Risk Perceptions and Their Relation to Risk Behavior
Noel T. Brewer, Ph.D., Neil D. Weinstein, Ph.D., and Cara L. Cuite, Ph.D.
Rutgers University
James E. Herrington, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
most theories of health behavior (for reviews, see 1,2). This construct is typically assessed through self-report with a question
such as, “What is your chance of getting Lyme disease in the
next year?”
These health behavior theories agree that a high perceived
risk of harm should encourage people to take action to reduce
their risk (1–3). Although this implied positive relation between perceived risk and subsequent protective behavior is observed in many empirical studies, it is often weaker than expected. Some studies, however, find no association or even a
negative one (4,5). Such inconsistency may cause some researchers to question the role of perceived risk in health
We argue in this article that the inconsistent findings are, at
least in part, due to inadequate specification of the links between
risk perception and behavior, to improper measurement (5), and
to incorrect interpretations of data. To clarify these issues, we
briefly discuss the measurement of risk perception, describe
three distinct hypotheses (all of which relate perceived risk to
health behavior), and test these hypotheses with data from a
study of Lyme disease vaccination.
Background: Because risk perceptions can affect protective behavior and protective behavior can affect risk perceptions, the relations between these 2 constructs are complex and
incorrect tests often lead to invalid conclusions. Purpose: To
discuss and carry out appropriate tests of 3 easily confused hypotheses: (a) the behavior motivation hypothesis (perceptions of
personal risk cause people to take protective action), (b) the risk
reappraisal hypothesis (when people take actions thought to be
effective, they lower their risk perceptions), and (c) the accuracy
hypothesis (risk perceptions accurately reflect risk behavior).
Methods: Longitudinal study with an initial interview just after
the Lyme disease vaccine was made publicly available and a follow-up interview 18 months later. Random sample of adult
homeowners (N = 745) in 3 northeastern U.S. counties with
high Lyme disease incidence. Lyme disease vaccination behavior and risk perception were assessed. Results: All 3 hypotheses
were supported. Participants with higher initial risk perceptions
were much more likely than those with lower risk perceptions to
get vaccinated against Lyme disease (OR = 5.81, 95% CI
2.63–12.82, p < .001). Being vaccinated led to a reduction in
risk perceptions, χ2(1, N = 745) = 30.90, p < .001, and people
vaccinated correctly believed that their risk of future infection
was lower than that of people not vaccinated (OR = .44, 95% CI
.21–.91, p < .05). Conclusions: The behavior motivation hypothesis was supported in this longitudinal study, but the opposite conclusion (i.e., that higher risk led to less protective behavior) would have been drawn from an incorrect test based only on
cross-sectional data. Health researchers should take care in formulating and testing risk-perception-behavior hypotheses.
(Ann Behav Med
Measuring Risk Perception
The first paragraph of this article ends with an example of a
typical risk perception question. The question specifies three essential aspects of risk perception, but it misses a fourth. The
question indicates who is at risk (you), for what hazard (Lyme
disease), and over what period of time (the next year). What is
left unspecified is the person’s own behavior. In the question’s
present, ambiguous form, people may or may not factor into
their risk estimate any changes in behavior that they anticipate in
the next year. For example, a woman might report that her risk
for Lyme disease is low, thinking that she plans to start using
tick repellent when she visits wooded areas. Despite her report
of low risk, she knows that her risk would be high without the
tick repellent. Another woman might say her risk is low because
she is unaware that ticks carrying Lyme disease are found in her
neighborhood. This second woman’s risk judgment is not predicated on any future behavior, and she would probably have little
interest in protective measures. Thus, two people with the same
response to a risk question—“My risk is low”—could have very
different degrees of interest in protective measures because the
risk assessment left unspecified important behavioral and temporal factors (6). As these examples demonstrate, questions
about future risk that omit any mention of behavior can confound risk perceptions with intentions. An improved question
2004, 27(2):125–130)
Perceived risk—also called perceived probability, likelihood, susceptibility, or vulnerability—is a central construct in
The study was supported by a grant from SmithKline Beecham, Inc.
This article was presented at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. We thank Edward B.
Hayes for his help with the study and Meg Gerrard for her helpful comments on a draft of the article.
Reprint Address: N. Brewer, Ph.D., Department of Psychology,
Rutgers University, 152 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
[email protected]
© 2004 by The Society of Behavioral Medicine.
Brewer et al.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
FIGURE 1 A model of risk perception and risk behavior. Pathways in gray are included for completeness but are not examined in our study. Straight
lines indicate causal relations and curved lines indicate noncausal relations. Four of the six pathways are labeled with names of hypotheses about the
relation of risk perception and behavior. The signs (i.e., + or –) indicate a positive or a negative relation. For example, the accuracy hypothesis is represented by a negatively signed, curved pathway to indicate that higher levels of risk perception are expected to accompany lower levels of preventive
behavior but that the causal direction of the relation cannot be determined.
would be, “If you don’t change any Lyme related behaviors,
what is your chance of getting Lyme disease in the next year?”
Three Risk Perception/Risk Behavior
Tests of the relation between personal risk perception and
risk behavior can address any of three distinct hypotheses
(4,7,8). Here, we call them the accuracy hypothesis, the behavior motivation hypothesis, and the risk reappraisal hypothesis.
The relation tested in each hypothesis is shown in Figure 1, using the example of a risk-reducing behavior1 (e.g., smoking cessation, vaccination). If all three hypotheses were true, the signs
of the correlations would be as shown in the figure. As we see,
each hypothesis requires a different statistical test, and two of
the three can only be tested with longitudinal data.
Accuracy hypothesis. Holding other risk factors constant,
people who engage in risky behaviors have higher actual risk
and should have higher perceived risk. The accuracy hypothesis
asserts that perceptions of risk at any given time properly reflect
one’s risk behaviors and other risk factors at that time. For example, one might want to know whether the people who believe
they have a low risk of contracting Lyme disease are truly correct. The accuracy hypothesis is a descriptive statement about
behaviors are assumed to have been engaged in
recently enough to remain protective. In some cases, a one-time
risk-reducing behavior will have been engaged in substantially prior
to measurement (e.g., 2 years ago, received a vaccine believed to offer lifetime protection). In other cases, the behavior will be ongoing,
recent, or both (e.g., stopped smoking 2 years ago and continue to not
the relation between risk perceptions and behavior but does not
imply any causal connection between these constructs. This hypothesis is typically tested by examining the simple correlation
between risk behaviors and risk judgments at a single point in
time. In Figure 1, this correlation is indicated by the curved arrows within Time 1, or within Time 2, that connect risk perceptions with behavior. Because the test requires only cross-sectional data, the correlation is widely reported. Unfortunately,
this correlation is often misinterpreted as a test of the behavior
motivation hypothesis described next.
A more complete test of accuracy would go far beyond the
sign and significance of the correlation coefficient. It would
compare risk estimates made on a numerical scale of probability
with a quantitative model of risk that contains the full range of
known risk factors, such as the Gail model for breast cancer
Behavior motivation hypothesis. The behavior motivation
hypothesis describes the effects of perceptions of risk on
changes in behavior. As mentioned earlier, most models of
health behavior endorse the motivation hypothesis (4), which
states that elevated risk today leads to increased preventive behavior (i.e., to a change in behavior) in the future. This is a hypothesis about cause (perceived personal risk) and effect
(change in behavior thought to affect risk). Although not always
stated explicitly, there is a clear temporal order here and testing
the hypothesis requires a longitudinal design that measures risk
perception at one time and behavior at a later time. In Figure 1,
the causal connection is indicated by the diagonal pathway linking risk perceptions at Time 1 and preventive behavior at Time
2. An example of the type of thought captured by the motivation
Volume 27, Number 2, 2004
hypothesis is, “I feel at risk for Lyme disease, so I’ll get vaccinated.”
Risk reappraisal hypothesis. The risk reappraisal hypothesis describes the effects of changes in behavior on changes in
perceived risk. It says that if an action is believed to reduce risk,
people who take the action will lower their personal risk perceptions (i.e., increasing preventive behavior leads to decreased
perceived risk). Testing the reappraisal hypothesis requires a
longitudinal design with risk perception and behavior assessed
at an initial date and then reassessed at a later date. The risk reappraisal hypothesis is indicated in Figure 1 by the straight pathway connecting preventive behavior at Time 2 to risk perceptions at Time 2. An example of the type of thought captured by
the reappraisal hypothesis is “Now that I am vaccinated, my risk
is lower.” Note that risk perceptions may change not only after
preventive action but also in anticipation of preventive action
(e.g., “I don’t think I will get Lyme disease because I plan to get
vaccinated”). For this reason, risk questions need to specify a
behavioral context.
There is no reason to expect that precautions will be seen as
eliminating risk entirely. People who felt at high risk and were
prompted to action may or may not lower their risk perceptions
below those of people who felt at lower risk. Consequently, in a
particular context, it is possible that the behavior motivation hypothesis will be true (i.e., people high in perceived risk are more
likely to act) and the reappraisal hypothesis will be true (i.e.,
people who act lower their perceived risk), even though the accuracy hypothesis will be false (i.e., people who act still have
higher risk perceptions than those who do not act). This discussion implies that the correlation assessing accuracy can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the initial risk beliefs of
those who act and on how much those perceptions are reduced
after action. Misuse of the cross-sectional accuracy correlations
to test the behavior motivation hypothesis can appear to demonstrate that risk perceptions facilitate action, impede action, or
have no affect, even when the motivation hypothesis (risk perceptions facilitate action) is in fact true.
This Study
We conducted a study that tests the three hypotheses just
described. The project investigated a novel preventive health
behavior—Lyme disease vaccination. We used a two-wave longitudinal design with the first wave of data collection timed to
begin shortly after the vaccine was approved for public use (11).
The vaccine was reported to be approximately 80% effective for
healthy adults (12). A particular benefit of this design is that all
participants had the same initial status on our behavioral criterion (i.e., all were unvaccinated). Thus, there was no need to
control for prior behavior when testing any hypothesis.
The study’s predictions were derived from the hypotheses
presented earlier. From the behavior motivation hypothesis, we
predicted that the people who perceived themselves to be at high
risk for Lyme disease at Time 1 would be those more likely to
have been vaccinated by Time 2. From the risk reappraisal hypothesis, we predicted that those who became vaccinated by
Risk Perception
Time 2 would show a decrease in risk perceptions between
Time1 and Time 2. Finally, the accuracy hypothesis predicted
that at Time 2 perceived risk would be negatively related to vaccination status.
Using random-digit dialing, we recruited adult homeowners in three counties of the northeastern United States with high
Lyme disease rates: Middlesex County, CT; Putnam County,
NY; and Hunterdon County, NJ. Time 1 interviews took place in
spring 1999. Participants were screened to make certain that
they had not been vaccinated against Lyme disease but had
heard about the new vaccine. The interview completion rate
(taking into account people who were theoretically eligible but
could not be contacted) was 45%, yielding a total sample size of
1,005. Participants were interviewed again for Time 2 in fall
2000. The follow-up completion rate was 74% yielding a final
sample of 745.
Respondents were more likely to be women (60%) than
men, had a mean age of 42 (range = 20–70), and were primarily
White (94%). They were well-educated, with three quarters having had at least some college. Just over half of participants
(55%) had children. People who participated only in the first
wave did not differ from those who participated in both waves in
county of residence, education, income, or number of children.
The two groups did differ on several measures. Complete data
were more likely to be obtained from respondents who were
older (M = 42 vs. 38 years), t(998) = 3.84, p < .001; White (94%
vs. 88%), χ2(1, N = 1,005) = 11.30, p < .001; and women (60%
vs. 52%), χ2(1, N = 1,005) = 5.48, p < .05. Missing data for participants who did not report age (n = 4), education (n = 2), or
both (n = 3) were replaced by the mean values.
Procedures and Measures
Interviews were conducted by telephone. At Time 1, participants estimated their risk for Lyme disease and answered other
questions about themselves and their perceptions of Lyme disease. To assess perceived risk, interviewers stated, “Let’s say
that you do not get the Lyme vaccine. What do you think the
chance would be that some time in the future you would get
Lyme disease? Do you think that it’s likely or that it’s unlikely
that you would get Lyme disease in the future?” (Several other
risk questions that used different response scales—a six-choice,
percentage scale and a five-choice, verbal category scale—were
also asked at Time 1. All risk questions gave the same results
when the three hypotheses were tested. The dichotomous measure was both the simplest and the best predictor of behavior.
Because our primary goal is to discuss the different hypotheses
rather than to describe the empirical data, only the calculations
based on the dichotomous scale are presented here.)
At Time 2, participants were asked whether they had received at least one of the three inoculations that make up the
Lyme disease vaccination regimen and were again asked to estimate their risk for Lyme disease (dropping the sentence, “Let’s
Brewer et al.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
say that you do not get the Lyme vaccine” if they had already
been vaccinated).
Some people were unable to categorize their risk using the
unlikely–likely dichotomy (n = 48 at Time 1; n = 71 at Time 2).
An examination of their responses on other measures of risk perception suggested that they felt themselves to be at moderate
risk (e.g., they selected 50% or “have equal change of getting it
or not getting it” on the other risk scales). As a conservative
measure, we randomly assigned the responses “unlikely” or
“likely” to these individuals in proportion to the distribution of
the other participants’ responses. Analyses that simply omitted
respondents who had missing values on this question, or that assigned them a risk perception intermediate between unlikely
and likely, yielded risk perception–vaccination behavior associations that were the same as or slightly larger than those reported
At Time 2, 6% (n = 46) of respondents had received the
Lyme vaccine. The statistical tests of our three hypotheses controlled for age, gender, education, and ethnicity by including
these variables as covariates (although analyses without demographic covariates yielded similar findings). Income was not included because a large number of people declined to answer the
question (n = 145). However, including income in those cases
where it was available did not alter the results. Analyses that
also controlled for environmental risk factors (e.g., deer sighted
near home, pets having ticks) and risk preventive behaviors
(e.g., wearing long pants, using tick repellant) showed the same
pattern of results as those without these variables. These control
factors are not mentioned again.
Behavior Motivation Hypothesis
The behavior motivation hypothesis was supported by the
data. People who at Time 1 perceived their risk to be high were
more likely to have been vaccinated by Time 2. Because vaccination behavior was a dichotomous outcome, we used a logistic
regression analysis to test the hypothesis that the Time 1 risk
judgment predicted being vaccinated by Time 2. There was no
need to control for Time 1 vaccination behavior as only those
people unvaccinated at Time 1 were included in the study. The
calculations showed a significant positive relation between the
Time 1 risk and Time 2 behavior (OR = 5.81, 95% CI
2.63–12.82, p < .001). Of those who said at Time 1 that they
were at high risk, 10% were vaccinated against Lyme disease by
Time 2, compared to 2% of those who said they were at low risk.
Accuracy Hypothesis
The accuracy hypothesis was also supported. In this test, a
logistic regression was used to predict the Time 2 risk judgment
from vaccination status assessed at Time 2. As predicted, there
was a significant negative relation between the two (OR = .44,
95% CI .21–.91, p < .05). People who had been vaccinated perceived themselves to be at lower risk at Time 2 than people who
had not been vaccinated. Of those who were vaccinated, 22%
still said at Time 2 that they were likely to get Lyme disease,
compared to 40% of those who remained unvaccinated. (It was
not possible to test the accuracy hypothesis at Time 1 because
there was no variation in vaccination behavior among those included in the study.)
Risk Reappraisal Hypothesis
The risk reappraisal hypothesis was supported. A crude test
of this idea would focus on people who acted between Time 1
and Time 2 and look for a decrease in their risk perceptions (e.g.,
a difference in mean values) between these two times. However,
we would like to rule out the alternative hypothesis that risk perceptions might have changed over time even without vaccination. A way to do this is to compare the change in risk perceptions of those who acted with the change (if any) in risk
perceptions of those who did not act.
An appropriate statistical test would be to conduct a repeated measures analysis of variance (in this case, a repeated
measures logistic regression) in which risk perceptions at Times
1 and 2 are the repeated measures and risk behavior (vaccinated
vs. not vaccinated) is the between-group variable. Support for
the reappraisal hypothesis would come from a significant interaction between the risk behavior and the repeated measures factor. In this study, this interaction was significant, χ2(1, N = 745)
= 30.90, p < .001. Figure 2 shows that a substantial decrease in
risk perception between Times 1 and 2 occurred only in the vaccinated group.
Figure 2 presents our data in a format that makes it easy to
examine the validity of all three hypotheses. The motivation hypothesis predicts higher perceived risk at Time 1 for those who
were vaccinated by Time 2 than for those who were not vaccinated. The accuracy hypothesis requires a difference in risk perceptions at Time 2 between those who were and were not vaccinated, such that the former report lower risk than the latter. Tests
of the risk reappraisal hypothesis refer to the difference in slopes
between the two lines, expecting that the vaccinated group will
show a greater decline in perceived risk than the unvaccinated
group.2 As related earlier, the critical elements in Figure 2 were,
in fact, significantly different, supporting all three hypotheses.
This study provides clear support for the oppositely signed
predictions of the behavior motivation and risk reappraisal hypotheses in the context of Lyme disease vaccination. Higher risk
judgments appear to have encouraged people to engage in protective behavior (i.e., being vaccinated). Having engaged in the
protective behavior, in turn, apparently led people to reduce
their risk judgments. Supporting the accuracy hypothesis, people who had the vaccine correctly viewed their risk as being
lower than those who had not been vaccinated. We say that risk
perceptions “appear” to lead to vaccination because these are
correlational findings. A longitudinal design allowed us to infer
2Note that it is possible to have between-vaccination-group differences in risk perception at both Times 1 and 2 without having a difference in slopes. It is also possible to have a difference in slopes but the
same risk perception at Time 1 or Time 2 (but not at both times).
Volume 27, Number 2, 2004
FIGURE 2 Study participants’ perceived risk for Lyme disease and
its relation to vaccination behavior. Figure 2 stratifies by vaccination
behavior (that occurred anytime between Time 1 and Time 2) to show
risk perception differences at the start of that time period and at the end.
The behavior motivation hypothesis is supported by the fact that people
who got vaccinated had higher risk perceptions at Time 1 than those
who did not get vaccinated (a > b). The accuracy hypothesis is supported by the fact that people vaccinated had lower perceived risk at
Time 2 than those who were not vaccinated (c < d). The risk reappraisal
hypothesis is supported by the fact that the decline in risk perception
among those who became vaccinated (a – c) is greater than the decline
for those who were not vaccinated (b – d).
a likely causal direction, but not to eliminate third-variable explanations. The best one can do with correlational data is determine whether the observed relations are consistent with the
causal model.
The relations between risk perceptions and behavior are of
interest to many health researchers. Members of the public often
misinterpret their risk of health problems (violating the accuracy hypothesis) and correcting these misinterpretations is seen
(because of researchers’ belief in the behavior motivation hypothesis) as a way to encourage healthy behavior. However, researchers often mistake their cross-sectional tests of the accuracy hypothesis as being tests of the behavior motivation
hypothesis. As we have shown, these tests are completely different and may even have opposite signs (7,8). In this study, confusing these two hypotheses would lead researchers to conclude
that high perceptions of risk discourage vaccination and to invent explanations for this finding, perhaps suggesting that people who feel at risk continue risky behavior in a vain attempt to
convince themselves that they are not really at risk.
The accuracy hypothesis is testable in cross-sectional designs. It can be useful for identifying information deficits and
the need for public or patient education, but it is theoretically
less interesting than the other two hypotheses primarily because
it is a descriptive statement without implications for causal processes. Researchers should take great care to decide which hypothesis is of interest to them and then to match their analyses to
the hypothesis.
Risk Perception
This study uses a primary prevention behavior (i.e., vaccination against Lyme disease) to illustrate hypotheses about the
relation between risk perceptions and a risk behavior. Analogous hypotheses can be formulated for other risk-related variables that might affect behavior, such as worry and perceived illness severity. For example, one can ask whether elderly people
are appropriately worried about influenza, whether those who
worry more are more likely to have an annual flu shot, and
whether those who get a shot worry less. Similarly, the points
made here are not restricted to either new behaviors or to behaviors that need to be taken only once to reduce risk. They apply to
other primary prevention behaviors, to screening, and to treatment (i.e., to secondary and tertiary prevention).
In testing the behavior motivation hypothesis, researchers
examine whether or not risk perceptions change behavior. However, care is needed when controlling for initial behavior. The initial behavior must match the behavioral context of the risk perception question. Consider, for example, a study conducted in the
early fall among people who have not yet been vaccinated against
the virus expected in the coming influenza season. The appropriate risk questions would refer to their risk of getting the flu if they
do not get vaccinated that year, so the behavioral “baseline” is one
of no vaccination that year. Because all respondents fit this category of not being vaccinated, there will be no need to control for
initial behavior when the relation between the risk perception and
subsequent vaccination behavior is examined.
Furthermore, in this context one should not control for the
vaccination behavior of prior years. This past behavior does not
correspond to the risk question. In fact, by controlling for vaccination behavior in prior years, one is also partialing out the effects of prior risk perceptions on vaccination behavior in prior
years, statistically removing the effects of the independent variable one wishes to test.
We caution that the hypothesized signs of the correlations
and path coefficients in Figure 1 would be reversed for behaviors believed to increase rather than reduce objective risk.
Higher perceived risk for Lyme disease should cause one to be
less likely to go into wooded areas (a reduction in risk-increasing behavior), but more likely to wear protective clothing (an increase in risk-decreasing behavior). Also, the reappraisal hypothesis would be expected to hold only if the risk behavior is
believed to have the potential for reducing risk (or whatever construct is predicted to motivate action). This is not always the
case. A chest x-ray will detect lung cancer (and may improve
survival rates) but will do nothing to reduce the chances of getting the disease. Thus, higher perceived risk for lung cancer
could prompt a person to be screened, but screening would not
be expected to reduce perceived risk.
Several aspects of this study have the potential to affect the
generalizability of the findings. Our sample was selected at random from counties with high rates of Lyme disease. Tests of
these hypotheses may yield different results in locations with
lower levels of the disease. Furthermore, although the sample
was representative of homeowners in the areas we studied, it
overrepresented White and well-educated participants relative
to the general population.
Brewer et al.
As we argued, the complex relations between perceived risk
and behavior require care in the formulation of risk questions,
the choice of study design, and the selection of statistical procedures. Too often, these issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
Experimental tests of predicted relations are much simpler to interpret, but they are surprisingly rare in health behavior research. Given the frequency of errors in the interpretation of
correlational data, literature reviews must be especially vigilant.
If they include studies using invalid tests, their conclusions
about the strength of risk perception/risk behavior relations will
be equally invalid.
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