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In 79 CE, a violent eruption of Mt. Vesuvius resulted in the extraordinary preservation of entire Roman towns and villas around the Bay of Naples in Italy. Buried beneath the volcanic residue, archaeologists have discovered resplendent frescoes, impressive mosaics, furniture, medical tools, crass graffiti and everything from a loaf of bread to a personal library filled with the books of a previously unknown philosopher. This class will focus on the small provincial town of Pompeii, which has been considered one of the most famous archaeology sites in the world since its discovery in the 18th c. Pompeii’s public and private architecture, art and material culture provide us with important insight into the social, political, commercial and religious life under the Roman empire. Be forewarned: this course is reading and writing heavy and there is a public speaking component! You will be asked to analyze and interpret both material remains and primary and secondary sources.
Sustainability, 2023
Due to the growing concern towards natural resource depletion and the increasing levels of waste generation caused by economic growth, sustainable consumption has gained the attention of both governments and society. Despite this, the market share of sustainable products remains low, and studies analysing the factors influencing consumers’ perception of sustainable products provide inconclusive results. This work aims to help bridge this gap by summarising the main literature results and focusing on practical implications. We perform a systematic literature review to identify the factors influencing consumers’ perception of sustainable products. Next, we classify these factors according to the triple bottom line framework, to provide a holistic perspective on the subject and present useful suggestions for companies. The findings suggest that most studies adopt a partial perspective on sustainability, focusing on only one of the sustainability dimensions or considering a single product category. The results also show that there are numerous factors that can influence consumer perception across all three sustainability dimensions. To increase the market share of sustainable products, companies should try and target new customer segments, by adopting a holistic approach to sustainability and analysing how consumers manage the trade-offs between the factors related to different sustainability dimensions. From a practical perspective, this study provides managers with a solid starting point to identify and assess the value of sustainable products in relation to the sustainability dimensions and the characteristics of the target customer segments.
Η Εθνική Άμυνα Κωνσταντινουπόλεως ιδρύθηκε το 1921 και αμέσως εντάχθηκαν στις τάξεις της σχεδόν όλοι οι βενιζελικοί αξιωματικοί που βρίσκονταν στη Στρατιά της Μικράς Ασίας. Κι όταν έχασε τις εκλογές του 1920 ο Βενιζέλος, οι αξιωματικοί αυτοί λιποτάκτησαν και κατέφυγαν στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, φοβούμενοι διώξεις. Άτυπος αρχηγός της οργάνωσης τέθηκε ο, τότε, αντισυνταγματάρχης Γεώργιος Κονδύλης. Η εργασία της Σοφίας Ηλιάδου-Τάχου, αξιοποιώντας αδημοσίευτο αρχειακό υλικό, φωτίζει τη δραστηριότητα της οργάνωσης, τα χαρακτηριστικά του βενιζελικού φρονήματός της και το άδοξο εγχείρημα αυτονόμησης της ελληνικής Ιωνίας από την Ελλάδα όπου κυριαρχούσαν οι οπαδοί του βασιλέως Κωνσταντίνου. [ΤΒJ]
Cheng Xuanying’s Expository Commentary to the Daode jing presents the Laozi as the origin of Daoism—a Daoism which, by his time in the seventh century, included many beliefs and concepts coopted from Buddhism. The commentary is representative of chongxuan xue (Twofold Mystery philosophy), which is characterized by the integration of Buddhist concepts and methods into the interpretation of the Laozi. Taking the integration of the Buddhist concept of the bodhisattva as universal savior of limitless compassion, this paper investigates the “why” and “how” of this cooption. The question of why Cheng Xuanying wanted to read the Daode jing as a testimony to Laozi and Dao being a compassionate, universal savior is addressed with a contextualization of the commentary in its time and location: early Tang Chang’an. Next, the paper discusses, in detail, the hermeneutic tools Cheng Xuanying used to achieve his reading. Cheng Xuanying integrated his commentary and the original text of the Laozi i...
Cet ouvrage se donne pour tâche de répondre à une question apparemment simple : qu'en est-il aujourd’hui de la pensée foucaldienne ? Bien loin de vouloir ériger Foucault en auteur canonique, il se propose d’esquisser le tableau, le plus large et le plus différencié possible, des études foucaldiennes contemporaines. Il s’efforce donc non pas de restituer la richesse des différents visages de Foucault – penseur tout à la fois de l’historicité et du présent –, mais plutôt de faire valoir, de manière inédite, d’autres perspectives et une multiplicité d’« usages » de sa pensée en philosophie comme en histoire, en sociologie comme en esthétique, en économie comme en droit. Chantier ouvert, traversé par des lignes de problématisation parfois très diverses, cet ouvrage prend au sérieux la question de ce que Foucault peut encore nous apprendre aujourd’hui. Foucault, Foucault(s) : les noms d’une cartographie qui ne cesse de s’esquisser autrement sur ses propres bords, de croître et de tracer des lignes nouvelles. Le nom aussi d’un espace de questionnement toujours vivant.
Ekonomi, Politika & Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
JEL Kodları: H83, N45, N95 Özet Bu makale, Türkiye'deki mülteci entegrasyon süreçlerini incelemekte ve Türkiye'deki bütüncül bir mülteci entegrasyon projesine yönelik zorlukların ve olanakların kapsamlı bir değerlendirmesini yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, Suriyeli mültecilerin entegrasyonu için politika önerileri ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Bu makalede, Suriyeli mültecilerin entegrasyon süreçlerinin başarılı olması için hak temelli politikalara ihtiyaç olduğu savunulmaktadır. Literatür taraması ve İstanbul'da bulunan 50 Suriyeli mülteci (25 kadın, 25 erkek) ile yüz yüze yapılan derinlemesine görüşmelere dayanan bu çalışma kapsamında İstanbul'da görüşülen Suriyeli mültecilere entegrasyonun onlar için ne ifade ettiği çalışma ve eğitim başta olmak üzere haklara erişim sürecindeki deneyimleri gibi konularda sorular sorulmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de mülteci entegrasyonu alanına katkı sağlamayı, bu alandaki boşluğunu doldurmayı hedeflemiştir. Bu makalede, Türkiye'nin göç politikalarının Suriyeli mültecilerin entegrasyon süreçlerine etkisi, saha çalışması sonucunda elde edilen bulgular kapsamında incelemekte ve Türkiye'nin bütüncül bir mülteci entegrasyon politikasına sahip olması için öneriler sunmaktadır. Araştırma bulguları, Türkiye'deki Suriyeli mültecilerin temel haklara erişimde önemli zorluklar yaşadıklarını göstermiştir Abstract This article examines the processes of refugee integration in Turkey and aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the challenges and opportunities to a holistic refugee integration scheme in Turkey. It also tries to put forward policy recommendations for better harmonization of Syrians in Turkish communities. The data presented in this article consists of 50 (25 female, 25 male) semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with Syrian refugees in Istanbul. The questions were asked to Syrian refugees include what integration means to them, their experience in the process of access to rights, particularly in work and education. In line with a comprehensive literature review and a qualitative research, this article aims to fill the gaps in the literature on refugee integration in Turkey and offers policy recommendations. In this article, the effects of Turkey's immigration policy on the integration processes of Syrian refugees are examined in line with the research findings and policy recommendations are presented in order for Turkey to have a holistic integration policy. It is argued that rights-based approach is needed for a successful integration processes Syrian refugees. Findings suggest that Syrian refugees experience difficulties in accessing the fundamental rights.
Сборник содержит материалы докладов, представленных на международной науч ной конференции молодых ученых «Актуальная археология 6», прошедшей в Институте истории материальной культуры РАН (Санкт-Петербург) 4-7 апреля 2022 г. Представленные доклады охватывают раз личные направления исследовательской деятельности молодых специалистов. Сборник разделен на тематические разделы, посвященные актуальным проблемам источниковедения, результатам полевых исследований, междисциплинарным исследованиям, современным подходам к реставрации археологических коллекций и истории археологической науки. Издание предназначено для историков, археологов, студентов и аспирантов археологических специальностей и всех интересующихся историей и археологией.
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1971
SSRN Electronic Journal, 1987
Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique, 2019
Strategies for stage II of cosmological arguments, 2024
L’Annuaire théâtral: Revue québécoise d’études théâtrales, 2007
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, 2020
Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice, 2021
Journal of Medical Cases, 2014
Shock and Vibration, 2022