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Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2019
Policy learning is commonplace in the public policy literature but, the question whether it qualifies as analytical framework on the policy process has not been addressed systematically yet. We therefore appraise learning as analytical framework in relation to four standards: assumptions and micro-foundations; conceptual apparatus; observable implications; normative applications. We find that policy learning meets the four standards, although its theoretical leverage varies across them. Since we are not aware of theories of the policy process that meet all the standards all the time, we conclude that policy learning fares reasonably well and it’s worth-investing intellectual resources in this field.
SSRN Electronic Journal
We propose a new method which allows for measuring separately taste based discrimination from statistical discriminations in the hiring process. We consider two types of statistical discriminations against women: first, when a recruiter doubts the productivity of the workers; second, when a recruiter anticipates a maternity leave. We show that the experimental data that we have collected can be represented by an over-identified model, which can be estimated optimally by the Asymptotic Least Squares. The method is applied to experimental data on three construction jobs: masonry, plumbing and electricity. We find that each job exhibits a different discrimination type. Furthermore, the most obvious forms of discrimination may not be the most harmful.
El texto aborda la necesaria relación entre los paisajes culturales productivos y la comunidad que los preserva a través de su trabajo cotidiano. Se explica la expansión del concepto patrimonio cultural desde la idea decimonónica de monumento y su ampliación conceptual actual hacia el territorio agrario además se proponen algunas consideraciones conceptuales sobre esta tipología patrimonial. El articulo expone las consideraciones y antecedentes históricos que soportaron la inscripción del Paisaje Agavero de Tequila en la lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO; sus Valores Universales Excepcionales; la necesidad de impulsar el desarrollo sostenible del territorio y la mejora de la calidad de vida de las comunidades que lo habitan a través de la formulación de un Plan de Manejo y Gestión así como la presentación de algunas acciones desarrolladas hasta el presente en ese sentido. Revista PH 87, abril 2015, Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, España
This paper presents a study that aimed to explore the rules of the coach–athlete relationship. Using semi-structured interviews, data were obtained from a sample of British athletes (n = 15) and an independent sample of British coaches (n = 15). Content analysis was employed to analyse the data. Results indicated that athletes’ and coaches’ perceptions of relationship rules were corresponding. Rules appeared to guide the conduct of the ‘professional relationship’ (e.g. by respecting one another) and the conduct of ‘business’ (e.g. by being prepared to instruct and learn skills). The main functions of relationship rules were to minimize interpersonal conflict (e.g. arguments) and provide rewards (e.g. happiness). It was also evidenced that interpersonal dimensions that define the quality of the coach–athlete relationship served as rules that increased reward and reduced conflict.
Nanobiotechnology in agriculture is a driver for modern-day smart, efficient agricultural practices. Nanoparticles have been shown to stimulate plant growth and disease resistance. The goal of sustainable farming can be accomplished by developing and sustainably exploiting the fruits of nanobiotechnology to balance the advantages nanotechnology provides in tackling environmental challenges. This review aims to advance our understanding of nanobiotechnology in relevant areas, encourage interactions within the research community for broader application, and benefit society through innovation to realize sustainable agricultural practices. This review critically evaluates what is and is not known in the domain of nano-enabled agriculture. It provides a holistic view of the role of nanobiotechnology in multiple facets of agriculture, from the synthesis of nanoparticles to controlled and targeted delivery, uptake, translocation, recognition, interaction with plant cells, and the toxicity ...
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics , 2013
In this work, the local pressure of fluids confined inside nanoslit pores is predicted within the framework of the density functional theory. The Euler-Lagrange equation in the density functional theory of statistical mechanics is used to obtain the force balance equation which leads to a general equation to predict the local normal component of the pressure tensor. Our approach yields a general equation for predicting the normal pressure of confined fluids and it satisfies the exact bulk thermodynamics equation when the pore width approaches infinity. As two basic examples, we report the solution of the general equation for hard-sphere (HS) and Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluids confined between two parallel-structureless hard walls. To do so, we use the modified fundamental measure theory (mFMT) to obtain the normal pressure for hard-sphere confined fluid and mFMT incorporated with the Rosenfeld perturbative DFT for the LJ fluid. Effects of different variables including pore width, bulk density and temperature on the behavior of normal pressure are studied and reported. Our predicted results show that in both HS and LJ cases the confined fluids normal pressure has an oscillatory behavior and the number of oscillations increases with bulk density and temperature. The oscillations also become broad and smooth with pore width at a constant temperature and bulk density. In comparison with the HS confined fluid, the values of normal pressure for the LJ confined fluid as well as its oscillations at all distances from the walls are less profound.
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Discourses of Disability, 2023
Antonio Ibarra y Guillermina del Valle (coords.), Redes, corporaciones comerciales y mercados hispanoamericanos en la 3 economía global, siglos XVII-XIX, México, Instituto Mora., 2017
Arabi : journal of Arabic studies, 2023
The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine, 2011
The Journal of Immunology, 2012
Telemedicine and e-Health, 2017
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969), 1980
World Allergy Organization Journal, 2012
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2019
Journal of computational design, 2021
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011