained by MD, while the blue curve is for the fitted one with the stable distribution. Parameters
for (α, β, γ, δ) is found to be (1.46, 0.039, 0.073, 0.028) by the maximum likelihood method. Here
the tail found in longer distance was omitted
Fig. 12.6 Comparison
of the pattern of the
cumulative distribution
of the log-return (blue dots)
and that of the fitted one
for stable distribution (red
In Fig. 12.6, the function of the log-return of the time series (blue dots) and the
fitted one for stable distribution (red curve) by the maximum likelihood method [4]
obtained by using Mathematica are shown.
In Fig. 12.7, comparison of the stable α distribution with α ¼ 1.46 (red) and
corresponding distribution with α ¼ 2.0 (blue dot) is shown. The difference is
observed in both the tail and the sharpness of the function.
12.2.5 Free CDF Files with Manipulation
We prepared free Computable Document Format (CDF) files using Mathematica
[5] for treatment of the data in the folder named “Example 2” in the ESM. It works
on Windows. Please copy the contents of the folder in your Documents directory
(by usual procedures on your machine).
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Fig. 12.7 Comparison of
the pattern of the
distributions. Red curve is the
fitted one with (α, β, γ, δ) ¼
(1.46, 0.039, 0.073, 0.028)
and blue dashed one is α ¼ 2
(other parameters are set to be
the same as red one)
If you don’t have Mathematica, you can use a free CDF-Player which can be
available at Ref. [6].
There is a free CDF file named “Levy -stable alpha- distribution of type
1. cdf”. It includes interactive manipulation of four parameters in the stable
distribution (see Appendix A.2 for details of the distribution). If the file does not
work well in your environment, please try “Levy -stable alpha- distribution of
type 1_9.cdf” files. You can check how the distribution changes with parameters by
There are several examples of CDF files (Analyses ---.cdf) for time series, jri(t)j
data of some arbitrary chosen particle obtained by MD runs, which were fitted to the
stable distribution.
You can treat the file using the CDF player. Please change the size of figures to
see the details for the motions
Sample 1: Jump motion for a Li ion in lithium “metasilicate” glass at 700 K. Lévy
flight dynamics is clearly observed.
Sample 2: For an EMIM ion in the ionic liquid, EMIM-NO3 at 300 K. The motion is
not a clear jump but the Lévy (alpha stable) distribution is clearly observed.
Sample 3: For the arbitrary chosen Li ion at 800 K in lithium “disilicate” glass. The
ion is localized for a long time (The time series during 12 ns run is shown here.). In
this case, both fittings to normal and Lévy stable distributions are compared. The
distribution is Gaussian like except for the contribution of the peak due to the jump
found at the last of the time series. Note that the numbers of the sampling points are
not the same in each example.
The file named “Simulation using stable distribution.cdf” (and/or that with_9)
is for the simulation of the displacement of ion reproduced by the random sampling
of 1000 points from the stable distribution with a characteristic index α chosen by
you. When α ¼ 2, the motion is the Brownian motion.
You can find strong heterogeneous motions with intermittency with a smaller
(<2) value of the index α. You can compare the actual data and the randomly
sampled data.
The free CDF file named “MD-Soft-Core Model.cdf” is for the MD simulations
of soft-core model (exponent n ¼ 12). Although this is not an ionic system, readers
Fundamental Usage of MD Programs
can have some idea of what is done in the MD simulations. In this example, the
periodic boundary condition is not used and particles are bounced back from
the wall. Except for this point, the program do the MD simulation by the
Verlet algorithm with your choice of the number of particles, temperatures and
system size. Color of particle changes when the velocity of the particle changes.
Example 3: Examining Movies
Two examples of movies are included in the “Example 3” directory in the ESM.
Since their visibility depend on your machine environments, we prepared two files
with different formats. We hope that you can see at least one of them.
The file named “EMIM-NO3 100 K-1.wmv” is for EMIM-NO3 glass at 100 K
shown by the stick model. This can be open by the “media player”. Try to click the
file name on Windows.
In these movies, periodic boundary condition is used as usual. If the center of
mass position of the ion moves to the next image cell, the ion disappeared and the
corresponding ion comes in at the same time. Thus the number of ions is kept
The file named “disilicate crystal.swf” is for lithium disilicate crystal in the
metastable form at 1400 K. The format is for adobe flash player. Please try to open it
from Internet Explorer. If it does not work, please check if the adobe flash player
was installed in your system or not, by visiting the WEB site of adobe (Ref. [7]) and
follow the instruction there.
It can be seen that how the mobility of atoms depends on the direction of the
For explanation of other files, see readme.txt or Readme---.docx in each folder in
the ESM.
Fundamental Usage of MD Programs
In followings, we explain a general (and may be minimal) example for input and
output in MD programs.
12.4.1 INPUT of the MD Programs
If you use a program suitable for your purpose, each MD program has its own input
and output format and may have examples to show how to use it.
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Typical input files in the works using MD simulations of glasses contain
1. Setting of potential parameters and functions
2. Setting of ensemble (NTP, NVE, etc.) and some options such as the shape of the
MD cell.
3. Initial configuration, velocity and system size.
4. Setting of runs for analysis (step time and total number of steps at each
In the case of MD simulation of super-cooled liquids and/or glasses, cooling
schedule must be planned.
5. Several settings for cutoff values (for repulsive term and/or Ewald summation).
12.4.2 Preparation of Initial Configurations for Crystals
Crystal structures can be used for checking the quality of the potential parameters,
for the preparation of initial configuration for liquids or glasses, as well as examination of crystals themselves.
Here we briefly explain how initial configuration for MD simulations of crystal
is prepared as exemplified by lithium or sodium metasilicate crystals.
These crystals are orthorhombic and space group is Cmc21 with Z ¼ 4 [8].
Li2SiO3 a0 ¼ 9.36; b0 ¼ 5.395, c0 ¼ 4.675 (in Å)
Na2SiO3 a0 ¼ 10.52; b0 ¼ 6.07, c0 ¼ 4.825 (in Å)
Space group: Cmc21,
where the meaning of each notation is as follows.
C: base-centered lattice.
m: mirror planes
c: glide planes (mirror planes involving reflection and a translation parallel to the
plane). (The plane can be a, b, c, n or d)
21: screw axis
Treatment of crystal structure is based on the “International Tables for Crystallography” volume A [9].
General coordinate of the present systems are given by,
x, y,z þ 1/2
x, y, z þ 1/2
x, y, z
x þ 1/2, y þ 1/2, z
x þ 1/2, y þ 1/2, z þ 1/2
x þ 1/2, y þ 1/2, z þ 1/2
x þ 1/2, y þ 1/2, z
Fundamental Usage of MD Programs
Some software can generate the crystal structure by choosing the space group
and input of coordinate in the unit cell. As an alternative way to obtain the basic cell
for MD runs, the atomic coordinate, rα, within an asymmetric unit is expanded to ri
in the whole crystal lattice by using symmetry operators.
rα • Pm þ Tm ¼ ri ;
where Pm and Tm are (3 3) matrix of linear part and (3 1) column matrix
(translational vector), respectively for general transformation.
The linear part (orientation or length, or both) of the basis vector a, b, c can be
into1 new vector a0 , b0 , c0 by the (3 3) matrix Pm ¼
P11 P12 P13
@ P21 P22 P23 A, that is, (a0 ,b0 ,c0 ) ¼ (a,b,c)Pm. This is combined with translaP31 P32 P33
tional transformation.
For example, obtaining the coordinates x, y, z þ 1/2, from atomic coordinate xα,
yα, zα, following operation
ð xα ; yα ; z α Þ @ 0
1 0 1
1 0
0 A þ @ 0 A ¼ @ yi A
is applied for the (8b) positions in the atomic coordinates shown in the next
Table 12.1 [8].
Both matrix and general forms also can be found in the WEB site [10]
In Fig. 12.8, primitive cell for the lithium metasilicate crystal is shown.
Usually, basic unit of MD simulations is chosen to have equal (or comparable)
axis lengths by repeating the crystal units.
In this example of lithium metasilicate crystal, a supercell formed by repetition
of axis length as a0 2, b0 3, c0 3 is taken as the basic cell of MD simulations.
The cell contained 2 3 3 of Z ¼ 4, namely 72 of Si atoms, 144 of Li ions, and
216 O atoms, and the total number of atoms is 432. The space group of the system is
Cmc21. The supercell thus prepared is shown in Fig. 12.9. This system size can be
used to examine some characteristics of crystal structures, but might be too small
for examining dynamics of them because of long length scale repetitions of the
structures affect the dynamics.
Table 12.1 Atomic coordinate of lithium (and sodium) metasilicate crystal [8]
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
Fig. 12.8 Unit of crystal
in Li2SiO3 system
[8]. Pale blue, blue and
red spheres are for Li,
Si and O, respectively
Fig. 12.9 Example of basic
cell of MD for Li2SiO3
crystal. Supercell consists
of 2 3 3 of primitive
cells. Colors are the same
as in Fig. 12.8
The required system size depends on the property to be examined and it should
be judged by the purpose of the work. Especially, oscillation of the system is
affected by the symmetry of environments as well as that of the inner structure of
the crystal unit, and therefore caution is required in how to prepare the supercell.
12.4.3 Data Base for Crystal Structures
In the case of crystals, one can use the data from data bases such as
AMCSD (American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database) [11],
COD (Crystallography Open Database) [12], WWW-MINCRYST (Crystallographic and Crystallochemical Database for Minerals and their Structural Analogous) [13]. Several data format (in xyz, cif and pdb) are used for initial
configurations and changes of the format may be necessary to adjust the MD code.
Fundamental Usage of MD Programs
Configurations in the basic cell of crystal structure can be prepared by using the
information of the space group as already mentioned. It can be done by using
software, such as, “CrystalMaker®” [14], which can create a supercell of
n1 n2 n3. Usually, it seems convenient to set the length of three axes to be
comparable in 3D system as already mentioned; otherwise, different setting for
calculations of cut off length, Coulombic force by directions will be required.
Some other cautions are required in the preparation of the super cell.
1. Number of repeating cell may affect the properties of the crystal especially the
2. Some atoms may be automatically added at the edge of the crystal by a software.
It is usually unnecessary, when one uses PBC. One needs to eliminate them.
3. Some crystals contain several sites for one atom, with occupation number being
less than 1. This should be carefully treated when it is used for an initial
configuration of MD.
12.4.4 Initial Configurations for Melts and Glasses
For melts and glasses, it can be started from the crystals or random configurations
equilibrated at high temperatures. One may need to check if the final configurations
after equilibration are affected by the initial configuration or not, especially when
using crystal structures. For example, in the case of silica, it is known that the long
range network structure remains for a long time in the structures. This trend is more
remarkable in the strong system than in fragile systems [15]. Of course, several
kinds of molecular structure editors can be used for preparing and/or modifying
The system in the glassy state is obtained by cooling or by compressing the melt.
Some details of the glassy state depend on the cooling schedule. Example of a
configuration of lithium silicate glass (after equilibration) is found in the ESM, and
such a structure can be used for the initial structures of other melts.
Required system size depends on the properties and status of the system considerably (see Sect. 8.5.1 for more details). Generally, in the melt and glass, the
structure has shorter length scale than the crystal. Therefore in the former with
periodic boundary condition, relatively smaller system can be used, as long as the
effect of ghost particle (image of the particle in the basic cell) in the surrounding
cells of MD simulations is negligibly small.
In the lithium silicate glass, if one fixed the particle within a wall (for one of the
6 faces) of the basic cell, it affects mobility of other particles. The length scale thus
determined was about ~8 Å at around 700 K for lithium metasilicate and the system
size of L ~ 17 Å (longer than twice the length scale) for 432 particles seems to be the
minimum size for examining of structure and dynamics of the present system in the
liquid and glassy states. The larger size is required for stronger (rich in network
formers) systems even for the liquid and glass [16], and it also means necessity of
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
longer equilibration time of the system. Of course, practical system size depends on
the available resources for calculations and “real” times necessary to do
For the initial configuration of melts or glasses, random configurations at high
temperature (for example, ~3000 K in silicate) are used frequently.
If one start from the random configurations, it may be better to remove or change
the position of particles being too close to other particles in the beginning of runs.
The problem depends on the characteristics of potential parameters used. In the
beginning of equilibration of the system, several pre-relaxation methods, which
may be included in the software, can be used. Smaller time steps or modification of
mass will be helpful to suppress unstable motion in the beginning.
MD programs may have examples of initial configurations, tutorials and exercises, which are useful to begin simulations with/without some modifications,
although check of the quality of parameters or methods used is the responsibility
of the user.
Output of the MD Programs
Most fundamental output of MD is time series of particle positions, that is,
trajectories. From these values, many secondary outputs can be drawn. Further
analyses by the user also can be done. In typical output files, fundamental information such as temperature, energies, pressure, pair correlation functions are
included and they will be useful for checking the setting and/or for further
Software for MD Simulations
Many kinds of MD programs have been developed including commercial ones and
researchers can choose the ones suitable for their own purpose. It also depends on
the available potential parameters, the functional forms and the ensembles to
be used.
Some of them, which can be used for the study of ionics, are introduced here,
although for details the user should consult the developer.
Amber [17] is a collective name of program. It is designed for the biomaterials
but can be used for the ionic materials such as ionic liquids. Several force fields
such as, general amber force field [18] can be used for the simulation of ionic
liquid. Of course, other potential parameters tuned for individual systems are also
useful. The “sander” code was for the classical molecular dynamics for CPU,
while “pmemd” code was for GPU and is included in the version 11. After
the Amber 12, “sander” has been added to the “pmemd” coding for both CPU
Software for Visualization
and GPU. Official support for the Intel Xeon Phi architecture also started in
Amber 14.
DL_POLY is a general purpose serial and parallel molecular dynamics simulation package (DL_POLY_4.08 is the latest version (March 2016)) [19, 20], which
can be used for ionic systems and several exercises and demonstrations for them
can be found.
The Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD) [21] is a code designed for the
ab initio MD simulations, where the parallelized plane wave/pseudopotential
implementation of Density Functional Theory is used.
Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, LAMMPS [22]
is a molecular dynamics package and LAMMPSCUDA is a molecular dynamics
package, which can use GPU and have been applied for ionically conducting
glasses [23].
The OCTA [24] [OCTA is Greek “8”, which is a 90 rotation of the mathematical symbol of infinity.] is flexible and expandable programs for meso-scale simulation and it seems to be suitable for the multiscale simulations of polymer etc.
MODYLAS [25] is a general-purpose, molecular dynamics simulation program
suited for the simulation of very large physical, chemical, and biological systems.
In the program, the Coulombic term can be calculated by the multipole method.
Many of MD programs have been coded by Fortran (The name “Fortran” tends
to be used for after Fortran 90, although “FORTRAN” had been used before.)
and/or C (Cþþ). Therefore, some knowledge of them may be required. Traditionally, the former has been used for long time because of suitableness of
numerical processing and there are many cumulative programs related to it. Its
method for memory allocation has said to have merits for parallel computation.
Some comparison of Fortran and C has been done by several authors. For
example, see Ref. [26].
Software for Visualization
Nowadays, there are many software including commercially available ones and free
ones for visualization of structures obtained by MD. One can select the suitable
software for any particular purpose. Some of them are introduced here.
Some tools can treat the output of MD codes, directly. For example, the program
VESTA [2] can be used for the visualization of many kinds of files including
CONFIG file used in DL_POLY code.
VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) [27] can be used for visualization of
instantaneous structures as well as making movies (for example, using HISTORY
file obtained by DL_POLY and/or other trajectory files).
Practical Introduction to the MD Simulations of Ionic Systems
1. Accessed 12 Aug 2016
2. K. Momma, F. Izumi, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 44, 1272 (2011).
The address was confirmed to be valid on Oct. 2015
3. C. Brooks, Introductory Econometrics for Finance, 2nd edn. (Cambridge University
Press, 2008)
4. Accessed 12 Aug 2016
5. Accessed 12 Aug 2016
6. “International Tables for Crystallography” volume A. WEB version is available at http://it. Accessed 12 Aug 2016
7. The address was confirmed to be valid on
12th Aug. 2016
8. V.H. Seemann, Acta Cryst. 9, 251 (1956)
9. “International Tables for Crystallography” volume A. WEB version is available at The address was confirmed to be valid on 12th Aug. 2016
gnum¼36. In this address, the number 36 means Cmc21. Please put the number of the space
group in that page (These URLs are conformed to be valid on 26th Dec. 2014.)
11. The address was confirmed to be valid on 19th
Feb. 2016
12. The address was confirmed to be valid on 19th Feb. 2016
13. The address was confirmed to be valid on
19th Feb. 2016
14. The address was confirmed to be valid on
19th Feb. 2016. After the version 9.2.2, CrystalMaker® can treat STL files, which are
supported by many 3D printers
15. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder, C.A. Angell, Phys. Rev. E 54, R5897 (1996)
16. J. Habasaki, K.L. Ngai, Y. Hiwatari, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 925 (2004)
17. The address was confirmed to be valid on 26th Apr. 2016. The latest
version is Amber 14. Amber 14 was developed by D.A. Case, V. Babin, J.T. Berryman,
R.M. Betz, Q. Cai, D.S. Cerutti, T.E. Cheatham, III, T.A. Darden, R.E. Duke, H. Gohlke,
A.W. Goetz, S. Gusarov, N. Homeyer, P. Janowski, J. Kaus, I. Kolossváry, A. Kovalenko,
T.S. Lee, S. LeGrand, T. Luchko, R. Luo, B. Madej, K.M. Merz, F. Paesani, D.R. Roe,
A. Roitberg, C. Sagui, R. Salomon-Ferrer, G. Seabra, C.L. Simmerling, W. Smith, J. Swails,
R.C. Walker, J. Wang, R.M. Wolf, X. Wu and P.A. Kollman (2014), University of California,
San Francisco
18. J. Wang, R.M. Wolf, J.W. Caldwell, P.A. Kallamn, D.A. Case, J. Comput. Chem. 25,
1157 (2004)
19. I. Todorov, W. Smith, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 362, 1835 (2004)
20. I. Todorov, W. Smith, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 2, 161 (2004)
21. CPMD is available at The address was confirmed to be valid in
Oct. 2015
22. S. Plimpton, J. Comp. Phys. 117, 1 (1995). See, the address was
confirmed to be valid in Oct. 2015
23. Thesis of Doctor Courses, C. R. Trott, Technische Universität Ilmenau. GPU code of MD
using C was introduced there.
24. The address was confirmed to be valid on 19th
Feb. 2016
25. The address was confirmed to be valid on 19th Feb. 2016
26. The address was confirmed to
be valid on 19th Feb. 2016
27. The address was confirmed to be valid on 19th
Feb. 2016