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In a recent dialogue in Time magazine, award-winning authors Matt de la Peña and Kate DiCamillo concluded that exploring challenging, dark, sad truths about the world is an important part of writing for young people. Yet, DiCamillo wondered, "How do [authors] tell the truth and make that truth bearable" when writing for children? In many ways, Oliver Jefferies's book, The Heart and the Bottle, reads as a response to that challenge. The book explores universal themes of love, loss, and healing through the story of a young girl who loses a cherished older loved one, presumably her grandfather. After this loss, "the girl thought the best thing was to put her heart in a safe place. Just for the time being. So she put it in a bottle and hung it around her neck" (Jeffers unpaged). The cost of such safety, of course, is the girl's separation from her own heart. Only after growing up and encountering another passionate, curious little girl does she realize the toll this arrangement has taken on her, but she doesn't know how to fix it. The new little girl, however, finds a way to get the heart out of the bottle and returns it to her, reawakening her interest in the world. Perhaps the most notable aspect of the book is the art. Thick pages display a vibrant mix of gouache, watercolor, collage, and digitally created images, many of which float as visually rendered thought and dialogue bubbles that give insight into the characters' minds and conversations. The repeated scribble detail used to indicate shadow adds depth, texture, and a fitting childlike energy to the visual story. The busy collage style of the book's cover reflects the rapidly flowing curiosity the little girl possessed at the beginning of the book. This stands
Italiano LinguaDue, 2024
Nel contributo gli autori si propongono di presentare una revisione ragionata della letteratura italiana o sull’italiano in termini di parametri morfosintattici e lessicali che correlano con una maggiore semplicità linguistica. L’analisi si concentrerà in particolare sulla varietà dell’italiano istituzionale, cioè la lingua usata dalla pubblica amministrazione. Viene considerata sia la letteratura linguistica (Cortelazzo 2014, Cortelazzo e Pellegrino 2003) sia quella prodotta nell’ambito dei progetti di semplificazione linguistica realizzati a vario titolo dalla pubblica amministrazione, come ad esempio (Fioritto 1997). La revisione dei testi ha come obiettivo la costruzione di una lista dei parametri condivisi, che abbiano misurato il diverso impatto di ciascun parametro sulla leggibilità di un testo. La nozione di complessità che viene presa in considerazione in questo contributo è la cosiddetta complessità relativa al ricevente: un parametro è considerato più complesso di un altro se la sua presenza in un testo affatica o pregiudica del tutto la comprensione da parte del ricevente-lettore. Nel prendere in esame i vari sottotipi di complessità, gli indici sono distinti in base ai livelli di analisi: • Indice di complessità morfologica (Pallotti 2015); • Indice di complessità sintattica (Cortelazzo e Pellegrino 2003) • Indice di complessità lessicale (Mastidoro 2003) Gli autori schedano (senza pretesa di esaustività) software che a vario titolo utilizzano e fanno propria la nozione di semplificazione dei testi. A questo proposito, viene, ad esempio, preso in esame il software READ-IT (Dell’Orletta et al. 2011), che, come mostrato in Brunato e Venturi 2014, si rivela utile nella misurazione della leggibilità dei testi giuridici e il software Corrige, basato sulla formula GULPEASE (Lucisano e Piemontese 1988).
A presente obra é disponibilizada pela equipe Le Livros e seus diversos parceiros, com o objetivo de oferecer conteúdo para uso parcial em pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos, bem como o simples teste da qualidade da obra, com o fim exclusivo de compra futura.
American Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences
Cellulose is the most common of all naturally occurring organic compounds belonging to the carbohydrate group. It makes up at least one-third of all the vegetable matters in the world. Virgin soft and hardwoods used as the main source of cellulose for raw materials of paper production. These can be replaced by jute plant to a great extend as it is considered as one of the most promising alternatives. Pulp and paper production on a huge amount from jute can increase jute usage and thus a vast quantity of jute will be consumed by a single product which will eventually help revitalize the jute sector of Bangladesh. So the study was conducted to use jute, an alternative to non-wood fibre to get the paper pulp and pulp products like cellulose derivatives through an easily adaptable process. The experimental processes are outlined. The physicomechanical properties of handmade papers are estimated by standard procedure. The maximum whiteness of the paper sheet is 76.70%, which is almost si...
פלדמן אביבה לדפוס: והכנה לשון עריכת 978-965-7456-05-7 מסת״ב: © תל-אביב לאוניברסיטת שמורות הזכויות כל תל-אביב אוניברסיטת גרפי, לעיצוב במשרד סודר צדוק-קינן בדפוס נדפס 7 העניינים תוכן 9 רוזן-צבי וישי מרגולין רון בוהק, גדעון הקדמה 15 בוהק גדעון המיסטיקה, אל מהאפוקליפטיקה גרינולד: איתמר פרופסור הדתות מדעי אל היהדות ממדעי וגלגוליו המיתוס 31 קליין-ברסלבי שרה העדן גן בסיפור הנחש לדמות הרלב"ג פירוש 73 קנוהל ישראל היהודית באפוקליפסה חורי מיתוס של גלגוליו וארמילוס, אוליכומי 85 רום-שילוני דלית פנים-מקראית מחלוקת על האמנם? -אבי" אבד "ארמי המשותף האב מיתוס בשאלת 137 מרגולין רון ועד המקרא מן היהודי: המיתוס של השונים פניו בחסידות הרעיונית להפנמתו 250 Moshe Idel Mircea Eliade: Androgyne, Totality, and Reintegration והיסטוריה מיתוס 253 קריניס אהוד היבטים -השיעי המשיח האמאם והיעדרות ישראל עם גלות מוקדמים) שיעים-אמאמים ומחברים הלוי (יהודה השוואתיים 8 307 מאך פ. מיכאל היהודית המשיחיות תפיסת לשינויי לזריחה? משקיעה העתיקה בעת 361 רוזן-צבי ישי חז"ל בספרות הגוי הופעת וריטואל מיתוס 441 אפטרמן אדם
Importation of drugs into the U.S. would result in a decline in U.S. drug prices. The purpose of this paper is to assess the consequences of importation for new drug development. A simple theoretical model of drug development suggests that the elasticity of innovation with respect to the expected price of drugs should be at least as great as the elasticity of innovation with respect to expected market size (disease incidence). I examine the cross-sectional relationship between pharmaceutical innovation and market size among a set of diseases (different types of cancer) exhibiting substantial exogenous variation in expected market size. I analyze two different measures of pharmaceutical innovation: the number of distinct chemotherapy regimens for treating a cancer site, and the number of articles published in scientific journals pertaining to drug therapy for that cancer site. Both analyses indicate that the amount of pharmaceutical innovation increases with disease incidence. The elasticity of the number of chemotherapy regimens with respect to the number of cases is 0.53. The elasticity of MEDLINE drug cites with respect to cancer incidence throughout the world is 0.60. In the long run, a 10% decline in drug prices would therefore be likely to cause at least a 5-6% decline in pharmaceutical innovation.
Se trata de una exposición de las ideas esenciales del Psicoanálisis mediante la ayuda directa de una larga serie de citas del propio Sigmund Freud.
This postscript addresses venues taking place after the Berlin GFMD. It revolves around the idea of ‘invited’ versus ‘invented’ spaces. Invited spaces stand for positions and platforms occupied by civil society organizations (CSOs) or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), embodied in a general neoliberal idea of ‘participatory governance’ in terms of state–market–Civil society partnerships. Invented spaces are in contrast organizational and ideopolitical positions or counterhegemonic platforms occupied by contestative movements which through their collective action confront the status quo. In the present text invited spaces refer to civil Society groups in their position as participants within intergovernmental and international fora for deliberation on migration management. Invented spaces refer to independent civil society platforms for the development of strategies and action aimed at inclusive social, labour, citizenship and human rights of migrants. From this perspective we relate in the following to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) agreed upon by governments on an intergovernmental conference 10–11 December 2018 in Marrakech and formally adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 19 December 2018.1 Our focus is on civil society’s perceptions of the GCM, and potentials for following up intentions of the compact through ‘invited spaces’ for dialogue with Governments and international organizations on the road from Marrakech.
Abordagens Interdisciplinares sobre Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterapia: Saúde, Sustentabilidade e Biodiversidade
Journal of World Christianity, 2021
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2013
Asia Europe Journal, 2015
Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2013
Archives of rheumatology, 2018
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 2004
Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 2018
Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2014