Oedipus rex

2022, sarah tarig

Under the theme of blindness V. sight. Do you believe it was beter for Oedipus to stay ignorant or search for the truth.

OEDIPUS REX Under the theme of blindness V. sight. Do you believe it was beter for Oedipus to stay ignorant or search for the truth. Oedipus is a great and intelligent king with vision, however his arrogance and blindness led to his misery and great downfall at the end. Do I believe it was beter for him to stay ignorant? nell it’ss an easy choice and has been displayed in the play several tmes to Oedipus to stop searching and questoning, however from the context of the play it is not an available opton cause Oedipus is a responsible king, thus he must search for truth despite the consequences. Maybe if he knew that his life will turn from happiness and greatness to agony and misry, he would choose to stay blind to the truth. Though he has received hints from Teirsias ‘’Now it is my misery; then, it would be yours’’, he stll chose to keep searching which I guess it’ss something natural in human beings, even if they chose to ignore; it will cause them pain and anxiety and that will lead to the frst step which is looking for the truth. So if Oedipus setle for ignoring the truth technically it will ruin the thread of the story or the play, beside that I guess he will fnd out soon or later so ignoring is not a soluton for him nor for the citiens of Thebes. Of course no one wants an end like Oedipus’ss, he learned his lesson but at great cost, losing all his powers and gaining prophetc abilites and inner vision which he didn’st own before. Being like Teirsias who had mock.