Macromol. Theory Simul. 4, 67- 76 (1995)
Scattered intensity by a cross-linked polymer blend
Amina Bettachy, Abdelali Derouiche, Mabrouk Benhamou
Universite de Casablanca, Laboratoire de Physique des Liquides et Polymeres, B. P. 6621,
Ben Msick, Casablanca, Maroc
Mustapha Benmouna, Thomas A . Vilgis
Max Planck Institut fur Polymerforschung, Postfach 3448, D-55021 Mainz, Germany
Mohamed Daoud *
Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (C. E. A.-C. N. R. S.), C. E. Saclay, 91 191 Gif/Yvette Cedex, France
(Received: April 19, 1994; revised manuscript of June 20, 1994)
Cross-linked mixtures of polystyrene and poly(viny1methyl ether) exhibit a non-vanishing zeroangle intensity in small-angle neutron scattering experiments. A possible explanation is that
fluctuations in composition in the mixture may be frozen by the presence of cross-links. Assuming
this, we introduce a screening length K by the condition that the scattered intensity should not be
changed by cross-linking. We find K’
C/k-xi), where C is an elastic constant, and xi,
respectively, the inverse temperature and that where cross-linking is performed. When the temperature is varied, we find three regimes. In the first one, the scattered intensity is monotonously
decreasing. In the second one, it has a finite maximum. In the last one, the maximum eventually
A model system for interprenetrating networks I * * ) was proposed by de Gennes3)
some years ago. He considered a mixture of two chemically different polymers that is
cross-linked in the one-phase region of the phase diagram, and then brought to the
immiscibility region by a change in
[email protected] the system is crosslinked, there is then a competition between the monomer-monomer repulsion and the
elastic forces that resist the phase separation. There results a microphase separation,
where finite domains rich in each of the components are present. Renewed interest in
this model arose recently when Briber and Bauer7) found an actual mixture of
polymers, namely polystyrene and poly(viny1 methyl ether) (PWPVME), that is
miscible at room temperature and may be crosslinked in a controlled way by irradiation.
It was then possible to test de Gennes’ predictions about microphase separation by
small-angle neutron scattering experiments. The general conclusion was that there is
an acceptable agreement between the experimental results and theory. There was
however one notable exception concerning the zero-angle scattering. The latter was
assumed to be vanishing in the calculations, whereas it was definitely non-vanishing
and rather large in the experiments. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss this
0 1995, Huthig
& Wepf Verlag, Zug
CCC 1022-1344/95/$05.00
A. Bettachy, A. Derouiche, M. Benhamou, M. Benmouna, T. Vilgis, M. Daoud
discrepancy, to suggest an alternative form for the scattered intensity and to study its
The basic difference between actual systems and the de Gennes model resides, in our
opinion, in the fact that he assumed that no fluctuations are present in the initial
mixture, and that there is perfect mixing of both components. In an actual blend such
as the PS/PVME system that was studied, however, fluctuations are present because
one is not very far from phase separation. When the system is cross-linked, these
fluctuations are frozen-in. Therefore for very small angles, one should still observe
them. Thus we are led to assume that two temperatures are present in the system we
are considering, and not only one as in de Gennes’ approach. These are the initial one
where the cross-linking process is taking place, Ti, and the final one, at which the
system is quenched after cross-linking. In this respect, de Gennes’ approach implicitly
assumes that the initial temperature Tiis infinite. In the following, we will first recall
de Gennes’ approach and its comparison with Briber’s and Bauer’s results. We will then
turn to the more general case when cross-linking is made in a solution where concentration fluctuations are quenched by the cross-linking that is performed. We will argue
then that cross-linking should not affect the scattering if no other parameter is
changed. More precisely, we will argue that the scattered intensities by the solution and
by the cross-linked gel are equal if the system is kept at a constant temperature. This
assumption implies that no phase separation is induced by the procedure.
De Gennes’ limit
Consider a mixture of two polymers of different chemical nature. For simplicity, we
will assume that they are of equal length N a n d that there is a symmetric composition
where the compositions @a and @b in both components are equal. The temperatureconcentration diagram of such a mixture usually has a large two-phase region, where
demixing occurs between the two components. In the following, we assume that such
demixing occurs at low temperatures. For high temperatures, both polymers mix in a
one-phase region. For very large temperatures, one may assume, following de Gennes,
that mixing is perfect and that no fluctuations are present in the system. Cross-linking
is performed on this mixture at random, and we assume that the resulting gel is rather
tightly bound: Let n be the average chemical distance (i. e., along the contour of the
chain) between two consecutive cross-links. We assume it to be much smaller than the
length N of the polymers. The free energy of the system is
(1 - @)ln(l -
+ x @ . ( l - @) + C P z
where the first two terms are the ideal gas contribution, the third one the interaction
between monomer units and the last one an elastic contribution to be discussed below.
@isthe monomer concentration in one of the species, x the Flory interaction parameter
and is inversely proportional to temperature. C is an elastic constant that was shown
to be inversely proportional to nz by de Gennes, and P the displacement of the center
of masses due to the incipient phase separation
Scattered intensity by a cross-linked polymer blend
where the sum is extended to all monomers i a n d j belonging, respectively, to polymers
A and B. In the one-phase region, the centers of masses of A’s and B’s are identical.
When phase separation starts, they tend to separate from each other, and the elastic
term appears because cross-linking resists this. De Gennes made an equivalence
between this and an electrostatic problem, where charges of opposite sign would be on
the polymers. In this analogy, polarization is equivalent to P, and it is related to the
density fluctuation by
div P
= -p
where p is the density fluctuation, p ( r ) = @ ( r ) - 4 where 6 is the average composition. Inserting relation (3) into Eq. (l), Fourier-transforming, and keeping only the
fluctuating part gives
where xc - 2 / N is the critical value of the interaction parameter for the uncrosslinked
mixture and pp is the Fourier transform of p ( r ) . Note that we also included a gradient
term in relation (4) in order to take into account the spatial variation of @. Relation
(4) has several implications. The first one is that the scattered intensity vanishes for q
= 0, and decreases as q-’ for large values of q. It exhibits a maximum, as shown in
Fig. 1 a, for a value q* such that
This maximum diverges for a value x s such that
Note that the scattered intensity in a radiation scattering experiment vanishes as q
goes to zero as
Finally, a second length may be found in this problem, related to the width of the
scattering curve. Expanding S ( q ) in the vicinity of q*, one finds ( S ( q ) = S ( q * ) [l (q - q*)2(’1 with
This length is identical to q*-’ for C
01, - x ) , and crosses over to 01, - x)-’/’
in the opposite limit, far from the critical point of the binary mixture. As we are
A. Bettachy, A. Derouiche, M. Benhamou, M. Benmouna, T. Vilgis, M. Daoud
interested in the vicinity of the spinodal however, only the first of these two cases,
namely the existence of a single length is valid, as predicted by de Gennes’).
Recently, Bauer and Briber’) found an actual system, namely a mixture of polystyrene (PS) and poly(viny1methyl ether) (PVME) that mixes at room temperature and
demixes at higher temperatures, around 60 “C. Furthermore this mixture may be crosslinked by irradiation. Thus they could check de Gennes’ ideas. Assuming that the
density of cross-links is proportional to the radiation dose, they found a good
agreement between their experimental results and the above predictions. There was
however one notable deviation concerning relation (7). Whereas the zero-angle
intensity was predicted to vanish, it was found to have a non-zero value. We believe that
the reason for this lies in the fact that it was implicitly assumed that no fluctuactions
in composition were present when cross-linking is performed: so far, the only
fluctuations present in the system are those that appear when it is quenched to its final
temperature. In the next section, we will assume that at the initial inverse temperature,
xi, fluctuations are already present.
Initially fluctuating mixture
The previous section considered the case when no fluctuations are present in the
initial mixture. This implies that the temperature where cross-linking is made is very
far from any critical temperature, or that it is very high. We will now assume that crosslinking is performed at a finite temperature, on a blend where fluctuations are present.
These may be related to the fact that such a system usually has a coexistence region in
its phase diagram, and that the critical temperature is not too far from room
temperature, or at least that critical effects are still present in the uncross-linked
mixture. We assume that cross-linking is made at a first temperature Ti x ;’, and
that the system is subsequently brought to the final temperature T x - I . We argue
that because of the cross-linking, long-range fluctuations corresponding to the initial
temperature are trapped. As a result, the zero-angle scattering deviates from zero. We
expect therefore this deviation to become more and more important as xi becomes
closer to the critical temperature T,
x;‘. In other words whereas de Gennes’
argument includes only one temperature, namely the one where the system is quenched,
we assume that two temperatures are present because of the presence at the final
temperature of frozen fluctuations from the initial state. In this section, we estimate
the scattered intensity by assuming the existence of an extra inverse length K that was
already discussed previously*). More precisely, we assume that the scattered intensity
S ( q ) of the cross-linked blend has the following form
where K was interpreted as an inverse screening length. The form of Eq. (9) is
necessitated by the experimental observation that the zero-angle intensity does not
vanish. In order to determine this length, we assume that the scattering at zero angle
is not changed by the cross-linking procedure. Moreover, because the existing longrange fluctuations are frozen by the cross-links, we will assume that the scattered
Scattered intensity by a cross-linked polymer blend
intensity at zero angle remains unchanged for all temperatures after cross-linking has
taken place. We are thus led to identify the scattered intensities at q = 0 by the
uncrosslinked mixture at the temperature Ti and by the cross-linked system at a lower
temperature T. The former is given by a relation similar to Eq. (9), with C = 0. This
leads to:
x - xi
We notee that l / f l and hence the corresponding length K-' is inversely
proportional to the average distance between crosslinks which, for loosely cross-linked
mixtures, corresponds to the radius of the initial chains, as already pointed out in our
previous work *). We expect this relation to hold only when the corresponding length
is smaller than the correlation length ti of the initial mixture
In the opposite case, we expect to recover de Gennes' results that the zero-angle
scattered intensity becomes negligible.
A similar result may be obtained if we apply a self-consistent approach similar to the
Debye-Hiickel theory for electrolytes 3*g-11). This may be done by considering the
monomer-monomer pair correlation function T(r - J ) for the actual system and
calculating it using the correlation function g ( r - r') for the uncrosslinked one. In this
approximation we have
T(r - J ) = g(r
+ 5 g ( r - r") V(J' - J") T ( f " - J ) dJ' dJ"
where V ( r ) is a potential corresponding to cross-linking, leading - in Fourier space
- to
wheref(q), S(q) and So@) are, respectively, the Fourier transforms of V ( r ) ,T ( r ) and
is the correlation funtion for the uncross-linked mixture. The self-consistent equation
for S ( q ) in terms of S o ( q ) has the following form
where the minus sign is due to the fact that the integration is repulsive. This may also
be written in the following equivalent form
A. Bettachy, A. Derouiche, M. Benhamou, M. Benmouna, T. Vilgis, M. Daoud
where the potentialf(q) may be obtained by applying a constraint to the system. In de
Gennes’ case for instance, this is the condition that the zero-angle scattering vanishes
because of the electroneutrality condition. The latter is related to the electrostatic
equivalence. Assuming that for small wavevectors we have
S ( q ) = q”c
we findf(q) = C/qz,and de Gennes’ result for the scattered intensity:
A shortcoming of the previous relation is that it leads to a divergent component in
the free energy for zero wavevector. Moreover, this is equivalent to an incompressibility
condition for the binary mixture. Whereas this is justified when one considers a system
that is far from its critical point, it becomes less and less true as the blend approaches
its critical point. Because of these reasons, one is led to introduce a cut-off length, and
to consider the following form for the scattered intensity
S-’(q) =
xc - x +
+ Kz
where the inverse cut-off length K is to be determined. Comparing relations (14), (15)
and (19), we obtain
We estimate K by setting the condition that the scattered intensity by the cross-linked
blend for q = 0 at any temperature is equal to the one scattered by the uncross-linked
mixture at the cross-linking temperature. As discussed above, the reason for this is that
we assume that the existing long wavelength fluctuations are quenched by the crosslinks, and should be observable at any temperature below the initial one. Using relations
(14) and (19), we find relation (10).
The shape of the scattered intensity curve depends stronlgy on the relative values of
x and xi. Fig. 1b shows the various cases as the temperature is varied. Three different
cases are found, as x is varied. For large values of x, S ( q ) has a maximum and
eventually diverges, whereas for small values it is a continuously decreasing function.
For intermediate values of x, as the location of the maximum vanishes, we find that
S ( q ) goes through a maximum without diverging.
For large values of x, the scattering curve exhibits a maximum for a finite value q*
of the wavevector. The latter is smaller than the one evaluated by de Gennes. Whereas
the latter is qd
fC, we find in the present case
Scattered intensity by a cross-linked polymer blend
- $-
- Xc - X + 2 $
- K2
When temperature is varied, the maximum of the scattered intensity diverges for a
special temperature xs obtained by solving S - ' ( q * ) =O. This corresponds to the
spinodal and to the appearance of an instability.
: f=3/2.K2=2
: f:-0,5.KZ:0.L
Fig. 1. (a): Comparison of de Gennes results (- - -) for the scattered intensity - as a function
of wavevector transfer q - and the present ones (-).
The former goes to zero for vanishing
q while the latter remains finite. (b): The scattered intensity S ( q ) as a function of wavevector
transfer q. Various cases are shown, with or without a maximum, depending on the interaction
parameter x. f is the reduced temperaturex c - x . S ( q ) is dimensionlessand q is expressed in u-'
units, where u is the segment length
The location q* of the maximum vanishes for C
interaction such that
= K ~ that
, is for a value
xxof the
For smaller values of x , the scattering curve does not show a maximum any longer,
and because of our condition that the scattered intensity a t zero wavevector is fixed,
there is n o more any divergence of the scattered intensity. Therefore for lower values
of x, we d o not expect any spinodal to appear, except for xi xc, when the uncrosslinked system is at criticality. Conversely, for a fixed value of xi, the cross-linked
mixture has a maximum in the scattered intensity only if C is smaller than a special
value C,
01 - xi)2.For values of C larger than C,, n o maximum is present. As C
is related to the chemical distance n between successive cross-links o n a chain, this
implies that the mixture has to be rather weakly cross-linked in order to have a
maximum. In other words, if the system is too tightly cross-linked, no maximum is
present, and this implies that the mixture has become miscible.
A. Bettachy, A. Derouiche, M. Benhamou, M. Benmouna, T. Vilgis, M. Daoud
When a maximum is present, as in the de Gennes case above, one may expand S ( q )
in the vicinity of its maximum. We find
t2 -
4 *2
IrC + P2)
where the width corresponds, as in de Gennes' case, to a coherence length of the
system. Note that the third-order term is present so that the curve is not symmetric in
the vicinity of the maximum. The relative values of q* and < - I may be determined.
It may be shown easily that we have < - I
fl 4 q*2. It is interesting to look at the
behavior of the maximum scattered intensity as q* vanishes. The reason is that we
found that there may be a divergence as a function of temperature when q* is non zero,
whereas we imposed a constraint that S ( 0 ) does not diverge. Expanding q*, and
S - ' (q*), relatioils (24) and (25), in the vicinity of the inverse temperature xxwhere q*
vanishes, we find
where E = x - xi - C
f was assumed to be small. This implies that q* has to be larger
than a special value q$ in order to make S - ' ( q * ) vanish. A very rough approximation
is obtained by using relations (27). We obtain
G2 - IrC.[xi - XI
for the value of the interaction parameter when this occurs. In the interval between xx
and xo where a maximum exists without the existence of a divergence in S ( q ) , the
inverse scattered intensity at the maximum varies as
Scattered intensity by a cross-linked polymer blend
These results are summarized in the diagram of Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The various regimes
in a &, @) plane. In region
I, for low values of ,y, no
maximum is present. In
region 11, a maximum is
present but the scattered
intensity does not diverge.
Regime 111 covers the case of
the presence of a maximum
and a divergence
corresponding to an
In order to take into account the eventual fluctuations that are present in the initial
mixture and are trapped by the cross-links, we introduced an inverse screening length
K by imposing to the system the constraint that the scattered intensity at zero angle is
a constant, independent of the cross-linking state of the blend. This implies that two
temperatures are present, instead of one as was formerly assumed. One possible way
of interpreting this length is as follows: The free energy F of the cross-linked mixture
may be written as the sum of that of the uncross-linked blend at the initial temperature
Fi =
(ti + q2)and an extra term, corresponding both to the change in tempera9
ture and to the elastic effects due to cross-linking:
F = Fi
xi + C/(q2 + K2)]
When q is much smaller than K , it may be neglected in the sum, and because of the
value of K , the difference in free energies between both systems may be neglected.
Therefore K may be considered as the inverse distance where the fluctuations in the
cross-linked system are those of the initial uncross-linked one. In other words, this
corresponds to the case where the elastic contribution is dominated by the frozen
fluctuations of the initial blend for large distances.
As a result, we find several possible regimes, depending on temperature T, or the
interaction parameter x, which is assumed to be inversely proportional to 7: For x
smaller than xx,the scattering curve exhibits a maximum for a value q* that we find
smaller than in de Gennes’ case. This maximum eventually diverges at the spinodal.
Between xx and xo, the curve has a maximum, but no divergence may be found.
Finally, for x larger than xo, no maximum is present. These results are in rough
qualitative agreement with recent neutron scattering results on interpenetrating
networks j2).
A. Bettachy, A. Derouiche, M. Benhamou, M. Benmouna, T. Vilgis, M. Daoud
M. Daoud and M. Benhamou thank the University of Casablancaand L. L. B. for their warm
hospitality during their visits.
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