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The course will focus on Medieval and Early Modern Europe and its cultural forms of understanding, theorizing, and practicing astronomy between the 13th and 17th centuries. We will explore what 'cultural' means in the astronomy practiced by astronomers in Europe during these periods. We will reflect on and discuss critical research questions about cultures and astronomy. For instance: a) What aspects of astronomical knowledge and practice can be considered cultural. b) Whether there is an overlapping between the fields of the History of Astronomy and Cultural Astronomy. c) Why the History of Astronomy is more well-represented than Cultural Astronomy in current research and publications. d) How astronomy relates to society and aspects of culture, such as the arts, religion, literature, and the built environment. e) How the study of astronomy and culture helps us understand the History of Astronomy and the history and nature of science. We are interested in exploring all forms of Cultural Astronomy in Europe: astrological, religious, kabbalistic, political, philosophical, heretic, etc. By the end of this course, students will be familiar with an exciting new and genuinely interdisciplinary field. They will be able to identify and describe different manifestations of Cultural Astronomy in Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries and detect the various forms in which astronomical practice, knowledge, and beliefs relate to the attitudes and values of a period and area.
Portobello Road zumzăia de activitatea dimineţii. Vânzătorii ambulanţi îşi aranjau mesele încărcate, angajaţii magazinelor măturau treptele. Lumea familiară din jurul meu
revisi makalah peradaban islam masa kebangkitan kembali, 2022
Islam adalah kebangkitan ilmu pengetahuan. Kalimat ini merupakan mubtada' sebagai sebuah simbol untuk melukiskan kembali pesona umat Islam di era kejayaannya. Pergumulan diantara para ilmuan adalah sebuah magnet yang sangat kuat daya rekatnya terhadap peradaban lain yang ada di sekitarnya. Islam menjadi prototipe peradaban ideal yang dicita-citakan oleh umat manusia, yang mapan dan maju dalam segala bidang, utamanya adalah keilmuan. Pendidikan merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dimilikioleh setiap manusia, karena pendidikan merupakan kunci darikemajuan suatu bangsa. pendidikan Islam adalah usaha orang dewasamuslim yang bertaqwa secara sadar mengarahkan dan membimbing pertumbuhanserta perkembangan fitrah (kemampuan dasar) anak didik melalui ajaran Islam kearah titik maksimal pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Masa pergerakan kebangsaan adalah periode berkembangnya gerakan rakyat yang memperlihatkan timbulnya gejala modern dalam dinamika sosial, budaya, politik, dan ekonomi. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya evolusi pemikiran individu dan masyarakat, seperti gerakan emansipasi yang muncul setelah Perang Dunia I pecah. Faktor lain ialah kebangkitan semangat hak-hak penentuan nasib sendiri. Semangat seperti ini telah mempengaruhi timbulnya kehidupan berbangsa sebagai dasar politik penduduk Asia dalam dunia yang lebih besar dan mampu berupaya secara mandiri dalam membangunkan rasa kesadaran kebangsaan. Sebagai akibat dari semakin intensifnya keinginan penguasa kolonial untuk mengontrol daerah jajahannya, maka muncullah berbagai respons untuk mengimbangi kekuasaan kolonial itu yang terwujud dalam pergerakan nasional. Kemunculan pergerakan nasional seperti ini disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Satu diantaranya ialah kesadaran bahwa tantangan asing tidak hanya dapat dihadapi dengan cara dan pandangan lama yang bersifat tradisional, melainkan harus pula dengan cara dan pemikiran baru yang modern.
The issue discussed in this research is the real time motion capture. This research’s first concerning was to define a communication protocol capable of transferring data between a motion capture interface and a client connected to it, doing so in a simple yet fast and flexible way. It was necessary to define it, since all interfaces taken as reference for the research use their own proprietary protocols. Besides defining a protocol, it was tested one of the main components in motion capture, which is the analog-to-digital converter. The tested converter was the one integrated into the PIC16F and PIC18F families of micro controllers, produced by MICROCHIP. Issues like precision, repeatability and internal construction were tested. Another topic researched was sensing the human arm driving the interface. Choosing a sensor is quite a complex task because it’s necessary to be worried not only about its precision but also about its weight, size, the manner it interacts with the environment and mainly its price. Such kind of research is difficult due to the fact that interfaces available in the market use either proprietary sensors or very expensive sensors, making the final price of the interface even more expensive. The sensors discussed in the research were the accelerometers, linear encoders, linear potentiometers and strain gages.
MP106 Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi: S-1, 3 sks, Semester 1 Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini mahasiswa bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kemampuan dasar kepada mahasiswa sebagai suatu pengantar ilmu ekonomi dengan memahami kemampuan dalam menyampaikan konsepkonseo ilmu ekonomi. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang konsep dasar ekonomi baik secara mikro dan makro yang peliputi pengertian ekonomi, mekanisme pasar(permintaan dan penawaran),konsep elastisitas, teori perilaku produsen, teori perilaku konsumen, teori produksi, teori biaya produksi, Keseimbangan perusahaan. Konsep dasar makro ekonomi yang merupakan masalah utama makro ekonomi, pendapatan nasional, perekonomian sederhana (2 sektor), perekonomian 3 sektor, ekonomi internasional, dan ekonomi pembangunan. Pelaksanaan perkuliahan menggunakan pendekatan tatap muka perkuliahan, serta penugasan mandiri dan kelompok. Media pembelanjaran yang digunakan adalah whiteboard dan OHP. Evaluasi hasil belajar dilakukan melalui penilaian laporan individu. Ujian Tegah Semester (UTS) dan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS), serta kehadiran perkuliahan minimal 80%. Buku sumber yang digunakan antara lain adalah
States are driven by a complex web of national interests, encompassing security, economic prosperity, and the preservation of sovereignty. The pursuit of national interests provides the guiding principle for states, influencing their actions and policies in the international arena. Foreign policy acts asthe instrument through which nations articulate and implement their national interests on the global stage. States formulate foreign policies to safeguard their security, enhance economic well-being, and establish alliances that advance their strategic objectives. Diplomacy is the primary means by which nations engage with each other, seeking to resolve conflicts, build alliances, and negotiate agreements. Effective diplomacy requires skillful navigation of geopolitical complexities, balancing national interests with the interests of other nations. Geopolitical factors, such as geographical location, access to resources, and historical relationships, significantly influence national interests and foreign policy choices. Power dynamics among nations, regional considerations, and global trends further contribute to the dynamic nature of international affairs. Analyzing conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, underscores how national interests, foreign policy decisions, and diplomatic strategies interact within the broader context of geopolitical theory. The case study of the Russia-Ukraine war, 2022 provides valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of state behavior, illustrating how nations balance competing interests and navigate geopolitical challenges. The intricate interplay of these elements highlights the everevolving nature of global politics and the imperative for states to strategically manage their role in the international community.
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