published: 06 December 2019
doi: 10.3389/fpos.2019.00001
A Research Agenda in Elections and
Voting Behavior in a Global and
Changing World
Ignacio Lago*
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: elections, representation, voting behavior, political parties, theory building, demography
Received: 06 November 2019
Accepted: 22 November 2019
Published: 06 December 2019
Electoral democracies have expanded rapidly worldwide in the last decades. According to the
dichotomous measure of democracy by Boix et al. (2013), while in 1975 there were 47 democracies
in the world (the 30.92 percent of the existing countries), in 2015 the number of democracies
rose by 2.5–117 (the 60.62 percent of existing countries). This spread of democracy around the
world has been particularly noticeable in Africa: only two countries (Botswana and Gambia)
were democracies in 1975, but 16 in 2015. However, elections are not restricted to democracies
nowadays. In 2018 111 national elections (Assembly, Head of Government, Head of State, Lower
House, Upper House, and Referendum) were held in the world, at least 30 in non-democracies
(Election Guide, http://www.electionguide.org) The purpose of elections in non-democracies is, of
course, different than in democracies (Gandhi and Lust-Okar, 2009).
Electoral democracy rests on a straightforward idea: citizens elect their fellow citizens to
represent their interests. Research on elections and representation has focused on four dimensions
of this relationship between those who have the right to elect and those who want to be elected.
First, why and how the supply of candidates or parties varies across elections and countries. Before
the election occurs, political parties have to decide whether they enter the race alone, engage
in some form of pre-electoral coordination or stay out. Second, when parties decide to enter,
they have to define their campaign strategies to influence voters’ decisions, that is, select policy
positions, define the salience of issues, allocate their resources and select their candidates. Third,
citizens have to decide whether they vote or not and those who vote have to choose a given party.
Finally, citizen preferences are aggregated and converted into seats to form a government. The
four dimensions respond to the interaction between institutions, in particular electoral systems,
and basic assumptions about the electorate’s political abilities—knowledge and interest—and the
decision-making process.
In what follow I will highlight some limitations of existing research that constitute in my view
the research agenda for the next years and the focus of the Elections and Representation section of
Frontiers in Political Science.
Lago I (2019) A Research Agenda in
Elections and Voting Behavior in a
Global and Changing World.
Front. Polit. Sci. 1:1.
doi: 10.3389/fpos.2019.00001
1) Emphasis on theory building: The most glaring limitation of the literature on elections and
voting behavior is the scarce emphasis on theories. With the advent of the high-speed computer
and statistical sampling theory, the use of rich sources of data and quantitative techniques
has made possible a huge accumulation of knowledge in the form of verifiable or falsifiable
statements. However, at the same time this causal inference based on large-N analyses has
Edited and reviewed by:
Ferran Martinez i Coma,
Griffith University, Australia
Ignacio Lago
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Elections and Representation,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Political Science
Frontiers in Political Science | www.frontiersin.org
December 2019 | Volume 1 | Article 1
A Research Agenda in Elections
voter decision making processes. However, there are very
few such time-series analyses when examining the role of
electoral systems, while panel surveys are limited to a short
time span. Longitudinal analyses with multiple waves (years)
should be fostered. Additionally, spatial modeling techniques
capturing the mechanisms underlying spatial patterns deserve
more attention. The next logical approach is to move from
observational data to experimental or quasi-experimental
designs. There have been a few quasi-experimental studies
when exploring how the consequences of electoral systems
(for instance, Pellicer and Wegner, 2014) and many more
experimental studies, especially in the lab (for instance,
Blais et al., 2016). Unsurprisingly when talking about
elections, field experiments are scarce. Clearly, the use
experimental designs and big data should be strongly
encouraged. Finally, let me stress again that a good balance
between empirics and theory development in the filed
demands the complementarity of single-unit and cross-unit
research designs.
4) Interdisciplinary dialogue: Research on elections should
be clearly interdisciplinary. The close and long-lasting
dialogue between political science and economics has been
very fruitful for the field in terms of accumulation of
knowledge and using quantitative methods and experimental
designs. Yet, the understanding of complex phenomena
such as electoral outcomes requires multiple perspectives.
We need a closer dialogue with history, demography,
and psychology. First, when examining the impact of
electoral systems or even the behavior of political parties,
particularly with observational data, we should engage in
more historically sensitive studies. As there is no path
independence, a necessary condition for causal identification,
endogeneity is an elephant in the room (Przeworski, 2008).
As Kreuzer (2010, p. 385) rightly argues, “it would be
beneficial to first do the more nuts-and-bolts work of using
historical knowledge to improve the quantitative study of
institutional origin, . . . [to] give us a better understanding
of qualitative history’s potential ontological incompatibilities
with statistical methodologies.” Second, advanced societies
have experienced deep changes across the last decades such
as the emergence of one-person households whose effect
on voting behavior seems unquestionable. The literature on
elections and voting behavior cannot be rendered blind to
demographic studies. Traditional models of voter choice
based on sociological factors and party identification (the
Columbia and the Michigan models) are time-specific and
do not travel well-across generations. Social influences
are changing and explanations of voting behavior should
adapt to those changes. Finally, the literature on voting
behavior would benefit from greater attention to research
in psychology. Given that voting is a complex decisionmaking process in which many cross-cutting variables are
considered, any explanation is ultimately grounded on
behavioral assumptions about voters. More psychology would
help the field to refine assumptions about how persuasion
or framing become effective or to conflate emotions and
political cognition.
fostered the development of a variable-centered type of theory
in electoral behavior that only devotes a scant attention to
explanatory mechanisms. Unfortunately, case-studies, which
are more useful than cross-unit study when insight into
causal mechanisms is more important than insight into
causal effects (Gerring, 2004, p. 352), have been absent
from the major journals in the field. Clearly, I believe that
more importance should be given to theory building rather
than simply to find reliable effect. The literature is crying
out for middle-range theories (Merton, 1967) such as the
M+1 rule formulated by Cox (1997)1 when explaining the
number of parties we should be expect in a given election,
particularly when accounting for voter behavior. I do not
intend to under-value empirical, confirmatory research, but
explaining is more than identifying causal effects: the causal
generative mechanisms have to be provided as well. A deep
understanding of how things behaved in the past and how they
will behave under new circumstances entails the formulation
of causal arguments succesfully traveling across time
and space.
2) A global focus: The literature on voting behavior is clearly
skewed westward. Even in the literature which may well be
the largest in all of political science (Fiorina, 1997, p. 391),
empirical research is overwhelmingly focused on Western
countries. This western bias is due to the political history
of countries, the availability of data, and the production
of research almost exclusively in western universities. The
democratization waves in Central and Eastern Europe,
Asia and Africa have put non-western politics in the
spotlight and question whether the body of knowledge
generated by studies in voting behavior is highly culturally
or geographically specific. For instance, in a seminal analysis
of the determinants of the number of parties in African
democracies, Mozaffar et al. (2003, p. 387) found that district
magnitude, widely acknowledged as the decisive institutional
variable in shaping the structure of party systems, has no
independent effect on the number of parties. Similarly,
elections in non-democracies, more frequent than what it
is presumed, deserve more attention in the research agenda
in electoral behavior. Do electoral rules matter in nondemocracies? How do voters make decisions when elections
are not free and fair?
3) New methodological approaches: Most of the classic studies
on the consequences of electoral systems and voting behavior
have been based on cross-sectional observational data.
Democratization waves, on the one hand, and the greater
availability of survey data, on the other hand, have allowed
increasing the number of observations and countries in
the analyses. The big peril in this type of research is
the omitted-variable bias and thus spurious relationships.
It could be argued that time-series analyses are more
compelling than cross-sectional research when it comes to
ascertaining the impact of electoral system and studying
1 The
number of viable parties or candidates in a given district is limited by an
upper bound of M+1 (where M is equal to district magnitude).
Frontiers in Political Science | www.frontiersin.org
December 2019 | Volume 1 | Article 1
A Research Agenda in Elections
To conclude, the research on elections and voting behavior
we promote from the Elections and Representation section of
Frontiers in Political Science is focused on theory building
rather than simply to find reliable causal effects. I dream of a
research on elections and voting behavior beyond the current
the state of the art and open to case studies and time-series,
experimental, and bid data, in close dialogue with demography
and psychology and not only with economics, and with a
diverse and global empirical scope, including both democracies
and non-democracies.
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Pellicer, M., and Wegner, E. (2014). The mechanical and psychological effects
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S. S. Stokes (New York, NY: Oxford University Press), 147–171.
doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199566020.003.0006
The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and
has approved it for publication.
The author acknowledges support from the Spanish Minister
of Science, Innovation and Universities (Grant number:
AEI/FEDER CSO2017-85024-C2-1-P) and ICREA under the
ICREA Academia programme.
Blais, A., Laslier, J. F., and van der Straeten, K. (eds.). (2016). Voting Experiments.
New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40573-5
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of political regimes, 1800-2007. Comp. Political Stud. 46, 1523–1554.
doi: 10.1177/0010414012463905
Cox, G. W. (1997). Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the
World’s Electoral Systems. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139174954
Fiorina, M. P. (1997). “Voting Behavior,” in Perspectives on Public Choice,
ed D. C. Mueller (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 391–417.
doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511664458.019
Gandhi, J., and Lust-Okar, E. (2009). Elections under authoritarism. Annu. Rev.
Political Sci. 12, 403–422. doi: 10.1146/annurev.polisci.11.060106.095434
Gerring, J. (2004). What is a case study and what is it good for? Am. Political Sci.
Rev. 98, 341–354. doi: 10.1017/S0003055404001182
Kreuzer, M. (2010). historical knowledge and quantitative analysis: the case of the
origins of proportional representation. Am. Political Sci. Rev. 104, 369–392.
doi: 10.1017/S0003055410000122
Merton, R. K. (1967). “On sociological theories of the middle range [1949],” in On
Theoretical Sociology, New York, NY: Free Press, 39–72.
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Conflict of Interest: The author declares that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
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of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
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December 2019 | Volume 1 | Article 1