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The thermodynamic descriptions of the perovskite phase SrZrO 3 and the TbBr 3 -KBr molten salt system were carried out using the available experimental information. Special attention was paid to the structural behavior of SrZrO 3 and the decomposition of K 3 TbBr 6 at low temperature, respectively, to illustrate how to select an appropriate thermodynamic model based on crystal structure and chemistry information, how to identify and resolve the inconsistency between various kinds of experimental data, and how to use thermodynamic modeling as a basic tool in the development and optimization of materials and process. In the present work, different structures of SrZrO 3 were explained by thermodynamic calculation and confirmed with experimental technologies. The decomposition of the compound K 3 TbBr 6 at about 593 K was detected by the present thermodynamic calculation and the new complementary experimental measurements. Comparison between the calculated and measured phase diagrams as well as thermodynamic quantities provided the final test of the overall consistency between the reliable experimental information and the present modeling and thermodynamic computation.
Experimental data for the perovskite phase SrZr03 were subjected to a critical thermodynamic assessment using the CALPHAD approach. Special attention was paid to the structural behavior of SrZr03 to illustrate, how to select an appropriate thermodynamic model based on crystal structure and chemistry information, how to identify and resolve the inconsistency between various kinds of experimental data, and how to use thermodynamic modeling as a basic tool in the development and optimization of materials and process. Our assessment results in a Gibbs energy function covering the temperature range between 300 K and the melting point, which explains the experimental data within the experimental uncertainty.
Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2008
Experimental data for the system KBr-TbBr 3 were subjected to a critical thermodynamic assessment using the CALPHAD approach. The thermodynamic parameters of the KBr and TbBr 3 compounds were taken from the SGTE recommended database and the authors' previous assessment, respectively. To reach a self-consistent thermodynamic description for the constituent phases in the system, the experimental heat capacity data for the intermediate compound K 3 TbBr 6 were reassessed. A two-sublattice ionic solution model for the liquid, denoted as (K + ) P : (Br − , TbBr −3 6 , TbBr 3 ) Q , was employed to represent phase diagram and enthalpy of mixing data. To make our investigation on K 3 TbBr 6 more accurate, a new and complementary experimental DSC determination regarding the compound was carried out. Our thermodynamic description, compatible with ones for other lanthanide-alkali halide systems, resulted in a good agreement between the calculated and experimental data.
The phase equilibrium of the TbBr 3 -KBr has been established by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. This system has the three compounds K 3 TbBr 6 , K 2 TbBr 5 , and KTb 2 Br 7 and two eutectics located at (x Tb = 0.163 (885 K) and (x Tb = 0.433 (697 K). K 3 TbBr 6 undergoes a solid-solid phase transition at 691 K and melts congruently at 983 K with the corresponding enthalpies 8.0 and 48.0 kJ mol −1 . K 2 TbBr 5 melts incongruently at 725 K, and KTb 2 Br 7 at 741 K. The latter forms at 694 K, a temperature very close to that (697 K) of one of the two eutectics also existing in the binary system.
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2013
a b s t r a c t DSC was used to study the phase equilibrium in the TbBr 3 -LiBr binary system. The results obtained provided a basis for constructing the phase diagram of this system. It exhibits two compounds: Li 5 TbBr 8 , which decomposes in the solid state at 611 K, and Li 3 TbBr 6 , which melts congruently at 785 K with the related enthalpy 59.1 kJÁmol À1 . The binary LiBr-TbBr 3 system was then optimized using the available experimental information on phase diagram and thermodynamic properties. A two-sub-lattice ionic solution model (Li + ) P :(Br À , TbBr 6 À3 , TbBr 3 ) Q was adopted to describe the liquid phase. The present assessment of the binary LiBr-TbBr 3 system was in good agreement with the corresponding experimental data and confirmed their consistency.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2010
Calphad, 2004
Thermodynamic properties of the pseudo-binary NaBr-DyBr 3 system were studied by differential thermal analysis (DTA), Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) and by thermodynamic modelling (TM). Investigations performed by DTA resulted in the phase diagram involving the binary compound 3NaBr * DyBr 3 (s) in addition to the pure component metal halides NaBr(s) and DyBr 3 (s) and the liquid phase. The eutectic parameters of the {DyBr 3 (s) + 3NaBr * DyBr 3 (s)} mixture were determined as T e = 710 ± 3 K and x(NaBr) liq = 0.62. A peritectic transition of 3NaBr * DyBr 3 (s) at 765 ± 3 K was indicated. The study of the vaporisation by KEMS in the temperature range of 703-1025 K led to the identification of gaseous species in the equilibrium vapour (NaBr, (NaBr) 2 , DyBr 3 , (DyBr 3) 2 , NaDyBr 4 , Na 2 DyBr 5) and to the thermodynamic activities of NaBr and DyBr 3 over the complete concentration range of the system at 863 K. The results obtained were used in the computer modelling of the NaBr-DyBr 3 system carried out by the use of the BINGGS program.
Journal of Nuclear Materials - J NUCL MATER, 2007
Thermodynamic properties of the ternary system Nb–O–Zr have been evaluated by means of the CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) method. The pertinent experimental data are surveyed and the thermodynamic models based on the previous assessments of the binary systems Nb–O, Nb–Zr and O–Zr are delineated. The results of our computations indicate that the models describe the zirconium rich portion of the ternary phase diagram satisfactorily, however, in the niobium rich part, the calculations differ from the experimental data and should be verified by new experiments.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005
As a basis for the design and development of molten salt mixtures, thermodynamic calculations of the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties were carried out on the TbBr 3 unary and NaBr-TbBr 3 binary systems over the entire temperature and composition range, respectively. The Gibbs energy of TbBr 3 was evaluated using an independent polynomial to fit the experimental heat capacity, the thermodynamic parameters for each phase in the NaBr-TbBr 3 system were optimized by using available experimental information on phase diagram and thermodynamic properties. A two sub-lattice ionic solution model (Na + ) P : (Br − , TbBr 6 3− , TbBr 3 ) Q for the liquid phase and Neumann-Kopp rule for the stoichiometric compound Na 3 TbBr 6 were adopted to reproduce the experimental data with reasonable excess Gibbs energy. Comparisons between the calculated phase diagram and thermodynamic quantities show that all reliable experimental information is satisfactorily accounted for by the present thermodynamic description. (W. Gong). tem in the temperature range from 298.15 up to 6000 K, to set up a set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters for the NaBr-TbBr 3 binary system with reliable experimental data reproduced satisfactorily, to build the calculated phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of NaBr-TbBr 3 binary system over the entire composition range using various experimental information and the Calphad (calculation of phase diagram) method.
Şehrengiz Tarih ve Kültür Dergisi, XV/147 (Mayıs-Haziran 2024), s. 34-45
Fethe katılmış görgü şâhidlerinin notları, mektupları ve onlarla görüşen müverrihler tarafından kaleme alınan çağdaş kaynakların çoğunda, ortak bir çizgide şehre ilk girilen ve ilk sancak dikilen noktanın şehrin en büyük ve en yüksek burcu olan Romanos / Topkapı burcu olduğu açıkça belirtilmekle birlikte, buraya dikilen sancak yâhut bayrak hakkında çok az miktarda bilgi yer aldığı dikkati çeker. Fethin çağdaşı Osmanlı ve Lâtin kaynaklarındaki bu ortak tasvirlerden, son hücum ânında Fatih’in seçkin askerleri Romanos/Topkapı burcuna çıktıkları sırada, burcun tepesine bir değil birkaç sancak diktikleri net olarak anlaşılmakla birlikte; söz konusu kaynaklar bu sancakların sayıları, hangi renkte oldukları, vasıfları ve ne gibi özellikler taşıdıkları konusunda herhangi bir ayrıntı içermezler. Mazerolles'in, Tedaldi ve çağdaşı bir başka göz tanığının izlenimlerine dayanan fetihten altı-yedi yıl sonra çizdiği çağdaş minyatürde, Hasan Ağa’nın diktiği Ak sancağın yanı sıra; Fatih’in bugüne dek hiç bilinmeyen özel Hükümdarlık bayrağının rengine ve tasarım şekline de ışık tutacak oldukça önemli ayrıntılar yer alır. Resimde Fâtih’in biraz ilerisinde, ordunun önünde duran asıl Sancaktâr’ının elinde tuttuğu bu özel Hükümdarlık bayrağı bizzat “Türk mâvisi” renkte olup, üzerinde altın yaldızla işlenmiş büyük bir “Sîmûrg” (Ankâ kuşu) figürü vardır ki; bu onun saklı ruh ve düşünce dünyâsını, siyâsî hedef ve amaçlarını da nitelikli ve ayrıntılı bir şekilde çözümlememizi sağlar. Onun Has hükümdarlık bayrağında kullandığı “Türk mâvisi” rengi; sonsuzluk, İlâhî kut ve göklerden (Arş’tan) kendisine erişen İlâhî yardım ve desteği; üzerindeki “Sîmûrg-ı Ankâ’ ” figürü ise imkânsızı başarma yolundaki azîm ve kararlılığını, büyük dirâyeti ve ortaya koyduğu eşsiz kudreti, bu yolda gerekirse her şeyini fedâ edebilecek düzeyde göstereceği büyük cesâreti temsil eder. Bu iki unsur birleştirildiğinde ise Fâtih’in henüz şehri fethetmeden önce, kendisini Allâh’ın ezelî takdîriyle “İlâhî kut”a mazhar olmuş, “Mü’eyyed min ‘indi’llâh” (Allah katından destekli) bir hükümdar olarak kabul ettiği ve İstanbul’u kuşattığı taktirde mutlaka fethedip vaad edilen İlâhî desteğe erişeceğinde şüphe etmediği gerçeği ortaya çıkar. Dolayısıyla Sultan Mehmed’in kuşatmadan önce tasarlanmış olan Ak sancağı, onun Fetih Hadîs’ine odaklı olarak “dinî”; Türk Mâvisi özel bayrağı ise İstanbul’u fethe çıkmış bir Türk hükümdârı olmasına atfen “siyâsî” anlamda otoriteyi elinde tutacak büyük bir Sultan olacağına işâret etmekteydi. Nitekim o 29 Mayıs 1453 sabâhı önce Hazret-i Muhammed (s.a.v.)’in “Livâ”sı ile aynı renkteki beyaz sancağını burca çektirerek, beklenen Peygamberî müjdenin onun mûcizesini aşikâr kılacak şekilde artık gerçekleştiğini tüm dünyâya ilân edecekti. Ulubatlı Baba Hasan Ağa’nın Topkapı’ya diktiği bu “Ak sancak” burcun üstünde asılı hâlde kalacak; İtalyan hekim Barbaro’nun çağdaş tasvirine göre Sultan’ın siyâsî erk ve gâyesini simgeleyen özel flaması ise burçtan indirilerek, birkaç yeniçeri tarafından şehrin meydanına getirilip San Marko ve imparatorun bayraklarının bulunduğu kuleye asılacaktı.
O artigo pretende analisar o sacrifício humano na cultura Viking, especialmente o regicídio e sua representação no imaginário, refletido nas artes plásticas e nos textos literários. A principal fonte investigada foi a tela Midvinterblot, do sueco Carl Larsson, feita em 1915. Utilizando a teoria antropológica sobre sacrifício de René Girard e a metodologia do imaginário social de Bronislaw Baczko, o artigo demonstra que conotações pejorativas e moralistas sobre as religiosidades pré-cristãs, iniciadas na Antiguidade, ainda se mantém no mundo contemporâneo e mesmo do discurso acadêmico, prejudicando o verdadeiro significado das práticas de imolação nos tempos antigos.
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Research, Society and Development