The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology
Entry title: Ordering restrictions between affixes
Author: Stela Manova
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Word Count
15,055 words
A language possesses a limited set of affixes and of all possible combinations of those
affixes only a relatively small number exists, which gives rise to questions about the
nature of the restrictions on affix combinability. In the literature, grammatical and
extra-grammatical restrictions have been reported. The former refer to the levels of
grammar (phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax), the latter involve statistical
and/or psycholinguistic information. Phonological restrictions rely on regular
phonology. Morphological restrictions use morphological information and, as a rule,
produce fixed combinations of two or three affixes. Semantic restrictions are cognitive
in nature and refer to scopal relationship and/or compositionality of meaning. Syntactic
restrictions are due to mirroring of syntactic derivations. Two types of morphological
organization, layered and template morphology, provide the canvas for affix order
analyses. Layered morphology operates with hierarchically organized layers and derives
morphological structure step-by-step, which implies syntactic ordering and semantic
compositionality. Layered morphology may produce variable orders of the same
morphemes. Template morphology is flat and the order of affixes in a template is
stipulated. Templates derive fixed combinations of affixes and are incompatible with
variation. Although a clear distinction between layered and template morphology is
made at a theoretical level, there is hardly a language that falls under only one of the
two types. All grammatical restrictions on affix ordering are compatible with both
layered and template morphology and no language’s affixation system can be explained
with a single affix ordering principle. As regards the length of the sequences of affixes
inspected in different studies, affix order analyses are usually based on combinations of
two and three affixes. Bigrams and trigrams also appear to be the most appropriate
sequences for learning of affix ordering patterns both by humans and machines.
affixation, affix order, morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, template morphology,
layered morphology, psycholinguistics, statistics
Main text
1. Preliminaries
A word may consist of a root and affixes. A language has a limited set of affixes but if
there is more than one affix in a word, there are severe restrictions on the order of
these affixes. Such restrictions (called also constraints in the literature) are the topic of
this article.
For the proper understanding of the ordering restrictions between affixes, a few
general issues related to structure building in morphology should be addressed first,
which is the goal of this introductory section. We differentiate between two types of
morphological structure building: layered morphology and template morphology
(general schemas are provided in Sections 1.1. and 1.2 respectively). We speak of
structure building strategies and not of affix ordering restrictions because these two
types of morphology do not order affixes, strictly speaking, but provide the canvas on
which affix order happens. Layers and templates serve for orientation when composing
and decomposing words, i.e. they are helping devices that ensure the proper
identification of the position of an affix in the word form and thus also the proper
semantic interpretation of that affix, while, as we will see later, restrictions on affix
order (be they grammatical or extra-grammatical) define an affix in a specific way, so
that the attachment of a particular other affix is required.
There are two types of structure building in morphology (illustration and
discussion of both types in Stump 1997, 33ff, Mithun 1999, 42f, Rice 2000, 11): layered
morphology and template morphology. Templates in particular are discussed in
Simpson and Withgott (1986), Spencer (1991, 212f), Inkelas (1993), Good (2011), among
others. Rice (2000) summarizes the characteristic features of layered and template
Zero morphemes are prevalent in template morphology but not in layered morphology
Layered Morphology gives rise to headed structures, template morphology doesn’t
Layered morphology is constrained by some principle of adjacency, template morphology isn’t
Layered morphology doesn’t permit an ‘inner’ morpheme to be chosen on the basis of what an
‘outer’ morpheme will be, template morphology permits this type of ‘lookahead.’
Rice (2000:11)
Below, template and layered morphology are presented in terms of formal schemas.
Crucially, these two types of morphological structure building can produce exactly the
same forms (the morpheme sequences in (1) and (5)) but differ in terms of organization
of the derivation itself: in layered morphology, derivation takes place step by step, while
in template morphology structure building happens at once.
1.1. Layered morphology
The linear sequence of morphemes in (1) where A, B, C, D are usually category labels,
attach to ROOT step by step, so that every following step adds some semantics to the
previous one, as demonstrated for suffixation in (2).
(1) Layered morphology (suffixation)
[[ROOT] A]
[[[ROOT] A] B]
[[[[ROOT] A] B] C]
[[[[[ROOT] A] B] C] D]
The step-by-step addition of affixes makes layered morphology compatible with scopal
affix ordering. We speak of scopal ordering if two suffixes, A and B, are in a semantic
relationship and B alters the semantics of A. The two suffixes then appear in the order
AB and the semantics of the expression AB is, as a rule, a sum of the semantics of A and
the semantics of B. Scopal order is discussed in detail under semantic restrictions on
affix order in Section 5.
Derivation of layered prefixal morphological structure, (3) and (4), happens
analogically to that of suffixal structure, starting with the prefix that is closest to the
(3) Layered morphology (prefixation)
1.2. Template morphology
A template is a stipulated linear sequence of morpheme slots which are not related
grammatically (syntactically, semantically or phonologically). The properties of
templates are outlined in Simpson and Withgott (1986) and Spencer (1991), and
summarized in Good (2003, 2011). A template, such as that in (5), has the realizations in
(6); A, B, C and D are usually category labels but if the slots of a template cannot be
related to particular categories, they can just be numbered.
Template morphology
In the realizations of the template in (5) all suffixes attach simultaneously (6). A1, A2, A3,
A4 are suffixes that always occupy the slot A but never co-occur. The same holds for the
suffixes in the slots B, C and D.
Templatic derivation of prefixed words, like derivation of suffixed words, happens at
As (6) clearly shows, template morphology does not allow variations, i.e. all A
affixes always appear in slot A, all B affixes are always in slot B, etc. In template
morphology slots are basic units of analysis. They are discovered by examining
constraints on morpheme linearization, i.e. a template can be reduced to constraints on
the relative linear order of morphemes when they happen to co-occur.
In template morphology some of the slots could be empty and some scholars
speak of zero morphemes. Zeros are established in analogy with forms that have an
overt morpheme in the same slot. It has to be mentioned that zero morphemes in
template morphology differ from zero morphemes in layered morphology. Zeros in
template morphology are meaningless and can simply be ignored, while in layered
morphology, a zero affix stands for addition of meaning without an overt marker.
English morphology has been described that way (Marchand 1969, among others):
to cut → a cutØ
In this derivation, the attachment of the zero suffix Ø gives rise to a word class change.
The zero suffix is thus meaningful.
Although it is possible to make a clear distinction between templatic and layered
morphology, a particular language does not necessarily fall into one of the two types
and most languages use a mixture of the two structure building strategies, i.e. appear
templatic and layered at the same time. For example, Chichewa (Bantu) is templatic by
default but its template is also compatible with layered (scopal) morphology (Hyman
2003). In Chichewa, as in many other Bantu languages, verbal affixes occur in the
unmarked template: Causative-Applicative-Reciprocal-Passive, i.e. CARP. The details vary
from language to language and from affix to affix, but a “templatic” ordering (the default
option) such as CR (the slots A and P are empty), is ambiguous and allows two readings
(8a,b): templatic and scopal (layered); whereas an “a-templatic” ordering such as RC (9)
obligatorily reflects the linear order of the morphemes, that is, it is always scopal
Chichewa: templatic ordering CR: mang-its-an‘cause each other to tie’
[ [ tie ] -cause-e.o. ]
‘cause to tie each other’
[ [ tie-e.o. ] -cause ]
(templatic & scopal)
(templatic & non-scopal)
Chichewa (Bantu): a-templatic ordering RC: mang-an-its‘cause to tie each other’
[ [ tie-e.o. ] -cause ] (a-templatic & scopal)
As for the two readings in (8), since the slots of a template are not semantically related,
different semantic connections between slots can be expressed. This is the explanation
why a highly restricted templatic order appears more flexible with respect to semantics
than an a-templatic (layered) order, which is the case in Chichewa. Thus, (8) and (9) are
interactions of template and layered morphology with unexpected results.
Mixed scope/template systems have been characterized as either involving scope
taking precedence over templates (e.g. Athabaskan, Rice 2000), or templates overriding
scope (Pulaar, Paster 2005). Chichewa is of the latter type.
It has to be mentioned here that there is some debate in the literature about
whether template morpheme ordering exists and has any theoretical implications
(Muysken 1986). Note that templates do not represent real words and in languages for
which template morphology has been assumed templates are (usually) long, while
words are short; and templates are illustrated with sequences of either two or three
affixes, as the discussed above CR piece from the CARP template in Chichewa. Since
templates have been considered incompatible with syntactic ordering (we return to this
issue in Section 6), some scholars see them as a last resort.
However, templates seem very helpful for descriptive purposes and are a
popular device for documentation of lesser-studied languages, especially when linguists
approach a new language for the first time. The morphological organization of a
well-studied language can also be seen as a sequence of morphological slots, for
example for English: prefix--root--derivational suffix--inflectional suffix. Nevertheless,
nobody has come to the idea to claim that English represents template morphology. In
other words, not every fixed sequence of morphemes is a case of templatic
morphology. Thus, we come to terminology where one faces the following issues:
(i) In many affix order studies, a fixed sequence of (two or three) morphemes is
labeled a template, even if that sequence is derived step-by-step;
(ii) No distinction is made between templates and position classes, although they
differ. According to Inkelas (1993) the definition of “position” involves two dimensions
(vertical hierarchical order and linear template order) while templates are
one-dimensional, i.e. flat. Since vertical hierarchical order is layered morphology,
position classes combine layered and template morphology. Inkelas (1993) explains the
Nimboran affix ordering in terms of position classes;
(iii) Templates are sometimes labelled morphological affix ordering (which
implies that languages such as, for example, English are templatic; English affixation is
discussed in Section 4, Morphological restrictions).
Further on terminology, in the literature on affix order, the fact that two affixes,
A and B, appear in both orders, AB and BA, is called: affix permutation, AB-BA order or
mirror image combination. As for the semantic reading of AB-BA orders, there are two
options labelled variable affix order (10) and free affix order (11), respectively.
(10) Variable affix order
both orders AB and BA exist in a language and give rise to
different readings
causative-reflexive but also reflexive-causative (CR-RC), see (8a)
and (9)
(11) Free affix order
both orders AB and BA exist in a language but are associated
with the same meaning
both causative-reflexive and reflexive-causative (CR-RC) are
read as ‘cause to tie each other’, i.e. as reflexive-causative, (8b)
and (9)
Before closing this section, let us look at a few really impressive examples of
templates from the literature. The template in (12) has been postulated for Filomeno
Mata Totonac, (McFarland 2009, cited from Rice 2011) and shows an even more
complex interaction of template and scope than Chichewa. According to McFarland
(2009), the morphology of Filomeno Mata Totonac is overall templatic, with zones of
affixation and it is the overall template that gives the order of the zones, the latter vary
internally as to whether or not ordering is fixed (i.e. templatic).
Filomeno Mata Totonac zones of affixation (McFarland 2009: 206)
fixed order
In a zone with fixed order, the order is seen as stipulated. For example, the order of
prefixes in positions 19 through 11 is considered fixed because these prefixes mark
mood/tense, person agreement, counterexpectation, and person agreement, with no
apparent grammatical principles to which to attribute this order. Thus, Filomeno Mata
Totonac has subtemplates within an overall template.
The next template (13) represents the structure of the verb in the Athabaskan
languages, a large family of indigenous languages of North America, also known as
Dene. The documentation of the Athabaskan languages has a long tradition and many
scholars have worked on the description of these languages: Rice (1989, 1997, and later
work), Goddard (1996), Mithun (1999, 2016), among many others.
(13) A pan-Athabaskan verbal template (Hoijer 1971:125) (based on Good 2011 and Rice
2011; table version SM)
Iterative (lacking in some languages)
Object, only in transitive verbs and some passives
Deictic subject
Subject pronoun
With respect to (13), Rice (2000) convincingly demonstrates that significant portions of
the template involve scopal ordering, which is best visible when the template is used for
decomposition of real words. This situation seems to indicate that purely templatic
systems are most probably due to insufficient language knowledge. Templates are just
the first approximation of an unknown language and with the deepening of the
research grammatical relations between the slots of the template emerge.
Maybe, the only template in the literature that has not been reanalyzed in terms
of scope, partly at least, is that of Murrinh-Patha verbal morphology (14), cited from
Nordlinger (2010).
(14) Murrinh-Patha verbal template (Nordlinger 2010)
Portmanteau encoding classifier stem, subject agreement and tense
Subject number marker/Object agreement marker
Reflexive/Reciprocal marker
Incorporated body part/Applicative marker
Lexical stem
Tense marker
Morpheme with ‘‘adverbial’’ meaning (manner, temporal, etc.)
(according to Blythe (2009) there may be more than one ADV in each
position in the template)
Subject number marker/Object number marker
For this template, Nordlinger (2015) writes the following:
Although its [Murrinh-Patha] verbal morphology is largely agglutinating, it is templatic and is rife
with discontinuous dependencies, multiple exponence, and the interspersal of inflectional and
derivational material. In addition, the verbal word is a complex predicate, built on a discontinuous
stem, one part of which (the ‘classifier stem’) is taken from one of thirty eight largely fusional
sub-paradigms exhibiting high degrees of suppletion, homophony, and irregularity. Furthermore,
some of this verbal inflectional material is co-opted into the nominal system to derive nominal
predicates raising interesting questions for the distinction between inflection and derivational
It is hard to comment on the structure of the template in (14) since there is not
much literature on Murrinh-Patha, at least not as much as on the Athabaskan
languages. Nevertheless, a brief comparison of (13) and (14) seems to provide insight
why the latter template (14) is incompatible with scope, while the former (13) is. In (14),
there are portmanteaus in slots 1, 2, and 8; in (13) no single slot accommodates a
portmanteau. Portmanteaus are clusters of two or more morphosyntactic features and
it is therefore hard to judge whether they combine with other morphemes based on
scope or not.
A highly insightful discussion of the templates of a large number of languages
can be found in Mithun (2016). The author also addresses the arbitrariness of template
morphology by providing diachronic evidence of how templates emerged.
Having illustrated the two types of morphological organization, layered and
template morphology, and their interactions that can result in variable and free affix
order, in the next section we provide general definitions of the restrictions on affix
order reported in the literature and illustrate them with hypothetical examples. The rest
of the article is organized as follows: in Sections 3 through 6, grammatical restrictions
on affix order (phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic, each in a separate
section) are discussed in more detail. Section 7 and Section 8 are devoted to
extra-grammatical restrictions (statistical and psycholinguistic, respectively). In Section 9
conclusions are drawn.
2. Affix order restrictions: general definitions
In the literature on affixation, two types of restrictions on the order of affixes have been
recognized: grammatical and extra grammatical (Manova and Aronoff 2010; Rice 2011;
Inkelas 2016, among others). Following this logic, we define four grammatical
restrictions: phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic; and two extra
grammatical restrictions: statistical and psycholinguistic. The classification of restrictions
is based on the approach adopted by Manova and Aronoff (2010), namely the type of
information that defines a restriction serves as a label for that restriction. Rice’s (2011)
approach is different: she assumes that affix order is scopal (by default) and always first
checks for scope and only if scope cannot account for the order of affixes, other
explanations (either phonological or templatic) are looked for. Rice does not assume
any principle difference between syntactic and semantic ordering, either. Inkelas (2016),
among others, follows Rice (2011).
Below, the restrictions on affix order discussed in this chapter are first defined
and then illustrated with hypothetical examples, they will be illustrated in more detail in
the sections to come. For avoidance of confusion, affix order restrictions are illustrated
based on suffixation but they also hold for prefixation.
In (15) through (20) and elsewhere in this article, SUFF1 and SUFF2 are two
neighbouring suffixes and in the word form SUFF1 precedes SUFF2.
(15) Phonological restrictions
phonological property of SUFF1 (or the language in general)
requires the attachment of a specific SUFF2
Hypothetical example
If SUFF1 terminates in a consonant, attach SUFF2 that
starts with a vowel (to avoid epenthesis)
(16) Morphological restrictions
Involve morphological information:
followed by a particular SUFF2
Hypothetical example
If a word terminates in SUFF1, attach a particular SUFF2
(17) Semantic restrictions
Involve semantic information: the semantics of SUFF2
modifies the semantics of SUFF1, usually (but not always)
SUFF2 scopes semantically over SUFF1
Hypothetical example
SUFF1 derives objects (things), SUFF2 modifies the
semantics of SUFF2 by the idea of smallness, i.e. SUFF2 is a
(18) Syntactic restrictions
Involve syntactic information: The order SUFF1-SUFF2
mirrors order of syntactic operations, e.g. relates to
argument structure
Hypothetical example
SUFF1 expresses a subject and is closer to the root than
SUFF2 that marks an object
(19) Statistical restrictions
Involve statistical information: SUFF1-SUFF2 is the default
order of suffixes because this order prevails in the
Hypothetical example
In a sufficiently large corpus (or a dictionary) SUFF2 follows
SUFF1 in most cases (and this is statistically significant)
(20) Psycholinguistic restrictions
SUFF1-SUFF2 is easier to process than *SUFF2-SUFF1
Hypothetical example
SUFF2 is more frequent and productive than SUFF1
3. Phonological restrictions
Restrictions on the order of affixes that involve phonological factors are called
phonological restrictions; consequently, affix ordering that is restricted phonologically is
referred to as phonological. Purely phonologically ordered affixal systems are rare.
Nevertheless, Hyman (2006) and Kim (2010) are usually seen as studies providing
evidence for such systems. Hyman (2006) discusses data from a Bantu language
(spoken in Congo), while the data in Kim (2010) come from the language isolate Huave
(spoken in San Francisco del Mar). However, Hyman’s data are not really on the topic of
this article but reveal a system where phonology plays a role in the placement of an
affix with respect to a root, i.e. whether the added morpheme ends up as an infix or a
suffix. Therefore examples from Hyman (2006) are not cited here. Kim’s data are
addressed in Section 3.3.
Before illustrating phonological restrictions on affix order, we would like to turn
the reader's attention to the following issue. In the literature, there are two major
classifications of approaches to affix order: Manova and Aronoff (2010) and Rice (2011).
These classifications could appear overlapping at first glance because they both try to
define the grammatical factors (such as phonology or semantics) influencing affix order.
However, they differ significantly. Rice (2011) assumes that affix order is scopal by
default and refers to other ordering principles only if scope fails to explain the order of
affixes. Manova and Aronoff (2010) speak of phonological ordering irrespective of
scope. As we will see below, phonology and scope can indeed contradict (3.1) but can
also work in tandem (3.2). Thus, for Rice only the examples in 3.1. are instances of
phonological ordering, while for Manova and Aronoff all examples discussed in this
section illustrate phonological restrictions on affix order.
3.1. Phonology and scope (or semantic compositionality) contradict
In the literature on affix order, the example in (21) is often cited as an instance of
phonological ordering. The data come from Western Cherokee (Iroquoian; Foley 1980),
the order of affixes in the first and third person forms of counterfactives and
cislocatives is as expected, while the second person forms (bolded below) exhibit suffix
Western Cherokee (Iroquoian): counterfactive & cislocative
In the boldface forms, hyinega and hwinega, the vowel 'i' deletes when preceding a
second singular form (i.e. a particular morphological form, 2SG, requires vowel deletion),
which creates a glide-consonant sequence unallowed by the language’s phonotactics
(phonological constraint), and it is therefore corrected by metathesis (phonological
change), yielding permutation with the next prefix. Thus, yi-hi- changes to hyi- and wi-hito hwi-. As for the interaction between scope and phonology, if the order of the prefixes
was scopal, it should have been the same as in the first and the third singular forms.
Rice (2000) reports a case of phonological affix ordering that is of a different type:
prosodically ‘small’ or ‘incomplete’ affixes (V, C, VC) appear closer to the stem than ‘full’ or
‘complete’ ones (CV, CVC, CVCV). Many languages of the Athabaskan family have more
than one way of marking inception: by a complete morpheme (labeled “lexical” in the
literature) that occurs near the beginning of the verb word (i.e. far away from the stem
(22a)), and an incomplete (called ‘functional’) morpheme that occurs closer to the stem
(22b). The relevant morphemes are bolded.
Slave (Athabaskan): inceptive (data from Rice 1989: 711, 587)1
a. lexical
ti7 ‘start off’
ti7-na-neh-tɬa ‘I started off again.’
b. functional
d inceptive
na-de-h-tɬaah ‘I started out on a trip again.’
In these examples, the affix na- ‘again’ follows the lexical inceptive (ti7-) but precedes the
functional inceptive (de-), which thus gives rise to two different orders, inseptive-na
(lexical) and na-inceptive (functional), with the same meaning. Clearly, if the order of the
affixes was scopal, (22a) and (22b) should have had different readings.
A similar restriction explains the combinability of Polish diminutive suffixes, data
from Szymanek and Derkach (2005) and Manova & Winternitz (2011). In Polish (as in
other Slavic languages), diminutive suffixes can be stacked to form second-grade (or
double) diminutives (DIM2). DIM2 forms are derived from first-grade diminutives (DIM1)
by the attachment of diminutive suffixes. This is illustrated in (23) where all diminutive
suffixes are bolded. All DIM2 nouns in (23a) have two diminutive suffixes, while the
DIM2 forms in (23b) have a single suffix.
Polish (Slavic, Manova & Winternitz 2011): second-grade diminutives
with monosyllabic (short) DIM2 suffixes, k > cz [ʈ͡ʂ]
DIM1 stol-ik ‘small table’ → DIM2 stol-icz-ek
DIM1 ram-ka ‘small frame’ → DIM2 ram-ecz-ka
DIM1 sit-ko ‘small sieve’ → DIM2 sit-ecz-ko
with disyllabic (long) DIM2 suffixes, sz [ʂ]
DIM1 kłęb-ek ‘small billow’ → DIM2 kłęb-uszek
DIM1 kij-ek ‘small stick’ → DIM2 kij-aszek
Polish has a rich set of diminutive suffixes, some are monosyllabic, others are disyllabic.
All disyllabic diminutive suffixes, including -aszek and -uszek, serve as DIM1 suffixes;
-aszek and -uszek are the only disyllabic suffixes used for derivation of DIM2 nouns (23b).
Clearly, these two suffixes could also be parsed as -asz-ek and -usz-ek, which has made
some scholars see -asz- and -usz- as interfixes, while others treat them together with -ek.
For the sake of completeness (and since an anonymous reviewer noticed that the
examples in (23a) all have front vowels, while those in (23b) do not), there is also a DIM1
suffix -iszek [i] / -yszek [ɨ] but, as already mentioned, it does not derive DIM2 nouns. For
curious readers, all Polish DIM1 and DIM2 suffixes and their combinations are listed in
Manova and Winternitz (2011), Table 3. In a nutshell: Polish has 12 DIM1 suffixes, there
are no diminutive interfixes in this language, all productive DIM1 suffixes are
monosyllabic; of the 12 DIM1 suffixes only -ek, -ka and -ko, plus -aszek and -uszek derive
DIM2 nouns. Therefore, Manova and Winternitz (2011), following Rice (1989), explain the
difference between (23a) and (23b) in terms of long and short suffixes: the disyllabic
In (22), (24), (32) and (33), the standard IPA symbols are used for lateral fricative, schwa and nasalisation, the
other symbols are based on APA (American Phonetic Alphabet).
(long) DIM2 suffixes, -aszek and -uszek (23b), attach by replacement, while the
monosyllabic (short) DIM2 suffixes, -ek, -ka and -ko (23a), attach by addition. Note that
semantic compositionality would require a second diminutive suffix in the DIM2 forms
in (23b).
(23a) is unusual in a different way: in the second and the third example, two
phonologically identical suffixes, -ka and -ko, are in adjacent positions (giving -ka-ka and
-ko-ko) but the k > cz alternation camouflages the suffix repetition (Szymanek and
Derkach 2005). By contrast, in Witsuwit’en (Athabaskan; Hargus 2007) under conditions
of identity, suffix suppression (due to haplology) takes place (24). The example is cited
from Rice (2011): the first line shows the basic verb form; the second line shows a verb
form based on this lexical entry, with the prefix that is part of the lexical entry in bold;
the third line shows that when a productive affix of the same form as the prefix that
occurs in the basic lexical entry is added (t- future), only a single one of the identical
consonants (prefixes) is found in the surface form, i.e. *t-t > t.
Witsuwit’en (Athabaskan, Hargus 2007): t- future + t- lexical
lexical entry nǝn t-zuh
nǝn tǝzuh
‘He’s spitting.’
nǝn tazuh
‘He will spit.’
*t-t (nǝn tǝtazuh)
According to Rice (2011), in this case phonology disallows two identical consonants
(phonologically identical affixes) adjacent to one another.
3.2. Phonology and scope work in tandem
In the examples in the previous section, scope and phonology contradict, in the sense
that scope cannot explain the order of the prefixes: in (21) scope would block the prefix
permutation; in (22) scope would place the two morphemes with the same meaning at
the same distance from the root; in (24) scope would require the preservation of the
repeated morpheme. Thus, one could get the impression that phonological ordering
holds only if phonology and scope contradict. However, Bulgarian (Slavic) offers an
example of phonological ordering when both phonology and scope work in tandem.
Bulgarian has a suffixed definite article (a set of suffixes (allomorphs) serves for
this purpose). In nouns, the definite article, -ta and -to in (25a), always follows the
number suffix, if the latter is overt; and the definite article follows the suffix for gender
and number in adjectives (25b) (Manova & Dressler 2001, Manova 2010). Nouns and
adjectives terminating in -a, irrespective of gender and number values, require the
definite article -ta; likewise, nouns and adjectives terminating in -o require -to. In (25),
there are three different -a suffixes (indexed for convenience) and three different -o
suffixes (also indexed).
Bulgarian (Slavic): definiteness
a. Nouns
singular feminine: žen-a1 ‘woman’ → zen-a-ta ‘the woman’
singular neuter: sel-o1 ‘village’ → sel-o-to ‘the village’
plural neuter: sel-a2 ‘villages’ → sel-a-ta ‘the villages’
singular masculine: djad-o2 ‘grandfather’ → djad-o-to ‘the grandfather’
b. Adjectives
singular feminine: mil-a3 ‘dear’ → mil-a-ta ‘dear-the’
singular neuter: mil-o3 ‘dear’ → mil-o-to ‘dear-the’
The order of the suffixes can easily be explained in terms of semantic scope
(number-definiteness in nouns and gender.number-definiteness in adjectives) but scope
cannot account for the fact that the vowel in the definite article mirrors the final vowel
of the base, giving in the definite forms -a-ta and -o-to. The only plausible explanation is
that in such cases the selection of the definite article is phonologically driven.
3.3. Phonological restrictions, template and layered morphology
In Huave (isolate) phonological restrictions on affixation interact with templatic order
(26). However, the template is defined in terms of symmetrical “layers” (KIm 2010; 2015),
i.e. morphology is templatic and layered at the same time. Crucially, Huave has fixed
and mobile prefixes and suffixes. A mobile affix can surface on either side of the stem,
i.e. it can be both a prefix and a suffix. However, regardless of whether a mobile affix is
a prefix or a suffix, it still appears at its fixed distance from the stem, which serves for a
definition of the Huave verb template and makes the latter hierarchically organized, cf.
the definition of position class in Section 1. The Huave verb template “layers” are
numbered L1 through L4 expanding from either side of the stem, as in (26); Layer 0 is
unproductive. Layers 1 and 3 accommodate mobile affixes. In the gloss of (26a), “TV”
stands for a theme vowel, i.e. the stem is vowel-initial; in (26b), “V” is the gloss for a stem
vowel and the stem is vowel-final. The placement of the vowel is the property that
defines the position of the affixes to be considered.
[[Stem] L0]
Since Huave does not allow consonant clusters, in ʃ-i-n-a-mut ‘I will write (it)’, the L1
mobile affix n- surfaces in prefixal position adjacent to the stem a-mut, while the
first-person mobile affix s- (allophonically realized as ʃ-) occurs in L3. By contrast, in
ndil-i-t-ej-as ‘I turned around; I came back’, the L1 mobile affix -t surfaces in suffixal
position next to the stem ndil-i, while the first-person s is realized suffixally but again in
L3. Note the presence of a preceding vowel, which is epenthetic. Kim (2010) explains the
positioning of the mobile affixes in terms of default and epenthesis-avoidance: affixes
surface by default as suffixes but are placed in prefixal position wherever this would
obviate the need for epenthesis. In ndil-i-t-ej-as, epenthesis is tolerated, i.e. the
first-person suffix -s is realized as -as, since the base ndil-i begins with a consonant and
prefixation would have required epenthesis, too; so the default preference for suffixes
emerges. However, the base i-n-a-mut is vowel-initial (but ends with a consonant), thus
placing the first-person affix ʃ- in a prefixal position avoids epenthesis.
In sum, affix order can be subject to phonological restrictions. Phonological factors
are of importance in both lesser-studied and well-studied languages and work
irrespective of other ordering factors: if semantics (scope or compositionality) requires a
specific order of affixes or the addition of an affix and phonology intervenes, in cases
where semantics and phonology clash, phonological restrictions supersede. While there
are arguments in the literature against phonological control of affix order (see Paster
2009 and the response in Kim 2015), the examples in this section clearly show that
phonology determines the order of at least some of the affixes in a language.
Nevertheless, languages with affix order systems based entirely on phonology are rare.
4. Morphological restrictions
Morphological affix ordering depends on morphological information: the mere
occurrence of an affix (or a combination of affixes) requires the attachment of another
specific affix, e.g. the English suffix combination -ization (-ize + -ation) always selects the
suffix -al. English word-formation has been traditionally discussed in terms of
morphological affix ordering (Marchand 1969; Kiparsky 1982; Aronoff 1976; Plag 1996,
1999; Giegerich 1999, among many others).
In the literature, combinatorial morphological restrictions are seen as either
encoded in the (last affix of the) base (i.e. it is SUFF1 that selects SUFF2) or as encoded in
the affix attached (i.e. it is SUFF2 that selects SUFF1). Plag (1996, 1999), Giegerich (1999)
and many others advocate primarily rules of the first type, though the claim is seldom
stated explicitly. Fabb (1988), however, sees selection information as encoded in the
affix to follow; the same claim in Gaeta (2005) for Italian and in Melissaropoulou and
Ralli (2010) for Greek.
4.1. Closing suffixes
A clear case of a morphological restriction on affix order are closing suffixes (Aronoff
and Fuhrhop 2002; Manova 2008, 2009, 2015b). Morphological information, the fact that
a suffix (SUFF1) cannot be followed by another suffix (SUFF2) is encoded in the suffix
(SUFF1) itself. If a language differentiates between derivational and inflectional affixes, a
closing derivational suffix carries the information that it cannot be followed by another
derivational suffix, whereas a closing inflectional suffix that it cannot be followed by
another inflectional suffix. Closing suffixes has been reported in various languages:
Szymanek (2000) is on closing morphemes in English and Polish; Aronoff and Fuhrhop
(2002) report a phenomenon that bans the further derivation in German and explain it
in terms of closing suffixes; Manova (2008, 2010) provides evidence for closing suffixes
in Bulgarian and Russian; Sitchinava (2015) speaks of closing suffixes in Russian;
Melissaropoulou and Ralli (2010) acknowledge the existence of closing suffixes in Greek
derivational morphology; and Manova and Winternitz (2011) discuss closing diminutive
suffixes in Bulgarian and Polish. Manova (2015b) is an overview of research on closing
suffixation and discusses data from different languages.
There is much research on affix order in English and two of the approaches
explaining the order of English affixes illustrate morphological ordering, generally
speaking. The first approach assigns affixes to different strata and is termed Stratal
Ordering, while the second approach relies on Selectional Restrictions.
4.2. Stratal Ordering
English affixes are distributed into two classes—Class I and Class II affixes (classes are
also called levels or strata); and class II affixes are outside class I affixes in the word
form. The stratal approach assigns specific properties to the two classes (27). For the
sake of completeness, Siegel (1974) uses phonology to differentiate between the two
types of strata; Selkirk (1982) defines levels in terms of word structure such as roots and
words; Kiparsky (1982) employs levels in terms of cyclic application of phonological rules
and possible ordering of morphological processes. Thus with respect to stratal ordering,
in the different studies we find the following claims:
English: Stratal Ordering
● Class I affixes tend to be phonologically less transparent than Class II
● Class I affixes cause stress shifts, resyllabification, and other
morphophonological alternations, whereas Class II affixes do not
● Class I affixes frequently attach to bound roots
● Class I affixes are less productive and less semantically transparent than
Class II affixes
● Class I affixes do not occur outside Class II affixes
The last claim is a prototypical instance of morphological ordering, all other claims rely
not only on morphological information. But let us illustrate how Stratal Ordering works
and why morphological restrictions are at its core.
English affixes belong to the following classes or strata (from Spencer 1991:79):
Class I suffixes: +ion, +ity, +y, +al, +ic, +ate, +ous, +ive, +able, +ize
Class I prefixes: re+, con+, de+, sub+, pre+, in+, en+, be+
Class II suffixes: #ness, #less, #hood, #ful, #ly, #y, #like, #ist, #able, #ize
Class II prefixes: re#, sub#, un#, non#, de#, semi#, anti#
An example of a stratal derivation is atom+ic+ity. Since affixes can only attach to affixes
of the same or lower stratum, atom+ic+ity is fine, while combinations in which a class II
suffix occurs inside a class I suffix, e.g. *atom#less+ity, are ruled out on principled
Of all possible combinations of English suffixes allowed by the Stratal Approach
(or Level Ordering), only a few exist, which made Fabb (1988) reject the Stratal Ordering
and propose affix-driven ordering based on selectional restrictions encoded in the suffix
to follow. This approach distributes English suffixes into four groups:
English: affix-driven selectional restrictions (Fabb 1988)
Group 1: suffixes that do not attach to already suffixed words
Group 2: suffixes that attach outside one other suffix
Group3: suffixes that attach freely
Group 4: problematic suffixes
These groups are all morphologically defined. Fabb (1988) maintains that it is not the
relation of a suffix with a particular stratum (27) but selectional restrictions of individual
suffixes (28) that are responsible for the combinatorial properties of suffixes. Plag
(1996) provides a critical review of Fabb’s proposal, establishes numerous
counterexamples and argues for base-driven affix ordering and that sectional
restrictions in terms of phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic (i.e.
word-class-specification) properties are responsible for the possible and impossible
combinations of an affix.
As can be seen from the distribution of affixes into levels (27) and from Plag’s
proposal, morphological ordering often interacts with other factors. In such
interactions, morphological restrictions supersede all other factors, that is, morphology
orders (fixes the combination of affixes), while the other factors explain the order.
4.3. Fixed two-suffix combinations
An even stronger morphological restriction on the order of English derivational suffixes
is reported in Manova (2011b) and Manova and Knell (2021). Manova (2011b) sees
derivational suffix combinations as binary structures of the type SUFF1-SUFF2, where
SUFF1 has three valency positions for further suffixation: SUFF2Noun, SUFF2Adjective and
SUFF2Verb. The idea of this distribution of outputs according to the syntactic-category
specification of SUFF2 is based on a mathematical method, Gauss-Jordan elimination.
This elimination serves for solving systems of linear equations (systems with a large
number of variables) numerically, i.e. only by the help of elementary operations (e.g.
substitution, addition, multiplication). The goal is to come to a single option for a
variable, because if there is only one option for a variable, this option is the variable’s
value, i.e. the solution to the problem. In our case, one value for a variable means one
combination of a kind, see Table 58.1 where indeed, there is a single SUFF2 of the
syntactic categories N and V (N: -dom and V: -ize).
Table 58.1: Combinability of the suffix -ist (data from Aronoff & Fuhrhop 2002, based
on OED , CD 1994)
Syntactic category
of SUFF1
according to syntactic
N: -dom (2)
A: -ic (631), -y (5)
V: -ize (3)
If more than one SUFF2 of the same syntactic category is available, which is the case
for SUFF2A (-ic and -y in Table 58.1), there is one SUFF2 that attaches by default: -ic in
our case, because -ist-ic derives 631 types (words) in comparison to -ist-y, with only 5
types. In other instances of more than one SUFF2 suffix, the available SUFF2 options
express completely different semantics (e.g. an abstract noun and an object) and
thus do not really compete for the SUFF1. Regarding the default suffixes, having
counted suffix combinations in large dictionaries and corpora for different
languages, Manova (2011b) also observes that in cases in which more than one
SUFF2 of the same syntactic category is available, one of the SUFF2 suffixes derives
more than 10 types (the suffix -ic in Table 58.1). The SUFF2 suffixes that compete
with the default suffix always derive ten types or fewer each (the suffix -y in Table
58.1). Importantly, the number of types does not depend on the corpus size, and a
dictionary of about 70–100K words and a large corpus of millions of tokens give the
same results (Manova and Talamo 2015), which is the case because at some point
the suffix combinations start repeating.2
4.4. Morphological restrictions, template and layered morphology
In this section we demonstrate that morphological restrictions on affixation are
compatible with both template and layered morphology. The discussion will be
illustrated with the structure of the Slavic word. Manova (2015a) explains the structure
of the Slavic word with the help of the template in (29) that she calls a generalized form
of the Slavic word.
(29) Generalized form of the Slavic word (Manova 2015a)
The BASE in (29) can be a root, a stem, or a word, see the explanations in Manova
(2011a). As indicated by the brackets, the slot BASE is always occupied, whereas the
Manova’s approach is defined to make possible research on affix combinability in languages of
the inflecting-fusional type where derivational suffixes are followed by inflection and for which
the resources available for English do not exist, including corpora with annotated derivational
suffixes such as for e.g. CELEX for English (Baayen et al. 1995).
other slots may be empty. Prototypically, derivation takes place in the derivational slot
of the word, whereas inflection operates in the inflectional slot. Thematic markers are
assumed only in verbal morphology, where they have inflectional status (cf. Manova
2005, 2011a). Crucially, the different word slots (except the thematic marker slot) can be
occupied by more than one affix. Slots that can host more than one affix are associated
with more than one arrow, i.e. a single arrow means that within a word, only one single
affix can occur in that slot; two arrows stand for two (types of) affixes; and three arrows
mean that more than two affixes can co-occur in a particular slot. Slots that can host
more than one affix form word domains. There are: prefixational domain and
suffixational domain, the latter with derivational and inflectional domains; and
non-evaluative and evaluative subdomains within the derivational domain. Each
(sub)domain has its own affix order peculiarities and closing affixes. We will illustrate
this observation with the order of the diminutive suffixes in the evaluative subdomain
(Table 58.2).
Table 58.2: Combinability of the DIM suffixes in Bulgarian (based on Manova and
Winternitz 2011, Manova 2015a)
Nouns in Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
DIM1 suffixes
DIM2 suffixes DIM3 suffixes
in -C
-ec (unproductive)
in -a
in -o
in -e
-le (unproductive)
-čica (unproductive)
-ička (unproductive)
-ice (unproductive)
The order of DIM1-DIM2-DIM3 suffixes in Table 58.2 is fixed two-dimensionally:
1) vertically (templatically), in terms of slots: DIM1, DIM2, and DIM3 suffixes are each
placed in different slots; and 2) horizontally (morphologically), in terms of specific
combinations of suffixes.
The examples in (30) illustrate the morpheme order restrictions defined in Table
58.2, i.e. how this table can be used for derivation of DIM2 and DIM3 nouns in
noun in -C: nos ‘nose’ → DIM1 nos-le → DIM2 nos-l-ence → DIM3 nos-l-enc-ence
vlak ‘train’ → DIM1 vlak-če → DIM2 vlak-č-ence → DIM3 vlak-č-enc-ence
nouns in -a: răka ‘hand’ → DIM1 răč-ica → DIM2 răč-ič-ka → DIM3 răč-ič-ič-ica
bluza ‘blouse‘ → DIM1 bluz-ka → DIM2 bluz-č-ica → DIM3 bluz-č-ič-ica
noun in -o: selo ‘village’ → DIM1 sel-ce → DIM2 sel-c-ence → DIM3 sel-c-enc-ence
noun in -e: kepe ‘cap’ → DIM1 kep-ence → DIM2 kep-enc-ence →
DIM3 kep-enc-enc-ence
Not every noun allows a DIM3 derivation. The constraints (mostly semantic in nature) on
the formation of DIM2 and DIM3 nouns in Bulgarian are discussed in Manova and
Winternitz (2011). As for affix order restrictions, the suffix combinations listed in Table
58.1 define the suffix -ence as a closing diminutive suffix, i.e. no other diminutive suffix
is allowed to follow the suffix -ence. By contrast, the suffix -ica can be followed by the
suffix -ka and vice versa, the suffix -ka can be followed by -ica, which makes both
suffixes, -ka and -ica, non-closing.
5. Semantic restrictions
5.1. Scope
Semantic restrictions on affixation are closely related to the principle of semantic scope.
The most profound study on morpheme order and scope is undoubtedly Rice (2000).
Semantic scope is related to concepts such as compositionality, generality, and
specificity, and is formally expressed through layering of structure, i.e. of two suffixes
that appear in the order AB and are in a scopal relationship, B scopes over A and the
semantics of the expression AB is a sum of the semantics of A and the semantics of B,
which actually means that the meaning of A is modified by the meaning of B.
(Noncompositional scopal morphology is discussed in Gerner 2014). In the literature,
scopal ordering is often demonstrated with the following two examples that show
variable AB and BA order of morphemes, each ordering with different meaning:
‘little giant’
‘big midget’
(Yup’ik, Mithun 1999: 43)
Since morphological categories can be defined in terms of cognitive content, Rice
(2000:79) speaks of markers: (i) of categories that are in a fixed scopal relationship and
thus occur in a fixed order with respect to each other (32) and (33); (ii) of categories that
are in a reverse scopal relationship (as those in (31) and (34)), which may occur in
variable order and the interpretation depends on the order); and (iii) of categories that
do not enter into a scopal relationship with each other, which may occur in different
orders (35). In the examples below, the raised comma is a glottal stop, after a consonant
it signals that the sound is a glottalized consonant.
(32) Scopal: Slavey (Athabaskan, Rice 2000: 86): preverbs of location and relation
‘s/he got out of water’
water-out of
‘look around, feel around in water’
(33) Scopal: Slavey (Athabaskan, Rice 2000: 88): preverbs with a modificational
‘think over, get straight in mind’
Paster (2005, 2006) discusses scopal ordering in the Fuuta Tooro dialect of Pulaar
(West Atlantic), contrasting the order of several morphemes.
(34) Scopal, Pulaar, Fuuta Tooro dialect (Paster 2005: 176f)
causative - repetitive
learn-CAUS-REP-past 1sg
‘He taught me again.’ (taught me before)
[[he taught me] again]
repetitive - causative
learn-REP-CAUS-past 1sg
‘He made me learn again.’
[[he made me [learn again]]
(34) is an instance of reverse scopal order: causative and repetitive are in a scopal
relationship and the different orders of their markers are associated with different
readings. Thus, (34) significantly differs from (35), the latter illustrates compositional but
non-scopal applicative - causative semantics:
Non-scopal, Pulaar, Fuuta Tooro dialect (Paster 2005:182)
applicative - causative
kam supu
stir-CAUS-APPL-PAST 1SG soup
‘he made me stir the soup with a spoon’ (I used a spoon)
‘he made me stir the soup with a knife’ (he used a knife)
5.2. Relevance principle
Closely related to scope is the so-called relevance principle suggested by Bybee (1985):
“A meaning element is relevant to another meaning element if the semantics content of
the first directly affects or modifies the content of the latter” (Bybee 1985: 13). On the basis
of a comparative investigation of the verb morphology of 50 languages, Bybee
established that the formal exponents of categories the semantics of which is more
relevant to the content of the verb occur closer to the verb stem (Bybee 1985: 211) and
postulates the following order of verb categories:
Spencer (2006, 215) provides an illustrations of this order, (37) through (39), with
periphrastic verb forms from English in which the verb stem is on the right:
has been seen
has been walking
might have been seen
Thus, relevance appears the opposite of scope, in the sense that the affix with the
broadest scope is most general (i.e. least relevant) and is thus placed farthest away from
the base, whereas the most relevant affix has the narrowest scope and is thus the
closest to the base.
5.3. Semantic compositionality without scope: Suffix repetition
Scope is assumed to operate between two different affixes (one with broader and one
with narrower scope) and suffix repetition has not been discussed in relation to scopal
ordering. And indeed can an affix scope semantically over itself? We therefore see
double (40) and triple (41) diminutives as cases of semantic restrictions on affixation
without scope. Double diminutives are quite common in some well-studied languages
such as Romance (Talamo 2015 and Merlini Barbaresi 2012) and Slavic (Szymanek and
Derkach 2005; Manova 2010; Manova and Winternitz 2011; Manova, Ptáček, and
Gregová 2017).
Czeck (Manova, Ptáček, and Gregová 2017): diminutive suffix repetition (2x)
DIM1 ‘small N’ → DIM2 ‘very small N’
-ek + -ek:
rám ‘frame‘ →
→ rám-eč-ek
-ka + -ka:
hlava ‘head‘ →
→ hlav-ič-ka
-ko + -ko:
slovo ‘word‘ →
→ slov-íč-ko
Bulgarian has even triple diminutives, see also the examples in (30).
Bulgarian (Manova 2010): diminutive suffix repetition (3x)
-enc-enc-ence: dete ‘child’ →
DIM1 det-ence
DIM2 det-enc-ence
DIM3 det-enc-enc-ence
In (40) and (41), semantics is compositional: noun → DIM1 small noun → DIM2 very
small noun → DIM3 very very small noun. However, semantic compositionality is
achieved through suffix repetition. Since the definition of a scopal relationship, namely
that the affix with a broader scope is outside the affix with a narrower scope,
presupposes different affixes, suffix repetition proves the existence of semantic affix
ordering (compositional semantics) without scopal relationship of the affixes involved.
Note also that in Slavic languages non-diminutive derivational suffixes (i.e. suffixes that
usually illustrate scopal relationship) cannot be repeated on adjacent cycles, see (49)
and (50).
Based on what has been reported in the literature, the ordering of the prefixes
seems less restricted than the ordering of the suffixes and prefixes are often repeated,
for example, the English re-refinance meaning refinance multiple times. For additional
examples of prefix repetition, see Zirkel (2010) and Manova (2015a).
6. Syntactic restrictions
Most of the research on affix ordering in understudied languages explores the mirror
principle (Baker 1985) and thus provides a syntactic explanation of the order of affixes.
The mirror principle argues that morphological derivations directly reflect syntactic
derivations and vice versa. Some scholars who explain affix ordering semantically also
assume that semantic derivation directly maps syntactic derivation as both syntax and
semantics mean compositionality (Rice 2000); Dixon and Aikhenvald (2002) and Bickel
and Nichols (2007) also argue that affix order is controlled by scope and other aspects
of semantic and syntactic structure. In other words, in the literature syntactic affix
ordering is usually discussed in relation to semantic ordering (cf. Rice 2011) and
illustrated primarily with data from polysynthetic and agglutinating languages where
arguments such as subjects and objects are part of the verb form (Mithun 1999;
Korotkova and Lander 2010; Nordlinger 2010, among many others). Since syntactic
relations between arguments can be defined semantically (this is addressed in 6.1,
Syntactic Hierarchical Structure All the Way Down), a direct correspondence between
semantic and syntactic structure is assumed (Rice 2000: 29).
By contrast, Manova and Aronoff (2010) and Manova (2014) make a clear
distinction between syntactic and semantic affix ordering, as the former relies on
syntactic information such as e.g. subject and object, whereas the latter depends on
information that involves semantic categories such as ‘human’, ‘non-human’, ‘material’,
‘abstract’, and so on. Semantic ordering by itself does not refer to syntax but looks for
scopal relations between affixes, since if affix X scopes semantically over affix Y, X is
outside Y in the word form. Semantic ordering also ensures iconicity and semantic
compositionality (transparency).
The claim that ‘morphological derivations must directly reflect syntactic
derivations’ can be seen as following from grammaticalization: since morphological
derivations are grammaticalized syntax (Givón 1971), the former mirror the latter. In a
similar fashion, Bybee (1985) argues that the order of morphemes within a word reflects
an earlier ordering of words within a sentence; and since words that function together
in a sentence tend to occur together there are implications for affix ordering.
6.1. Syntactic Hierarchical Structure All the Way Down
One of the reasons why it is difficult to tease apart syntactic and semantic restrictions
on affixation and why even involvement of argument structure seems not always a
reliable criterion for establishing syntactically restricted affix order could be due to the
fact that argument structure is accounted for in terms of thematic (theta) roles which
are actually semantically defined, i.e. a thematic role is the semantic relationship of an
argument with the predicate. Theta roles (θ-roles) are the formal device for representing
syntactic argument structure. Some of the major theta roles of the verb include: Agent
(an entity (willfully) doing something), Experiencer (an entity that undergoes an emotion,
a state of being, or a perception expressed by the verb), Patient/Theme (an (animate)
entity undergoing something), Instrument (the entity by which the action of the verb is
carried out), Recipient/Goal (an (animate) entity receiving something), etc. In unmarked
situations agents map onto subject positions, themes onto object positions, and goals
onto indirect objects. We therefore assume that restrictions on affix placement based
on labels such as (syntactic) subject and object are syntactic in nature. Now, in
generative grammar Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993, Embick and
Noyer 2007, Bobaljik 20017) derives word structure. Theta roles are, however,
problematic in DM (Harley and Noyer 1999), which is actually due to the status of roots.
In DM roots are a-categorical and thus incompatible with theta role assignment. In sum,
in syntax the verb has a central role and relates to its arguments by theta roles; in DM
the root has the central role but since a-categorical, it cannot assign theta roles, which
thus makes the syntax-morphology mapping an issue, although one of DM’s major
claims is that elements within syntax and within morphology enter into the same types
of constituent structures (such that can be diagrammed in terms of binary branching
trees). Nevertheless, following DM, restrictions on affix order, at least at an abstract
level of derivation, are always and only syntactic in nature. We re-address DM’s building
blocks in 6.3, Cartographic syntax: Syntacticization of semantics.
6.2. Argument structure versus scope
Koyukon (Athabaskan; Jetté and Jones 2000) offers a good example of syntactic
ordering: affixal pronominal subjects and objects occur in the fixed order shown in (42),
i.e. all subjects, including passive ones, are in ‘subject position’ rather than ‘object
object – aspect – (participant) subject – classifier – verb stem
Actually, (42) is a piece of the pan-Athabaskan verbal template (Hoijer 1971) in (13). As
can be seen from (42), in Koyukon subjects occur close to the verb stem and only a
classifier can intervene between the subject and the stem. The examples in (43) all
contain second person singular arguments, with the argument given in bold.
Koyukon (Athabaskan)3
transitive subject
down-future-2sg.subject-handle compact object.future
‘you will take it (compact object) down’ (Jetté and Jones 2000: 780)
intransitive subject
change, become-2sg.subject-classifier-dirty.imperfective
‘you sg. become dirty’ (Jette and Jones 2000: 795)
transitive object
2sg.obj-3human pl.-classifier-see.imperfective
‘they are looking at you sg.’ (Jetté and Jones 2000: 469)
passive subject
once-future-2sg.subject-classifier-hit with fist
‘You will be hit once.’ (Thompson 1996: 360)
The subject precedes the verb stem (and classifier, 43b, d) and the object is further to
the left (43c). The passive subject in (43d) has the form ee- and appears before the stem
(and the classifier), which is evidence for a fixed order of grammatical relations in terms
of argument structure such as subject and object.
Likewise, Paster (2005) in work on affix ordering in Pulaar (West Atlantic) takes
argument structure to be syntactic. If argument structure is not involved, the ordering
of the affixes is defined as scopal.
In Manova (2015c), there is a discussion of why argument structure is not used
for explanation of word-formation in well-studied languages (at least not to the degree
it is used for explanation of word structure in lesser-studied languages; recall also the
discussion of English word-formation in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, as well as Section 4.1,
Closing Suffixes). One of the reasons pointed out in this discussion is that
word-formation in well-studied languages is word-class changing and derives mostly
nouns, while word-formation in lesser-studied languages is verb-cented and word-class
preserving. For example, the attachment of a suffix to a verb in English usually results in
a derivation of a noun, which is almost never the case in the data from understudied
languages where irrespective of what is attached to a verb stem, the final result always
seems to be a verb. Significantly, Rice’s (2011) article on principles of affix ordering
starts with the clarification that she speaks of “factors involved in the ordering of affixes
that are word-class preserving in languages with complex morphology.” (p. 169).
I thank Keren Rice for her help with the glosses and the analysis of these examples.
6.3. Cartographic syntax: Syntacticization of semantics
The goal of this section is, among other things, to clarify why some analyses of the
syntax-semantics interface are semantical (section 5), while others are syntactic.
In generative grammar, certain aspects of meaning are recognized as
grammatical semantics, i.e. belong to the grammar proper (syntax), while other aspects
of meaning such as extralinguistic or conceptual semantics fall outside of grammar. For
example, features encoding number, case, tense, aspect, and so on are grammatical
semantics, while aspects of meaning arising from social, cultural, or historical contexts
are extralinguistic semantics. In other words, concepts observed to have
morphosyntactic encoding across languages are grammatical(ized) semantics and
should be syntacticized, i.e. modeled in terms of syntactic maps, therefore the term
cartography or cartographic syntax. Rizzi’s (1997) work on a fine-grained left periphery,
i.e. expanding the CP, and Cinque’s (1999) research expanding the functional domain of
IP are usually seen as the foundations of cartography. Rizzi and Cinque (2016) is a
recent overview of the model; Baunaz and Lander (2018) provide a very helpful
comparison between DM, cartography and nanosyntax, although their ultimate goal is
an introduction to nanosyntax.
Cartography maintains that the units of syntax are much smaller and syntactic
representations much more articulated than previously thought. Therefore, each
syntactico-semantic feature is assumed to be an independent head that projects,
one-feature-one-head principle. As for how heads project (i.e. how language structure is
built): (i) structures are strictly binary-branching and right-branching, (ii) there is only
one specifier per head, and (iii) only leftward movement is permitted. In what follows,
we illustrate the cartographic approach with Cinque’s (2014) analysis of
Mood-Tense-Aspect-Verb / Verb-Aspect-Tense-Mood orders across the languages of the
world (in 5.2, Relevance principle, we discussed a semantic approach to the order of
these elements, see (36)-(39)). It is well-known from mathematics that all possible
combinations of four elements (Mood, Tns, Asp, V in our case) are 4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24, see
(44). Thus, Cinque (2014) lists all 24 patterns and based on impressive cross-linguistic
evidence establishes existing “√”, non-existing “*” and spurious “(*)” patterns.
(44) Cross-linguistic TAM orders (Cinque 2014)
a. √
b. √
c. √
d. √
Mood Tns Asp V
Mood Tns V Asp
Mood V Tns Asp
V Mood Tns Asp
e. (*)
f. (*)
g. *
h. *
Tns Mood Asp V
Tns Mood V Asp
Tns V Mood Asp
V Tns Mood Asp
i. (*)
l. (*)
Asp Mood Tns V
Asp Mood V Tns
m. √
n. √
Asp V Mood Tns
V Asp Mood Tns
o. *
p. √
q. √
r. *
Mood Asp Tns V
Mood Asp V Tns
Mood V Asp Tns
V Mood Asp Tns
s. *
t. √
u. √
Tns Asp Mood V
Tns Asp V Mood
Tns V Asp Mood
V Tns Asp Mood
w. (*)
x. *
y. √
z. √
Asp Tns Mood V
Asp Tns V Mood
Asp V Tns Mood
V Asp Tns Mood
There is no “j” because this letter is missing in the original text.
Two of the orders in (44), namely Mood-Tense-Aspect-Verb (a.) and
Verb-Aspect-Tense-Mood (z.), are default patterns for pre- and post-positioning
cross-linguistically. That is, (a.) and (z.) serve as basic templates and all attested
deviations from them are language-specific templates. In section 1.2, Template
morphology, we mentioned that some scholars consider templates incompatible with
syntactic ordering, Cinque’s analysis in (44) and (45) proves the opposite. Of the 24
possible patterns listed in (44) only 13 exist. Cinque (2014) derives the 13 attested
combinations as restrictions on merge and move:
(45) Derivation of the existing Mood Tns Asp V / V Tns Asp Mood patterns (adopted from
Cinque 2014, emphasis SM)
a. Order of merge: [...[MoodP(speech act) Mood...[TensePTense...[AspPAspect [VPV]]]]]
b. Parameters of movement:
i) No movement, or
ii) VP movement without pied-piping, or
iii) VP movement plus pied-piping of the whose pictures-type, or
iv) VP movement plus pied-piping of the pictures of who-type
v) total vs. partial movement of the VP with or without pied-piping
vi) obligatory vs. optional application of movement.
vii) No movement of a phrase not containing the VP is possible (except for (focus)
movements to the left of a second-position element).
Why doesn’t a cartography analysis face DM’s derivational problems? As can be seen
from (44) and (45), in cartography, unlike in DM, the derivational base (root in DM) is not
a-categorical but categorized. In the case under scrutiny the base is verbal but the same
holds for functional sequences in the nominal domain. For example, Cinque (2005)
derives the attested and unattested orders of the so-called Greenberg’s Universal 20
(Greenberg 1963): Dem-Num-A-N (e.g. these five young ladies) / N-A-Num-Dem. Of
course, it should also be considered that the elements of these sequences are, similar
to the elements of Mood-Tns-Asp-V / V-Asp-Tns-Mood, not always (bound) morphemes,
strictly speaking; while DM operates only with (abstract) morphemes. We return to this
issue in the next paragraph where we address the derivational architecture of
Closely related to cartography is nanosyntax (Starke 2009, Caha 2009): the two
frameworks assume a strict mapping between syntax and semantics and obey the
principle of one-feature-one-head, i.e. not feature bundles but separate features are the
building blocks of syntax. By contrast, feature bundles are allowed in DM. Thus,
nanosyntax, like cartography, derives word structure feature-based, while derivation in
DM is (abstract) morpheme-based. Consequently, if a DM abstract morpheme is made
up of syntactico-semantic features such as X, Y, and Z, in nanosyntax these features
form a span, i.e. they are heads merged in a binary- and right-branching tree. In other
words, a nanosyntax analysis of word structure is not morpheme-based but
sub-morphemic, which we see as being outside the scope of this chapter. For the sake
of completeness, the cartography analysis of TAM orders in (45) is one-feature-one-head
and thus compatible with nanosyntax; if every feature corresponds to a morpheme
(which seems to be the case for TAM morphemes), the cartography / nanosyntax
analysis is compatible with the DM architecture as well.
7. Statistical restrictions
Perhaps the most popular claim about affix order is Greenberg’s “Universal 28: If both
the derivation and the inflection follow the root, or they both precede the root, the
derivation is always between the root and the inflection” (Greenberg 1963: 93). This
claim can be explained in terms of either scope or relevance, can be seen as being
either morphological or syntactic in nature, in the sense that both morphology and
syntax can easily derive the suffix order “derivation-inflection” , “inflection-derivation”
for prefixation. Nevertheless, Universal 28 was established statistically, based on data
from numerous languages. However, statistics predicts probability of occurrence (i.e.
the label “universal” is misleading) and, as can be expected, there are exceptions to
Universal 28. Manova and Aronoff (2010) label claims such as Universal 28 statistical
affix ordering.
Another example of statistical affix order is Trommer (2003) who, based on 58
languages with subject agreement, observes that the affixes that mark person and
number usually attach in the order Person >> Number, i.e., person before number. In
the literature, constraints such as Person >> Number are seen as hierarchical ordering
as in an Optimality theory analysis Person >> Number reads “rank Person over
Number.” Hierarchies such as Person >> Number combined with alignment constraints
allow for formulation of generalizations even in cases when the affixes that mark the
respective features are not on the same side of the root. Thus Trommer (2003) also
observes that in the majority of the languages he scrutinizes Person markers are usually
prefixes while Number markers are usually suffixes. He maintains that the order is
Person >> Number as fused person/number markers share the position of the Person
With the growth of electronic corpora, statistics requiring meticulous countings
and calculations of probabilities entered affix order research. Unlike typological studies
such as the above-cited Greenberg (1963) and Trommer (2003) that consider a number
of languages, corpus-based studies of affix order are, as a rule, devoted to a single
language for which an appropriate corpus is available. An appropriate electronic corpus
for research on affixation should allow effortless counting of occurrence of affixes.
Unfortunately, such corpora are not easy to produce and are currently available only for
some well-studied languages such as Dutch, English, German, Italian, or Russian. Thus,
unsurprisingly the largest part of the research on affix order that relies on statistical
information has been carried out in relation to productivity in English (Baayen and
Lieber 1991; Baayen 1993 and later work) and to productivity and parsability again in
English (Hay 2001, 2002, 2003 and later work; Hay and Baayen 2002; Plag and Baayen
As already explained, statistical affix ordering does not depend on grammatical
information in the sense that it is available even if there is no grammatical explanation
of it. In other words, statistics does not order affixes but only helps us establish a
prevailing affix order pattern. We illustrate this issue with affix order in Chintang
(Sino-Tibetan). According to Bickel et al. (2007), Chintang is a case of free ordering of
inflectional prefixes (bolded in the examples below). The prefixes of interest are: u- 3rd
person nonsingular actor; kha- 1st person nonsingular primary object; ma- negative. The
abbreviations used are as follows: NS nonsingular, A actor, P primary object, NEG negative,
PST past.
Chintang (Mulgãu) dialect; Bickel et. al (2007: 44)
All meaning: ‘They didn’t see us.’
Bickel et al. (2007) argue that prefix permutability in Chintang is a consequence of
phonological subcategorization properties of prefixes: prefixes take a phonological
word as host, and, since there are several phonological words, variable ordering results.
This observation makes Manova and Aronoff (2010) and Rice (2011) classify affix order
in Chintang as phonological (phonological restrictions were discussed in Section 3).
Bickel et al. (2007) speak of “free prefix ordering”. However, a recent statistical
investigation based on distribution of bigrams (two-morpheme combinations) has
shown that prefix order in Chintag is not as free as previously claimed (Mansfield, Stoll,
and Bickel 2020). The authors explain their new finding with the following morphological
observations: 1) markers of the same category tend to be expressed in the same
morphological position (Crysmann & Bonami 2016, in relation to paradigmatic
alignment), and 2) morphological positions tend to be filled by markers of the same
category (Stump 2001, in relation to featural coherence).4 The scholars propose the
observed statistical tendency for category clustering as a cognitive bias found in various
aspects of grammar (Mansfield, Stoll, and Bickel 2020 and references therein). They see
category clustering as “a good candidate for a universal force shaping the structure and
use of language, potentially due to benefits in processing and learning.”, cf. Ryan (2010)
who also relies on bigrams (local morphotactic restrictions encoded as weighted bigram
constraints) for machine learning of variable affix order. This leads us to the next
section where psycholinguistics restrictions on affixation are also discussed in relation
to learning but by humans. However, before turning to the role of psycholinguistics, in
order to conclude this section we would like to remind the reader that statistical
restrictions on affix order do not order affixes, they only establish tendencies in a data
8. Psycholinguistic ordering
Jennifer Hay’s work on parsability in English word formation, Hay (2001, 2002, 2003),
seems to provide the best illustration of this type of restrictions on affix order. Hay
postulates a set of factors responsible for parsing, such as phonology, productivity,
regularity, semantic transparency, and relative frequency. The Parsabilty hypothesis
assumes a double route access of morphologically complex words: a derived word can
be accessed either as a whole unit (whole-word route) or as a decomposable unit
(decomposition route). Which route is preferred depends on relative frequency. If the
derivative is more frequent than its base, the relative frequency is high and the
whole-word route is more probable, e.g. as in government versus govern. If the base is
more frequent than the derivative, the relative frequency is low and the decomposition
route is more probable, as in green versus greenness. Since parsability depends on a
number of factors, it is a gradual notion and allows affixes to be ordered hierarchically
according to their degree of parsability. Parsability determines affix order in the sense
that a more parsable affix should occur outside a less parsable affix, since this order is
easier to process. A parsable affix adds morphological structure to a base, making the
latter more complex morphologically, therefore Plag (2002) labels affix ordering that
depends on parsability Complexity-Based Ordering (CBO). A CBO parsability ordering
demands a parsability hierarchy of suffixes, e.g. ABCDE (Table 58.3 ), where A is the least
Stump, Bonani and Crysmann are major proponents of word-based morphology that does nor operate with
morphemes but with markings without semantics, it is thus really interesting that meaningless markers express
categories and look for semantically defined positions in order to cluster (see the discussion on the relation of meaning
and form in PFM in Manova et al. 2020); it is also unclear why template morphology (as discussed in Section 1) is not an
instance of category clustering, especially giving the fact that rule blocks in Stump (2001) are template-like.
Based on the fate of statistical universals in linguistics and the route of previous research on affix order (from variable
and free order to statistically established templates to scopal reanalyses and allowance for other grammatical
restrictions when scope cannot account for the order of affixes, e.g. affix order research on Athabaskan), it would be
interesting to review the Category Clustering Universal and affix order in Chintang in about ten years from now.
parsable suffix and E is the most parsable one. Such hierarchies are established
following Hay’s definition of parsability. In other words, all affixes of a language
constitute a parsability hierarchy and the latter predicts their combinability. The
diagonal in Table 58.3 is marked by “X” because a suffix is not expected to combine with
itself, at least such combinations violates CBO; and since the suffixes are ordered
hierarchically according to their degree of parsability, all existing suffix combinations
(marked by “+” in Table 58.3) should be above the diagonal. Thus, CBO, based on the
hierarchy in Table 58.3, predicts that the combinations ACD or BDE, should occur in a
language, whereas the combinations *CAD and *EDB should be impossible.
Table 58.3: Complexity-base ordering: a hypothetical parsability hierarchy (A is the least
parasble suffix, E is the most parsable one)
There has been much research on affix ordering in CBO, see Plag (2002), Hay and Plag
(2004), Plag and Baayen (2009), Zirkel (2010), Manova (2010), Talamo (2015). Manova
(2010) applies CBO to data from Bulgarian and shows that it cannot account for the
order of the derivational suffixes in this language: 12 out of the 22 derivational suffixes
discussed in this study are incompatible with CBO. Permutations and repetitions of
suffixes pose a major problem to CBO. Some examples from another Slavic language,
Russian, follow:
Russian (Manova 2015a)
AB - BA order
-ost’ & -(l)ivyj
mil-ost’ ‘mercy’ → mil-ost-ivyj ‘merciful’
son-livyj ‘sleepy’ → son-liv-ost’ ‘sleepiness’
-ota & -nyj
dobr-ota ‘goodness’ → dobr-ot-nyj ‘good’
tem-n-y ‘dark’ tem-n-ota ‘darkness’
ABA order
revn-iv-yj ‘jealous’ → revn-ost’ ‘jealousy’ → revn-ost-n-yj ‘devoted’ →
revn-ost-n-ost’ ‘devotedness’
verojatn-yj ‘probable’ → verojatn-ost’ ‘probability’ → verojatn-ost-n-yj
‘related to probability’ → verojatn-ost-n-ost’ ‘(greater) probability’
ABAB order
lico ‘face’ → lič-n-yj ‘personal’ → lič-n-ost’ ‘person, personality’ →
lič-n-ost-n-yj ‘related to personality’ → lič-n-ost-n-ost’ ‘(greater) personality’
Examples such as these in (47)-(50) present a real challenge to CBO because on the CBO
hierarchy (Table 58.3) a suffix has a fixed position and can either precede or follow
another suffix, but not both. Additionally, CBO allows a suffix to be accessed only once
in the derivation of a word. Problems with CBO due to affix permutations have also
been reported for English prefixes (Zirkel 2010) and for Italian derivational suffixes
(Talamo 2015), as well as for German derivational suffixes (Zirkel-Hilkenbach 2011).
Clearly, all examples of affix permutations discussed in the different sections of this
chapter also challenge CBO. Actually, a few years ago the major proponents of CBO
stopped publishing on the topic.
Establishing that CBO cannot account for the order of the suffixes in the Slavic
word, Manova (2011b) suggests an alternative analysis that is based on theoretical
observations about the uniqueness of suffix combinations (the motivation of this claim
was explained in Section 4.3. Fixed two suffix combinations). Manova hypothesized that
if affix combinations are unique (fixed) pieces of morphological structure, they should
be listed in the mental lexicon, i.e. native speakers should know them by heart. To test
this hypothesis, Manova and Knell (2021) ran two psycholinguistic experiments as part
of a series of experiments on the processing of morphological structure in languages
from different families such as Slavic, Germanic and Romance. The experiments
consisted of an identification task similar to the lexical decision task (Meyer and
Schvaneveldt 1971); however, the participants did not see whole words but two-suffix
combinations such as -mentary (formed from -ment + -ary), -ageous (from -age + -ous),
etc. In the first experiment only native speakers of English (n=45, 34 female) were
tested, while the second experiment was with advanced (C1 and C2 level) non-native
speakers of English (n=30, 18 female). In both experiments, 60 suffix combinations
were presented to the participants as stimuli, 30 of the combinations exist in English
and 30 do not. Of the existing combinations, 15 were productive and 15 unproductive.
Of the non-existing combinations, 15 were created from a permutation of an existing
combination (reversing the order of the two suffixes such that the combination was
not possible in English), and 15 were created through a spelling manipulation of an
existing combination (changing one letter from an existing combination such that the
new form does not exist in English). No non-existing combinations included any
phonological and/or orthographical impossibilities in English. Although knowledge of
suffix combinability is not systematically acquired at school, and linguistic theories
recognize only derivations that start from lexical bases (roots/stems/words), in the
experimental trials, native and advanced non-native speakers did not need to see
lexical bases to differentiate between existing and non-existing suffix combinations.
The results of the experiments are summarized in Figure 58.1.
Figure 58.1: Accuracy of recognition of two-suffix combinations in English: Mean
scores for native and advanced non-native speakers (from Manova and Knell 2021)
Native and non-native speaker groups showed a strong ability to recognize existing
two-suffix combinations and differentiate them from non-existing two-suffix
combinations, with an overall mean score of 46.29 (79%) for the native speaker
group and 44.73 (76%) for the non-native speaker group; no significant difference
was found between the native and non-native speaker groups (p-value = 0.19).
Similar to other iterations of this study with other test languages (Polish, Slovene,
Italian, and Spanish), productive combinations were the most accurately recognized
of the four types (Figure 58.1), with both groups showing a mean score of 92% for
identifying this type of stimulus. A significant difference in the processing of
productive and unproductive combinations was found (p-value < 0.001).
The results of Manova and Knell (2021) indicate that high language
competence (i.e. native and native-like) correlates with listedness of morphological
structure in term of fixed two-suffix combinations in the mental lexicon, which is in
accord with Rayn (2010) and Mansfield, Stoll, and Bickel (2020) who model the
analysis and learning of variable and free affix order in terms of bigrams (two-suffix
Theoretical and diachronic morphology provide further support to the idea of
bigramic processing and learning of morphological structure, Table 58.4.
Table 58.4: Rule conflation versus suffix combination (data from Stump 2019, table
from Manova and Knell 2021)
Rule conflation
Suffix combination
*whimsic, *nonsensic
whims-ical, nonsens-ical
cycle → cycl-ic
probable, simple
*probabilist, *simplist
probabil-istic, simpl-istic
national → national-ist
beauty, mort
*beautic, *mortic
academy → academ-ic
beaut-ician, mort-ician
As can be seen from this table, in English some two-suffix combinations “merged”
into single pieces of structure.
9. Conclusion
We discussed restrictions on affix order in well-studied and lesser-studied languages.
We started with the definition of the strategies for structure building in morphology,
namely layered and template morphology, and then tackled grammatical (phonological,
morphological, semantic, and syntactic) and extra-grammatical (statistical and
psycholinguistic) restrictions on affix order, with examples from the literature. All types
of grammatical restrictions on affix ordering are compatible with both layered and
template morphology and no language’s affixation system can be explained with a
single affix ordering principle. However, the major issue the data selected for discussion
in this article uncovered is that heavy descriptive devices such as complex templates
and hierarchies are often problematic for affix order research, most probably because
they are not really word structure: no word in a language is as long as a template, and
no word in a language has all combinations of affixes allowed by a CBO parcability
hierarchy. By contrast, analyses in terms of small pieces of word structure such as twoand three-affix combinations (be they of traditional or abstract morphemes; abstract
morphemes are category labels) are more appropriate for affix order accounts because
they: 1) make languages of different morphological types comparable; 2) reflect the
ways morphological structure is stored in the mental lexicon; and 3) seem to facilitate
learning of morphology, both in humans and machines.
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Figure captions
Figure 58.1: Accuracy of recognition of two-suffix combinations in English: Mean scores
for native and advanced non-native speakers (from Manova and Knell 2021)
Table 58.1: Combinability of the suffix -ist (data from Aronoff & Fuhrhop 2002, based on
OED, CD 1994)
Table 58.2: Combinability of the DIM suffixes in Bulgarian (Manova and Winternitz 2011,
Manova 2015a)
Table 58.3: Complexity-base ordering: a hypothetical parsability hierarchy (A is the least
parasble suffix, E is the most parsable one)
Table 58.4: Rule conflation versus suffix combination (data from Stump 2019, table from
Manova and Knell 2021)