Mathematical Modelling
and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
Dr. Djordje Dihovicni and Dr. Miroslav Medenica
Visoka tehnicka skola, Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 152 a, 11070
1. Introduction
Program support, simulation and the animation of dual action pneumatic actuators
controlled with proportional spool valves are developed. Various factors are involved, such
as time delay in the pneumatic lines, leakage between chambers, and air compressibility in
cylinder chambers as well as non-linear flow through the valve. Taking into account the
complexity of the model, and the fact that it is described by partial different equations, it is
important to develop the program support based on numerical methods for solving this
kind of problems. Simulation and program support in Maple and Matlab programming
languages are conducted, and it is shown the efficiency of the results, from engineering view
of point.
These pneumatic systems have a lot of advantages if we compare them with the same
hydraulic types; they are suitable for clean environments, and much safer. In accordance
with project and space conditions, valves are positioned at relatively large distance from
pneumatic cylinder.
Considering real pneumatic systems, it is crucial to describe them with time delay,
nonlinearities, with attempt of not creating only academic model. Despite of these problems,
development of fast algorithms and using the numerical methods for solving partial
different equations, as well as enhanced simulation and animation techniques become the
necessity. Various practical stability approaches, for solving complex partial equations, used
similar algorithms, (Dihovicni, 2006).
In the third part it is described special group of distributed parameter systems, with
distributed control, where control depends of one space and one time coordinate. It has been
presented mathematical model of pneumatic cylinder system. The stability on finite space
interval is analyzed and efficient program support is developed.
Solving problem of constructing knowledge database of a decision making in process safety
is shown in fourth part. It is provided analyses of the requirements as well the analyses of
the system incidents caused by specification, design and the implementation of the project.
Main focus of this part is highlighted on practical stability problem and conditions for
optimal performance of pneumatic systems. Algorithm of decision making in safety of
pneumatic systems is developed, and the system has been realized taking into account C#
approach in Windows environment.
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2. Representation of pneumatic cylinder-valve system
Deatiled mathematical model of dual action pneumatic actuator system, controlled by
proportional spool valves, is shown in paper (Richer, 2000), and it is carefully considered
effects of non-linear flow through the valve, leakage between chambers, time delay,
attenuation and other effects.
These pneumatic systems have a lot of advantages if we compare them with the same
hydraulic types, they are suitable for clean environments, and much safer. In accordance
with project and space conditions, valves are positioned at relatively large distance from
pneumatic cylinder.
Typical pneumatic system includes pneumatic cylinder, command device, force, position
and pressure sensors, and as well as connecting tubes.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the pneumatic actuator system
The motion equation for the piston- road assembly is described as:
( ML + Mp ) ⋅ dtd x +
⋅ x + Ff + FL = P1 • A1 - P2 • A2 - Pa • Ar
where ML is the external mass, Mp is the piston and rod assembly mass, x represents the
piston position, ß is the viscous friction coefficient, Ff is the Coulomb friction force, FL is the
external force, P1 and P2 are the absolute pressures in actuator's chambers, Pa is the absolute
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
ambient pressure, A1 and A2 are the piston effective areas, and Ar is the rod cross sectional
The general model for a volume of gas consists of state equation, the concervation of mass,
and the energy equation. Using the assumptions that the gas is ideal, the pressures and
temperature within the chambre are homogeneous, and kinetic and potential energy terms
are negligible, it should be written the equation for each chamber. Taking into account that
control volume V, density , mass m, pressure P, and temperature T, equation for ideal gas is
described as:
P = • R •T
where, R is gas constant. Mass flow is given with:
• ( •V )
and it can be expressed as:
mul - miz = • V + • V
where, mul , miz are input and output mass flow. Energy equation is described with:
qul - qiz + k • C v • ( mul • Tin - miz • T ) - W = U
where qul and qiz are the heat transfer terms, k is the specific heat ratio, Cv is the specific heat
at constant volume, Tin is the temperature of the incoming gas flow, W is the rate of change
in the work, and U is the change of the internal energy. The total change of the internal is
V • P + P •V
• (P •V ) =
(C v • m • T ) =
k - 1 dt
k ⋅1
and it is used the expression, C v = R / ( k - 1 ) . If we use the term U = P • V and supstitute
the equation (6) into equation (5), it yields:
qul - qiz +
• P •V =
•V • P
( mul • Tul - miz • T ) k - 1 •T
If we assume that input flow is on the gas temperature in the chambre, which is considered
for analyze, then we have:
• ( qul - qiz ) + • ( mul - miz ) - V =
Further simplification may be developed by analysing the terms of heat transfer in the
equation (8). If we consider that the process is adiabatic (qul-qiz=0), the derivation of the
pressure in the chamber is:
P = k•
• ( mul - miz ) - k • • V
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and if we substitute from the equation (2), then it yields:
R ⋅T
• ( mul - miz ) - k • • V
and if we consider that the process is isothermal (T=constant), then the change of the internal
energy can be written as:
U = Cv • m • T
and the equation (8) can be written as:
qin - qout = P • V -
• ( min - mout )
and then:
R ⋅T
• ( min - mout ) - • V
Comparing the equation (10) and the equation (13), it can be shown that the only difference
is in heat transfer factor term k. Then both equations are given:
R ⋅T
• min -
• mout ) - •
where , ul, and iz can take values between 1 i k, in accordance with heat transfer during
the time of the process .
If we choose the origin of piston displacement at the middle of the stroke, the volume
equation can be expressed as:
⎛⎛ 1
Vi = V0 i + Ai • ⎜ ⎜ ( L ± x ) ⎟ ⎟
where i=1,2 is cylinder chambers, index V0i is non active volume at the end of the stroke, Ai
is effective piston area, L is the piston stroke, and x is the position of the piston. If we change
the equation (15) into equation (14), and pressure time derivation in pneumatic cylinder
chambers, then it yields:
Pi =
R ⋅T
Voi + Ai ⋅ ⎜ ⋅ L ± x ⎟
• mul -
• miz ) - •
P • Ai
⎛ 1
Voi + Ai • ⎜ ( • L ± x ) ⎟
⎝ 2
2.1 Mathematical model valve-cylinder
In the literature, (Andersen, 1967), two basic equations which consider the flow change in
pneumatic systems, are:
= -Ri • u - •
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
where P is the pressure through the tube, u is the velocity, is the air density, c is the sound
speed, s is the tube axis coordinate, and Rt is the tube resistance. If we use mass flow
through the tube, mt = • At • w , where At is cross sectional area., finally it yields:
1 ∂m
=- • t • mt
• At
At ∂t
A ∂P
= - 2t •
The overall analysis is based on turbulent flow in the tube, which is presented in figure 2.
Fig. 2. Turbulent flow in the tube
Differentiating the equation (19), and the equation (20) with respect s, it is given the
equation of mass flow through the tube:
∂ 2 mi 2 ∂ 2 mi Ri ∂mi
-c • 2 +
∂t 2
The equation represents generalized wave equation, with new terms, and can be solved by
using the form (Richer, 2000), like:
mt ( s , t ) = φ ( t ) • ξ ( s , t )
where ξ ( s , t ) and φ ( t ) are new functions. Supstituing equation (22) into equation (21) it
⎞ ∂ξ ⎛ ' Rt
∂2ξ 2
∂ 2ξ ⎛
- c • φ • 2 + ⎜ ( φ • t + 2 • φ' ) ⎟ •
+ ⎜ (φ •
+ φ'' ) ⎟ • ξ = 0
Simplifying the equation for ξ, it is determined φ(t), so after the supstitution in equation (23),
remaining of the equation ξ, doesn't contain the terms of firt order, so:
2 • φ '+ φ •
and that yields to:
φ (t ) = e
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The result equation for ξ, will be in that case:
∂2ξ 2
∂ 2ξ
-c •φ 2 + t 2 •ξ = 0
which represents dispersive hyperbolic equation. Tubes are usually not so long, so it might
be assumpted that the dispersion is small, and it can't be neglected. Using that assumption it
∂2ξ 2
∂t 2
∂s 2
which represents the classical one-dimension wave equation, which can be solved by using
specific boundary and initial conditions:
⎧ξ ( s ,0 ) = 0
⎪ ∂ξ
⎨ ( s ,0 ) = 0
⎪ ∂t
⎪⎩ξ ( 0, t ) = h ( t )
The solution for the problem of boundary-initial values is given in the literature, (Richer,
2000), and can be expressed as:
if t < s / c
ξ ( s, t ) = ⎨ ⎛
s ⎞
⎪h • ⎜ (t - c ) ⎟ if t > s / c
⎩ ⎝
The input wave will reach the end of the tube in time interval =Lt/c. Supstituing t with Lt/c
in the equation (24), and from the state equation, it is given:
RT - R ⋅T LT
where P is the pressure. Mass flow at the end of the tube, when s=Lt is given with:
mt ( Lt , t ) = ⎨ RT ⋅R⋅T LT
⎪ e 2⋅ P ⋅ c • h ⎛ t ⋅ Lt ⎞
⎝ c ⎠
if t <
if t > t
The tube resistance Rt, can be calculated, (Richer, 2000/, and it is shown by following
Δp = f •
⋅ w2
= Rt • w • Lt
where f is the friction factor, and D is inner diameter of the tube. For laminar flow, f=64/Re,
where Re, is Reynolds number. The resistance of the tube then becomes:
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
Rt =
32 •
is dynamic viscosity of the air. If the Blasius formula is used, then it yields:
f =
Re 1/4
so the flow resistance for the turbulent flow then becomes:
Rt = 0.158 •
• Re 3/4
2.2 Program support
Program support is developed in Maple programing language.
# File for simulation
# the disperzive hyperbolic equation
# Definition the number of precision
Digits: =3:
# Definition of the disperse hyperbolic equation
pdeq : = diff(ξ, t)^2-c^2*φ*diff( ,s)^2;
# Definition of initial conditions
init1:= ξ(s,0)=0:
init2:= diff(ξ, t)=0
init3:= ξ(0,t)=Heaviside(t)
# Creating the procedure for numeric solving
pdsol :=pdsolve(pdeq,init1, init2,init3):
#Activating the function for graphic display
# the solutions of the equation
plot (i(t), t=0.. 10, i=0.04…008, axes=boxed, ytickmarks=6);
2.3 Animation
The animation is created in Matlab programming language, (Dihovicni, 2008).
Solving the disperse equation
∂2ξ 2
∂t 2
∂s 2
Problem definition
g='squareg'; %
b='squareb3'; % 0 o
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Initial coditions:
ξ ( s ,0 ) = 0
( s ,0 ) = 0
ξ ( 0, t ) = h ( t )
using higher program modes
time definition
Desired solution in 43 points between 0 and 10.
Solving of hyperbolic equation
Interpolation of rectangular mesh
Creating the animation
for i=1:n,...
if rem(i,10)==0,...
axis([-1 1 -1 1 umin umax]); caxis([umin umax]);...
if i==n,...
if rem(i,10)==0,...
axis([-1 1 -1 1 umin umax]); caxis([umin umax]);...
if i==n,...
if rem(i,10)==0,...
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
Fig. 3. Animation of the disperse equation
2.4 Conclusions
The complex mathematical model of dual action pneumatic actuators controlled with
proportional spool valves (Richer, 2000) is presented. It is shown the adequate program
support in Maple language, based on numerical methods. The simulation and animation is
developed in Matlab programming language. The simplicity of solving the partial different
equations, by using this approach and even the partial equations of higher order, is crucial
in future development directions.
3. Program support for distributed control systems on finite space interval
Pneumatic cylinder systems significantly depend of behavior of pneumatic pipes, thus it is
very important to analyze the characteristics of the pipes connected to a cylinder.
Mathematical model of this system is described by partial different equations, and it is well
known fact that it is distributed parameter system. These systems appear in various areas of
engineering, and one of the special types is distributed parameter system with distributed
3.1 Mathematical model of pneumatic cylinder system
The Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of pneumatic cylinder system. The system consists
of cylinder, inlet and outlet pipes and two speed control valves at the charge and discharge
sides. Detailed procedure of creating this mathematical model is described in, (Tokashiki,
For describing behavior of pneumatic cylinder, the basic equations that are used are: state
equation of gases, energy equation and motion equation, (Al Ibrahim, 1992).
dP 1
dt V
dV ⎞
⎛ P • V dθ
+ R•θ •G - P • d ⎟
dt ⎠
⎝ θ dt
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where P is pressure (kPa), V- is volume (m3), θ - temperature (K), R- universal gas constant
(J/kgK), and Vd- is dead volume (m3).
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of pneumatic cylinder system
The temperature change of the air in each cylinder chamber, from the first law of
thermodynamics, can be written as:
dt C v • md
dVd ⎫
⎨Shd • hd ( θa - θd ) + R • md • θd - Pd •
dt ⎭
dt C v • mu
dVu ⎫
⎨Shu • hu ( θa - θu ) + C p • mu • T1 - C v • mu • θu - Pu •
dt ⎭
where Cv- is specific heat at constant volume (J/kgK), m- mass of the air (kg), Sh –heat
transfer area (m2), m - mass flow rate (kg/s), and subscript d denotes downstream side, and
subscript u denotes upstream side.
Taking into account that thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the cylinder are
sufficiently large compared with them of the air, the wall temperature is considered to be
In equation of motion, the friction force is considered as sum of the Coulomb and viscous
friction, and force of viscous friction is considered as linear function of piston velocity, and
other parameters have constant effect to friction force of cylinder. Then, equation of motion
may be presented in following form:
= Pu • Su - Pd • Sd + Pa • ( Sd - Su ) - M • g • sin - c • wp • Fq
where S- cylinder piston area (m2), wp- piston velocity (m/s), M- load mass (kg), c-cylinder
viscous friction (Ns/m), Pa- atmospheric pressure (kPa), Fq- Coulomb friction (N), gacceleration of gravity (m/s2).
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
By using the finite difference method, it can be possible to calculate the airflow through the
pneumatic pipe. The pipe is divided into n partitions.
Applying the continuity equation, and using relation for mass of the air m = • A • ∂z and
mass flow m = • A • w , it can be obtained:
= mi -1 - mi
Starting from the gas equation, and assuming that the volume of each part is constant,
deriving the state equation it follows, (Kagawa, 1994):
dPi R • θi
R • mi dθi
( mi -1 - mi ) +
The motion equation of the air, is derived from Newton's second law of motion and is
described as:
∂w Pi - Pi + q
• wi • wi - wi • i
where λ is pipe viscous friction coefficient and is calculated as a function of the Reynolds
, Re < 2.5x 10 3
= 0.3164 Re 0.25 , Re ≥ 2.5x 10 3
The respective energy can be written as:
ΔEst = E1i - E2 i + L1i - L2 i + Qi
where E1i is input energy, E2i is output energy, L1i is cylinder stroke in downstream side, and
L2i is cylinder stroke in upstream side of pipe model, and the total energy is calculated as
sum of kinematic and potential energy.
Deriving the total energy ΔEst , it is obtained the energy change ΔEst:
ΔEst =
d ⎧⎪⎛
⎛ wi − 1 + wi ⎞
⎨⎜ (C v • mi • θi + • mi • ⎜ (
dt ⎪⎜⎝
⎞ ⎫⎪
) ⎟)⎬
In equation (45), the inflow and outflow energy as well as the work made by the inflow and
outflow air can be presented :
From the following equation the heat energy Q can be calculated:
Q = hi • Sh • ( θa - θi )
where h is is heat transfer coefficient which can be easily calculated from the Nusselt
number Nu, and thermal conductivity k:
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
hi =
2 Nui • ki
where dp is pipe diameter.
Nusselt number can be calculated from Ditus and Boelter formula for smooth tubes, and for
fully developed turbulent flow:
Nui = 0.023 • Rei 0.8 • Pr 0.4
and thermal conductivity k can be calculated as a linear function of temperature:
ki = 7.95 • 10 5 • θi + 2.0465 • 10 3
3.2 Distributed parameter systems
During analyzes and synthesis of control systems, fundamental question which arises is
determination of stability. In accordance with engineer needs, we can roughly divide
stability definitions into: Ljapunov and non-Ljapunov concept. The most useful approach of
control systems is Ljapunov approach, when we observe system on infinite interval, and
that in real circumstances has only academic significance.
Let us consider n- dimensional non-linear vector equation:
= f (x)
= 0 solution of this equation is xs=0 and we can denote it as equilibrium state.
Equilibrium state xr=0 is stable in sense of Ljapunov if and only if for every constant and
real number ε, exists δ(ε)>0 and the following equation is fulfilled, (Gilles, 1973):
x0 = x
t =0
for every t ≥0
x <
If following equation exists:
x 0 → 0 for t → ∞
then system equilibrium state is asymptotic stable.
System equilibrium state is stable, if and only if exists scalar, real function V(x), Ljapunov
function, which for x < r , r = const > 0 , has following features:
a. V ( x ) is positively defined
dV ( x )
is negatively semi defined for t≥0
System equilibrium state is asymptotic stable, if and only if exists:
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
dV ( x )
is negatively defined for t≥0
Derivation of function V(x) ,
dV ( x )
dV ( x )
can be expressed:
= ∇ xT • V ( x ) •
= ∇ x TV ( x ) • f ( x )
⎡⎡ ∂ ⎤⎤
⎢ ⎢ ∂x ⎥ ⎥
⎢⎢ 1 ⎥⎥
⎢⎢ . ⎥⎥
. ⎥⎥
∇ x = ⎢⎢ ⎢
⎢ . ⎥⎥
⎢⎢ . ⎥⎥
⎢⎢ ∂ ⎥⎥
⎣⎢ ⎣⎢ ∂xn ⎦⎥ ⎦⎥
By using Ljapunov function successfully is solved problem of asymptotic stability of system
equilibrium state on infinite interval.
From strictly engineering point of view it is very important to know the boundaries where
system trajectory comes during there's motion in state space. The practice technical needs
are responsible for non- Ljapunov definitions, and among them is extremely important
behaving on finite time interval- practical stability. Taking into account that system can be
stabile in classic way but also can posses not appropriate quality of dynamic behavior,
and because that it is not applicable, it is important to take system in consideration in
relation with sets of permitted states in phase space which are defined for such a problem.
In theory of control systems there are demands for stability on finite time interval that for
strictly engineering view of point has tremendous importance. The basic difference
between Ljapunov and practical stability is set of initial states of system (Sα) and set of
permitted disturbance (Sε). Ljapunov concept of stability, demands existence of sets Sα
and Sε in state space, for every opened set Sβ permitted states and it is supplied that
equilibrium point of that system will be totally stable, instead of principle of practical
stability where are sets (Sα and Sε) and set Sβ which is closed, determined and known in
Taking into account principle of practical stability, the following conditions must be
determine set Sβ - find the borders for system motion
determine set Sε - find maximum amplitudes of possible disturbance
determine set Sα of all initial state values
In case that this conditions are regularly determined it is possible to analyze system stability
from practical stability view of point.
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3.2 Practical stability
Problem of asymptotic stability of system equilibrium state can be solved for distributed
parameter systems, which are described by equation:
∂x ∂2 x ⎞
= f ⎜⎜ (t , x , , 2 ...) ⎟⎟
∂t ∂t
t ∈ ( 0, T )
with following initial conditions:
x ( t ,0 ) = x 0 ( t )
To satisfy equation (57), space coordinate z cannot be explicitly defined. The solution of
equation (23) is
= 0 , and let the following equation exists:
= x ( t , z ) - xr ( t )
Assumption 1: Space coordinate z on time interval t∈ (0,T) is constant.
Accepting previous assumption, and equation (58), we have equation for equilibrium state
for system described by equation (57):
xr ( t ) = 0
For defining asymptotic stability of equilibrium state the functional V is used:
V ( x ) = ∫ W ( x ) dt
where W is scalar of vector x .
We choose functional V like:
V (x) =
• xT x • dt
2 ∫0
when it is used expression for norm:
x =
• xdt
For asymptotic stability of distributed parameter systems described by equation (7), we use
Ljapunov theorems, applied for functional V :
dV ( x )
∂x ∂2x ⎞
= ∫ ∇T x • W ( x ) • f ⎜⎜ (t , x , , 2 ... ⎟⎟) • dt
∂t ∂t
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
where W is scalar function of x.
Let consider distributed parameter system described by following equation:
∂ 3x
∂ t3
and initial conditions:
x ( 0, z ) =
• x (T , z )
We use the assumption that equation (61) and initial conditions (62) are not explicit
functions of space coordinate z, so stationary state of system (61) with appropriate border
conditions is represented by following equation:
xr ( z ) = 0, with
∂ 3x
∂z 3
For determination of asymptotic stability of equilibrium system state, we use functional V
which is expressed:
V ( x ) = ∫ W ( x ) dt
where W is scalar function of x .
Functional V is described by :
• ∫ ⎡⎣ x ( t , z ) ⎤⎦ • dt
and the following condition V(x)>0 is fulfilled.
Derivation of functional V is given by following equation:
dV ( x )
= ∫ x3 •
∂ 3x
• dt = ∫ x 3 • • dt =
∂z 3
⎡ x (T , z ) ⎤⎦ • ⎡⎣ x ( 0, z ) ⎤⎦
4 ⎣
By using equation (65) and by including it in equation (71) it is obtained:
dV ( x )
⎛ K4 ⎞
= (⎜⎜ 1 ) ⎟⎟ • ( ⎡⎣ x (T , z ) ⎦⎤ )
< 0 when K4<1/4, K < 0.7
and it yields:
dV ( x )
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which is necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of equilibrium state for
system described by equations (61) and (62).
3.3 Distributed control
Control of distributed parameter systems, which depends of time and space coordinate is
called distributed control. If we choose control U, for pressure difference in two close parts
of pneumatic pipe, and for state X, if we choose air velocity through the pneumatic pipe,
with assumptions that are shown during derivation of mathematical model of pneumatic
pipe, finally it is obtained:
+ X •
+ a • X • X = b • U , z ∈ [ 0, L ]
where а =
, b=
• z
Nominal distributed control can be solved by using procedure which is described in
(Novakovic, 1989), and result of that control is nominal state wN(t,z) of chosen system. In
that case it yields:
1 ∂X N 1
+ •X•
+ • a • X • X = U (t , z)
L ( XN ( t , z ) ) =
where L is appropriate operator.
System (73) is exposed to many disturbances, so the real dynamic must be different from
nominal. It is applied deviation from nominal system state, then the nominal system state
can be realized as:
x ( t , z ) = X ( t , z ) - XN ( t , z ) , 0 < z ⋅ L .
Time derivation of deviation from nominal system state, can be presented by following
∂x ( t , z )
∂X ( t , z ) ∂XN ( t , z )
and from equations (74), it yields:
∂x ( t , z )
where r =
= r (t , z) + X •
+ a • X • X - b •U
3.4 Application
Using the concept of extern linearization, which is described in, (Meyer, 1983), we can
include distributed control in the following form:
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
+ r ⎥ / b,
U ( t , z ) = ⎢( a - k ) • X • X + k • X N • X + X •
Including the equation (79) in the equation (78), it yields:
∂x ( t , z )
= -k • x ( t , z ) , 0 ≤ z ≤ L
Functional V is chosen in the form:
V (x) =
• ⎡ x ( t , z ) ⎦⎤ • dz = • x ( t , z )
2 ∫0 ⎣
Derivation of functional V is given as:
dV ( x )
= ∫x •
• dz
= k • ∫ ⎣⎡ x ( t , z ) ⎦⎤ • dz = 2 • k • V ( x )
Taking into account that V(x) is positive defined functional, time derivation of functional
given by equation (82) will be negative defined function for k>0, and in that way all
necessary conditions from Ljapunov theorem applied to functional V, are fulfilled.
⎡ ∂ ⎤
⎢ ∂x ⎥
⎢ 1⎥
⎢ . ⎥
. ⎥
∇x = ⎢
⎢ . ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
⎢ ∂ ⎥
⎢⎣ ∂xn ⎥⎦
3.5 Program support
For this kind of symbolically presented problems, the most elegant solution can be achieved
by using program language Maple.
# Program support for determination of stability of
# distributed parameter systems on finite space interval
# described by equation
⎛ ∂x ⎞
# 3 = f •⎜ ⎟
⎝ ∂t ⎠
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# Definition of procedure dpst
# Read input values
read ulaz3;
# Determination of functional V
# Determination of functional V derivation
# Applying partial integration on equation dV/dt
intpart[Int(x*diff(x∧2,z∧2), x)]
# Presentation of equation dV/dt
# Calculation of values for parameter K for which the system is stable
result:= solve(dV/dt,K)
If the procedure dpst would be operational for determination the values of parameter K for
which the system is stable, it is necessary to create files with input parameters for current
procedure. For case that is analytically calculated, it is created file input3 with following
input data:
x(0,z)= =K/2*x(T,z)
# Program support for distributed parameter systems with distributed control
# Definition of procedure dpsdc
dpsdc:=proc(input 1)
# Reading of input parameter values
read input1;
# Determination of functional V
# Determinatation of time derivation of functional V
# Calculation of time derivation of functional V
derivationfunctional:=solve(dV/dt, z=0..1);
# Calculation the values of parameter K for which the system is stable
For using the procedure dpsdc for determination the values of parameter K it is necessary to
create files that contain input parameters for given procedure. In case, which is calculated,
the file input 1 with input data:
By using task read it yields to reading procedure dpsdc. Specification of input1 as argument
of the procedure dpsdc starts the process of calculation the values of parameter K for which
this distributed parameter system is stable on finite space interval.
It is developed, program support for other types of distributed parameter systems.
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
# Program support for determination of stability of
# distributed parameter systems on finite space interval
# described by equation
⎛ ∂x ⎞
= f ⎜• ⎟
⎝ ∂z ⎠
# Definition of procedure srppr
# Read input values
read ulaz1;
# Determination of functional V
#Determinatation of time derivation of functional V
#Solving the functional V
derivationfunctional:=solve(dV/dt, z=0..1);
# Calculation the solution for parameter K for which is
# the system stable
If the procedure srppr would be operational for determination of value of parameter K for
which the system is stable, it is necessary to create files with input parameters for current
procedure. It is created file input1 with following data :
# Program support for determination of stability of
# distributed parameter diffusion systems on finite space
# interval
# Definition of procedure srppr
# Read input values
read input1;
# Determination of functional V
V:=1/2*int[exp(2* *z)*x(t,z)^2, z=0..1];
# Determinatation of time derivation of functional V
# Applying partial integration on equation dV/dt
intpart[Int(exp(2* *z)*diff(x,z)^2,z=0..1)]=( ^2+π^2/l^2)*int[exp(2* *z)*x^2, z=0..1);
# Calculation of values for parameter K for which the system is stable
If the procedure spdsr would be operational for determination of value of parameter K for
which the system is stable, it is necessary to create files with input parameters for current
procedure. It is created file ula2 with following data:
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
3.6 Conclusion
Special class of control systems is focus of our scientific paper. Our main idea is to present a
practical stability solution for this type of systems with distributed control. From practical
view of point, it is crucial to find intervals on which the system is stable, and it is achieved
by using this unique approach. Concerning on one-dimensional problem, where
mathematical model of distributed parameter system is presented by equations which are
dependable of time and only one space coordinate, successfully is applied new method for
determination of stability on finite space interval for distributed parameter systems of
higher order. The program support proved the efficiency of the theory, and it is developed
for various types of distributed parameter systems.
4. Decision making in safety of pneumatic systems
One of the most important tasks in the safety engineering lays in the construction of a
knowledge database of decision support for the pneumatic systems, and on that way to
ensure optimal conditions, improve quality and boost efficiency. Methods of analysis of
control systems and simulation methods, which are used for observing dynamic behavior of
linear systems with time delay, and distributed parameter systems, based on linear algebra,
operation calculus, functional analyse, integral differential equations and linear matrix nonequations has shown long ago that modern electronic components can be used to achieve
more consistent quality at lower cost in safety engineering. The main idea to do so is that the
quality service is maintained and controlled. Applying the Fuzzy theory in decision making
has given very good results, and provided a flexible framework and over the years
numerous mathematical models have been developed.
There are two basic problems to solve in decision making situations: obtaining alternative,
and achieving consensus about solution from group of experts. First problem takes into
account individual information which existed in collective information units. The later
usually means an agreement of all individual opinions. Usually it is considered two
approaches for developing a choice process in solving of decision making problems: a direct
approach where solution is derived on the basis of the individual relations and as well
indirect approach where solution is based on a collective preference relation. In safe
engineering technical and economic benefits over hard-wired, discrete components has
shown PLC. Main problem in process engineering is practical stability of the system. Chosen
system should be stable in required period of time, and this important task is obtained by
using practical stability theory for distributed parameter systems. Most pneumatic systems
for instance, are described by partial different equations and they belong to group of
distributed parameter systems.
4.1 Definitions and conditions of practical stability
Let us consider first order hyperbolic distributed parameter system, which is decribed by
the following state- space equation:
∂x (t , z)
with appropriate function of initial state
= A0 • x ( t , z ) + A1
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
x0 ( t , z) =
(t , z)
0≤t≤ ,0≤z≤
where x ( t , z ) is n-component real vector of system state, A is matrix appropriate dimension,
t is time and z is space coordinate.
Definition 1: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfies initial
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ξ(t,z), β, T, Z] if and only if:
( t , z ) • x ( t , z ) < ξ (t , z )
∀t ∈ [ 0, ] ,∀z ∈ [ 0, ]
then it follows
xT ( t , z ) ) • x ( t , z ) < ,
∀t ∈ [ 0, T ] ∀z∈ [ 0, Z ]
where ξ(t,z) is scalar function with feature 0 < ξ ( t , z ) ≤ , 0 ≤ t ≤ , 0 ≤ z ≤
number, € R and > .
Let calculate the fundamental matrix for this class of system:
dΦ ( s ,
• ( sI - A ) • Φ ( s ,
is real
where after double Laplace transformation, and necessary approximation finally it is
obtained, (Dihovicni, 2007):
Φ ( t , z ) = exp ( A ⋅ t ⋅ z )
I − A0 ⋅ A1
Theorem1: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfies internal
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ξ(t,z), β, T, Z] if it is satisfied
following condition:
where A =
2 A •t • z
e ( )
Proof: Solution of equation (84) with initial condition (85) is possible to describe as:
x (t , z) = Φ (t , z) ⋅
( 0,0 )
By using upper equation it follows:
xT ( t , z ) • xT ( t , z ) = ⎡
By using well-known ineqality
( 0,0 ) • Φ ( t , z )⎤⎦ ⋅
( 0,0 ) • Φ ( t , z )⎤⎦
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Φ ( t , z ) = exp [ A • t • z] ≤ exp {
( A ) • t • z}
and taking into account that:
( 0,0 ) •
( 0,0 )
( 0,0 ) <
( 0,0 )
then it follows:
2 Ait i z )
xT ( t , z ) • x ( t , z ) ≤ e (
Applying the basic condition of theorem 1 by using equation (91) to further inequality it is
obtained, (Dihovicni, 2007):
⎛ ⎞
xT ( t , z ) • x ( t , z ) < ⎜ ⎟ • <
⎝ ⎠
Theorem 2: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfied initial
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ξ(t,z), β, T, Z] if it is satisfied
following condition:
A •t • z
e ( )
1+ •
∀t ∈ [ 0, ] ∀z ∈[ 0,
The proof of this theorem is given in (Dihovicni, 2006).
Let x (.) is any vector norm and any matrix norm ⋅ 2 which originated from this vector.
Following expresions are used:
x 2 = xT • x
and ⋅ 2 =
where * and T are transpose-conjugate and transport matrixes.
It is important to define matrix measure as:
( A ) = lim
1+ • A -1
The matrix measure µ may be defined in three different forms according to the norm which
is used:
( A ) = max ⎜⎜ Re ( akk ) + ∑
aik ⎟
i = 1, i ≠ k
2 ( A ) = max i A + A
∞ ( A ) = max ⎜ Re ( aii ) + ∑ aki ⎟
k =1
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
Definition 2: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfies initial
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ξ(t,z), β, T, Z] if and only if,
(Dihovicni, 2007):
(t , z)
< ξ (t , z)
then follows
x (t ) 2 <
where ξ(t,z) is scalar function with feature 0 < ξ ( t , z) ≤ , 0 ≤ t ≤ , 0 ≤ z ≤ ) is real number,
€ R and > .
Theorem 3: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfies initial
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ , β, T, Z] if it is satisfied
following condition:
A ⋅t ⋅ z
e 2( ) <
( A)
∀t ∈ [ 0, T ] ∀z ∈[ 0, Z ]
Proof: Solution of equation (1) with initial condition (2) is possible to describe by using
fundamental matrix as:
x (t , z) = Φ (t , z) •
( 0,0 )
By using the norms of left and right side of the equation (103) it follows:
2 A⋅t ⋅ z )
xT ( t , z ) ⋅ x ( t , z ) ≤ e (
and by using well-known inequality
exp ( A • t • z ) 2 ≤ exp {
( A • t • z )}
t≥0, z≥0
it follows:
A ⋅t ⋅ z
x (t , z) 2 ≤ e 2 ( ) •
( 0,0 )
and by using equation (100) it is obtained:
A •t • z
x (t , z) 2 ≤ • e 2 ( )
so finally it is obtained:
A t•z
x (t , z) 2 ≤ ⋅ e 2 ( )
( A )}
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Applying the basic condition of theorem 3 by using equation (19) it is obtained:
x (t ) 2 <
∀t ∈ [ 0, T ] , ∀z ∈ [ 0, Z ]
Theorem 4: Distributed parameter system described by equation (85) that satisfies initial
condition (86) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [ , β, T, Z], if it is satisfied
following condition, (Dihovicni, 2007):
A •t • z )
e (
∀t ∈[ 0, T ] , ∀z ∈ [ 0, Z ]
Theorem 5: Distributed parameter system described by equation (84) that satisfies initial
condition (85) is stable on finite time interval in relation to [t0, J, , , Z], if it is satisfied
following condition:
⎡⎣1 + ( t - t0 ) •
max ⎤
2 t ⋅t ⋅ z •
• e ( 0)
∀t ∈ [ 0, J ] ∀z ∈ [ 0, Z ]
where σmax represents maximum singular value of matrix. The proof of this theorem is given
in (Dihovicni, 2007).
4.2 Architecture
There are few well known stages in developing computer decision support systems based
on knowledge which include choosing suitable mathematical tools, formalization of the
subject area, and development of the corresponding software. In the first phase the problem
lays in making right diagnosis and in analyses of the requirements and as well the analyses
of the system incidents caused by specification, design and the implementation of the
project, (Bergmans, 1996). The problem of diagnostics may be stated such as finite number
of subsets, or it should be applied classical investigation methods, (Thayse, 1996).
System architecture consists of the following modules:
Stability checking module. This module is designed as program for checking the
practical stability of the system. If the system passes this check it goes further to other
Analysis module of safe fault-tolerant controllers, I/O, engineering and pressure
Diagnostics module
Knowledge Module of all possible situations and impacts to pneumatic systems
Optimal solution- decision making module
Presentation module
For system realization an object oriented programming approach has been used, and the
program has been developed using the C# language. Each module has a supportive
library, and the logical structure is based on the classes, which are described down below
for ilustrating purpose.
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Systems
Main classes are:
Analyses group which has a primary task of collecting necessary facts about system.
Practical stability group which determines if the system is stable or not. If the system is
unstable in view of practical stability, then it is automaticly rejected.
Diagnosis group describes all possible casualities for not required results, or potencial
casualities for not optimal costs.
Performance group is used for the optimal performance.
Cost group is used for the optimal cost effect.
Decision making algorithm for optimal performance and cost consists of two phases:
Phase 1 is used for input Analyses class, Practical stability class and diagnosis class.
Phase 2 is used for output Performance and Cost group.
4.3 Conclusion
By analysing process systems from safety and optimal cost perspective, it is important to
recognize which systems are not stable in real conditions. From engineering state of view we
are interested in such a systems which are stable in finite periods of time, so our first
concern should be to maintain stable and safe systems. Our knowledge database is created
in DB2, and it involved all possible reasons for non adequate performanse. Key modules for
obtaining best performance, safety and the low cost are a good base for the program support
in C# programming language and the UML representation.
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Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
Edited by Dr. Matthias Schmidt
ISBN 978-953-307-173-2
Hard cover, 462 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 22, March, 2011
Published in print edition March, 2011
The book Advances in Computer Science and Engineering constitutes the revised selection of 23 chapters
written by scientists and researchers from all over the world. The chapters cover topics in the scientific fields of
Applied Computing Techniques, Innovations in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and
Applications and Advances in Applied Modeling.
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In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Djordje Dihovicni and Miroslav Medenica (2011). Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic
Systems, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Matthias Schmidt (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307173-2, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/advances-in-computer-science-andengineering/mathematical-modelling-and-simulation-of-pneumatic-systems
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