Slides for the talk to act as illustrations to the published version in Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive media, 5(1).

MACBETH Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests; I bear a charmed life, which must not yield, To one of woman born. MACDUFF Despair thy charm; And let the angel whom thou still hast served Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb Untimely ripp’d. UNTIMELY RIPPED Sean Cubitt Transimage Conference | 1st – 3rd July 2016 | Plymouth: The Atemporal Image Master of the Playing Cards, The Nine of Beasts, c.1432-50, Southern Germany “Rescued and rescuers in airplane disaster. This photograph was taken at Morehouseville, N.Y., just after the rescue party started back to civilization from a wrecked airliner in the Adirondacks. . . . “The readers of The Dallas News this morning are viewing on this page the reproduction of a scene in New York State, more than 1700 miles from Dallas, showing the rescue of four persons after an airplane crash in the Adirondacks. “… The photograph was transmitted to The News by wire starting at 2 a.m., photographically developed, manufactured into a zinc engraving, and sent to press a little more than an hour after the time the picture first clicked itself over the wire.” adirondack-photos-made-associated-presshistory/ Vending machine Hans Magnus Enzensberger but for a moment all the things he is getting himself he puts four dimes into the slot disappear he gets himself some cigarettes even the cigarettes he gets cancer he looks at the vending machine he gets apartheid but he doesn’t see it he gets the king of greece he sees himself for a leeting moment federal state tax sales tax and excise and he almost looks like a man he gets machine guns and surplus value then very soon he is gone again free enterprise and positivism with a little click he gets a big lift big business big girls there are his cigarettes the big stick the great society the big bang he has disappeared the big puke he is gone king size extra size super size buried under all the stuff he has gotten he gets more and more for his four dimes for his four dimes From Selected Poems, trans., Michael Hamburger (Bloodaxe Books, 1994). Daro Montag, “This Earth” 2006 “This Earth” was created by burying five strips of colour film for a month in the soil near Montag’s home in Cornwall, England. The detail views show a microscopic image of a section from one of the strips. Louis and Auguste Lumière, Arrivée des Congressistes à Neuville-sur-Saône, 1895 ‘The unsolved antagonisms of reality return in artworks as immanent problems of form. This, not the insertion of objective elements, defines the relation of art to society’. (Adorno, Aesthetic Theory. 6) ‘Artistic activity can only be discerned in a film as a process of purification of its own immanent non-artistic character’ (Badiou, Infinte Thought, 92-3) ‘what opens meaning and language is writing as the disappearance of natural presence’ (Derrida, Of Grammatology, 159) Source: Cisco IBSG, April 2011 David Connearn Shibukawa Sunrise #1, pen and ink on paper, 2015 CHUVA Jacues Perconte 2012 film, 08'06''; 2K Scope 24p (2048 * 854 2,39 : 1 : 8bit) Sonore Musique : Samuel André Producteur(s) : Too many Cowboys, Madeira film Festival, Galerie Charlot