Phase Behavior and Structure of Binary Hard-Sphere Mixtures
Marjolein Dijkstra, René van Roij, and Robert Evans
H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom
(Received 17 April 1998)
By integrating out the degrees of freedom of the small spheres in a binary mixture of large and small
hard spheres, we derive an explicit effective Hamiltonian for the large spheres. Using the two-body
(depletion potential) contribution to this effective Hamiltonian in simulations, we find stable fluid-solid
and both metastable fluid-fluid and solid-solid coexistence in a mixture with size ratio q 0.1. For
q 0.05 the solid-solid coexistence becomes stable. [S0031-9007(98)07074-4]
PACS numbers: 61.20.Gy, 64.70. – p, 82.70.Dd
Understanding the structure and phase equilibria of binary hard-sphere mixtures is a long-standing problem in
liquid state physics. These idealized systems provide a
natural reference system for determining the properties
of more realistic models of mixtures of simple (atomic)
fluids, of colloids and polymers, and of other colloidal
systems. A contentious issue, which attracts much attention, is whether fluid-fluid phase separation occurs in this
model system. A classic study [1], based on the PercusYevick approximation, showed that hard spheres mix at
all state points, for any ratio of diameters q ; ss ysl .
In 1991, improved integral equation studies provided evidence for a spinodal instability when q # 0.2 [2]. The
main reason for the subsequent interest resides in the fact
that any mechanism for a demixing transition in hardsphere systems must be purely entropic. In Ref. [2] the
depletion effect was identified as the mechanism behind
the possible instability. This effect, which was first invoked to explain phase separation in colloid-polymer mixtures [3], is based on the idea that clustering of the large
spheres allows more free volume for the small ones which
may lead to an increase of the entropy. A scaled particle theory for the free volume yielded a fluid-fluid spinodal [4]. The weakness of the integral equation and the
free volume theories lies in the sensitivity of the existence and location of the spinodal instability to fine details of the theory [5]. Moreover, experimental work on
colloidal systems indicates that any demixing is strongly
coupled to the freezing transition [6,7], whereas both
types of theories are not designed to deal with solid
phases—see Ref. [8], however. One might suppose that
the issue could be settled by computer simulations; however, direct simulations of a highly asymmetric binary
mixture are prohibited by slow equilibration. It therefore remains an open question as to whether or not
(meta)stable fluid-fluid phase separation does occur and,
indeed, just what the phase diagram of the binary hardsphere mixture is when the size ratio q is small.
In this Letter, we take advantage of the large size
asymmetry, and integrate out the degrees of freedom of
the small spheres to obtain an effective Hamiltonian for
the large ones. The depletion effect is now described in
terms of effective potentials between the large spheres,
and for q # 0.1 we expect the pairwise contribution to
dominate. The pairwise (depletion) potential is essentially
attractive, and arises from an unbalanced osmotic pressure
of the “sea” of small spheres when the surface-surface
separation of two large spheres is # ss [3]. Provided
the attraction is sufficiently strong and of sufficient range,
it might drive fluid-fluid phase separation—in keeping
with the classical van der Waals picture of vapor-liquid
separation in a simple fluid. On the other hand, when
the range of the attraction is much smaller than that of
the repulsion, it is known that the vapor-liquid transition
becomes metastable with respect to (w.r.t.) the fluidsolid [9] and that for very short-ranged attraction an
isostructural solid-solid transition can appear in the phase
diagram of a simple model fluid [10]. Since the range
of the attraction in the depletion potential is # ss , and
that of the repulsion is sl , one might hope to find solidsolid, in addition to fluid-fluid and fluid-solid coexistence,
in hard-sphere mixtures with q # 0.1. We investigate all
of these possibilities using Monte Carlo simulations for
the effective one-component fluid.
We consider Nl large and Ns small hard spheres
with diameter ratio q in a macroscopic volume V at
temperature T . The total Hamiltonian consists of (trivial)
kinetic energy contributions and interaction terms H
Hll 1 Hls 1 Hss . It is convenient to consider the system
in the sNl , zs , V , T d ensemble, in which the fugacity
zs of the small spheres is fixed. The Helmholtz free
energy F of this system can be written as expf2bFg
Trl expf2bHeff g, where Heff Hll 1 V is the effective
Hamiltonian of the large spheres and b 1ykB T. Here,
V is the grand potential of the fluid of small spheres
in the external field of a fixed configuration of Nl
large spheres with coordinates
P hRi j; i 1, 2, . . . , Nl , and
is given by expf2bVg `Ns 0 zsNs Trs expf2bsHls 1
times the
Hss dg. The trace Trn is short for 1yNn ! L3N
volume integral over the coordinates of the particles of
species n, where Ln is the thermal wavelength.
Once V, and thus Heff , are known for all values of
zs , the thermodynamics and the phase behavior of the
mixture can be determined. To this end, we expand
© 1998 The American Physical Society
expf2bVg in terms of the Mayer functions associated
with the pair-potentials fls and fss . After taking the
logarithm, and using standard diagrammatic techniques
[11,12], the resulting terms of the diagrammatic expansion
of 2bV can be classified according to the number
n 0, 1, 2, . . . , Nl of large hard spheres that interact
with the sea of small spheres, so that
bVn . We give expressions for bVn for
bV n0
n 0, 1, and 2, and argue that higher order (3-body,
4-body, etc.) terms should not be important for highly
asymmetric binary hard-sphere mixtures.
V0 2pszs dV is the grand potential of a pure system
of small spheres at fugacity zs in a volume V , where pszs d
is the pressure of that system. We can also show that
V1 yNl is the grand-potential difference between a system
in a volume V at fugacity zs with and without a large
sphere at the origin. An accurate approximation for V1
is given in [13]. This consists of a volume, a surface,
and a term K which is independent of sl : V1 yNl
pszs dpsl3 y6 1 gszs dpsl2 1 Kszs d, where gszs d is the
surface tension of the small hard-sphere fluid at a hard
spherical wall of diameter sl . Explicit scaled particle
results are given for p, g, and K in Ref. [13]. Within
the same formalism,
PNl V2 can be written as a sum of pairpotentials V2 i,j fdep sRij ; zs d, where we can show
that fdep is the grand potential difference between a sea of
small spheres at fugacity zs containing two large spheres
separated by a distance Rij ; jRi 2 Rj j and by infinite
distance. It follows that fdep can be identified with
the standard definition of the depletion potential [14,15].
Several theories and approximations exist for fdep and
these are summarized in Ref. [16]. Recently, Mao et al.
[17] used a virial expansion to calculate fdep , within the
Derjaguin approximation. For q 0.1 and for values of
hsr as high as 0.37 their results at third order in hsr were in
remarkable agreement with those of a simulation [15] for
separations in the important depletion range: sl , Rij ,
sl 1 ss . Here hsr is the packing fraction of a reservoir
of small hard spheres at fugacity zs . We use a simpler
third order expression, derived in [16], which provides an
equally accurate account of the simulation data:
f3l2 hsr 1 s9l 1 12l2 d shsr d2
bfdep sRij d 2
1 s36l 1 30l
d shsr d3 g
for 21 , l , 0 ,
where l Rij yss 2 1yq 2 1. This form describes a
deep and very narrow potential well close to the surface of
the large sphere, whose depth increases with increasing hsr ,
followed by a small repulsive barrier. We set fdep 0
for Rij . sl 1 ss , neglecting any weak oscillations in
this range [15,17]; we expect these to be unimportant for
the phase behavior of the mixture. Note that the first term
in (1) corresponds to the Asakura-Oosawa approximation
to fdep .
In what follows, we set Vn 0 for n $ 3. The
neglect of 3-body and higher potentials can be supported
by geometric arguments for q , 0.154, since then three or
more nonoverlapping large spheres cannot simultaneously
overlap with a small one [15,18]. Moreover, analysis
of simulation data [15] implies that pairwise additivity
should be an excellent approximation for q # 0.1, even
for high packing fractions hl of the large spheres. We
thus arrive at P
the effective one-component Hamiltonian
feff sRij d, where H0 2pszs d s1 2
Heff H0 1 i,j
hl dV 1 gszs dpsl Nl 1 KNl is irrelevant for the phase
equilibria, although it does contribute to the pressure
of the mixture. The effective pair-potential is feff
fll 1 fdep . Note that the formalism of mapping the
two-component system onto an effective one-component
system is not restricted to hard spheres.
At first sight, one might think that the phase behavior of this effective one-component system can be determined by standard perturbation theory based on the pure
hard-sphere reference system. Indeed this was the approach adopted in earlier studies [3,18] of colloid-polymer
mixtures based on the Asakura-Oosawa results for fdep .
Using first order theory for q 0.1, we do not find any
indication for a fluid-fluid spinodal (see also [16]). However, when simulations are performed using fdep , we
find that the radial distribution function gsrd differs enormously from that of the reference hard-sphere fluid. This
is illustrated in Fig. 1, where we plot gsrd for hl 0.35
and hsr 0.25 [19]. We find that gssl d , 42, which
should be compared with the much lower contact value,
,3, for the hard-sphere reference system at the same hl .
Similar large contact values, or strong tendencies for clustering, have been observed in previous simulation and
integral equation studies [15,20], as well as in experiments on colloidal hard-sphere mixtures [21]. The vast
with repulsive barrier
FIG. 1. The radial distribution function gsrysl d for the
effective one-component system with packing fractions hl
0.35, hsr 0.25, and size ratio q 0.1 using fdep (1), with
and without the small repulsive barrier.
difference between gsrd of the reference hard-sphere system and that of the effective system signals the breakdown
of perturbation theory, and we thus resort to full numerical simulations for the free energy F of the effective system. Before describing the results, we compare gsrd for a
depletion potential with and without the repulsive barrier.
Figure 1 shows that the contact value and most other features are not sensitive to the barrier. The small well near
r 1.07sl does reflect the presence of the barrier, but
the free energies calculated from the two potentials differ
only slightly. We conclude that small differences in the
choice of depletion potential should not have a drastic effect on the resulting phase equilibria.
We calculate F from Monte Carlo simulations using the
thermodynamic integration technique [9]. For a given zs ,
i.e., a given hsr , the integration path starts at a hard-sphere
fluid or solid (fcc) at the required hl , proceeds by gradually
switching on the depletion potential (1), and finishes at the
full effective one-component system. For the free energy
of the hard-sphere reference system, we use the CarnahanStarling expression for the fluid, and the equation of state
proposed by Hall [9] for the solid phase. In the latter
case, an integration constant was determined such that the
known fluid-solid coexistence of the pure hard-sphere system is recovered [22]. Simulations were performed in a
similar fashion to those in Ref. [9]. In Fig. 2, we plot F as
a function of hl at several hsr for q 0.1. For hsr . 0.06
we find that the solid branch of F becomes nonconvex, indicative of a spinodal instability. For hsr . 0.29 another
spinodal instability is found on the fluid branch. This instability can be seen clearly in the inset of Fig. 2, where
hsr 0.31. Note that subtracting a linear function of hl
does not affect the common tangent construction. This
simultaneous existence of a fluid-fluid and a solid-solid
spinodal instability has not been observed before for binary hard-sphere mixtures. We fitted polynomials to F
and computed the pressure and chemical potential at each
hl . The densities of two coexisting phases can then be determined by equating the pressures and chemical potentials
in the two phases. In Fig. 3, we show the resulting phase
diagram. At hsr 0, we find the usual freezing transition of the pure hard-sphere system. As hsr increases, a
widening of the fluid-solid transition occurs, implying that
a fluid with a low packing fraction of large spheres coexists
with a dense crystal. This observation is consistent with
results of a perturbation theory [18] and with experiments
on colloids, where adding small amounts of small spheres
induces a rapid decrease in the lattice constant of the crystal
[7]. The results of free energy calculations reveal that both
the isostructural solid-solid and the fluid-fluid transitions
are metastable with respect to the wide fluid-solid coexistence, although the critical point of the solid-solid spinodal
near hl 0.63, hsr 0.06 is close to the stable fluid-solid
phase boundary. In Fig. 3, we also plot experimental state
points for a colloidal hard-sphere system with q , 0.1075
[7]. In order to convert the experimental packing fraction
ηs = 0.09
ηs = 0.10
ηs = 0.12
ηs = 0.13
ηs = 0.31
FIG. 2. Reduced
bF p bfF 2 sV0 1
V1 dgsl yV versus hl for q 0.1 at several hsr . The curves
for hl $ 0.54 are the solid branches, while the curves for
lower hl are the fluid branches. Note the difference in scale
for hsr 0.31. For clarity, we subtracted a linear fit in hl to
the data for hsr 0.31 (see inset).
of small spheres to hsr , we used Ns 2≠bFy≠ log zs ,
2≠bsV0 1 V1 dy≠ log zs , and scaled particle expressions
for pszs d and gszs d [13]. (The details and accuracy of
this procedure will be discussed elsewhere.) The following correlations are striking: (i) The crosses [denoting a
(meta)stable fluid state] and the dashed line (the experimental estimate of the binodal) are, for hsr , 0.12, close
to our stable fluid phase boundary. At higher hsr , there is
a substantial deviation. Further details and a discussion of
the origin of this deviation will be given elsewhere [12];
(ii) the open squares, denoting state points that correspond
to fluid-solid coexistence, are well inside our fluid-solid
coexistence region, and these appear to extend to large values of hl provided there is no intervening metastable fluidfluid or solid-solid binodal; (iii) the triangles, denoting the
glassy states, are all within or close to the metastable fluidfluid or solid-solid binodal. A similar correlation between
the formation of nonequilibrium phases and the presence
of metastable phase coexistence has been observed in experiments on colloid-polymer mixtures [23]. We also note
that the state point (hl 0.1, hsr , 0.367) investigated in
the effective one-component simulations of Ref. [15] lies
well inside our metastable fluid-fluid binodal, which might
explain the observed two-stage demixing dynamics. It is
tempting to argue that the rapid clustering at the first stage
reflects the fluid-fluid binodal, while the subsequent slow
relaxation of clusters reflects the ultimate crystallization
In conclusion, we have shown that our effective onecomponent treatment predicts that a binary hard-sphere
mixture with size ratio q 0.10 exhibits a stable fluidsolid, a metastable fluid-fluid, and a metastable solid-solid
coexistence. For q 0.05, the solid-solid coexistence
becomes stable w.r.t. fluid-solid near hsr 0.05, while
the fluid-fluid coexistence remains metastable.
This work was supported by Grants No.
ERBFM-BICT972446, No. EPSRC GRyL89013, and No.
ERBFM-BICT971869. R. E. has benefited from many
discussions with B. Götzelmann.
FIG. 3. Phase diagram for q 0.1 and q 0.05 (inset)
in the hsr 2 hl plane. F and S denote the stable fluid
and solid (fcc) phase. F 1 S, F 1 F, and S 1 S denote,
respectively, the stable fluid-solid, the metastable fluid-fluid,
and (meta)stable solid-solid coexistence regions. The triangles,
open squares, and crosses are experimental state points taken
from Ref. [7], representing glassy states, fluid-solid demixing,
and (meta)stable fluid, respectively. The thin dashed line
denotes the fluid branch of the experimental binodal [7].
We used the same procedures to compute the phase
diagram for q 0.05, which is also shown in Fig. 3.
The most striking feature is the downward shift of the
solid-solid binodal compared to that of the fluid-solid.
This gives rise to a stable solid-solid coexistence in a
small regime, where hsr , 0.05, whose critical point is
shifted towards close packing. Such a trend is consistent
with studies [10] for a square-well fluid in which the
width of the well is reduced. Note that decreasing q
is equivalent to decreasing the range of the attraction.
Because the fluid-solid coexistence also shifts down as
q is decreased, fluid-fluid coexistence remains metastable
at q 0.05, and we find that for hsr $ 0.11 coexistence
occurs between an extremely dilute fluid and a solid
whose density approaches that of close packing (hl
0.7405). Note that for q ! 0 the phase diagram should
approach that of the sticky-sphere model [15]. This model
shows for finite T , equivalent to hsr . 0, coexistence of
an infinitely dilute gas and a close-packed solid, and a
metastable solid-solid transition at close packing [10].
Finally, we note that recent simulations for the actual
two-component system have been carried out [20] for
several q for the single state point hl hs 0.1215,
which we convert to hsr , 0.136. The results revealed
no, weak, and strong tendencies to demix for q
0.1, 0.05, and 0.033, respectively. According to Fig. 3
for q 0.05, the clustering observed in [20] should be
associated with crystallization rather than with fluid-fluid
demixing, since the state point falls outside the fluid-fluid
but inside the fluid-solid binodal.
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