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12 pages
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In the last few years, Twitter has become a powerful tool for publishing and discussing information. Yet, content exploration in Twitter requires substantial efforts and users often have to scan information streams by hand. In this paper, we approach this problem by means of faceted search. We propose strategies for inferring facets and facet values on Twitter by enriching the semantics of individual Twitter messages and present different methods, including personalized and context-adaptive methods, for making faceted search on Twitter more effective. We conduct a preliminary analysis that shows that semantic enrichment of tweets is essential for faceted search on Twitter and that there is essential need for adaptive faceted search on Twitter. Furthermore, we propose an evaluation methodology that allows us to automatically evaluate the quality of adaptive faceted search on Twitter without requiring expensive user studies.
In the last few years, Twitter has become a powerful tool for publishing and discussing information. Yet, content exploration in Twitter requires substantial effort. Users often have to scan information streams by hand. In this paper, we approach this problem by means of faceted search. We propose strategies for inferring facets and facet values on Twitter by enriching the semantics of individual Twitter messages (tweets) and present different methods, including personalized and context-adaptive methods, for making faceted search on Twitter more effective. We conduct a large-scale evaluation of faceted search strategies, show significant improvements over keyword search and reveal significant benefits of those strategies that (i) further enrich the semantics of tweets by exploiting links posted in tweets, and that (ii) support users in selecting facet value pairs by adapting the faceted search interface to the specific needs and preferences of a user.
In the last few years, Twitter has become a powerful tool for publishing and discussing information. Yet, content exploration in Twitter requires substantial e orts and users often have to scan information streams by hand. In this paper, we approach this problem by means of faceted search. We propose strategies for inferring facets and facet values on Twitter by enriching the semantics of individual Twitter messages and present different methods, including personalized and context-adaptive methods, for making faceted search on Twitter more effective.
Recent years have seen an exponential increase in the number of users of social media sites. As the number of users of these sites continues to grow at an extraordinary rate, the amount of data produced follows in magnitude. With this deluge of social media data, the need for comprehensive tools to analyze user interactions is ever increasing. In this paper, we present a novel tool, Navigating Information Facets on Twitter (NIF-T), which helps users to explore data generated on social media sites. Using the three dimensions or facets: time, location, and topic as an example of the many possible facets, we enable the users to explore large social media datasets. With the help of a large corpus of tweets collected from the Occupy Wall Street movement on the Twitter platform we show how our system can be used to identify important aspects of the event along these facets.
In recent years, besides typical information retrieval, a broader concept of information exploration – exploratory search -is emerging into the foreground. In addition, more and more valuable information is presented in microblogs on social networks . We propose a new method for supporting the exploratory search on the Twitter social network. The method copes with several challenges, namely brevity of microblogs called tweets, limited number of available ratings and the need to process the recommendations online. In order to tackle the first challenge, the representation of microblogs is enriched by information from referenced links, topic summarization and affect analysis. The small number of available ratings is raised by interpreting implicit feedback trained by feedback model during browsing. Recommendations are made by a preference model that models user’s preferences over tweets. The evaluation shows promising results even when navigating in the space of brief pieces of information, making recommendations based only on a small number of ratings, and by optimizing the models to process in real time.
In our first-ever appearance at TREC, we explore initial ideas on building an effective search tool over tweet stream as a participation in this year's microblog track. Among those ideas are tweet expansion with short representation of terms that frequently co-occur with hashtags and URLs, and re-ranking based on statistics that estimate user popularity (using replies and mentions) and user topic authority (using simple user profiles). Initial results show that re-ranking improves the effectiveness while expansion sometimes harms it. Overall, the system built for the task is indeed a great resource for further extensions and experiments.
Prefacio Este libro está dedicado a mis padres, M o r r i s L . Z u k a v y L o r e n e Z u k a v , c o n cariño, respeto y gratitud Agradecimientos A lo largo de estas páginas aparecen estrechamente enlazados el apoyo cariñoso y las numerosas aportaciones de Caroline Myss. A lo largo de los años que dediqué a escribir The Dancing Wu Li Masters, y con posterioridad, me sentí atraído una y otra vez por los escritos de William James, C a r i J u n g , B e n j a m í n L e e W h o r f , N i e l s B o h r y A l b e r t E i n s t e i n . V o l v í a e l l o s e n repetidas ocasiones. Les encontraba algo especial, si bien no fue hasta mucho después cuando fui capaz de comprender dónde se encontraba ese rasgo especial:
Antes de 1950 todo equipo electrónico utilizaba válvulas al vacío, que son bulbos con un brillo te-nue, que predominaban en la industria. El calefactor de una válvula al vacío normal consumía un par de watts, por lo que el equipo requería una el primer transistor de unión, que fue todo un aconte-cimiento porque significó un gran cambio. El impacto del transistor en la electrónica ha sido enorme, pues además de fuente de alimentación voluminosa que generaba una cantidad considerable de calor, lo cual preocupaba sobremanera a los diseñadores. El resultado era un equipo anticuado y pesado. En 1951 Shockley inventó iniciar la industria multinúllonaria de los semiconductores, ha sido el precursor de otros inventos como son los circuitos integrados, los dispositivos optoelectróni-cos y los microprocesadores. Actualmente, casi todo equipo electrónico utiliza dispositivos semi-conductores. Los cambios han sido más notables en la industria de las computadoras.
Arquitextos, 2022
Aceptado: 26 de abril de 2022 * Antecedentes del documento. El artículo forma parte de un proyecto personal del autor por investigar acerca de la historia del patrimonio edificado de Lima.
Slides for the talk to act as illustrations to the published version in Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive media, 5(1).
Ejemplo, por cuando por mercadería se vendia por mercado, por peaje, etc. 3. Tributo ordinario (el pago al imperio)
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