Books by Victor Ghica
Acta apostolorum et conte fantastique, récit post-résurrectionnel et parabole de la quête du Roya... more Acta apostolorum et conte fantastique, récit post-résurrectionnel et parabole de la quête du Royaume, hymne à la résistance face aux persécutions mais aussi mythe fondateur de la mission chrétienne, ouvrage de propagande tout autant que précis d’évasion, le premier écrit du codex VI de Nag Hammadi se prête à de multiples lectures. Cette polysémie découle d’un processus rédactionnel complexe, dont le texte conserve de nombreuses traces, qui se cristallise en quatre discours distincts dissimulés dans autant de récits à la fois autonomes et interdépendants : une théologie plurivoque, en même temps extatique et symbolique, véhiculée par l’histoire hybride de Lithargoël, à la fois allégorie du salut de l’âme et psychanodie, un enseignement euthymique transmis par le Jésus ressuscité d’une scène épiphanique, une théologie diaconale et une théorie novatrice de la mission chrétienne, corollaires d’un récit missionnaire, et enfin une théologie ascétique et une apologie de la perpétuation de l’Église, renfermées dans une ample métaphore de l’endurance. Si la dernière étape de sa composition peut être attribuée à un cercle mélétien du tout début du ive siècle, cet apocryphe semble circuler, non seulement en Égypte mais aussi à Rome, en Nubie et en Palestine, au moins jusqu’au xiie siècle.
Databases by Victor Ghica
South Kharga Oasis Survey, 2019
South Kharga Oasis Survey
Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, 2019
Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt
Book chapters by Victor Ghica
French Archaeology in Egypt, 2020
الحفائر الفرنسية في مصر , 2020
خريطة العجوز: قصر جنوب تل ،CNES-Astrium الصناعي بالقمر جيكا/ ڤيكتور © .20١4 لي... more خريطة العجوز: قصر جنوب تل ،CNES-Astrium الصناعي بالقمر جيكا/ ڤيكتور © .20١4 ليني. أونيزيم/داميان أوليڤييه ـن بيـ ـط يربـ ـذي الـ ـم القديـ ـق الطريـ ـو وهـ ـاوي، البهنسـ درب ـق طريـ ـى علـ ـوز العجـ ـر قصـ ـوب جنـ ـع يقـ العجــوز قصــر قريــة جنــوب كيلومتــرا 2,4 قرابــة الموقــع يبعــد إذ النيــل، ووادي الباويطــي واحــة ُّ ويضــم الجفــارة. عيــن فــي الواقعــة الرومانيــة ع ارِ ــزَ َ الم غــرب شــمال ًا كيلومتــر و8,3 ــة، َّ الروماني ـو وهـ ـة. ـ هبنَ َّ والر ـك ـ ُ س النُّ ـن بيـ ـع تجمـ ـةً ـ َّ رهباني ـةً مؤسسـ ُّ ـد ـ َ ع ُ ي كان ـذي الـ ـرة األديـ ـد أحـ ـا بقايـ ـع الموقـ ط، الَ ِ بالم ـا بينهـ ـا فيمـ ثبتة ُ الم ـت البازلـ ـل كتـ ـتخدام باسـ دت ِّ ـي ـ ُ ش ، ـانٍ مبـ ـتة سـ ـن مـ ـة مكونـ ـة مجموعـ الجبل. في نحتها تم أو ن، بِ اللَّ والطوب GQA4 GQA1 GQA2 GQA3 GQA5 GQA6 Fosse N 0 20 40 60 80 100 m 1922_Catalogue_Livre_copyright_IFAO.indb 164
Archéologie française en Égypte. Recherche, coopération, innovation, 2019
Nag Hammadi à 70 ans. Qu'avons-nous appris ? Actes du colloque international tenu à l'Université Laval, 29-31 mai 2015, 2019
Forthcoming in A. Camplani, P. Buzzi (eds.), Acts of the 10th International Congress of Coptic St... more Forthcoming in A. Camplani, P. Buzzi (eds.), Acts of the 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies
Forthcoming in A. Camplani, P. Buzzi (eds.), Acts of the 10th International Congress of Coptic St... more Forthcoming in A. Camplani, P. Buzzi (eds.), Acts of the 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies
Forthcoming in in O. Kaper (ed.), The Oasis Papers 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Co... more Forthcoming in in O. Kaper (ed.), The Oasis Papers 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project
In O. Brandt, G. Castiglia, V. Fiocchi Nicolai (eds.), Acta XVI congressus internationalis archae... more In O. Brandt, G. Castiglia, V. Fiocchi Nicolai (eds.), Acta XVI congressus internationalis archaeologiae christianae Romae (22-28.9.2013). Costantino e i Costantinidi: l’innovazione costantiniana, le sue radici e i suoi sviluppi (Studi di antichità cristiana 66), pars I, Città del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 2016.
Journal articles by Victor Ghica
Analecta Papyrologica , 2023
This paper presents the preliminary report of the first season of work
conducted by the joint Egy... more This paper presents the preliminary report of the first season of work
conducted by the joint Egyptian-Norwegian mission at the site of Šams
al-Dīn, ancient Mounēsis, in the south of Kharga Oasis. This site is unique
in that the settlement appears to exist in its entirety, making it one of the
few extant late antique villages in Egypt. In addition, it is home to both a
church and a temple, offering a unique chance to archaeologically examine
the transition from traditional religious practices to Christianity. Differing
from the limited scope of interest of the 1976 season, the 2021 season was
intended to provide a holistic overview of the entire settlement. In addition
to the re-examination of the already-excavated church – the construction
of which can be situated in the fourth century –, the Late Roman temple
was partially excavated, as were several areas within and surrounding the
church complex, topographic analysis was conducted, photography was
done for the creation of several 3D models, and samples were retrieved for
both radiocarbon and archaeobotanical analysis. This is the first detailed
publication dedicated to the site and is thus long overdue.
Dans la mesure du possible, pour compléter cette recherche collective, le volume issu du colloque... more Dans la mesure du possible, pour compléter cette recherche collective, le volume issu du colloque sera ouvert à des spécialistes de régions négligées pour le moment (le monde anglo-saxon, l'Irlande et le monachisme germanique en Occident, la Perse et la région du Caucase en Orient).
Books by Victor Ghica
Databases by Victor Ghica
Book chapters by Victor Ghica
Journal articles by Victor Ghica
conducted by the joint Egyptian-Norwegian mission at the site of Šams
al-Dīn, ancient Mounēsis, in the south of Kharga Oasis. This site is unique
in that the settlement appears to exist in its entirety, making it one of the
few extant late antique villages in Egypt. In addition, it is home to both a
church and a temple, offering a unique chance to archaeologically examine
the transition from traditional religious practices to Christianity. Differing
from the limited scope of interest of the 1976 season, the 2021 season was
intended to provide a holistic overview of the entire settlement. In addition
to the re-examination of the already-excavated church – the construction
of which can be situated in the fourth century –, the Late Roman temple
was partially excavated, as were several areas within and surrounding the
church complex, topographic analysis was conducted, photography was
done for the creation of several 3D models, and samples were retrieved for
both radiocarbon and archaeobotanical analysis. This is the first detailed
publication dedicated to the site and is thus long overdue.
conducted by the joint Egyptian-Norwegian mission at the site of Šams
al-Dīn, ancient Mounēsis, in the south of Kharga Oasis. This site is unique
in that the settlement appears to exist in its entirety, making it one of the
few extant late antique villages in Egypt. In addition, it is home to both a
church and a temple, offering a unique chance to archaeologically examine
the transition from traditional religious practices to Christianity. Differing
from the limited scope of interest of the 1976 season, the 2021 season was
intended to provide a holistic overview of the entire settlement. In addition
to the re-examination of the already-excavated church – the construction
of which can be situated in the fourth century –, the Late Roman temple
was partially excavated, as were several areas within and surrounding the
church complex, topographic analysis was conducted, photography was
done for the creation of several 3D models, and samples were retrieved for
both radiocarbon and archaeobotanical analysis. This is the first detailed
publication dedicated to the site and is thus long overdue.
the monastic complex of Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif in Kharga Oasis, by the joint
Egyptian-Norwegian mission co-directed by Professor Victor Ghica and
Dr. Basem Gehad. While not the first excavation of the site, it is the first
to be accompanied by a publication. The previous, poorly known digs –
conducted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art at the beginning of the 20th
century and the local inspectorate in the 1980s and 1990s – unfortunately
disturbed the stratigraphy to an unknown extent, constraining interpretations
of the archaeological contexts uncovered. The work, nonetheless,
brought to light a collection of evidence which helps to elucidate the function,
and datation, of the complex, which assuredly operated as a monastery
from at least the fourth century, making it one of the earliest archaeologically
attested monasteries in Egypt.
during excavations carried out in the Siwite necropolis of Bilād al-
Rūm by the local inspectorate of the SCA between 1997 and 2000. These
stelae, quickly published by the inspector responsible for the excavations,
A. al-Dumayrī, in a popular work, represent a valuable testimony to the
existence of a local Christian community. In the light of the rare sources
available for the knowledge of the diffusion of Christianity in this remote
oasis, the authors propose a historical and archaeological contextualisation
followed by a standardised edition of the inscriptions, which comprises
a study of the formulary and the onomastics which makes it possible to
propose a dating around the 4th / 5th centuries.
/ Breberium / Bribir. U tekstu se prezentira pregled terenskog rada, njegovi rezultati te arheološki predmeti pronađeni i izučavani u ovoj sezoni. Obrađeni materijal se odnosi na bribirsku rotundu i arhitektonske strukture oko nje.
and studied during this season. This material relates both to the rotunda church and to built structures postdating it.