Anshar Daud is a Lecturer and also marketing practitioners in the telecom industry. Research areas of interest are service marketing, entrepreneurial marketing, dynamic capability, digital marketing, and marketing agility.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Feb 9, 2024
Researchers also believe that Live Streaming-Interaction on TikTok can increase purchasing decisi... more Researchers also believe that Live Streaming-Interaction on TikTok can increase purchasing decisions because more and more people know about brand types, brand quality, brand suitability, brand identity, and so on. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the influence of Live-Streamer Interaction on Purchasing Decisions. Different from previous research, this research adds the Brand Love variable as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research was obtained from distributing online questionnaires to 350 TikTok shop sellers and buyers on certain dates. These data can be called primary data. These data were analyzed using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this article show the Live-Streaming Interaction variable can have a positive relationship and a significant influence on purchasing decisions because the P-Values value is positive and is below the significance level of 0.05, namely 0.004. Otherwise, the Brand Love variable can moderate the influence of the Live-Streamer Interaction variable on the Purchase Decision variable because the P-Values results show a positive direction and are below 0.05. Thus the first and second hypotheses in this research can be proven and accepted.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Feb 9, 2024
Researchers believe that a leadership style that involves subordinates/employees in deciding thin... more Researchers believe that a leadership style that involves subordinates/employees in deciding things, is interactive with subordinates, has good closeness, and gives trust to employees can increase employee job satisfaction. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the influence of Participative Leadership Style on employee job satisfaction. Different from previous research, this research adds the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable as a moderating variable which researchers believe can strengthen the influence of the Participative Leadership Style variable on Job Satisfaction. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research is classified as primary data because the data collection method uses a questionnaire method which is distributed online to 300 Bank Permata employees spread throughout Indonesia. These data are used using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this article show that Participative Leadership Style variable has a positive relationship and a significant influence on Job Satisfaction because the P-Values results are positive and are below the 0.05 significance level, namely 0.006. Apart from that, the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable can moderate the influence of the Participative Leadership Style variable on job satisfaction because the positive p-values are below 0.05, namely 0.000. Even smaller than direct testing, 0.006. Thus, the first and second hypotheses in this research can be accepted and proven.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Jan 19, 2024
Researchers believe that word of mouth communication carried out online can influence employee pu... more Researchers believe that word of mouth communication carried out online can influence employee purchasing decisions because it can attract the enthusiasm of other consumers and has broad, even infinite boundaries. Apart from that, researchers also believe that this influence will be more significant if it is accompanied by good customer reviews. Therefore, the research aims to analyze the influence of the Electronic-Word of Mouth variable on Purchasing Decisions with Customer Reviews as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research was distributed using an online questionnaire method to 100 sellers on TikTok and 200 consumers on TikTok with the minimum criteria of having shopped once. The questionnaire contains 14 question items containing statements of agree, strongly agree, normal, disagree, and strongly disagree on a number of questionnaires asked. This data can also be called primary data. The collected data was analyzed using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this this research show word of mouth communication using the internet has its own advantages in increasing consumer purchasing decisions due to its wide reach, as informative material for consumers who are not familiar with the product, and increasing consumer enthusiasm. In line with this, the results of the first researcher's hypothesis and beliefs show that the Electronic Word of Mouth variable has a positive relationship and has a significant influence on purchasing decisions because the P-Values value is positive and is below the significance level of 0.05, namely 0.002. The second belief and also the second hypothesis in this research shows that good reviews from consumers can increase the influence of Word of Mouth Communication via the internet on Consumer Purchasing Decisions due to Word of Mouth Communication with quality product information, a comfortable place, and good service. from Consumer Reviews can make that influence even more significant. This can be proven from the results of the second hypothesis which shows the direction of the relationship is positive and the influence is more significant, namely 0.000 below 0.05, which is more significant than direct testing, namely 0.003. Thus, the first and second hypotheses in this research can be proven and accepted.
The purpose of this study was to examine the indirect effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavi... more The purpose of this study was to examine the indirect effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employee performance by using the antecedents of Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life. This study also examines the direct role of the variables Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life on employee performance at the Directorate General of Taxes. This type of research is quantitative using a questionnaire research instrument to collect data. The sample for this research is all employees at the Directorate General of Taxes who are taken using probability sampling. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that Career Journey, Self Efficacy, Quality of Work Life had a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, then Career Journey, Quality of Work Life and OCB also had a positive effect on employee performance, but Self Efficacy had no significant effect on employee performance. In addition, Organizational Citizenship Behavior is also proven to be able to mediate the relationship between Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life towards employee performance. The findings of this study contribute to the development of theories related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the importance of managing career paths, employee self-motivation and the quality of employee work life so that employees can provide maximum performance which will certainly support organizational performance.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisa peran kepuasan kerja dalam memediasi servant leadershi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisa peran kepuasan kerja dalam memediasi servant leadership dan budaya organisasi serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini melibatkan 82 orang respondent yang mewakili Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang menangani Pengelolaan Keuangan Dan Asset Daerah Kota Makassar. Data Utma penelitian ini adalah kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada para responden. Teknik analisi data dalam penelitian ini adalah Partial Least Square menggunakan aplikasi Smart PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) servant leadership tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 2) budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 3) servant leadership berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 4) budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 5) kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 6) servant leadership berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui kepuasan kerja, 7) budaya organisasi berpengaruh tetapi tidak signifikan terhahap kinerja pegawai mel...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata, ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata, kualitas layanan pariwisata terhadap kepuasan, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata dan kualitas pelayananterhadap minat berkunjung kembali. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan terhadap minat berkunjung kembali, Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap minat berkunjung kembali melalui kepuasan wisatawan pada obyek wisata Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros. Sampel penelitian ini adalah wisatawan baik mancanegara maupun domestic atau nusantara yang sering berkunjung ke obyek wisata Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros. Hasil penelitian bahwa bauran pemasaran pariwisata berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Kualitas pelayanan memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. bauran pemasaran pariwisata memberikan pengaruh yang bermakna dalam meningk...
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innova... more This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innovation in organization management systems. With only access to certain resources in a competitive environment to manage several projects, many organizations are using project portfolio management these days. To improve the results there is a need to implement the strategies, as the limited success of existing techniques. With the use of a limited number of resources using this approach, multiple projects can manage in a better way. It can be successful by using portfolio governance management. There is a need to understand the governance of the organization when it is applied to programs, portfolios, and projects before achieving the objective of organizational strategy. In the strategic initiative and success of portfolios, the governance management plan is considered as a major factor. En este documento se presenta un análisis cuantitativo de la gestión de la gobernanza de la ...
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innova... more This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innovation in organization management systems. With only access of certain resources in a competitive environment to mange several projects many organizations are using project portfolio management in these days. To improve the results there is need to implement the strategies, as limited success of existing techniques. With use of limited number of resources by using this approach multiple projects can mange in a better way. It can be successful by using the portfolio governance management. There is need to understand the governance by organization when it is applied to programs, portfolios and project before achieving the objective of organizational strategy. In the strategic initiative and success of portfolios the particular governance management plan is consider as a major factor.
International Journal Mathla’ul Anwar of Halal Issues
Excellent product and service quality is important in the era of industrial competition to win th... more Excellent product and service quality is important in the era of industrial competition to win the competition. Companies must play an important role and WIKA Beton as a leading Pile Construction company in Indonesia and even in Asia has taken part in having 14 factories with 1 mibile Plant. The problem that occurs is that some products are damaged or defective. Due to the low quality of the pile product and defects it will reduce the value of the product. Objective: To find out the cause of the recorded product using the seven tools method. Methods: identification and environmental mapping of the problems causing the occurrence of recorded products. Results and Discussion: Damage and defects in the concrete pile products must be repaired using the 7-Tools method (seven tools. Defective products after using the seven tools can be seen the types of defects that exist such as peeling, corrosion of steel bones, deflection, hollow and porous The secondary causes are due to environmental...
JBMP (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perbankan), 2020
The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact... more The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact that the suggested variables can contribute towards performance improvement. The study offers a novel variable namely ergo-iconic service value. The object of this study includes 118 three-star hotels located in the business districts of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and West Java. The study used questionnaires that were distributed to hotel managers to acquire research data. The ergo-iconic service value as a mediating variable is proven to improve the marketing performance of the hotels. Other variables, namely, the ability to implement management system certification and the ability to adapt to technology also increase the mediating role of ergo-iconic service value. The hypotheses are empirically proven as all three variables successfully improved the hotels' marketing performance. The current research also shows that the role of humans is still significant, and human pr...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Motivas... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui perilaku inovatif Pada PT. Telkomsel Area Pamasuka di Makasssar. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode survei melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 responden, dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji kualitas data, uji asumsi klasik, regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji F dan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Motivasi Berprestasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Perilaku inovatif berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku inovatif. Motivasi Berprestasi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku inovatif. Perilaku Inovatif memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara budaya organisasi dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja kary...
Levels are ordered asymmetrically in basic structure of hierarchy. Classic supply chain represent... more Levels are ordered asymmetrically in basic structure of hierarchy. Classic supply chain represents the strict hierarchy in an industry setting, but the clusters can go in many directions. In extensive hierarchies it connected with technologies. The tool technologies and component technologies are the product that applied within production and product technologies. The combination of change management and innovation process of management of innovation is known as innovation management. The innovation management is refers to as organizational innovation, business process, marketing process and product innovation. In the management including common understanding of goals, processes and common set of tools is known as architecturally Hierarchical Systems.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
For increasing the sales, building the brands and driving the traffic of web to connect the peopl... more For increasing the sales, building the brands and driving the traffic of web to connect the people through platform of social media refers to as social media marketing. The social media marketing include running of social media advertisements, engaging followers, listening to followers, analyzing results and publishing content on social media profiles. Now in these days the major platforms of social media are Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and many more. These social media platform plays a major role for developing and increasing the business.
Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 2018
The technology of ICT is dynamically developing with sorts of innovative product, one of them is ... more The technology of ICT is dynamically developing with sorts of innovative product, one of them is IPTV. Its existence provides triple play multimedia convergence such as telephone, internet and digital TV contents. The customer's adoption on it becomes important toward the service provider for a number of interests, especially for the field of marketing. By means of TAM concept (Technology Acceptance Model) from Gefen et al. (2003) and by adding satisfaction and loyalty so the new model is able to be used to evaluate the response of cognitive, conative and affective of customer. Empirical study applied to the customer's of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. in order to test 6 hypotheses as recommended. The Simulation of conceptual model and empirical data research acquired by using of AMOS software indicates that all of the hypotheses proved positively significant. Variable trust is a good antecedent of perceived usefulness, satisfaction and loyalty constructs. Besides that, there is a direct effect between trust with loyalty or indirect effect through the mediation on perceived usefulness and or satisfaction.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Feb 9, 2024
Researchers also believe that Live Streaming-Interaction on TikTok can increase purchasing decisi... more Researchers also believe that Live Streaming-Interaction on TikTok can increase purchasing decisions because more and more people know about brand types, brand quality, brand suitability, brand identity, and so on. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the influence of Live-Streamer Interaction on Purchasing Decisions. Different from previous research, this research adds the Brand Love variable as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research was obtained from distributing online questionnaires to 350 TikTok shop sellers and buyers on certain dates. These data can be called primary data. These data were analyzed using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this article show the Live-Streaming Interaction variable can have a positive relationship and a significant influence on purchasing decisions because the P-Values value is positive and is below the significance level of 0.05, namely 0.004. Otherwise, the Brand Love variable can moderate the influence of the Live-Streamer Interaction variable on the Purchase Decision variable because the P-Values results show a positive direction and are below 0.05. Thus the first and second hypotheses in this research can be proven and accepted.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Feb 9, 2024
Researchers believe that a leadership style that involves subordinates/employees in deciding thin... more Researchers believe that a leadership style that involves subordinates/employees in deciding things, is interactive with subordinates, has good closeness, and gives trust to employees can increase employee job satisfaction. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the influence of Participative Leadership Style on employee job satisfaction. Different from previous research, this research adds the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable as a moderating variable which researchers believe can strengthen the influence of the Participative Leadership Style variable on Job Satisfaction. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research is classified as primary data because the data collection method uses a questionnaire method which is distributed online to 300 Bank Permata employees spread throughout Indonesia. These data are used using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this article show that Participative Leadership Style variable has a positive relationship and a significant influence on Job Satisfaction because the P-Values results are positive and are below the 0.05 significance level, namely 0.006. Apart from that, the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable can moderate the influence of the Participative Leadership Style variable on job satisfaction because the positive p-values are below 0.05, namely 0.000. Even smaller than direct testing, 0.006. Thus, the first and second hypotheses in this research can be accepted and proven.
Religion, Education, and Social Laa Roiba Journal/Reslaj, Jan 19, 2024
Researchers believe that word of mouth communication carried out online can influence employee pu... more Researchers believe that word of mouth communication carried out online can influence employee purchasing decisions because it can attract the enthusiasm of other consumers and has broad, even infinite boundaries. Apart from that, researchers also believe that this influence will be more significant if it is accompanied by good customer reviews. Therefore, the research aims to analyze the influence of the Electronic-Word of Mouth variable on Purchasing Decisions with Customer Reviews as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory approach. The data used in this research was distributed using an online questionnaire method to 100 sellers on TikTok and 200 consumers on TikTok with the minimum criteria of having shopped once. The questionnaire contains 14 question items containing statements of agree, strongly agree, normal, disagree, and strongly disagree on a number of questionnaires asked. This data can also be called primary data. The collected data was analyzed using the smart PLS 4.0 analysis tool. The result in this this research show word of mouth communication using the internet has its own advantages in increasing consumer purchasing decisions due to its wide reach, as informative material for consumers who are not familiar with the product, and increasing consumer enthusiasm. In line with this, the results of the first researcher's hypothesis and beliefs show that the Electronic Word of Mouth variable has a positive relationship and has a significant influence on purchasing decisions because the P-Values value is positive and is below the significance level of 0.05, namely 0.002. The second belief and also the second hypothesis in this research shows that good reviews from consumers can increase the influence of Word of Mouth Communication via the internet on Consumer Purchasing Decisions due to Word of Mouth Communication with quality product information, a comfortable place, and good service. from Consumer Reviews can make that influence even more significant. This can be proven from the results of the second hypothesis which shows the direction of the relationship is positive and the influence is more significant, namely 0.000 below 0.05, which is more significant than direct testing, namely 0.003. Thus, the first and second hypotheses in this research can be proven and accepted.
The purpose of this study was to examine the indirect effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavi... more The purpose of this study was to examine the indirect effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employee performance by using the antecedents of Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life. This study also examines the direct role of the variables Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life on employee performance at the Directorate General of Taxes. This type of research is quantitative using a questionnaire research instrument to collect data. The sample for this research is all employees at the Directorate General of Taxes who are taken using probability sampling. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that Career Journey, Self Efficacy, Quality of Work Life had a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, then Career Journey, Quality of Work Life and OCB also had a positive effect on employee performance, but Self Efficacy had no significant effect on employee performance. In addition, Organizational Citizenship Behavior is also proven to be able to mediate the relationship between Career Journey, Self Efficacy and Quality of Work Life towards employee performance. The findings of this study contribute to the development of theories related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the importance of managing career paths, employee self-motivation and the quality of employee work life so that employees can provide maximum performance which will certainly support organizational performance.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisa peran kepuasan kerja dalam memediasi servant leadershi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisa peran kepuasan kerja dalam memediasi servant leadership dan budaya organisasi serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini melibatkan 82 orang respondent yang mewakili Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang menangani Pengelolaan Keuangan Dan Asset Daerah Kota Makassar. Data Utma penelitian ini adalah kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada para responden. Teknik analisi data dalam penelitian ini adalah Partial Least Square menggunakan aplikasi Smart PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) servant leadership tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 2) budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 3) servant leadership berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 4) budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 5) kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 6) servant leadership berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui kepuasan kerja, 7) budaya organisasi berpengaruh tetapi tidak signifikan terhahap kinerja pegawai mel...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata, ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata, kualitas layanan pariwisata terhadap kepuasan, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata dan kualitas pelayananterhadap minat berkunjung kembali. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan terhadap minat berkunjung kembali, Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran pariwisata dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap minat berkunjung kembali melalui kepuasan wisatawan pada obyek wisata Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros. Sampel penelitian ini adalah wisatawan baik mancanegara maupun domestic atau nusantara yang sering berkunjung ke obyek wisata Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros. Hasil penelitian bahwa bauran pemasaran pariwisata berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Kualitas pelayanan memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. bauran pemasaran pariwisata memberikan pengaruh yang bermakna dalam meningk...
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innova... more This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innovation in organization management systems. With only access to certain resources in a competitive environment to manage several projects, many organizations are using project portfolio management these days. To improve the results there is a need to implement the strategies, as the limited success of existing techniques. With the use of a limited number of resources using this approach, multiple projects can manage in a better way. It can be successful by using portfolio governance management. There is a need to understand the governance of the organization when it is applied to programs, portfolios, and projects before achieving the objective of organizational strategy. In the strategic initiative and success of portfolios, the governance management plan is considered as a major factor. En este documento se presenta un análisis cuantitativo de la gestión de la gobernanza de la ...
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innova... more This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innovation in organization management systems. With only access of certain resources in a competitive environment to mange several projects many organizations are using project portfolio management in these days. To improve the results there is need to implement the strategies, as limited success of existing techniques. With use of limited number of resources by using this approach multiple projects can mange in a better way. It can be successful by using the portfolio governance management. There is need to understand the governance by organization when it is applied to programs, portfolios and project before achieving the objective of organizational strategy. In the strategic initiative and success of portfolios the particular governance management plan is consider as a major factor.
International Journal Mathla’ul Anwar of Halal Issues
Excellent product and service quality is important in the era of industrial competition to win th... more Excellent product and service quality is important in the era of industrial competition to win the competition. Companies must play an important role and WIKA Beton as a leading Pile Construction company in Indonesia and even in Asia has taken part in having 14 factories with 1 mibile Plant. The problem that occurs is that some products are damaged or defective. Due to the low quality of the pile product and defects it will reduce the value of the product. Objective: To find out the cause of the recorded product using the seven tools method. Methods: identification and environmental mapping of the problems causing the occurrence of recorded products. Results and Discussion: Damage and defects in the concrete pile products must be repaired using the 7-Tools method (seven tools. Defective products after using the seven tools can be seen the types of defects that exist such as peeling, corrosion of steel bones, deflection, hollow and porous The secondary causes are due to environmental...
JBMP (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perbankan), 2020
The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact... more The present study aims to support the hypotheses proposed in the research model to prove the fact that the suggested variables can contribute towards performance improvement. The study offers a novel variable namely ergo-iconic service value. The object of this study includes 118 three-star hotels located in the business districts of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and West Java. The study used questionnaires that were distributed to hotel managers to acquire research data. The ergo-iconic service value as a mediating variable is proven to improve the marketing performance of the hotels. Other variables, namely, the ability to implement management system certification and the ability to adapt to technology also increase the mediating role of ergo-iconic service value. The hypotheses are empirically proven as all three variables successfully improved the hotels' marketing performance. The current research also shows that the role of humans is still significant, and human pr...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Motivas... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui perilaku inovatif Pada PT. Telkomsel Area Pamasuka di Makasssar. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode survei melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 responden, dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji kualitas data, uji asumsi klasik, regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji F dan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Motivasi Berprestasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Perilaku inovatif berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku inovatif. Motivasi Berprestasi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku inovatif. Perilaku Inovatif memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara budaya organisasi dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja kary...
Levels are ordered asymmetrically in basic structure of hierarchy. Classic supply chain represent... more Levels are ordered asymmetrically in basic structure of hierarchy. Classic supply chain represents the strict hierarchy in an industry setting, but the clusters can go in many directions. In extensive hierarchies it connected with technologies. The tool technologies and component technologies are the product that applied within production and product technologies. The combination of change management and innovation process of management of innovation is known as innovation management. The innovation management is refers to as organizational innovation, business process, marketing process and product innovation. In the management including common understanding of goals, processes and common set of tools is known as architecturally Hierarchical Systems.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
For increasing the sales, building the brands and driving the traffic of web to connect the peopl... more For increasing the sales, building the brands and driving the traffic of web to connect the people through platform of social media refers to as social media marketing. The social media marketing include running of social media advertisements, engaging followers, listening to followers, analyzing results and publishing content on social media profiles. Now in these days the major platforms of social media are Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and many more. These social media platform plays a major role for developing and increasing the business.
Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 2018
The technology of ICT is dynamically developing with sorts of innovative product, one of them is ... more The technology of ICT is dynamically developing with sorts of innovative product, one of them is IPTV. Its existence provides triple play multimedia convergence such as telephone, internet and digital TV contents. The customer's adoption on it becomes important toward the service provider for a number of interests, especially for the field of marketing. By means of TAM concept (Technology Acceptance Model) from Gefen et al. (2003) and by adding satisfaction and loyalty so the new model is able to be used to evaluate the response of cognitive, conative and affective of customer. Empirical study applied to the customer's of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. in order to test 6 hypotheses as recommended. The Simulation of conceptual model and empirical data research acquired by using of AMOS software indicates that all of the hypotheses proved positively significant. Variable trust is a good antecedent of perceived usefulness, satisfaction and loyalty constructs. Besides that, there is a direct effect between trust with loyalty or indirect effect through the mediation on perceived usefulness and or satisfaction.
Papers by Anshar Daud