Making Regional Cooperat ion
Work for Sout h Asia’ s Poor
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani 1
outh Asia continues to grow rapidly, and its largest economy,
India, approached near double-digit growth in 2006–07. This is a
remarkable transformation of a region whose countries have been
infamously dubbed a “basket case.” Well up to the late 1970s, South
Asia, which includes eight countries—Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka—was known for conflict,
violence, and widespread and extreme poverty. In the initial years after
independence, the South Asian countries adopted import substitution
growth strategies with heavy trade protection, curbed the growth of
private firms, and introduced restrictive labor laws to protect workers.
After some 30 years, the outcome of these policies turned out to be quite
different from what the leadership had in mind. South Asia delivered
sluggish growth, continued dependence on low-productivity agriculture,
low levels of industrialization, weak export performance, and inadequate
creation of good jobs. Between 1960 and 1980, South Asia grew at only
3.7 percent per year. Much of the labor force was engaged in low-income
activities in agriculture and informal services, and some 45 percent of the
population lived below the poverty line.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
South Asia’s prospects changed in the 1980s as it adopted pro-growth
policies. It opened up markets to international competition, replaced
the public sector with the private sector as the engine of growth, and
improved macroeconomic management (Ahmed 2006). The results were
impressive. South Asia’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate
climbed to around 5.7 percent during 1980–2000, and further accelerated
to 6.5 percent during 2000–07. It is now the second-fastest-growing
region in the world, after East Asia. Growth rates in South Asia and East
Asia appear to be converging (Figure 2.1). In 2007, India experienced a
remarkable GDP growth of 9 percent, close to that of China. Other South
Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka experienced
growth rates of 6.5 percent. Private investment has boomed, supported by
rising national saving rates in South Asia. The region now attracts global
attention because of rapid growth, global outsourcing, and skill-intensive
service exports. Rapid growth has been instrumental in reducing poverty
in South Asia. Poverty has come down sharply in all countries (Figure 2.2).
Progress has been made in improving human development, and social
indicators compare favorably with countries in other regions with similar
income levels (Ahmed 2006).
Real GDP Growth
Source World Bank’s World Development Indicators.
Note Data are averages. South Asia’s data include the 2007 growth rate, while the rest of
the regions do not.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
Poverty Reduction in South Asia, 1970s–2000s
Source World Bank regional database.
Note Poverty estimates use national poverty lines. The respective dates are as follows:
Bangladesh (1975 and 2005); India (1974 and 2005); Nepal (1977 and 2004); Pakistan
(1970 and 2005); and Sri Lanka (1976 and 2005).
While there is much to celebrate, two negative developments have
emerged: (a) evidence of growing income inequality in South Asia, and
(b) a growing imbalance among regions within countries and among the
countries themselves. With fairly large and open borders, the growing
imbalances in incomes and opportunities among South Asian countries
present similar social and economic problems to the prosperous neighbors
as the imbalances within these countries.
Poverty, income growth, and lagging regions are interrelated. South
Asia’s experience shows that the incidences of poverty and income growth
are strongly and negatively correlated (Figure 2.3). With few exceptions,
lagging regions exhibit a higher than average rate of poverty and lower
than average per capita incomes. The growing divergence between lagging
and leading regions suggests that lagging regions on average are growing
more slowly than leading regions.
So, a substantial part of the poverty and lagging regions challenge is a
growth challenge. Two major development issues face South Asia: (a) How
can South Asia grow even faster than in the recent past? (b) How can
Growth–Poverty Correlation in South Asia
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
Source Staff estimates using data from Figures 2.4 and 2.5.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
lagging regions accelerate growth to catch up with growth in the leading
The problem of inequality is, however, a more complex challenge. Growth
acceleration in the lagging regions might help reduce inequality. But this
is only part of the larger task of making growth more inclusive. A pattern
of growth that benefits income growth for the poor, higher employment
elasticity of growth, and strengthened public service delivery, including
better social protection policies, all need to be core elements of a strategy
to lower income inequality.
The experience of East Asia shows that growth supported by factor accumulation as well as productivity improvements can lead to higher growth
(Gill and Kharas 2007). South Asia’s experience is similarly positive
(Ahmed 2006). Additionally, it has two key assets—demography and
geography—that have not yet been fully utilized. It has a young labor force.
More workers will join the labor force over the coming decades.
Though the small size of the manufacturing sector has prevented the
region from converting this demographic dividend into an opportunity,
the large and potentially productive labor force could be the catalyst that
attracts regional and global production centers to South Asia, as firms
move in response to wage differences and globalization benefits lowincome countries. South Asia’s geography also has the potential to accelerate growth. It has the highest population density in the world, and the
second largest proportion of population living in the border areas after
Europe. High population density and better access to markets can benefit
growth by allowing South Asian firms to take advantage of agglomeration
Despite these benefits of geography—density and distance—South
Asia’s true growth potential has not been realized because of the lack of
market integration within and across countries. South Asia accounts for
only 3 percent of the world surface area, but it sustains an extraordinary
20 percent of the world population, nearly 1.5 billion people. It has the
highest population density in the world, yet it has one of the lowest
urbanization rates. There are indeed large differences across countries in
South Asia. In 2005, India (which accounts for 74 percent of the regional
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
population) produced close to 80 percent of the South Asian GDP.
Pakistan (13 percent of South Asian population), Bangladesh (10 percent),
Sri Lanka (1 percent), and Nepal (2 percent) accounted for 11 percent,
6 percent, 2.3 percent, and 0.7 percent of the regional GDP, respectively.
Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives collectively accounted for less than
1 percent of South Asia’s GDP. The differences in per capita income are
large, ranging from a high of US$2,700 for Maldives (for 2006 measured
in current US dollars) to a low of only US$250 for Afghanistan (Figure
2.4). Even if the small economies of Maldives and Bhutan are excluded,
the per capita income gaps are quite large.
South Asia Per Capita Income, 2006
Source World Bank 2008e.
The income gap at the national level carries through at the subnational
level (Figure 2.5). During the period 1993–2004, GDP growth in the
leading states in India grew at twice the rate of the lagging states. The
average annual growth rate for the leading states (Andhra Pradesh,
Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu,
and West Bengal) was 5.9 percent. The average growth rate for the lagging
states (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh) was
3 percent per year. In Sri Lanka, the leading regions grew at an annual
average rate of 6.5 percent during 1996–2005, while the lagging regions
(Sabaragamua, Central, Uva, and North Western) grew at an average
rate of 1.5 percent per year. In Pakistan, the difference in the growth
rates between the leading and lagging regions is less striking. The leading
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
Per Capita Income in South Asia, 2004 (Constant US$)
Sources India, Directorate of Economics and Statistics of respective State Governments;
Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka; Bangladesh, Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh;
Nepal (household income per capita), CBS (Central Bank of Sri Lanka) and World
Bank staff calculations using NLSS I and II; Pakistan, World Bank staff; Bhutan,
Afghanistan and Maldives, World Development Indicators.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
regions of Punjab and Sindh experienced an average annual growth rate
of 2.3 percent during 1991–2000, while the lagging regions of Balochistan
and the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) grew at an average
annual rate of 1.8 percent. In Bangladesh, the leading regions (Dhaka and
Chittagong) grew at an annual average rate of 3.15 percent year while the
lagging regions (Barisal, Rajshahi, Khulna, and Sylhet) grew at an average
annual rate of 2.73 percent during 1990–99. Nepal’s growth since 2000
has averaged a paltry 3 percent, around half of the South Asian regional
average. Conflict, poor road connectivity, and urban bias associated with
earlier growth spurts have resulted in a clear divide between lagging regions
and the Kathmandu valley.
The above picture suggests that, despite the differences in economic
size and population, South Asian countries face similar development
challenges arising from large spatial disparities. South Asia’s leading
regions are leaving lagging regions behind, as exemplified by the phrase
“two South Asias.” The leading regions are characterized by rapid GDP
growth, urbanization, and integration with the global economy. The
lagging regions remain rural, rely on low-value activities, and are not well
integrated with the national, regional, and global markets.
The development experience of South Asia, where rapid GDP growth
has been accompanied by high regional disparities, contrasts with the
regional experience of high-income market economies. There is evidence
of strong convergence among regions in the European Union, Japan,
and the United States.3 The income gap between the leading and lagging
regions in South Asia is much larger compared with the spatial disparities
in industrial countries. In India, GDP per head in the state where it is
highest (Haryana) is five times greater than in the state where it is lowest
(Bihar). In the United States, the difference is only 2.5 times, and in Japan
only two times. Regional disparities are indeed expected to change over
time with the level of development. The big issue is whether future developments in South Asia will bring about convergence or divergence between the leading and lagging regions.
Given the strong negative relationship between income and poverty
illustrated in Figure 2.3, it is hardly surprising that most lagging regions
show higher than average rates of poverty (Figure 2.6). Nearly half a billion
people live in the lagging regions of South Asia. Nearly 60 percent of the
poor in India live in the lagging states. Every seventh poor Indian lives
in Bihar, a lagging state. Sri Lanka shows disturbing regional disparity in
poverty rates between the western region (a leading region) and the rest
of the country. Nepal’s western region (lagging region) has a substantially
higher poverty incidence than the more prosperous Kathmandu valley.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
Poverty Incidence in South Asia (Headcount %)
Sources Pakistan, World Bank staff; Sri Lanka, HIES 2002; Nepal, NLLS 2003–04;
Bangladesh, HIES 2005; Bhutan, International Monetary Fund; Maldives, Asian
Development Bank.
Notes For India, data for poverty headcount rates are based on 2004–05; for Sri Lanka
data for poverty are based on 2002; Pakistan on 2005–06; Bangladesh on 2005;
Nepal on 2003–04; Bhutan on 2000; Maldives on 2004.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
In Pakistan, interprovincial disparities in poverty incidence between
the leading regions (Sindh and Punjab) and the lagging regions (NWFP
and Balochistan) are huge.
Why some areas develop and others remain underdeveloped is determined by three key drivers: movement of productive factors, transportation costs, and scale economies. These drivers are derived from
spatial economics—that is, the study of where economic activity takes
place and why (Fujita et al. 1999; World Bank 2008d). Drawing on
these works, an ongoing World Bank study is looking at the interactions
between geography, institutions, and trade, and how these interactions
promote or constrain growth in the lagging regions of South Asia.
Geographic, institutional, and trade differences are larger in South Asia
than in Europe, Japan, and the United States. In Japan, nearly 97 percent
of people live within 100 kilometers of the coast. In Europe, more than
half the population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast or an oceannavigable waterway. The United States is more like India, with a large
proportion of the land area away from coast. But because of high labor
mobility and efficient agriculture in the United States, a high proportion
of the population lives close to the coast. In India, factor mobility has
not been able to arbitrage geographic disparities. Disparities between the
leading and lagging regions are high not because of geography but because
of poor market integration resulting from high transportation costs, poor
connectivity between regions and countries, low factor mobility, and
regulatory restrictions that prevent firms from taking advantage of the
scale economies.
There are two types of geography—first- and second-nature geography.
First-nature geography favors some regions by virtue of proximity to
rivers, coasts, ports, and borders. Economic activity may concentrate in
coastal urban areas because of proximity to the domestic and external
markets, and better logistical links between foreign suppliers and customers. First-nature geography explains why some leading regions are located
in coastal areas (Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu in India, and
Karachi in Pakistan). Real GDP per capita growth rates for the coastal states
in India grew at 4.5 percent per year during the 1990s compared with 2.5
percent for the landlocked states. Second-nature geography is determined
by human-made infrastructure. Physical infrastructure influences the
interactions among economic agents. Improved infrastructure lowers
transportation costs, encourages mobility of labor, goods, capital, and
ideas, and increases the size of the market. These interactions give rise to
scale economies. As agricultural productivity increases, it releases labor and
capital from rural areas, which migrate to urban areas to take advantage
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
of agglomeration forces. Regions with a higher urbanization rate tend to
have higher productivity. These forces can generate virtuous circles of
self-reinforcing development. Empirical studies identify second-nature
geography (physical infrastructure) as a key causal factor in explaining
levels and trends in regional disparities (Kanbur and Veneables 2005a).
Clearly, South Asia has yet to take advantage of the growth benefits of its
demography and geography.
In addition to the lagging regions problem, South Asia also exhibits
growing income inequality. Figure 2.7 shows economic inequality as
measured by the Gini Coefficient.4 Inequality in South Asia is rising but
less than in East Asia.5 This is apparent when comparing the growing
inequality between the rich and the poor in India versus China. Nepal
Gini Coefficient (the Latest Available) and the Annual Growth
Rate of Gini
Sources World Bank staff estimation using household income and expenditure surveys
of each country. Source data for Bangladesh, HIES 1991–92 and 2005; Pakistan,
PIHS 1998–99 and PSLM 2005–06; India, NSSO 50th and 55th rounds; Sri Lanka,
HIES 1990–91 and 2002; Nepal, NLLS 1996–97 and 2003–04. Data for all East
Asian countries are in the World Bank’s data department; and survey years are
1993–2004 for China; 1999–2004 for Indonesia; 1992–2004 for Vietnam.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
and Sri Lanka have the highest levels of inequality in South Asia. They also
have the highest growth in inequality. Pakistan and rural India have the
lowest levels of inequality. Is inequality between regions, that is, spatial
inequality, also rising?
For most countries, growth in inequality across leading and lagging
regions is rising faster than growth in inequality across individuals.
Figure 2.8 reports regional inequality at the sub-national level using the
Theil inequality measure.6 The Figure shows that regional inequality is rising
at a much faster pace than pure inequality in all countries except for Nepal
and, to some extent, India. Regional inequality generally increases as an
economy shifts from agriculture to manufacturing. Some signs of regional
convergence are evident in Nepal and India, as the extremely poor areas
in Nepal and India have achieved faster growth rates in consumption.
Poorer parts of Nepal and India have benefited from remittance flows as
workers have moved to areas of higher economic density either at home
or abroad.
Annual Growth Rate of Regional Inequality and the Pure Individual
Effect for Selected South Asian Countries
Source World Bank staff estimates using household income and expenditure surveys of
each country.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
Can South Asia achieve both high and inclusive growth? Good examples of factors that can contribute to high and inclusive growth include
labor mobility, better job creation, skills and education, and resolution
of internal conflict. Inclusive growth is not about balanced growth but
shared opportunities. Spatial disparities in growth are inevitable when
growth accelerates and countries make the transition from being an
agricultural to an industrial economy. The challenge for public policy is to
identify the growth constraints in the lagging regions and remove them.
The strongest indicator of inclusive growth is poverty reduction. As
mentioned earlier, all South Asian countries have reduced poverty. Going
forward, however, poverty reduction is likely to be complicated by the
fact that growth is increasingly concentrated in the leading regions, while
poverty is concentrated in the lagging regions. The large concentration of
poor in the lagging regions suggests that public policy must concentrate
on raising growth and improving human development in these lagging
regions. The evidence that regional inequality is rising also suggests that
higher income growth in lagging regions might help reduce income
The lagging regions challenge requires recognition of another factor
of geography that has been largely neglected in public policy debates:
many of the South Asia’s lagging regions are either landlocked countries
(for example, Afghanistan and Nepal) or are border districts, states, or
provinces of the three larger countries of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.
This is obvious from Figure 2.5, Map 2.1, and Table 2.1, which show the
following results:
The landlocked countries of both Afghanistan and Nepal are among
the lowest per capita income group in the region (Figure 2.5).
Out of 14 states of India that have borders with neighbors, 12 have
per capita income levels that are at or below the national average
(Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Tripura, Manipur, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu
and Kashmir, and Rajasthan). The only exceptions are Punjab and
Gujarat (Figure 2.5 and Map 2.1).
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
MAP 2.1
Per Capita Income in South Asia
Source Created by the author. Based on Figure 2.5.
Notes (a) Leading/lagging regions are defined at the national level based on per capita
incomes above or below the national average. (b) Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives
show national averages because sub-national data are not available. (c) This map is
not to scale and does not depict the authentic boundaries of India.
In Pakistan, per capita income is lower than average in the border
provinces of NWFP, Balochistan, and rural Sindh. As in the case of
India, Pakistan’s Punjab is an exception. Similarly, urban Sindh is
richer than the national average because of the dominance of the
port city of Karachi (Figure 2.5 and Map 2.1).
Bordering north-east
Literacy rate (age 7+)
Per capita
income (US$)
mass (US$)
poverty index
Poverty mass
Both sexes
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
Population Mass, Economic Mass, and Poverty Mass: Bangladesh Districts Bordering India’s North-east and
West Bengal, 2000
Source Massum 2008.
Note Population data refer to 2001, per capita income data refer to 1999–2000, and human poverty index refers to 2000.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
Bordering West Bengal
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
In Bangladesh, the border districts tend to have per capita incomes
lower than the national average (Table 2.1). In terms of income,
most lagging regions are also lagging in terms of having a higher
than average incidence of poverty or poorer human development
indicators (Figure 2.6, Maps 2.2 and 2.3, and Table 2.1).
Detailed analyses of these lagging regions indicate the following
socioeconomic characteristics (Government of India 2008; Massum 2008;
World Bank 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2007b, 2008a, 2008b):
MAP 2.2
Distribution of Poverty in South Asia
Source Created by the author. Based on Figure 2.5.
Notes (a) Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives show national poverty rates. (b) This map
is not to scale and does not depict the authentic boundaries of India.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
MAP 2.3
Distribution of Poverty by Leading and Lagging Regions
Source Created by the author. Based on Figures 2.5 and 2.6.
Notes (a) Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives show national poverty rates. (b) This map
is not to scale and does not depict the authentic boundaries of India.
These lagging landlocked and border countries, states, provinces,
and districts have an estimated 400 million people, of whom an
estimated 200 million are poor (reference year of 2005). This is
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
about 50 percent of South Asia’s estimated total number of poor
for the year 2005.
Much of the population is rural (90 percent), and most are engaged
in low-productivity agriculture.
The human development indicators tend to be below the comparable
national average, and many indicators are lower than the average in
South Asia.
Infrastructure is, on average, poorer than the rest of the respective
countries and poorer than the average for South Asia.
The border regions, on average, tend to be more vulnerable to water
shortages and flooding problems than other parts.
A review of history suggests that not all areas were lagging and poor
all the time. For example, both Afghanistan and Nepal prospered in
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries on the basis of free trade and
commerce with neighbors, including Central Asia, the Middle East, the
Indian subcontinent, and China. Over the years, conflict and border
restrictions removed this key source growth. A more dramatic example
is that of India’s north-east (the so-called seven sisters). The partition
of the Indian subcontinent into Pakistan and India brought havoc to
the economies of these seven sisters, especially the booming state of
Assam, by cutting off its sea access and sharply increasing the transport distance with the rest of India (Box 2.1). The Kashmir valley was a
prosperous and peaceful tourist resort until conflict between Pakistan and
India took its toll. The Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan
(FATA) and the NWFP were similarly prosperous and peaceful trading
outposts until regional and global conflicts converted many parts of
these border areas into conflict-prone, security risk regions with low per
capita incomes, high incidence of poverty, and low human development
Apart from being poor, the lagging regions also share a number of
common vulnerabilities. First and foremost is their vulnerability to natural
disasters. Figure 2.9 shows the impact of natural disasters in terms of the
share of GDP lost. South Asia has lost a significant amount of its GDP
because of natural disasters. This loss has been especially significant for
Bangladesh, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The impact of natural
disaster is particularly strong in South Asia because of its high population
density. The losses typically are not insured in the financial market. It is
the poor who are adversely affected by disasters.
Percentage of National GDP Damaged by Select Natural Disasters
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
Source United Nations, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. Available online at http://www.unisdr.org/disaster-statistics/top50.htm (accessed
on 17 September 2009).
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
BOX 2.1
Bangladesh and India: A Tale of Two Border Regions
India’s north-east and West Bengal lag behind the rest of India in per capita
gross state domestic product (GSDP). So do the Bangladesh districts adjoining
West Bengal and India’s north-east. India’s north-east and Bangladesh districts bordering the above region and West Bengal have considerable similarity, such as being predominantly agricultural, with agriculture accounting
for the largest share of employment; having a narrow manufacturing base;
and having low levels of consumption of electricity, which significantly
constrain their growth prospects. The three hill districts of Bangladesh have
large shares of tribal population, as do three states of India’s north-east, and
people of both sub-regions have been practicing the same low-productivity
agricultural technology that featuring shifting cultivation called Jhum for
generations. The two regions formed a single economic entity under British
rule, shared common infrastructure, and developed close links that contributed to the economic growth of both regions. The partition of British India
in 1947 into two separate states (India and Pakistan) and the two regions
dividing into two countries that did not maintain friendly relations caused
havoc to the economy of India’s north-east, as a sudden snapping of all economic ties made its economy extremely vulnerable, in addition to converting
it into a virtually landlocked region. The adjoining Bangladesh (then East
Pakistan) districts also suffered by losing their traditional sources of supplies
and markets for their products; however, because they retained most of
the common infrastructure, including access to the sea and thereby to the
outside world, their situation was not as bad. Their growth performance,
however, indicates that they performed relatively poorly compared with
most other Bangladesh districts. Bangladesh districts bordering West Bengal
also performed relatively poorly. With the emergence of Bangladesh as an
independent country in 1971, it was expected that the linkages earlier lost
would be restored, but little progress has been made so far in this direction.
It is, however, believed that improved economic linkages between India’s
north-east and West Bengal, and the adjoining Bangladesh districts, would
promote development of all these regions.
Source Massum 2008.
A second and related vulnerability is access to water for irrigation and
transport. An estimated 400 million people, many of whom are poor,
directly or indirectly depend on the water flows of the three mighty rivers of
Indus–Ganges–Brahmaputra for their livelihood. Frequent water shortages
(and floods) create serious challenges to maintaining the income level of
these large numbers of poor.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
Cooperation can be a powerful way to raise growth, reduce the gap between leading and lagging regions, and reduce vulnerabilities for the
poor. By focusing on the income of the poor both through the growth
mechanism and by reducing vulnerability, regional cooperation can be
helpful in lowering income inequality. Specifically, in the context of the
framework developed in Section 3, it can be argued that South Asia has
the potential to accelerate growth and reduce poverty by exploiting four
underutilized spatial features of the region: geography, transportation,
factor mobility, and scale economies. Regional cooperation can facilitate
this process.
First, as mentioned earlier, South Asia is densely populated, with a
significant proportion of the population living close to the borders
between countries. After Europe, South Asia has the largest concentration of people living close to the border. It has the maximum
“city pairs” within 50 kilometers with a population of more than
25,000 people.7 Almost all the South Asian countries share a common border with the largest regional partner (India). Regional
integration initiatives will unlock the growth benefit of geography
and support income convergence across regions and countries.
Regional trade is more sensitive to transport costs, scale economies,
and factor mobility than global trade.
Second, South Asia suffers from high trade and transportation
costs compared with other regions because of border restrictions
and poor transport. The cost of trading across borders is nearly
double for India and Bangladesh compared with China. It is
more than three times higher for Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Nepal.
The quality of transport infrastructure in South Asia, especially
the highway networks, is poor. Truck operating speeds are low,
delays at state and provincial check posts are frequent and can be
long, and delivery times are consequently subject to significant
variation. The regions away from the main trade corridors have the
poorest infrastructure and face the greatest constraints. Raising
the level of the infrastructure and reducing regulatory barriers to
trade, whether international or national, will help integrate the
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
lagging regions into both the national and global economies,
reducing the relative advantages of the coastal states.
Third, factor mobility, and in particular migration rate, is low in
South Asia. Only 2 million people migrate every year in India from
rural to urban areas, compared with nearly 20 million people in
China. Increased agricultural productivity could reallocate labor and
capital from low-value activities (agriculture) to high-value activities
(manufacturing and services sectors) and support growth.
Fourth, South Asian firms are disproportionately small. They are
unable to reap the benefits of scale economies because of labor and
regulatory restrictions that prevent them from growing. The policy
changes aimed at taking advantage of the interactions between
geography, transportation, factor mobility, and scale economies
not only will lift growth in the lagging regions but also will support
higher growth rates at the country level and in South Asia.
These ideas are developed in greater detail next.
4.1 Regional Cooperat ion for Support ing Growt h
in t he Lagging Regions
In terms of policy focus, the two main ways that regional cooperation can
foster higher growth in South Asia, and especially in the lagging regions,
are by promoting market integration and by improving infrastructure.
4.1.1 Market Integration
Market integration allows economic agents to interact across spatial scales:
local, regional, and international. The extent to which economic agents
take advantage of market integration is affected positively by density but
negatively by both distance and division (Fujita et al. 1999). A high level
of economic density implies “thick markets” in the exchange of goods
and services, as well as in the informal exchange of ideas. This creates
productivity advantages for firms and welfare advantages for workers. By
contrast, a high level of distance to density denies economic agents the
opportunity to access these markets with consequent negative impacts on
poverty and well-being.8 Likewise, divisions—created by conflict, transport
costs, and both formal and informal barriers to trade—separate economic
agents in one country from the advantages of density in other countries.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
By reducing distance and division, market integration, both within and
between countries, brings economic agents in lagging regions closer to
the density of leading regions, promoting positive spillover effects that
enhance spatial multipliers.9 Given that South Asia is the most densely
populated region in the world, it is well placed to bring areas close to the
market and bolster the value of the spatial multiplier. Market integration
(global, regional, and within country) can ignite growth, as countries
benefit from increased demand, agglomeration, and scale economies;
improved factor mobility; and the free flow of ideas and technology.
Market integration can pull weak countries toward income levels that
they would be unable to achieve in isolation. Landlocked countries, in
particular (Afghanistan, Nepal), can benefit from cross-country growth
spillovers and neighborhood effects. Neighboring countries can provide
mutually beneficial economic linkages, spillovers, and complementarities
that allow groups of countries to increase their incomes.
The region has significantly more room to benefit from market
integration globally, across countries within South Asia, and within
country. Globally, South Asia’s rapid GDP growth benefited from rapid
expansion in trade. It has experienced one of the fastest growth rates in
trade (Figure 2.10) averaging 10.8 percent in 2007, following growth
Real Growth in Trade of Goods and Services
Source World Bank’s World Trade Indicators (World Bank 2008d).
Note Data for 1995–99, 2000–04, and 2005–06 are averages.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
of almost 12 percent during 2005–06, which was the highest among all
regions. Yet, the region has more room to benefit from trade. Despite
recent reforms, South Asia continues to have the most restrictive tariff
policies compared with other regions (Figure 2.11). Among developing
countries, South Asia has the most protective agricultural trade policies.
South Asia’s global integration, measured by trade as a ratio of GDP,
was 49 percent in 2007, which although higher than its late 1990s ratio
of 20 percent, is the lowest among developing countries (World Bank
Trade Tariff Restrictiveness Index
Source World Bank’s World Trade Indicators (World Bank 2008d).
Note Data for 1995–99, 2000–04, and 2005–06 are averages.
Within South Asia, market integration is the lowest in the world as
reflected by intraregional trade between countries being less than 2 percent
of GDP for South Asia compared with 40 percent for East Asia. Border
barriers to trade and services have mostly disappeared in the rest of the
world but not in South Asia. Divisions across countries in South Asia have
increased dramatically over the last four decades.10 In 1948, South Asia’s
share of intraregional trade as a share of total trade was 18 percent. In
2000–07, it fell to 5 percent of total trade. Cost of trading across borders
in South Asia is high. At the Petrapole–Benapole, one of the main borders
between Bangladesh and India, trucks wait for more than 100 hours to
cross the border. It takes 200 signatures in Nepal to trade goods with India,
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
and some 140 signatures in India to trade goods with Nepal. It is estimated
that trade between India and Pakistan, currently at US$1 billion,11 could
jump to US$6–10 billion, if divisions were removed. Divisions in South
Asia have been aggravated by conflict.
The geographic configurations of South Asia contain huge agglomeration
potential to propel growth.12 East Asia is an example of a region with a
high level of intraregional and intra-industry trade that enabled firms to
internalize externalities arising from agglomeration. Firms exporting to
the regional markets in South Asia are more constrained by the quality
of connectivity and productivity-enhancing infrastructure.13 It is the
seamless interaction of improved trade, better connectivity, and converging
institutions that can accelerate growth in the lagging regions and that can
benefit the slower-growing and smaller landlocked regions and countries.
In Latin America, Brazil’s growth creates export opportunities for Bolivia.
In Africa, resource landlocked countries piggybacked on the growth of
Kenya. In East Asia, Thailand is an important market for Cambodia and
Laos People’s Democratic Republic.
Growth benefits of market integration are likely to be large but unequal. India, a large country, with a big home market, can get by with
more restrictive borders, because the size of its economy and population
provides the incentive to importers and exporters to overcome these
barriers. It is the small, landlocked countries, like Afghanistan, Bhutan,
and Nepal, that will benefit most from improved access to the markets
of others. Small countries depend more on openness to overcome the
disadvantage of size: small population, small markets, and inability to
take advantage of agglomeration and scale economies. Even within India,
the peculiar geography that isolates the seven north-eastern states (the
so-called seven sisters) from mainland India, with Bangladesh located
in between, suggests that market integration requires trade and transit
arrangements with neighbors to benefit all regions that are lagging and
isolated from the growth centers. Tradable economic activities are inherently scalable in the sense that small economies can expand output without running into diminishing returns (unlike domestic services). Rapid
economic growth, associated with modern sector export growth, can
be “lumpy” (Venables 2006). Spatially, it can be uneven, with production
being concentrated in some countries, regions, or cities. In product space,
specialization is likely to increase, with regions specializing in a few tasks
rather than production of integrated products. Examples of specialization
from South Asia include information and communication technology (ICT)
service export from Bangalore in India; shirts, trousers, and hats exported
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
from Bangladesh; and exports of bed linen and soccer balls from Pakistan.
Temporally, rapid growth will happen only once some threshold level of
capabilities has been reached. Some countries may experience growth
before others, resulting in sequential rather than parallel growth. The
benefits of market integration, however, cannot be achieved without
improving the infrastructure.
4.1.2 Infrastructure
Infrastructure is like second-nature geography, which can reduce the time
and monetary costs to reach markets and thus overcome the limitations
of physical geography (Kanbur and Venables 2005a). Improved infrastructure that enhances connectivity and contributes to market integration
is the best solution to promoting growth as well addressing rising inequality between regions. The Ganga Bridge in Bihar in India is a good example
of second-nature geography. The bridge has reduced the time and monetary costs of farmers in the rural areas in north Bihar to reach markets
in Patna, the largest city in Bihar. The Jamuna Bridge in Bangladesh is
another good example of spatially connective infrastructure. The bridge
has opened market access for producers in the lagging north-west areas
around the Rajshahi division. Better market access has helped farmers
diversify into high-value crops and has reduced input prices.
So far, South Asia has achieved impressive growth rates despite poor
infrastructure. This growth may be difficult to sustain in the future. Poor
infrastructure and restrictive labor laws (to be discussed later) are among
the major factors that have restrained the growth of manufacturing
sector and prevented firms from growing (Fernandez and Pakes 2008).
Table 2.2 shows that the manufacturing share of value added in India is
smaller than that share in other large developing economies, although
it is similar to that share in smaller countries with GDP per capita similar to that of India (such as Vietnam). As Table 2.3 shows, however, the
growth of value added in manufacturing in India is noticeably lower than
that in these smaller similar income countries. Indeed the sectoral growth
comparisons in Table 2.3 are rather striking. The growth of value added in
services in India is comparable to that in China, and about 10 percentage
points higher than that in other countries. In rather stark contrast, the
growth of value added in manufacturing in India is only about half that
in China and Vietnam.
The service sector in India has done well because it relies less on transportation and is less energy intensive than manufacturing. South Asia
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
Industry and Manufacturing Share of Employment and GDP across
Employment in Value added
industry as
in industry
% of total
as % of
in 2000
in 2000
Low-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Value added
in manu- 2002 GDP
facturing as per capita
% of GDP
(in 2000
in 2000
Source World Development Indicators 2005 (World Bank 2005d).
Note Industry includes not only manufacturing, but also mining and quarrying (including
oil production), construction, and public utilities (electricity, gas, and water).
Lower-income countries and lower-middle-income countries are defined based
on the World Bank classification.
Growth in Sectoral Value Added across Countries
Growth in value added
in manufacturing (%)
Growth in value added
in agriculture (%)
Growth in value added
in services (%)
1995–2000 2000–05
1995–2000 2000–05
Source World Development Indicators, various years, World Bank.
has the highest share of services in its exports at 31 percent, which is higher
than high-income member countries of the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD). ICT exports and global outsourcing have benefited from the use of the Internet, which has reduced
information transmission costs dramatically. While other countries can
emulate India’s successful efforts to boost services export, sustained high
growth will require a substantial effort to raise manufacturing growth in
all South Asian countries. In general, poor infrastructure has constrained
the growth of labor-intensive manufacturing firms in South Asia and has
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
prevented the region from making use of its most important asset, its
South Asia suffers from three infrastructure deficits. First, it suffers
from a service deficit, as the region’s infrastructure has not been able to
keep pace with a growing economy and population. Power outages and
water shortages are a regular occurrence in India and Bangladesh. Rural
roads are impassable in lagging regions in India (for example, Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh) and Sri Lanka. India has 6,000 kilometers of four-lane
highways and China in the last 10 years has built 35,000 kilometers of
four- to six-lane highways. Every month, China adds power capacity
equivalent to what exists in Bangladesh. Second, South Asia suffers from
a policy deficit, given highly distorted pricing, poor sector governance
and accountability, and weak cost recovery. It is estimated that eliminating
the financial losses from the power and water sectors alone would provide
a substantial chunk of the incremental funds for infrastructure investment that India needs. Third, South Asia suffers from a cooperation deficit.
India, one of the energy-thirstiest nations sits next to an immensely
energy-rich neighbor, Nepal. Yet, because of inadequate cooperation
with India, Nepal has barely exploited its hydropower potential. Similarly,
India, which has attracted global attention in ICT, contrasts with other
South Asian countries that are lagging in ICT. In South Asia, only 7 percent
of the international calls are regional compared with 71 percent in East
Asia. South Asia needs to overcome a huge gap in infrastructure. South
Asia has invested only 3.5 to 4 percent of GDP per year in infrastructure
over the period 2000–05. This is lower than what the East Asian countries
have invested: Vietnam and China had investment rates of around 8
percent to 10 percent of GDP. In 1980, India actually had higher infrastructure stocks—in power, roads, and telecommunications—but China
invested massively in infrastructure, overtaking India by 1990, and the gap
is currently ever widening. It is estimated that for the South Asia region
to sustain a growth target of 8 percent, it will require an investment in
infrastructure amounting to 7.6 percent of GDP (Harris 2008). To achieve
a higher growth rate in the 10 percent range will require an even more
rapid pace of investment to modernize the infrastructure.
Much of the infrastructure investment gap has to be financed at the
national level along with necessary improvements in sector policies and
institutions. Yet regional cooperation can be of great help to meet a significant part of this need. The three priority areas for regional cooperation include telecoms and Internet networking, energy, and transport.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
A regional telecom network and a high-bandwidth, high-speed Internetbased network could improve education, innovation, and health. A
regional network would facilitate better flow of ideas, technology, investments, goods, and services. It also would facilitate greater interactions
between knowledge workers in areas such as high-energy physics,
nanotechnology, and medical research. Untapped positive synergies at the
regional level would result from information sharing and competition in
ideas among universities, non-university research and teaching entities,
libraries, hospitals, and other knowledge institutions. It also could aid
the building and sharing of regional databases, and could help address
regional problems, including multi-country initiatives such as flood control, disaster management, climate change, and infectious disease control.
Importantly, such an effort could help spark higher and more sustainable
regional growth.
Regional cooperation in telecoms and Internet access could strengthen
the competitiveness of South Asia in the services-export sector. India has
established itself as a global player in ICT and outsourcing. Other countries
in South Asia potentially could benefit from neighborhood and spillover
effects. The expansion of services exports would contribute to growth and
job creation, and other sectors would benefit from improved technology
and management (Hamid 2007). The services-export sector, although
less infrastructure intensive than manufacturing, needs different types
of infrastructure than the traditional export sectors. For these exports,
investment is needed in fiber optic highways, broadband connectivity,
and international gateways and uplink facilities. Increased investments in
tertiary education and in technical and English proficiency also are needed.
South Asia needs to remove barriers to trade in ICT services, eliminate
restrictions on the flow of intraregional foreign direct investment (FDI),
and remove visa restrictions on the flow of people.
The potential gains from regional trade in energy are substantial. This
is best seen by looking at Map 2.4, which shows South Asia’s potential
sources of hydropower and its demand. Map 2.4 illustrates a powerful story. Afghanistan and Nepal are sitting on water resources that
could potentially generate some 24,000 megawatts of electricity from
Afghanistan and an estimated 83,000 megawatts from Nepal. These
countries together account for 40 percent of South Asia’s presently installed
capacity. Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan are all power-deficit countries,
especially India. The growing electricity constraint is threatening the
ability to sustain rapid growth. Yet, less than 1 percent of the region’s
electricity-generating potential has been used so far. The reason for this
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
energy constraint is the lack of cooperation and absence of energy trade
among South Asian countries. Indeed, if one were to imagine South
Asia without borders, perhaps the highest priority investment would have
gone to develop the hydropower resources. While all countries would
benefit from the development of South Asia’s hydropower resources,
Afghanistan and Nepal, the two poorest South Asian countries, would
benefit most.
MAP 2.4
Distribution of Hydro-power Potential
Source Created by the author. Based on World Bank 2008c.
Note This map is not to scale and does not depict the authentic boundaries of India.
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
After decades of insignificant cross-country electricity trade and the
absence of any trade in natural gas through pipelines, regional political
leaders and businesspeople recently have evinced a great deal of interest
and enthusiasm in cross-border electricity and gas trade, not only within
South Asia but also with its neighbors in the west (Central Asia and Iran) and
in the east (Myanmar). South Asia has two regional energy clusters. The
eastern market includes India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka,
extending to Myanmar; the western market includes Afghanistan, India,
and Pakistan, extending to Central Asia and Iran. India bridges these two
clusters. Some activities are under way, including a successful hydropower
trade between Bhutan and India in the eastern market and an ongoing
project in the western market that will bring electricity from Tajikistan
and Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and Pakistan.14
To promote such energy trade, governments need to continue reducing
political and security tensions; consider energy trade as an enhancement
of energy security and political and economic cooperation; continue
energy sector reforms; improve commercial performance of the utilities;
improve the credibility, competence, and accountability of regulation;
adopt sustainable (cost-reflective) tariffs and a social protection
framework; promote commercial approach to energy trade; encourage
private sector participation in the form of public–private partnership
(PPP) structures in cross-border investments; help the transit countries
(especially Afghanistan) integrate; reach water-sharing agreements; seek
accession to international agreements (such as the Energy Charter Treaty);
strengthen regional institutions at both political and technical levels; and
identify priority trade-oriented investment projects and pursue their
implementation. The success of the India–Bhutan electricity trade should
offer useful lessons to other countries in the region.
Restrictions in transport border crossings are a major constraint to
global and intraregional trade in South Asia. Removing these restrictions
would boost trade within South Asia as well as lower costs for international
trade in general, as many landlocked countries and regions would benefit
from access to the closest ports. Currently, efforts to improve trade
facilitation and transport networks are being pursued in a fragmented
manner, and where cross-border issues are involved, little cooperation
exists. Establishing corridor-based approaches for improving the trade,
such as a transport arrangement for intraregional trade, would be
essential to improve the efficiency of regional transport and to reduce
trade costs.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
4.2 Regional Cooperat ion Reducing Vulnerabilit ies
of Sout h Asia’ s Poor
South Asia’s poor would probably gain most from regional cooperation
in water and climate. This is again obvious from Map 2.4. From the
Himalayas, where glacier melt is already changing water flows in ways
that remain to be understood, to the coastal floodplains of Bangladesh
and Pakistan, South Asian countries need to adapt to climate change.
The melting of Himalayan glaciers, leading to the disastrous prospect of
reduced water availability in the South Asian rivers, the frequency of floods
and cyclones, and the evidence of rising sea level, have given South Asia a
wake-up call for collective action for managing climate change to reduce
vulnerability and poverty over the longer term. Actions only at the national
level cannot provide sustainable solutions as much of the water flows from
upstream countries of Afghanistan, China, parts of India, and Nepal to
Bangladesh, most of India, and Pakistan. Finding sustainable solutions for
flood control, irrigation, and river transport will require cooperation with
upstream countries. Thus, cross-border cooperation on water between
India, Bangladesh, and Nepal offers the only long-term solution to flood
mitigation. The benefits of cooperation are clear. For example, watershed
management and storage on Ganges tributaries in Nepal could generate
hydropower and irrigation benefits in Nepal and flood mitigation benefits
in Nepal, India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar) and Bangladesh; water storage in
north-east India could provide hydropower and flood benefits in India
and Bangladesh; and both would provide increased and reliable dry season
flows. Specific cooperation between Bangladesh, India, and Nepal on the
Ganges presents an emerging and promising opportunity.
Similar benefits of water cooperation exist between India and Pakistan
and between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The success of the Indus Water
Treaty between Pakistan and India has already demonstrated that
cooperation that benefits people can withstand all political obstacles.
Building on this success, other water disputes and potential water markets
could be developed through a similar cooperative solution. Afghanistan sits
on the upper riparian of some five water basins that have huge potential for
irrigation and hydropower benefits that could well transform Afghanistan’s
economy. Yet, little of the critical investment required to transform this
natural resource into a productive asset for the benefit of the people of
Afghanistan has been made thus far. As a result, Afghanistan is a severely
water-constrained economy with a serious power shortage as well. A key
constraint is a lack of a framework for water-sharing agreements with
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
its neighbors. The Kabul River Water Basin Project is a high-priority
project that will yield substantial hydropower and irrigation benefits for
both Afghanistan and Pakistan. A key requirement for this project to
move forward is a riparian agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Again, a cooperative solution will result in a win–win situation for both
More generally, regional cooperation can be instrumental in facilitating
the design and implementation of effective country-level strategies to
address a range of global public goods; to improve water management,
disaster management, and climate and environmental management; and
to combat HIV/AIDS, narcotics and drug trafficking, and security and
arms trade. Geographic proximity and common borders mean common
action in these areas will eliminate negative externalities, reduce transaction
costs of monitoring and implementation, and allow learning from shared
best practices.
South Asia needs to strengthen its regional governance institutions. This
governance is vital to manage the provision of regional public goods and
common pooled resources. South Asia suffers from numerous prisoners’
dilemmas, such as free riding and overuse of resources, because of a lack
of effective institutions. This problem can be overcome by engaging the
government, the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and
communities in formal and informal social institutions (networks, norms,
and sanctions) based on collective action.
The potential benefits of economic cooperation are obvious. Global examples of successful cooperation agreements reinforce the point that
possible gains for South Asia from effective cooperation and partnerships
can be substantial. In particular, the experience of East Asia is illustrative of
the potential gains that can be achieved from more and better cooperation.
Cross-border physical connectivity has improved tremendously through
land-, sea-, and air-based transport networks; private sector–led vertical
integration of production networks has spurred industrial productivity
and growth; and e-commerce is flourishing. Yet, the actual experience
with cooperation in South Asia so far has been rather dismal. Following
are the key constraining factors:
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
First and foremost is the prevalence of a number of regional disputes.
These include the long-standing conflict between India and Pakistan
over Kashmir, which has continued to strain relations between
these two large neighbors. The Afghanistan–Pakistan relations
are constrained by allegations of support for the Taliban from
sources in Pakistan. Similarly, securing the immigration and security
issues in the India–Bangladesh border areas is another source of
Second is the lack of good analysis and information in the public
domain about the benefits of regional cooperation. Unfounded
populist negative perceptions in the smaller countries contribute to
the misconception that increased cooperation will simply result in
greater domination of India in the political and economic matters
of these countries.
A third factor has been the internal political interests in countries
that are divided along nationalistic, religious, and ethnic lines, which
substantially complicates policymaking that involves cross-border
dialogue and cooperation.
Fourth, and perhaps most important, the approach to international
cooperation has been seriously flawed in that this has been largely
seen as a bilateral politically driven agenda rather than a crossboundary commercial investment. The bilateral political approach
has partly contributed to suspicions in smaller countries of India’s
International experience suggests that political constraints and historical conflicts need not be permanent barriers to development cooperation. Neither is the presence of a dominant member country a necessary
threat to cooperation and shared gains. For example, the members of the
European Union have fought numerous wars in the past, many of them far
more intense, long drawn, and expensive in terms of loss of human lives
and material resources than conflicts in South Asia. Similarly, member
countries diverge considerably in economic strength. Yet these European
countries have found it mutually advantageous to come together and
formulate a formidable economic union. In East Asia, the economic
dominance of China has not prevented effective regional cooperation
with the much smaller East Asian countries.
Fortunately, the political environment for cooperation in South Asia
is now changing. Historically, the regional cooperation efforts in South
Asia culminated in the formation of the South Asian Regional Cooperation
Regional Cooperat ion Work for Sout h Asia’s Poor
(SAARC) in 1985. Until recently, SAARC has functioned basically as
an annual event for heads of governments to meet with declarations
of cooperation intentions but with limited implementation because of
conflict and political difficulties. Armed with recent economic successes,
the political space for better regional cooperation is now growing in
South Asia. The last two SAARC meetings have succeeded in bringing the
countries closer than ever in recognizing the merits of regional cooperation
and taking significant actions to realize these benefits.
The next step is to identify concrete bankable projects in which
multi-country cooperation would yield tangible benefits for citizens.
The immediate priority areas are well known: promote trade facilitation
by removal of all trade barriers; improve regional transport by removing
transit restrictions and opening up port facilities for international trade;
promote trade in energy in all possible ways, including hydropower, gas
pipelines, and regional grid facilities; and pursue water cooperation to
resolve flooding and irrigation problems. Cross-border transactions must
be depoliticized and pursued on a commercial basis. Enabling national
and international private investors to participate in these transactions
holds more promise of success than bilateral political deals. International
financial institutions can play a useful role by bringing global good practices,
by providing technical assistance to smaller countries, and by mobilizing
external financing. Where legal agreements are needed, these can be best
pursued multilaterally to avoid any perceptions of dominance.
It is not realistic or necessary to expect that all political and social
conflicts will have to be resolved first before meaningful cooperation can
happen. Indeed, economic cooperation is a powerful means to resolve
political and social conflicts. Trust and goodwill at the citizen level also
can be a credible way to resolve conflicts. Economic cooperation by
raising citizens’ welfare can be instrumental in building this trust. Political
forces can provide the impetus by reducing policy barriers to regional
1. The authors are with the World Bank in Washington, DC. Parts of the analysis of this
chapter draw from an earlier paper (Ahmed and Ghani 2009). The views expressed
in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
World Bank Group. Research assistance from Veronica Milagros Minaya is gratefully
acknowledged. Errors are the sole responsibility of the authors.
Sadiq Ahmed and Ej az Ghani
2. A lagging region is defined as a poor region that does not grow as fast as the others, and
its per capita income is low compared with national averages.
3. See European Union 2007, which provides evidence on convergence occurring both at
the national and regional levels within European Union.
4. We are grateful to Nobuo for this work.
5. Based on their survey of evidence of more than 50 developing nations, Kanbur and
Venables (2005a, 2005b) argue that the uneven spatial impact of trade and globalization
played a major role in the increase in regional and urban spatial inequalities in
developing countries in recent years. Moreover, they argue that, in addition to
geographic remoteness, the backward regions and rural areas suffered from an
inequitable distribution of infrastructure, public services, and policies that constrained
the free migration of peoples from backward places.
6. The Theil inequality measure has a convenient property: it can be decomposed into
inequality across areas, or “regional inequality,” and inequality between individuals,
after controlling for the former, or “pure between-individual inequality.”
7. We are grateful to Souleymane Coulibaly for the data on city pairs.
8. Distance here is to be interpreted as an economic and social concept, rather than a purely
physical concept. As such, a location that is physically close to a region of high density
can, in principle, still be economically distant. This will be the case, for example, if the
quality of spatially connective infrastructure linking the two areas is poor or there are
economic, social, and institutional barriers to commuting and the free flow of labor
between the areas.
9. A spatial multiplier is a concept that captures the additional beneficial effects that result
from a policy change as a result of the feedback from spillovers between neighboring
10. Borders and divisions are not the same thing. Borders define a nation-state whereas
divisions influence the flow of people, goods, services, capital, ideas, and technology
across borders.
11. Includes both formal and informal trade.
12. For example, given the large economies of scale in services industries (for example,
telecoms), incentives to invest are greater if the markets are not segmented from other
neighboring countries.
13. Based on data from S. Coulibaly.
14. This is the Central Asia-South Asia (CASA) energy project that seeks to sell 1,000
megawatts of surplus power from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and
Pakistan. The project is being developed in cooperation with a number of multilateral
financial institutions, including the World Bank.
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