Rare disease
Neck–tongue syndrome
Eric Chun Pu Chu, Andy Fu Chieh Lin
Chiropractic and Physiotherapy
Department, New York Medical
Group, Mong Kok, Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
Correspondence to
Dr Eric Chun Pu Chu,
[email protected]
Accepted 12 November 2018
Neck–tongue syndrome (Nts) is a rarely reported
disorder characterised by paroxysmal episodes of intense
pain in the upper cervical or occipital areas associated
with ipsilateral hemiglossal dysaesthesia brought about
by sudden neck movement. the most likely cause of
this clinical entity is a temporary subluxation of the
lateral atlantoaxial joint with impaction of the C2
ventral ramus against the articular processes on head
rotation. Nts is an under-recognised condition that
can be debilitating for patients and challenging for the
treating physicians. Here, we report a 47-year-old man
who fulfilled the International Classification of Headache
Disorders, third edition criteria for a diagnosis of Nts
was treated successfully with a chiropractic approach.
there are currently no consensus guidelines for dealing
with this disorder. reassuringly, chiropractic care for
uncomplicated Nts appears highly effective.
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To cite: Chu ECP,
Lin AFC. BMJ Case Rep
Neck–tongue syndrome (NTS) is a rarely reported
disorder. Plausible speculations on its pathophysiology have recently been described in case
reviews.1–3 It is characterised by brief attacks of
occipital pain and ipsilateral hemiglossal dysaesthesia elicited by abrupt neck rotation.4 Although
NTS can occur without obvious abnormalities,
associated pathological changes include degenerative spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic
arthritis and loose ligaments of joint capsules.5
According to the ICHD-3 (International Classification of Headache Disorders, third edition)
criteria,6 to be diagnosed as having NTS, a person
must display: (A) at least two episodes fulfilling
criteria B–D; (B) sharp or stabbing unilateral pain
in the upper neck and/or occipital region with
concurrent abnormal sensation and/or posture of
the ipsilateral tongue (may or may not be simultaneous dysaesthesia); (C) episodes triggered by
sudden neck turning; (D) symptoms lasting from
seconds to several minutes; (E) clinical features not
better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis.
Imaging is primarily used to search for secondary
causes amenable to more aggressive medical treatment or surgical intervention.7 This presentation
aims to shed some light on the understanding of this
intriguing entity.
CaSe preSenTaTion
A 47-year-old man sought chiropractic treatment
for paroxysmal episodes of right hemicranial pain
and tingling of the right face and ipsilateral hemitongue for 3 months. His trouble had begun with
a dry cough and dysarthria which resolved spontaneously within 2 weeks. The patient described
his headache as right suboccipital pain spreading
across the anterior hemicranium to the periorbital
and maxillary regions, with tingling of the right half
of the tongue. The pains were brought out by an
abrupt head turning to the right, forward neck glide
or chewing. Symptoms usually lasted for minutes.
He had no prior head and neck trauma, or systemic
disorders. At first, the patient was examined by a
neurologist. There was no elevation in white blood
cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
C reactive protein. Routine chemical parameters
fell within normal ranges. Rheumatoid factor and
antinuclear antibody were negative. His clinical
features fulfilled the ICHD-3 criteria for a diagnosis of NTS.6 He had been on oral gabapentin and
diclofenac which did not provide substantial pain
relief. After a month or so, he stopped taking the
analgesics because of unacceptable stomach upset.
He ultimately came to chiropractic attention for the
above complaints.
At the initial visit, the patient presented with
guarded neck posture. He described a headache
as sharp and 6/10 in intensity on the numeric pain
scale (NPS). Active range of cervical extension was
restricted to 10° (normal >60°) and rotation to 30°
(normal >80°). Palpation revealed hypertonicity of
the suboccipital and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
Physical, neurological and ophthalmic investigations were consistently unremarkable. Cervical
radiographs demonstrated narrowing of the right
paraodontoid space on open mouth view and
degenerative changes in the lower cervical spine,
suggestive of degenerative spondylosis.
The first phase of chiropractic regimen was in
an attempt to mobilise the restricted joints and
to release what was reasoned to be an impacted
nerve. The cervical musculature was appropriately
stretched before spinal adjustment to ensure that
NTS was not provoked. The patient was treated
with three sessions per week.
Following 12 sessions, pain frequency and intensity had significantly decreased. A unilateral headache was then rated to be 3/10 on the NPS. The
distribution of facial pain was reduced and localised to the right parotid region. The second phase
of treatment was to relax hypertonic muscles and
strengthen weak muscles. Treatment programme
included ultrasound therapy over the right face,
trigger point therapy of the right temporalis,
Chu ECP, Lin AFC. BMJ Case Rep 2018;11:e227483. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-227483
BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-227483 on 4 December 2018. Downloaded from http://casereports.bmj.com/ on June 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
CAsE rEPort
rare disease
ouTCome and follow-up
Following 24 visits, the painful episodes had disappeared and
the active range of neck motion had increased. There was
minimum residual dysaesthesia in both the right face and hemitongue. Since the patient had significantly been improved, he
was given a home exercise programme and monitored. At the
3-month follow-up, he reported no further trouble. A headache and hemiglossal dysaesthesia were gone and could not be
The classic description of the NTS includes immediate-onset,
unilateral, sharp occipital and/or upper neck pain elicited by
sudden head rotation, accompanied by abnormal sensation and/
or posture of the ipsilateral hemitongue.6 NTS is a condition
rarely described in a clinical practice. In a review published in
2018, there were only 39 primary cases reported in the English
literature.3 However, NTS may actually be more frequent than
hitherto surmised.8–11
The symptoms of NTS are quite reminiscent of a cervicogenic
headache.10 12 Most cases of NTS were likely submerged in the
plethora of neck-related symptoms.13 The primary difference is
that a cervicogenic headache is a referred pain from the musculoskeletal structures of the upper neck,14 and that the pain of
NTS is rooted in the C2 spinal nerve.15 Head pain referred from
cervical structures can be explained by the evidence that the first
three cervical spinal (C1–C3) nerves relay pain signals to the
trigeminocervical nucleus, which allows the bidirectional referral
of painful sensations between the neck and trigeminal sensory
receptive fields of the face and head.9 14 By the International
Headache Society, NTS is to be listed as a painful lesion of the
cranial and spinal nerves.6 The pain of NTS is in the distribution
of the C2 nerve root.15 Neuralgia of C2 is classically described
as a deep or dull pain that usually radiates from the occipital to
parietal, temporal, frontal and periorbital regions.7 14
It is acknowledged that the C2 dorsal ramus gives rise to the
greater occipital nerve innervating the majority of the posterior scalp, ears and parotid region.16 The C2 and its dorsal root
ganglion have a close proximity to and innervate the atlantoaxial
(C1-2) and C2-3 zygapophyseal (facet) joints.7 14 Thus, on head
rotation, inflammation or pathological changes of these joints
may lead to irritation or entrapment of the nerve root.14 17 The
afferent fibres from the lingual nerve anastomose with the hypoglossal nerve and return to the C2 ventral ramus via the cervical
plexus.9 15 The afferents, thought to be proprioceptive,1 provide
a plausible explanation for the compression of the C2 ventral
ramus causing episodic paraesthesia of the hemitongue.9 18 The
phenomenon of lingual pseudoathetosis seen in NTS is speculated as a result of the presumed lingual deafferentation.1 Since
the C2 ventral ramus exits beneath the obliquus capitis inferior
muscle, Cassidy et al further proposed that the inflamed or
spastic muscle could also result in the compression or entrapment
of the C2 ramus,4 providing a possible explanation for spontaneous resolution of the painful syndromes. Given the rarity of
NTS, however, no one unifying explanation has emerged from
the literature that explains all symptoms and presentations associated with this entity.12
NTS is a clinical diagnosis that can be made with a fulfilment
of the ICHD-3 criteria and via a process of exclusion.6 15 Diseases
of the eyes, ears, nose, throat and teeth may coexist and confuse
the diagnosis. Radiographic evaluation of the cervical spine is
usually normal. However, MRI can identify brain lesions, sinus
disease, infection and other abnormalities responsible for the
patient's neurological symptoms.15 A complete blood cell count,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and automated chemistry profile
are indicated to rule out infection, temporal arteritis and malignancy that may mimic NTS.15
The limited number of cases of NTS in the literature makes
it impossible to generalise regarding the natural history and
optimal treatment for this entity. Of the 23 published cases of
NTS rendering treatment discussion, Borody observed in his
review that more than a half of the cases (n=13/23) were treated
directly with a chiropractic adjustment. All the 13 patients
reported a significant reduction in pain intensity and in episode
frequency.8 In other case reports, patients had had their symptoms relieved by medications,19 physiotherapy,20immobilisation
with cervical collars,13 local injections1 and rarely surgical intervention.2 21
Our patient above benefitted from cervical adjustment and
this appears to support that cervical adjustment could be an
effective approach for some cases of NTS. However, the atlantoaxial (C1-2) joint is most vulnerable to injury since there are
no intervertebral disc fibres and no interlocking joints to limit
rotation. Therefore, a careful consideration of applying a minor
manipulation in the upper cervical area is stressed. The main
limitation of our report is that the exact mechanism of chiropractic adjustment in the amelioration of NTS has not yet been
established. Further studies elucidating the exact mechanism via
chiropractic adjustment are needed before any categorical statements regarding its efficacy for NTS can be made.
learning points
► Neck-tongue syndrome (NTS) is characterised by unilateral
headache triggered by head turning and accompanied by
dysaesthesia of the ipsilateral hemitongue.
► The pain of NTS is in the distribution of the C2 nerve root.
► NTS is rarely reported but may be more frequent than
hitherto surmised.
► Conservative management, including physiotherapy and
minor cervical adjustment, may be the preferred initial
Contributors ECPC: conceived and wrote the manuscript as main author. AFCL:
critically reviewed and helped organise the manuscript. All authors: read and
approved the final manuscript.
funding the authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
patient consent obtained.
provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
open access this is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work
is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. see: http://creativecommons.org/
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BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-227483 on 4 December 2018. Downloaded from http://casereports.bmj.com/ on June 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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