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AI-generated Abstract
'New Irish Families - Investigating the development of immigrant parents and their children in Ireland' is a research project aimed at describing the diverse profiles of young Irish families and examining their socio-economic challenges. With nearly one-in-four children born in Ireland to foreign-born mothers, this study utilizes mixed methods to analyze data from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study along with qualitative interviews. The findings highlight shifts in family dynamics and the integration challenges faced by migrant families. Additionally, the paper discusses the implications of citizenship laws for second generation children.
The mission of the Economic and Social Research Institute is to advance evidencebased policymaking that supports economic sustainability and social progress in Ireland. ESRI researchers apply the highest standards of academic excellence to challenges facing policymakers, focusing on 12 areas of critical importance to 21st century Ireland. The Institute was founded in 1960 by a group of senior civil servants led by Dr T.K. Whitaker, who identified the need for independent and in-depth research analysis to provide a robust evidence base for policymaking in Ireland. Since then, the Institute has remained committed to independent research and its work is free of any expressed ideology or political position. The Institute publishes all research reaching the appropriate academic standard, irrespective of its findings or who funds the research. The quality of its research output is guaranteed by a rigorous peer review process. ESRI researchers are experts in their fields and are committed to producing work that meets the highest academic standards and practices. The work of the Institute is disseminated widely in books, journal articles and reports. ESRI publications are available to download, free of charge, from its website. Additionally, ESRI staff communicate research findings at regular conferences and seminars. The ESRI is a company limited by guarantee, answerable to its members and governed by a Council, comprising 14 members who represent a cross-section of ESRI members from academia, civil services, state agencies, businesses and civil society. The Institute receives an annual grant-in-aid from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to support the scientific and public interest elements of the Institute's activities; the grant accounted for an average of 30 per cent of the Institute's income over the lifetime of the last Research Strategy. The remaining funding comes from research programmes supported by government departments and agencies, public bodies and competitive research programmes. Further information is available at Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). It is managed by DCEDIY in association with the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Results in this report are based on analyses of data from Research Microdata Files provided by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Neither the CSO nor DCEDIY take any responsibility for the views expressed or the outputs generated from these analyses. This report has been accepted for publication by the Institute, which does not itself take institutional policy positions. All ESRI Research Series reports are peer reviewed prior to publication. The author(s) are solely responsible for the content and the views expressed.
Report commissioned, 2007
Integrating Ireland is an independent network of community and voluntary groups working in mutual solidarity to promote and to realise the human rights, equality and integration of migrants, immigrants, refugees and people seeking asylum. Integrating Ireland's mission is to secure a just, diverse and inclusive Irish society that ensures the full participation and rights of migrants, immigrants, refugees and people seeking asylum.
Atlantic Philanthropies; Barnardo?s Northern Ireland; Department of Education and Skills; Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety; Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Eastern Childcare Partnership; Family Support Agency; Health Service Executive
Why do research with migrant children? l Research aims-'Tell me about yourself' l Research design Section 2: Context and Background l Overview of context l Profi le of migrant children in Ireland Section 3: Reports l African/Irish Children and Young People in Ireland l From Central and Eastern Europe to Ireland: Children's Experiences of Migration l Latin American Migrant Children in Ireland l Coming Home? Children and Young People in Returning Irish Families
Work, Employment and Society, 2018
Previous research on the labour market integration of migrants from EU Accession countries has primarily viewed migrants as individual economic actors, despite their increasing role in family formation. In this contribution, mothers’ return to work after birth is analysed using data from the Irish childhood prospective cohort study Growing Up in Ireland. Families from the Accession countries appear to have little access to non-parental childcare or the support of extended family, which is an important resource for their Irish peers. Fewer EU Accession mothers return to paid work at the end of maternity leave, and are more likely to juggle work and childcare without support. Structural reasons as well as preferences are considered as potential explanations to develop a better understanding of how migrant status impacts on work and childcare decisions.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2012
Executive Summary• This research aimed to find out what life is like for young people aged 15 to 18 who have migrated to Ireland.• 169 migrant young people from sites purposefully selected across the county took part in open-ended focus group discussions. Although not formally representative, the results give us a flavour of the views that may be found among migrant youth living in Ireland today. It is the first national study of its kind.
Статтю присвячено огляду експериментів, проведених авторами впродовж 2018–2022 рр. із метою вивчення технологічних стратегій і соціо-поведінкових шаблонів гомінін нижньопалеолітичних стоянок Меджибожа. Відповідно до контексту пам’яток, а також техніко-типологічних особливостей їхніх індустрій, було реалізовано кілька експериментальних моделей, спрямованих на виявлення артефакт-діагностичних характеристик продуктів каменеобробки, дослідження техніко-морфологічних індикаторів застосування конкретної техніки первинної чи вторинної обробки, з’ясування умов виникнення нарізок на кістках різної морфології.
ΤΑ ΝΕΑ Σαββατοκύριακο, 25.1.2020, 2020
Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 2012
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Revista Estudos Institucionais , 2024
Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad, 2020
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Sustainability, 2021
International Journal of Geomechanics, 2013
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Agriculture and Forestry, 2014