Section Editor
Mitchell S.V. Elkind,
Nicte I. Mejia MD*
Soojin Park, MD*
MingMing Ning, MD
Ferdinando S.
Buonanno, MD
Address correspondence and
reprint requests to Dr.
Ferdinando S. Buonanno,
Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA 02114
[email protected]
Pearls and Oy-sters:
Reversible iatrogenic Balint syndrome
The syndrome of ocular apraxia, simultagnosia,
and optic ataxia originally described by Balint in
1909 is classically associated with bilateral
parieto-occipital lesions, but can occur with other
combinations of bihemispheric lesions.1,2 This
syndrome reflects multiple etiologies, most commonly vascular disease, but rarely improves rapidly.3 We describe a patient with cerebral
ischemia who developed Balint syndrome transiently in the setting of acute hypotension after
nitroglycerin use; his presentation exemplifies the
importance of blood pressure autoregulation in
cerebral ischemia, and elucidates alternative etiologies of clinical-radiologic mismatch.
CASE REPORT A 60-year-old ambidextrous man
with uncontrolled hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
coronary artery disease, prior myocardial infarction, and a TIA developed difficulty remembering
placement of items on a shelf. This was followed
by difficulties with word-finding and comprehension, severe headache, and nausea. Upon initial
evaluation at another hospital, he had persistent
problems finding words and answering questions,
and a blood pressure (BP) of 215/80 mm Hg but
without other apparent neurologic deficits; cranial noncontrast computerized tomography (CT)
was unremarkable. He was transferred to our institution, where his BP was 210/85 mm Hg and he
showed hesitation and circumlocution of speech
with semantic and phonemic paraphasic errors, as
well as difficulties with naming, concentration, recall, calculation, and executing complex commands; he had slight trouble performing rapid
alternating and fine motor movements with his left
hand, and decreased sensation to all modalities in
his left arm. Otherwise, he had no deficits in alertness, orientation, word repetition, cranial nerve testing, strength, reflexes, sensation, or gait. Brain MRI
with gadolinium, including MR arteriography,
demonstrated a diffusion-weighted image (DWI)
bright (figure, A) and apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC) dark lesion in his left posterior temporal
area, evidence of plaque in the distal right common
carotid artery, moderate narrowing of the proximal
internal carotid artery, and a severe stenosis at the
origin of the right vertebral artery (figure, B). He
was treated with aspirin; blood pressure was controlled with labetalol. Six hours later, his systolic BP
increased from 140 to 170 mm Hg over the course of
a few minutes, and he had severe substernal crushing pain radiating to his left arm, for which he received a dose of nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually.
The BP acutely decreased to 90/62 mm Hg. Reexamination at this time revealed simultagnosia, optic ataxia, optic apraxia, flattening of the right
nasolabial fold, and extinction to double simultaneous stimuli on his right side. Repeat brain MR
imaging revealed a stable left posterior temporal infarct, and new small areas of restricted diffusion in
both occipital lobes and left thalamus; there was a
subtle increase in mean transit time suggesting
perfusion-diffusion mismatch (figure, C). Concerns
for possible basilar thrombosis led to CT angiography, which revealed posterior cerebral artery stenosis (figure, D). The patient’s systolic BP returned to
approximately 150 mm Hg over 2 hours, and visual
symptoms resolved. He received IV heparin, and
days later successfully underwent left vertebral angioplasty and stenting.
Transient neurologic deficits can
occur in patients with cerebral ischemia and hypertension as BP is acutely decreased. For example, the literature includes a report of a patient
with pre-eclamptic posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome who developed amaurosis after
nitroglycerin-induced BP decrease.4 There is also
a description of a patient who underwent renal
angioplasty and presented with reversible Balint
syndrome with evidence of contrast penetration
in both parieto-occipital cortices, suggesting that
*These authors contributed equally.
From the Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
Disclosure: The authors report no disclosures.
Copyright © 2008 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Imaging findings in patient with
reversible iatrogenic Balint syndrome
(A) Diffusion-weighted MRI showing left posterior temporal
hyperintensity consistent with acute ischemia; (B) MR angiogram showing proximal right vertebral artery stenosis; (C)
follow-up diffusion-weighted MRI showing new ischemic lesions in bilateral occipital lobes; and (D) CT angiogram showing bilateral distal posterior cerebral artery stenosis (arrows).
disruption of the blood– brain barrier may lead to
transient neurologic syndromes.5 Our patient developed a reversible Balint syndrome after acute
hypotension following nitroglycerin administration. Although the inability to perceive several
items of a visual scene at a time (simultagnosia),
shift gaze voluntarily to objects of interest despite
unrestricted eye movements (ocular apraxia), and
reach objects under visual guidance despite normal limb strength (optic ataxia) is usually said to
occur as a manifestation of biparietal syndromes,
it may be seen in other combinations of lesions,
such as involvement of the left lateral geniculate
body or optic radiation and the right parietal
lobe, or even with bifrontal or pulvinar damage.1,6
Nitroglycerin, a vasodilator, decreases mean
arterial pressure (MAP), and may alter global cerebral blood flow (CBF), reducing cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).7 In the setting of chronically
underperfused parenchyma—as in this patient
with preexisting vertebral artery stenosis—
dysfunctional cerebrovascular autoregulation
would explain why focal CBF could not be adequately maintained during the iatrogenic drop in
MAP. The co-occurrence of cardiac and cerebral
Neurology 70
June 10, 2008 (Part 1 of 2)
atherosclerosis has been well-documented.8,9 Our
patient was treated successfully with vertebral artery stenting. Although there are currently no
data that vertebral artery stenting provides better
long-term outcomes than medical therapy (anticoagulation or antiplatelet agents), it is a technically feasible procedure that offers an alternative
to more technically challenging vertebral artery
endarterectomies.10,11 This case highlights the
possibility of coexistent intracranial stenoses and
cerebral dysautoregulation in patients with coronary disease and the need for caution when administering nitroglycerin to such patients.
Hecaen H, de Ajuriaguerra J. Balint’s syndrome (psychic paralysis of visual fixation) and its minor forms.
Brain 1954;77:373–400.
Rizzo M, Vecera SP. Psychoanatomical substrates of
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from angiographic contrast. Arch Neurol 2002;59:851–
Valenza N, Murray MM, Ptak R, Vuilleumier P. The
space of senses: impaired crossmodal interactions in a
patient with Balint syndrome after bilateral parietal
damage. Neuropsychologia 2004;42:1737–1748.
Weyland A, Grune F, Buhre W, Kazmaier S, Stephan
H, Sonntag H. [The effect of nitroglycerin on cerebrovascular circulation, cerebrovascular CO2-reactiity
and blood flow rate in basal cerebral arteries]. Anaesthesist 1996;45:1037–1044.
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Stroke Epub 2007 Mar 1.
10. Coward LJ, McCabe DJH, Ederle J, Featherstone RL,
Clifton A, Brown MM. Long-term outcome after angioplasty and stenting for symptomatic vertebral artery
stenosis compared with medical treatment in the carotid and vertebral artery transluminal angioplasty
study (CAVATAS). Stroke 2007;38:1526–1530.
11. Cloud GC, Crawley F, Clifton A, McCabe DJH,
Brown MM, Markus HS. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:586–590.
Pearls and Oy-sters: Reversible iatrogenic Balint syndrome
Nicte I. Mejia, Soojin Park, MingMing Ning, et al.
Neurology 2008;70;e97-e98
DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000314730.64232.5a
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