Analysis of Anaemia in Pregnancy in a District in Jharkhand

2020, International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies

Background: Maternal anaemia has been defined by the low level of haemoglobin in the blood while pregnancy period. Gestational anaemia has been defined as one of the most prominent health problems faced by pregnant women worldwide.  Anaemia in pregnant women might be relative or absolute. Aim: To identify the various factors associated with anaemia among the pregnant women in Jharkhand Methods: A prospective study was carried out on 10,000 pregnant women between September 2019 and February 2020 in Jharkhand. Those women were taken into consideration who had haemoglobin less than 11 mg/dl. The non-pregnant women were excluded from the list. Multivariate analysis in terms of Binary logistic regression was done to check the associations of selected socio-economic and demographic covariates on the prevalence of anaemia in Jharkhand. Results: Majority of the women belonged to 26-30 years of the age group, which accounted for 38% of all the study population. The majority of the patients w...

Original Research Article || ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X || International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies Available Online at NLM (National Library of Medicine ID: 101738825) Index Copernicus Value 2018: 75.71 Volume 4, Issue 6; June: 2020; Page No. 138-140 ANALYSIS OF ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY IN A DISTRICT IN JHARKHAND 1 Dr. Sweta Lal and 2Dr. Manjula Srivastava 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hazaribagh Medical College, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand (825301), India 2 Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hazaribagh Medical College, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand (825301), India Article Info: Received 17 May 2020; Accepted 17 June 2020 DOI: Corresponding author: Dr. Sweta Lal Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest. Abstract Background: Maternal anaemia has been defined by the low level of haemoglobin in the blood while pregnancy period. Gestational anaemia has been defined as one of the most prominent health problems faced by pregnant women worldwide. Anaemia in pregnant women might be relative or absolute. Aim: To identify the various factors associated with anaemia among the pregnant women in Jharkhand Methods: A prospective study was carried out on 10,000 pregnant women between September 2019 and February 2020 in Jharkhand. Those women were taken into consideration who had haemoglobin less than 11 mg/dl. The non-pregnant women were excluded from the list. Multivariate analysis in terms of Binary logistic regression was done to check the associations of selected socio-economic and demographic covariates on the prevalence of anaemia in Jharkhand. Results: Majority of the women belonged to 26-30 years of the age group, which accounted for 38% of all the study population. The majority of the patients were from the rural background amounting to 52%. The majority of the patients belonged to the Hindu religion with 60% prevalence rate. The majority of the patients belonged to the lower middle class, with a prevalence rate of 38%. The majority of the women had no education at all. The percentage of such women was 40% of the total study population. The majority of the spouse of patients had secondary education with an incidence of 40%. The majority of the patients had moderate anaemia with 60% of incidence rate. The majority of the patients consumed fruits, occasionally with a prevalence of 50%. The majority of the women consumed non-veg weekly, with a prevalence of 50%. The majority of the patient consumed green leafy vegetables weekly with an incidence of 48%. Conclusion: The majority of pregnant women were not educated enough and consumed less amount of vegetables and fruits than non-veg. Furthermore, it was also found from the above study that the majority of the pregnant women ha moderate anaemia and belonged to the rural background. Keywords: Anaemia, Gestational Anaemia, Haemoglobin, Pregnant Women Introduction Maternal anaemia has been defined by the low level of i haemoglobin in the blood while pregnancy period . Gestational anaemia has been defined as one of the most prominent health problems faced by pregnant women worldwide. Anaemia in pregnant women might be relative or absoluteii. It has been identified that maternal anaemia is characterized when the plasma volume is relatively higher than the red cell masses in the majority of the pregnancies. This type of anaemia is identified as iii physiologic anaemia . It has been identified that nearly 50% of pregnant women in developing countries and approximately 20% of pregnant women in developed countries suffer from anaemiaiv. The highest prevalence of the disease has been administered in Asia, i.e. nearly 60%, followed by Africa, i.e., 52%. It has been identified that 80% of anaemic pregnant women are found in the South Asia regionv. It has also been identified that nearly 1.2 lakh of maternal deaths vi have been attributed to anaemia . There are various factors such as haemoglobin, reticulocytes, plasma ferritin, and unsaturated iron-binding capacity are responsible for the physiological changes during pregnancy and resulting in anaemiavii. The other etiologies of anaemia in pregnant women include malaria, hookworm, infection, micronutrient deficiencies like folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and other haemoglobin apathies such as Helicobacter pylori. According to the WHO, there are various types of anaemia as followsviii:     Mild Hb%-10-10.9gm% Moderate Hb%-7-10gm% Severe Hb% 4-7gm% Very severe: less than 4gm Hb% 138 | P a g e Dr. Sweta Lal et al. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies (IJMBS) Anaemia in pregnancy results in postpartum haemorrhage, premature labour, puerperal sepsis, the thromboembolic phenomenon in the mother, IUGR and low birth weight in the neonates and similar other complications. Various addictions like smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking have been identified in close association of anaemia among women, but its verified data is very less. From the above table, it was evident that the majority of the patients belonged to the lower middle class, with a prevalence rate of 38%. Table 5: Aim To identify the various factors associated with anaemia among the pregnant women in Jharkhand Materials and methods A prospective study was carried out on 10,000 pregnant women between September 2019 and February 2020 in Jharkhand in Jharkhand. Those women were taken into consideration who had haemoglobin less than 11 mg/dl. The non-pregnant women were excluded from the list. Multivariate analysis in terms of Binary logistic regression was done to check the associations of selected socioeconomic and demographic covariates on the prevalence of anaemia in Jharkhand. Educational status No-education Primary Secondary Higher Number of Patients 4000 3000 2000 1000 Percentage 40% 30% 20% 10% The above table depicts that majority of the women had no education at all. The percentage of such women was 40% of the total study population. Table 6: Spouse status Educational Number of Patients Percentage No-education 2000 20% Primary Secondary 3000 4000 30% 40% Higher 1000 10% It was identified from the above table that the majority of the spouse of patients had secondary education with an incidence of 40%. Table 7: Results Anaemia Number of Patients Percentage The following are the results obtained from the study: Mild 3000 30% Moderate 6000 60% Severe 1000 10% Table 1: Age group 15-20 21-25 26-30 31 and above Number of Patients 2000 2800 3800 1700 Percentage 20% 38% 38% 17% The above table depicts that majority of the patients had moderate anaemia with 60% of incidence rate. Table 8: Consume fruits Number of Patients Percentage The above table shows that majority of the women belonged to 26-30 years of the age group, which accounted for 38% of all the study population. Table 2: Never 1000 10% Daily 500 5% Weekly 3500 35% Occasionally 5000 50% Residence Rural Urban The above table identified that the majority of the patients consumed fruits, occasionally with a prevalence of 50%. Table 9: Number of Patients 5200 4800 Percentage 52% 48% The above table shows that the majority of the patients were from the rural background amounting to 52%. Table 3: Religion Hindu Muslim Others Number of Patients 6000 3000 1000 Percentage 60% 30% 10% The above table shows that the majority of the patients belonged to the Hindu religion, with a 60% prevalence rate. Table 4: Socio-economic status Lower middle class Middle class Upper middle class Upper class Number of Patients 3800 2800 1800 1600 Percentage 38% 28% 18% 16% Consume non-veg Number of Patients Percentage Never 1500 15% Weekly Occasionally 5000 3500 50% 35% Majority of the women, as shown in the above table, consumed non-veg weekly with a prevalence of 50%. Table 10: Consume green leafy vegetable Number of Patients Percentage Daily 4800 48% Weekly 3200 32% Occasionally 2000 20% As per the above table, the majority of the patient consumed green leafy vegetables weekly with an incidence of 48%. 139 | P a g e Dr. Sweta Lal et al. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies (IJMBS) References Table 11: Complications during pregnancy Low birth weight LSCS Abortion Still births Obstructed labor Preeclampsia Prolonged labor Premature delivery Birth asphyxia Number of Patients 4800 1000 500 450 700 800 1200 500 50 Percentage 48% 10% 5% 4.5% 7% 8% 12% 5% .5% The above table shows the results of anaemia deficiency among pregnant women. The majority of them had low birth weight babies with 48% prevalence rate. 1. 2. 3. 4. Discussion As per the current study, it was found that the majority of women belonged to 26-30 years of age. On the contrary, ix as per the study of Kumar et al., (2015) , the majority of women belonged to 31 years and above. Furthermore, the study found that the majority of women consumed green leafy vegetables on a daily basis which reduced the risk of anaemia. Similar results were found in the study of Kuamr et al. (2015). The study showed that the majority of the women had moderate anaemia. According to the study by x Suryanarayana et al. (2017), the majority of pregnant women had moderate anaemia. The current results were in accordance with this study. As per the study of Vemulapalli et al. (2013)xi identified that the moderate degree of anaemia was identified in the majority of the studies. The current study showed that the majority of pregnant women who had anaemia were at a high risk of having Low Birth Weight babies. Similar results were found xii in the study of Sangeetha et al., (2014) , which identified that majority of the young pregnant women who suffered from anaemia delivered low birth weight babies. On the contrary, the results according to the study of Marahatta xiii et al., (2007) , the moderate anaemia was not that prevalent among the anaemic pregnant women. Conclusion 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. i Rahamati S. et al. Maternal Anemia and Pregnancy outcomes: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Pediatr 2016; 4(8): 3323-42. ii Marchant T, Schellenberg JA, Nathan R et al. Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health 2004; 2: 262–66. iii Mamun AA, Padmadas SS, Khatun M. Maternal health during pregnancy and perinatal mortality in Bangladesh: evidence from a large-scale community-based clinical trial. Paediatricand Perinatal Epidemiology 2006; 20(6): 482–90 iv Kumari S. et al. Maternal and severe anaemia in delivering women is associated with risk of preterm and low birth weight: A cross sectional study from Jharkhand, India. One Health. 2019; 8: 100098. v New S. Wirth M. Anaemia, pregnancy, and maternal mortality: the problem with globally standardised haemoglobin cutoffs. BJOG 2015;122:166–169. vi Lee A.I., Okam M.M. Anemia in pregnancy. Hematol. Oncol. Clin. North Am. 2011;25:241–259. vii Balarajan Y, Ramakrishnan U, Ozaltin E, Shankar AH, Subramanian SV (2011) Anaemia in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet 378: 2123-2135. viii Stevens GA. et al. Global, regional, and national trends in haemoglobin concentration and prevalence of total and severe anaemia in children and pregnant and non-pregnant women for 1995–2011: a systematic analysis of population-representative data. Lancet Glob. Health. 2013;1:e16–e25. ix Kumar SC. Suresh J. Chauhan BG. Burden of Anaemia among Women in Jharkhand, India: Does Lifestyle Behaviour Matters? J Nutri Health. 2015;1(2): 9. x Suryanarayan R. et al. Prospective study on prevalence of anemia of pregnant women and its outcome: A community based study. J Family Med Prim Care 2017;6:739-43 xi Vemulapalli B. Rao KK. Prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women of rural community in Vizianagaram, North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Asian J Med Sci 2013;5:21-5. xii Sangeetha VB, Pushpalatha S. Severe maternal anemia and neonatal outcome. Sch J Appl Med Sci 2014;2:303-9. xiii Marahatta R. Study of anaemia in pregnancy and its outcome in Nepal medical college teaching hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepal Med Coll J 2007;9:270-4. The above study showed that the majority of the pregnant women in Jharkhand belonged to 26-30 years with a low socio-economic status. The majority of pregnant women were not educated enough and consumed less amount of vegetables and fruits than non-veg. Furthermore, it was also found from the above study that the majority of the pregnant women ha moderate anaemia and belonged to the rural background. 140 | P a g e