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José Cazorla Universidad de Ora nada Septiembre, 1991 Del pensamiento de los autores mencionados hasta aquí y de otros muchos, acumulado hasta comienzos del siglo XX, surgió un cuerpo de saberes que, con su desarrollo posterior, ha sido el cimiento de la Ciencia Política, y de manera más indirecta, del Derecho Constitucional.
La ciencia política es un estudio racional y objetivo de una actividad social, que por sus características especiales, denominamos política. La actividad política es una actividad principalmente del Estado, esto es, la que nace del régimen de gobierno de cualquier comunidad. Por lo tanto, la primera definición de la ciencia política es, por antonomasia, la ciencia del Estado.
Resumen La política es una ciencia por el hecho de ser una disciplina autónoma e independiente, con una estructura sistemática y teórica propia. La autonomía de la ciencia política se refiere a una reflexión particular sobre la política. Tiene el status científico porque ha alcanzado un nivel especializado sobre lo político, con un objeto de conocimiento autónomo respecto de otras disciplinas sociales. La ciencia política no es una ciencia especulativa en el estricto sentido de la palabra, sino más bien una ciencia fáctica que pretende validarse a partir de la contrastación de sus enunciados con la realidad. Abstract Politics is a science just for being and autonomous and independent discipline, with its own systematic and theoretical structure. The autonomy of Political Science refers to its reflection upon politics. Its scientific status derives from the fact that it has reached a specialized level regarding politics, with and autonomous "object of knowledge" when compared with other social disciplines. Political science is not speculative science strictu sensu, but rather a factic science, which thrives to validate itself by contrasting its statements with reality. 47 Donde la democracia es fuerte, la ciencia política también lo es;
The author attempts to outline the personal qualities of Queen Jadwiga in light of the relations between Poland and the Holy See in the era of the Great Western Schism. To this end, the queen's correspondence with Urban VI and Boniface IX in the years 1388/9 to 1399 was analyzed. The analysed period coincided with the time when the queen had come of age, and the dispute concerning the validity of her marriage to Jagiełło, despite her previous relationship (sponsalia de futuro) with William the Courteous, was no longer of particular significance. The article analyses papal letters, as well as analysed period coincided with the letters concerning e.g. the abuse of authority by pontifical officials, the great jubilee in Krakow, the appointments of the bishops of Krakow in 1392 and the birth of her child in 1399. Urban VI and Boniface IX were afraid of a change in Poland's allegiance during the schism; therefore, they tried not to strain the relations with Jadwiga and Jagiełło. The queen made excellent political use of such fears, fully liaising with her husband in the state's policy towards the Church. On the one hand, she remained faithful and loyal to the Roman pontiffs; on the other hand, always siding with her husband in matters of importance, she did not accept any excessive interference of the Holy See into Poland's internal affairs.
Scripta & e-Scripta, 2024
In the palaeoslavic studies, it is known that the perfective aspect is used to render the Greek future and various forms of the conjunctive and optative, for the most part-in the aorist. On some occasions, though, Constantine of Preslav used more specific (vis. lexical) ways of rendering the Greek optative. The paper aims at systemising and commenting on the material excerpted from Constantine's Didactic Gospel Greek sources. Such an approach, oriented towards the Greek as a starting point, might bring a better understanding of how these grammatical forms were perceived in the 9 th century when they were no longer active in the spoken Greek language of the epoch. Furthermore, it will elaborate our understanding of Constantine of Preslav's translation technique.
Αμαλία Τσακνιά, 2024
Μία μικρή εισαγωγή στην ποίηση τής Αμαλίας Τσακνιά, ανθολόγηση ποιημάτων, σημειώσεις για την δεύτερη μεταπολεμική γενεά.
Care and the City, 2022
The coronavirus global pandemic has challenged the perceptions and experiences of urban space and care. The city, which had been celebrated as the future of humanity in the twentyfirst century, became a prison for a while, as state authorities locked people inside their homes, emptying public spaces of almost all human activity. In contrast, the importance of care, particularly health and social care, became paramount. Care workers emerged as the heroes of the hour, and the significance of their work, which hitherto may have been hidden from the view and taken for granted, was now better appreciated. In this context, longstanding questions and tensions of social and ecological care are more pertinent than ever before: What does it mean to care, why is it a cause for concern, whose responsibility is it, and which claims to care can be believed? To investigate the precarious state of care, this chapter provides some critical reflections on the contexts, concepts, and practices of care. It is structured into three parts. The first part examines the context of the rising attention to care. It locates the concern for care in the larger context of an 'age of carelessness,' with its misplaced sense of confidence, and its intended and unintended consequences, as reflected in and exacerbated by the crises of economic globalization and climate change. The second part investigates the concepts of care, as a relation between need and ability and a response to vulnerability and precarity. It raises questions of who provides and who receives care, the relations of power that are involved, and the threats and gaps that emerge in the commodification of care. The concept of care is examined in relation to social and ecological challenges through the notions of solidarity and reciprocity. The third part provides a critique of some practices of care and how they may be subject to misuse and false claims, as shown in some examples of the different forms of social and ecological care, asking whether some claims to care can stand up to critical scrutiny. Context of Care: The Age of Carelessness The broad historical context for the emergence of a concern for care is the extent to which the urbanized industrial society has transformed the world since the early nineteenth century, triggering what has been named the Anthropocene. Through a combination of ignorance and 2
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The inability of the public sector to independently meet the increasing demand for infrastructure and services has prompted many governments to adopt Public-private partnership (PPP) as an alternative strategy. In worldwide practices, however, there are mixed results and controversy in the application of PPP model. The Public-private partnership has, for this reason, become an increasingly active research area mainly to establish the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) towards improving the PPP model. This article reviews the current debate on the subject of PPP and compares the findings of different literature regarding the relative importance of CSFs of PPP projects. The authors argue that the CSFs of PPP projects are distinctive to the context of location and time. The article concludes that this subjectivity has implications for the “guaranteed” success of both existing and future PPP projects.
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Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2021
East African Journal of Law and Ethics, 2024
Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 2012, 2020
Universidad Santiago de cali eBooks, 2023
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 2019
Photosynthesis Research, 2004
Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic), 2013
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2008
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2020