Downloaded from on 12 September 2006
Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
Jack E Henningfield, Neal L Benowitz, John Slade, Thomas P Houston, Ronald M
Davis and Scott D Deitchman
Tob. Control 1998;7;281-293
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Downloaded from on 12 September 2006
Tobacco Control 1998;7:281–293
Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
Jack E Henningfield, Neal L Benowitz, John Slade, Thomas P Houston, Ronald M Davis,
and Scott D Deitchman, for the Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical
This report was presented by the American
(AMA) Council on
Scientific AVairs to the
AMA House of Delegates at its 147th
annual meeting in June
1998. The recommendations at the end of the
report were adopted by
the House as AMA
See the accompanying
editorial on pages 215–
218 in this issue, as well
as the Associated Press
Correspondence and
reprints: Dr LB Bresolin,
American Medical
Association, 515 North State
Street, Chicago, Illinois
60610, USA.
[email protected]
Objective—To assess the feasibility of
reducing tobacco-caused disease by
gradually removing nicotine from cigarettes until they would not be eVective
causes of nicotine addiction.
Data sources—Issues posed by such an
approach, and potential solutions, were
identified from analysis of literature published by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in its 1996 Tobacco Rule,
comments of the tobacco industry and
other institutions and individuals on the
rule, review of the reference lists of
relevant journal articles, other government publications, and presentations
made at scientific conferences.
Data synthesis—The role of nicotine in
causing and sustaining tobacco use was
evaluated to project the impact of a
nicotine reduction strategy on initiation
and maintenance of, and relapse to,
tobacco use. A range of potential concerns
and barriers was addressed, including the
technical feasibility of reducing cigarette
nicotine content to non-addictive levels,
the possibility that compensatory smoking
would reduce potential health benefits,
and whether such an approach would foster illicit (“black market”) tobacco sales.
Education, treatment, and research needs
to enable a nicotine reduction strategy
were also addressed. The Council on
Scientific AVairs came to the following
conclusions: (a) gradually eliminating
nicotine from cigarettes is technically feasible; (b) a nicotine reduction strategy
holds great promise in preventing adolescent tobacco addiction and assisting the
millions of current cigarette smokers in
their eVorts to quit using tobacco
products; (c) potential problems such as
compensatory over-smoking of denicotinised cigarettes and black market sales
could be minimised by providing alternate
forms of nicotine delivery with less or little risk to health, as part of expanded
access to treatment; and (d) such a
strategy would need to be accompanied by
relevant research and increased eVorts to
educate consumers and health professionals about tobacco and health.
Conclusions—The council recommends
the following: (a) that cessation of tobacco
use should be the goal for all tobacco
users; (b) that the American Medical
Association continue to support FDA
authority over tobacco products, and FDA
classification of nicotine as a drug and
tobacco products as drug-delivery devices; (c) that research be encouraged on
cigarette modifications that may result in
less addicting cigarettes; (d) that the FDA
require that the addictiveness of cigarettes
be reduced within 5–10 years; (e)
expanded surveillance to monitor trends
in the use of tobacco products and other
nicotine-containing products; (f) expanded access to smoking cessation treatment, and strengthening of the treatment
infrastructure; and (g) more accurate
labelling of tobacco products, including a
more meaningful and understandable
indication of nicotine content.
(Tobacco Control 1998;7:281–293)
Keywords: American Medical Association, addiction,
nicotine, smoking cessation
At the 1996 interim meeting of the American
Medical Association (AMA) House of
Delegates, a resolution introduced by the Minnesota delegation asked: “That the AMA
develop and support legislation that would
require tobacco companies to reduce the nicotine content in tobacco products sold in the
United States by an appropriate, graduated,
incremental annual reduction process so that
tobacco products would be nicotine-free in six
years”; and further, “that the AMA develop
Members and staV of the Council on Scientific AVairs at the time this report was prepared
Members: Ronald M Davis, Detroit, Michigan (chair); Joseph A Riggs, Haddon Field, New Jersey (chair-elect); Roy
D Altman, Miami, Florida; Hunter C Champion, New Orleans, Louisiana; Scott D Deitchman, Decatur, Georgia;
Myron Genel, New Haven, Connecticut; John P Howe, III, San Antonio, Texas; Mitchell S Karlan, Los Angeles,
California; Mohamed Khaleem Khan, Boston, Massachusetts; Nancy H Nielsen, BuValo, New York; Michael A
Williams, Baltimore, Maryland; Donald C Young, Iowa City, Iowa. StaV: Thomas P Houston, Linda B Bresolin
(secretary), Barry D Dickinson (assistant secretary), Chicago, Illinois.
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Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical Association
and support legislation that requires tobacco
companies to accurately label their products
indicating nicotine content in easily understandable and meaningful terms which have
plausible, biological significance.” A similar
proposal had been issued by Benowitz and
Henningfield.1 2 This report provides an analysis of the feasibility of such an approach to
controlling cigarette-caused disease.
The driving force behind the nicotine reduction proposal is the current and projected
scope of the public health problem caused by
unmitigated cigarette smoking and continuation of the pipeline of new cigarette smokers.
On the current course, as many as 25 million
existing cigarette smokers in the United States
will die prematurely because of tobacco use,
many of whom will suVer from debilitating disease for many years before their deaths.3
Because disease risk is related to the amount of
tobacco smoke exposure, this toll could be
reduced if more smokers were able to reduce or
stop smoking, thereby reducing their lifetime
smoke exposure.4 5 Progress towards these
goals could be enhanced by a combination of
reducing the incentives to smoke, increasing
the incentives to quit, and increasing the range
and accessibility of options to help people
achieve these goals.
It is critical to recognise that this approach is
not the same as that embodied by the “Light”
and “Ultra-light” cigarettes that currently exist
in the market. While the public perceives these
products as containing reduced levels of “tar”
and nicotine, these cigarettes sustain high
levels of nicotine addiction because they
contain high levels of nicotine and enable people to sustain their nicotine addiction by
“compensatory” smoking—for example, inhaling more deeply or smoking more cigarettes
per day to achieve a stable level of nicotine in
the body.1 2 6 7 The current proposal under discussion would be intended to eliminate most
smoking by providing cigarettes so low in nicotine that they could not sustain addiction.
Presently, progress in the United States
toward reducing the prevalence of smoking
and tobacco smoke exposure appears to be
stalled, if not actually moving in the wrong
direction. Adult prevalence of tobacco use has
been approximately stable since 1990,8 9 and
the pipeline of new smokers from the ranks of
young Americans (which exceeded a million
new recruits per year for decades, but had
appeared to stabilise in the 1980s) has been
increasing since 1992.10–12 It would take nearly
10 years for projected new public health measures to produce a decline in smoking initiation
in young people from about a million per year
to a level of 500 000 new smokers each year,
even under the most optimistic projections and
targets of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)11 12 and of supporters of the
Proposed Resolution (“settlement”) for a
nationally legislated approach to tobacco
litigation recently negotiated by several state
attorneys general and major tobacco
companies.13–15 Moreover, few analysts believe
that this level of reduction would be achieved
by either full implementation of the FDA’s
Tobacco Regulation or by conditions of the
Proposed Resolution.12 14 16 Even if such a
reduction were achieved, a pipeline of 500 000
new cigarette smokers every year would still be
unacceptable from a public health or
humanitarian perspective.
This report examines the feasibility of
reducing nicotine addiction by reducing the
nicotine in cigarettes. The focus will be on
cigarette smoking; however, the model and
issues are generally applicable to other forms of
tobacco use, including smokeless tobacco and
Nicotine is an addicting drug
Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that meets
the same criteria for producing dependence as
cocaine, heroin, and alcohol11 12 17 It is more
potent than most other addictive drugs,
producing psychoactive and rewarding eVects
at acutely administered doses of less than
1 mg, and possibly as low as 0.2 mg in
nicotine-tolerant persons.18 19 Threshold doses
for psychoactive and rewarding eVects might
be lower in non-tolerant children and
adolescents. The addiction potential of a nicotine delivery system varies as a function of its
total nicotine dosing capability, the speed with
which it can deliver nicotine, the palatability
and sensory characteristics of the system, the
ease with which nicotine can be extracted, and
the cost. Similar factors govern the risk of
addiction to formulations of other addictive
drugs.20 21 The cigarette is an inexpensive,
extremely eVective nicotine delivery device,
engineered to rapidly provide the user with
nicotine, thus maximising the addicting and
toxic eVects of the drug. Cigarettes also deliver
numerous other toxic chemicals, including
many carcinogens. In contrast, transdermal
nicotine patches deliver pure nicotine slowly
and in relatively low doses, with none of the
easily conditioned sensory stimuli that are presented by smoking cigarettes. Nicotine gum
chewing requires considerably more active
eVort than cigarette smoking and is designed to
provide acceptable but not highly pleasing flavours; the gum cannot deliver the high, rapid
doses of nicotine provided by cigarettes.11 12 22
The pathophysiology of nicotine dependence can be understood based on the eVects of
nicotine administration and withdrawal.21 23
The addicting actions of nicotine are mediated
at least in part by the activation of nicotinic
receptors in the brain and release of neurohormones. The brain mesolimbic dopaminergic
reward system, which mediates the addicting
actions of cocaine, is also involved in nicotine’s
addictive eVects. The pathophysiological basis
of nicotine addiction is now understood to
include changes in the structure and function
of the nervous system, including the
development of increased numbers of brain
nicotine receptors (“receptor up-regulation”)
and alterations in cerebral metabolism, brain
neurohormone levels, and electroencephalogram patterns; these changes are produced by
acute nicotine administration as well as by
nicotine withdrawal. In addition, the eVects of
nicotine on the brain enable pulsed doses of
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Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
nicotine to serve as a reinforcer, which can
strengthen behaviours leading to its continued
consumption by animals and humans despite
adverse consequences. Finally, nicotine
exposure can become a means to control
mood, appetite, and body weight; sustain cognitive performance; and possibly serve other
useful functions on which individuals may
come to rely.11 12 17
The American Psychiatric Association
(APA) has identified two medical disorders
that pertain to nicotine addiction.24 The first is
nicotine dependence, which is a “pattern of
repeated self-administration that usually
results in tolerance, withdrawal, and compulsive drug-taking behavior.” The essential
feature of this disorder is a pattern of maladaptive use of the substance that continues despite
adverse consequences. The second disorder is
nicotine withdrawal, which causes “clinically
significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of functioning.” The essential feature of this disorder
is a characteristic withdrawal syndrome due to
the abrupt cessation of or reduction in the use
of nicotine-containing substances. The syndrome includes craving for nicotine; irritability,
frustration, or anger; anxiety; diYculty
concentrating; restlessness; decreased heart
rate; increased appetite or weight gain; sleep
disturbance; and depressive symptoms.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms indicate that
nicotine exposure has been suYciently high
and protracted to induce physiological
Most daily cigarette smokers exhibit both
symptoms of nicotine dependence, and when
abstaining, symptoms of withdrawal.11 12 25 An
individual can experience one or the other.24
For example, people who smoke fewer than six
cigarettes per day26 are generally at a low level
of physiological dependence and show few
symptoms of withdrawal on smoking cessation.
Most of these smokers can abstain from
tobacco for several days, but the behaviour of
many of them is highly reinforced by the pharmacological and conditioned eVects of the
cigarettes and they are unable to completely
abstain, even in the face of harm and strong
advice to quit.26 This situation is also seen in
many people who are dependent on cocaine
and at risk of losing their jobs, but who do not
use at levels suYcient to establish physiological
dependence.27 28 Conversely, nicotine gum and
patches can sustain physical dependence on
nicotine but are of low potential for
abuse.22 29 30 They are rarely used only to
provide desirable psychological eVects and are
generally used at lower dosages and for shorter
time periods than is recommended to aid
smoking cessation. However, nicotine gum and
patches can sustain tolerance and physiological
dependence and are therefore useful in
alleviating tobacco withdrawal symptoms and
reducing cravings.23 29–31
Cigarette smoking: initiation,
maintenance, and relapse
Nicotine addiction underlies tobacco-caused
mortality and morbidity, because it sustains
tobacco use among most tobacco users and at
high levels in the population. Cigarettes
maximise the eVects of nicotine by providing a
convenient and eVective means of nicotine
storage, delivery, and dosage control, as well as
by providing sensory stimuli that can acquire
powerful conditioned reinforcing or responseeliciting eVects in their own right as a function
of repeated association with the eVects of
nicotine.32 33 To better predict the possible benefits, as well as the limitations, of a nicotine
weaning strategy, it is important to understand
the role of nicotine in the initiation and maintenance of cigarette smoking, as well as its role
in relapse to smoking after an individual has
The factors that lead to initiation of tobacco
use are diverse and include the seductive
appeal of tobacco product marketing and
advertising; the desire of some young people to
emulate media stars; the use of cigarettes as a
“badge” to indicate aYliation with a group or
as a sign of personal rebelliousness; and the
desire of some individuals to experience the
pharmacological actions of nicotine, such as
obtaining a “buzz”, or controlling mood and
body weight.34 35 36 37 Although initial cigarette
smoking is not without morbid risks, the
primary short-term adverse health consequence is to establish nicotine addiction that
leads to smoking for many years. A third to a
half of all experimenters become addicted
smokers.34 36 38
Although young people have more limited
financial resources than adults, young people
generally initiate cigarette smoking with the
more expensive, highly advertised brands of
cigarettes, which have great badge value (Marlboro, Camel, or Newport), as opposed to the
less expensive, “generic” brands.34 37 39 40 Nonetheless, young people are sensitive to price, and
consumption.41 Philip Morris’s unilateral 1993
drop in the wholesale price of its best-selling
brand, an event known as “Marlboro Friday”,
made premium cigarettes more aVordable to
young people (because other producers
followed suit) and likely contributed to the
escalation of smoking in the young.34 39
Because the non-pharmacological factors
noted above are most prominent in
initiation,34 36 taking the nicotine out of
cigarettes alone is not likely to eliminate the
initiation of social cigarette smoking.
Nevertheless, if cigarette smoking becomes
substantially less valued among regular users, it
may lose much of its appeal to novices.
A tobacco industry representative once said,
“Nicotine is the sine qua non of smoking.”11
Tobacco industry representatives have complained that taking the nicotine out of
cigarettes would be tantamount to cigarette
prohibition, thus defining cigarettes by virtue
of their ability to deliver nicotine.42 43 The
extraordinarily high risk of morbidity and premature mortality attributable to cigarette
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Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical Association
smoking is due to the toxicity of the nicotine
delivery system. The maintenance phase of
nicotine dependence typically consists of
approximately two decades of continuous,
high-level exposure of the body to the toxic
smoke constituents provided by approximately
20 cigarettes smoked daily.35 The disease risk is
lower among people who smoke fewer cigarette
per day and for fewer years, compared with
life-long heavier smokers.4 5 The maintenance
of cigarette smoking appears to be controlled
very strongly by the pharmacological eVects of
During the maintenance phase, making a
transition from tobacco to non-tobacco forms
of nicotine delivery is diYcult for many people.
A tobacco company that considered extending
its product line to include a nicotine patch
concluded that the slow nicotine delivery characteristics of the patch technology would make
it a weak competitor in relation to cigarettes.44
One opportunity to induce remission from
smoking, then, is to make existing non-tobacco
nicotine delivery systems more accessible and
attractive to consumers and to develop even
more acceptable, pure nicotine delivery
The most widely used “brands” among adult
cigarette smokers have become the less expensive, “price-value” category of cigarettes
(“generic”). Smoking less expensive cigarettes
enables increasingly lower-income, addicted
cigarette smokers to more economically maintain their nicotine addictions, albeit without
the cachet of strongly branded, premiumpriced products. This diverges from the dominance of smoking brand-name cigarettes in the
initiation phase.39 Despite the health concerns
of smokers and extensive marketing by tobacco
companies to promote the so-called “ultra
low” tar- and nicotine-yielding cigarettes
(those with less than 0.2 mg nicotine and less
than 2 mg “tar”), all brands of such cigarettes
combined command less than 5% of the
cigarette market in the United States.
“Denicotinised” or “trace” nicotine cigarettes
have been even less well received by consumers
(eg, Next, Merit De-Nic, and Benson &
Hedges De-Nic).50 51 It is well established by
tobacco industry research, non-industry
research, and consumer surveillance that the
nicotine dosing characteristics of a cigarette
type must fall within a relatively narrow range
to sustain broad consumer use.11 12 52 53 Thus,
on this critical point, the tobacco industry
appears to be in agreement with the public
health community in concluding that the nicotine level in cigarettes is a critical determinant
of consumption, and that, without nicotine, the
consumption of cigarettes by society as a whole
would be drastically reduced.
Relapse is a critical issue because up to
two-thirds of people who attempt to quit
smoking relapse within a few days.54 A third of
those who abstain for a year relapse in the following year.55 This high rate of relapse is partly
due to the ubiquitous presence of tobacco
products and advertising, which are stimuli
that precipitate powerful cravings to resume
the use of addictive drugs,17 28 56 as well as the
relative inaccessibility of alternatives to
tobacco.45–49 In addition, nicotine-deprived
nicotinic receptors can produce powerful,
physiologically based drives to reinstate smoking. In turn, loss of nicotine tolerance can
result in heightened reinforcing eVects from
subsequently smoked cigarettes, as well as the
ability to detect eVects of lower doses,
compared with when nicotine exposure was
chronic,57 much as the detoxified heroin user
re-experiences the reinforcing eVects of heroin
more powerfully than during the maintenance
phase.58 59
A threshold for nicotine addiction
The assumptions implicit in a nicotine
reduction strategy are that: (a) there is a
threshold nicotine exposure level that is necessary to sustain nicotine addiction; (b) it is technically feasible to manufacture cigarettes with
low enough nicotine content to fall below this
threshold for most people; and (c) smokers
would not fully compensate for reduced
nicotine levels by smoking more cigarettes or
smoking each cigarette more intensely. A
related issue is whether nicotine formulated in
a less hazardous delivery system (such as nicotine medication) could be safely provided to
moderate or eliminate compensatory oversmoking by addicted smokers who have only
low-nicotine cigarettes available.
It is likely that a threshold level of nicotine
suYcient to sustain addiction exists, although
the exact level has not been determined, and
the threshold level is likely to vary from person
to person. The percentage of individuals
finding it possible to develop or sustain
nicotine addiction is likely to be related to the
nicotine dose provided by the cigarettes. An
operational target might be to set the threshold
as one that would result in fewer than, for
example, 10% of individuals obtaining
adequate nicotine to sustain addiction.
Whether the specific target chosen is a threshold value that will reduce the risk of establishing nicotine addiction to less than 1 in 10 or to
less than 1 in 1000, a process of reconciliation
of scientific data with public health concerns,
and, in turn, with practical manufacturing
considerations, will be necessary.
The original Benowitz-Henningfield proposal used nicotine intake by non-addicted
“chippers” (those smoking occasionally,
usually in social settings) to estimate a nicotine
level that sustains addiction.1 It is recognised,
however, that chippers are self-selected to be
chippers, and their dose-related response to
nicotine may diVer from that of heavier smokers. Specifically, it cannot be assumed that the
low levels of nicotine to which chippers are
exposed, corresponding to approximately 5 mg
per day, will not be addictive for a previously
addicted smoker whose nicotine exposure has
been reduced. However, some data suggest
that a systemic dose of 0.2 mg nicotine per
cigarette would be a threshold level for
reinforcement. Human discrimination studies
using nicotine nasal spray indicate a threshold
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Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
level of about 0.15 mg (2 µg/kg) in nonsmokers and 0.30 mg (4 µg/kg) in smokers.60
Significantly diVerent discrimination behaviour in smokers between 2 µg/kg and placebo
during generalisation testing suggests that the
“just noticeable diVerence” of nicotine
discrimination is no more than 2 µg/kg, or
about 0.15 mg.61
Other evidence raises the possibility that
even lower doses of nicotine delivered by cigarette smoking (as opposed to pure nicotine
infusions) could be reinforcing. For example,
studies of oral alcohol use and intravenous
drug self-administration by monkeys support
this concept. After the drugs are established as
reinforcers, previously non-reinforcing drug
concentrations will sustain behaviour; the ability of very low concentrations to sustain behaviour appears to be facilitated by the association
of environmental stimuli with the drugs.62–64
Moreover, a study of intravenous selfadministration of nicotine paired with environmental stimuli in rats, found that selfadministration occurred at doses as low as
3.75 µg/kg.65 More research is needed to assess
the threshold for reinforcing eVects of nicotine
and the eVects of nicotine reduction on addictive smoking behaviours. Analysis of the issue
suggests that there will be some threshold value
that would provide a basis for guiding the
extent of nicotine reduction.
Concerns about a nicotine reduction
A variety of potential concerns exist about the
implementation and consequences of a
nicotine reduction strategy. The following is
not intended to be exhaustive but rather to
provide some perspective on prominent
concerns and issues.
The tobacco industry has challenged the
concept that there is a threshold dose for nicotine to cause addiction. To support this view, it
has cited the inability of the FDA or its
advisory committee to identify a specific
addicting dose threshold. The tobacco
industry also has argued that a “threshold dose
of nicotine [for addictive eVects] cannot be
determined.”12 The tobacco industry supported this proposition in its comments to the
FDA by selectively citing comments of the
FDA Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, which
addressed the issue in 1994.11 12 In these comments, the representatives of the tobacco
industry did not address the central problem
actually raised by the committee, which was its
concern that any level of nicotine might
contribute to sustained tobacco use in some
individuals, and that children in particular
might be more sensitive to lower doses of nicotine than would be predicted by studies of
adult cigarette smokers. The lack of precision
in ability to determine an absolute threshold
below which addiction is unlikely to occur and
above which addiction readily occurs should
not pose any more of an obstacle than the
analogous problem of determining the
maximum allowed alcohol content for
non-alcoholic beer or the maximum levels of
contaminants permitted in food products. The
value proposed by Benowitz and Henningfield
(in which a maximum of 0.17 mg nicotine
could be absorbed into the body of the smoker
per cigarette) probably represents the highest
level that should be considered. The actual
level that would be set for a threshold in labelling a tobacco product as “denicotinised”
probably should be lower than the
Benowitz-Henningfield value to minimise the
possibility that young and non-tolerant people
would experience a nicotine eVect that might
lead to sustained use of tobacco.
The tobacco industry has demonstrated that it
is possible to produce tobacco with a wide
range of nicotine concentrations, from the
trace levels found in Philip Morris’s
“denicotinised” cigarette brand called “Next”,
to the levels of other brands that are higher in
nicotine content.66 The sensory characteristics
of denicotinised cigarettes were suYciently
comparable to those of conventional cigarettes
that both tobacco industry67 68 and nonindustry researchers32 found that they served as
acceptable placebo cigarettes in studies
intended to assess the contribution of nicotine
to the initial eVects of cigarette smoking. The
National Cancer Institute’s eVort to develop
“safer” cigarettes in the 1970s also produced a
line of cigarettes that varied widely in nicotine
concentrations.69 More recently, as part of a
contract with the National Institute on Drug
Abuse, small consumer-products companies
are developing cigarettes that are similar in
many sensory characteristics to conventional
cigarettes but have extremely low levels of
nicotine. The plethora of techniques already
patented and tested for adjusting nicotine
levels of cigarettes have been described in
detail in tobacco industry documents and
elsewhere.11 12 70–76
Compensatory over-smoking is often raised as
a potential adverse consequence of a nicotine
reduction strategy, particularly for alreadyaddicted smokers. The idea is that to maintain
a desired intake of nicotine, the addicted
smoker would smoke each cigarette more
intensely or smoke more cigarettes, thereby
sustaining levels of toxin exposure comparable
to (or higher than) those observed in individuals smoking higher nicotine providing
cigarettes.77–79 This is believed to occur with the
so-called “lower tar” and “lower nicotine”
cigarettes currently on the market.77 79–82 The
phenomenon of compensatory smoking has
been amply demonstrated in short-duration
studies in which smokers were switched from
higher yield to lower yield commercial
cigarettes or when the number of cigarettes to
which they had access had been restricted.83 84
It should be noted, however, that
commercial cigarettes contain substantial
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Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical Association
nicotine in the tobacco. There is just as much
nicotine in the tobacco of “low-yield”
cigarettes as in high-yield cigarettes, and it is
fairly easy for the smoker to alter puV rate or
smoking intensity, or block ventilation holes, to
substantially increase nicotine yield from
normally low-yield cigarettes.6 85 This would
not be the case after implementation of a nicotine reduction strategy, because only low or
negligible amounts of nicotine would be available for extraction from the tobacco in
cigarettes. One study compared smoking
research cigarettes of low- or high-nicotine
content, in which the number of cigarettes
smoked per day was fixed.86 The data revealed
some evidence of over-smoking based on
increased carbon monoxide levels, but the
extent of over-smoking was modest (about
25%) with an overall fourfold reduction in
nicotine exposure. This suggests that there is a
limit to how intensely a smoker will
over-smoke cigarettes.
Most experimental studies on switching
from high-yield to low-yield cigarettes were
short-term, lasting days to a week. The only
study that examined switching over 12 weeks87
reported a 30% reduction in levels of nicotine
and cotinine (a nicotine metabolite) with no
increase in cigarette consumption or carbon
monoxide levels, suggesting that, whereas partial compensation occurred, there was no
harmful oversmoking of the low-yield
cigarettes. Another study, which used “nicotine
fading” (switching to brands with progressively
lower yields of nicotine as part of a smoking
cessation program), found a decrease in
cotinine by 38% and carbon monoxide by 25%
over the three-week study.88 Thus, even though
compensatory over-smoking is a concern, the
extent may not prove to be great, and the
accompanying risk of increased temporary
exposure to tobacco smoke toxins may be
acceptable if the ultimate benefit will be cessation within a few years. Additionally, there is
little evidence from either laboratory research
or attempts to market denicotinised cigarettes
that such cigarettes would sustain use in a substantial percentage of smokers. Nonetheless,
ongoing research would be needed to evaluate
the exposure of cigarette smokers to carbon
monoxide and other toxins during the
implementation of a nicotine reduction
program, to minimise the possibility of adverse
One way to avoid compensatory oversmoking would be to make nicotine more
available via less hazardous delivery
systems.45 46 48 49 At this time, pure nicotine is
available over the counter as nicotine gum and
patches. Conceivably, nicotine in other medicinal forms, as well as nicotine delivered via
genuinely “smokeless delivery devices”, might
become available. The addicted smoker could
be encouraged to use nicotine from these
sources at the same time that nicotine in cigarettes is being reduced.13
No evidence exists that gradual reduction of
nicotine from cigarettes would produce health
problems not manageable through behavioural
intervention strategies, nicotine-delivering
medications, and/or other medications. Acute
nicotine deprivation in physically dependent
tobacco users can precipitate withdrawal
symptoms that can be severely behaviourally,
emotionally, cognitively, and physiologically
disrupting.89 90 Sudden nicotine abstinence also
can precipitate symptoms of depression in people with histories of major depressive
disorder.91 92 The possibility exists that acute
nicotine abstinence might exacerbate symptoms of other forms of psychiatric illness or
complicate the management of other forms of
drug dependence treatment, but this has not
been well studied.93–97 It is important to recognise that nicotine withdrawal symptoms are
treatable90–98 and need not pose inherent barriers to a nicotine reduction strategy.
The main issue, from a medical perspective,
does not seem to be that gradual nicotine withdrawal will precipitate adverse health
conditions that cannot be managed, but rather
that appropriate medical interventions would
not be readily available to those in need. This
problem is compounded by the fact that smokers have disproportionately lower income and
have less access to health care resources than
the general population. Thus, strengthening
the treatment infrastructure is an important
component of a nicotine reduction strategy
(see below).
Some may contend that nicotine itself is
hazardous and that its use should not be
encouraged because some addicted smokers
may transfer their dependence to medicinal
nicotine. Although this is possible, addiction to
nicotine without exposure to tobacco combustion products is greatly preferable to
smoking.31 98–100 Nicotine is not without
detrimental eVects, particularly during pregnancy, and possibly in the presence of
cardiovascular disease.101–103 However, by far
the most common severe health eVects in
smokers are caused by other tobacco smoke
toxins. Nicotine delivered by cigarette smoke is
likely to be more toxic than nicotine delivered
from slower-release medications because high
peak levels and the fast rate of rise of nicotine
levels associated with smoking produce more
intense physiological eVects for the same available dose compared with nicotine patches or
The flowering of an illicit market (“black market”) in higher nicotine cigarettes has been
raised as a potential adverse consequence of a
nicotine reduction proposal.48 104 105 For
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Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
example, the Proposed Resolution negotiated
between some of the states’ attorneys general
and the major cigarette producers in 1997
would allow the FDA to require reductions of
nicotine in tobacco products only if the agency
could provide evidence that this would not lead
to a significant black market in unregulated
tobacco products. Currently, it appears that
tobacco product manufacturers tolerate illicit
cigarette markets and benefit from them.105 106
It is not clear that a substantial illicit market
would be possible without some level of
complicity by tobacco producers or
marketers.48 107
It is also important to recognise that illicit
markets are not all-or-nothing phenomena. For
example, some level of smuggling of cigarettes
from states with low tobacco taxes to states
with high tobacco taxes has existed for many
years.105 108 The practical judgment that policy
makers would have to make is the extent to
which a possible increase in a contraband
tobacco market would be less important than
the probable substantial reduction in death
and disease caused by tobacco products when
considered in total, factoring in the ways in
which contraband could be suppressed by
intensifying anti-smuggling law enforcement
activities and by enlisting improved cooperation of manufacturers.
Components of a nicotine reduction
The primary barriers to removal of nicotine
from cigarettes appear to be social and
political, although problems such as inadequate educational, research, and treatment
infrastructures also could hinder successful
implementation. To eVect a nicotine reduction
strategy in such a way as to achieve the greatest
lowering of tobacco-caused disease and to
minimise undesirable consequences, a variety
of components must be considered.
Successful implementation of a strategy to
eliminate nicotine from cigarettes requires
educating both health professionals and the
general public.109 110 Inadequate education
about tobacco results in the propagation of lore
and anecdotes regarding health eVects and
treatment needs. It also allows unfounded concerns as to whether tobacco abstinence will
undermine the treatment of psychiatric
diseases and alcohol and illicit drug
addictions.94 95 111 Health professionals will
need more education about how to diagnose
and manage health problems that could be
precipitated by nicotine withdrawal from
cigarettes.109 110 112 Moreover, it is possible that,
in the future, a variety of medical disorders will
be treated with medications containing
nicotine or nicotine analogues.113 114 There is no
reason to believe that the medical benefits of
nicotine use could not be derived through the
use of pure nicotine-containing medications
without exposure to tobacco products.
Similarly, a reluctance to recommend safe
forms of nicotine (because of high cost,
non-availability, or irrational fears) to former
smokers may be to the detriment of some
former smokers’ health. Thus, it is important
to educate both consumers and health
professionals about the goals and realistic
expectations of, and alternate strategies to, a
nicotine reduction policy before and during
As nicotine levels are reduced in cigarettes, it
would be useful for a wide range of tar and
nicotine deliveries to be available in diVerent
brands up to the permitted ceiling, to facilitate
the eVorts of individuals who will want to wean
themselves more rapidly from tobacco.6 46 115 As
has been observed elsewhere, the seemingly
wide range of choice that consumers have
today is actually little more than a cigarette
marketing strategy based on machine yields of
cigarettes that provides relatively little variation
in nicotine levels actually obtained by human
cigarette smokers.6 50 However, it is possible to
provide consumers with meaningfully labelled
cigarettes. Apparent consumer demand
(approximately two-thirds of American
cigarette smokers currently smoke cigarettes
that are rated by machines as yielding low tar
and nicotine) should provide a strong product
development incentive to actually provide such
cigarettes.6 50
Cigarettes with nicotine levels lower than
those deemed generally adequate to cause and
sustain addiction could be labelled analogously
to decaVeinated coVee or non-alcoholic beer.
In both cases, special processes have been used
to remove most of the psychoactive substance
normally present.
The AMA has advocated that all cigarettes
be labelled as addicting (AMA Policy
H-495.997, AMA Policy Compendium), as cigarettes marketed by the Liggett Group in the
United States have been since 1997. Cigarettes
in Canada and Australia are also labelled with
rotating warnings that include the word
“addiction.”116 117 Even a cigarette that does not
deliver readily addicting levels of nicotine
could serve as the first step in the process of
developing addiction to other nicotine
products; therefore, such cigarettes should not
be exempt from an addiction warning,
although it is possible that the warning might
be modified for such cigarettes—for example,
“Use of these cigarettes may lead to nicotine
Many smokers achieve and sustain tobacco
and nicotine abstinence: about 1.3 million or
2% to 3% of American cigarette smokers each
year achieve the criterion of a year of continuous abstinence.55 Although studies have shown
that about 90% of former smokers achieved
abstinence without treatment support (including nicotine medications),118 the facts remain
that: (a) more than 90% of people who try to
quit smoking relapse within a year, with most
relapsing within about a week54 55; (b)
behavioural and pharmacological treatment
improves the odds of success90 98 119; (c) some
presently unknown percentage of people who
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Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical Association
quit smoking appear to require extended nicotine maintenance to feel “normal” and to be
fully functional at their jobs and in their ability
to interact socially; and (d) it is plausible that
some people who have grown up under the
behavioural and physiological influence of
nicotine will never be fully or comfortably
functional without continued nicotine administration. These observations support the
conclusion that many cigarette smokers could
benefit from some form of intervention to
achieve abstinence from tobacco products.
Unfortunately, the treatment infrastructure of
our nation is woefully underdeveloped with
regard to smoking cessation.14 120–124 Cigarettes
are readily available to most people 24 hours
per day, but access to eVective smoking
cessation aids is much more limited. A person
might have to wait months for the start of a
smoking cessation clinic group, if the service is
even oVered in his or her locale.
The foregoing observations suggest that the
relative lack of treatment infrastructure and
alternate nicotine delivery systems is a barrier
to reducing nicotine from cigarettes. Treatment infrastructure needs have been discussed
in detail elsewhere.115 120–127 Briefly, these needs
include a mechanism to determine which
treatments are eVective, modes of treatment
delivery, the ability to deliver treatment to
those with increased need along a stepped-care
model, mechanisms of payment for treatment,
and a means of determining which treatment
modalities are worthy of government endorsement and health insurance coverage. This
infrastructure would ideally be in place when
the nicotine weaning policy is implemented
and would probably be required for decades
following implementation. It may be necessary
to pace the speed of nicotine reduction to the
development of adequate treatment infrastructure. In particular, people with higher levels of
nicotine dependence are likely to have stronger
needs for formal treatment to help them cope
with the reduction of nicotine in cigarettes.90–98
Alternate forms of nicotine delivery should be
at least as accessible as cigarettes.46 48 49 A major
reduction of barriers to alternate forms of
nicotine delivery was the marketing of nicotine
patches and gum as over-the-counter (OTC)
products, which has contributed to increased
smoking cessation.128 129 130 Nonetheless, restrictions on the packaging, pricing, and points
of sale (gas stations and convenience stores, for
example, are prohibited from selling nicotine
medications), as well as other factors, mean
that it is still much easier to buy a pack of 20
cigarettes (in most states costing about $2)
than to purchase the minimal package size of
nicotine medications (about $30 for 48 pieces
of gum).46–49 Whereas tobacco companies have
been relatively free to manipulate taste and
other sensory characteristics to maximise the
appeal of their products, improving the acceptability of nicotine medications would require
years of regulatory review and further testing
after the product modifications had been
developed and proposed to the FDA.40 45–49 131
Moreover, anything but relatively minor alterations to existing OTC nicotine-delivering
products could cause them to revert to a
prescription-only status.48 100
Regulatory approaches to medicinal forms
of nicotine would clearly need to be revised in
coordination with any approaches taken with
tobacco products to enable the removal of
nicotine from cigarettes in a timely manner.46
Similarly, although it is beyond the scope of
this report to discuss the issue regarding other
tobacco products, a nicotine reduction strategy
for cigarettes implies that all forms of tobacco
would be considered for such a policy and that
eVorts would be made to ensure that reduced
access to high-nicotine-yielding cigarettes did
not inadvertently stimulate increased use of
other tobacco products. The importance of
more consistent regulation across tobacco
products to avoid such “product substitution”
was discussed at the American Cancer
Society’s conference on cigars in June 1998, in
which it was concluded that because the FDA
has asserted jurisdiction over cigarettes and
smokeless tobacco but not over cigars,11 12
cigars might become relatively more accessible
and appealing than cigarettes and smokeless
A more controversial issue is the degree to
which alternate nicotine-delivery systems need
to be competitive with cigarettes with respect
to their nicotine dosing characteristics.48 49 A
wide range of nicotine dosing systems are likely
to be required to meet the needs of the
diversity of cigarette smokers who cannot stop
smoking.133 However, this does not mean that
all nicotine-delivering systems must be treated
equally from a regulatory perspective.46–49
Although there is no question that
non-tobacco forms of nicotine exposure are
less toxic than tobacco forms, it is also a
mistake to equate all non-tobacco nicotine
delivery forms as equally toxic and equally
addictive (or non-addictive) and, therefore,
requiring similar regulation.22 49 134 Analgesics
range from inexpensive single-dose packages
that can be procured in almost any retail
setting (such as aspirin), to those restricted to
pharmacies (certain combination analgesic
medications), to those regulated under the
provisions of the Controlled Substances Act,
such as morphine. A similar range of nicotinedelivering medications may be needed, ranging
from readily available, very safe forms with a
very low additive potential to much more
aggressive nicotine-delivering forms that might
be treated as prescription substances. Such
developments are technically feasible, but
regulatory issues presently serve as disincentives and obstacles to the rapid development
and marketing of such products.49 135
Complementary and supportive research is
needed to enable the most eVective implementation of a nicotine reduction approach and to
implement such an approach without
unintended consequences.14 40 131 136–140 Thus,
there is a need for expanded research capacity
and commitment at the federal level in the fol-
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Reducing the addictiveness of cigarettes
lowing areas. (a) Surveillance research that
would be rapid and provide comprehensive
monitoring of the use of all forms of nicotine is
needed to allow midcourse policy corrections,
to guide regulation, and to enable more rapid
dissemination of new treatment approaches. In
this regard it is worth noting that at least one
major tobacco company conducts monthly
consumer use and attitude tracking surveys.139
(b) Basic research on the pathophysiology and
development of nicotine dependence is important, because it promises to provide a rational
basis for improved prevention and treatment
eVorts. (c) Prevention and treatment research
is needed to complement work done by the
private sector to develop and evaluate new prevention and treatment approaches. (d) Regulatory research by the FDA would be critical to
ensure that it could keep regulations consistent
with the science underlying existing and new
tobacco products and nicotine delivery
systems—for example, research on issues such
as the means by which product modification
aVects nicotine dosing characteristics.
A comprehensive approach to remove
nicotine from cigarettes
During the past two decades, two seemingly
diametrically opposed approaches to tobacco
modifications have been proposed for reducing
the death and disease caused by tobacco use.
The first is to decrease the exposure to toxins
by increasing the ratio of nicotine to tar and
other toxins delivered by cigarette smoking.140
The main problem with this approach is that it
would not promote cessation and could plausibly be expected to undermine eVorts to
prevent the development of addiction to
cigarettes.1 The second approach is to
eliminate nicotine from cigarettes, while
providing easy access to treatment (including
nicotine medication). These approaches may
be reconcilable: an analysis by Warner, Slade,
and Sweanor45; a report from a Roundtable of
the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) of the United
Nations141; and a seminar sponsored by the
Health Education Authority in the United
Kingdom142 discussed the feasibility of
reducing the toxicity and availability of tobacco
products while simultaneously increasing the
range and accessibility of nicotine-delivering
There has been much discussion of the need
for a “level playing field” for nicotine products,
be they medications from pharmaceutical
companies or cigarettes and snuV from
tobacco companies.44–49 135 141–143 The application of more consistent standards of regulation
and oversight across all nicotine products, such
that less toxic and addictive nicotine-delivering
products (for example, nicotine gum and
patches) would be more easily accessible than
more addictive and toxic products such as
cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and cigars, is
needed.142 This concept is not meant to
advocate identical standards for tobacco and
treatment products; such an approach could
trigger the banning of cigarettes,46–49 135 which
we do not propose. An important goal should
be to reverse the present regulatory paradox,
whereby the most addictive and toxic forms of
nicotine delivery are marketed more liberally
medications.45 134 Besides “levelling the playing
field”, another potential benefit of “coregulation” of tobacco products and tobacco
dependence treatment products would be that
their regulation would be eVected by a single
regulatory agency (eg, the FDA), thereby enabling coordination of regulatory approaches for
tobacco and treatment products.
Every possible step should be taken to
decrease demand for the most toxic products,
to provide incentives for developing nicotine
dependence medications, and to continue in
the direction of reducing illness and death from
tobacco. The toxicity of cigarettes should be
reduced to the extent allowed by current technology, without permitting claims for any
safety benefits, because all forms of smoking
incur marked risks.6 141 142 Setting future targets
for maximum delivery of toxins such as carbon
monoxide and tobacco-specific nitrosamines
would create incentives for tobacco manufacturers and entrepreneurs to conduct research
to achieve these goals. Djordjevic, Brunnemann, and HoVman144 have documented that
available production processes can greatly
reduce the levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in moist snuV. Standards should be set
on the maximum delivery of such cancercausing toxins.141
Finally, improvements in the nature and use
of nicotine medications should be stimulated,
not stifled.46–49 135 To stimulate the development
and appropriate marketing of new products for
consumers, all products and strategies
employed for tobacco cessation or reduction of
tobacco use must be reviewed regularly (every
one to two years). The 1996 review of smoking
cessation approaches by the US Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research98 provides a
good model for such an approach. Presently,
only drug products for smoking cessation are
evaluated for eYcacy by the FDA. There exists
no regular mechanism for review of
behavioural treatments, dietary supplements,
or new medical devices. Moreover, consistent
standards must be set for marketing and
claims, so that consumers are provided
accurate information about and adequate
access to the broadest range of eVective
products as soon as possible, but are not inundated with worthless or harmful products that
waste resources and may discourage their
eVorts to quit.
A nicotine reduction strategy holds tremendous promise as a way to prevent adolescent
nicotine addiction and to assist the millions of
addicted smokers to quit using tobacco
products. However, such a strategy can work
only if all cigarettes are nicotine-tapered at the
same time. Research is needed in advance of
such a policy to better determine the threshold
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Council on Scientific AVairs, American Medical Association
levels of addicting dosages of nicotine and to
examine the extent of compensatory oversmoking that occurs when nicotine content is
tapered. Other research, similar in principle to
current postmarketing surveillance approaches
for new drug products, would then be needed
during the tapering process to document
changes in cigarette consumption, exposure to
nicotine and various tobacco toxins, and rates
of tobacco-use initiation and addiction among
adolescents. Such monitoring would allow
analysis of the nicotine reduction strategy, as
the policy is implemented, and would allow
feedback to make adjustments in policy as
The regulation of nicotine should not be the
only focus of tobacco product regulation by the
FDA. Nicotine regulation per se is only one of
the many potentially useful approaches that the
FDA could employ to reduce the death and
disease caused by tobacco products, as
tobacco’s toxic “chemical soup” and dozens of
known carcinogens in tobacco (whether
smoked or chewed) are responsible for the
lethal outcome of tobacco use. For example,
the FDA could make sure consumers are better
informed about tobacco products, could set
standards for maximum toxin levels delivered
to consumers by tobacco products, and could
facilitate the introduction of new nicotine
delivery devices that pose lower disease risks.
These fundamental approaches are not incompatible with ultimately reducing the nicotine
content of tobacco.
Removing nicotine from cigarettes and other
tobacco products could drastically reduce the
nation’s burden of tobacco-caused disease,
reducing lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and a number of other
common ills to relatively low levels because
tobacco products would be “non-addicting”
and chronic use would presumably fall
dramatically. Such an action would not only be
important in preventing future nicotine addiction but could also substantially reduce the
morbidity and premature mortality that is
expected to develop among current tobacco
users. It is already technically feasible to
produce nicotine-reduced tobacco products.
Alternate forms of nicotine delivery to which
people might transition are either already available or could be developed. With or without
such an approach, this nation needs to develop
an infrastructure that makes it as easy for people to obtain treatment for tobacco
dependence as to obtain disease-causing
tobacco products.45–49 135 Similarly, with or
without such a nicotine reduction approach, it
would be important to provide better
education to consumers and health professionals regarding the health eVects of tobacco use,
the benefits of cessation, and the means to
achieve and maintain abstinence.
The following statements, recommended by
the Council on Scientific AVairs, were adopted
as AMA policy at the June 1998 AMA Annual
1. The AMA reaYrms its position that all
tobacco products are harmful to health, that
there is no such thing as a safe cigarette, and
that complete cessation of tobacco use
should be the goal for all tobacco users.
2. The AMA reaYrms its position that the
FDA does have, and should continue to
have, authority to regulate tobacco
products, including their manufacture, sale,
distribution, and marketing.
3. The AMA reaYrms its position that
nicotine is a drug and tobacco products are
drug-delivery devices.
4. The AMA encourages the FDA and other
appropriate agencies to conduct or fund
research on how tobacco products might be
modified to facilitate cessation of use,
including elimination of nicotine and elimination of additives such as ammonia that
enhance addictiveness.
5. The AMA encourages the FDA to assert its
authority over the manufacture of tobacco
products to reduce their addictive potential
at the earliest practical time, with a goal for
implementation within five to 10 years.
6. The AMA supports and will advocate for
appropriate surveillance approaches to
measure changes in tobacco consumption,
changes in tobacco-related morbidity and
mortality, uptake of tobacco use by young
people, and use of alternative nicotine
delivery systems.
7. The AMA continues to support development of an infrastructure for tobacco
dependence treatment, education of health
care professionals and the public about the
eVects of tobacco use and the benefits of
cessation, and ready availability of and
insurance coverage for pharmacological and
behavioural treatment of nicotine dependence.
8. The AMA will develop and support legislation or regulations that require tobacco
companies to accurately label their
products, indicating nicotine content in
easily understandable and meaningful
terms that have plausible, biological significance.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the editorial assistance of
Marsha Meyer, American Medical Association.
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Continued from page 280
Tobacco in history
Excerpt 3 (actions of nicotine, tolerance, eVects on
youth, peer pressure)
The only narcotic present (in cigarettes) is
nicotine, and this is an evil or not according to a
great many diVerent circumstances. That chief
circumstance when, without exception, it is
always productive of great harm, is youth. Every
medical man will admit, theoretically, that this
should be a fact, and the few who, like myself,
have made practical observations will tell you that
they never saw a child (I mean by this term those
who have not reached puberty) who used tobacco
habitually whose health was not in some manner
badly impaired. What else would one expect the
tender, growing nervous organism to do but wilt
under the steady daily influence of a drug like
nicotine? In adolescence—and practically this
may be said to be from puberty until eighteen in
females and twenty-one in males—the evil is not
so great, but is still a great one; for, though the
nervous crisis of puberty has been passed, the
nervous system is still rapidly developing. The
nerves are more resistant than in childhood, but,
on the other hand, greater demands are
correspondingly made upon them, either by the
higher phases of education in one class or by the
actual daily struggle for existence in the other.
That the use of tobacco is a serious handicap
in adolescence is proved by the investigations of
others than myself. At several of our great universities it has been found by exact and scientific
investigation that the percentage of winners in
intellectual and athletic contests is considerably
higher in the total abstainers from tobacco.
Sammy, the best known newsboy of St. Louis,
who by his wit and energy at the age of fourteen
has accumulated quite a bank account, at my
instigation made a series of unbiased observations
concerning the newsboys of St. Louis. He found,
among things being equal, that the selling capacity of the boy who used no tobacco was much
greater than that of the boy who used tobacco
either by chewing or by smoking. . . .
The boy at first uses only the mouth as a smoke
chamber, and as a cigarette is so mild he absorbs
but a minute quantity of nicotine, insufficient for
nausea. He gradually becomes able to consume
more cigarettes, and quickly acquires nicotine tolerance. He is not allowed to pursue this method
long. Invariably some other boy teaches him to
inhale. At first it causes violent cough and many
would never repeat the attempt, but the taunts of
the other boy are heard, and with the bravado of
boyhood he perseveres. The larynx and windpipe
soon tolerate the smoke, then demand it, and the
boy is a full-fledged cigarette fiend.
Continued on page 331