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Choose a book from our list of classics. It is preferable to choose one with which you are already familiar as, even though the contents of the book may be secondary to our concerns, you still need to know what it is about in order to analyse it properly. If you choose a book with which you are unfamiliar, then you must read it before you begin. Each one of these books is special to the History of the Book, and it will be up to you to place it in that context and to explain what aspects of its creation, manufacture, dissemination, or survival, make it of interest to our course. As you know, all of these aspects are of interest to us (if you are not sure, check the Darnton circuit and the Adams & Barker's map.) You may look at several of these phases, or focus on a single one, but do keep in mind that Blake's poetry per se is only of interest to us as the fuel that fed the composition and printing of his books. On November 1, you will submit a two-or three-page proposal, explaining what you intend to do in the seven or eight page paper you will submit on January 10. This will be accompanied by a scholarly bibliography containing eight peer-reviewed titles available in or through our library, at least three of which will be books. A discussion of how these scholars will serve the needs of your discussion should be included in your proposal, so you do not need to annotate your bibliography. Please submit a paper and an electronic copy.
Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento, 2018
Para o pragmatismo, o significado de um conceito ou afirmação psicológica é encontrado em suas implicações práticas para os assuntos humanos. Não há qualquer suposição de que o conceito ou afirmação representa a Verdade sobre uma Realidade metafísica que está além da experiência e do comportamento humano. Os analistas do comportamento abraçam o pragmatismo e argumentam que uma consideração importante na psicologia é o grau em que um conceito ou afirmação psicológica contribui para uma ação efetiva no laboratório ou na prestação de serviços. A ação efetiva comumente assume a forma de previsão e controle.Palavras-chave: pragmatismo, previsão e controle, mentalismo, níveis de análise, neurociência.
A little knowledge 'part of speech'. hopefully there are
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 2023
Pins from the Bronze Age and the transition to the Iron Age in Portuguese territory. Abstract: Bronze Age pins are rare in the Portuguese territory. Most of these artefacts were recovered during the 19th and early 20th century and the majority were find in settlements without any known archaeological context, or were random surface finds in the vicinity of archaeological sites. In the two last decades of the 20th century two Bronze Age pins (Alegrios, Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal and Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal) were recovered during archaeological excavations with stratigraphic context, and absolute chronology. These two pins were submitted to archaeometallurgical research. The obtained results, already published, were the basis to review all the Bronze Age pins in the Portuguese territory and understand the scope of influences, circulation and exchange of these artefacts during the Bronze Age and Iron Age.
es miembro de las redes internacionales NETIAS y UBIAS y se ha consolidado como un centro de investigación de referencia en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales con sede en Madrid. El MIAS promueve la colaboración transdisciplinaria y la internacionalización de la investigación a través de convocatorias abiertas a nivel mundial. Más decien investigadores han sido acogidos por la institución desde sus inicios. Además, desde el MIAS se coordinan proyectos de investigación europeos, estatales y regionales, y se organizan diversos congresos, seminarios y workshops. La selección de investigadores se basa en la calidad del portafolio y del proyecto de investigación, así como en la adherencia a las políticas del instituto. Los residentes del MIAS participan en diversos eventos académicos y comparten sus investigaciones en seminarios semanales. Además, el instituto coordina proyectos de investigación a nivel europeo y estatal, como REVFAIL y Amermad, que contribuyen al avance del conocimiento en áreas clave de estudio.
Convegno Internazionale di Studi a cura di BARBARA AGOSTI, VALENTINA BALZAROTTI, MARIA BELTRAMINI, CRISTINA CONTI, SERENA QUAGLIAROLI. Ia Parte: Giorgio Vasari e il Cantiere di Santa Croce a Bosco Marengo
YARGI ÖRGÜTÜ: 1. Anayasa yargısı 2. İdari yargı 3. Adli yargı: a. Ceza b. Hukuk (dersin asıl içeriği) 4. Uyuşmazlık yargısı 5. Askeri yargı (artık yok)-Yeni kanunumuzda yazılı yargılama usulü ve basit yargılama usulü mevcuttur ve kural olarak mahkemelerde geçerli olan yazılı yargılama usulüdür ama basit takip edilmesi gereken davalarda basit yargılama usulü de görülmektedir. • Kural: yazılı yargılama usulü • Asliye Hukuk Mahkemelerinin yargılama usulüdür. • İstisna: basit yargılama usulü (süreler kısaltılmıştır, tarafların imkanları azaltılmıştır, daha çabuk karar verilmesi gereken işlemlerde yazılı yargılama usulünün basitleştirilmiş şeklidir.) • Sulh Hukuk Mahkemelerinin yargılama usulüdür. • Örnek: İş Mahkemelerinde basit yargılama usulüne rastlanır; çünkü işçinin davası bir an önce sonuçlanmalı, işçi evine ekmek götürebilmeli ve çalışmaya devam etmelidir. Medeni Usul Hukukunun Özellikleri: (1) Medeni yargılama hukukunun temel amacı; maddi gerçeğe ulaşmayı sağlamaktır. (2) Yer olarak mülkilik esası geçerlidir; yani Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sınırları içerisinde geçerlidir. (3) Medeni yargılama hukuku kuralları maddi hukuktan farklı olarak derhal uygulanır. • HMK m.448: "Bu Kanun hükümleri, tamamlanmış işlemleri etkilememek kaydıyla derhâl uygulanır." Hakim, mahkemenin birinci süjesidir. Yargıtay hukukun birliğini sağlar, içtihat ortaya koyar.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2021
The global spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the outbreak of a respiratory illness known as COVID-19. The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest global health crisis faced since World War II. Countries are trying to slow the rate of the outbreak by testing/treating their patients and putting total country lockdown i.e by quarantining citizens, limiting travel, closing all social gathering places likes: Temples, Colleges/Schools, Offices, etc. This pandemic has caused social, economical, political instability in every country.COVID-19 outbreak prediction analysis can help to predict this pandemic, recognize the spread cycle pattern which can help to take appropriate measures to lower the spread rate and use of the medical and economic resources effectively to areas of greatest need by public Health Officials, Ministry of Health, WHO. The proposed model called "COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction analysis using Machine learning" analyses how popular supervised learning regression models like Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, and XGBoost Regressor can predict COVID-19. The proposed model aims to predict the Outbreak in advance for any particular country and compares the performance. It is observed that the performance of XGBoost Regression gives the best performance and almost comparable to Random forest Regression followed by the Support Vector Regression and Linear Regression model. However, accuracy can be improved using more accurate data in the future.
ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation, 2020
This research paper aims to identify the key factors influencing the intention to reuse mobile banking (MB) services in Myanmar. It focuses on customers of private banks as their continuous use of MB services has been a critical goal for those banks to achieve. The research model on which this study relies is an integrated model that incorporates six factors, namely, social influence, word-of-mouth (WOM), trust, system quality, user satisfaction, and perceived efficacy, and assesses their degree of influence on customer behavior with regard to MB. This study innovates in that the trio factors of social influence, word-of-mouth, and user satisfaction are used in the MB context for the first time in this context. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The analysis of the survey data collected from 275 MB users of private banks in Myanmar indicate that customer intention to reuse mobile banking services is significantly influenced by social influence, user satisfaction and perceived efficacy. The effects of WOM, trust and system quality on reuse of mobile banking, however, were found to be insignificant. These findings are in keeping with the prior literature on these issues.
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International Journal of Financial Research
لمجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي, 2019
Studi Danteschi, 2023
Studia Hercynia, 1997
Genome Biology, 2018
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1992
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2019
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2017
Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde, 2016