Field Properties in Surface Irrigation Management
and Design
Strelkoff, M.ASCE 1 ; Albert J. Clemmens, M.ASCE 2 ; and Eduardo Bautista, M.ASCE 3
Abstract: Field properties-topography, hydraulic resistance, and infiltration-play an important role in the performance of surface
irrigation systems, and appropriate characterizations of these are required as data input to simulation or design software. The EWRIIASCE
Task Committee on Soil and Crop Hydraulic Properties has been charged with preparing a guide for practitioners faced with such data
entry. The result is this special section of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering in which this paper is the first in the series
presented. It describes the characteristics of these field properties and notes a series of caveats to be considered when dealing with them
in the course of analyses or designs of surface irrigation systems.
001: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000119
CE Database sUbject headings: Channel
Hydraulic roughnes~
Field properties such as topography, soil infiltration, and hydraulic resistance (of soil grains and clods, mulch, and plant parts)
have a profound effect on the performance of surface irrigation
systems, and quantification of these parameters is crucial to good
management and design. Surface irrigation systems are often
characterized as exhibiting poor performance, with nonuniform
application of water and excessive deep percolation and runoff.
With the goal of improved design and operation, software has
been developed for predicting and optimizing performance with
trial values of the controlling variables affecting operation [SIRWinSRFR, USDA Agricultural Research
MOD, Walker (204)~
Bautista et al. 2009)]. Based on
Service (USDA-ARS) (209)~
laws of physics like conservation of mass and momentum, the
software predicts the outcome of a particular set of control variables, such as inflow rate and cutoff time as these interact with the
extant set of field variables. It is not immediately evident how to
characterize those variables, like topography, system geometry,
surface roughness, plant drag, and infiltration, nor how to evaluate them in a given field. To sort through the many available
methods of estimating field characteristics, the Environmental and
Water Resources Institute of ASCE authorized formation of a
Task Committee on Soil and Crop Hydraulic Properties, a child of
the parent technical committee for On-Farm Irrigation Systems, a
lResearch Hydraulic Engineer, U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research
Center, USDA-ARS, 21881 N. Cardon Ln., Maricopa, AZ 85238 (corresponding author). E-mail:
[email protected]
2Research Hydraulic Engineer, Center Director, U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, 21881 N. Cardon Ln., Maricopa,
AZ 85238. E-mail:
[email protected]
3Research Hydraulic Engineer, U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research
Center, USDA-ARS, 21881 N. Cardon Ln., Maricopa, AZ 85238. E-mail:
[email protected]
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 31, 2008; approved on
May 12, 2009; published online on May 15, 2009. Discussion period
open until March 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted for
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Irrigation and
Drainage Engineering, Vol. 135, No.5, October 1,2009. ©ASCE, ISSN
Infiltra o ~
Surface irrigation.
member of the Irrigation and Drainage Council. The output of the
committee is this special issue of the Journal of Irrigation and
Drainage Engineering. In this, the first paper of the group, the
various functional forms used to describe surface roughness and
vegetative drag and infiltration are reviewed along with some of
the features of these field characteristics. Methods for quantifying
the parameters of those formulas and sensitivity of simulation and
design software to the results comprise the subject of companion
Soil-Surface Geometry
Field-surface configuration is measured in a level survey. It is
subject to change over time, during an irrigation (say, as a freshly
tilled soil settles) and over a season or between irrigations. The
topography of an irrigated field affects performance at several
different scales, in part because departures of the field surface
from a theoretical plane occur at various scales, from grain size to
field dimensions. Field-scale-average slopes have long been recognized as a major influence in surface irrigation performance.
Spatial variations at a scale on the order of field dimensions, for
example a gradual decrease in slope with distance along a border
strip or furrow, or simply a break in slope at some point in the
length of run can be input to computer-simulation models to
evaluate the effect of such departures from a plane surface. Fig. 1
shows simulated post-irrigation distributions of infiltrated water
under different grading treatments in an Egyptian basin (Clemmens et al. 1999a). The markedly greater total infiltration with
traditional leveling stems from the Egyptian practice of cutting
off inflow when the stream arrives at the downstream end-the
irregularity in the soil surface slows stream advance. The contribution of cross slope to nonuniformity of infiltration can be investigated with two-dimensional simulation models (Playan et al.
~69 1
Strelkoff et al. 2003). Small-scale variations, microtopography, typically random departures from a smooth surface on a
spatial scale of, say, a few meters, tend to decrease advance rates
and so affect distribution uniformity, but their major influence is
through low spots with longer than average recession times, especially if the average field surface is level, or inflow rates are
__ 100. t-:r"*'~_.,e=
1.00 T (hrs)
Fig. 7. Merriam and Clemmens (1985) time-rated intake families.
The time to infiltrate 100 mm is shown on each curve (hours) (z:
cumulative-infiltration depth-volume per unit infiltrating area).
corporated within the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) groupings.
If experience justifies describing a soil in this way, the families
allow a simple characterization of infiltration, with prescribed values of k, a, and c.
Merriam and Clemmens (1985), arguing that the time required
to infiltrate a desired depth of water is the key infiltration parameter for surface irrigation management, built upon the NRCS concept of infiltration families-characterized by a general
correlation between the Kostiakov k and a-and developed the
time-rated intake families. They examined cumulative-infiltration
data for many soils and, excluding the cracking clays, empirically
found a correlation between the exponent in the Kostiakov formula and the time 'Two (in hours) to infiltrate a characteristic
depth of, specifically, 100 mm, namely
Thus, for noncracking soils, a single measurement, the time to
infiltrate 100 mm, estimates both k and a in the Kostiakov power
law. Fig. 7 shows the time-rated families, each family named for
Fig. 8 contrasts the interdependence between k and a in the
two sets of families. Figs. 6-8, by comparing the two, show that
200. . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - ,
t- - + - I l- U~ :w. L . I
100. r- + ~I- J! - I
NRCS Intake Families
Fig. 8. Relationship between Kostiakov k and a in the NRCSIUSDA
(SCS) (1984) intake families and the Merriam and Clemmens (1985)
time-rated families. The squares identify family members, while the
curves that fit them are identified by specific functions, given in the
cited references.
both sets of families cover roughly the same region of the 'T, z
plane, but with the NRCS families including lower k values. The
time-rated families exhibit a greater variation of a, dropping to
lower values in the tighter soils than the NRCS families. The
curious crossing of the time-rated families pictured at the lower
end of Fig. 7 stems from extending an empirical expression beyond its intended range. Current research is aimed at relating
these purely empirical families to soil texture and other physical
As with other field properties, the key issues in the empirical
estimation of infiltrated depth are the selection of a suitable formula, estimation of its parameters and their spatial and temporal
variation, the likely error, and the effect of that error on simulated
performance. Different formulations and parameter value combinations will give similar results in simulation, if the infiltrated
volume at the average opportunity time is similar.
Influence of Wetted Perimeter
With all infiltration passing through the irrigation-stream/soilsurface boundary, wetted perimeter plays a role in determining
the volume infiltrated per unit length of run. In border strips and
basins, infiltration into the berms is typically negligible compared
to that into the border-strip surface. Wetted perimeter is then essentially independent of flow depth and is known; volume infiltrated per unit length is directly proportional to the width. In
furrows, on the other hand, wetted perimeter varies significantly
with flow depth. During typical stream advance, runoff, and recession, the depth and wetted perimeter at any section of a furrow
rise rapidly when the stream arrives, hold more or less steady, and
eventually, after cutoff, return to zero. During runoff, discharge
and flow depths at the tail end of a long furrow can be significantly smaller than at the head end. Under cutback or cablegation
inflows, additional changes in wetted perimeter occur because of
changes in flow rate. In the early stages of wetting of a furrow
section, after the stream arrives, infiltration through the furrow
wall is entirely dependent on the wetted perimeter and the soil
properties-which may themselves change upon contact with the
irrigation water and exhibit some surface sealing, or crusting.
Infiltration is not, at first, dependent on coincident infiltration
from neighboring furrows, but later, as the wetted soil regions
around each furrow expand and approach each other, lateral moisture flow is inhibited, and furrow spacing becomes an important
factor. In the event of extensively cracked soils, the transverse
cracks quickly convey infiltrated water (water that has crossed the
nominal furrow boundary) laterally to meet with water spreading
from the neighboring furrow. In this case, the effective wetted
perimeter for infiltration is the furrow spacing from the start.
In contrast to the previous theoretical considerations on the
role of wetted perimeter in furrow infiltration, a recent review of
extensive field data (Walker and Kasilingam 2004) indicated that
measured wetted perimeter failed to show any consistent variation
with either time or distance during the course of the irrigations.
Expected decreases in wetted perimeter with distance down the
furrow in many cases failed to materialize, possibly as the result
of significantly greater measured roughness in the lower reaches
of a furrow and erosive changes in the furrow-boundary geometry. These circumstances lead to doubts that incorporating theoretical changes based upon the assumption of constant cross
sections (in the dry) in the course of a simulated irrigation provides any enhancement of accuracy.
Nonetheless, despite the incompleteness of theoretical descriptions of furrow infiltration, something can be learned from solu-
tion of the Richards unsaturated-soil water flow equations in
homogeneous isotropic soils. Infiltration from furrows is, strictly
speaking, a three-dimensional phenomenon, as some longitudinal
soil-moisture movement occurs during an irrigation. However,
much of the phenomenon is captured by viewing it in two dimensions, in a plane normal to the furrow length.
The two-dimensional version of the HYDRUS software
(Simunek et al. 1999), with coordinate directions vertical and
lateral, transverse to the furrow length, provides numerical solutions to the Richards equation for variably saturated water flow
t=600 min
t=18oo minutes
aO m- a [(ah
K -+
at - aXi
i} ax}
(11 )
in which Om=volumetric water content [L 3L -3]; hm=pressure
head [L] in the soil matrix; Xi (i = 1, 2) = spatial coordinates [L];
t=time [T]; Ki}=components of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity anisotropy tensor [LT- 1] (a simple scalar in the cases
described here), and oiy=Kronecker delta with y the vertical direction (equal to one If i corresponds to the vertical and zero
otherwise). Unlike the sudden step change at the wetting front
assumed for development of the Green-Ampt equation, the soil
water content changes gradually, with soil suction and hydraulic
conductivity both a function of water content. The Richards equation assumes that the porous medium is rigid and that the air
phase plays an insignificant role in the liquid flow process.
In a special version of HYDRUS-2D, the assigned boundary
conditions in the furrow were made to change dynamically depending on the position of the water level in the furrow. Positive
hydrostatic equilibrium pressures were assumed below the water
level and a potential seepage face was established on the furrow
wall above water level. In this variant, water is made available to
the soil matrix at all points of the furrow wall below the free
surface. A seepage face is a special type of a system-dependent
boundary condition through which water can flow out of the soil
from the saturated part of the flow domain (such as during a
drawdown of the water level in the furrow). Without these special
considerations, a negative pressure head would be specified on
the boundaries in the furrow above the water level. This type of
boundary condition does not allow controlling the flux through
the boundary and both inflow and outflow into or out of the soil
profile could occur depending on pressure heads in the soil. This
modification has subsequently been made a standard feature of
the HYDRUS-2D upgrade called HYDRUS (2D/3D) and is described in detail in its technical manual and online help (Simunek
et al. 2006).
Fig. 9 illustrates the case of steady furrow flow, at a constant
depth of 100 mm, in a trapezoidal furrow formed in a silty loam
soil. The corresponding unsteady flow of soil moisture as calculated by HYDRUS-2D is shown by the distribution of moisture
after 600 and 1,800 min. The rise of moisture above the water
level in the furrow as well as lateral penetration into the soil is
clearly evident. The character of the solution changes over time as
the initial unfettered penetration of water into the soil in all directions is increasingly constrained by the lateral advance of
water from adjacent furrows (modeled in HYDRUS-2D as an
impenetrable boundary condition). This theoretical solution supports the observation by the NRCS/USDA (SCS) (1984), quantified in a subsequent section of this paper, that in furrows, the
infiltration per unit area of infiltrating surface is greater than in a
border strip.
This phenomenon has led to two schools of thought emerging
around the empirical assessment of furrow infiltration. Some
Fig. 9. Cross section of furrow and surrounding silt loam soil. Contours of moisture content computed by HYDRUS-2D (Simunek et al.
1999) stemming from a constant IOO-mm depth of irrigation water in
the furrow. Initial moisture content: 0.24; saturated: 0.45. (a) time
=600 min; (b) time= 1,800 min.
models of the surface irrigation process [e.g., SIRMOD, Walker
(2004)] expect as data input the parameters of empirical infiltration formulas directly expressing cumulative volume per unit
length of furrow, A z, as a function of time (in the literature, this is
often given the symbol, Z, with the corresponding formula parameters then, K, Q, B, and C; the use of A z here underscores the fact
that the units of volume per unit length are area units, i.e., length
squared). This implies that at some point in time, inflow and
outflow measurements were taken in the furrow to yield a time
rate of growth of infiltrated volume, thus incorporating the ramifications of whatever wetted perimeter was present when inflow
and outflow were being measured. Infiltration-formula parameters
are often obtained by measuring the increasing infiltrated volume
in a section of furrow containing water at some constant depth
and then fitting the per-unit-Iength data with the formula. Thus,
the measured infiltration is viewed as a consequence of both soil
properties (including initial moisture content) and the details of
the irrigation system (furrow size, shape, spacing, flow depth,
etc.) But how these data should be adjusted to apply to water at,
say, a different depth-a different wetted perimeter-even a constant one, is not obvious [however, see Alvarez (2003) and Langat
et al. (2007) for a suggested approach].
In models from the other school of thought, such as SRFR
(Strelkoff et al. 1998), or in the furrow design procedures of the
NRCS/USDA (SCS) (1984), the infiltration-data input is considered a function of soil properties alone, with the contribution of
the irrigation system then calculated by the model. The data input,
then, consists of formula parameters for volume infiltrated per
unit infiltrating area (z, cumulative depth of infiltration), basically,
one-dimensional (ID) infiltration, as in a basin. The volume infiltrated per unit length of furrow, A z , is then calculated for the
varying flow depths and wetted perimeters of the simulated irrigation stream-in the case of SRFR, through a convenient but
heuristic algorithm (A. J. Clemmens, personal communication,
March 2, 1990) described in the following paragraph.
Accounting for Wetted Perimeter
It is assumed that the infiltration rate pertinent to the entire current wetted perimeter P of some cross section in the flow is given
by an empirical function of the time of wetting of the furrow
bottom, 'T. This is simply current time minus the stream-advance
time to the given location. The rate of growth of A z reflecting this
infiltration rate, i, is then
This expression does not account for the possibility of a constant
term c in the formula for cumulative depth z reflecting essentially
instantaneous accumulation of water in cracks as the irrigation
stream arrives. Clemmens (personal communication, 1990) adds
an additional term to the right hand side of Eq. (12), as a reasonable description of such a cracking soil
- >
i· P(t)d7
For implementation in a simulation that proceeds over a series of
time steps, the increase in A z over a time step is
8A z = A Z2 - A Z1 =
d'T P(t)d'T =
j2 P(t)dz
in which the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the beginning and end of
the time step, respectively. Following the rules for integration by
parts, we obtain
With 8P=P 2 - Ph and assumed minor linear variation of z over
the time interval such that
b= 3.77
== Z8P = - - 8 P
( 17)
it follows that 8A z is given by the increase in depth 8z multiplied
by the average wetted perimeter over the time step, i.e., combining Eqs. (16) and (17)
Thus, the SRFR algorithm operates on the data describing 1D
infiltration to allow it to be used to approximate the results of an
essentially two-dimensional process. In the following, this approach is compared with theoretical solution of the two-
10.0 f-~ - +'_. ~-io" - f -+ l
TIME (t min)
For example, with an extensively cracked tight clay soil, which
exhibits virtually no additional infiltration once the cracks have
been filled, Eq. (12) would predict no infiltration at all as the
depth and wetted perimeter at a furrow section increase with time,
while Eq. (13) would respond reasonably. However, it must be
noted that Eq. (13) can be valid only for increasing depth and
wetted perimeter with time-A z does not decrease at a location as
the irrigation-stream depth there reduces to zero in the recession
process. Eq. (13) is the basis for the algorithm incorporated in
SRFR, and in WinSRFR when the local wetted-perimeter option
is selected, for dealing with cracking soils.
To simplify the exposition, no further consideration is given
herein to the contribution of a possible constant term in the
cumulative-infiltration formula, which is straightforward. Eq. (12)
leads to the following expression for the growth of A z over time
Az =
dA z
dA z
10.0 . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - r - - - - - . - - - - - - - , - - - ,
1 ts il 1
., , .
0 /
-5. 0 1·~.f,H'/
7..O~ ..~ ..E. I I U I
j/ ;
_10.0'----_ _·i---.J.
TIME (min)
Fig. 10. Modified Kostiakov formula fitted to solution of Richards
equation (HYDRUS-2D: Simunek et al. 1999) in a border strip (1D
flow). Silt loam soil at initial water content of 0.24. (a) fit; (b) error.
dimensional Richards equation applied to a single cross section to
yield cumulative volume infiltrated per unit length of furrow as a
function of time (Perea et aL 2003).
First, an initial HYDRUS-2D run was performed to define the
1D infiltration into the soiL In this case infiltration time 'T is
simply equal to total time t. Depth of infiltration z was sought as
a function of time t-to be fitted by the modified Kostiakov formula
For this scenario, in a border strip 1,000 mm wide, the soil was
assumed a silt loam (from a HYDRUS-2D soils database) with a
uniform initial moisture content 8m =0.24. Water depth on the
border strip was assumed constant at h= 100 mm. HYDRUS-2D
then calculated the moisture changes in the soil for a period of 30
h. Cumulative flux at the soil surface (in mm2 ) output by
HYDRUS-2D was converted to depth (in millimeters) through
division by the 1,000-mm-width of the border strip. Formula parameters, k, a, and b in Eq. (19) were selected interactively. Fig.
10(a) illustrates the fit that proved possible for the given conditions, while Fig. 1O(b) shows the difference between the two
functions, in millimeters and as a percent. In this case, during the
time period of interest, a fit within 1/2 mm proved possible everywhere, with the values k= 18.71 mm/h a , a=0.426, b
=3.77 mm/h in Eq. (19) [see also Furman et al. (2006)].
Fig. 11 shows the results of the SRFR algorithm in a trapezoidal furrow with base width 100 mm and side slopes 1/1 H:V
compared to HYDRUS at two different spacings, 1,000 and 500
mm. Initially, the SRFR algorithm fits the HYDRUS results, but
at large infiltration times it inexorably underpredicts the infiltration, the effect being greater at the wider spacing.